Vologda Drama Theater buy tickets online. Drama Theater in Vologda (Vologda State Drama Theatre)

VOLOGDA DRAMA THEATER, Russian theater. The first theatrical performances in Vologda took place at the end of the 17th century. Opera was the first professional performance Mermaid, shown in Vologda in 1780. The theater became a common hobby of the townspeople, many troupes and performances succeeded each other. In 1849, a permanent professional theater was created in Vologda, its founder was B. Solovyov: on November 1, 1849, the first performance of Solovyov's troupe took place. From the first days of its existence, democratic and realistic traditions were formed and developed in the theater. In the mid-1870s, a second theater arose in Vologda. Subsequently one theater building was dismantled, and the other in 1897 became the property of the city. Theatrical Vologda hosted V.I. Zhivokini, brothers Adelgeim, M.T. Savina, V.F. Komissarzhevskaya, M.V. S.A. Belskaya, P.M. Svobodin, P.N. Orlenev, E.P. Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya and other famous artists worked in Vologda. The foundations of theater criticism in Vologda were laid by N.F. Bunakov, a prominent democrat of the sixties. He began his activity in the Vologda theater famous director N.V. Petrov.

After 1917 in the history of the theater came new stage performances such as Storm V. Bill-Belotserkovsky, Lyubov Yarovaya K.Treneva, Battleship 14-69 Sun.V.Ivanov. After the old wooden building burned down in 1932, the "House of the Revolution" was transferred to the theater - restored after the fire of 1906 " Pushkin House". In this building Vologda Theatre of Drama worked from 1932 to 1974. A great contribution to the development of theatrical art in the pre-war period and later was made by the directors Y.L. Lane, A.S. Khodyrev, A.E. Larionov, A.V. ev. During the years of the Great Patriotic War there were performances on the Vologda stage Guy from our city And Russian people K.Simonova, Invasion L.Leonova, Patriotic War of 1812. A large place in the post-war playbill of the theater was occupied by Leniniana, in performances Family I. Popova, Third pathetic And Kremlin chimes N. Pogodina, sixth July M.Shatrova, Live flowers the role of Lenin was played by the People's Artist of the RSFSR V.V. Safonov. The history of the Vologda Theater includes the names of directors of the 1950s–1960s E.V. Svobodin, A.V. Shubin, B.V. Sapegin, L.M. Meyerson, D.A. Semenov, V.S. People's Artist Komi ASSR N.A. Kiselev and others. The repertoire of the Vologda Theater invariably included classical plays N.V. Gogol, A.N. Ostrovsky, I.S. Turgenev, A.P. Chekhov, M. Gorky, W. Shakespeare, Lope de Vega, Fr. Schiller, V. Hugo and other foreign classics were staged on the Vologda stage. folk theme embodied on the Vologda stage in performances based on the works of Simonov, A. Arbuzov, A. Stein, V. Kataev, G. Markov. In the 1970s, the theater successfully toured Leningrad, Tula, Kaluga, Kursk, Zhitomir, Poltava, Tallinn, Vilnius, Chisinau, Bryansk, and Dnepropetrovsk. Since 1970, the main director of the theater has been the Honored Artist of the RSFSR M.A. Yufa. People's Artists of the RSFSR M.V.Shchuko, Safonov, Honored Artists of the RSFSR V.N.Kazarin, Z.S.Antonova, A.V.Semenov, A.M.Serezhkin and others served in the theater troupe. A major event in the history of the Vologda Theater was its tour in 1973 in Moscow. Performances were shown There was a soldier from the front Kataev, The roads we choose M. Zarudny, Father and son according to Markov Hut on the edge M.Storozhevoy, cliff according to I.A. Goncharov, Wake up and sing M. Gyarfasha, Madam Minister B. Nushich.

