Today is the day of the revival of the Balkar people. Plan of events dedicated to the day of the revival of the Balkar people

the holiday of the revival of the Balkar people was celebrated by the inhabitants of all the settlements of the Elbrus region. The main celebration took place at the Totur stadium in Tyrnyauz.

The event began with an exhibition of folk applied arts regional local history museum and orphanage creativity, which was visited by the head of the administration of the Elbrus region, Kanshaubiy Zalikhanov, together with the guests of the holiday - First Deputy Chairman of the Government, Minister of Agriculture Sergei Govorov, Minister natural resources and ecology of the KBR Ilyas Shavaev, brothers, members of delegations from the Malokarachaevsky district of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Baksansky district of Kabardino-Balkaria and heads of a number of institutions, organizations and enterprises of the region.

The concert itself began with a performance by amateur art groups and pop artists of the region. The solemn event was opened by Kanshaubiy Zalikhanov: “This truly significant event has absorbed all modern history the Balkar people, who managed to maintain faith in the triumph of goodness and justice, high spiritual potential and striving for the future. Of course, for many of us, especially for the older generation, this is a holiday with tears in our eyes. The difficult years of life in exile did not break the courage and steadfastness of the Balkar people. The names were known all over the country tireless workers- representatives of the repressed people who performed labor feats in places of forced resettlement. The return to their homeland was a joyful event not only for the Balkars - all the inhabitants of the multinational Kabardino-Balkaria provided all possible assistance to their fellow countrymen who had to build new life. Kabardino-Balkaria has become for all of us a native stepfather home, the warmth and light of which we all together, regardless of national and social affiliation, must constantly support, honor and keep sacred. This is the guarantee of our common bright future.”

On behalf of the Head of the KBR, Yuri Kokov, Sergey Govorov read out a congratulation: “This significant date is celebrated in the republic as a national holiday. The hardships and hardships of the period of forced deportation did not break the Balkar people. Wisdom and hard work helped him not only to survive and endure in the most difficult conditions, but with the support of the Kabardian, Russian and other peoples of the republic, to return to a full life in his native land. The past decades have been marked by high achievements of the Balkar people in all areas of life. Today, with optimism and faith in the best, he looks to tomorrow in the united family of the peoples of Kabardino-Balkaria and makes a significant contribution to the construction of a new modern Russia. I am sure that together we will be able to overcome any difficulties and continue further development republics along the path of economic and social progress”.

Asiyat Gnayeva, Deputy Head of the Administration of the Malokarachaevsky District, congratulated the fraternal people and added that the rebirth holiday is also significant for the Karachay people: “ 'Cause we've been through together difficult years evictions and together celebrated the date of return to their homeland».

Fatima Kardanova, deputy head of the administration of the Baksan city district, spoke about the friendship and unity of the peoples of Kabardino-Balkaria in her speech.

After the official part of the event, pop artists of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Elbrus region performed with concert numbers, including Eldar Atmurzaev, Eldar Zhanikaev, Akhmat Dzhappuev, Takhir Gaev, the ensemble national dance"Salam", musical groups from the Baksan region and others.

In the meantime, a national cuisine has unfolded at the stadium, where everyone could taste treats - meat, lakumas, bosu. Free ice cream and sweet drinks were organized for children.

Events dedicated to the Day of the Revival of the Balkar people were also held in the Elbrus region - in the rural settlement of Elbrus, at the site near the administration, big concert with the participation of artists of the KBR “Prosper my Balkaria! ”, an exhibition of national crafts, a national cuisine with refreshments was organized.

The events will end in the evening with festivities on the square of the Palace of Culture named after K. Kuliev and fireworks.

Celebrations dedicated to the Day of Revival of the Balkar people were held in all rural settlements of the Elbrus region.

Press Service of the Elbrus District Administration

The forcible and total eviction of entire peoples is an act of genocide unheard of in the history of mankind, committed at the direction of I.V. Stalin. The deportation of peoples, followed by repressive methods, was in essence a policy of ethnic cleansing, with the aim of destroying the people completely and assimilating the survivors. In order to give Stalin's arbitrariness the appearance of legality, the twelve peoples of the former USSR were branded with the stigma of betrayal. Among these affected peoples was the Balkar people.

