Andrey Malakhov: what is the latest news about him. What programs are hosted by Andrey Malakhov Latest materials from the "Culture" section

The producer of the program "Let them talk" with Andrei Malakhov, Natalya Galkovich, officially left Channel One. And now he will do a similar talk show "Live" on "Russia". On the eve of her departure, she confirmed information about the radical decision of the team - to submit applications that were immediately signed by the leadership of the First.


"Only 15 people left in the end .. - They have already found a replacement, the shooting is going on in a normal schedule."

But if everything seems to have settled down on the First, then the storm is just beginning on Rossiya.. - It's just that she has such a character and manner of leading that none of the members of the team wants to work with her. To avoid a mass exodus of employees, they decided to tell them that she would only come to meetings and planning meetings, and not lead. This, of course, is not true."

As the site wrote, Andrey Malakhov has already been introduced to the "Live" team. This was forced to do by Boris Korchevnikov, who was fired from the channel. CEO"Russia" told the team that he had brought "the best leader of the country." And he went to all the conditions of Malakhov, both creative and financial.

In mid-August, Russian viewers were puzzled by the changes that had taken place in the team of one of the country's highest-rated shows. The permanent host of the program "Let them talk", who for sixteen years told the audience about the fate of stars and ordinary people suddenly left his post.

A master of his craft, able to direct the conversation in the right direction and perfectly control the disputes that arise in the studio, he fell in love with many viewers. Therefore, the question of where Malakhov went from Channel 1 remains one of the most popular in recent months.

The future successful showman came to the main channel of the country as a student. Fascinated by the world of television, he decides to devote his whole life to this business, and after successfully graduating from the faculty of journalism, he comes to work at Ostankino. For a long time, Andrei gained experience working as a special correspondent and program editor.

Over time, a successful journalist begins to conduct rating programs, which are greatly loved by the audience. The charismatic presenter begins to work in the program "Big Wash", soon a program with Malakhov "Five Evenings" appears, and then "Let them talk." The launched talk show became the apogee of the TV presenter's career.

In 2005, viewers saw the first release of the Let Them Talk program. The emotional show, filled with tense moments and dramatic twists, immediately soared to the top of the ratings. Its presenter skillfully stirred up the interest of the audience, unraveling the intrigues and understanding the intricacies of human destinies. Within a couple of years, the status of the "king of the ratings" was firmly established for the talented TV presenter, and his personality was invariably associated with the TV show. All the more incredible was the news that the host of “Let them talk” would work on the second channel.

This news was announced by the TV presenter himself, who gave a detailed commentary on his departure. He thanked the entire team of the first channel for many years of fruitful cooperation and wished good luck to the new host of the show.

Disputes with the producer

For all fans who are interested in where Andrei Malakhov has gone from the first channel, the TV presenter highlighted his future plans in detail. He went to work for the Russia-1 channel in a project similar to his previous job. Now the popular showman will broadcast "Live" instead of Boris Korchevnikov.

In the new show, Malakhov will become not only the host, but also the producer, and this is one of the reasons for his transition to competitors. AT candid interview the presenter shared some details of his work on the first channel. In "Let them talk", as in other rating shows, the main word always remains with the producer and the presenter, despite his enormous experience, cannot influence the final decision. What topic to discuss, which guests to invite, how to influence the rating - all these questions remain the responsibility of the program producer.

In order to understand why the TV presenter switched to the second channel, it is necessary to consider the rating of the show for last years. In 2014, the transmission share was about 20%, but by 2017 this figure had dropped to 16%.

According to the TV presenter himself, this is due to wrong choice those, and, consequently, a decrease in the audience. However, he could not influence the choice of issues for discussion, although he proposed interesting projects.

To raise the rating of the program "Let them talk", the channel's managers decide to return the producer with whom the company collaborated several years ago to the team. Natalya Nikonova again headed the show, but this time there was no favorable cooperation with the TV presenter. Disputes began regarding the subject matter of each issue. The desire of the TV presenter to add more socio-political programs was not taken into account, and the show continued to be based on everyday problems and tragedies. famous people. This was the main reason that Malakhov is now working on the second channel.

