The star of "Happy Together" was in a serious accident. Alexey Sekirin now

Aleksey Sekirin is a talented theater and film actor, remembered by viewers for his role as Yevgeny Stepanov in the TV series Happy Together (2006–2013). Unfortunately, the biography of this actor is one continuous white spot, because journalists know little of the stories and facts from his childhood.

In Voronezh, an architectural city that gave the country many talented actors, writers and scientists, on July 11, 1978, Aleksey Sekirin saw the world for the first time. The boy grew up as a gifted child, so his parents were not slow to give their child to music school, but most of all Lesha loved to play the drums.

After receiving a matriculation certificate, Sekirin entered one of the most prestigious universities in the country - State Institute theatrical art(GITIS), where many famous personalities taught, such as Preobrazhensky V.A., Tarkhanov M.M., and other artists. Alexei was a mentor.

At the institute, Lesha showed himself as a talented actor: participating in performances, he forced auditorium burst into applause. After graduating from GITIS, Sekirin received a diploma in theater, film and musical actor.

Alexey learned what universal recognition and fame are after the premiere of the musical based on the novel “Notre-Dame de Paris” (“Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris"). In this performance, the actor got the role of Phoebus de Chateauper, the pious captain of the royal shooters, with whom the gypsy Esmeralda falls in love. On one stage, he was lucky to work with artists such as, and others famous people.

Alexey Sekirin in the play "Romeo and Juliet"

In addition, on the stage of the Theater of the Moon, Sekirin reincarnated as the Nurse from the famous play based on the tragedy Romeo and Juliet, and also played in many other notable performances.


As often happens, some actors change their repertoire and move from the stage of the drama theater to the TV screens. There are many such examples:, etc. Alexey Sekirin is no exception. Therefore, the fact that he began to flicker in films and serial films is, rather, not an accident, but a true pattern. Initially, the fleeting roles of Alexei did not bring the actor the cherished popularity and fame. The young man appeared on the cinema for the first time in 2003, these were the series Amapola and The Bridegroom for Barbie.

In 2004, Sekirin was lucky, along with other movie stars, to star in Vadim Shmelev's detective "Killout Game". This series, interpreted as "Ten Little Indians of the 21st Century", thanks to the professionalism of the actors, received rave reviews from both reviewers and avid moviegoers.

Alexei Sekirin in the movie "The Sign of the True Path"

But Aleksey Sekirin became recognizable to viewers thanks to the popular sitcom Happy Together, which was broadcast on TNT from 2006 to 2013. This series, whose humor is based on curious cases, tells about the life of a seemingly simple Yekaterinburg family. Main character- Gena Bukin () - works as a shoe salesman and complains about her unfortunate life, and his wife Dasha () sits at home, eats sweets and constantly empties her beloved husband's wallet. This unfortunate family also has children: the stupid blonde Sveta () and the unlucky in communication with the opposite sex Roma ().

Alexey Sekirin in the series "Happy Together"

In this situation comedy, Alesei Sekirin played far from minor character, and the modest neighbor of the Bukins - Evgeny Varfolomeevich Stepanov. His relationship with his wife Elena () is an example of a totalitarian regime in the family, but thanks to the influence of Gena, Zhenya is trying to get out of these matriarchal shackles.

Alexey Sekirin appeared in the series "Happy Together" until 2010. Then he was replaced by actor Pavel Savinkov, who played the role of Len's new husband, Anatoly Poleno. Some fans were sure that Sekirin left due to a conflict with the producers, but the actor dispelled these rumors. The fact is that “Happy Together” is a Russian adaptation of the American comedy television series “Married ... with Children” (1987-1997), so the creators of the domestic version could not argue with the original plot.

The role of the henpecked neighbor was not assigned to Alexei for life, because the young man showed himself as a versatile actor. For example, in the TV series Cinderella's Trap (2014), Sekirin and Sergey Koleshnya played private detectives, and in the action movie Cop 2 (2014), Lesha successfully reincarnated as crime boss Gypsy.