The Balkar people were deported on March 8, 1944, and a month later a Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued to liquidate them. national autonomy. Thus, the Balkars were deprived of statehood, ethnic territory, the national culture was greatly damaged. Settlers did not have the right to study at universities, publish, have their own centers of culture.

Despite the applied punitive measures, the Balkars exiled to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan showed themselves to be true patriots of the country. They were actively involved in working life, helping the country to win freedom.

The softening of the regime of special settlements came after the death of I.V. Stalin. On April 28, 1956, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the stigma of special settlers was removed from the Crimean Tatars, Balkars, Turks (citizens of the USSR) and some other settlers, but without the right to return to their native places.

On July 6, 1956, the Kabardian Regional Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers of the KASSR received a letter from a group of Balkars with a request to enter the Soviet government with a petition for the return of the Balkars to their native territory and the restoration of the former autonomy - the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

But the leadership of the KASSR, even before receiving this letter on June 16, 1956, turned to the Central Committee of the CPSU with a similar request.

On November 24, 1956, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU adopted a resolution "On the restoration of the national autonomy of the Kalmyk, Karachai, Balkar, Chechen and Ingush peoples." The resolution noted that "the mass expulsion of entire peoples was not caused by necessity and was not dictated by military considerations, it was one of the manifestations of the cult of personality."

On January 9, 1957, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a Decree "On the transformation of the Kabardian ASSR into the Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR." In accordance with this Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of March 15, 1957 adopted the Law on the transformation of the Kabardian ASSR into the Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR and, finally, on March 28, 1958, the Supreme Court of the KBASSR adopted the Law on the transformation of the Kabardian ASSR into the Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR.

But the adoption of Decrees on the restoration of autonomies did not yet mean the rehabilitation of these peoples.

Only on April 26, 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR adopted the Law "On the Rehabilitation of the Repressed Peoples."

The next step towards the rehabilitation and revival of the Balkar people was the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 3, 1994 "On measures for the rehabilitation of the Balkar people and state support for their revival and development."

A great moral support for the Balkar people was the appeal of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin to the Balkar people with the following words: “... Today, on the mournful day of the 50th anniversary of the forced resettlement of the Balkars, I bow my head deeply before the memory of those who died untimely in exile, express my sincere sympathy and condolences to their families and friends. as President Russian Federation I apologize to you for the injustice… I wish peace and tranquility to your land, happiness and prosperity to the Balkar people.”

Meeting the wishes of the Balkar people and taking into account the decision of the public meeting of the republic, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the repression of the Balkar people, the President of the KBR issued a Decree "On the establishment of the day of revival of the Balkar people on March 28". The decree also declares it a holiday (non-working) day for all peoples living in Kabardino-Balkaria. And this day has truly become the Day of the Triumph of Justice, a holiday for all residents of Kabardino-Balkaria.

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18. Surgyun: Malkar zhaziuchula kechgunchulyukyu yusyunden / Teppelany Fatimat blah Alim zharashdyrgandyla. - Nalchik: Elbrus, 1994. - 424 b. Exile: Balkar, Genocide Writers / Comp. F.Ya. Teppeeva, A.M. Teppeev. - Balkar.

19. So it was. National repressions in the USSR. 1919-1952: Artist. -doc. collection in 3 volumes / Ed. - comp., author. preface, post, comment. S. Alieva. -M.: Insan., 1993.

20. Temukuev B.B. Special settlers: At 4 o'clock: [Names and family lists of all settlers expelled from Kabardino-Balkaria]. - Nalchik, 1997.

21. Teptsov V.Ya. Karachay and Balkaria: pages of the past. On the origins of the Kuban and Cherek. - Nalchik: M. and V Kotlyarov Publishing House, 2009. - 128 p.

22. Tokumaev Zh. Return to the Motherland: The First Train; Memories. -Balkar.

23. Freshfield D. Karachay and Balkaria: Pages of the past. Studies of the Caucasus: Extracts / Per. from English .. - Nalchik: Publishing house of M. and V. Kotlyarov, 2009.-100p.

24. Hour of Trials: Deportation, Rehabilitation and Revival of the Balkar People (Documents and Materials). - Nalchik: Elbrus, 2001. - 904 p.

25. Cherkeslany M. Not a kermedic, a neget tezmedic: essay. - Nalchik: Elbrus, 1993.- 192 6. Cherkesov M. Where we have not been, what we have not seen: Essays. - Balkar.

