How much do presenters get on 1 channel. How much does a talk show host earn?

In fact, for the layman, TV presenters are celestials. And everyone is very interested in how they pay there, on Olympus. Neither the TV presenters themselves, nor their employers - the management of popular TV channels - will ever voluntarily share such information. On this topic, they confess only to the tax service. And the tax inspectorate sacredly keeps the secret of confession. But meticulous journalists extract information by hook or by crook to satisfy the unhealthy curiosity of the layman. And they extract, and share with us their prey.

TV presenters of the 1st channel

The channel, which is watched not only by residents of Russia, but also by viewers of the entire post-Soviet space, moreover, this channel is watched by the Russian diaspora of all European countries and the American continent.

This is probably where TV presenters, people known to the whole world, receive a fabulous salary. Let's dispel this myth. The salary of the TV presenter of the first channel directly depends on what program he hosts:

  1. TV presenters of programs that the channel itself produces, for example, all news programs, receive a fixed wages established by the staff list of Channel One OJSC. And this amount varies from 100 to 600 thousand rubles. Most popular presenter information program"Vremya" - Ekaterina Andreeva, who has been working on the channel since 1991, then this channel was called Ostankino, then ORT, and since 1998 - Channel One. She is one of the highest paid presenters of this channel. But we will not name exact figures, for lack of verified information. There is every reason to believe that her rate is the highest, given the high professionalism of this presenter.
  2. The salary of TV presenters of programs produced by a production center directly depends on the producer, on how successfully he sold his program. It can be both very high and very low.
  3. TV presenters who are the authors of their programs or shareholders of the channel receive salaries many times more than those who read informational texts prepared for them. Here already the amounts of salaries are estimated in tens of thousands of dollars:
  • Andrey Malakhov for the programs “Let them talk”, “Flea market” receives a total of more than 25 thousand USD. e.;
  • Ivan Urgant for the transfer " Evening Urgant”and conducting concerts and shows in the aggregate also receives up to 25 thousand USD. e.;
  • Leonid Yakubovich receives 15 thousand USD for his "Field of Miracles". e.
  • cooperation with Vladimir Pozner costs Channel One 30 thousand USD. e.;
  • Rosa Syabitova announced her fees for the odious Let's Get Married program and shocked the journalists. According to her, Channel One estimated her abilities as an all-Russian matchmaker at 1 million rubles. Let this statement and the shock of journalists remain on her conscience.

However, Channel One, although the first, is not the only one in Moscow.

There are many other channels where the stars of the TV screen work as presenters:

  • TV presenter Zhanna Badoeva, famous on the TV show “Eagle and Tails”, having moved from Kyiv to Moscow, tripled her salary, Kyiv estimated her talents at 5 thousand USD. e., and Moscow appreciated it at its true worth at 15 thousand c.u. e.;
  • Grigory Leps for the transfer " main stage» receives a fee of 1 million rubles;
  • Pavel Volya, formerly a modest teacher, and now a TV star - the permanent host of Comedy Battle, receives 160 thousand rubles on TV, not counting all the corporate parties that he is willingly invited to lead;
  • Ksenia Sobchak, whose profession remains a mystery (her talents and hobbies are so diverse), receives no less than 100 thousand rubles for participating in the Sobchak Live and Deal with Ksenia Sobchak programs, as well as the Battle of Restaurants;
  • the rating of the TV presenter of the TV channel "Match TV" Sofia Tartakova is very high. She hosts the TV show "All for the Match" and receives a fabulous fee of 10 thousand USD for this. e.

The fees of TV presenters depend not only on professional qualities, but also on the channel on which they work. The highest paid channel in Moscow is the NTV channel, followed by Channel One and RTR. Next - TVC, TV6. It is very curious that the presenters of Meteo-TV receive a rather high salary from 500 to 1,500 USD. e. Probably, this is due to the high rating of the channel and the placement of a large number of commercials.

The leader of Leningrad, relaxing in Sochi after his triumphant performance on the New Wave, decided on a sensational confession. Unexpectedly for everyone, Cord revealed to fans a big financial secret - how much he is paid for the role of the host in the new Channel One show "About Love".

The musician admitted that he considers himself a “third-rate TV presenter”

Photo by @shnurovs

Sergei devoted as many as two posts on Instagram to an exciting topic. And he began, as usual, with unhurried philosophical reflections.

