Statement in kindergarten through the Internet. How to register on the Portal? Who can apply for the service.

In the step-by-step instructions below, we will describe the main stages of the process of enrolling a child in Kindergarten via the Internet on the website of public services.

Please note that in order to queue for kindergarten, you must first register the child at the place of residence. You can also apply for a residence permit for a child on the portal of electronic public services. Use our step by step guide.

Applying for a personal account

Sign in Personal Area portal using the login and password received during registration.

To use electronic public services, you must register on the public services portal. Our step-by-step instructions will help you go through a simple registration process

The “Enrollment in Kindergarten” service can be found on the main page of the updated portal.

The same service can be found in the "Catalog of services"

To enroll in a kindergarten, select the item "Apply"

Select the type of service receipt - "electronic service"

Your personal data

Full name, date of birth, passport and contact details have already been entered in the kindergarten registration form - this is data from the personal account of the public services portal. You just need to indicate the degree of relationship.

Child's personal data

In this paragraph, you indicate the child's data: full name, date of birth, gender of the child, series and number of the birth certificate, SNILS number(if available)

Child registration data

We fill in the address of residence at which the child is registered and the address of the actual place of residence, if they do not match.

Choosing your preferred kindergarten

On the city map, select the desired kindergarten. In case there are no places in the desired kindergarten, you can choose several alternative (preferred) kindergartens.

Enrollment options

Choose academic year from which you plan to send your child to kindergarten, the specifics of the group (general education, health or compensation). Also, when applying, you must indicate the availability of benefits.

Copies of documents for registration of the application

We upload scanned copies of all necessary documents to the section:

  • identity document of parents (legal representatives)
  • a document confirming the right of applicants to represent the interests of the child (in case the applicant is not a parent)
  • child's birth certificate
  • a document confirming the place of residence of the child at the specified address
  • a document confirming the right (benefits) of parents (legal representatives) to an extraordinary or priority provision of a place in a preschool
  • a document confirming the need to enroll in a health-improving group (if necessary)
  • conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission for registration in compensatory groups (if necessary)

We carefully check all the data you provided, give our consent to their processing. After clicking on the "Submit Application" button, the information is sent to the public service portal for data verification.

A few days after your e-application has been reviewed, you will be notified of the successful registration or refusal to apply for electronic queue to a kindergarten through the contact details specified in the personal account of the public services portal. You can put a child in an electronic queue for kindergarten through public services immediately after birth.

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In our country, it is very problematic to place a child in a kindergarten: despite the active protection of children's rights, developers are reluctant to build social infrastructure facilities.

It is for this reason that in the vast majority of cases, mom and dad enroll their still very crumbs in advance in one of the preschool institutions, which is very correct: otherwise, you can simply not wait for yours.

Today in Moscow, due to the huge population, the situation with kindergartens is more complicated than anywhere else. However, it should be noted that the authorities are doing their best to stabilize the situation, including creating several options for enrolling kids in kindergartens.

We will focus on them below.

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Basic ways

In December 2013, a new procedure came into force, according to which citizens have the following ways to place a child in kindergarten:

In the first of the above cases, mom or dad (a legal representative of the child is also allowed) must contact to the District Office information support(OSIP) at the place of residence.

In the second case, the first thing to do is register. It takes no more than a couple of minutes: just fill out a simplified application form and come up with a login with a password.

The method we are considering is suitable in the presence of such criteria, how:

  • permanent or temporary registration in the capital;
  • the child will not reach 7 years of age in the year they are scheduled to start kindergarten.

The main advantages of the portal are completely free provision of services and, of course, saving parents time, which is also important.

You can also get on the waiting list for a kindergarten in Moscow thanks to multifunctional centers provision of services to the population (MFC). Despite the fact that they appeared quite recently, today they are a serious competitor to the portal and other electronic services.

Compared to the Internet, the MFC in the issue under discussion has many undeniable advantages. The main ones include:

  • online registration is not the final stage in the inclusion of a child in the queue: it is also necessary to submit documents, and at this time the electronic fact of the presence of a citizen on the list is often canceled;
  • in addition to enrolling a child in a kindergarten, you can simultaneously use other services - for example, issue a medical policy or a passport for a child.

It is impossible not to note the comfort of modern multifunctional centers for the provision of services to the population (MFC). As a rule, these are spacious, warm and bright rooms, where children can spend time playing exciting games during paperwork.