In 1975 a modern theater building was built. The team often traveled to the villages of the region with performances Over clear water V. Belova, Not all cat carnival Ostrovsky, barber of seville P. Beaumarchais. In the late 1970s - early 1980s, artists I. Popov, I. Ivanov, V. Nesterov, V. Firer worked in the theater; the main directors during this period were G. Topichev, V. Drozdov and A. Popov. In the troupe of the theater V.Pavlov, G.Stuzheva, M.Shchuk, B.Chumicheva, S.Medvedsky, A.Serezhin, G.Eremin. In the 1980s, the theater's repertoire included performances Feedback A. Gelman, Choice according to Yu. Bondarev, Mother K.Chapek, On the 206th Belova and others. In 1988, R. Sokolov became the main director. big event in creative life theater was a performance based on the play by local authors V. Arinin and V. Koshelev My genius about the life of the Russian poet K.N. In 1992, the French director J.-C. Beryutti staged the play Scapin's tricks Molière, which was a great success with the audience. In 1994, the post of chief director was taken by S. Tayushev, since 1996, A. N. Romanov has been the chief director of the theater.

In 2001 artistic director theater was Zurab Nanobashvili.

The most striking performances released by the theater over the past five years and formed the basis of the repertoire - Balzaminov, Balzaminov! And Enough simplicity for every sage according to A.N. Ostrovsky, Sleep in midsummer night , Macbeth W. Shakespeare (director Z. Nanobashvili); Death of Tarelkin based on the play by A. Sukhovo-Kobylin (director V. Metelitsa); P. Gnedich serfs; play Perfect Women based on the play by A.Kasona Three spouses - perfection(director V. Bartosik).

In 2003 performance Gull based on the work of B. Akunin (directed by Z. Nanobashvili), the opening of the Small Stage in the theater was marked. There are performances here. House of Bernard Alba based on the play by F.G. Lorca (2004), Loneliness based on plays human voice J. Cocteau and Gin game J. Coburn.

In 2005, another unusual stage appeared in the theater. Play Anna's diary(F. Goodrich, A. Hackett) was staged on the roof of the theatre.

Vologda Drama Theater

In 1849, a permanent professional theater was created in Vologda, its founder was B. Solovyov: on November 1, 1849, the first performance of Solovyov's troupe took place. From the first days of its existence, democratic and realistic traditions were formed and developed in the theater. In the mid-1870s, a second theater arose in Vologda. Subsequently, one theater building was dismantled, and the other in 1897 became the property of the city. Theatrical Vologda hosted V.I. Zhivokini, brothers Adelgeim, M.T. Savina, V.F. Komissarzhevskaya, M.V. S.A. Belskaya, P.M. Svobodin, P.N. Orlenev, E.P. Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya and other famous artists worked in Vologda. The foundations of theater criticism in Vologda were laid by N.F. Bunakov, a prominent democrat of the sixties. The famous director N.V. Petrov began his work in the Vologda theater.
After 1917, a new stage began in the history of the theater, such performances as "Storm" by V. Bill-Belotserkovsky, "Love Yarovaya" by K. Trenev, "Armored train 14-69" by Vs. V. Ivanov were staged. After the old wooden building burned down in 1932, the "House of the Revolution" was transferred to the theater - the "Pushkin House" restored after the fire of 1906. The Vologda Drama Theater worked in this building from 1932 to 1974.
In 1975 a modern theater building was built. The team often traveled to the villages of the region with performances Over the bright water by V. Belova, Not all the cat's carnival Ostrovsky, Barber of Seville P. Beaumarchais.
In 1988, R. Sokolov became the main director. A great event in the creative life of the theater was the performance based on the play by local authors V.Arinin and V.Koshelev My genius about the life of the Russian poet K.N. In 1992, the French director J.-C. Beryutti staged the performance of Scapin Moliere's Dodger, which was a great success with the audience. In 1994, the post of chief director was taken by S. Tayushev, since 1996, A. N. Romanov has been the chief director of the theater.

