A cool youth bride price scenario in a private house. Three options for a cool bride price scenario Competition for the husband’s sister


At the entrance to the house (on the house) there is a sign: “Women’s hostel. Male citizens are strictly prohibited from entering!!! Commandant." Lines with laundry may be stretched nearby, water from basins may be splashing out of the windows, and girls are “knocking out rugs and mattresses” at the entrance. When the groom appears, “activity” with shouts and squeals of “The men have arrived!” stops. The groom approaches the door, a watchwoman runs out to meet him (a woman over 50, wearing a sweatshirt, a scarf, with a mop at the ready and a sign “Watchman Aunt Dusya” on her chest).

Stop! Where? After ten, entry into the hostel is prohibited! Who are you, man? And the men were generally ordered to be driven away with a filthy broom! There are all sorts of people walking around here, sighing, and that’s why the girls’ skirts don’t match! So turn around, otherwise I’ll call the police! (Takes out a whistle and blows it.) Police! Help, they are raping! Well, why are you standing there and not raping? Ah, so that’s not what you came for... Why else would you come to the women’s dormitory?

The groom replies that he has come for the bride, whose name is... He says the name.

Which one is this (name)? From 118th? Who has one eye and still limp?

The groom replies that he is going to another one, from the apartment... he calls the bride’s apartment number.

Oh, this one!.. Well, you surprised me, guy! I sit here all day and night, but it’s the first time I’ve seen anyone come to her!.. What do you want from her?

The groom replies that he wants to marry her.

Look how he wrapped it up! Marry! Serious, so you're a guy? Fine. Since I’m serious myself, and your intentions are serious, so be it, I won’t put any obstacles in your way, but I won’t just give up the girl - she’s too pretty - just like that. I'll tell you riddles. But not simple ones for children, but complex ones for adults. If you answer correctly - well done, if you answer incorrectly - you are due. Agree? I won’t miss it any other way, and don’t expect it. Well, answer!
The place where the strongest marriages take place?
The time of year when love most often blooms?
What do true lovers like to look at when they dream?
What feeling can you have for your loved one other than love?
(Tenderness, jealousy)
A woman who helps lovers find each other?
What sound background is most favorable for lovers?
Who pierces people's hearts with arrows of love?
(Cupid, Cupid)
Nature's weakest ornament?
Wife's father?
(Father in law)
The wife's contribution to the joint family household?
Who is the mistress of the head of the family and who is the head of the family of the mistress of the house, if the head has no head at all, and the mistress does not have everything at home?
If a child was found in cabbage, where were his parents at that time?
(In the garden, at the vegetable base)
And he answered well, and did not leave me without income. Well, look around, you can’t see the commandant? Then hurry over, just quickly, if anything happens, I didn’t see you. And one more thing: be careful there, in the corridors, they are dark, and the girls here are cunning, many went into those corridors, but not all of them came back. Everyone, go!
Well, hello, groom, hello! It's been a while since we've seen someone like you. Tell me, to which room, to whom and why?

The groom answers.

Bridesmaids (vying with each other).
We know, we know this one, she’s been waiting for you for a long time, but not in the room you named, we hid her in another, look at the doors more closely, maybe by the handprint you’ll find where your bride is!

Several doors are drawn on whatman paper, like a corridor. On each door there is a woman's hand (circled). The groom must recognize the bride's hand and indicate it; for each mistake there is a fine.

Okay, groom, you've found the right door. Only there may be several brides behind her, all with the same name as yours. Walk down this ladder, at each step call your bride by name, but each time make it sound different.

The groom, climbing each new step, calls the name of the bride: Sveta, Svetlana, Svetochka, Svetik, etc.

Now tell us, groom, what your bride looks like, just without words.

To answer questions, the groom gives a banknote of the color that should be named.

What kind of eyes does the bride have? Greens! Fine. What does she have, one eye? Two - so give me two pieces of paper. What kind of sponges? Little red ones, and also two. What kind of polish are she wearing on her nails today? So give me a bottle of white, okay, one for all the fingers. Well, groom, let's see how and what you will feed your wife, do you know what she likes, let's start with the first one. What do you think she would choose if the menu...

There are three options each for first course, second course and dessert. The groom chooses.

Oh, girls, everything that the groom named is just what we have today! It only costs... (named by the groom) the first is fifty rubles, the second is thirty, the third is twenty. Total: one hundred rubles. Bridegroom, take out a hundred rubles, and we’ll run out and quickly buy some and feed the bride. Shouldn't she go to the registry office hungry?
Bridesmaids (one at a time).
We are also very interested in the housing issue. Tell me, where will our friend live? What size is the apartment? Who else is registered? There are some things we don’t understand well from words. Draw us a plan. Just not with a pen on a piece of paper, but with money on a tray.

