Inveterate scammers year of creation. Biography of the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”

After the politically difficult period of perestroika, trends in art, popular abroad, and, in particular, music, began to penetrate the post-Soviet space. This is how Russian rap was born, and after it a new direction appeared - mix-rap and dance music.

The founder of this trend was the group “ Inveterate scammers" Their songs “Everything is different”, “Girls are different”, “Pay attention” in a short period of time gathered an entire army of fans in the person of mainly teenagers and young people. Although more than 20 years have passed since the creation of the musical group, the guys continue to work and record new interesting compositions, experimenting with musical styles.


At the beginning of December 1996, 3 young extravagant guys appeared on the stage of the “Dancing City” festival, which took place in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Region, with catchy songs performed in a then unusual style. This is how the new Russian musical project “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” was born.

And it all started long before the first performance. Soloist, known to fans under the pseudonym Amoralov, said in an interview that the guys’ work began with hard and obscene rap. Soon Sergey met Vyacheslav Zinurov, better known as Tom Chaos, who worked as a DJ. A new acquaintance suggested that the guys reformat the project, adding dance music and drive.

So little by little the creative backbone and repertoire of the group began to take shape. Sergei Amoralov and his childhood friend Garik Bogomazov wrote simple lyrics, and Slava created catchy music for them. As a result, the compositions turned out, although without deep philosophical meaning, but original and easily won not only the sympathy of fans, but also first positions in the music charts.

Soon the famous Russian producer Evgeny Petrovich Orlov, whose works include “SMASH!!”, “Guests from the Future”, musical projects“Voice”, “Star Factory”, “ New wave"and others, invited the starting guys to sign a contract. From this moment the success story of the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” begins.

The first hit of the “scammers” was the song “Quit Smoking,” which sounded from all speakers in Russia. The guys themselves worked selflessly to record their debut album, which was released in 1997 under the title “From Colored Plasticine.” After the release of the record, people learned about the group, but it was too early to talk about widespread popularity.

The success of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” came in 1998 and the album “Everything and Everything.” The guys gained regular fans who united in local fan clubs, and the number of concerts did not leave the young people even time for their personal lives. The motive of the title song of the same name from the second album “Everything and Everything” was sung by the whole country, regardless of age and gender. At the same time, Sergei Amoralov became the leader of the team - he became the main soloist and actor in the clips.

The period of popularity of “Fraudsters” occurred in the late 1990s – early 2000s. All of Russia repeated after Amoralov the words of the songs “Girls are different”, “And by the river”, and young people at discos danced slow dances to the lyrical composition “Love me, love”. For their contribution to the development of music, the guys received a number of prestigious awards, including the Golden Gramophone.

In 2003, “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” recorded a duet with the composition “Border,” which was included in Agutin’s album “Deja Vu.” The song brought success to all the performers, but soon the popularity of “Fraudsters” began to decline, and even the presentation of the seventh album “Spite the Records” in 2008 could not save the situation.

Despite this, the musicians do not despair: in 2012 the guys recorded the song “Russo Touristo”, which, although it did not become a musical breakthrough, still helped “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” to remind themselves of themselves.


The idea of ​​creation music group, then still in the yard format of hip-hop performance, belonged to Sergei Surovenko (Amoralov). A native of St. Petersburg, the boy dreamed of the stage since childhood. At the same time, he was involved in sports and painting. Sergei's musical tastes were quite diverse: he listened to techno performed by and American rock from .

Sergei’s passion for music was supported by his neighbor Garik Bogomazov, and soon the guys were singing in the yard in two voices their own hip-hop, generously seasoned with profanity. This is how the backbone of the future group was formed at impromptu youth concerts.

Later, the guys found the third participant, Vyacheslav Zinurov. Sergey Amoralov (Sergey Surovenko), Tom-Chaos Junior (Vyacheslav Zinurov) and Igor “Garik” Bogomazov presented the first line-up of the group. The three of them worked for 5 years, recording most of the famous hits and achieving popularity.

In 2011, Igor Bogomazov left the team. Due to his busy work schedule, Igor was practically never at home; most of his time was taken up by touring, performing and working in the studio. For this reason, Bogomazov increasingly had conflicts in his family: his wife Yulia demanded attention to herself and their daughter Varya. Yielding to his wife’s persuasion, Igor left the group, but this did not save his family; the young people soon divorced.