Vologda Drama Theater is one of the the oldest theaters Russia, founded on November 1, 1849. During the existence of the theater, the best examples of Russian and foreign classics, modern dramaturgy were staged. Drama theater troupe today- commonwealth recognized masters scenes and young, but already brightly declared artists who have become favorites of the audience. Zurab Nanobashvili, laureate of the State Prizes of the Vologda Oblast, is the head of the theater. His ideas for the development and transformation of the theater, embodied over several years of work, brought the team to a qualitatively new stage of development. Creative achievements recent years provided fast professional growth collective, allowing him to take his rightful place among the leaders of the theatrical process in Russia.

The Vologda Drama Theater tours both in Russia and abroad, and is also a participant and laureate of all-Russian and international competitions and festivals. In 1991, the theater became the initiator of the International theater festival"Voices of History", and over time, its permanent participant and multiple winner.

Three stages are open and constantly operate in the theater: the main stage, small stage and chamber stage. For each of them, a unique repertoire has been created, based on the technical capabilities of the venues and meeting the current requirements of the theatre. Complex staged performances with large-scale scenery are the repertoire of the main stage. A modern mechanized site control system allows solving complex tasks. Therefore, all the performances of the main stage are distinguished by their multi-population, voluminousness, brightness, spectacular form and lively sincerity of the acting performance. On the Small Stage, mainly compact performances are staged, based on the effect of chamber performance. Due to the possibility of transforming the stage, the performances of the small stage are distinguished by a variety of forms and genres. The immediate proximity of the viewer requires from the actors maximum truthfulness and the tension of all spiritual forces. The chamber stage, opened in 2008, is a small hall with a stage, where the main action of the performances takes place. This is an experimental platform where actors can try themselves as directors. The features of this site (small number of spectators, small stage size) allow you to create an unusual, interactive action.

The staff of the Vologda Drama Theater has always been distinguished by a high level of professionalism. Today, the theater employs 5 artists who have received the title of "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation". In 2007 L.Ya. Rudom was awarded the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation". Thanks to productive activity collective, the theater is interesting to the audience, successful and creatively stable.

The Vologda Drama Theater is the main venue for cultural events of both city and all-Russian significance. The theater stage hosts concerts dedicated to public holidays and important socio-political events, tours of famous theater groups, creative projects international cooperation.

The activities of the theater team are aimed at creating and developing a single theatrical space in the Vologda Oblast, developing cultural cooperation, and forming moral and civic positions among the younger generation and youth. Currently AUK VO "Vologda Drama Theater" is a cultural institution with a strong administrative system, with a well-formed repertoire policy and a close-knit team.


The history of secular theatrical art in Vologda begins in the 18th century. Back in 1780, during a grand celebration on the occasion of the establishment of the Vologda governorship, the Yaroslavl troupe was invited to the city with the play "Mermaid". From 1809 to 1826, the entreprise of the court theater actor A. Petrov worked in Vologda. In 1841, N. Ivanov's entreprise arrived. Theatrical criticism also appeared: since 1842, local newspapers have been constantly publishing critical articles about the performances.

However, the official date of foundation of the theater in Vologda is considered to be 1849, when the “Kozelsky tradesman” entrepreneur, director and actor Boris Solovyov arrived in the city and applied to the city office with a request for permission to open a “free theater” and allocate a place for it. He received such permission, officially securing the creation of a permanent professional theater. The first performance "Skopin-Shuisky" by N. Kukolnik B. K. Solovyov gave on November 1, 1849.

In the second half of the 19th century, the Vologda province was a place of exile for revolutionaries. The vast province, which has no industry, is a quiet, calm and "politically reliable" region. The capital's youth, enlightened and active, begins to interfere in all spheres of the city's life. Actively visits the theater, sets the tone for the audience's opinion and theater criticism. They were not attracted by the sentimental repertoire that was shown in the theater, and they demanded from the actors "naturalness of performance and the truth of life", thus trying to raise the Vologda theater to a higher level. More and more place in his repertoire is occupied by serious dramaturgy, and the troupe of the theater is increasingly appearing actors of "undoubtedly brilliant talent." E. Krasovskaya worked here, who became famous for playing the role of Katerina in A. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm", who later left for Moscow. Vologda was conquered by P. Orlenev, S. Belskaya, V. Rodon, P. Svobodin. It is later that they, who created the glory of the Russian theater, will write rave reviews in Moscow, and they started in the Vologda theater and delighted the Vologda audience with their play. Brothers Robert and Raphael Adelheim worked in Vologda for one season. In 1897-1898, about 70 performances were shown to the Vologda residents by the Association of Moscow Artists.