The groom “draws” a diagram of the place where he and the bride are going to live. Girlfriends may ask to increase or decrease the scale, to additionally indicate the placement of storage rooms, a toilet, a matrimonial bed, etc.

Tell me, groom, how close do you know your bride? Did he just hold her by the hand or something else? Did he grab it himself or did she allow it? Well, if so, then you can easily find yours using the written “parameters”! As soon as you find her, kiss her right away!

Several female figures are drawn on a large sheet of paper with sizes indicated (like 90-60-90). The groom finds the bride's size among them and kisses that figure. If he is mistaken, then his girlfriends demand money from him for not telling the bride that he kissed another, and in intimate places.

Well done, groom! I completed all the tasks and approached the treasured door. But behind the door there is not one bride, but several, and each has tied a ribbon of her favorite color to her hand... If you know what color your bride has, pull the right ribbon, and the bride is in your arms, if you don’t know, guess, but for every mistake you will have to pay.

There are several other girls in the room with the bride. Each of them has a ribbon of a certain color tied to their hand, the other ends of the ribbons are behind the door. Whichever groom pulls for him, that “bride” will come out to him.

Bridesmaid: (On the road)
Hello, Ladies - Gentlemen!
Where are you from and where?
And what do you want anyway?
Come on, pass by!
The groom will come to us now.
We are really waiting for him here.
He will pay us a lot of money.
Together we will go to the registry office!

Oh! So are you the groom?
Why is it so quiet then?
Where is your zealous horse then?
Where is the mustache and dashing look?
Come on in now that you have arrived.
After all, there’s no way to go back.

Bridesmaid: (In front of the entrance)
Oh, you, guests - gentlemen?
How long did it take you to get here?
Let's go - we've prepared the way.
Why did you dress up like that?
What's in that suitcase?
And why is there money in your pockets?

Look how things turned out!
You wanted to get married!
Well, which one of you two?
Called the groom?

Well, if you are the groom,
Why are you quiet again?
We have countless brides here.
Look, it’s in any window.
The one that is dearest to you all,
Call loudly quickly.

Groom ……………………………………………………
You screamed something weakly.
Only scared the cats away!
Gather your strength, my friend,
Shout one more time.

Don't tear your throat in vain,
Shout love to her.

Groom ……………………………………………………
Love for all ages,
And all nations, and if so,
Shout: “I love you, Marisha”
In three different languages.
And if you have overseas diplomas
Don't bother to find out
Please give us a ringing ransom right away
How you're supposed to give!

*The groom is offered several cards indicating the language in which to shout out the confession.

Bridesmaid: (On the steps of the porch)

I just don’t understand something
Tell me why
The bride should be waiting for you
And languish by the window?
We won't give her away like that
We'll take a look at the groom.
Isn't he lame or hunchbacked?
And isn’t the tongue like a shovel?
Is everything with him, and is everything in place?
Is it suitable for the bride?

We don't know the groom at all
And we want to know everything about him.
Let a friend be a witness slowly
He will list the groom's merits to us.
If a friend doesn’t name 10 qualities in advance
There will be a complete turn from threshold to gate.

*There are 10 ribbons strung on the porch. For each quality mentioned, the bride's friend cuts one ribbon.

Bridesmaid: (In front of the entrance door)

*There is a tape stretched across the doorway.
Well great, come on in.
But neither jump nor crawl
You can't, but you don't have scissors,
So think about how to get through.

*There are several scissors on the tray. Spicy ones are the most expensive.

Cut the red ribbon and life will be wonderful.

Bridesmaid: (On the first floor)
We see that you are a dashing people,
And besides, he’s daring,
But to prove this,
You will have to dance.

Isn't the groom lame?
Well, stomp your foot!
With a witness for a couple
Perform for us... - can-can!
Without wasting time,
We'll eat a banana for now!

Our bride is the color of poppies
There is no way to get to her without a ransom!
And now we need it for her
A huge bar of chocolate!

For a round ass
We need a box of chocolates!

For the bride's heel
Fist of coins for us!

For a transparent veil
A bottle of cognac!

For the bride's slender figure
We wish you ocean flowers!