At the new place of work, Andrey will be able to independently choose the topics and focus of the program. Being the producer of the project, he gets the right to choose the heroes of the program and topical issues, which will be dealt with in the studio. He will be able to independently make each issue, based on his preferences, knowledge and experience.

Now, instead of Boris Korchevnikov, Andrey Malakhov will be the host of "Live"

Definitely a career advancement for a TV journalist who gets the long-awaited freedom to choose the topics he wants to discuss with the viewer. The desire of the TV presenter fully explains his behavior and answers the question of where Malakhov disappeared from the first channel, but there are other reasons explaining the changes in his career.

Other reasons for leaving

Among possible causes the transition of a popular showman to a rival channel was called underremuneration. Almost everyone who is interested in where Andrei Malakhov went from Channel 1 came across information about the TV presenter's dissatisfaction with his earnings. In one of recent interviews, the journalist confirmed that he received a fixed monthly salary, while his colleagues were paid fees for each broadcast. However, the TV presenter emphasized that it was not about money, but about the lack of career growth. The Rossiya-1 TV channel is also a state channel, so the remuneration under the new contract will be almost identical to the previous one.

Rumors about which channel the "king of ratings" would operate on were very controversial. The TV presenter himself announced a large number of various proposals, among which there were quite unusual ones. The producers of the STS channel tried to get a talented TV journalist, proposals for cooperation came from the NTV channel. The most unusual project proposed to Andrey was the hosting of the Dom-2 show. However, it was on the second channel that the TV presenter was offered the position of producer of the show, which he had been striving for for so long.

Among the reasons for the termination of the multi-year contract with the first channel was the desire of the presenter to go on maternity leave. Andrei and his wife will soon become parents for the first time. This joyful event spurred the TV presenter to go on a long vacation after the birth of the baby. However, according to some reports, such an intention was not approved by the leadership of the first channel, and the showman was denied a long vacation.

The unwillingness of the employer to meet the future father is called by some publications the main reason that Malakhov left for the second channel.

Dmitry Borisov is the new host of the program “Let them talk”

The TV presenter does not comment on the rumors about maternity leave, but he calls the change of the studio in which “Let them talk” was filmed for many years one of the reasons for leaving. In April, it was decided to change the studio and move the show team from Ostankino. For Andrei, this was a blow, according to him, that special energy and aura that was in his usual place of work can no longer be returned. For many years, the team filmed in a small cozy room that became a second home, and the new location of filming with an area of ​​​​a thousand square meters could not replace it. The change in the usual place of work was one of the reasons why the TV presenter left his favorite show.

The combination of the factors voiced eventually led to the showman's dissatisfaction with his place and the desire to change something. Thirst for change, Malakhov also explains the midlife crisis, arguing that he began to look at some things in a completely different way. I wanted to take new heights, create something new, my own. According to the journalist, he has grown out of his position and is ready for more serious tasks. The gradual destruction of old foundations and the desire for change explain where and why Andrei Malakhov left the first channel.

Successes and failures in a new place

Becoming a producer and host of the program "Live", Andrey hopes to create large-scale project, which will be able to show different corners of our vast country. He said that he plans to make each episode of the program memorable and exclusive, using only relevant and interesting information. The plans of the TV presenter field programs, independent reports and stories from the most remote corners of the country.

After replacing the TV presenter in the show "Let them talk", the reaction of viewers was mixed. Many loyal fans of Andrey refused to accept new episodes of the program without their favorite presenter and found out which channel their idol had gone to. Loyal fans followed the charismatic showman, and the first episodes of the Live broadcast showed record high ratings.

Farewell to the former host of the program Boris Korchevnikov, and an exclusive interview with Maria Maksakova attracted more than 20% of viewers. Andrey once again proved that he is a master of his craft and rating programs are not only his profession, but also his vocation. However, three successful issues were followed by a rapid drop in the rating to almost 9%.

