Read snake nets. "Free Worlds

Arseniev Anatoly

free worlds

In a dream he was free

Both people and gods are pleasing.

But here, waking up in the morning,

Your dream will never become true.

snake nets

Border of the spirit world.

The three Gods met at a designated place to discuss the current situation. A situation that was strange, incomprehensible. Not yet frightening, but beings accustomed to almost omniscience felt a certain unease. All of them felt an echo of some global change, but could not understand its essence. There was a breach in the fabric of the world, but the place was hidden from them. Only very recently, before the shift, did they receive an echo of the message that the ancient Enemy is weaving its serpentine webs again. And this time, his goal is much more global and, worst of all, he is inexorably moving towards it. Shadow and Lucifer remained silent, which meant that they were in cahoots. However, the new Great War would have an unpredictable result with a high probability of the universal death of their universe. It's funny, but the Great multidimensional entities could not find the answer to a rather simple question: To be or not to be?

As a result of this meeting, a tacit agreement was reached to use direct Divine intervention, which could mean, and meant, preparation and readiness to fight. The consequences of such a step were still a more acceptable option for the development of the situation than the rest. And they have no room for error.

Be therefore, - the Triune dropped heavily. The face of God expressed incredible sadness. - The Great Serpent must be tamed... Or killed.

Killed... A heavy, very heavy word. After all, the death of the embodied element could lead to unpredictable consequences...

The other two were silent until the terrible words penetrated their souls. But they bowed their heads silently, and not only in agreement.

The Lord of Souls heard the entire conversation from beginning to end. It is not yet time for him to go on stage, if only not to be late. The situation could spiral out of control at any moment, but it was a risk to be taken...

Chapter 1

Different places, mostly Moscow, the Russian Federation and the Outskirts of the Free Worlds.

The teleport took us all - tired, hungry, back to the mansion of the newly minted marquis. Slavomir, who had been staring blankly at the fireplace with a glass of wine before, jumped up briskly and began to fuss.

How are you? Everything is fine? Have you passed? - he brought down on us a heap of his questions.

It seemed that right now he would start dancing, burning with curiosity. I raised my hand.

All right, details tomorrow. That's all for today, hang up. - wearily told him in response. - Set up double guard and sleep. We'll figure it out tomorrow.

Prince, we have activated the amulets, the protection is reliable, - Rakshas apparently made a reservation, calling me a prince. - Feel free to rest.

Great, thank you, I thanked him in return. Then I squinted my eyes down and thought that something was wrong with my head, a concussion or something. Now, looking at my beast, I saw that it had grown in size by about three times. It's the consequences of changing his class, it dawned on me! Now it is no longer one and a half shepherd dogs, but a monster. Amazing! My attention to the pet did not go unnoticed, and all the others admired it in the same way. The pet yawned contentedly, demonstrating an excellent mouth full of sharp teeth, and clearly enjoying the attention given to him.

I nodded, dismissing everyone, and we went to our rooms. I just took a bowl of water and washed myself before going to bed. That's it, system, exit!

I literally fell out of the cell and to my surprise, I threw up. Damn! The feeling is similar to the damned Trial, and the consequences are just as disgusting. I do not remember how long it took me to return to normal, the body itself literally reached for an invisible knapsack, wanting to take the elixir of "Full Recovery". After recovering and more or less coming to my senses, I cleaned up after myself, forced myself to eat a little, drank a lot of water, after which I vomited again, and only then, having aired this shabby ten-meter, I finally jumped into the arms of Morpheus.

In the morning I woke up completely broken. I didn't want to get up. Today is Sunday, tomorrow we have to move, but there is nothing to do. In addition, you need to climb into the game. A bunch of trusted characters are waiting for my appearance and instructions. It is necessary to deal with the consequences, climb on the forum. The thought suddenly flashed through my head that if this continues, I will not be able to spend the money I have earned normally, there will be stupidly not enough time for a normal life. Decided, quickly into the game, and then to shop at the mall. Quickly informing Rakshas that I would not be there, I would rest for a while, I got out of the capsule and got ready for business.

Um, taxi or subway? In general, according to the mind, it would be necessary to buy a typewriter, albeit a small one, but comfortable. There is money, and I think there will be more of it. Calling a taxi, I allowed myself to indulge in a little daydreaming. One or two more interviews, a video describing all the battles in Beranes, this will be enough for a long time. There will be enough cases in the game, but finally it will be possible to pump a little. True, it will be difficult, I remembered the power of my pet. Can download it, and not yourself? The thought seemed too tempting to just dismiss.

The approaching taxi pulled me out of pleasant dreams, and we drove to the largest shopping center in Moscow - Bolshaya Lavka. There was EVERYTHING! Just like that and nothing else! We drove past Moscow City, which had grown to a simply indecent size, passed beautiful new buildings costing at least half a million yuan. This is something with an average salary of a thousand throughout Moscow. And if you subtract a small layer of the super-rich, with multimillion-dollar incomes, then even less. I thought about the price of my parents' apartment, but I didn't even think of selling it.