Show "House 2"

On the long-running Dom-2 project, reality show participants not only build their love and delight the multimillion-dollar army of viewers with violent fights and scandals, but also develop culturally. In 2016, the School started on the show acting skills, in which boys and girls realized their creative potential, fighting for the main prize - filming in the film.

Alexey Sekirin in the show "Dom-2"

Alexei Sekirin and Said Nigmatulin acted as acting mentors, and Natalia Bichan was the choreography teacher. It is noteworthy that Sekirin (whom some fans of the project consider similar to) not only taught his wards, but was also involved in the intrigues of the TV project.

In addition, she shared on her blog that after the party, which took place in honor of the completion of the School of Acting, Alexei Sekirin spent the night in the women's bedroom next to her bed.

Personal life

As a student at GITIS, Alexei Sekirin met a red-haired beauty. A spark ran between the young people, which later grew into a stormy romance. The lovers secretly got married in Kostroma, and in 2008 their relationship came to naught.

The next chosen one of the actor was the producer, whom he met on the set scandalous show"Machine" (2014) (TV channel "Pepper"). In 2014, young people signed in the registry office of Krasnogorsk. According to rumors, the newlyweds had a child.

Fans of the actor and journalists, based on the releases of Doma-2, draw disappointing conclusions that Evgenia and Alexei broke up. However, these are just rumors, not confirmed by facts. It is known that Alexey Sekirin is registered on Instagram. On his page, the actor not only shares photos, but also responds to comments from subscribers.

Alexey Sekirin now

In 2016, Sekirin played in the series "" and "Three Queens".

Alexey Sekirin in the film "Mata Hari"

In 2017, Alexei appeared in an episode of the comedy sitcom Voronins (Episode 414). On the same site, he worked with, and other actors. Sekirin also played a role in the mini-series How to Lime a Mistress in 7 Days (2017).


  • "Amapola" (2003)
  • "Groom for Barbie" (2003)
  • "Killout Game" (2004)
  • "Happy Together" (2006–2010)
  • "Diagnosis: Love" (2009)
  • "Seraphim the Beautiful" (2010)
  • "Payback" (2011)
  • "Sign of the True Path" (2012)
  • "Ghost in a Crooked Mirror" (2013)
  • "Trap for Cinderella" (2014)
  • "Cop-2" (2014)
  • "Three Queens" (2016)
  • "Mata Hari" (2016)
  • Voronins (2017)
  • "How to lime a mistress in 7 days" (2017)

Alexey Sekirin- Theater and film actor. Born on July 11, 1978 in the city of Voronezh. Graduated from GITIS. Known for the role of Zhenya in the series "Happy Together", and the musical "Notre Dame de Paris".

IN school years, the actor was fond of music, and after graduating from school, he entered the Voronezh School of Music, after which he decided to continue his education and went to the capital. He easily entered the theater academy, choosing the specialty "Theater, film and musical actor."

The popularity of the actor brought the role of Phoebus in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris", where Anton Makarsky, Anastasia Stotskaya and others took part with him.

C (frame from the series "Happy Together")

But he received audience love by playing Evgeny Stepanov in. The comedy tells about the life of the ordinary Ural Bukin family, narrow-minded and stupid people. Unlike them, their neighbors, Eugene, are very decent and intelligent people, although with their own "cockroaches in their heads." Due to the neighborhood, Zhenya has to communicate closely with, and to some extent they can be called friends.

In addition to filming a movie, the actor plays in the KOMUSAZO Orchestra of Correct Music. And also serves in the theater of the moon.

Lyosha dated Anastasia Stotskaya for 6 years

From 2003 to 2008, the actor lived in civil marriage with singer Anastasia Stotskaya. In 2014, Lesha married.

The night before, the star of the series "Happy Together" Alexei Sekirin was returning from work in his car. Suddenly, a car crashed into him from the opposite lane. The girl was driving. As the actor suggests, the driver simply lost control.

