Culture and art: Russian names. Questions and tasks

He was born on June 6 (18 according to the new style) June 1812 in Simbirsk, in a merchant family. At the age of seven, Ivan lost his father. The godfather, a retired sailor, Nikolai Nikolaevich Tregubov, helped raise the children of a single mother. He actually replaced Goncharov's own father and gave him his first education. Further, the future writer studied at a private boarding school not far from home. Then, at the age of ten, at the insistence of his mother, he left to study in Moscow at a commercial school, where he spent eight years. Studying was difficult for him and was uninteresting. In 1831, Goncharov entered the Faculty of Literature at Moscow University, which he successfully completed three years later.

After returning to his native land, Goncharov served as the governor's secretary. The service was boring and uninteresting, so it lasted only a year. Goncharov went to St. Petersburg, where he got a job as an interpreter in the Ministry of Finance and worked until 1852.

creative way

An important fact of Goncharov's biography is that he was fond of reading with early age. Already at the age of 15, he read many works by Karamzin, Pushkin, Derzhavin, Kheraskov, Ozerov and many others. From childhood, he showed a talent for writing and an interest in the humanities.

Goncharov published his first works - "Dashing Pain" (1838) and "Happy Mistake" (1839), taking a pseudonym for himself, in the magazines Snowdrop and Moonlight Nights.

flourish it creative way coincided with an important stage in the development of Russian literature. In 1846, the writer got acquainted with Belinsky's circle, and already in 1847, the Sovremennik magazine published " ordinary story”, and in 1848 - the story “Ivan Savich Podzhabrin”, written by him six years ago.

For two and a half years, Goncharov was on a round-the-world trip (1852-1855), where he wrote a cycle of travel essays "Frigate Pallas". Upon his return to St. Petersburg, he first published the first essays about the journey, and in 1858 a full-fledged book was published, which became a significant literary event of the 19th century.

His most important work famous novel"Oblomov", published in 1859. This novel brought fame and popularity to the author. Goncharov starts writing a new work - the novel "Cliff".

Having changed several jobs, in 1867 he retired.

Ivan Alexandrovich resumes work on the novel "Cliff", on which he worked for a long 20 years. The author sometimes felt that there was not enough strength to finish it. However, in 1869 Goncharov completed the third part of the novel-trilogy, which also included "An Ordinary Story" and "Oblomov".

The work reflected the periods of development of Russia - the era of serfdom, which gradually faded away.

last years of life

After the novel "Cliff" the writer often fell into depression, wrote a little, mostly sketches in the field of criticism. Goncharov was lonely, often sick. Once he caught a cold, he fell ill with pneumonia, because of which he died on September 15 (27), 1891, at the age of 79.

Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov was born on June 18, 1812 in Simbirsk in the family of a wealthy merchant who was repeatedly elected mayor. ATat the age of fifty, childless Alexander Ivanovich, having become a widower, married a secondmarriage to the mother of the future writer, nineteen-year-old Avdotya MatveevnaShakhtorina, also from the merchant rank. She gave her husband four children.

In the fall of 1831, Ivan Goncharov entered the verbal department of Moscow University. He was little interested in socio-political and philosophical issues, more in the theory and history of literature, fine arts, architecture, was fond of the theater, bowed to the genius of Pushkin. The strongest impression for Goncharov was a visit to Pushkin University, "... for me, it was as if the sun illuminated the entire audience: at that time I was in a daze of charm from his poetry; I ate it like mother's milk ...", the writer later recalled. To student years refers to the first published literary experience of Goncharov.

After graduating from the university from the summer of 1834 until the spring of 1835, he stayed in Simbirsk, where he served in the office of the governor, then moved to St. Petersburg.

For the first ten years of his life in the capital, he had to serve as a minor official in the Ministry of Finance. These years were beneficial to him as a writer, who took a lot from his observations of the bureaucratic and commercial world of St. Petersburg. But he always remembered his official service with disgust; "all free time devoted to literature from the service.

From October 1852 to August 1854, Goncharov participated in the expedition of Vice Admiral (from 1858 - Admiral) Efimy Putyatin to Japan on the military frigate "Pallada" as his secretary. Ivan Goncharov visited England, South Africa, Malaya, China, and Japan. In February 1855 he returned to St. Petersburg by land, through Siberia and the Volga region. Impressions from the trip made up a cycle of essays "Frigate" Pallada ", published in magazines in 1855-1857 (published separately in 1858).