According to experts, the failed broadcast is connected with the choice of topic. The investigation is mysterious

TV presenter Andrey Malakhov wrote an open letter to Konstantin Ernst and all the staff of Channel One, in which he said goodbye to his colleagues with whom he had worked for a long 25 years.

“In our digital era, the epistolary genre is rarely addressed, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people were still writing letters to each other, not text messages. So sorry for such a long message. I hope you know real reasons my unexpected transfer to "Russia 1", where I will lead new program"Andrei Malakhov. Live”, to engage in a Saturday show and other projects, ”the website quotes the text of the letter.

The host of “Let them talk” thanked his colleagues for their kind attitude and support, remembered by name those who treated him better than others, noting the professionalism of the channel’s team, and wished success to his successor, Dmitry Borisov.

“Dima, all hope is on you! The other day I saw fragments of "Let them talk" with your participation. I’m sure you will succeed!” Malakhov wrote.

“I didn’t comment on your recent video against the backdrop of the castle, because if money had come first in this story, my transfer, as you might guess, would have happened nine years ago,” Malakhov noted in particular.

And in an interview with the website of his wife Natalia, he frankly told why he left Channel One. Andrey Malakhov admitted: after he turned 45, he realized that "it's time to get out of the tight framework."

“I have always been subordinate. A human soldier following orders. But I wanted independence,” said the “king of ratings”.

An additional "blow", the presenter admitted, was the relocation of the "Let them talk" program from Ostankino, where Malakhov and his team spent a quarter of a century, to another studio.

Therefore, he agreed when he received a call from Rossiya 1 and was offered to become a producer of his own program in order to "decide for yourself what to do and what topics to cover."

In addition, the presenter announced the name of his new transmission: "Andrey Malakhov. Live".


Boris Korchevnikov: In a sense, Andrey Malakhov and I have a common life

“The main intrigue of the summer” is no more: in the talk show “Live” on the channel “Russia 1” there really was a replacement. Presenter Boris Korchevnikov, having received a promotion in the leadership line, handed over his post to Andrei Malakhov, who, for this, resigned from Channel One. Shooting starts this week

Andrey Malakhov will become the host new wave 2017"

Passions around Andrey Malakhov do not subside. They just dissuaded them from the topic “Let them talk” and Andrey’s scandalous transition to the Russia channel, they were only glad that Malakhov and his wife Natalya would become parents. Suddenly - new story. As the organizers of the competition told us, Andrey will become the host of one of the concerts, which will be held as part of the New Wave ().


“Let them talk” with a new presenter: Malakhov was seen off - two button accordions were torn


In the first edition of the “Let them talk” program, they decisively broke with the dark past with the new presenter ().

Boris Vyacheslavovich Korchevnikov - Russian actor, journalist and TV presenter. He is known to viewers as one of the central characters of the series "Kadetstvo" and the host of the program "Live", from where he left in early 2017.

Childhood and first roles

Boris Korchevnikova was born on July 20, 1982 in Moscow. Mom, Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova, worked at the Moscow Art Theater: first as an assistant to Oleg Efremov, later she was the deputy director of the theater and director of the Moscow Art Theater Museum. Boris grew up without a father. With him, the director of the theater. Pushkin Vyacheslav Evgenievich Orlov, he met only at the age of 13.

As a child, Boris spent a lot of time at work with his mother. Sitting in her office, he usually drew or read, sometimes he walked around the theater. He preferred to draw those whom he saw - mostly actors. From the age of 7, he began to go on stage himself. In his professional "baggage" - more than ten roles played in the performances of the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov and the Studio Theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov

Eight-year-old Borya was entrusted with children's roles in twelve productions. Of these, the favorite was "The Cabal of the Saints" based on Bulgakov's play. He especially liked the scene where he had to lie in the harpsichord for a long time - at this time he could look with interest through the gap of the audience sitting in the hall. The role was small, but he had small dialogue with Oleg Efremov, who played in this performance. Boris was also involved in the performances "My dear, good ones", "Boris Godunov" and "Matrosskaya silence", where he appeared on stage with Yevgeny Mironov.