“The car flew at me from the oncoming lane,” Sekirin told StarHit. – I can’t say exactly why this happened until there was an examination. Maybe there was some kind of malfunction in the car, but it seems to me that the driver simply lost control. I was lucky - I was not badly injured, although the car was pretty dented.

Alexey refused hospitalization, as he did not receive serious injuries in a traffic accident. “I literally have a couple of bruises, however, I cut my hand badly, but now in general I feel good. I escaped with minor injuries, so the girl will not have to pay me compensation for treatment, ”said Alexei.

The actor's car was insured. Now he is waiting for a verdict - whether the vehicle is recoverable or not. If the car can be repaired, the actor will not spend money on a new iron horse.

Actor Alexei Sekirin became famous thanks to the sensational sitcom Happy Together. There he played the flatmate of the main characters Zhenya Stepanov. The artist also starred in numerous films, such as "City of Temptation", "Payback", " Dark side souls" and many others.

With the onset of frost, the number of traffic accidents has increased significantly. Not so long ago famous TV presenter Olga Buzova and her friend crashed into a pole. The cause of the accident was ice, due to which the celebrity's girlfriend lost control. Fortunately for the girls, the collision was not so serious - they escaped with minor injuries.

“Olga was very scared, but she still tried to smile,” said Andrey Muravyov, an employee of a separate battalion of the traffic police. - Mostly she spoke, and her friend was silent. It turns out that the girl drove Buzova home, and ran into a terrible ice. Despite the studded tires, the car skidded and was thrown into the oncoming lane. According to the victims, they were spinning, due to which the speed dropped a lot, and then they were carried to the side of the road, straight into a pole.

Account: all_seek

Occupation: film and theater actor

Alexey Sekirin created Instagram more than three years ago. Alexey cannot be called a person who "lives" in social networks, his blog is replenished slowly.

Instagram Alexey Sekirin is laconic in a manly way. Star theatrical productions and musicals, a talented film actor, Alexei leaves his professional interests outside the blog. Photos from film sets, with directors and actors of cinema and theater on his instagram, a few.

But sports have a lot of space. With pleasure Alexey Sekirin posts photos from Instagram and short videos from training in the gym, on the hockey rink. The actor plays a lot of sports and is in excellent physical shape. Alexey accompanies the videos with humorous comments, and some of them are just short films for a couple of minutes with a plot and dramaturgy. You can see the character of the actor!

With the start of work in the project "House 2" as a stage consultant, photos from classes with project participants began to appear on Sekirin's blog, and just photos with beautiful participants in the show. Alexey's participation in the project did not go unnoticed. A lot of comments, both enthusiastic and critical, began to appear under each photo of the actor.

Biography of Alexei Sekirin

The biography of Alexei Sekirin is rich in interesting twists and fateful meetings.

Alexey Sekirin biography and filmography:

  • Alexey Sekirin was born in Voronezh in 1978;
  • After graduating from a music school in his native Voronezh, Sekirin with a group of musician friends went to "conquer" Europe. As Aleksey recalls, in order to get a residence permit in Holland, friends decided to work in the circus as auxiliary workers, and in free time play music. Dreams were not destined to come true, the guys were expelled from the country;
  • After returning to his homeland, Alexei enters the Moscow GITIS. On the same course with Sekirin, the young beauty Anastasia Stotskaya is studying, to whom Alexei immediately draws attention;
  • Since 2003, Lesha and Nastya begin to live together. Their romance lasts more than five years, but the peculiarities of the life of a star party break love - Sekirin and Stotskaya part;
  • Acquaintance with Philip Kirkorov dramatically changed the life of Anastasia and Alexei. Participation in Russian version the legendary musical Notre Dame De Paris, invitations to act in films and TV series;
  • Aleksey Sekirin is a sought-after film actor, for more than ten years of his career he has starred in more than three dozen films and TV series, including Happy Together, Jester and Venus, Female Doctor, Three Queens;
  • The creative union of actor Alexei Sekirin and director Karine Foliyants is very fruitful, today he has six joint films on his account.