“... For the fact that in it an honest, faithful heart is more precious than any mind! This is his natural gold; he carried it unscathed through life. He fell from the shocks, cooled off, fell asleep, finally, killed, disappointed, having lost the strength to live, but did not lose his honesty and loyalty. Not a single false note was emitted by his heart, not a single dirt stuck to it. No fancy lie will deceive him, and nothing will lead him to a false path; let the whole ocean of rubbish, evil worry around him, let the whole world be poisoned with poison and go backwards - Oblomov will never bow to the idol of lies, his soul will always be pure, bright, honest ... This is a crystal, transparent soul; there are few such people; they are rare; these are pearls in the crowd! Nothing can bribe his heart; you can rely on it anywhere and everywhere. This is what you have remained faithful to and why caring for him will never be hard for me. Many people I have known high quality but never met a heart cleaner, lighter and simpler; I loved many, but no one ak firmly and hotly, like Oblomov. Once you know it, you can't stop loving it..."

Dialogue between Stolz and Olga, Goncharov's novel Oblomov, 1859

In the photo - frames from the film "A Few Days in the Life of Oblomov" - based on Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" (Dir. N. Mikhalkov, 1979). Tabakov as Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, Bogatyrev as Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, Nightingale as Olga and A. Razumovsky Jr. as Ilyusha Oblomov.

Russian history literature XIX century. Part 2. 1840-1860 Prokofieva Natalia Nikolaevna

I. A. Goncharov (1812–1891)

I. A. Goncharov (1812–1891)

I. A. Goncharov entered the literary field in the 1840s, a turning point for Russian literature, when the endless stream of lyrical poetry waned sharply and Her Majesty Prose took the leading place on the magazine stage. Took me the whole second half of XIX in. no longer give up its leadership. “The novel and the story have now become at the head of all other genres of poetry,” wrote V. G. Belinsky in the review “A Look at Russian Literature in 1847”. “All fine literature is contained in them - so that any other work seems to them to be something exceptional and accidental.” The advent of the "prosaic" age was ambiguously assessed by contemporaries. On the one hand, in terms of fiction novel and the story promised to enrich Russian literature with new forms of realistic depiction of man and reality. “In them,” Belinsky noted in the same review, “better, more convenient than in any other kind of poetry, fiction merges with reality, an artistic invention is mixed with a simple, if only true, copying from nature.<…>This is the widest, most comprehensive kind of poetry; in it, talent feels boundlessly free. On the other hand, in terms of changing cultural property the sunset of the "poetic age" was fraught with a formidable harbinger of the coming triumph of the "prosaic", i.e., mundane, frankly consumerist outlook on life. Everyone still remembered the bitter discovery of N.V. Gogol: “Everything has changed a long time ago in the world. Now, the desire to get a favorable place, to shine and outshine the other at all costs, to avenge neglect, for ridicule, ties up the drama more strongly. Don't rank, money capital, advantageous marriage now have more electricity than love? With light hand Gogol's main sign modern literature research becomes not so much individual-specific, unique-personal qualities of a person, but rather “typical”, standard character traits that correspond to average behavioral stereotypes determined by the decency of the class and official circle of communication. Actually, in dramaturgy and prose, Gogol captured (primarily by means of the grotesque) this tragedy of the degeneration of a living human individuality into a faceless "social type", into a "free application" of rank and title.

The prose writers of the 1840s, and among them Goncharov, could not ignore these artistic insights of their older contemporary. It is through a heightened interest in the problem of the typical in literature, in the correlation in the literary character of the “general and special”, historically regular and random, in the ordering and artistic classification of “types” and the creation on this basis of an objective picture of reality, equal in reliability to “scientific”, and, as you know, the main line of artistic experiments in Russian prose of the 1840s passed. It led to the creation of a "natural school", in the bosom of the aesthetic principles of which the formation of Goncharov's talent took place.

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Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov (1812–1891)

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Childhood Ivan Goncharov was born on June 6 (18), 1812 in Simbirsk. His father Alexander Ivanovich (1754-1819) and his mother Avdotya Matveevna (1785-1851) (nee Shakhtorina) belonged to merchant class. In the large stone house of the Goncharovs, located in the very center of the city, with a vast yard, garden, and numerous buildings, the childhood of the future writer passed. When Goncharov was nine years old, his father died. In the subsequent fate of the boy, in his spiritual development important role played by his godfather Nikolai Nikolaevich Tregubov. It was a retired sailor. He was broad-minded and critical of certain phenomena. modern life. "Good sailor" - Goncharov so gratefully called his tutor, who actually replaced his own father.