At the beginning of the 20th century, during the revolutions, theatrical life in Vologda is lively and interesting. The exiled A.V. Lunacharsky writes reviews here and works as a correspondent for the newspaper Severny Krai. Subsequently, he will say that it was here that his literary activity began.

In 1903, P. N. Orlenev came to Vologda on tour and staged the forbidden play by G. Ibsen "Ghosts", which had not been staged in Russia before. Orlenev played Oswald, his partner was the young actress E. Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya, who later became the leading actress of the St. Petersburg Alexandrinsky Theater.

In 1907 - 1908. here he staged M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom" N. Petrov, later a well-known director, and then the artistic director of the Leningrad academic theater drama them. A. S. Pushkin.

Over the years, new names and new names appeared on the playbill of the theater, but its main task remained unchanged - to be needed by its audience. So he lived in the difficult post-revolutionary years, and then during the war years, without stopping his work, responding with each of his performances to the pain of the whole country. During the Great Patriotic War, the theater team traveled with performances to army units, hospitals; crews of actors performed on hospital trains.

IN postwar period Vologda Drama Theater - permanent member and winner of many domestic festivals; took part in the International Drama Festival of the GDR in the USSR. For many years of creative and social activities theater awarded the order"Badge of Honor" (1974), certificates of honor of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR and other distinctions.

In 1991, at the initiative of the Vologda Drama Theater and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the theater festival "Voices of History" was established, which in 2003 received international status. The first performance that was shown by the theater at this festival - "Vasilisa Melentiev" by A. Ostrovsky - won seven awards. The Vologda Drama Theater has been a regular participant and winner of the "Voices of History" festival for almost two decades.

For a long time, the theater has maintained a leading position in cultural life Vologda, the audience for many years remained memorable performances staged by directors Y. Lane, A. Khodyrev, A. Larionov, L. Meyerson, M. Yufa, L. Topchiev, E. Minsky, S. Tayushev, M. Reztsov. Truly, the main value of the theater has always been its artists, the heirs of the great luminaries of the Russian stage: Honored Artists of Russia A. Savchenko (the first in Vologda to receive this title), A. Borisova, Z. Antonova, V. Kazarin, V. Trushchenko, E. Valuev, A. Serezhkin and others. Special Page theater history - creativity People's Artist RSFSR M. Schuko (for the role of the old woman Anna in the play "Deadline" she was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR), People's Artists of the RSFSR V. Safonov and A. Semenov, who gave the Vologda theater half of their lives (the Vologda branch of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia established theater awards named after M. Schuko and A. Semenov, which are awarded every year for the best acting work).

The current troupe of the theater has a strong ensemble of actors. The stage works of the People's Artist of Russia Leonid Rudogo, Honored Artists of Russia Svetlana Trubina, Marianne Vitavskaya, Natalia Vorobyeva, Oleg Emelyanov, as well as young actors of the theater, tightly employed in the repertoire, Nikolai Akulov, Dmitry Bychkov, Natalia Abashidze, Anastasia Zadorina and others - always interesting, bright, bright people and recognizes of the viewers and recognizes. critics.

For more than ten years, the artistic director of the theater has been Zurab Nanobashvili - director, laureate of International and Russian theater festivals and competitions, twice laureate of the State Prize of the Vologda Region (2006, 2010), holder of the Order of Friendship of Russia (2011). In 1996 he graduated from the faculty of directing. Trained in Italy. The graduation performance "The Thirteenth Star" was staged at the Ivanovo Drama Theater, which he later headed. His play "Khanuma" was awarded the "Golden Mask" diploma (1998), the productions "Two on a Swing" and "The Thirteenth Star" were included in the Golden Fund of Radio Performances "Russian Theater Seasons". In 2001, Zurab Nanobashvili was invited to the Vologda Drama Theater as an artistic director.