In the interview, Igor notes that parting with the guys was not easy and it didn’t work out to remain friends. Now Igor is developing solo career with active participation new wife Victoria and at solo performances sometimes perform the beloved songs of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” to the delight of fans.

The departed Garik was replaced by a new soloist. Before “Fraudsters,” Andrey worked as a DJ and organized the “Rap Pik” music festival. In the mid-1990s, Repnikov performed in the group “Two Pterodactyls”, and since 1998 he has collaborated with “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” as a songwriter. In 2016, Repnikov was seriously injured in a car accident and did not perform for a long time, as he required a complex operation and a long period of rehabilitation.

Inveterate Fraudsters now

Despite the decline in popularity, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels continue to perform on music festivals, holidays and give solo concerts. IN New Year's Eve In 2018, the guys performed in Moscow at a themed concert, and at the end of 2017 they visited the cities of Mirny, Kondopoga and others with concerts. On February 17, 2018, “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” is scheduled to perform at the grand “Back to the 90s” party, which will be held in Arkhangelsk.

However, popularity also has back side medals. The lead singer of the group, Sergei Amoralov, spoke in an interview about how one of his young fans bullies the musician’s wife, Maria. The girl wrote threatening messages on Instagram, where Maria periodically posts family photos. Sergei himself urges his wife not to pay attention to the quirks of young fans and recalls with nostalgia the times when he had to hide and run away from fans.


  • 1997 - “From colored plasticine”
  • 1998 - “All sorts of things”
  • 1999 - “Bullshit”
  • 2000 - “Sticky Hands-2”
  • 2002 - “Provocation”
  • 2005 - “All sorts of songs about different things”
  • 2008 - “In spite of records”


  • 1997 - “Quit Smoking”
  • 1998 - “All sorts of things”
  • 1999 - “Love me, love”
  • 1999 - “Move your body”
  • 2000 - “Girls are different”
  • 2000 - “Don’t tell me anything”
  • 2001 - “And by the River”
  • 2003 - “Pay attention”
  • 2003 - “Border”
  • 2003 - “My Star”
  • 2005 - “Summer is...”
  • 2008 - “Hands off the oligarchs”
  • 2012 - “Russo Tourist”
  • 2013 - “Capital”
  • 2015 - “Getting Married”

Sergei Amoralov is a handsome blond from the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”. Do you want to know where he was born and in what family he was raised? How did you get into show business? Now we will tell you everything.

Sergei Amoralov: biography

He was born on January 11, 1979 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Our hero is from a simple family. Serezha's parents have nothing to do with music and stage. My father worked as a mechanic. And my mother was a housewife.

Sergei Amoralov grew up as an active and inquisitive child. Whatever he dreamed of becoming - a sailor, military man, mechanic, history teacher, and so on. Every year the boy changed his wish.

Surovenko is real name our hero. Amoralov is just a bright and sonorous pseudonym. But few people know about this.

Abilities and hobbies

Seryozha went to first grade at the age of 6. He didn't like sitting at his desk and carefully writing letters in the copybook. To channel their son’s energy in the right direction, his parents enrolled him in a gymnastics section. The boy enjoyed attending training sessions. Every year he showed better and better results.

IN adolescence Seryozha even received his first adult rank. The coaches predicted a brilliant sports future for him. But fate decreed differently. During one of the competitions, the guy received a serious back injury. To avoid complications, he had to say goodbye to gymnastics.

Soon Amoralov found another hobby. He became seriously interested in painting. He enrolled in an art studio located near his home. The teachers did not reassure Sergei. He didn't have any special talent. The guy diligently studied the basics of painting. But the paintings he created can hardly be called masterpieces.


Gymnastics and painting are not the only hobbies of Sergei Amoralov. The love of music always lived in his soul. Our hero's idols were such groups as Cure, Nirvana and Prodigy. His musical tastes were shared by his neighbor Garik Bogomazov. Together, the guys often held home concerts, impersonating Russian and world pop stars. Often one could hear obscene songs performed by them.


In 1995, our hero received a “certificate of maturity.” He had no intention of leaving his native St. Petersburg. The guy easily entered the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. But Sergei Amoralov studied there for only a year. The love for music took over.

"Dirty Rotten Scoundrels"

Together with his neighbor Garik Bogomazov, Sergei created a team. Soon Slava joined them. The guys recorded several songs. Slavik was in charge of the music. And Garik and Seryozha were the authors of the texts. The guys took a long time to come up with an idea. In the end, they settled on “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.”