Education Initial education Goncharov received at home, under the direction of Tregubov, then in a private boarding house. At the age of ten he was sent to Moscow to study at a commercial school. Choice educational institution was made at the insistence of the mother. Goncharov spent eight years at the school. The rest of the time I was sick. These years were difficult and uninteresting for him. Spiritual and moral development of Goncharov, however, went on as usual. He read a lot. His true mentor was domestic literature. In the meantime, studying at the school became completely unbearable. Goncharov managed to convince his mother of this, and she wrote a petition to remove him from the list of boarders. Goncharov has already passed eighteen. It's time to think about your future. Even in childhood, a passion for writing, an interest in the humanities, especially in literature - all this strengthened the idea in him to complete his education at the Faculty of Languages ​​of Moscow University. A year later, in August 1831, after successfully passing the exams, he was enrolled there.

Life after University After graduating from the university in the summer of 1834, Goncharov felt himself, by his own admission, a “free citizen”, before whom all paths in life are open. First of all, he decided to visit his native lands, where his mother, sisters, Tregubov were waiting for him. Simbirsk, in which everything was so familiar from childhood, struck the matured and matured Goncharov, first of all, by the fact that nothing had changed. Everything here looked like a huge sleepy village. This is how Goncharov knew his hometown in childhood, and then in youth. The Simbirsk governor persistently asked Goncharov to take the post of his secretary. After reflection and hesitation, Goncharov accepts this proposal, but the matter turned out to be boring and ungrateful. However, these vivid impressions of the mechanism of the bureaucratic system later came in handy for Goncharov the writer. After eleven months in Simbirsk, he leaves for St. Petersburg. Goncharov decided to build his future with his own hands, without anyone's help. Upon arrival in the capital, he applied to the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Finance, where he was offered the position of a translator of foreign correspondence. The service was not very burdensome. To some extent, she provided financial support for Goncharov and left time for independent literary studies and reading.

The beginning of creativity Gradually begins the serious work of the writer. It was formed under the influence of those moods that prompted the young author to treat the romantic cult of art that reigned in the Maikovs' house more and more ironically. The 40s - the beginning of the flowering of Goncharov's work. This was an important time in the development of Russian literature, as well as in the life of Russian society as a whole. Goncharov meets Belinsky, often visits him on Nevsky Prospekt, in the Writers' House. Here, in 1846, Goncharov read criticism of his novel An Ordinary History. Communication with the great critic had importance for the spiritual development of a young writer. Goncharov himself testified in one of his letters what role Belinsky played for him.

Trip around the world and the frigate "Pallada" In October 1852 in the life of Goncharov happened an important event: he became a participant in a round-the-world trip on a sailing warship - the frigate Pallada - as secretary to the head of the expedition, Vice Admiral Putyatin. She was equipped to inspect Russian possessions in North America - Alaska, which at that time belonged to Russia, as well as to establish political and trade relations with Japan. Goncharov imagined how many impressions he would enrich himself and his work with. From the very first days of the trip, he begins to keep a detailed travel journal. He formed the basis of the future book "Pallada Frigate" Goncharov's journey can be considered around the world only conditionally. He returned to St. Petersburg on February 13, 1855, and already in the April book of Notes of the Fatherland the first essay appeared. Subsequent fragments were published in the "Sea Collection" and various magazines for three years, and in 1858 the entire work was published. separate edition. The cycle of travel essays "Frigate Pallada" (1855-1857) is a kind of "writer's diary". The book immediately became a major literary event, striking readers with the richness and variety of factual material and its literary merits.

