Educational book on preparing a child for school. Download materials to prepare children for school

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Download materials to prepare children for school

1000 best exercises to prepare for school

1000 the best exercises to prepare for school all-encompassing tasks, systematically prepare for further education in ...

1000 best exercises to prepare for school. preschool project

1000 best exercises to prepare for school. Preschool Project Classes for this unique book containing…

30 lessons for successful preparation for school. 6 years. Part 1 and 2

30 lessons for successful preparation for school. 6 years. Part 1 and 2 Before you...

ABVGDYKA - We write letters

ABVGDYKA - We write letters Dear adults! Now it's time to introduce the baby to wonderful world

Andreeva I.A. 30 writing lessons

Andreeva I.A. 30 writing lessons The manual is intended for independent work with children 5-7 years old. Education…

Bortnikova E.F. My first prescriptions

Bortnikova E.F. My first copybooks There are four notebooks in one file. Each includes instructions for...

Valentina Dove. Graphic dictations: A manual for classes with children 5-7 years old

Valentina Dove. Graphic dictations: A manual for classes with children 5-7 years old The manual is designed to facilitate ...

Veraksa N.E. Notebook for diagnosing a child's readiness for school

Veraksa N.E. (ed) Notebook for diagnosing a child's readiness for school A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. In ...

All preschool programs. Attention. Memory

All preschool program. Attention. Memory The books in this series provide a complete and effective training course…

All preschool programs. Maths

All preschool programs. Mathematics The books in this series are a complete and effective course in preparing a child ...

All preschool programs. Letter

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All preschool programs. Letter. Attention. Memory. Thinking. Speech. Maths

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All preschool programs. Speech

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Zhukova N.S. Prescriptions for children 6-7 years old. 1-3 parts

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Card file of finger gymnastics. 124 exercises

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Lesson notes - Rybnikova O.M. Teaching reading and literacy to children 6-7 years old

Rybnikova O.M. Teaching reading and literacy to children 6-7 years old. Summaries of classes The proposed manual presents ...

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Modestova T.V. Soon to school. Express training and development program

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Nefedova E.A., Uzorova O.V. 2000 simple tasks. Letters. Syllables. The words. Preparation for school

Nefedova E.A., Uzorova O.V. 2000 simple tasks. Letters. Syllables. The words. Preparing for school The manual contains ...

Presentations for activities with children

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We received this list at the School of Arts, where we started going last year on preparatory classes. Unfortunately, instead of two years, we went there for only two months (Svyatoslav ended up in the hospital, and then we were told to sit at home for a long time). But during this time we have already managed to purchase everything necessary and acquire the habit of more or less regular classes. Especially in mathematics (constant initiative comes from here), but in teaching reading, I still have to take the initiative, so we study less often and shorter, but nevertheless, we move

Without much preamble, I will go straight to the lists. The lists are really solid and complete. As you progress, you can supplement them with other benefits, but take these as a foundation.

So, benefits for preparing for school for children 4-6 years old.

First, our favorite math.

  • L.G. Peterson “One step, two steps” (mathematics for preschoolers in two parts)
  • Preschool folder. Logics. (Kirov, EAC, IP Burdina S.V.)
  • Shevelev K.V. “Journey into the world of logic”
  • Shevelev K.V. "Problems in the cells"
  • Zhenya Kats “Unusual Mathematics”, “Autumn Coloring”, “Spring Coloring”, “Christmas Coloring”
  • Zhirenko, Fursova, Gorlova “Counting from 1 to 5. Formation of mathematical representations”

Now, literacy.

  • N. Pavlova “ABC with large letters”
  • N. Pavlova “We write together with the ABC with large letters”
  • Grab L.M. “Developing Graphic Skills”

On the subject “Introduction to the outside world”, V.A. Yegupova “I explore the world: for children 4-5 years old” and the game “Fold the pattern” (cubes from the Nikitins). Cubes are a really good thing for developing imaginative thinking (although personally they didn’t work with us, and I didn’t insist much). But regarding the “Know the World” manual, my personal opinion is that it is superfluous if you already spend a lot of time with your child, read books, communicate, discuss the world. However, for those who do little (for example, for mothers who work a lot), you can take these manuals to be sure that the child by the time of school will go through all the topics that you need to know “for general development”.