So as not to shed tears in marriage
We need to spill some water for you.
You see a bucket here
Put it in it now
Neither kid nor lamb,
Not a skinny pig.
And you put it in it
What do we need for the soul?
There is one condition
You need to do this:
Pour the water over the edge,
Don't grab the bucket with your hands!

*In front of the groom there is a bucket with a little water in it.

Here is the treasured ladder
Take the step
And raise your heart
Call your bride tenderly.
How many letters are hearts?
So many kind words!

*Hearts with letters (“N E V E STA”) are laid out on the steps

Bridesmaid: (On the second floor)
We ask the groom to stand on the stool
Now let's see how he's dressed.
Yes, dressed and shod in fashion
And the jacket is not a hoodie
As if sewn in “Silhouette”
It's just lovely how it sits.
Fashionable tailcoat, watch with fire,
He's even wearing a tie.
In general, we can be calm,
The groom looks quite decent.

Bridesmaid: (On the stairs)
Our bride needs a husband - an assistant,
Show me how tough you are.
Climb the stairs
Try to guess the housework:
Go up the stairs
And promise me what you will do around the house.

*Acronyms are laid out on the stairs:

MP - wash dishes
SB – wash clothes
PC – vacuum the apartment
MO - wash windows
PP – wipe dust
X in M ​​- go to the store
VD – raise children
ZD – make money
Salary – make the bed
DR - make repairs
GB – ironing clothes

Bridesmaid: (On the court)
And now the young groom
Sing us a song louder.
Let the witness not yawn,
Let him actively help.
And don't stand around
Sing loudly with them.

To begin with, about LOVE,
To make the blood boil in your veins.

And now let's sing about the SEA,
So that grief drowns in him.

And now let's sing about SUMMER.
If you don't sing, give me a coin!

Bridesmaid: (On the stairs)
On this staircase
You tell us
your story
With love from Marisha.
You pick up the leaves
Explain these numbers.

*There are pieces of paper with numbers on the steps. Each number means some event in the life of the young people.

Bridesmaid: (On the third floor)
Well, you ended up, say, in the forest
Full of all sorts of miracles.
Rely on friends
In execution of plans.
To appear to the bride,
Must turn into a prince.
Show off your talents, everyone!
Otherwise there will be trouble!

Our prince must be with a horse
And the crown is with him.
Show your dexterity
Ride on your horse
Around your fellows,
Noisy forest depicting.

Bridesmaid: (On the stairs)
To walk up the stairs
And find a way to the bride
We will give you riddles
Guess them without looking back
If you can't handle it, pay!
Feel free to hit the road then.

“Both lumpy and spongy,
Both soft and brittle,
And dearest to everyone." (Bread)

“In the belly there is a bathhouse, in the nose there is a sieve,
On the head there is a navel,
Just one hand and that one on the back” (Kettle)

“Bela, but not snow; sweet, but not honey;
They take it from the horned one and give it to the children.” (Milk)

“Light, rustling, talking about a lot
You can't live without her,
To the store, to the cinema
And get a bride." (Money)
Bridesmaid: (On the court)
There's a lemon in front of you
Reveal your betrothed's name.
To find out where the name is,
You just have to eat it.
Mark my words
Don't make a sour face.
If you wince now,
Your life will be sour.

* Under each lemon slice there is a small piece of paper with a name on it. The groom and witness eat a slice without wincing, and then read the name. If this is not the name of the bride, then they eat the next slice.

Bridesmaid: (On the stairs)
Now, groom, prove it to us,
That you are marrying for love.
Reasons to beware of others
And don't touch those steps!

*On the steps there are reasons: 9 - for love, 8 - I’m afraid to sleep alone, 7 - for calculation, 6 - for tradition, 5 - mother-in-law forces, 4 - out of boredom, 3 - to eat a salad, 2 - I’ve run out of clean socks, 1 - because of the cat

Bridesmaid: (On the fourth floor)
And here is the name of the one you dreamed about so much.
You probably noticed him a long time ago?
Cover it with paper money,
So that the bride-to-be can walk around looking so important.

* The name of the bride is written in chalk on the platform. The groom pays it out with paper money.

Everyone, come
Well now
Ring the doorbell with your heel!

Bridesmaid: (In the vestibule)
In this bunch is the key to the door
You can find him.
If you took the wrong one, pay.

Bridesmaid: (In the apartment)
So you have arrived to the bride,
We're almost together now
Just to live as a family,
We need to strengthen the walls.
One - sweet candies,
The other - in hard coins,
The third - crispy pieces of paper,
The fourth - intoxicating wines.