The flowering of creativity in 1859 for the first time in Russia sounded the word "Oblomovism". In the novel, the fate of the protagonist is revealed not only as a social phenomenon ("Oblomovism"), but also as philosophical reflection Russian national character, a special moral path, opposing the vanity of the all-consuming "progress" . Goncharov made an artistic discovery. He created a work of great generalizing power. The publication of Oblomov and its enormous success with readers cemented Goncharov's fame as one of the most prominent Russian writers. But Goncharov does not leave his writing activity and begins his new work - "Cliff". However, the writer had to not only write, but also earn money. After leaving the post of censor, he lived "on free bread". In mid-1862, he was invited to the post of editor of the newly established newspaper Severnaya Pochta, which was an organ of the Ministry of the Interior. Goncharov served here for about a year. Then he was appointed to a new position - a member of the Council for the Press - his censorship activities began again.

having finished the third part of The Cliff, "I wanted to leave the novel altogether, without finishing it." However, he added. Goncharov was aware of the work of what scale and artistic value he creates. At the cost of enormous efforts, overcoming physical and moral ailments, he brought his "child" to the end. "Cliff" thus completed the trilogy. Each of Goncharov's novels reflected a certain stage historical development Russia. For one of them, Alexander Aduev is typical, for another - Oblomov, for the third - Raisky. And all these images were constituent elements of one common holistic picture of the fading era of serfdom. AT mid-nineteenth century begins the rivalry Russian Empire and the United States of America for influence in Asia. Pacific region. By the way, at that time in Russia it was customary to call the United States not as it is now, but somewhat differently - the North American United States, in short - the USA.

Last years life of Ivan Goncharov All three of Goncharov's novels were devoted to the image of pre-reform Russia, which he knew and understood well. Those processes that took place in subsequent years, according to the writer's own admission, he understood worse, and he lacked neither physical nor moral strength to immerse himself in their study. But Goncharov continued to live in an atmosphere of literary interests, intensively corresponding with some writers, personally communicating with others, and leaving no creative activity. He writes several essays: "Literary Evening", "Servants of the Old Age", "Trip along the Volga", "Across Eastern Siberia", "May month in St. Petersburg". Some of them were published posthumously. Goncharov remained completely alone and on September 12 (24), 1891, he caught a cold. The disease developed rapidly, and on the night of September 15, he died of pneumonia at the age of eightieth. Ivan Alexandrovich was buried at the New Nikolsky cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (reburied in 1956, the ashes of the writer were transferred to the Volkovo cemetery). An obituary published on the pages of Vestnik Evropy noted: “Like Turgenev, Herzen, Ostrovsky, Saltykov, Goncharov will always occupy one of the most prominent places in our literature”

Life and art


Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov (1812–1891)- a talented Russian writer and critic, creative activity which lasted several decades. Goncharov is the author of three novels: "An Ordinary Story", "Oblomov", "Cliff". Critics consider the novel "Oblomov" to be the best novel.

Goncharov entered the history of Russian literature as one of the founders of the genre of the socio-psychological novel.

I. A. Goncharov was born in 1812 into the family of a wealthy Siberian merchant. His father died early, leaving the family a large fortune. Mother, Avdotya Matveevna, loved children, but, not having sufficient culture, she entrusted the education of all four children to a family friend, a retired naval officer N. N. Tregubov, who was a nobleman, and introduced the Goncharov family into the circle of local nobility. And the merchant's children received a typically landlord upbringing.

A passion for reading awakened early in Goncharov. Elementary education received in a private boarding school the priest Troitsky, and in 1822 he entered the Moscow Commercial School. Strict Arakcheev orders reigned here, the pupils were spied on, and any attempt to manifest public interests was stifled. An eight-year stay at the school gave the young man little knowledge in the field of economics and the exact sciences, but did not lull his aspirations for knowledge, raised in him a protest against the humiliation of the human person.

Goncharov independently intensively engaged in science, trying to get a liberal arts education. In August 1831 he successfully passed the exams for the philological faculty of Moscow University, where Belinsky, Ogarev, Lermontov, Aksakov were studying at that time. While studying at the university, Goncharov saw Pushkin, he remembered this event all his life; listened to the lectures of the best professors.

The young student was fond of the theater, in student circles there were heated debates about critical articles. contemporary critics, at this time Goncharov also published in the Telescope magazine a translation of several chapters of the novel French writer E. Xu "Atar Gul".

In 1834, having moved to St. Petersburg, he entered the service of the Ministry of Finance as a translator of foreign correspondence. In Petersburg, Goncharov persistently prepares himself for literary activity close to family famous artist Maykov, whose sons he taught literature and Latin. The handwritten almanac "Snowdrop" was published in this house, and it was in it that Goncharov made his debut with romantic poems. Maikov's circle was visited by Grigorovich, Panaev, the Dostoevsky brothers, Nekrasov, Turgenev and others. Preparing himself for writing, Goncharov writes a lot. “From the age of 14-15, I wrote incessantly,” the writer later recalled, “then I translated Goethe, Schiller, and others.” Only a few stories and poems have come down to us from this period. At this time, he closely monitors critical activity Belinsky, he is fond of journalism, his articles, feuilletons, and notes are published anonymously in Sovremennik.