To enroll a child in kindergarten through the MFC, you will need to prepare the next small package of documents:

  1. Baby's birth certificate.
  2. Passport of one of his parents (or legal representative).
  3. Certificate of permanent or temporary registration in the capital.
  4. If necessary, a document is also required confirming the right to receive an extraordinary place in a kindergarten and a medical report on sending the child to a special group (for example, a wellness group).

Queue check

Putting a child on the waiting list for kindergarten is not the only task of parents in this regard. Equally important is her regular tracking. Despite the fact that at present there are three ways to enroll a child in kindergarten - the portal, the multifunctional public service center (MFC) and the District Information Support Service (OSIP), the process can only be controlled via the Internet.

The fact is that with the creation of an electronic service, MFC specialists, as a rule, refuse to provide this information, referring to the ability of parents to find out everything they need on their own. The competence of persons working in OSIP does not include this at all. Of course, you can try to pay a visit to the district department of education or directly to that preschool, in which the child stood in line. However, it will take a lot of time, and the probability of obtaining the desired result is extremely small.

At the moment, it is not a big deal on the portal. You will need to enter the name of the baby, his date of birth and the details of the birth certificate. You can also simply use the application number that was assigned to him at the time of filing.

When the child can be sent to kindergarten, a corresponding message will be sent to the personal account indicating all the necessary information. After that, it is required to appear in a preschool institution within 20 calendar days. Otherwise, the application and the place of the child in this kindergarten will be cancelled.

How to enroll your child in kindergarten through the public services portal is described in the following video:

What documents do parents need to collect in the queue for kindergarten? This question worries all moms and dads who have kids growing up. It should be noted right away that the documents for kindergarten are different. The first are served to put the child on the waiting list for kindergarten. The second is directly when the baby is admitted to kindergarten.

In order to prepare for a visit to a preschool, parents need to pay a personal visit to several of them in order to decide where it would be better to define their child.

To do this, you need to visit the office of the head with the question of providing such an opportunity. Special attention should be given to the number of picking children in the group, in addition, the comfort and convenience of the rooms themselves, bathrooms, dining room, recreation rooms and playgrounds.

Make sure that the baby will receive timely medical and psychological help. Whenever possible, interact with teachers in person.

Queuing for kindergarten during a personal visit

Step 1. To begin with, parents need to choose at least two or three kindergartens where they would like to send their baby. Such a number of kindergartens is not chosen in vain. After all, choosing only one, there is a high probability not to get into it and simply spend time, and then collect documents again. Therefore, it would be wiser to immediately decide on several kindergartens, and then choose the most suitable one.

Step 2. To register directly for registration (queue) in a kindergarten, you must contact the district commission at the place of residence and submit an application. The child will be entered into the unified computer registry of the database under a certain number. This number will indicate his (her) turn according to which he (a) will enter the kindergarten.

Step 3. A package of documents.

  • a written statement from a parent or guardian;
  • passport of the parent or guardian;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • documents confirming the benefit (if there is a right to priority admission of the child to the kindergarten);
  • medical card in form 26f (may be optional)

Step 4. In exchange for a package of documents, the parent will receive a notification of the child's registration in this kindergarten, which they will subsequently exchange for a ticket to the kindergarten.

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If parents have very little time to make a personal visit to the district commission on the issue of placing the child on the waiting list for kindergarten, then this can be done by e-mail.

Step 1. First you need to find the “Portal of State and Municipal Services” of your city on the Internet and register on the site in your personal account.

Step 2. When registering, indicate your passport details, as well as the last name, first name, patronymic of the child and the number of the birth certificate.

Step 3. Fill out the proposed electronic form an application in which you indicate at least three kindergartens where you would like to join the queue.

Step 4. Learn an individual account number from the electronic journal of future pupils. On the basis of which you will be registered.

Step 5. Within 10 working days, receive a letter to your email address indicating that your application has been accepted and the child's data has been entered into a single electronic register.

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Documents required when accepting a child in a kindergarten group

When it's time to arrange the baby in a preschool, you will have to provide the following papers:

  • passport of the parent or guardian;
  • voucher from the district commission;
  • a personal statement addressed to the head of the kindergarten in the prescribed form;
  • a copy of the baby's birth certificate;
  • a copy of the CHI insurance policy;
  • medical card form 26f;
  • vaccination card form 63u;
  • a certificate in form 95y from a polyclinic at the place of residence that the child is healthy and has no contact with infectious patients (including family members);
  • documents confirming the benefit (if any).

