Christina Asmus, Laysan Utyasheva and other wives of Comedy Club residents. Semyon Slepakov needed psychological help Slepakov's secret wedding

Semyon Slepakov is an interesting, charismatic singer and TV producer who has already achieved great heights that make fans follow the life of a celebrity with interest. It is hard to believe that Slepakov did not particularly like music as a child, and only in high school did he somewhat change his vision, because at some point he woke up a craving to create for the sake of musical art.

So, at some point, he realized that he wanted to work on himself in order to achieve something in life. True, he did not yet know what many people would like. Let's take a closer look at who Semyon Slepakov is, what he did and how he came to become a singer and producer. After all, every celebrity started in their own way, so what was the path of this charming guy?

Height, weight, age. How old is Semyon Slepakov

Height, weight, age. How old is Semyon Slepakov - this is something that has always been interesting for fans famous singer and TV producer. He looks pretty good, besides, it is clear that he takes care of himself more or less, in order to always be in shape. If you answer the questions clearly, then today he is 38 years old, his height is 197 centimeters, and his weight is 90 kilograms. That is, in all respects, he is a prominent guy, as you can see just by looking at him. Now let's take a closer look at exactly how the guy came to success, and how it all began, before thousands of viewers found out about Semyon.

Biography and personal life of Semyon Slepakov

The biography and personal life of Semyon Slepakov definitely deserves attention, because he managed to conquer the stage, win the recognition of many viewers. His charming smile, positive attitude allowed him to stand out favorably among other artists, not to mention ordinary people. A guy was born in a family of professors who were quite far from creative activity. As a child, he was taken to music school, where he began to play the piano, but the boy did not really like this instrument.

Everything changed a little after the boy took an electric guitar in his hand, because for him it was more interesting. In addition, his father helped him, after asking him good direction, because he put on the records of the Beatles and similar groups. It should also be noted that the boy always liked to watch KVN, so he simply decided to take an example from the most popular teams, and created his own at school. By the way, this passion of his continued after school and university, gradually turned into earnings. Spectators eagerly watched how cheerful and resourceful guys showed their numbers, amused others, cheered up.

After some time, Semyon Slepakov, together with his friends, moved to Moscow. And although then the time was not the best, not stable, all the same, the guys had enough money, because they gave a lot of concerts. This further strengthened Semyon's opinion that there was no point in returning to his small hometown, because there was already nothing to do there. After some time, Slepakov began to take part in the Comedy Club, where he staged his own numbers. And this brought new achievements for him, because he not only put on numbers, but also wrote songs for his team. Around the same time, Slepakov enters the stage with his songs, which he began to write in his youth. He tries to ensure that every song he writes for any purpose is relevant to our time. He treats each song written very responsibly, carefully making sure that the result is interesting and in demand.

Every time before going on stage, the guy is very worried, because for him this is a whole event. And if he performs badly, it will not be funny or there are some gaps, he always blames only himself, because he believes that he can always perform better. To date, he is still in demand on stage, writes songs, performs them himself, performs humorous numbers. As for his personal life, not so long ago, Semyon got married, but nothing is known about his wife, because she is not a public person. It is only known that the woman's name is Karina, and she works as a lawyer. It was found that she conquered the famous guy, but she herself is not going to change anything in her life, so it is unlikely that fans will know more about her. The wedding took place this year in Italy.

Among Slepakov's hobbies, one must also add, there is the fact that he collects electric guitars. Since this hobby is not very cheap, he cannot collect them in dozens. He already has eight guitars that are different different characteristics, design, in a word, everything you need for a good and high-quality instrument. For a singer, his hobby has always played great importance, if only because from his youth he preferred this particular instrument to any other. Now he can afford such an expensive hobby. However, it's not about money, because this kind of hobby is really very important for a celebrity.

Family and children of Semyon Slepakov

A lot of fans are trying to find out more about such a moment as the family and children of Semyon Slepakov. But not much is known about this, because he himself does not really like to talk about his personal life. Nevertheless, we learned something about this, that is, Semyon got married not so long ago. His chosen one was a woman who is not involved in the world of show business and she does not want to change anything in this regard. Slepakov's wife's name is Karina, she works as a lawyer, and is now building a family nest with her husband. The couple does not have children yet, but this does not mean that this should not be expected in the future. Most likely, they are already planning heirs, but so far they have not made their desires public.