26. Shabaev D.V. The truth about the eviction of the Balkars. - Nalchik: Elbrus, 1994. -288 p. (n / a)

27. Efendilany S., Akhmatlany I., Guzelany Zh. Zorluk. - Nalchik: Elbrus, 1996.-384 6. Efendiev S. et al. Requiem: [Doc. essays, lamentations, eyewitness memories]. - Balkar.

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29. Ashkhotova, R. Our main aspiration is the restoration of the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic / R. Ashkhotova // Newspaper of the South. - 2009. - April 2.

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49. KBASSR. The Supreme Council. On the transformation of the Kabardian ASSR into the Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR: Law (1957. March 28) // Collection of the current legislation of the KBR. In 3 volumes. T. 1. - Nalchik, 1981. - S. 45.

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51. Moka M. Zhering-tyleging, boathouse-bileging: Byugyun - malkar khalkyny kyrallygy kaytarylgan kundyu // Sov. youth. - 2001. - March 28. Mokaev M. Our homes were waiting for us. - Balkar.

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54. RF. The president. Yeltsin B.N. Appeal to the Balkar people // Kabard.-Balkar. truth. - 1994. - March 10.

55. Sabanchiev Kh.–M. A. Rehabilitation of the Balkar people: Problems and solutions. // Izv. Universities Sev. - Caucasus. Region. Tot. Sciences - 2003 - No. I. - C. 22-27.

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57. Sabanchiev H.-M. Tyuzlyuk, Kertilik, Democracy Yuchyun Ethylgen Zhigitlik: Communist party members of the 20th maganals go bolganly 50 zhyl ozgandy // Zaman.- 2006.-February 21.

58. Sabanchiev H.-M. Restoration of justice: / 50 years of the 20th Congress of the CPSU /. Balkar.

59. Sabanchiev Kh. Khalkybyzny mound of yulyushu: Malkar khalkyny kyrallygy kaitarylganly - 50 zhyl // Mingi Tau. - 2007. - No. 2. - 10-27 b.

60. Sabanchiev H.-M. Kyiyn edi zhangyryunu zholu: Malkar khalk autonomiyasy kaitarylganly 50-zhyllygyna // Zaman. - 2007. - 9 January.

61. Sarakueva A. Kerti zhyltyrar…: Kermyuch // Zaman. - 2007. - March 24. Sarakueva A. Truth will shine: Exhibition: / To the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the autonomy of the Balkar people in the State National Library of the KBR /. - Balkar.

62. Sozaev A. “You are alive, Balkaria, and there is no more trouble”: / To restore the statehood of Balkaria // Elbrusoid. - 2007. - No. 4. - S. 16-17.

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65. I praise you, a man who has overcome all the hardships of life! // Kabard.-Balkar. truth. - 2006. -March 28. - Contents: Connecting with the future of hope / conversation with a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. H. J. Chechenov was led by S. Mottaeva. We do not want separate happiness / L. Favorskaya led the conversation with the doctor of philological sciences M. Z. Ulakov. Let's reject the ashes of adversity and rise to live / S. Mottaeva.

66. Temmolany M. Ogurlu yz koygandy: Malkyar khalkny kyrallygy kaytarylgan kyunnge//Zaman. - 2006. - March 25.

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69. Tokumalany Zh. Tuugyan zhurtha kaytyu: Birinchi train: Esgeriule // Mingi Tau.-2005.-§5.-40-80 b.

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72. Khutuev, Kh. I. It is necessary to tell the truth about this: to the Day of the Revival of the Balkar people / Kh. I. Khutuev // Kabard.- Balkar. truth. - 1998. - March 3, 4.

Compiled by the head of the department of scientific literature of the NB KBSU Dalova A.K.

Page of my family history.

Many of us learn about the events of the spring of the distant 1944 in childhood from our elders, but we really understand the significance of what happened then much later.

In the early morning of one of the days of the beginning of March, the Balkar villages were awakened by an unusual noise: soldiers burst into the houses and ordered them to gather. Where? What for? Bewilderment and fear, confusion and anxiety - these feelings did not leave the inhabitants. People did not expect such a blow of fate when they were brought to the station and loaded into cattle cars. The Balkars left their native land with pain in their souls and fear of the future.