Borya became interested in journalism very early. When he turned eleven, his mother took him to the television center on Shabolovka, where they were recruiting for a new TV show. So Boris became a reporter and TV presenter of the Tam-Tam News program on the RTR channel. Then he became the host of the Tower program on the same RTR, designed for the youth contingent of viewers.

In 1998, when it was time to go to college, Boris decided to try his luck at two universities at once. The young man assured that he would be able to prepare for two entrance exams without any problems, since he had already combined work in the theater and on television. And so it happened - he entered both the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and the Moscow Art Theater School, but still chose Moscow State University. It was not easy to enter, but it was very interesting and easy for a young man to study.

Actor career. "Kadetism"

In 2001, the aspiring journalist became a freelancer for NTV, and a year later he was hired as a full-time reporter. At the same time, he began acting in films and commercials. So, in the early 2000s, he appeared in a couple of scenes of the series Thief-2 and Happiness for Rent.

In 2006, having successfully passed the casting, he began acting in the television series "Kadetstvo", where he played the role goodie- Suvorov Sinitsin, the son of a hereditary military man.

Shooting a series about Everyday life young cadets, went for almost two years (2006-2007), 12 hours a day, so Boris had to take a long vacation on NTV. There were other difficulties: he, a 24-year-old young man, had to play a 15-year-old teenager. In addition, he, who had long decided that he had completely mastered the subtleties acting profession in the theater, now he has changed his point of view - it was not easy to work, he had to deal with uncertainty. The advice of Vladimir Steklov, who played ensign Kantemirov and Alexander Porokhovshchikov (General Matveev) in Kadestve, helped the actor.

Boris Korchevnikov on TV

In 2009, Boris became the author and host of the TV program “I want to believe!” on STS. The essence of the transfer was to investigate historical myths like the Holy Grail or Atlantis. Comments on the air were given by well-known scientists and experts of world renown. To create each issue, Boris had to travel a lot, communicate with people.

"I want to believe" with Korchevnikov. "Mozart was poisoned by the Freemasons"

In 2010, Korchevnikov, together with Sergei Shnurov, became the host of the History of Russian Show Business series of television programs, a 20-episode documentary project. The presenters managed to make out the domestic music scene: the rock wave of Andrei Makarevich and Viktor Tsoi, the phenomenon of Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina from Tatu, the popularity of Zemfira, and the decline of show business, which, according to the creators of the documentary cycle, occurred in 2010 from glut of the public.

In the same 2010, Boris played in the historical documentary television film for children "Guys and Paragraph". Korchevnikov played Paragraph, a well-read hero who told children about Orthodox culture, the most ancient cities of Russia and the boyar republic.

In 2011, Boris and Vasily Utkin began hosting the History of Russian Humor TV program. The format was similar to the "History of Russian show business" - the same 20 episodes, the story began again from 1987. The heroes of the program were Yevgeny Petrosyan and the Full House, Gorodok contingent represented by Yuri Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinikov, the characters of the most popular sitcoms of the 2000s, sketch shows like Our Russia and humorous programs like Comedy Club. Even the transition to a new format of humor was considered - funny pictures in social networks.

In early 2013, an NTV journalist showed an investigative film with the provocative title "I don't believe it!". It shows the personal vision of a journalist (Orthodox Korchevnikov) - he believed that they were trying to deliberately denigrate the ROC. He listed Vladimir Pozner, Leonid Parfyonov, blogger Rustam Adagamov and philanthropist Viktor Bondarenko among these "militant anti-clericals".

"I do not believe!". A film by Boris Korchevnikov

In May 2013, Korchevnikov began broadcasting "Live" on the channel "Russia 1", replacing Mikhail Zelensky, who switched to the program "Vesti. Moscow". "Live" is a talk show similar in format to "Let them talk" with Andrey Malakhov. The studio discussed "fried" topics: crimes, betrayals and other high-profile social events.