Wife of Semyon Slepakov - Karina Slepakov

The wife of Semyon Slepakov, Karina Slepakov, became his wife not so long ago. Semyon was not too fond of talking about his personal life, so it's hard to say how he met her and how many met. What was between them, they preferred not to make public. All that can be said about the chosen woman of Slepakov is that her name is Karina, she works as a lawyer. Or, at least, has such an education. They got married this year, the wedding took place in Italy, where only the closest relatives and friends gathered. Today they live happily together, most likely soon Karina will become a mother. So fans, perhaps, will soon be able to read about the birth of Slepakov's heirs.

Wikipedia Semyon Slepakov

Since Slepakov is a fairly public figure, it is not surprising that it is not difficult to find him on the Internet. You just need to go to the site that is dedicated specifically to Semyon or generally famous personalities. One of such convenient sources is his personal Wikipedia page (,_Semyon_Sergeevich). There are collected Interesting Facts about his life, personal and creative, some interesting moments that will be significant for fans. There are also social networks. where the singer uploads photos, shares his plans for the future, and in general, is always ready to chat with his fans. Although at the same time he does not have a page on Instagram, it does not matter. Wikipedia Semyon Slepakov is always at the service of those who wish to know more about their favorite hero.

Many celebrities try not to advertise events in their personal lives, as they believe that at least something in it should remain truly personal and inviolable. So did Semyon Slepakov, marrying secretly from annoying sensation seekers.

Who is she - Semyon Slepakov's wife?

Known throughout the country and far beyond its borders, the comedian Semyon Slepakov, at the age of 33, decided to “settle down and get married.” The chosen one of the famous native of Pyatigorsk was a girl named Karina, who is a lawyer by profession. The girl has nothing to do with show business, although not so long ago there were rumors that the actress would become Semyon's wife. Actually, the name and occupation is all that is known about Slepakov's newly made wife. However, good friend The Slepakov family says that this couple is simply incredibly in love. Young people began to experience such deep feelings almost at first sight. It immediately became clear to everyone around that Semyon and Karina were simply made for each other, no matter how trite it may sound. Despite her young age, Slepakov's wife preaches real right values ​​- she believes that the most important thing in life is family and future children. This position is very useful, because Semyon this moment is a fairly eminent producer, who has almost every minute scheduled. Now the screenwriter of numerous comedy shows finally think about more important things.

Semyon Slepakov decided to hold the celebration on the occasion of the wedding in Italy. Only the closest and dearest couples were invited to the holiday, fortunately, no paparazzi reached this significant event in Slepakov's life. Such secrecy may not be to someone's taste, but the young Slepakov family spent at least a few days away from the ostentatious hype and fame, which sometimes simply no one needs.

A real actor and showman in life, screenwriter of numerous shows, as well as producer of the famous TV series "Interns" finally found happiness. According to his friends, Karina is not just a fleeting passion, she is the second half of Semyon, whom he intends to protect and protect from all troubles. We also wish happiness to this couple, let no retellings of fame let them forget about the present, which is worth holding on to in life.

2012, . All rights reserved.

Semyon Slepakov is one of the most famous KVN players of all time. He worked on several youth series, writing scripts for them. The artist was involved in writing the script for concerts going to new year's eve on the first television channel.

Music plays an important role in a young person's life from a young age. He writes on topical issues. Recently, Slepakov again delighted a large army of fans by writing songs on the topic of anti-Russian sanctions and the Soldsbury investigation.

For a long time, no information could be found about the comedian's personal life. In 2012, he got married, but so far there are no children in the family.

Height, weight, age. How old is Semyon Slepakov

Since the beginning of the 2000s of the last century, the famous Pyatigorsk team has appeared. Her captain immediately attracted the attention of numerous fans of the KVN game. He did not have an attractive appearance, but the number of admirers of the guy's talent grew at a rapid pace. Soon, fans knew what the young comedian's height, weight, age was. How old is Semyon Slepakov - interest Ask. The artist looks his age. He celebrated his next birthday with a concert at the Comedy Club.

The famous kvnschik laughs at his age. He says he is a man in his prime. In this regard, the guy agrees with famous hero books by Astrid Lindgren - Carlson. Semyon Slepakov repeatedly stated that what is in the soul is important. You can feel like a tired old man even in your youth, while other people in old age feel spring in their souls.

Semyon Slepakov, whose photo in his youth and now is no different, is tall. He is one of the highest comedians on the national stage. With a height of 197 cm, a man weighs 90 kg.

From childhood, sports have occupied a large place in the life of an artist. He rode a bicycle, mastered roller skates. The only thing the comedian doesn't like is running. According to him, this physical exercise wears him out.