"For what? Why are you running this<…>on TV? – more and more often I hear this reasonable question. I asked myself the same question, and asked the functionaries of the First during the six-month negotiations with the channel. Like, why do I need this strangeness, and the leader of me is third-rate. I was convinced of the opposite, and I remained in my opinion about my own abilities as an entertainer, but nevertheless became the leader. For what? I will answer. I perceive all my studies as an acquisition of experience and knowledge. If I hadn’t starred in the series at one time, if I hadn’t known the device of the film process, hadn’t participated in television projects, then maybe, and most likely, Leningrad would not have such clips. Talk shows are an absolute mystery to me. How it works, what's inside it<…>? Why and how is it produced? Apart from becoming an accomplice, there are no options to solve this riddle, ”the musician and TV presenter admitted to fans.

And after quite a bit of time, I decided to supplement my sophisms with monetary specifics.

“I missed a very important question in the previous post about the talk show. I didn't write anything about grandmothers. I get as much money there for a month as I get for one concert. So count, ”Snurov urged fans.

Well, we followed Sergey's call and counted. Recall that in accordance with the recently published Forbes ranking of the wealthiest Russian celebrities in the 2015/2016 season, Sergey earned $11 million over the past 12 months. At the same time, for each performance, the artist asks for about 100 thousand dollars, that is, more than 6 million rubles (Forbes official data).

Considering that Sergey's group is rather big: on average, 15-20 people go to concerts with him, including two soloists, Vasilisa and Florida, musicians, administrators and sound engineers, it is logical to assume that Sergey keeps about half of the total for himself. earnings. That is, in the region of 3 million rubles.

Whether a TV presenter can receive that kind of money per month is an open question. But we dare to assume that Shnurov's fees in the future will depend on the rating of the new show. And taking into account the fact that “About Love” is on the air at night, it is difficult to make any predictions. Sergey himself admitted more than once that the show with his participation is coming out a bit late, they say, people are already going to bed. On the other hand, the topics discussed there are not for children.

One way or another, but so far Forbes has the most favorable forecasts for Shnurov's income. And the rest - time will tell.

To be honest, the financial issue worries all of us. And not only your own, but also someone else's. There are legends about the income of popular TV presenters. They are credited with fabulous wealth, luxurious mansions and millions in Swiss banks. Sometimes this, by the way, is not so far from the truth, in most other cases it is a strong exaggeration. Be that as it may, we decided to satisfy the curiosity of our readers and try to look into the pocket of TV stars. The TV stars themselves, of course, will not really like it, but there’s nothing to be done: if you become a public person, get ready for the public to want to know everything about you.

$15 - 20 thousand: Yakubovich, Shirvindt...

How tight the wallet of this or that TV presenter is a mystery shrouded in darkness. Mystery of the Madrid Court. But at the court, as you know, there are close associates who are sometimes enlightened into very delicate issues. And those no, no, and they will blurt out THIS under a terrible secret. So gossip spreads around the television center about the astronomical earnings of the channel's faces, and it is possible to hear a lot of interesting things in smoking rooms, toilets, and coffee houses.

For example, they say that the income of Leonid Yakubovich is 15 thousand USD. e. per month. But after each "private" performance at someone's holiday or concert, the host of the "Field of Miracles" brings another 5 thousand to the family.

A salary of $ 20 thousand is also attributed to Mikhail Shirvindt. A noble "dog lover" is so highly valued? It is possible, given that Shirvindt is still busy with the Idea Fix project, and besides, he has a hand in the projects of the Live News company.

$ 10 - 12 thousand: Nagiyev, Galkin, Mitkova ...

The scandalous Dmitry Nagiev puts 10 thousand monthly in his pocket. His no less absurd colleague Otar Kushanashvili somehow undertook to claim that he earns twice as much as Nagiyev. But only on tour. Ride along Krasnodar Territory brought Otar a "big jackpot" of 15 thousand "Meryakan" money. Although she herself somehow heard that Kushanashvili complained to Igor Matvienko: for his performance they give him only a “five”. Well, it's probably as lucky. Sometimes the "five", and sometimes more.