Right now in kindergarten Svyatoslav masters the program of benefits from the Lomonosov School series. I will give a link where you can find these manuals on Ozone (there are many of them, for different ages). They are engaged in benefits marked “for gifted children”, but I will express my opinion: in terms of complexity, these tasks do not differ much from others that can be found in those benefits that I listed above. In general, in my opinion, it is not so important what to choose from this (or better, combine it), a lot of things in these notebooks are similar, but it will not be superfluous to repeat in several versions. And especially if the child loves to play.

And in the end I will name one more series with which we sometimes deal. These are developing notebooks Angels Navarro “Numbers”, “Letters”, “Toys”, “Animals”. They also differ from domestic ones and are not aimed directly at preparing for school, but are also useful for teaching letters, numbers, spatial representations, logic (for convenience, here is a link to these manuals on Ozone).

The last thing I want to add: do not get stuck reading numerous reviews, try different options and choose what will resonate most with your child. Indeed, for preschoolers, any activity is primarily a game, and it should be enjoyed.

P.S. I will be glad if you add to this list other good benefits that you use with your children.

Your Olga Bardina

Hello, friends! Getting ready for school is a big responsibility. And it is very important not to make mistakes. In order to avoid mistakes, literature on preparing children for school, presented in large quantities in the windows of bookstores, is in a hurry to help moms and dads. If you make a list of "preparatory" books and manuals, then it will take more than one notebook per cell.

Lesson plan:

How to choose books?

How not to get lost among bookshelves? How to choose the right, high-quality publications? I answer. You need to listen to the advice of specialists and those parents who have already passed this path and can recommend good manuals for you.

Of course, I am not an expert in the field of pedagogy or psychology, but I am a mother three times. And this year my very best will go to the first grade younger son Artemka. In order to prepare for education, he attends free courses at the school. They also provide excellent training in kindergarten. But we don't forget about it either.

In kindergarten, classes are held according to N.S. Zhukova. This is a speech therapy primer. Workbooks and copybooks are attached to the primer. But the primer, he is the primer in Africa! Letters, sounds, words, reading. But there is also, and about the development of the necessary mental functions cannot be forgotten. Therefore, in the kindergarten it was recommended to pay attention to the literature of the Lomonosov School. I turned. I like it! And now I, in turn, want to recommend these books to you.

But first I will tell you about what the Lomonosov school is.

Lomonosov school

Lomonosov School is a private school. Rather, a whole holding uniting schools and kindergartens located in Moscow and the Moscow region. Founded in 1993. 900 people study here. The school released 128 medalists "into life". Not a bad indicator. Agree? Also, students show the best results in the country in passing the exam.

But it’s too early for us to think about the exam. We need to get ready for school. And this is where the manuals, the authors of which are the teachers of the Lomonosov school, will help us. They were published by the Eksmo publishing house.

Annual courses

It is very convenient to immediately purchase a course for a year. And money is saved and it seems like everything is at hand.

An annual course of developmental activities designed for children 4-5 years old.

This course is divided into four main parts:

  1. We start counting.
  2. Preparing the hand for writing.
  3. Learning sounds and letters.
  4. Let's know the world.

Each part has lessons on certain topics. Each lesson contains tasks that are performed either together with an adult or a child independently.

For children aged 5-6 years, there is also an annual course, this time of training sessions.

It contains sections:

  1. We count and decide.
  2. We start reading.
  3. Getting ready to write.
  4. We write capital letters.
  5. We study the world around.

Well, for children 6 - 7 years old there is an annual course to prepare for school. Artem and I have just such a book. Very cool. Beautiful, sensible. You can use it to study and carry out diagnostics.