Zurab Nanobashvili is the director of most of the classical performances in the repertoire. In 2006, he became a laureate of the State Prize of the Vologda Region for theatrical art for a series of performances united by the common ideas of humanism, the preservation of universal values, continuity and connection between generations - "Balzaminov, Balzaminov! ..", "A Midsummer Night's Dream", "The Bride from Imeretia", "Enough Simplicity for Every Wise Man", "Anna's Diary". Theater expert, critic, board member of the International Theater Academy Nikolai Zhegin wrote in one of his articles about the work of Zurab Nanobashvili: "It is impossible not to see the School, the level of director's thinking, behind which there is a deep respect for what is commonly called" European culture". First of all, respect for meaning ("common sense" included). A sense of form and style. The desire for completeness of the work. "

The repertoire policy pursued by Z. Nanobashvili is primarily aimed at preserving the traditions of the theater and a high level of acting skills. Thanks to him creative activity, the staging culture has noticeably grown: the repertoire is distinguished by a wide genre range and the presence of complex staging performances, on the creation of which the entire creative team theater. fruitful creative work Zuraba Nanobashvili made it possible to reassert the creative image of the theatre, and performances staged by Nanobashvili became a notable event in Russian cultural life. Since 2001, the Vologda drama has repeatedly become a participant in festivals and competitions in Moscow, Belgorod, Taganrog, Odessa, Yoshkar-Ola, etc.

The Vologda State Drama Theater pleases guests and residents of the city with performances mid-nineteenth century. This theater was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, and prominent artists and directors of the 19th and 20th centuries took part in its productions.

Vologda Drama Theater poster

Performances are usually held with great success among representatives of all generations. The theater's repertoire includes light vaudeville, classical dramas, and children's performances. In the reviews, viewers note luxurious costumes, scenery and lighting.

The current repertoire of the Drama Theater in Vologda includes children's performances ("The Bremen Town Musicians", "The Magician emerald city”, “Braveheart”), classical performances for viewers from 12 years old (“The Night Before Christmas”, “Woe from Wit”, “Bernard Alba’s House”, “Thunderstorm”), performances for high school students and adults (“Boeing-Boing-Boeing ...”, “Method”, “Too Married Taxi Driver” and others). You can find out more about the performances of the current season on the official website.

Buy a ticket to the Drama Theater in Vologda

Depending on the age limit, performances are held in the daytime (11:00, 12:00, 16:00) or in the evening (18:00, 19:00).

Tickets can be purchased at the theater box office, its opening hours depend on the day of the week. Usually the box office is open in the afternoon from 13:00 to 19:00, but on Sunday you can buy a ticket from 10:30 to 18:00. It is also convenient to buy tickets online from the official representatives of the drama theater.

The cost of tickets is low, most often it depends on the location of the row. There are performances, tickets for which are sold at the same price, no matter where the place is located. Basically, the cost varies from 200 to 500 rubles for performances for both children and adults.


The history of the Vologda Drama Theater is more than 150 years old, it is one of the oldest in Russia.

November 1, 1849 is considered his birthday, when the first performance "Skopin-Shuisky", dedicated to the events of Russian history, took place on the stage of a newly built building. Already at that time, not only local Vologda actors, but also visiting celebrities were shining in the theater.

The Vologda theatrical life received a special flourishing after 1897, when the city authorities took control of the drama theater and contributed to its development with all their might. IN late XIX- At the beginning of the 20th century, Vologda received such cultural figures as M. Petipa, the Adelheim brothers, M. Dalsky, M. Savina, E. Krasovskaya, E. Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya. It happened that the stage of the Vologda Drama Theater became a launching pad for the provincial actors to conquer the capital.

It was in Vologda that the exiled A. V. Lunacharsky began literary activity, including reviews of drama theater performances.

The theater moved from one building to another many times, burned down several times, and only in December 1974, on the 125th anniversary, did it receive the building in which it is located to this day. At the same time, the Soviet government highly noted the merits of the theater and awarded it the Badge of Honor and other distinctions for creative and social activities.