Today it is difficult to explain why the people, “guilty without guilt,” were so severely punished. According to history, the majority of the male population fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Teenagers, women and the elderly remained in the mountain villages. The work of helping the front did not stop for a minute: food, knitwear, etc. delivered according to plan. It seemed that the most terrible trials were almost over when the Nazis were driven out of the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria. But everything was just beginning for the Balkars, suddenly declared "enemies of the people." The first test in the terrible fate of the exiles was the road. "The road to the edge of life" ... A very accurate name for that tedious, terrible period. But there is a moment that touched with a ray of joy and hope the years of deportation to Central Asia.

My father's family Gelyastanov Makhmut, who lived in Janika, was poisoned in Kyrgyzstan, Kyzyl-Kiya. Early childhood father is overshadowed by memories of hunger, fear, separation from relatives. Later, at the age of 15, his father became interested in football. Barracks, mines, boys chasing a ball made of rags... Such moments sunk into the soul of many teenagers from the workers' settlement. It was unusual that the children of special settlers, Balkars and Karachays, who created a real football team, became famous throughout Kazakhstan. In order to have their own form and a real ball, the young men unloaded the wagons at the station. Officially, the team was called "Jal", in order to have the right to participate in competitions, they represented themselves as the team of the mine, although they themselves called themselves the "Team of Balkaria" in Kyrgyzstan.

In 1953, when Stalin died, the team won the final against the football players of mine No. 11. The Balkaria team took first place in the city and won the cup. Here are some names of the players: Magomet Gemuev, Zhamal Kuliev, Makhmut Zhaboev, Khyisa Gergokov, my father Makhmut Gelyastanov, Alim Akaev and others. Forward, coach and captain was Mukhtar Kekkezov.

From this victory began new stage in the history of the youth team. One autumn, the chairman of the city sports committee came and offered to include several guys from the team in the city football team, which will participate in regional competitions. They will be given permission to leave the city of Kyzyl-Kiya, and they will see the regional city of Osh. To the surprise of the city official, the Balkar teenagers did not accept his proposal. They made a condition that they would go only to in full force. The boss had to agree. There was no other team in the entire region that was so eager to win. After all, for the players of the “National Balkaria” this is not just a game in the final, but an opportunity to say that they are no worse than ordinary residents of the region, although they call them special settlers.

In Osh, the team won 6 victories in a row. This is how half-starved young men played, who themselves earned money for the ball and uniform! They returned home as regional champions. In 1956 they played in the championship of Kyrgyzstan. Again, the football bosses gave in: either the whole team, or no one will go. They issued a uniform, issued a special pass, and the players go to Frunze. In the championship of Kyrgyzstan took second place. Three were invited to the national team of the republic. But they refused: only all together. It was already too much! To complete the team from some special settlers?! A categorical refusal of sports officials followed.

The year 1957 has come. The good news about the rehabilitation and the possibility of returning to the Caucasus became the main event in the life of the Balkar people. The team of football players somehow fell apart by itself: someone was drafted into the army, someone immediately went to their homeland. By the way, conscription into the army became a special milestone in the life of former special settlers, because it meant that the rights of citizens of the country were returned to the people. This was expected for a very long time and was escorted to the army with songs and dances, as if they were celebrating weddings.

After returning to his native village of Yanikoy, his father entered a technological college and graduated from it. At that time, the leadership of the republic, as an experiment, poisoned the graduation group of a technical school in the village. Chegem for work in a department store. The father was appointed director. Later he was transferred to Nalchik, worked in the central department store commercial director. All the years, my father recalled with great warmth the youth team that glorified Balkaria in Kyrgyzstan.

Unfortunately, my father, Makhmut Zhunusovich Gelyastanov, left this world 8 years ago, leaving me and my brother Iskhak in the care of our mother, Gelyastanova Bablina Rasulovna.

This story has become part of my family's chronicle, we proudly remember the football team of the Balkars, who managed to achieve good sports results under the most difficult conditions of deportation.

The Revival Day of the Balkar people is celebrated on March 28, on a spring day, when nature is waiting for renewal and prosperity, striving for a new life. May this celebration always be accompanied by joy, the desire to perform bright good deeds in the name of happiness and peace in our native Kabardino-Balkaria!



Kabardino-Balkarian State University

College of Information Technology and Economics

Composition for the Day of the Revival of the Balkar people

"My Family History Page"


Gelyastanova Zhannet Makhmutovna,

1st year student

Specialty "Programming

In computer systems"

Nalchik 2012

To the Day of Revival of the Balkar people.