Pull one ribbon
And pull out your betrothed
If you pull out the wrong one,
Pay us money.
Or marry the one
What will you pull behind you!

Hello, dear groom.
I've been waiting for you.
You came for the bride
But I was not at a loss!
Look at me
And think quickly
Well, why do you need Marina?
I am younger, more beautiful!
If you did not change your mind
And you want to take Marina,
You'll have to pay
Give me a dowry!

*The groom is allowed into the bride’s room.

Your fiance promises -
He will be gentle, he will be quiet.
He won't forget this day
He will carry money into the house.
He will reward and please everyone,
He won't run away from his worries.
He took it for everyone, as they say.
How do you like your groom?

Bride: Good!
Take care of the bride, groom,
From adversity and dashing storms.
To bloom
So that it bears fruit.
Happiness is yours in her -
Take care of her!

The bride price is an important wedding start. This is an opportunity to give the celebration a relaxed and fun atmosphere from the first minutes. That is why it is best to give preference to a funny and original bride price. A great mood and many smiles are guaranteed for everyone. Do you like solving puzzles? Then choose a bride ransom scenario in the form of a quest - modern and interesting. Are there any medical workers among you? A medical bride price scenario would be most appropriate at a wedding.

In this article, the portal for brides Svadebka.ws offers you a funny ransom scenario called “Bride Issuance Agency.”

Bride ransom: funny scenario

Below is a step-by-step modern bride ransom scenario with minimal details.

Meeting the groom

The bridesmaids are already ready for the groom's arrival. The girls are sitting near the entrance at a table, drinking tea and chatting. Nearby there is a sign (large inscription): “Bride Procurement Agency.” The operating hours are stated below: from 11:00 to 18:00. Lunch - from 12:00 to 17:00.

The groom and his friends are approaching. One of the agency workers approaches them and explains that the guys arrived just for lunch break and it is now closed. But for a small fee, the meeting can still take place. The groom leaves the payment and approaches the table. Let's start a funny ransom.

Girlfriends' phrases:

“Hello, handsome guys! Which one of you needs a bride?”

“This one, with the tummy?”(point to a suitable friend of the groom).

“Or maybe this one, with hair?”(choose another friend).

“No, probably to this one - the most beautiful and noble man”(point to the groom).

“We want to hear your requirements for the future bride, we have a huge selection. Here you go, before you are three catalogs of brides. From 500 rub. up to 1000 rub. But there are also more expensive ones...”

The girls show the groom three albums with potential brides (A4 folders with figures from magazines pasted on). The first one is cheaper, the scariest brides (we choose funny options). The second is average, an album with models and stars of the first magnitude. The third - the most expensive brides, photographs of familiar girls and on the last page a photo of the beloved.

After choosing the bride, the bridesmaids turn to the groom's friends:

“The groom chose the best bride. Now let’s see if he will match her and how good he is?”

Friends name as many good qualities of the groom as possible. After this, the girls strive to test the strength of the newly-made groom and invite him to the entrance.

Competitions for the groom

Husband's responsibilities

Participants: the groom and his friends (prompt).

Props: Whatman paper, markers, scissors.

From whatman paper, cut out cards with various abbreviations of the husband’s responsibilities. Place them on the stairs. To overcome the step, the groom must guess one letter combination. If the groom doesn't guess, he puts in the money.

Abbreviation options:

  • VDC (always give flowers);
  • NU (continuously surprise);
  • ВННР (always carry on hand);
  • VM (take out the trash);
  • MP (wash dishes);
  • VP (wipe off dust);
  • SB (wash clothes);
  • VNK (carry to the resort);
  • VD (raise children);
  • ZD (earn money).

You can come up with abbreviations for which it is easy to come up with two or more decodings. Then the groom will name one of them, and the bridesmaids will name the other. And the newly-made husband candidate will have to pay. For example, NU - continuously surprise and tirelessly respect.

Promises for the bride

Participants: groom.

Props: darts, a painted target with the wishes of the bride.

The bridesmaids want to know how the groom will pamper the bride. He has three tries. The goal is to get into the sectors with the bride's desire on the target, for example, a supercar, a penthouse, a fur coat, diamonds. Everything that the groom gets into must be fulfilled within the first three years.

The groom and his friends are invited to go up to the bride's floor.

Find out the fingerprint

Participants: groom.

Props: Male world star poster, red lipstick (for prints).