During the period of perestroika, like many cultural institutions, the Vologda Drama Theater was going through hard times. However, the directors found new form productions - a performance under open sky in real historical scenery, fortunately, the theater is located in the old part of the city, where many buildings from previous eras have been preserved. Since then, the productions have grown into international festival"Voices of History".

Today, the theater employs both young actors and honored artists of Russia, loved by the audience and recognized by critics. Director and Artistic Director of the Drama Theater long years there was an outstanding director Zurab Nanobashvili, under whom the Vologda theater was talked about in the world, and the acting troupe began to go on tour not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The successful work of the theater is ensured not only by artists and directors, but also by the masters, on whom the level of the performance depends. There are several workshops behind the scenes: hairdressing, wardrobe, lighting, tailoring, props, props, etc.

Today the theater has several stages: main, small and chamber.

The main stage is used for complex performances where a lot of scenery is needed. Chamber performances are staged on the small stage. The chamber stage is an experimental space where the actors themselves can be directors and include the audience in the action. Usually used for etudes and poetry readings.

How to get to the drama theater

The State Drama Theater is located almost in the center of Vologda. From here you can walk to such famous Vologda sights as the Kremlin, the bishop's court, the house-museum of Peter I, the Vologda Lace Museum, the monument to V. Mayakovsky, etc.

Drama theater and attractions in the vicinity on the map from Google Maps:

You can get to the theater by public transport, the nearest stop is "Drama Theatre", which is located just 150 meters from the building. The following buses stop here:

  • Bus number 1 Shchetinina - Losta
  • Bus number 2 Brigantine - Flax (Meat)
  • Bus number 6 Regional Children's Hospital - Dalnaya
  • Bus number 19 Razin - Renaissance

For trips around Vologda, it is convenient to use taxi services. There are several services in the city that can be used through applications, for example, Yandex. Taxi, Lucky and Maxim.

Vologda Drama Theater on Google Maps street panoramas, view from the street. Predtechenskaya:

Video about the Vologda Drama Theatre, TV report

To the Ologda State Order of the Badge of Honor Drama Theater.
The Vologda Drama is one of the oldest theaters in Russia. Its history goes back to late XVIII centuries, when the touring opera troupe enchanted the townspeople with their performances and gave rise to a whole movement in the social and cultural life of Vologda: one after another, theaters began to appear - home, school, serfs; performances were played - dramatic and operatic, for which, at times, local authors themselves wrote plays, librettos, and music. Of course, touring troupes also came to the city, but a real professional theater appeared only in 1849.

The initiator of the creation of the theater and its founder was the actor, director, entrepreneur B. Solovyov. He turned to the city office with a request for permission to open a "free theater" and allocate a place for it. Solovyov received such permission, and on November 1, 1849, Grand opening professional theater, which brought together the whole city, headed by the Governor. The repertoire included works of Russian and foreign classics, but vaudevilles were the most popular among the Vologda audience. In different years, famous masters of the Russian stage came to Vologda on tour: the brothers Adelgeim, V. Andreev-Burlak, P. Orlenev, V. Komissarzhevskaya, M. Savina, the Association of Moscow Artists worked in the city for the theatrical season of 1897-98, showing Vologda residents almost 70 performances.

IN Soviet time the theater has retained its leading position in the cultural life of Vologda, for many years the audience has remembered performances staged by directors Y. Lane, A. Khodyrev, A. Larionov, L. Meyerson, M. Yufa, L. Topchiev, E. Minsky, S. Tayushev, M. Reztsov. Truly, the main value of the theater has always been its artists, the heirs of the great luminaries of the Russian stage: People's Artist of Russia V. Safonov, Honored Artists of Russia A. Savchenko (the first in Vologda to receive this title), A. Borisova, Z. Antonova, V. Kazarin, V. Trushchenko, E. Valuev, A. Serezhkin and others. A special page in the history of the theater is the work of People's Artists of Russia M. Schuko and A. Semenov, in memory of whom the Vologda branch of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia established nominal theater awards that are awarded every year for the best acting work.