Page of my family history.

Many of us learn about the events of the spring of the distant 1944 in childhood from our elders, but we really understand the significance of what happened then much later.

In the early morning of one of the days of the beginning of March, the Balkar villages were awakened by an unusual noise: soldiers burst into the houses and ordered them to gather. Where? What for? Bewilderment and fear, confusion and anxiety - these feelings did not leave the inhabitants. People did not expect such a blow of fate when they were brought to the station and loaded into cattle cars. The Balkars left their native land with pain in their souls and fear of the future.

Today it is difficult to explain why the people, “guilty without guilt,” were so severely punished. According to history, the majority of the male population fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Teenagers, women and the elderly remained in the mountain villages. The work of helping the front did not stop for a minute: food, knitwear, etc. delivered according to plan. It seemed that the most terrible trials were almost over when the Nazis were driven out of the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria. But everything was just beginning for the Balkars, suddenly declared "enemies of the people." The first test in the terrible fate of the exiles was the road. "The road to the edge of life" ... A very accurate name for that tedious, terrible period. But there is a moment that touched with a ray of joy and hope the years of deportation in Central Asia.

My father's familyGelyastanov Makhmut, who lived in Janika, was poisoned in Kyrgyzstan, Kyzyl-Kiya. The father's early childhood is overshadowed by memories of hunger, fear, separation from relatives. Later, at the age of 15, his father became interested in football. Barracks, mines, boys chasing a ball made of rags... Such moments sunk into the soul of many teenagers from the workers' settlement. It was unusual that the children of special settlers, Balkars and Karachays, who created a real football team, became famous throughout Kazakhstan. In order to have their own form and a real ball, the young men unloaded the wagons at the station. Officially, the team was called "Jal", in order to have the right to participate in competitions, they represented themselves as the team of the mine, although they themselves called themselves the "Team of Balkaria" in Kyrgyzstan.

In 1953, when Stalin died, the team won the final against the football players of mine No. 11. The Balkaria team took first place in the city and won the cup. Here are some names of the players: Magomet Gemuev, Zhamal Kuliev, Makhmut Zhaboev, Khyisa Gergokov, my father Makhmut Gelyastanov, Alim Akaev and others. Forward, coach and captain was Mukhtar Kekkezov.

With this victory, a new stage in the history of the youth team began. One autumn, the chairman of the city sports committee came and offered to include several guys from the team in the city football team, which will participate in regional competitions. They will be given permission to leave the city of Kyzyl-Kiya, and they will see the regional city of Osh. To the surprise of the city official, the Balkar teenagers did not accept his proposal. They made a condition that they would go only in full force. The boss had to agree. There was no other team in the entire region that was so eager to win. After all, for the players of the “National Balkaria” this is not just a game in the final, but an opportunity to say that they are no worse than ordinary residents of the region, although they call them special settlers.

In Osh, the team won 6 victories in a row. This is how half-starved young men played, who themselves earned money for the ball and uniform! They returned home as regional champions. In 1956 they played in the championship of Kyrgyzstan. Again, the football bosses gave in: either the whole team, or no one will go. They issued a uniform, issued a special pass, and the players go to Frunze. In the championship of Kyrgyzstan took second place. Three were invited to the national team of the republic. But they refused: only all together. It was already too much! To complete the team from some special settlers?! A categorical refusal of sports officials followed.

The year 1957 has come. The good news about the rehabilitation and the possibility of returning to the Caucasus became the main event in the life of the Balkar people. The team of football players somehow fell apart by itself: someone was drafted into the army, someone immediately went to their homeland. By the way, conscription into the army became a special milestone in the life of former special settlers, because it meant that the rights of citizens of the country were returned to the people. This was expected for a very long time and was escorted to the army with songs and dances, as if they were celebrating weddings.

After returning to his native village Yanikoy, his father entered the technological college and graduated from it. At that time, the leadership of the republic, as an experiment, poisoned the graduation group of a technical school in the village. Chegem for work in a department store. The father was appointed director. Later he was transferred to Nalchik, worked as a commercial director in the central department store. All the years, my father recalled with great warmth the youth team that glorified Balkaria in Kyrgyzstan.