The groom approaches a poster, the image of which is completely in prints of women's lips (girls must prepare this poster in advance). You need to guess which lips belong to his bride. Attempts will not be crowned with success, because among all the prints of the bride’s lips there are no lips. For incorrect answers, the girls demand to pay, and then say:

“It’s a shame, groom, to even admit the thought that your bride could kiss someone else besides you. Even if it’s a world star.”.

After this phrase, you can still collect a fine for trying to ruin the bride’s reputation.

Finding himself next to the door of the bride's apartment, the groom faces the final test.

Value for the bride

Participants: groom.

Props: pelvis

There is a basin in front of the bride's door. Girlfriends ask to put the most valuable gift for their beloved there. Of course, on the wedding day, the best gift for the bride will be the groom. The competition will end when the future spouse climbs into the basin. From this moment on, the path to your future wife is open. The groom is allowed to see the bride.

You can use this script as a basis and add your own ideas to it. Want more challenges? Pay attention to the bride price in the traffic police style. On the website www.. Be inspired and charged with positivity from the first minutes of the wedding celebration.


    It’s your holiday – your friend is getting married. Well, all you have to do is “sell” it at a ransom and give it into the hands of a good man. Do you want your redemption to be fun and organized? A youthful and cool bride price scenario 2015 will help you with this. We came up with a scenario that can be carried out both in the entrance and in a private house. Watch competitions and challenges for the groom and be sure that he will “like” them!

    And so, the groom drove up to the bride’s house. He is greeted by his bridesmaids.

    Who are they? Why did you come?

    Groom and his friends:
    We're going to the bride, we're going to get married.

    And, if you’re getting married, then sing us songs about the wedding?

    The groom, with the help of his friends, must remember and sing songs about the wedding.
    If you sang at least three songs, then the next test.

    Okay, okay, you're ready to get married. How do you marry - for love or for convenience?

    For love!

    If it’s for love, then sing us songs about love for your beloved!

    The groom should sing some song about his love for the bride. It could just be any love song.

    Well done, you sang a song - that means you love him!
    But they told us that you didn’t only go to Alenka (the bride’s name). Not only did he offer her his hand and heart! They say you also dated other girls. It was so?

    The groom answers no. Did not have.

    And this is what we will check now. Do you know your lover's height? There are three cards in front of you. Each of them has their height written on them. If you draw a card with the correct answer, we will believe that you went to see our bride. And if you make a mistake, we will tell her everything! True, in this case we can be appeased and bribed!

    The groom is given three cards on a tray. One has real height written on it. The second one shows the Eiffel Tower. And on the third there is a small mushroom drawn.
    If the groom pulled out a card with height, then he passed the test. If not, then he pays. When choosing a card with a tower, it pays a lot of money. Cards with mushroom small money.

    Well, here too you were able to give the correct answer. Looks like we'll have to let you through. But first, we want to make you promise that you will pay attention to your wife and your family for at least five days. Agree? Can you name these five days without naming the names of the days and numbers?

    Here the groom and his friends should say the following days: the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.

    And now we have a quick survey for you. We will quickly ask you questions, and you must answer them quickly. If you can answer at least three, then you will move on. If you can, then pay the fine. So, questions:
    - it appeals to women and measures 15 cm long and 7 cm wide? (100 dollar bill)
    - there is no length, no width, no depth, but can it be measured? (Love_
    - What are all people doing on earth at the same time? (live)
    - What is on fire in a person? (heart)
    - On which finger, which hand is the wedding ring put on? (on the ring finger of the right hand)

    So we come to the door of your beloved. And we have only one question - did you take your passport with you? Tell us, on which page of the passport is the marriage stamp placed?

    The groom answers. If it's correct, it passes. If not, then he pays as much money as the number of times he made a mistake with the page.

    Meeting the groom

    There is a bench in front of the entrance to the multi-storey building. The groom and his friends are greeted by the bridesmaids.

    - Guys, get out of here. The groom will arrive now.
    - Bow to the ground, good fellows!
    - Why are you at the parade today? Why did you all come with ties?
    - We invite you, come in, we are selling the bride. If you don’t want to, go ahead, we will always find suitors.
    - Choose any of us. (bride's name) do you want? But she’s not there. Koschey the Immortal visited our area. He entangled the entire kingdom with evil spirits, blocked all the roads, stole your bride, locked her in prison, and cast an evil dream over her. Are you ready to fight with evil spirits and win the bride from Koshchei the Immortal? If you are ready, then come with us. Challenges await you ahead.