Biography and personal life of Semyon Slepakov

The biography and personal life of Semyon Slepakov from a young age was associated with humor. Thanks to this quality popular artist won the hearts of a large audience. He has a positive attitude, a charming smile and good attitude to every person. Every year the number of admirers of the talent of this humorist only increases significantly.

Our hero was born in the city of Pyatigorsk. He still loves to come here and wander through its wide and beautiful streets. Father - Slepakov Sergey Semyonovich and mother - Slepakova Marina Borisovna were engaged in scientific activity, working in various Pyatigorsk higher educational institutions.

From a young age, the boy had a good sense of humor. He has always been the soul of the company. From the age of 6, Senya, as his parents called him, began to go to a music school. He was good ear for music what his teachers said. Slepakov himself loved music. But many hours of playing the piano, when he needed to hone his skills, weighed heavily on the guy. Much more he liked to play the guitar. He taught himself the chords and every day for several hours honed his skills.

With adolescence the future humorist became a real Beatleman. He listened with great attention to the songs of the Beatles, then tried to repeat the sounded melodies on the guitar, while he sang in the purest English language although he did not know him. AT student years Slepakov learned English from a self-instruction manual.

The boy did well at school. He was one of the best students in the class. Simon loved reading. He especially liked romantic works. Slepakov fell in love with the poems of Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky, Sergei Yesenin, Alexander Blok. At school events, the guy read the works of these authors, invariably breaking the applause. Teachers advised the young man to go to enter Theatre Institute to the capital, but the career of an artist in those days did not attract our hero at all.

From a young age, Semyon learned to speak French. He, according to teachers, spoke in such a way that it was difficult to distinguish between the speech of a native French speaker and the youngest person. On the advice of parents, the future famous humorist becomes a student at the State University in his native Pyatigorsk, where he hones his French language skills.

In his student years, the young man began to play the KVN game. Since the beginning of the 2000s, he has been playing in the highest KVN league. His team was called the Pyatigorsk Team. The audience fell in love with Semyon, as well as other members of the team. Numerous fans of humor began to actively follow his work. The captain of the team performed songs with a guitar, which immediately went to the people and were sung by the audience. In 2004, Semyon Slepakov led his team to victory. She became a champion. Then they managed to win the summer cup and one of the Voting Kevin prizes in 2005. From the same year, the artist settled in the Russian capital.

Despite a great sense of humor, the Kvnov star managed to become a candidate of economic sciences in 2003.

In early 2006, Semyon wrote the script for the famous comedy film Our Russia. Its co-authors were: Comedy Club resident Garik Martirosyan and producer of the TNT television channel Alexander Dulerain. They were based on a popular television program in the UK called "Little Britain".

At the same time, the star of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, is working on various television projects that aired on Channel One Russian Federation. Among the most popular programs that came out with the participation of Slepakov can be called "Spring with Ivan Urgant", and he also repeatedly wrote scripts holiday concert on New Year's Eve on the main channel of the country.

Since the beginning of 2008, the humorist has been working on the youth film “Univer” and “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny. In 2010, the artist began to produce the television series Interns. At the same time, he begins to constantly perform in a television project, which airs on TNT, the Comedy Club. The participants are constantly judged by a man in the Comedy Battle, which also goes to TNT. He is honest, not bribed, truthful.

The famous KVN member worked on various projects. With his participation, youth films “Univer. New hostel”, “SashaTanya” and many others. The comedian is currently working on a new project. So far, the details of this work have not been disclosed. The film is slated for release in early 2020. Slepakov said only that the film would be a discovery for young people and older people. He advises by all means to look it.

Our hero is fond of collecting. He is the owner of 11 electric guitars, which differ in design, appearance and colors. Semyon can play any such instrument. But the artist does not trust the guitar to others, as he is afraid to break it.

The artist's songs are topical. In 2016, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev gave a speech to retirees advising them to hold on. Slepakov performed a song full of humor on this topic. Then a composition was performed on the topic of the day, caused by another statement by Medvedev. He humorously beat the phrase: "There is no money, but you hold on."

Recently, on the Internet, one could see the artist's new author's compositions on the topic of the poisoning in Saltsbury and anti-Russian sanctions. The songs are of constant interest.

Since 2016, Semyon has been judging teams in the KVN game. He is uncompromising and honest.

For a long time no one knew about Slepakov's personal life. He carefully guarded this side of his life. But in 2012, the star of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club himself proudly announced his marriage. His wife was a girl named Karina.