It consists of sections:

  1. We do math.
  2. We read correctly.
  3. Let's get to know the world around us.
  4. Checking readiness for school.

The creators of the courses assure that it is enough to purchase one such annual allowance corresponding to the age of the baby and not look for anything else. Since these books have everything you need for development, education or preparation for school. All tasks in game form, many of them are aimed at the development of thinking, logic, memory, speech.

I want to pay attention to the quality of the books. They are large format, with bright dense covers. The paper is great. It's nice to hold such beauty in your hands and work on it. For classes, you may need simple and colored pencils and scissors.

But the series of textbooks for preschoolers "Lomonosov School" is not limited to these three editions. There is a whole list of them! Calculated allowances for children different ages. Let's start with the smallest ones.

Allowances for children 4-5 years old

"Know the world"

Egupova V.A.

The purpose of this book is to give the child an idea of ​​what surrounds him. Classes are held with parents. Not only verbally, but also in the form practical tasks. The kid will cut, and color, and draw. This will take care of his fine motor skills. Along the way, imagination, speech, attention, memory will develop. Replenished vocabulary. The book contains many poems, riddles, stories. In general, it will not be boring.

152 pages. Year of release 2016.

"I draw patterns"

Egupova V.A.

This manual provides exercises that are aimed at, through the development of fine motor skills, improving coordination of movement. And lots of finger games. Tasks are performed either together with a preschool child, that is, you stand behind his back, he holds a pencil in his hand, and you hold his hand in yours. Or as a child on your own. After a series of classes, tests are offered. They will allow you to understand whether it is possible to continue or whether it is worth working out more. It seems to me that this is very convenient.

96 pages. Year of release 2016.

"Growing cultural"

Pyatak S.V., Tsarikova N.A.

This book helps to introduce the baby to the norms of behavior in society and teach him to communicate. It's not even a book, but rather a workbook. It contains certain themes. After the topic has been reviewed and analyzed, you need to answer questions and complete exercises. The publication will help develop curiosity, patriotism, speech skills.

144 pages. Year of publication 2015.

"I recognize letters and sounds"

Pyatak S.V.

This is a book for kids who can't read. It prepares them for learning to read. Lessons go from simple to complex. It is very detailed how to deal with the child. How to introduce him to the letter and sound. The manual solves five main tasks:

  • development of phonemic hearing;
  • the formation of grammatical skills;
  • speech development;
  • vocabulary enrichment;
  • printing.

152 pages. Year of publication 2016.

"I'm starting to count"

Pyankova E.A., Volodina N.V.

With the help of this manual, the baby will be able to get acquainted with the numbers from 1 to 10. Find out what “more”, “less”, “the same” is. The simplest examples of addition and subtraction are given. The kid is invited to color, count, compare, write. Also, the child will get acquainted with geometric shapes.

128 pages. Year of publication 2015.

Benefits for children 5-6 years old

"Studying the world around"

Egupova V.A.

The purpose of the book is to expand the child's knowledge about the world around him (natural phenomena, society, man, etc.). The book contains a lot of practical exercises. This manual is also valuable because it helps to answer the endless children's "Why?". Work jointly between an adult and a child. First, it is proposed to read a story or a fairy tale to the child, then explain the task and invite the child to complete it.

160 pages. Year of publication 2016.

"Knowing the World: Native Country"

Lipskaya N.M.

This manual is made in the form of a workbook. First, the topic is considered, and then it is proposed to perform exercises on the topic. The goal is to instill in the child love for the motherland, patriotism.

There are three sections in total:

  1. Man and society.
  2. My country is Russia.
  3. Poems about the motherland, Moscow, and native nature.

136 pages. Year of release 2015.

"English language"

Krizhanovskaya T.V.

The goal is to develop speaking and listening skills in English. The allowance is workbook with tasks built in a playful way. If I understood everything correctly, then this book is suitable for children who already have some basic knowledge. Well, parents also want to own English language to practice.

116 pages. Year of release 2016.

"I think and decide"

Volodina N.V.