Fight between Boris Korchevnikov and Dzhigurda

So, on “Live” they discussed jokes about the death of Zhanna Friske, the divorce of Alexander Kerzhakov and Ekaterina Sofronova, the death of a Russian orphan adopted by the Americans.

The creators of the program were often accused of unprofessionalism. One of the most high-profile cases is a program about the former wife of Marat Basharov, Ekaterina Arkharova. After watching the release, the woman pointed out to the film crew that the facts were distorted and outright “yellowness”. And Sergey Bezrukov sued the channel "Russia 1" when photos of his relatives were used on "Live" without the permission of the actor.

Personal life of Boris Korchevnikov

Boris Korchevnikov is not married, although the media attributed to him a marriage with actress Anna-Cecile Sverdlova (“Rosehip Aroma”, “If You Are Not With Me”).

Boris is fluent in German and English. Korchevnikov takes care of himself, visits gym and always dress fashionably.

Boris would really like to play on stage, but he understands that, not being a certified specialist, he will not suit any talented director, and he does not want to act in low-quality films.

In 2015, doctors suspected a brain tumor in Boris Korchevnikov. He made a tomogram, and the diagnosis was confirmed. The tumor was identified as benign, but surgery was still necessary. During the surgery, a nerve was injured, which caused Boris to have hearing problems.

Boris Korchevnikov now

In February 2017, Boris Korchevnikov announced his departure from "Live". He did not name specific reasons, but the media began to exaggerate rumors that the tumor had returned, and this time in a malignant guise.

However, the presenter himself did not give any comments about the “illness”, it is likely that the departure was caused by other personal reasons. Or perhaps the offer to head the Orthodox channel "Spas" seemed to him more profitable. One way or another, in August 2017, Andrey Malakhov took the place of the host of "Live". The new presenter invited Boris Korchevnikov to the first issue of "Live"

In September of the same year, the media reported on the imminent launch of a new author's program by Boris Korchevnikov on the air of Rossiya 1. The show called "The Destiny of Man" is dedicated to amazing stories interesting people.

Currently, Andrey Malakhov is a celebrity, a sought-after showman, a host of many TV shows and a favorite of the entire female half of the audience. But this was not always the case, because a couple of decades ago, few people knew these first and last names.

How did Andrei Malakhov's career as a presenter begin?

Andrey Malakhov once brilliantly graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow State University, after which for some time he did an internship at the University of Michigan in the USA. Upon his return to Moscow, he worked on the radio "Maximum" as the host of the program "Style" - it was then that the young man had his first fans and imitators. Despite the fact that the huge audience of Radio Maximum did not have the opportunity to see Malakhov, even then his professionalism was appreciated. Andrei was invited to work on television.

Not long after that, Malakhov was engaged in the translation of CNN news, after which he was entrusted with the work of a correspondent on Channel One, and subsequently a TV show host " Good morning". Andrey Malakhov of those years was completely different from himself today - a modest, tactful and sugary-friendly young man really liked housewives and pensioners, who made up the main percentage of the audience of this TV show.

What TV projects does Andrei Malakhov lead today?

Malakhov became a real TV star in 2001, when the talk show "Big Wash" began to air on weekdays in prime time. A huge number of people wanted to take part in the recording of each of the episodes of this TV show, its viewer ratings went through the roof. Since 2004, Andrey Malakhov, whom the audience by that time recognized as the most stylish presenter on domestic television, led the award ceremony music award"Golden Gramophone Award". At the same time, he led on the First talk show channel"Five Evenings" and "Let them talk" - the latter remains very popular to this day.

An interesting impromptu decision was for Andrey to act as co-host of the Malakhov + Malakhov TV show, in which he, together with Gennady Petrovich Malakhov, told viewers about how ethnoscience can help a person heal himself from any ailments. In 2009, together with supermodel Natalya Vodianova, he acted as the host of the Eurovision semi-final held in Moscow. Since 2012, Andrei has been hosting the weekly talk show "Five Evenings" on the country's main TV channel.

Until recently, Malakhov was rightfully considered the most desirable bachelor in Russia, but in 2011 he married his beloved Natalya Shkuleva.