On the spot, after giving the driver 50 yuan, I walked through the mall. M-yes, everything glitters and sparkles, a bunch of richly dressed girls, proudly defiling, as if on a catwalk. I felt my own worthlessness, having estimated what I was wearing and how much my junk cost. Suppressing self-flagellation, I went on business.

When I found the China Global branch, I was surprised at the sheer number of people in line. Despite the nice leather sofas, armchairs, free coffee, the sheer number of people gave the impression of a busy market. They looked askance at me, dressed rather poorly, the guard, it seemed, did not take his eyes off me, expecting some kind of trick from a young homeless man who wandered here.

Having lowered the card into the reader, which assesses the personality of the client and formed priorities, and received the coveted number, I thought about what to do with myself. To my surprise, my number flashed on the scoreboard almost instantly. Not believing my small happiness, I went in the direction of the office number indicated on the scoreboard.

Svyatoslav Andreevich, we are glad to welcome you. My name is Anastasia, I will be glad to help you, - the girl said affably. True, it was difficult for me to call her a girl. GODDESS! Here is the correct word. Dressed in a skirt just above the knees, a white shirt and a jacket, she gave odds to a galaxy of so-called glossy top models. A pleasant face with a straight nose, big green eyes and blond hair just drove me crazy. Given her rather tall height, in which she looked me straight in the eyes, I felt myself blush in the most disgusting way, and my palms instantly sweated.

Please," she said softly, inviting her to come inside. Following her instructions, you entered a small, tastefully furnished office. It seemed that this was not a business meeting, but friendly gatherings at home. The girl sat down across from her, crossing her legs and leaning back so as to show herself from the most favorable angles. And I just shamelessly stared at the thighs shown to me, being unable to raise my eyes, because an ambush in the form of two rounded "balls" was waiting for me above.

© Arseniev A. A., 2015

© LLC AST Publishing House, 2015

* * *

In a dream he was free
Both people and gods are pleasing.
But here, waking up in the morning,
Your dream will never become true.


Spirit World Border

The three Gods met at a designated place to discuss the current situation. A situation that was strange and incomprehensible. Not yet frightening, but beings accustomed to almost omniscience felt a certain unease. All of them felt an echo of some global change, but could not understand its essence. There was a breach in the fabric of the world, but its exact location was hidden from them. Only very recently, before the shift, did they receive an echo of the message that the ancient Enemy is once again weaving its serpentine webs. This time he is inexorably moving towards the goal, overcoming all obstacles. Shadow and Lucifer kept silent, which meant that these three were in cahoots. However, a new Great War would have an unpredictable outcome with a high probability of the death of their universe. It's funny, but the Great multidimensional entities could not find the answer to a rather simple question: to be or not to be?

As a result of this meeting, a tacit agreement was reached to use direct Divine intervention, which could mean, and actually meant, a readiness to fight. The consequences of such a step, however, were a more acceptable option for the development of the situation than the rest - which amounted to one form or another of open global war. And they have no room for error.

“To be therefore,” the Triune dropped heavily. The face of the god expressed incredible sadness. - The Great Serpent must be tamed ... Or killed.

Killed… Heavy, very heavy word. After all, the death of the embodied element could lead to absolutely unpredictable consequences...

The other two gods were silent until the terrible words penetrated their souls. They bowed their heads silently, but not only in agreement. Not at all.

The Lord of Souls heard the entire conversation from beginning to end. It is not yet time for him to go on stage - if only not to be late. The situation could get out of control at any moment, but it was a risk that had to be taken...

Chapter 1
Pleasant chores

Different places. Mainly: Moscow, Russian Federation, and Free Worlds Outskirts

The teleport took us all - tired, hungry and exhausted - back to the mansion of the newly minted marquis. Slavomir, who had been staring blankly at the fireplace with a glass of wine before, jumped up briskly and began to fuss.

- How are you? Everything is fine? Have you passed? - he brought down on us a heap of his questions, not giving the opportunity to insert even a word in response.

It seemed that right now he would start dancing, burning with curiosity. I raised my hand in warning.

- There were no problems, details tomorrow. Light out for today,” I said wearily to him in response. “Set up double guards and sleep.” We'll figure it out tomorrow.

“Prince, we have activated the amulets, the protection is reliable,” Rakshas, ​​you see, misspoke, calling me a prince. - Feel free to rest.

“Very well, thank you,” I thanked him in return. Then I involuntarily squinted my eyes down and thought that something was wrong with my head, a concussion or something. Now, looking at my beast, I saw that it had grown in size by about three times. "That's the consequences of changing his class!" - it dawned on me. Now it is no longer one and a half shepherd dogs, but a monster! Amazing! My attention to the pet did not go unnoticed, and everyone else admired it in the same way: the dark brothers - with reverence, Slavomir - with eyes bulging in surprise. The pet yawned contentedly, showing a mouth full of sharp teeth, clearly enjoying the attention given to him.