Another hero of girlish dreams, Maxim Galkin, is rumored to receive 10 thousand a month for his television activities. But since he also performs with concerts, there is no doubt that Galkin is a wealthy fiancé.
$ 12 thousand - the salary of Marianna Maksimovskaya. Mikhail Osokin has a not very round sum of 12.5 thousand in his jacket pocket every month. It is somehow incomprehensible: “neither two, nor one and a half”, in the sense - neither 12, nor 13. For example, Tatyana Mitkova is delivered an amount of 12 thousand in an “envelope”. Which completely allowed the TV presenter to save up for a sports BMW of the third model of golden color, worth about 27 thousand.

$ 1 - 4 thousand: Aurora, Shirokov, Tutta Larsen ...

On channels that are not as rated and famous as NTV, First and Rossiya, and salaries are not very high. After the "change of power" on Muz-TV Aurora, which in better days lived happily ever after 8 thousand a month, lost 6 and a half thousand. And her salary is now like that of some chief accountant. And her colleague and friend Daria Subbotina has even less - only a thousand (pulls for an average accountant). Dmitry Shirokov is more expensive - $ 3 thousand. The MTV channel presenters generously gives the ruble, that is, the dollar. “Reasonable and sensual” Tutta Larsen receives a reward of 4 thousand for her work.

"Rich Buratins": Pozner, Shuster, Kiselev...

But there are TV people who have all the aforementioned numbers will cause healthy laughter. If they talk about their earnings in the television center, then in a whisper. And whisper the following. As if Savik Shuster receives 25 thousand dollars. In one private conversation, Shuster shared that in order to receive so much, you just need to convince everyone that you are worthy of this amount, that's all.

Rumor has it that after the transition of Svetlana Sorokina to Channel One, her entire editorial team was thrown a thousand dollars each. The fee of the TV personality itself is equal to 30 thousand bucks, and before the "Basic Instinct" Sorokina, they say, received 20 thousand. If so, then switching to the First was worth it.
Bison of domestic TV Vladimir Pozner also evaluates himself well: his earnings, they say, are as much as 35 thousand. And Dmitry Dibrov receives about 20 thousand USD for his "Apology". e. About 30 thousand are attributed to Nikolai Svanidze. And, finally, there is an opinion that no one receives more than Yevgeny Kiselev on television. And, in my opinion, even a baby knows about his income. 50 - 55 thousand c.u. e. Agree, it sounds proud.

$3 - 8 thousand: Lobkov, Kara-Murza, Yakovleva...

Half as much as Mitkov, another entvesh host Pavel Lobkov receives. The pleasure of digging in the ground and planting an unfortunate geranium for the white-handed stars costs Pavel 6 thousand. Pavel Lyubimtsev, the host of the Naturalist's Travels, receives the same amount. But Ernest Mackevicius is a little richer. For the joy of being an alarm clock on the Russia channel, a talented journalist receives about 8 thousand. $ 7,000 - the fee for TV travel by the host of "In Search of Adventures" Mikhail Kozhukhov.

Vladimir Kara-Murza's work costs the producers the same amount. But if we remember that TVS, where Vladimir works, is now going through a financial crisis, then it is possible that this amount exists only on paper. Recently, even the venerable Boris Berman and Ildar Zhandarev complained that they had not been paid their salaries for three months!

Approximately $ 5 thousand - Andrey Malakhov's salary. True, recently in one publication his income was equated to 20 thousand dollars, however, according to our information, this is too much. Otherwise, why would Andrei live in a one-room apartment, and even take a loan from Channel One to buy it? I could then acquire elite housing.

Elena Hanga and Elena Ishcheeva, the hosts of the Domino Principle, have to be content with the same amounts, they pay $10,000 for two. Even more modest are the earnings of Elena Yakovleva, who is trying to find an answer to the sacramental question "What does a woman want?" She puts 3,000 in her purse every month. Bills of the same value are neatly hidden in a reticule by Klara Novikova. Although it is quite possible that after the transition to Channel One in solo project the comedian's television income will grow markedly.

Modern technologies have captured our world, our whole life, therefore, you can make good money on the presentation of entertainment and information. After the World Wide Web, in second place is the popular "more ancient" way of entertainment and obtaining important information - television. And it is very interesting how TV channels make money, and what kind of income they bring.

The very purchase of digital or cable TV is already an expense for viewers. And, probably, the question “What makes the television market live if we do not pay for TV views?” came to mind to many.

How much do TV channels earn from advertising

In order to roughly know the earnings of TV channels, you need to learn about ways to earn money and other important nuances. There are many ways to make money on your own TV channel. To find out how much TV channels earn (and their earnings differ significantly), you need to analyze a lot of data: channel rating, number of viewers, way of earning.