In 1849 in " Literary collection"Sovremennik" magazine published a chapter from the future novel - "Oblomov's Dream", which suffered from a censor's pencil. This darkened the creative mood of Goncharov, suspended his work on the novel.

In 1852, Goncharov, as Admiral Putyatin's secretary, set off on the frigate "Pallada" to circumnavigate the world, he needed fresh impressions for literary work. Returning from a trip, in 1855 Goncharov got a job - in the place of a senior censor, he plunges headlong into literature, attends the Sovremennik circle, often attends editorial dinners hosted by Nekrasov, at which the works of writers were usually read and discussed, and musicians and artists. In 1852, the novel "Oblomov" was published, which glorified the name of Goncharov. For 5 years he worked in the Council of the Main Directorate for Press Affairs and in 1868 he retired forever, and in 1869 the novel The Precipice was published, on which Goncharov worked for 20 years.

In 1891, Goncharov burned autographs of his works, letters, notes and bequeathed to bury him in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, somewhere near the cliff. He died at the age of 80. The funeral procession was accompanied by a large crowd, mostly young people. He was buried on the bank of a river flowing near the cemetery.

So, in Russian and world literature Goncharov entered with three novels: "An Ordinary Story", "Oblomov" and "Cliff", whose names begin with "On ...".

Chronological plan:

1812 - the date of birth of the writer. Born in Simbirsk in a merchant family.

1821 - the death of his father. N. N. Tregubov, a former naval officer who settled in the Goncharovs' house, took care of the children. Mother Avdotya Matveevna ran the family's business affairs.

1822–1830 - Goncharov's studies at the Moscow Commercial School. The eight-year study left an unfavorable impression on the young Goncharov.

1831–1834 - student of the Moscow University of verbal department. He was interested in the history of literature, fine arts, architecture. The most vivid impression is a visit to the university by Pushkin.

1835 - the beginning of service in St. Petersburg as an interpreter in the Ministry of Finance.

1844–1847 - Work on the novel "Ordinary History".

1852–1854 - round-the-world trip on the frigate "Pallada" under the command of Vice Admiral E. V. Putyatin. (During the trip, Goncharov kept notes, characterizing in them everything he saw in Europe, Africa, Asia. The result is a two-volume book “Pallada Frigate”.)

1856–1860 - work as a censor.

1859 - the appearance of the novel "Oblomov" in print. Outstanding success!

1869 - the publication of the novel "Cliff", on which Goncharov worked for about twenty years. The original title of the novel is The Artist. The work was not a huge success.

1870–1891 - the closed life of Goncharov in St. Petersburg. The appearance in the press of small articles and essays: "At the University", "At Home", "Better Late Than Never", "Servants of the Old Time". The best critical article about Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" - "A Million of Torments" (1872).

I. A. Goncharov died in St. Petersburg, was buried in the cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on the edge of a cliff.


The idea of ​​the novel "Oblomov" arose in 1847, but the writer published only one chapter of the novel "Oblomov's Dream" in the journal "Sovremennik" in 1849. The trip around the world and the creation of the book of essays "Frigate" Pallada "interrupted work on the novel" Oblomov "for a long time , which was published only in 1859.

With this novel, the writer showed how the conditions of landlord life and noble education give rise to apathy, lack of will, and indifference in the hero. The writer showed Oblomov's path to the realization of his worthlessness, insolvency, to the disintegration of his personality. main topic novel - the fate of a generation looking for its place in society, history, but failed to find the right path.

The ideological orientation of the novel was determined by the writer himself: “I tried to show in Oblomov how and why people in our country turn prematurely into ... kissel - climate, backwater environment, drowsy life, and still private, individual for each circumstance.”

Goncharov also raises questions in the novel about true friendship, love, humanism, the equality of women, real happiness, and condemns noble romanticism.