I nodded, dismissing everyone, and we went to our rooms. Grabbing a basin of water carefully prepared for me, I washed myself before going to bed. Everything is a system, an exit!

* * *

I literally fell out of the capsule and, to my surprise, suddenly threw up. Damn! The feeling is similar to the damned Trial, and the consequences are just as disgusting. I don’t remember how long it took me to return to normal, the body itself literally reached for an invisible knapsack, wanting to take the “Full Recovery” elixir. After recovering and more or less coming to my senses, I cleaned up after myself, forced myself to eat a little, drank a lot of water, after which I vomited again, and only then, having aired this shabby ten-meter, finally jumped into the arms of Morpheus for the hard-won rest.

In the morning I woke up completely broken. I didn't want to get up. Today is Sunday, tomorrow we have to move, but there is nothing to do. In addition, you need to climb into the game. A bunch of trusted characters are waiting for my instructions. It is necessary to deal with the consequences, climb on the forum. The thought suddenly flashed through my head that if this continues, I will not be able to spend the money I have earned normally, there will be stupidly not enough time for a normal life. Decided to play the game, and then go shopping at the mall. Quickly informing Rakshas that I would not be there, I would rest for a while, I got out of the capsule and got ready for business.

Um, taxi or subway? In general, according to the mind, it would be necessary to buy a typewriter, albeit a small one, but comfortable. There is money, and I think there will be a lot more. Calling a taxi, I allowed myself to indulge in joyful dreams. One or two more interviews, a video describing all the battles in Beranes, and this will be enough for a long time. There will be enough cases in the game, but finally it will be possible to pump. True, it will be difficult. I remembered the power of my pet. Can download it, and not yourself? The thought seemed too tempting to just dismiss.

The approaching taxi pulled me out of pleasant dreams, and we drove to the largest shopping center in Moscow - Bolshaya Lavka. There was EVERYTHING! Just like that and nothing else! We drove past Moscow City, which had simply grown to an indecent size, passed beautiful new buildings that cost at least one and a half million yuan. This is with an average salary of one and a half to two thousand throughout Moscow. And if you subtract a small layer of the super-rich, with multimillion-dollar incomes, then even less. I thought about the price of my parents' apartment, but I didn't even think of selling it.

On the spot, after giving the driver fifty yuan with a generous tip, I walked around the mall. Mdaaa, everything glitters and sparkles, a bunch of richly dressed girls, proudly defiling, as if on a catwalk. I felt my own worthlessness, having figured out what I was wearing and how much my junk was worth. I think less than the painted nail of that fifa in the red belt, which, by misunderstanding, served as her dress as well. Having driven away self-critical thoughts, I went on business.

When I found the China Global branch, I was surprised at the huge number of people in line. Despite the pleasant leather sofas, armchairs, free coffee, a huge number of people created the impression of a busy market. They looked askance at me, dressed rather poorly, the guard, it seemed, did not take his eyes off me, expecting some kind of trick from a young homeless man who wandered here.


Free Worlds. snake nets Anatoly Arseniev

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Title: Free Worlds. snake nets

About the book Free Worlds. Serpentine Nets Anatoly Arseniev

The second book in the "Free Worlds" series, written by Anatoly Arsenyev, the novel "Snake Nets" tells about the continuation of the protagonist's adventures through the expanses of a virtual game with full immersion.

It is better to start reading the second volume of the Serpent Nets series after getting acquainted with the background consecrated in the Serpent Game book, since events begin to develop instantly and it is not entirely clear what is happening, why and who all these people are.

Svyatoslav, playing as the dark elf Serpent, has reached certain heights in the game and decided to create the first clan in the gaming world. Other characters look at the idea of ​​​​the hero with suspicion. A real confrontation begins, which can lead to the destruction of the balance of the Free Worlds.

Anatoly Arseniev created an interesting game world in which various races coexist - gnomes, undead, demons, light and dark elves, people. The endless battle for supremacy continues between the races.

To survive, players need to upgrade and equip the heroes with the best examples of deadly weapons, provide protective equipment, magic items, and get powerful pets. It is in this that Svyatoslav the Serpent made excellent progress in the game.

Anatoly Arseniev describes the events either melancholy or eccentrically and aggressively. It is felt that the author himself lives in a game world created personally. The mood of the writer while working on the book leaves an imprint on the actions of the characters and the events that take place.

The behavior of the protagonist of the novel "Serpent Nets" raises many questions. There is no honest and uncompromising benefactor with a righteous eye in the book, but there is a regular guy with flaws, tricks and even meanness at times. The character of Svyatoslav can be safely considered negative, he does not cause sympathy.

Anatoly Arseniev did an excellent job and continued the glorious series of novels in the LitRPG genre. A description of the gameplay and other delights of a virtual game is presented in at its best. The reader is imbued with the atmosphere, lives with the thoughts and aspirations of the characters, goes through all the tests together with them.

The novel is fast-paced, easy to read and captivating with the story. Reading the book "Snake Nets" can be recommended to gamers and fans of the specific LitRPG genre.

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