TV channels income

When we watch any program, literally every ten minutes there is an advertisement, and the time is not much less than the program itself. Statistics show that people spend 2 to 4 hours watching TV, and some people can watch TV all day long.

Where do the TV channels get paid from? TV viewers absorb a lot of advertising, especially not betraying this value. All rating serials, shows, films bring a good income for the "introduction" of commercials in them. And the higher the rating (in other words, PR), the higher the income.

TV channels earn not only on showing obvious advertising, but also on hidden advertising. In many series and programs, you can see advertisements for new gadgets, clothing brands, equipment, and more on your favorite characters / actors / presenters. For example, in the very popular sitcom Voronins, Prostokvashino dairy products, Pikovit children's vitamins, irons, a clothing store, etc. are often advertised.

At the same time, some successful TV channels sell their hits to “TV newbies”. That is, the channel invests in the production of the project, and if it turned out to be successful, then they sell it to channels with a low rating or to other countries.

Another point worth considering. What if the TV channel is not popular enough and has an insufficient number of views? For example, few people watch music channels. Take, for example, Music clip: why do the creators of the channel spin the same thing for a long time? There are people who need to elevate themselves to the Top. By paying extra to the TV channel, the clips are introduced into the subconscious of people. Spectators "eat" what they are fed.

First channel revenue

The income of Channel One for 2016 decreased by twelve percent, and was equal to 26.5 billion rubles. A sick part of the income came from advertising. The "first" television channel is the leader in terms of the number of viewers and the number of receipts. Profits last year began to decline for the first time. As noted in the RACA, the television market sank to fourteen percent. But not only the income of the first channel decreased, but also CTC Media.

In 2015, the consumption of Channel One increased to 36.4 billion rubles, and this is due to an increase in costs that the channel cannot yet reduce. This was due to the payment to the Eurovision rights holders for showing the same " Olympic Games”, etc. A large share of the costs is to ensure the work of all bureaus located abroad (in particular, much depends on the value of the currency). Also, do not forget the cost of participation of well-known presenters.

The expenses incurred by Channel One in the past year have fallen sharply due to additional profit - 92.3 million rubles (subsidies from the state budget). Channel One received 3.5 billion rubles.

How much does TV advertising cost?

TV channel Geo: Russia (off prime) Geo: Russia (prime 100%) Geo: Moscow (off prime) Geo: Moscow (prime 100%)
First channel 15 sec. – 219’000