There is little action in the first part of the novel (Oblomov lies on the couch and refuses visitors who call him to Peterhof). But in it, the author showed the evolution of Oblomov: childhood with the instillation of the idea of ​​exclusivity, studying at a boarding school, but he could not serve, he dreams of traveling. In Oblomov, a lively mind, purity, kindness, truthfulness, meekness, humanity to those below, a tendency to introspection and self-criticism, a sense of justice were ruined. However, Oblomov does not feel the need to develop them in himself. This is evidenced by his "mental" reform plan in Oblomov, expressing the infantilism, archaism of his views on life. The situation is as follows, master Oblomov depends on Zakhar more than Zakhar and other serfs depend on him. Unlike Stolz, driven by the desire for personal success through labor, Oblomov, who already has everything thanks to his origin and position, insistently demands to be shown the meaning of labor, the meaning and incentives for expending energy. He considers the ideal of Oblomovka an unshakable norm. For Stolz, the norm is the business life of St. Petersburg, so he does not criticize it and, like all visitors, calls Oblomov to Peterhof. At the end of the first part, Goncharov raises the question: what will win in Oblomov - vital, active principles or sleepy "Oblomovism"?

The second part of the novel describes Stolz's Russian-German upbringing, his strong and harmonious personality. Despite all the mutual differences, Stolz is able to understand Oblomov. He repeatedly tries to revive Oblomov, return him to active life. But Oblomov is afraid of changes in life, afraid of movement and activity. In the struggle of motives - to unite with Olga and live a meaningful life, or move away from Olga and find the desired peace - the latter wins. Oblomovism turned out to be stronger than love. So Oblomov finds refuge in the house of the widow Pshenitsyna. Gradually, Stolz's seething energy breaks against Oblomov's immobility and indifference.

The fourth part of the novel is devoted to writing off the "Vyborg Oblomovism". Oblomov, having married Pshenitsyna, descends even more, plunges into hibernation, and then dies physically.

In the image of Oblomov, Goncharov brilliantly combined social generalization with the image of an individualized personality. Oblomov entered the gallery of the best images of world literature, and his name became a household name. Goncharovsky Oblomov does not look like the landowners portrayed by Gogol, Turgenev and others. There is no despotism or cruelty in him. On the contrary, he is meek, grateful. The writer did not remain impartial: sympathetic to the hero, he at the same time condemned, exposed him, pronounced a verdict on Oblomovism.

Composition of the novel"Oblomov" is fully consistent with the idea: to show the conditions that give rise to laziness and apathy, to trace how a person gradually goes out, turning into a dead soul. All actions take place around the main character - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He brings everyone around him. actors. There is little action in the novel (especially in the first part). All the writer's attention is focused on the finest decoration of characters. The scene of the novel is St. Petersburg (only in the IX chapter “Oblomov's Dream” the action is transferred to Oblomovka).

exposition make up the first part of the novel and the first two chapters of the second part. Such a large exposition is necessary for the writer in order to more fully show the conditions in which Oblomov was formed as a person. To trace its evolution.

In III and V ch. the second part is tied event node- Oblomov's acquaintance with Olga, the nascent love is the plot. VI-XI chapters of this part - action development. Oblomov's feeling for Olga is growing stronger, but he doubts whether he will be able to renounce laziness, which we learn from his letter to Olga. climax- XII chapter of the third part. Ilya Ilyich declared his love to Olga. But he cannot sacrifice his peace, which leads to a quick break. Chapters XI-XII of the third part are devoted to this, which make up interchange. They show the insolvency and bankruptcy of Oblomov.

In the fourth part - the further fading of the hero. He finds ideal living conditions in Pshenitsyna's house. He again in a dressing gown lies on the couch all day. The hero suffers a final collapse. This is postposition. In parallel, the relationship between Olga and Stolz is shown.

In the epilogue (Ch. XI of the fourth part) Goncharov talks about the death of Oblomov, the fate of Zakhar, Stolz, Olga. This chapter explains the meaning of "Oblomovism". Thus, showing the gradual withering of Oblomov, his transformation into a "dead soul", Goncharov showed the main character in moments of ups and downs, revealing his struggle with himself. And all this is given vivid pictures life, the author's reasoning is reduced to a minimum.

The plot of the novel.

There are two points of view regarding the plot. The first claims that there are two storylines in the novel: Olga Oblomov and Stolz - Olga. Olga connects both lines together, but the ideological opposition of the characters remains.

The second point of view of Professor A. G. Zeitlin, who believes that there is only one story line. In the novel, all events are subordinated to one goal - to show the gradual transformation of Oblomov into a "dead soul". The chapters, in which the relationship between Stolz and Olga are recreated, are intended to set off the fate of Oblomov.