A medical card is started for a child from the first days of life in a polyclinic at the place of residence. It notes the entire history of diseases, as well as the reasons for contacting the clinic. For the kindergarten, a brief extract from it will be required, which can be done by the district doctor upon request.

The vaccination card is started when the child first comes to the city hospital and begins to be vaccinated. When a baby enters kindergarten, parents take an extract from this card and provide it at the place of demand.

Upon admission, they may also request additional documents. You may need a certificate for the pool according to (form 1) which confirms that the child is healthy and does not have infectious and skin diseases, in addition, a doctor's recommendation regarding attending health improvement classes in the pool. This certificate is issued for a period of six months. Then it will need to be replaced with a new one.

Surely every parent, immediately after the birth of their first child, thinks about how and when to become.

What options exist today? Is it possible to record via the Internet, and most importantly - how? What documents may be needed?

Let's consider all these questions in more detail.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Recording Options

In 2017, you can get on the waiting list for kindergarten several ways:

  • with the help of the Multifunctional Center;
  • with the help of the district administration for the acquisition of preschool institutions;
  • via the Internet (using the State Services portal).

If we talk about MFC, then everything is quite simple here - the registration algorithm is as follows:

It is worth noting that every parent must keep this ticket until the enrollment of their child in a preschool institution (kindergarten).

Speaking of queuing through the district office, then the algorithm of actions is the same as when contacting the MFC.

But how can parents get on the waiting list through the State Services portal? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Rules for queuing through the State Services portal

Like any other site on the Internet, the Gosuslug portal can fail. In order to minimize the likelihood of getting into such an awkward situation, the developers of the portal recommend:

Often parents for some reason refuse the application, and then submit it again. In order to avoid a system error, it is recommended to check whether the previous application has been deleted or is being executed.

Such rules for using the portal, including placing a child on a queue for enrollment in a preschool institution, help prevent possible misunderstandings of parents why the system does not allow them to submit a request.

Step-by-step instruction

Many parents do not have time due to employment to go to the MFC and other organizations to register their child in a preschool institution.

In such a situation, there is a way out - to register through the State Services portal.

Setting algorithm for registration with the help of the State Services is as follows:

In the event that the parents do not have a personal account, it is enough just to go short registration process. It is as follows:

  1. Click on "Registration of a personal account".
  2. Provide information about who is registering.
  3. Confirm email.
  4. Wait for data verification.
  5. Log in to your personal account on the State Services Portal.

The registration procedure itself takes no more than 5 minutes, but it can take up to 7 calendar days to verify the data.

Step-by-step staging instructions Registered in kindergarten looks like this:

  1. We go to the personal account of the portal.
  2. Next, you need to select "Enroll in kindergarten."
  3. Then you must specify the personal information of one of the parents.
    It must be remembered that personal information includes indication:
    • full initials (abbreviations are not allowed);
    • dates of birth;
    • passport data;
    • contact phone number;
    • relationship information.
  4. After that, you must specify information about the child himself, namely:
    • initials (full, without any abbreviations are indicated);
    • date of birth;
    • series and number of the birth certificate;
    • gender of the child (in the format “husband” or “wives”).
  5. It is necessary to fill in information about the place of residence (it is necessary to indicate the address where the child himself is registered directly).
  6. From the map embedded on the State Services portal, you should select a preschool institution to which parents wish to send their child. In the event that all the places there are already occupied, you can choose another kindergarten.
  7. At the end, you must indicate the year when the child plans to start attending kindergarten. In the event that parents have any state benefits, this must also be indicated.

It can be noted that this process of filling in information is considered the application itself or, as many say, a questionnaire.

After specifying all the necessary documentation, you must upload the required list of documents.

The advantages of this method

It is safe to say that there many benefits this system:

  • it is possible to send several applications via the Internet to different preschool institutions;
  • lack of influence government agencies to advance the queue (everything is transparent and honest);
  • there is an online option;
  • minimal influence of bureaucratic subtleties.

It must also be remembered that with this method of registration, you do not need to stand in long queues.


Each registration method has its drawbacks.

If we talk about the portal of public services, then minuses are as follows:

  • there is a possibility that the portal will malfunction, which may lead to the fact that it will be necessary to wait for its repair by specialists;
  • the portal works exclusively according to the law, and therefore the queue can be pushed back for the reason that beneficiaries are always allowed to go ahead;
  • if you incorrectly enter information about yourself, the profile may be blocked.

Despite this, the popularity of recording through the State Services portal is high and every year the number of its users is only increasing.

List of documentation

After completing the questionnaire, you must upload scanned copies of all necessary documentation.