Family and children of Semyon Slepakov

Family and Children Semyon Slepakov- these are the topics that the humorist himself carefully manages in his numerous interviews. The man got married in 2012. The wedding ceremony took place on the Mediterranean Sea, in one of the Italian cities. The ceremony was attended by the closest friends of the bride and groom. So far, there are no children in the comedian's family, but he himself hopes that this will happen in the near future.

In 2015, our today's hero became the godfather. He baptized the son of one of his many friends. Semyon often comes to visit him, brings gifts.

There is little information about the man's parents. Semyon tries to hide all information about them in order to ensure their peace. Parents live in Slepakov's native city of Pyatigorsk.

Dad received an economic education. In 1994 he defended his doctoral dissertation. Sergei Semyonovich works at the Pyatigorsk Federal University. For several years, the man was in charge of the department of economic sciences.

Mom is a philologist. She works in Pyatigorsk state university. The woman is engaged in French philology and intercultural communication.

The man also calls his many friends his family. He is especially friendly with Mikhail Galustyan, Garik Martirosyan and Sergey Svetlakov.

Wife of Semyon Slepakov - Karina Slepakov

Recently, on the Kultura channel, Semyon Slepakov revealed some details of his life. He said that the acquaintance with his future wife was accidental. The girl stumbled and fell. Our hero came up and helped her up. It turned out that she had never watched KVN games with his participation, so she absolutely did not recognize him. Simon liked it. He began to communicate with Karina. After some time, the artist told everything about himself and confessed his love. It turned out that the feelings were mutual.

In 2012, a beautiful and touching wedding ceremony took place in one of the most beautiful Italian places. Then the lovers enjoyed each other's company for several weeks, swam in the Mediterranean Sea and basked under the rays of the gentle sun.

The wife of Semyon Slepakov, Karina Slepakov, works in one of the law firms in the capital.

Lovers often come together to KVN games. The girl tries to avoid the attention of others, and she often succeeds.

Wikipedia Semyon Slepakov

The artist does not have an Instagram page. He says he does it on purpose. In this social network many domestic and world pop stars are registered, but the KVN worker refuses to consider himself an outstanding person. He says that, like many residents of the Russian Federation, he is only striving for this so far.

Wikipedia Semyon Slepakov allows you to learn more about the life of a man, starting from adolescence. This is done by the artist himself. He tries not to reveal any information about childhood. But it tells in detail about the projects that the Russians were able to see. On the page you can find out what Semyon Slepakov is interested in besides playing KVN and music. On Wikipedia, you can also learn a little about the artist's parents and wife.

Childhood and family of Semyon Slepakov

The boy was born in southern Pyatigorsk in a family of professors. His parents enrolled him in a music school. He did not like to play the piano. Already in high school, everything changed a little when Semyon picked up the guitar and began to learn to play. His father set him in the right direction, setting his son the Beatles, Vysotsky, the Rolling Stones, Okudzhava.

The boy always liked to watch KVN on TV. At school, the guys created their own team and started playing. He started writing songs while still at school. These were good and good works.

Semyon's sense of humor is probably hereditary. It is known that his second cousin is a screenwriter of many well-known domestic comedies, including the comedies of Leonid Gaidai.

At school, the play "The Canterville Ghost" was once staged. main role played by Semyon, who was engaged in a theater circle. He walked around the stage in a white sheet.

According to Slepakov, school program walked past him, because being a schoolboy, everything free time he spent in the yard with the guys or played football. After school, the young man entered the Pyatigorsk Linguistic University and studied at two faculties at once. At the end of the university, he received two red diplomas - in economics and French.

Semyon's grandfather was a prominent economist. It was he who insisted that the grandson defend his candidate. And Slepakov defended, becoming a candidate of economic sciences.

He really enjoyed learning French and speaking it. Monthly practice took place in France, in the province of Auvergne. At that time, he even wanted to stay in this country to work, got a job there in graduate school, and planned to write a dissertation. But soon KVN appeared in his life.

Semyon Slepakov in KVN

After university, getting a job in Pyatigorsk was not an easy task, and Semyon decided to take up KVN, especially since he always liked it very much. Even in his student years, he began to play, and by the end of the university the team was already in major league.

He was the captain of the Pyatigorsk National Team for six years, starting in 2000. In 2004, the team became the leader in the Major League.

Moving Semyon Slepakov to Moscow

Garik Martirosyan offered Semyon to move to Moscow from his native Pyatigorsk. Garik is his friend and a very important person for him, with whom Slepakov always consults. Martirosyan suggested that Semyon create a conglomerate of authors and monopolize authorship in KVN. This conglomerate included Garik and Semyon, as well as Sergey Ershov, Javid Kurbanov and Sergey Svetlakov.

