Literary competition Golden Knight. IX International Slavic Literary Forum "Golden Knight"

Photo from the press conference - Alena CHICHIGINA / KP-Irkutsk

Irkutsk hosted the VIII International Slavic literary forum"Golden Knight". This year it was dedicated to Valentin Rasputin, the author of such famous works as "French Lessons", "Deadline", "Farewell to Matera". The prose writer was the first chairman of the literary forum, but for the first time the event takes place in his homeland after the death of Rasputin, in the year of the 80th anniversary.

Our forum is literary competition, and film screenings, and master classes for young authors, performances and creative meetings, - lists the president of the VIII International Slavic Literary Forum "Golden Knight", co-chairman Public Chamber Union State of Russia-Belarus Nikolai Burlyaev. - Of course, within the framework of our grandiose, I'm not afraid of this word, event, we awarded outstanding writers from two different generations.

In the hall of the Irkutsk drama theater 27 writers from different countries world - Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Serbia and others. Two of them - famous writers Zakhar Prilepin and Viktor Potanin - were awarded the highest award of the forum - the gold medal to them. A.S. Pushkin.

The Soyuzny Veche correspondent asked several questions to the laureates.

Victor Potanin: "One must live and work to the end - this is the motto of the old writer"

On August 14, Viktor Fedorovich Potanin turned 80 years old. Age, of course, is no longer the one to constantly travel around the country, but still he did not refuse a trip to Irkutsk. For him, this is a landmark city. Viktor Potanin was closely acquainted with Valentin Rasputin, they came to visit each other, corresponded.

Photo Potanin - Sergey Serzhantov / KP-Irkutsk

Rasputin had an unusual attitude towards Baikal, I will tell you one indicative case, - the writer recalls. - Somehow Valya decided to gather close friends on the island of Olkhon, to spend literary readings. He called Vladimir Krupin, Viktor Likhonosov, Stanislav Kunyaev, Vasily Belov and me. We sailed on a steamboat, enjoyed nature. I write down something all the time, I don’t part with a notebook and a pen, only I write not with a ballpoint pen, but with a fountain pen. And now the ink is gone. I leaned over the side, began to shake the pen over the water. Suddenly, I felt someone push me from behind. It was Valya who came up: “Come on, stop it, you will offend them!” and pointed down with his hand, as if at the bottom of a lake. And I take it and ask again: “Who are they?”. Valya became thoughtful, and did not speak all the way to the island. Only a day later he thawed and said that he treats Baikal very respectfully, asks others to treat him the same way.

How did you meet? You come from the Kurgan region, Valentin Grigoryevich is a Siberian, where did your paths cross?

In the seventies in Moscow. I studied at literary courses, lived in a hostel, was a neighbor of the playwright Alexander Vampilov. The people of Irkutsk came to spend the night with him, including Rasputin. We ran into him by chance in the kitchen, got to talking. From that very ordinary meeting, our long-term friendship began. I still keep Valya's letters, we discussed each other's works, shared our thoughts about Russia and what is happening in the world right now. Also in my archives dear to my heart correspondence with writers from Belarus: Vasil Zuyenko, Anatol Vertinsky and Ivan Chigrinov. I think that in the future they will be useful for biographical publications.

In such respectable age you continue to travel around the country, spend literary evenings where does strength come from?

I am always accompanied by a beloved woman - my wife Lyudmila Aleksandrovna. We have a very warm relationship, we have lived together for more than half a century, we understand each other perfectly. She is a diary of my memory, my source of inspiration, my assistant and chief critic.

Viktor Fedorovich, what would you wish young authors? We know that for more than twenty years you have been the head of the literary studio at Kurgan state university and work with students.

My task is to instill a love of literature. No Internet will affect the love of the book, I believe that there will be a return to the true word. I wish young children to find themselves, to love literature. Do not write a lot, so as not to become a graphomaniac. There are a few drops left in my vessel called life, I say this not because I am a pessimist and gloomy judgement, I just understand that this is true. I would like to dedicate the droplets at the bottom of this vessel to the most important thing - literature. One must live and work to the end - this is the motto of the old writer.

Help "SV"

Viktor POTANIN was born on August 14, 1937 in the village of Utyatsky, Pritobolny district (now Kurgan region) into a family of teachers. Member of the Supreme Coordinating Council under the Union of Writers of Russia, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR, laureate of prestigious literary awards, honorary citizen of the Kurgan region. In total, he published more than 30 books with a circulation of seven million copies. His Short Novels and Stories have been translated into all major European languages. The story "On the Other Side" is included in the five-volume edition of the best literary works our compatriots of the last century, and the story "Heraclius" is included in the "Anthology of Russian Literature", published in France. According to his story "White Apple Trees", the film "Live Cut" was shot, leading role in which he played National artist Belarus Vladimir Gostyukhin.