    Tests for the groom

    1. "Stone". There is a stone at the gate. Three roads lead from the stone - the beginning of the domain of Koshchei the Immortal. Choose the road, now we will find out what thoughts you came with, whether you are going to your sweetheart with a pure heart.
    The first path is “marriage out of necessity.” We won't let you in. Pay and take another road.
    The second path is “marriage of convenience.” We won't let you in. Pay and take another road.
    The third way is “marriage for love.” Come on in.

    2. “Dense forest” (Fence, gate, posters with pictures of the forest hanging). Koschey the Immortal threw down his comb and the forest stood up like a wall. Don't pass, don't knock out. Stand up like that, whistle loudly, and jump or fly through the forest. If you don't know how to fly, you have to pay.

    3. "The Web". (From threads). Koschey the Immortal released all kinds of evil spirits, poisonous spiders. They entangled everything around with their web. If you touch the thread, that’s where the end will come for you. And none of your friends are allowed to touch.

    4. "River of Fire". Koschey the Immortal threw in the towel - the river of fire overflowed. Neither swim nor fly over. There is only one place where there is a ford: where the fire has died down, there are traces. (4-5 tracks are drawn). But every trace will light up if you don’t fulfill the girls’ wishes. A well-mannered man will never refuse a woman. You need to follow the tracks and pay the girls.


    We were going to a wedding
    Tried to be beautiful
    Everyone spent a lot of money,
    To us sissy girls

    Give me more money.
    Give us money for earrings,
    On beautiful boots,
    Alu ribbon in hair,
    Otherwise, go back.
    We are girls with a sweet tooth,
    We love gingerbread cookies and nuts.
    To have slender legs
    Give us a bag of potatoes.

    5. "Dragon". (Drawn on the poster). And here is the Serpent Gorynych himself in front of you. Cut his head off. Take out your treasure sword, dildo spear. If you don't have yours, take ours. But he's just frail. It must be encased in gold. It can also be encased in silver. (The groom puts coins on the cardboard sword). Or maybe you can do something else to appease the dragon?

    6. "Mermaids". Koschey the Immortal released seductive mermaids on you. This is who we are. And we don’t want to let you see the bride.

    Were we getting the bride ready for the wedding?
    Have you washed your hair in the bathhouse or combed your hair?
    Did you dress up in a dress, put on a veil?
    Have you tried on the shoes?

    They gave you not just any friend, but your best friend. The best seductress, the best temptress, the beauty of beauties.

    Here's a stool, don't sit on it. Place the bride price on her.

    There are many beautiful brides in this house. Tell me the signs and write a portrait.

    For the bride's elegant dress, give us grape wine.
    For pumps - a bottle of vodka.
    For every heel we get a fist's worth of coins.
    For a white veil, give us ripe apples.
    For the brides ringing laughter - "sweet couples" for everyone.
    And for a slender figure - we get a bottle of champagne.
    For the bride's tender look, give us chocolate.
    For the bride's ears, give us a tub of mushrooms.
    If not, serve with vinaigrette. If there is no vinaigrette, pay money for it.
    For the scarlet lips of a sweet dove, don’t begrudge ten rubles.
    So as not to live without children, put some candy in your pocket.
    For the bride's white hands, get the stars from the cloud. (Cognac).
    On this tray, let the groom write out the name of his bride from rubles.
    For your wedding dress, sing a heartfelt song.
    For the bride's voice, give us a bag of seeds. And if not, then dance “lady” once.
    Here is a squared scarf, put a coin on each square.
    Break the plate with the force with which you love Lyudmila. Now cover each fragment with paper money.
    Come on, stomp your foot. And now another one. Don't wave your legs, just dance.

    7. "Chest". Here is the treasured door. But there is no key. The key, like the death of Koshchei the Immortal, lies in the chest on the tree. You get the key and Koschey will die. Then the door will open. There is a hare in the chest, a duck in the hare, an egg in the duck, and a key in the egg.

    8. "Tablet". In the corridor there is a sign on the door: “In this mansion a gray-eyed girl languishes.” If you find a mistake, you will immediately end up in the turret. (Find an error in the inscription. The catch is that the groom noticed an error in the word “languish”, but did not notice that the bride’s eye color is not gray, but blue).

    9. "Table". The table stands in front of the largest room. Place every good thing on all four corners. You take a young wife, provide for her, cover her with a self-assembled tablecloth. If you put a lot on the table, then wealth will be added in life.

    10. "Bride". The bride is tied with a rope and sleeps in an enchanted sleep. The groom unties the knots and dispels the spell with a kiss. The bride wakes up, but she doesn't have her shoes. The groom buys the bride's shoes.

    The groom buys the bride and takes her to the registry office.