In December 1996, the newly formed team went to the “Dancing City” festival held in Cherepovets. The professional jury highly appreciated the creativity of the St. Petersburg group. Their song “Quit Smoking” became a real hit. It was played on all radio stations in the country.

“Inveterate Scoundrels” brought national love and recognition from listeners to another composition, “Everything and Everything.” The guys went on tour to Russian cities. Everywhere their performances were a success. Young and talented guys have a whole army of fans.

Over the history of the group, 7 studio albums have been released, as well as dozens of incendiary videos and singles. Lately we haven't heard much about Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Each of the guys went headlong into their personal lives. And the music was in the background.

Personal life

Sergei Amoralov was a real ladies' man. As a teenager, he often had affairs with beautiful girls. But he didn't think about a serious relationship.

In the early 2000s, Sergei met with the lead singer of the group “Slivki” Dasha Ermolaeva. The guy and the girl were kind to each other. Their friends and colleagues were sure that things were heading towards a wedding. After 3 years of relationship, Amoralov and Ermolaev announced their separation.

Fans of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” were delighted that the handsome blond had once again joined the ranks of bachelors. But at the end of 2007, information appeared in the print media about his affair with model Maria Edelweiss. This turned out to be true. The tall and slender blonde won the singer’s heart.

08.08.08 is the date of the wedding of Sergei and Masha. The celebration took place in one of the best restaurants in Moscow. The bride and groom literally glowed with happiness.

The couple have been living together for 7 years. They travel a lot, attend social events and give each other pleasant surprises. For complete happiness, they do not have enough children together. Sergei Amoralov’s wife is ready to give birth to a daughter and a son. We hope that God will give them this happiness.


Biography, personal life and photos of Sergei Amoralov - all this is in the article. Let's wish this wonderful singer creative success and the speedy birth of heirs!

The official date of birth of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" is considered to be December 8, 1996, when the group gave its first big concert in the city of Cherepovets at the festival "Dancing City".

In St. Petersburg at the beginning of 1997, Sergey, Garik and Tom released debut album, then everyone learned about the dangers of smoking: with the song “Quit Smoking.” In December 1996, a video clip was shot for this song.

The group was noticed in Moscow, and the further fate of the “swindlers” was practically decided.

A year later, a video for the song “I’m learning to dance” appears, and after another six months, the “scammers” shoot their third video, “Everything and Everything,” which reached the top of all possible charts.

This hit leaves no doubt about the success of the group's second album of the same name, which was released in 1998.

In Kazakhstan, the group shoots a video for the song “Hali-Gali”, and in between tours writes a third album, which is released in the summer of 1999. Before the release of "Bullshit", the group manages to fly to Spain to film the fifth video clip - "If you're tired of it."

In the spring of 1999, a video work for the lyrical composition “Love Me, Love” breaks all records for the number of airplays and highest positions in the music charts!

In July 1999, the mysterious video “I Moved My Body” was filmed.

In the fall of 1999, "Dirty Rotten" will film "Mu-mu" - the story "that Shurik told you."

From 1999 to 2001, 4 video clips were shot: “I love”, “Don’t tell me anything”, the video was filmed in Spain in the Canary Islands. The materials used in the video clip were: creative activity"Dirty Rotten" filmed from 1996 to 2000, "Girls are different", filmed in France, dir. A. Igudin, “And by the River” is the last video clip for today, dir. - Mironov.

The group consists of three people:
Sergei Amoralov, aka Surovenko, is a soloist, author of many lyrics for the songs of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”. S. Amoralov has the first adult category in gymnastics and the category of candidate master of sports in sambo. Dreams of skydiving and never misses a single one football match, from time to time going out onto the field by myself to kick the ball with friends. He loves Formula 1 and constantly watches news broadcasts on TV to keep abreast of the internal political situation in the country and the world.

Tom-Chaos Jr., aka Sr., aka Vyacheslav Zinurov, is the main “inveterate” choreographer, the music and arrangements of almost all the songs of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” are his work. Tom-Chaos has vast experience in stage work. In 1996 he took first place among St. Petersburg roller skaters. For five years he worked in the teenage show "Neon Boy" (danced and played the trumpet). His DJ past also makes itself felt: Tom has retained a reverent attitude towards vinyl.

Garik, aka Igor Bogomazov, is the author of lyrics for the songs of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels", reading nasal rap. For 8 years he studied at the St. Petersburg football school of the Zenit team, and for 2 years he studied pop vocals at the Academy of Culture. A year and a half ago, Igor got married, and soon a daughter was born, who was named Varvara.