20:04 — REGNUM On May 31, 2017, the winners of the Golden Knight International Film Forum were announced. International jury in the nomination " Animated films» represented by the chairman of the jury Jovan Markovich (Serbia), Ivan Ivanov (Bulgaria) and Vladimir Zaitsev (Russia) summed up the results of the competition.

Lyudmila Lis © IA REGNUM

"How the seers quarreled", director Anna Kharlampieva (Bulgaria).

"Fliposcope", director Krunoslav Jovic (Serbia).

Prize "Golden Knight" - the film "And here comes the air elephant", director Alexey Galkin (Russia).

International Film Festival diplomas awarded to cartoons "The hedgehog that isn't a hedgehog at all", director Alexei Ignatov (Russia), "Two trams", director Svetlana Andriyanova (Russia), "Marc Chagall. Start", director Elena Petkevich (Belarus).

In the Films for Children nomination, the awards are distributed as follows:

The Bronze Knight Prize went to the painting "Bach in Brazil" director Ansgar Ahlers (Brazil-Germany);

Prize "Silver Knight" - the film "A big dream"

Prize "Golden Knight" - motion picture « gold fish» directed by Alexander Galibin (Russia).

IFF diplomas were awarded to:

  • Ayush Patak, Swaru Kammbl for their roles in the film "A big dream" director Mehran Amrohi (India);
  • screenwriter and director Mikhail Androsov (Russia) for an unusual twist in the plot of the film "Ghost";
  • Ivan Makarov for the best cinematography in a film directed by Maxim Demchenko "Hooray! Holidays!"(Russia).

It should be noted that the jury in the nomination "Films for Children" consisted entirely of schoolchildren from Sevastopol. The chairman of the jury was a student of the 8th grade Alexandra Stanovikhina.

Lyudmila Lis © IA REGNUM

The jury members in the nomination "Documentary Short Films" represented by the chairman Sergei Katier (Belarus), Sergei Makhovikov (Russia), Dima Dimova from Bulgaria and Sveta Strakhinich from Serbia announced the winners of the "Golden Knight". They turned out to be:

  • director Natalya Kononeko from Russia, who received a diploma "For a vivid and emotional story about creative personalities who have remained faithful to their vocation" in the film "Consonance";
  • director Igor Solovyov (Russia) - "For the professional embodiment of the theme, the preservation of the historical memory of the heroism of the people in the Great Patriotic war" in film "Gone to Immortality";
  • director Anna Samoilova - "For the artistic embodiment of the image of a person who creates an atmosphere of co-creation around him" in the film "Report from Paradise";
  • screenwriter Olga Markova "for a heartfelt story about the fate of a man who devoted his life entirely to high art" for the screenplay for the film "Vocation of an Actress" dir. Valentina Fidanova-Kolarova (Bulgaria);
  • Diploma "For creating an amazingly positive image of heroes who are not broken by life circumstances" was also awarded to the film "Champion and Ballerina" dir. Ekaterina Timoshchenko (Russia);
  • Diploma "For the highly artistic embodiment of the theme of preserving the historical memory of the people" - to the film "Keepers" dir. Milyan Gogich (Serbia);
  • Diploma "For the disclosure of the most pressing topic of modern times" was awarded to the film "On the Edge of Reason" dir. Milan Mayar. (Republic of Serbia).

A special prize from the Sevastopol deanery was awarded to the film "Sister Joanna" dir. Anastasia Kuzhovnik from Belarus.

Chairman of the jury in the nomination of feature films documentaries Olga Markova (Bulgaria) announced the winners in this category.

The Bronze Knight Prize went to the film "Balkan Tales" dir. Mikhaila Melteva (Bulgaria) - "For the geopolitical approach to tragic theme establishment of peace in the Balkans.

Prize "Silver Knight" - the film "One wish" dir. Vitaly Dubinina (Russia). - "For the original author's concept of social problems and humanistic life-affirming worldview."

The Golden Knight Prize was awarded to the film Fast and Furious. Return", dir. Natalya Gugueva (Russia) - "For an objective creative look at the dramatic events of modern history."

Lyudmila Lis © IA REGNUM

In the feature films nomination, special diplomas were given to:

  • Diploma "For the best home female role» got Monica Bellucci movie « By milky way» , directed by Emir Kusturica);
  • diploma "For the best male lead" went to Vladimir Gostyukhin for the film "Autumn Kiss", director Andrey Golubev;
  • Diploma "For Best Supporting Actress" was awarded to young Polina Gukhman for the film "Ivan" directed by Alena Davydova.

The Golden Knight Prize was awarded to the film "On the Milky Way", director Emir Kusturica (Serbia - Great Britain - USA).

The Silver Knight Prize was awarded to the film "I, Danielle Blake", directed by Ken Loach (Great Britain-France-Belgium).

“Bronze Knights were awarded in this nomination at once two: the film "Time of the First" director Dmitry Kiselev "Russia" and the film "Prosecutor, defender, father and his son" Iglika Trifonova (Bulgaria - the Netherlands - Sweden).