KVN Team Pyatigorsk - Father and son decorate the Christmas tree. Semyon Slepakov

All the guys moved to Moscow. It was a rather unstable time, but they had money to live on, since at that time they gave a lot of concerts. There was nothing to do in Pyatigorsk, so Slepakov willingly agreed to move.

Semyon Slepakov at the Comedy Club

Everything changed a lot when the guys started working on the creation of the project " comedy club". This was six months after Slepakov's move. The work was interesting and enjoyable. Created by friends new format on TV. The first broadcast took place in 2005. From season to season, the format changes as it becomes outdated and the program needs to be updated.

Slepakov took part in the creation of many popular comedy shows that were and are broadcast on television. Another notable and beloved project was Our Russia. Several seasons have already been released, where some heroes change from time to time.

Semyon was one of the producers and screenwriters of the comedy film Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny ”, he also produced Univer, Interns and other youth television series.

Since 2010, he has been a resident of Comedy Club. Then Semyon came up with "Laughter without rules", which is a completely new format.

Songs by Semyon Slepakov

Slepakov takes the stage with his songs. He writes about what today is up to date. Most of his famous songs- “The ass is growing”, “Liver”, “Gazprom”, “Every Friday I'm in the shit”, etc. Every time before going on stage, he gets worried. Most of all, Semyon is afraid that he will forget the text. If the performance is not very funny, he always blames only himself.

Semyon has two of his own music albums, one of them was released in 2005, and the second (non-commercial) was released in 2012.

Semyon Slepakov: Every Friday I'm in the shit

One of Slepakov's latest released projects is the KhB show. In this case, he is both the author and the producer.

At the Nika ceremony, Semyon sang a song about Russian cinema. Julius Gusman asked him to write and perform such a song. It was very exciting to perform, as there were a lot of “bison” and “mastodons” of Russian cinema, as Semyon put it, in the hall.

Semyon Slepakov's personal life

Simon recently got married. His wife is a non-public person and is not going to change anything. The girl does not give interviews. According to friends, from the first meeting, young people fell in love with each other. Semyon always said that he was looking for a girl who was far from show business. His wife's name is Karina, she is a lawyer by profession. The wedding took place in Italy in the fall of 2012.

Slepakov began to collect a collection of guitars. Today he has eight instruments. According to him, I always wanted to have different guitars, when the opportunity arose, I immediately bought several.

Semyon Slepakov is a popular comedian, an indispensable resident of the Comedy Club, a successful producer, a wonderful screenwriter, and an excellent author of exclusive ironic songs. It is about people like Semyon that they say: talented person talented in everything. Manager - a linguist who is fluent in French, a candidate of economic sciences - all this is one and the same creative person.

Thanks to the creative potential splashing out of Slepakov, fans do not suffer from a shortage of new projects. The constantly filmed series "Interns", "Univer", "Sasha-Tanya" delight their viewers with the help of the works of Semyon Slepakov. Despite the workload and diligence, Semyon still finds time not only for personal growth but also to create a strong family.

The secret wedding of the Slepakovs

In 2012, he secretly married a young girl who, as Semyon dreamed, has nothing to do with the show - popularity has nothing to do with it. The wedding ceremony took place in Italy and had a limited number of guests, among whom were only relatives and true friends.

Karina Slepakova is a lawyer by education. The girl is very responsible, with clear and stable views on family life. Possessing absolute indifference to fame, Karina always refuses to be interviewed. But Semyon sometimes lifts the veil family life. Yes, and Slepakov's friends sometimes express favorable opinions about happy family. Fans know that Karina has no plans to compete with her husband. She feels comfortable in the role of a wife and gladly supports all the undertakings of Semyon.

Family idyll

Love between young people arose at first sight. Despite the ten-year age difference, Semyon is older than Karina, the man values ​​\u200b\u200bthe opinion of his wife and listens to her advice. At the expiration of three years of age families Semyon and Karina are still kind to each other. Romanticism does not leave their relationship either during the work schedule or during the holidays.

Constant calls, SMS - correspondence and remote surprises - a common thing for spouses in love during the working day. The guys try to spend their leisure time together, and there is always tenderness and warmth in it. Both young people are married for the first time and express the hope that this will be their only great love. Karina Slepakova is mentally ready to give birth to Semyon's children and is looking forward to this moment.