Awards and prizes:
1998 - presentation of the Golden Gramophone award at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses
1999 - presentation of the "Stopudovy Hit" award
1999 - presentation of the second Golden Gramophone award
1999 - presentation of the "Stylish Things" award
2000 - presentation of the “Stopudovy Hit” award (2nd)
2000 - presentation of the third Golden Gramophone award
2000 - presentation of the Popov Prize
2000 - laying of a star on the Avenue of Stars on Arbat
1997 - 2000 - participation in Songs of the Year

On tour in Voronezh, Sergei Amoralov and Tom Chaos told why they are afraid of getting tomatoes for acoustics and hard rap, why they don’t listen to Russian music, and also why they no longer want insane popularity

"Inveterate swindlers" in Voronezh. Photo: Tatiana PODYABLONSKAYA

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On July 12, the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” performed at the Balagan City in Voronezh. Their heyday was in the late 90s and early 2000s. But fans still rock to their hits “Everything is different”, “And by the river”, “Girls are different”, “Love me, love”. And the guys themselves, Sergei “Amoralov” Surovenko and Vyacheslav Zinurov, aka “Tom-Chaos Jr.,” are all just as outrageous. Even the two of us were able to start a hall - the third member of the team, Andrei Repnikov, got into serious accident, was in a coma for more than a month, and is now in rehabilitation...


- Guys, your group is 21 years old. Have you matured during this time?

Sergey Amoralov: - It would be strange if nothing had changed for us in 20 years, and we would also run around like boys. Of course, when I look at my reflection in the mirror, I see a slightly different dude there. And he already has slightly different thoughts than he had 20 years ago. Then we had wind in our heads. Now you take everything a little more calmly, you delve a little deeper into what interests you. But otherwise we are the same.

- Are you thinking about some kind of musical rebranding?

Sergey: - We have a lot of material. We write different music - from hard dance to hard rap. But it would be stupid if we go out now and start playing music that no one has heard or understands. The public expects one thing from us, and we expect another? In principle, this is a problem, we want to realize ourselves a little differently, but... It’s not that we are hostages of the situation, we don’t give a damn - we can go out and blow up such acoustics that some will run away, while others will throw tomatoes at us. But we come for people to get high.

Vyacheslav Zinurov: - We enjoyed it. The public expects from us the old songs that they love.

Sergey: - And she gets high from the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” that she remembers.

Sergey: - I wouldn’t say that we were the first. More likely the first ones I heard wide audience. And before that there was Mister Small, “Bachelor Party”.

Glory: - Even Leonid Utesov.

Sergey: - The same Sofia Rotaru: “I, you, he, she are a whole country together”... And now there is a lot of this goodness. And we have it, look on YouTube: WMD - 01 - this is what we do when we have nothing to do.

- Glory is still here foreign language sang...

Glory: - I tried it. But for our country we need to write in Russian. We love English-language music, but we don’t understand the meaning. We need to write songs in Russian, we live in Russia.


- When you listen to old recordings of “Everything is different”, “Girls are different”, don’t you feel moved?

Sergey: - We came to the following conclusion: if a song is good, you can’t ruin it with time and arrangements. The hit “Girls are so different” has such a good chorus that no matter how you turn it around, it will still be a good track.

Glory: - And the text is still relevant, nothing has changed. No matter how we rewrite it, it will still be good. Our voices haven't changed much either.

How did it happen that Alexander Kozlov from Agatha Christie (he died in 2001 - ed.), a man from the rock scene, suddenly wrote a song for your project - “Love me, love”?

Glory: - This song was written for another artist - Sergei Makarov, when we worked together in the group “Neon Boy” in St. Petersburg. He performed it once and put it on the table. I witnessed the birth of this song, the beautiful chorus touched my soul. Then I suggested doing it in “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” - take the chorus and have your own verse. Kozlov reacted normally, he is a rocker, but a music lover, he listened to different music, from pop to classical. If you saw his music library, it's crazy. For 1000 discs and all licensed.

- Why were there many borrowings from foreign songs in your compositions?

Glory: - This is normal practice. We made “Love” (a cover of the song Blue by the Italian band Eiffel 65) better than the original. They heard it and liked it. We paid $300 for the license, everything was fair. Why reinvent the wheel if it's cool? We did not spoil or desecrate someone else's property. They did everything in good faith. Naturally, we listen to fashionable Western music, ideas come from there. Rappers have always used other people's samples, and we support this trend, we are also kind of rappers.