The current troupe of the theater has a strong ensemble of actors. The stage works of the People's Artist of Russia Leonid Rudogo, Honored Artists of Russia Svetlana Trubina, Marianne Vitavskaya, Natalia Vorobyeva, Oleg Emelyanov, as well as young actors of the theater, tightly employed in the repertoire, Nikolai Akulov, Dmitry Bychkov, Natalia Abashidze, Anastasia Zadorina and others - always interesting, bright, bright people and recognizes of the viewers and recognizes. critics.

In 1991, at the initiative of the Vologda Drama Theater and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the theater festival "Voices of History" was established, which in 2003 received international status. The first performance that was shown by the theater at this festival - "Vasilisa Melentiev" by A. Ostrovsky - won seven awards. The Vologda Drama Theater has been a regular participant and winner of the Voices of History festival for almost two decades.

For more than ten years, the artistic director of the theater has been Zurab Nanobashvili - director, laureate of International and Russian theater festivals and competitions, twice laureate of the State Prize of the Vologda Region (2006, 2010), holder of the Order of Friendship of Russia (2011). In 1996 he graduated from the faculty of directing. Trained in Italy at PICCOLO TEATRO DI MILANO. The graduation performance "The Thirteenth Star" was staged at the Ivanovo Drama Theater, which he later headed. His play “Khanuma” was awarded the “Golden Mask” diploma (1998), the productions “Two on a Swing” and “The Thirteenth Star” were included in the Golden Fund of Radio Performances “Russian Theater Seasons”. In 2001, Zurab Nanobashvili was invited to the Vologda Drama Theater as an artistic director.

The repertoire policy pursued by Z. Nanobashvili is primarily aimed at preserving the traditions of the theater and the high level of acting skills. Thanks to his creative activity, the staging culture has noticeably grown: the repertoire is distinguished by a wide genre range and the presence of complex staging performances, on the creation of which the entire creative team of the theater is working. With the advent of Zurab Nanobashvili, significant technical changes took place in the theater. In 2003, the performance "The Seagull" based on the play by B. Akunin opened small stage. In 2008, another stage platform appeared - the Chamber Stage, intended for small performances and variety programs. Young directors and artists try their hand here. Zurab Nanobashvili came up with the idea of ​​creating several open stage venues: the stage in the Bishop's Garden, where the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was played, the unique stage on the roof of the theater, where the play "Anna's Diary" was played, a grandiose three-story building within the walls of the Vologda Kremlin for the play "The Karamazovs and Hell".

The fruitful creative work of Zurab Nanobashvili made it possible to reaffirm the creative image of the theater, and the performances staged by Nanobashvili became a notable event in Russian cultural life. Since 2001, the Vologda drama has repeatedly become a participant in festivals and competitions in Moscow, Belgorod, Taganrog, Odessa, Yoshkar-Ola, etc. In 2004, with the play "Balzaminov, Balzaminov!" the theater took part in the VI All-Russian theater festival "Ostrovsky in Ostrovsky's House" (Maly Theatre, Moscow). The team has repeatedly become a laureate of the International Theater Festival "Voices of History": in 2005, the play "Anna's Diary" received the Prize. A.V. Semenov for the development of new stages, the Audience Award, the acting duet L. Ruda - S. Trubin were awarded honorary prize festival jury; in 2007, Z. Nanobashvili received the Grand Prize of the festival for the director's interpretation of the philosophical novel by F.M. Dostoevsky in the techniques of the areal mystery theater (the play "The Karamazovs and Hell"); in 2010, the play "Echelon" won the Grand Prize "For the disclosure of the means of the theater historical event"(Award named after A.P. Svobodin).

The premiere of the play "Hamlet" staged by Nanobashvili became a highlight of the XI International Theater Festival "Voices of History", which abolished the competition for the first time in its existence. The performance was highly appreciated by the jury and critics.

Since September 2012, Zurab Nanobashvili has been the head of the acting department at the Vologda Music College.