Unfortunately, my father, Makhmut Zhunusovich Gelyastanov, left this world 8 years ago, leaving me and my brother Iskhak in the care of our mother, Gelyastanova Bablina Rasulovna.

This story has become part of my family's chronicle, we proudly remember the football team of the Balkars, who managed to achieve good sports results under the most difficult conditions of deportation.

The Revival Day of the Balkar people is celebrated on March 28, on a spring day, when nature is waiting for renewal and prosperity, striving for a new life. May this celebration always be accompanied by joy, the desire to perform bright good deeds in the name of happiness and peace in our native Kabardino-Balkaria!

Deportation of the Balkars- a form of repression that ethnic Balkars, who mainly lived on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, were subjected to in 1944. The leadership of the USSR blamed the Balkars resettled in Central Asia for "treason" and "inability to defend" the territory of the KBASSR, in particular Elbrus and the Elbrus region, from the Nazi troops.

The operation to evict the Balkars began on March 8, 1944. It lasted only two hours. Everyone, without exception, underwent transportation - active participants in the Civil and Patriotic Wars, war invalids, parents, wives and children of front-line soldiers, deputies of the Soviets at all levels, heads of party and Soviet bodies. The guilt of the deportee was determined exclusively by Balkar origin.

During the operation, it was proposed to be guided by the instructions of the NKVD of the USSR on the procedure for eviction. According to the instructions, each migrant was allowed to take food and property weighing up to 500 kg per family. However, the organizers of the eviction gave twenty minutes for packing.

The sixth paragraph of the instruction provided that livestock, agricultural products, houses and buildings were to be transferred on the spot and reimbursed in kind at new places of resettlement. However, this did not happen - the resettlement of the Balkars was carried out small groups, on the ground, no land and funds were allocated to them.

During the 18 days of the journey, 562 people died in unequipped cars. They were buried at the railroad tracks during brief stops. When the trains followed without stopping, the bodies of the dead along the way were thrown downhill by the guards.

On March 14, 1944, at a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, L. Beria reported on the successful operation. On August 22, 1944, 109 people from among the organizers of the deportation of the Balkars were awarded orders and medals of the USSR.

The search for the Balkars also went beyond the republics. So, in May 1944, 20 families were deported from the liquidated Karachaev Autonomous District, 67 people were identified in other regions of the USSR. The deportation of the Balkars continued until 1948 inclusive.

Consequences of deportation

On April 8, 1944, the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was renamed the Kabardian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The southwestern regions of the republic - Elbrus and the Elbrus region - were transferred to the Georgian SSR. Orders to rename settlements followed. The village of Janika began to be called Novo-Kamenka, Kashkatau - Soviet, Khasanya - Suburban, Lashkuta - Zarechny, Bylym - Coal.

In places of exile, all special settlers were registered. On a monthly basis, they were required to register at the place of residence in the special commandant's offices and did not have the right to leave the area of ​​​​settlement without the knowledge and sanction of the commandant. Unauthorized absence was considered as an escape and entailed criminal liability. For any violation or disobedience to the commandant, the settlers were subject to administrative penalties or criminal charges.

During the years of exile, the Balkars lost many elements material culture. Traditional buildings and utensils in the places of the new settlement were almost never reproduced. The reduction of traditional sectors of the economy led to the loss of national types of clothing, shoes, hats, jewelry, national cuisine, and modes of transport.

For the majority of Balkar children, it was difficult to get a school education: only one in six of them attended school. Obtaining higher and secondary specialized education was almost impossible.

The first years of the Balkars' stay in Central Asia were complicated by the negative attitude towards them on the part of the local population, which was subjected to ideological indoctrination and saw them as enemies of the Soviet regime.

Since the summer of 1945, demobilized Balkar front-line soldiers began to return from the army. They were ordered to go to the places of exile of their relatives. Arriving there, the front-line soldiers were registered as special settlers.

In November 1948, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On criminal liability for escapes from places of compulsory and permanent settlement of persons evicted to remote areas of the Soviet Union during the period Patriotic War”, the essence of which was that the repressed peoples were deported forever, without the right to return to their ethnic homeland. By the same decree, the special settlement regime was tightened even more. The document provided for unauthorized departure from the places of settlement 20 years of hard labor. In fact, special settlers could move freely only within a radius of 3 km from their place of residence.


The restrictions on the special settlement of the Balkars were lifted on April 18, 1956, but the right to return to their homeland was not granted.