Special Jury Diploma Andrei Tarkovsky for elegant cinematography went to the film "Tali and Toli", director Alexander Amirov (Russia).

Sinisa Kovacevic (Serbia) was the chairman of the jury in the Feature Films nomination; the jury members were Mikhail Golubovich (People's Artist of Ukraine) and Margaret Nikolov (Bulgaria).

Quote from the movie "Along the Milky Way". directed by Emir Kusturica. 2016. Serbia, UK, USA

In the nomination "Student and debut films" awards were received by:

The Bronze Knight Prize was awarded to the film "Deserts" directed by Tsvetan Dragnev (Bulgaria).

The Silver Knight Prize was awarded to the film "Happiness is not far away", director Natalya Savras (Russia).

The Golden Knight Prize was awarded to the film "Blank sheet", directed by Aina Meredova (Russia).

The chairman of the jury of the nomination is Tatyana Karpova (Russia), members of the jury Vladimir Gostyukhin (Belarus), Venelin Gramadsky (Bulgaria) and Hadzhi-Alexander Dzhurovich (Serbia).

About the event

From October 15 to October 18, 2018, the final stage of the IX International Slavic Literary Forum "Golden Knight" will be held in Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory, which is held by the Government of the Stavropol Territory, the Administration of the city of Pyatigorsk, the International Forum "Golden Knight", with the support of federal agency for printing and mass communications(Rospechat), Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Eco-City LLC, with the participation of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, Union of Writers of Russia, State Literary Institute them. A.M. Gorky.

The purpose of the forum is to unite writers who are guided in their work by the motto "For moral ideals, for the elevation of the human soul."

The honorary trustees of the Golden Knight Slavic Art Forum and the Golden Knight International Slavic Literary Forum are His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and the Chairman of the Russian Cultural Foundation, the Union of Cinematographers of Russia - People's Artist of Russia Nikita Sergeevich MIKHALKOV.

President of the IX International Slavic Literary Forum "Golden Knight" and Chairman of the Organizing Committee - President of the Slavic Forum of Arts "Golden Knight", Co-Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Union State, First Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Director of the Institute of Culture of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia, member of the Patriarchal Council for culture, writer, laureate of the Gorky literary prize, People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Petrovich Burlyaev.

Honorary Chairman of the IX International Slavic Literary Forum "Golden Knight" - Co-Chairman of the Board of the Writers' Union of Russia, the first laureate of the Patriarchal Prize in Literature Vladimir Nikolaevich KRUPIN.

The creative competition of the Literary Forum is held in two stages. This year, the selection of works for participation in the competition was carried out in seven categories: prose, poetry, journalism, literature for children and youth, literature on the history of the Slavic peoples, works on Slavic literary criticism, literary film scripts. The competition received 391 works of various genres from 37 regions of Russia, as well as from 12 countries of the world - Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Georgia, Israel, China, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, USA, Ukraine.

In accordance with the Regulations on the holding of the International Slavic Literary Forum "Golden Knight", 183 works were allowed to participate in the creative competition, of which 117 candidates reached the final

Members of the jury of the IX International Slavic Literary Forum "Golden Knight" will determine the winners and laureates creative competition Forum, who will be invited to participate in the final stage of the Forum and in the Award Ceremony, which will be held from 15 to 18 October 2018 in the city of Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory.

Jury of the IX International Slavic Literary Forum "Golden Knight"

The chairman of the jury is the writer, publicist, co-chairman of the Writers' Union of Russia Vladimir Nikolaevich Krupin.

Jury members:

Bakhrevsky Vladislav Anatolyevich, writer, poet, author historical novels and books for children;

· Elena Yurievna Guskova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, specialist in the history of the Slavic peoples, head of the Center for the Study of the Contemporary Balkan Crisis of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Senate of the Republic of Srpska;

· Evtikhieva Anna Sergeevna, writer, senior lecturer of the Department of the Russian Language, Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Lomonosov;

· Kazintsev Alexander Ivanovich, publicist, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine "Our Sovremennik";

· Aleksey Leonidovich Nalepin, writer, editor-in-chief of the Russian Archive almanac, editor-in-chief of the Trite studio;

· Orlov Vladimir Evgenievich, literary critic, member of the Pushkin Commission of the IMLI im. A.M. Gorky RAS;

Skvortsov Konstantin Vasilievich, poet, playwright, co-chairman of the Writers' Union of Russia;

· Tarasov Boris Nikolaevich, writer, literary critic, head of the department of the State Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky.

Literary Forum Awards

The highest award of the MSLF "Golden Knight" - Golden medal named after A.S. Pushkin "For an outstanding contribution to literature" in 2018 was awarded to the writer Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev.

· At the closing of the IX International Slavic Literary Forum "Golden Knight" in each of 7 nominations (prose, poetry, journalism, literature for children and youth, literature on the history of Slavic peoples, works on Slavic literary criticism, literary film scripts) prizes "Golden ”, “Silver” and “Bronze” Knights and Gold Diplomas.