This edition discusses the composition of the numbers of the first ten, the relationship of numbers in the number series, to improve understanding, a number line is given. Children learn to solve word problems. The tasks are presented in the form of pictures to make it easier for the preschooler to understand them. There are also exercises for writing numbers and drawing patterns.

128 pages. Year of release 2016.

"I want to read"

Egupova V.A.

"I write letters"

Volodina N.V.

This manual continues the formation of graphic skills. The child is invited to print letters, syllables, words in a playful way. Attention is paid to the correct holding of the pen in the hand. It is recommended to complete the tasks in the order in which they are presented in the book. Lots of coloring and shading exercises.

112 pages. Year of release 2016.

"Reading words and sentences"

Pyatak S.V.

This is a manual for kids who are already familiar with the letters, but still bad at reading. The goal is to improve reading skills. There is an acquaintance with the syllable, with the sentence. There are 25 lessons in the manual, for each lesson there is guidelines. A table of syllables is offered, which is recommended to be hung somewhere in a conspicuous place and read syllables or even sing them.

120 pages. Year of release 2015.

Benefits for children 6-7 years old

"Reading words and sentences"

Pyatak S.V.

This is a manual for children who already know how to read well in syllables. The goal is to improve reading technique and develop coherent speech. The tasks here are more serious than for kids 5-6 years old. It can be said that this is the next level of training. In total, there are 23 lessons in the manual, each has methodological recommendations.

120 pages. Year of release 2016.

"I read easily and correctly"

Pyankova E.A., Rodionova E.A.

The manual is fundamentally different from "I read words and sentences." It helps to understand at what level of development the reading skill is. The publication contains classes scheduled by day. Each lesson contains a short text to be read and questions to be answered. There are also tests. Tests are given before the first day of classes, after the twelfth and after the twenty-fourth. Tests also contain text and questions to it. There is a rating system. All classes and tests are designed for three levels of difficulty.

96 pages. Year of release 2015.

"I write beautifully"

Volodina N.V.

The manual continues the formation of graphic skills of future first-graders. There is already an italic (oblique) letter. Lots of graphic exercises. The skills of writing, the correct holding of the pen are fixed. The skill of writing line by line develops.

128 pages. Year of release 2015.

"I speak beautifully"

Volodina N.V.

This is a manual for the development of beautiful and coherent speech in a preschooler. The goal is to teach him to express his thoughts, build a dialogue, retell the text, etc. All tasks are offered in a playful way, which is important. The pages contain many works by famous authors, such as A. Barto.

"I do math"

Sorokina T.V.

Here is the consolidation of the ability to solve problems for addition and subtraction. Already within 20. Knowledge about geometric shapes, as well as the concept of three-dimensional figures. Lots of hatching tasks to fine motor skills didn't "stagnate". A preschooler will learn what even and odd numbers are. What is "difference", "sum", "terms", "subtracted", "reduced".

144 pages. Year of release 2016.

"Studying the world around"

Lipskaya N.M.

This is the final book in a series of manuals on the study of the world around us. More detailed information is given. The guide covers the following topics:

  • space;
  • water;
  • minerals;
  • plants;
  • human;
  • the world of things;
  • Moscow.

136 pages. Year of release 2016.

"Am I ready for school?"

Pyatak S.V., Maltseva I.M.

This book contains tests and allows you to diagnose the development of the child before school. Assess their knowledge base. Knowledge is assessed in four sections:

  1. Maths.
  2. Speech and writing.
  3. Awareness.
  4. Space.

With the help of the manual, you can find gaps in training and turn to their “closure” Special attention. Tests are performed either jointly with an adult, or a preschooler independently.

160 pages. Year of release 2015.

Here is such a not weak review we got. I think that from the presented benefits you will definitely find one that suits you perfectly.

Some people buy in bulk. Watch the video. Even more information about books from the Lomonosov School.

A great addition to all of the above benefits will be free webinar on preparing kids for school. I am sure you will learn a lot of new and interesting things there!

I wish you successful preparation! And also happiness and health!

All the best!

Evgenia Klimkovich.