On January 9, 1957, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a Decree "On the transformation of the Kabardian ASSR into the Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR." At the same time, the territories that had ceded to Georgia were returned, their former names were restored; the ban on returning to their former place of residence was also lifted.

On March 28, 1957, the Law of the KBASSR "On the transformation of the Kabardian ASSR into the Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR" was adopted.

The return of the Balkars to their homeland was very intensive: by April 1958, about 22 thousand people had returned. By 1959, about 81% had already returned, by 1970 - more than 86%, and by 1979 - about 90% of all Balkars.

On November 14, 1989, by the Declaration of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, all repressed peoples were rehabilitated, repressive acts against them at the state level were recognized as illegal and criminal in the form of a policy of slander, genocide, forced resettlement, the abolition of national-state formations, the establishment of a regime of terror and violence in places of special settlements.

In 1991, the law of the RSFSR "On the Rehabilitation of Repressed Peoples" was adopted, which defines the rehabilitation of peoples subjected to mass repressions in the USSR as the recognition and exercise of their right to restore the territorial integrity that existed before the forced redrawing of borders.

In 1993, the government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution "On the socio-economic support of the Balkar people."

Name of the event





Republican shares

holiday concert with the participation of the public of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, dedicated to the Day of the Revival of the Balkar people

State Concert Hall

Ministry of Culture of the KBR

Exhibition " Renaissance. Continued life...»

public institution Memorial to the Victims of Political Repressions (1944-1957)»


CBD crops

Opening of a personal exhibition of the Honored Artist of the KBR, laureate of the State Prize of the KBR

Y. Akkizova, dedicated to the Day of Revival of the Balkar people

State institution of culture National Museum CBD"

Ministry of Culture of the KBR,

Union of Artists of the KBR

Opening of the memorial plaque People's Artist RSFSR, People's Artist of the KBASSR M.Sh. Kuchukov

g.o. Nalchik

Ministry of Culture of the KBR, local administration

city ​​of Nalchik

We believed and waited: the day will come and there will be a holiday of rebirth!»

state institution of culture " State National Library KBR them. T.K. Malbakhova»

Ministry of Culture of the KBR

Book-illustrated exhibition-dossier “We remember! »

during March

Kabardino-Balkarian Republican Children's Library named after B. Pachev

Book and Illustrative Exhibition " Balkaria: pain and pride»

Kabardino-Balkarian Republican Youth Library named after K. Mechiev

Republican judo tournament among youths


Day of Balkar culture

assembly hall of MOU secondary school No. 24, Nalchik

State Committee of the KBR for Public and Religious Organizations.

Evening of poetry K. Kuliyev

assembly hall of the Kabardino-Balkarian Trade and Technology College

State Committee of the KBR for Public and Religious Organizations

Carrying out the Republican auto marathon of Friendship of the peoples of the KBR

city ​​of Nalchik,

Baksansky municipal district, Prokhladnensky municipal district, Chereksky municipal district, Chereksky municipal district

Ministry of Youth Affairs of the KBR

Open Championship of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic in Alpine skiing, dedicated to the Day of the Revival of the Balkar people


Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Resorts of the KBR

All-Russian tournament in weightlifting among men, dedicated to the Day of the Revival of the Balkar people


Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Resorts of the KBR

All-Russian boxing tournament class "A", dedicated to the Day of the revival of the Balkar people


Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Resorts of the KBR

Media coverage of events dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Revival of the Balkar people

Issue of special pages in the republican newspapers "Kabardino-Balkarian Pravda", "Adyge Psal'e", "Zaman", "Goryanka", "Soviet Youth" under the heading " Revival Day of the Balkar people»

State Committee of the KBR on the media

g.o. Nalchik

Concert of a variety-brass band, municipal groups amateur performances, festivities

Atazhukinsky garden

Concert of masters of arts of KBR

DK s.Kenzhe

local administration of the city district of Nalchik

Festive concert with the participation of variety performers of the KBR, dedicated to the Day of the Revival of the Balkar people

DK s.Khasanya

local administration of the city district of Nalchik

Concert dedicated to the Day of Revival of the Balkar people

DK village Belaya Rechka

local administration of the city district of Nalchik

g.o. Baksan

Concert program for the Day of Revival of the Balkar people with the participation of creative teams cultural institutions