The language of the novel is light and clear. The author avoids embellishing epithets and metaphors, the vocabulary is devoid of archaisms and dialectisms, enriched with scientific and journalistic words of the 40-50s.

Each character's language is unique. Oblomov, Olga and Stolz are educated people, they speak the correct, literary language. But for everyone it is associated with the features of the internal appearance of the characters. The language in the description of landscapes is clear and expressive, but the writer rarely refers to them. (Summer Oblomovka, a description of the park where Oblomov and Olga meet, an assessment of the snowfall on the day the heroes broke up). The extralinguistic system of the novel is aimed at solving the question: what is Oblomovism?

The novel "Oblomov" caused numerous critical responses when it appeared, was highly appreciated by contemporaries. I. S. Turgenev, after reading the novel, remarked: “As long as at least one Russian remains, Oblomov will be remembered until then.” And this is so, because the life and fate of the protagonist make you think about the most difficult issues of life.


Creation. The novel was published in 1859, when Russia was on the verge of economic changes caused by the need to abolish serfdom. Serfdom hindered the development of the country. One of its creations was a phenomenon called "Oblomovism". Depicting the fate of his hero, the writer analyzes the causes of this typical social phenomenon in Russian life.

Central image. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a living embodiment and logical conclusion of those generic features of his grandfathers and great-grandfathers, which were cultivated from generation to generation. His pure soul, next to laziness and inaction, is the national Russian character, which will exist for a long time to come.

Composition and content. The composition of the novel helps to trace the life of Oblomov in its development and understand major mistake hero - the desire for peace. The novel consists of four parts. Part I tells about the life of the hero in St. Petersburg in the perception of Oblomov. A description of "Oblomovism" (complete helplessness in everyday affairs) is given, an explanation in Chapter IX (Oblomov's dream) of this helplessness and hope for a change in the hero's life (Chapter IX - the arrival of Stolz). In parts II and III, Oblomov is compared with Stolz (a nobleman and raznochinets, lack of labor and vigorous activity) and with Olga Ilyinskaya (passive Ilya Ilyich and Olga's active nature). In the fourth part, Oblomov finds the quiet love of a simple woman, Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, and ends up in a new Oblomovka, finding his ideal. And yet Goncharov ends his work with the death of Oblomov - a natural outcome of a life spent as if in a dream.


Typical gentleman

Comes from a wealthy noble family, clever, educated person. He lives as he likes: eats, drinks and sleeps. His ideal is "serenity and peace". This is more pleasant than always spinning like Sudbinsky, dragging after women like the dandy Volkov, or writing accusatory articles about fallen people, like the writer Penkin. The hero is not at all attracted to secular successes or a career: in them he sees nothing but empty fuss, and for the sake of fuss, you should not get up from the couch. (An antithesis technique was used: the outer world of vanity and the motionless world of Oblomov, immersed in contemplation.)

Typical Russian character

The cute "Russian sloth" evokes the writer's sympathy. It's soft and a kind person with sensitive heart. He is impractical and irrational, unsuitable for life, helpless in the face of any difficulties. He is used and deceived by everyone, even his servant. But Oblomov surpasses those around him in spiritual qualities (he believes that a fallen person should give a hand, and not denounce him). Morally, he stands much higher than Stolz and Olga, who themselves admit this. Before us is a "crystal soul". But sweet idleness does not pass without a trace: the hero sinks into hibernation, his wonderful spiritual qualities are already buried in Oblomovka, being killed by laziness and spiritual stagnation. Oblomov himself strictly judges himself for passivity and compares his soul with a treasure littered with all sorts of rubbish. Before him, a painful question arises: “Why am I like this?” The writer gives the answer to it in the chapter "Oblomov's Dream".

Summary of life

No one and nothing could change the hero: neither the persuasion and friendship of Stolz, nor the love for Olga Ilyinskaya, nor the danger of a second apoplexy and death forced him to take off his dressing gown. He slowly and surely breaks with everything outside world, having found his Oblomovka on Verkhlevskaya Street with the woman he had always dreamed of. Ilya Ilyich died quietly and imperceptibly, "as if a watch that had been forgotten to start had stopped." Oblomov died without ever knowing whether he was right in abandoning the hustle and bustle of life. His dream of a "whole" person, of a "lost paradise" does not leave modern readers indifferent. Everyone gives his answer to the question of whether Oblomov is right in his choice or not.