- What are you listening to?

Glory:- I am a music lover in general. I listen to everything: classical and jazz, jazz-rock, and punk rock. That's the joke. I absolutely don’t care what to listen to, the main thing is that there is a feature. So that it is of high quality, good melodically. The only thing is, I don’t listen to domestic music at all.

Sergey:- I don't listen either. Once a month I go in, get acquainted with new products, so that I can roughly be aware of what is happening here, and that’s all. Everything looks like such a hat. Everyone is trying to break the Russian language. He's kind of Russian, but not Russian. Do they have a problem with diction or something? Listen to the rhymes - they don't rhyme. They just sculpt a hunchback!

Glory:- I want it to click, so that you can find yourself in the text. And here... such Buzova. Simply super, brilliant, I have all 10 albums!


- At one time, you became the legislators of throwing toilet paper into the hall. Who came up with this trick?

Sergey:- This joke has been around for many years. It was the song “I Love”, 1999. And everyone who uses this now is a plagiarist!

Glory: - When we were in New York at the Blue Man Group show, they also throw out paper there, but not toilet paper, cash rolls.

Sergey:- We thought: oh, dudes, we’ve already been through this... Why did this feature arise? There are no dancers in our group, there are only three of us. Now he took the microphone - boo-boo-boo, and it's done. And then we wanted to surprise people, shock them. You arrive - there is a sports palace, a lot of people, you need to somehow entertain them, you need to come up with some kind of show, but there are three of us - what can we do? Throw toilet paper. Splash with water. Climb onto a column to jump off and break your leg. The police removed us from the speakers. The speakers were falling...

Glory: - They didn’t break it, they just sprained their ankle, but they finished the concert until the end. It was tough - Garik was not so lucky. And the policeman was filming him from the pump.

- How did the audience surprise you? Were the fans shocked?

Sergey: - Now there is no such excitement as before. Everything is calm now. And that suits us.

Glory: - It used to be crazy. We coded ourselves, put on caps and discreet clothes so that they wouldn’t recognize us. The girls were on duty at the entrance.

Sergey: - We walked across the roof, my friend had a similar car, he drove up, the girls ran after him, and we calmly got into another car. At that time it was just us and the Ivans (“ Ivanushki International", - ed.), imagine: for the whole country, for so many girls, by and large, there are six boys. It was like this all the time: we were going on tour, and three days ago “Ivanushki” was in that city. We had a trick: we left greetings to each other on the walls of the dressing rooms: “Ivanushki”, greetings from “Otpetykh”. We arrive in another city, and there: “Greetings to “Otpetem” from “Ivanushki”... But we never liked being recognized, we were encrypted all the time. We are not those who go out into the street: here I am, a star. Nowadays artists are like that, once they showed it on TV and immediately: “Where is my security, where is the photo?”

- Don’t you want a repeat of the hype?

Sergey:- No, why? We lived it. We passed and calmed down, we are in a different phase. Now the fans have grown up, they don’t tear their hair out. Although there was a case: a girl on Instagram started writing “I love you” and all that, I deleted her. So she started writing nasty things to my wife, like “I’ll meet you at the entrance.” My wife was always calm on this topic, but here she really got scared. I say: “Man, what kind of nonsense is this? Well, I’m not 17 years old anymore.” We passed this a long time ago... And before they came with children: they say, here is a child from you. I even looked, it’s similar - it’s not similar. Let's go. Already a different internal state. And it’s not that I feel sorry for the artists, but sometimes it’s incomprehensible when they worry that there are no fans standing under their windows, like life is over. There was such a stage in life - great, we got high. Now is another stage, also super.

Now many artists of the 90s and 2000s complain that, despite their great popularity, they could not even earn money for their own apartment...

Sergey:- Du-ra-ki! Should drink less! Alcoholics. I understand that we are creative people, but we need to think. They're all adults. I don’t understand when a person seems to have a lot of concerts, but he lives in a rented one-room apartment. Where are the people's grandmothers?

Glory:- Earned it - go down to the left, this is nonsense! We choose the show, but business is business. We earn and invest in real things. How much do you have to dislike yourself to drink everything away? Of course, we have apartments and houses. And there is business. We are absolutely adequate, although we may look like fools on stage.