City House of Culture Square

local administration of Baksan city district

Baksan municipal district

Thematic events dedicated to the Day of the Revival of the Balkar people "On the land close and beloved to me"

during March

House of Culture, Zhanhoteko village

homeland of ancestors»

city ​​branch number 2

local administration of the Baksan municipal district

Cycle book fairs « Tragedy of the Balkar people»

during March

Regional department of the Central Bank

local administration of the Baksan municipal district

Zolsky municipal district

Festive concert " I sing about you, my land!»

village Khabaz

village Kichmalka

Evening of poetry Glorified in verse, my Balkaria!»

library of village Kichmalka

local administration of the Zolsky municipal district

Series of book exhibitions dedicated to the Day of Revival of the Balkar people

City Library

town of Zalukokoazhe

District Libraries

local administration of the Zolsky municipal district

Leskensky municipal district

A series of book exhibitions dedicated to the Day of the Revival of the Balkar people:

« Balkaria - we celebrate you»,

And you'll be back, trust me." " Balkaria - pain and pride»

libraries Erokko, Tashla-Tala, village Ozrek, village Khatuei.

Festive concert dedicated to the Day of Revival of the Balkar people

DK village Tashly-Tala

local administration of the Leskensky municipal district

Literary hour " My Balkaria - from now on, never let the sun of friendship over you go out»

Library of Tashly-Tala village

local administration of the Leskensky municipal district

Maisky municipal district

Festive concert " We are strong in unity and brotherhood!”, dedicated to the Day of Revival of the Balkar people

Novoivanovskiy SDK

Round table dedicated to the Day of Revival of the Balkar people

SDK pos. October

local administration of the Maisky municipal district

Theme evening " Earth, I will touch your stone with my hand».

Art. Alexandrovskaya

local administration of the Maisky municipal district

g.o. Chill

Lecture " Peaceful sky, always shine!”, dedicated to the Day of Revival of the Balkar people

The lesson of the artistic word " Creativity of Kaisyn Kuliev»

local administration of Prokhladny urban district

Lesson-conversation with students on the topic of the Day of the Revival of the Balkar people

local administration of Prokhladny urban district

Conversations with members of club formations about the revival of the Balkar people.

local administration of Prokhladny urban district

Prokhladnensky municipal district

Festive concert dedicated to the Day of Revival of the Balkar people a

cultural institutions of the region

Literary hour " You are my homeland - Caucasus heights!»

CTC st.Soldatskaya

local administration of the Prokhladnensky municipal district

Series of book exhibitions The land we love»

club s.Malakanovskoe

local administration of the Prokhladnensky municipal district

Tersky municipal district

Literary and musical composition " I want to see again the edges of my dreams»

KFOR s.p.N.Balkaria

Memory, call for yourself, in those distant rushing days»

Library s.p.V-Kurp

KFOR s.p.N-Balkaria

local administration of the Tersky municipal district

Urvansky municipal district

Literary and musical composition "The Road Home"

central district library of Nartkaly

Cultural Center

With. Urvan

local administration of the Urvan municipal district

Chegemsky municipal district

Cultural- sports holiday"Earth native past fate"

Literary and musical composition " The land of the fathers is rich in legends»


local administration of the Chegemsky municipal district

Book and Illustrative Exhibition " Past and present of the Balkar people»

District Libraries

local administration of the Chegemsky municipal district

Cherek municipal district

Cultural and sports event

Evening of national dance for youth

RDK Kashkhatau

village of Babugent


village of Bezengi


village of Aushiger

local administration of the Cherek municipal district

Cycle of book and illustrative exhibitions "History of the Balkar people"

Libraries of the Cherek municipal district

local administration of the Cherek municipal district

Elbrus municipal district

District holiday Happy Resurrection Day, Balkaria!»:

Festive concert;

holiday lottery;




« My fatherland, my Balkaria!» - festive events in all villages of the region

in all SDKs

local administration of the Elbrus municipal district

The exposition dedicated to the Day of Revival of the Balkarian region My Balkaria!»

during March

Museum of Local Lore


local administration of the Elbrus municipal district

Literary - musical evening « Small homeland always with me»


local administration of the Elbrus municipal district

Latest news of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic on the topic:
Plan of events dedicated to the Day of Revival of the Balkar people

Plan of events dedicated to the Day of Revival of the Balkar people- Nalchik

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