"Oblomov's Dream" - Chapter IX of the novel. The chapter was printed in 1849 and was a great success. Everyone was waiting for the novel to appear in its entirety, but it was created only 10 years later (1859). The writer considered the chapter "an overture to the whole novel." "Dream" is the figurative and semantic center of the novel, the key to understanding Oblomov's nature.

This is - artistic technique. A nostalgic dream about Ilyusha Oblomov's childhood allows us to find the origins of the hero's character, to imagine the environment, life and customs that shaped him.


Wednesday. "Primal Paradise"

Oblomovka is an idyllic region where Oblomov was born and raised. This is an island of peace and harmony, the promised land. He grew up in the bosom of beautiful nature, surrounded by love and care. The geography of this corner of the earth does not imply seas and mountains - only plains and then in a confined space. There are no hours and minutes. Time is associated with the concept of a circle, with the cycles of nature (spring is the birth of a person, summer is a wedding, autumn is old age, winter is a funeral).

Education in Russian folklore

In the patriarchal Oblomovka, Ilyusha was not even allowed to dress himself. Labor was considered a punishment. They only made sure that the child ate well and did not overwork while studying with Stolz.

Oblomovites believe in all fairy tales and legends. Ilyusha also believed in his namesake - Ilya Muromets, who was lying on the stove and winning without difficulty, in a magical way. Fairy tales penetrated deeply into Oblomov's consciousness and, as an adult, he "sometimes feels sad, why a fairy tale is not life, and life is not a fairy tale" and does not want to put up with the fuss real life. In Oblomov, dozing on the couch, the features of a hero are guessed - he also has a rich potential.


Leading theme of the novel

Goncharov depicted a process in the slow course of which the best inclinations of a person “droop and wither”.

The phenomenon of Russian life

These are morals and concepts based on the free labor of serfs and imbued with the ideal of idleness, eternal peace and carelessness.

Definition of Stolz

This is the absence of labor (Labor determines the purpose in a person's life).

The problem of Russian society

The problem is not one person, but society, which forms the characters of people. "Oblomovism" did not allow the development of many good beginnings and talents, laid down by nature in Oblomov's soul. He could not realize himself, did not give an outlet to the light that he believed was locked in him. “Our name is legion,” Oblomov will say. And all these people also cannot throw off the Oblomovism robe.


A typical Russian gentleman: he never did anything himself - for this he has "Zakhar and another three hundred Zakharov."

Contemplative and dreamer: lies on the sofa and thinks about how wonderfully he will arrange everything in his estate. But he does not want to come into contact with reality. The life that boils around is just a fuss for him, for the sake of which it is not worth getting up from the couch. Passes before any life problems: helpless, apathetic and lazy. Nothing can change him: neither the persuasion and friendship of Stolz, nor the love of Olga Ilyinskaya, nor the danger of a second blow and death. He slowly and surely breaks with the entire outside world.



"Oblomovshchina" is a social phenomenon that has developed in Russian society. The appearance of Oblomov is a natural result of the life of society, which played a huge role in shaping his character. Goncharov is looking for the reasons for the "Oblomovism" of the hero, starting from his childhood.


According to Goncharov, the life of any person depends on his upbringing and heredity. Oblomov was brought up in a noble family with patriarchal traditions, in the conditions of Russian local life, which allowed the landowner not to worry about "daily bread". Life in Oblomovka made a lazy person out of him, who gets tired all the time: first from social life, from service, later from love, and, finally, just gets tired of living. "Oblomovism" is generated by the patriarchal-noble way of life.

Russian national character

Oblomov's features are characteristic not only for that era, but also for the Russian national character. Laziness, breadth of nature, kindness, complaisance - all these are the historically established qualities of a Russian person. The active German Stolz does not take root in Russia; Oblomov is more organic for her. Poetic, sincere, cordial, he is closer to us than the rationalist Stolz with his pragmatism. I. S. Turgenev wrote: “As long as at least one Russian remains, Oblomov will be remembered until then.”

"The disease of the Russian nobility"

N. A. Dobrolyubov in the article “What is Oblomovism?” called “Oblomovism” a kind of “disease of the Russian nobility”, consisting in idleness, irresistible laziness and inability to engage in any social activity. The critic considered Oblomov the final link in the chain " extra people", referring to Onegin, Pechorin, Rudin and others, who could not find a use for themselves in life. Dobrolyubov called Goncharov's novel "a sign of the times", that is, topical, of great social importance.

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