Documents must be uploaded in JPEG format.

Myself list of documents includes:

After all documents have been uploaded to the portal, parents should check all the information provided once again and correct errors if necessary. To increase the chances, experts recommend registering with several preschool institutions.

After sending the request and queuing, each parent can further track the progress of the queue.

Possibility to check the queue

Verification algorithm advancing the queue is quite simple and is as follows:

  1. Log in to your portal account.
  2. Go to the Kindergarten Enrollment section.
  3. After that, you need to click on “Check Application”.

After that, it will be possible to find out how the queue has progressed since the application was submitted. It should be noted that this request is duplicated in the email that the owner of the personal account receives.

It is worth noting important information: citizens who live in Sevastopol or can register instead of the State Services portal on the and portals, respectively. The State Services Portal is not available for them in this direction.

How to use the State Services portal to enroll a child in kindergarten is described in the following video:

As soon as a baby is born in the family, parents are concerned about the question: “How to enroll in kindergarten and when should this be done?” In such institutions, children must be accepted throughout the year, so the application should be submitted at the beginning of the year when a visit to the garden is planned. Officially, there are no queues. But many parents face this problem first hand. They have to sign up for a waiting list a few months earlier, and in some cities as soon as the baby is born.

What to do if the garden is not taken?

Some young mothers were faced with the fact that, bringing their grown-up child to a preschool institution, they were refused. Most often it is argued by the lack of space. The manager just shrugged her shoulders and said that she could not help in any way. Many simply leave with nothing. But don't rush. You need to ask her to issue a refusal in writing and indicate the reasons for such a decision. With such a document, you can safely go to court and file a lawsuit against this institution. It's not a secret for anyone that the right to education is written in the Constitution, but you are denied it. Many lawyers are absolutely convinced that such a claim will certainly be satisfied.

Documents for admission to kindergarten

Before enrolling in kindergarten, you need to prepare Required documents. There is a specific list:

Baby's birth certificate;

A certificate confirming that the child is healthy;

Children's medical card.

The child must necessarily get to the clinic for a medical examination by some specialists. You will also need to pass basic tests, such as urine and blood. A certificate of vaccination of the baby is considered mandatory. If this is not available, then you need to provide an official document that describes the refusal to vaccinate. Some specialized preschool institutions require additional documents in order to enroll in the queue for kindergarten. If a child has problems with mental health, then you will need a psychological, medical and pedagogical conclusion. If the baby has problems with the lungs, then a certificate from the tuberculosis dispensary is needed. There are institutions that require a referral from the education department of their district. Those children who have underdeveloped speech must bring a document from the audiologist. In the kindergarten itself, the head will offer to write an application for admission to a children's institution and a questionnaire in which you will need to indicate all the information about your baby. Private organizations also conclude an agreement that clearly spells out the responsibilities of both parties.

What about perks?

All state institutions have certain conditions for preferential categories citizens. Therefore, before enrolling in a queue for a kindergarten, you need to find out if you are one of them. Such persons include:

  • children who have one parent;
  • children whose mothers are studying;
  • children whose parents are disabled groups I and II;
  • children who are under guardianship;
  • orphans;
  • children whose parents are military personnel;
  • twin children.

Online recording

Today, progress does not stand still. For those who do not know where to enroll in kindergarten, the issue has already been resolved. The Internet comes to the rescue. So you can solve many problems associated with endless trips to authorities. It is enough to submit an electronic application, and you will be included in this list. Now you do not need to carry the baby with you and stand with him these endless lines. But this system is not yet perfect in our country, you still have to stand in a real queue for some time in order to find out your place in the virtual one. But recently, enrolling in a kindergarten in Moscow in this way has become a little easier.

Now there is a portal that allows you to perform all procedures completely officially. And in practice, indeed, everything goes quite well. But, of course, it is not without problems. Now, before enrolling in a kindergarten, you can queue up at several institutions at once. The main thing is that they should be in the same administrative district. You can also enroll in such an institution a baby who does not have a Moscow residence permit. You can track your place in the queue online. But the disadvantage of the system is the lack of notification that it's time to go to the garden. Many, having learned how to enroll in kindergarten, do not know what documents to prepare and when to submit them. Therefore, there is a lot of chance to miss your chance and not get into a preschool on time. However, it should be noted that such an experience is quite successful and acceptable to a large number of citizens. An electronic record has become a salvation for many mothers who have no one to leave their little fidget with in order to enroll him in kindergarten.