30 sec. – 438’000

15 sec. – 522’000

30 sec. – 1’044’000

15 sec. – 72’000

30 sec. – 144’000

15 sec. – 165’000

30 sec. – 330’000

Russia 1 15 sec. – 131’000

30 sec. – 262’000

15 sec. – 282’000

30 sec. – 564’000

15 sec. – 36’000

30 sec. – 72’000

15 sec. – 60’000

30 sec. – 120’000

STS 15 sec. – 102’000

30 sec. – 204’000

15 sec. – 258’000

30 sec. – 516’000

15 sec. – 24’000

30 sec. – 48’000

15 sec. – 96’000

30 sec. – 192’000

TNT 15 sec. – 168’000

30 sec. – 336’000

15 sec. – 369’000

30 sec. – 738’000

15 sec. – 45’000

30 sec. – 90’000

15 sec. – 84’000

30 sec. – 168’000

NTV 15 sec. – 108’000

30 sec. – 216’000

15 sec. – 216’000

30 sec. – 432’000

15 sec. – 33’000

30 sec. – 66’000

15 sec. – 60’000

30 sec. – 120’000

Friday 15 sec. – 27’000

30 sec. – 54’000

15 sec. – 45’000

30 sec. – 90’000

15 sec. – 6’600

30 sec. – 13’200

15 sec. – 12’000

30 sec. – 24’000

Ren-tv 15 sec. – 63’000

30 sec. – 126’000

15 sec. – 90’000

30 sec. – 180’000

15 sec. – 21’000

30 sec. – 42’000

15 sec. – 30’000

30 sec. – 60’000

Che 15 sec. – 18’000

30 sec. – 36’000

15 sec. – 33’000

30 sec. – 66’000

15 sec. – 5’400

30 sec. – 10’800

15 sec. – 9’000

30 sec. – 18’000

Russia 24 15 sec. – 18’000

30 sec. – 36’000

15 sec. – 33’000

30 sec. – 66’000

15 sec. – 5’400

30 sec. – 10’800

15 sec. – 9’000

30 sec. – 18’000

Channel Five 15 sec. – 33’000

30 sec. – 66’000

15 sec. – 105’000

30 sec. – 210’000

15 sec. – 18’000

30 sec. – 36’000

15 sec. – 27’000

30 sec. – 54’000

Pepper 15 sec. – 18’000

30 sec. – 36’000

15 sec. – 33’000

30 sec. – 66’000

15 sec. – 5’400

30 sec. – 10’800

15 sec. – 9’000

30 sec. – 18’000

The effectiveness of television advertising

Advertising on Russian TV has always been the most effective marketing tool. First of all, this is due to the fact that television covers the largest audience, and secondly, it is useful and quite interesting.

  1. A good option would be to use the product in everyday situations. For example, on the "First" channel in the TV program " Good morning» daily show the goods of the Moscow coffee house.
  2. Our life and the advertised product. It is possible to show the use of a product under a certain, particular philosophy of life, or the use of this product will guarantee the audience a completely different life.
  3. Application of fantasy. For example, the following option may be a good solution: the viewer (future buyer/customer) uses the product and receives some nice present/prize. This option is more suitable for female viewers, because ladies are prone to dreams and fantasies.
  4. image and mood. It is necessary to focus on creating only positive emotions (forget about the negative). At the same time, it is not necessary to make explicit advertising statements in favor of purchasing the product, but only a soft hint.
  5. You can work on a song for the product, especially if you plan to run a radio ad in support of a TV ad. In this case, the popularity of the melody will play a big role.
  6. Creation of a character for advertising. Not a bad option, an advertisement for a chocolate dragee called M&Ms.
  7. Application of scientific data, conducted research, collection of statistics, etc.
  8. Demonstration of the product and the story about it in a positive way. A great move to invite some celebrity to participate in advertising.

Of course, creating a television channel yourself is very expensive, but whatever on your channel is possible.

If you grew up on the "Field of Miracles" program, I do not recommend reading this text so as not to destroy children's naive fantasies. Can't say that I ran every Friday to the TV to watch next issue capital show, but due to certain circumstances, one way or another, I often had to see the invariably mustachioed Leonid Yakubovich, who even by that time had become a symbol of Channel One. And before I had no doubts that the capital show is just a well-coordinated work of scriptwriters, where there is almost nothing alive. However, I hoped only for one thing - that Yakubovich would not read out the memorized phrases, but would speak himself. But in reality, everything turned out to be much worse ...

And this, oddly enough, seemed like a gift. Of course, all this is for the sake of the age category of the show, because the game itself in the program takes an insignificant amount of time, but every year the game seems more and more plastic and miserable, although I won’t hide it, as a child I was crazy about it and even wondered with my parents letters ... So, according to an article published by Ruposters, the authors of the capital show "Field of Wonders" have been deceiving viewers for many years. The editors of the project themselves buy gifts for the participants for Leonid Yakubovich.

Program participant Mikhail Mayer opened the veil of secrecy over how the shooting of "Field of Miracles" actually takes place. According to the man, the editors themselves gave him presents for Yakubovich and forced him to lie about his small homeland.

“They dressed me up as a gypsy, put on a red shirt, because I was going to sing the song “Guitar” by Uspenskaya. Behind the scenes they told:“ Say that you came from Irkutsk, here are your cranberries, here are mushrooms. ”I felt embarrassed, the gifts didn’t seem to be mine "Well, okay ... I went out, turned the drum, guessed two letters. They gave me a DVD player and turned it from there. And Chuna, the town in which I lived for 10 years, booed me after this program. For what I said in broadcast that I am from Irkutsk," said Mikhail Mayer.

Yaroslavl Ivan Koptev also confirmed that Yakubovich was given presents prepared in advance by the editors of the show. According to the ex-participant, the edible presents on the show are all bogus, since "Aunt Zina's borscht" otherwise would have turned sour on the way from Vladivostok.

“The editors of the program discussed the gifting of Yakubovich as a mandatory, already bored ceremony with each participant separately. I was going to give a picture of the self-taught artist Vasily Bakharev from the city of Danilov, in the Yaroslavl region, and a bag of crackers - I have two correctional colonies near my house . But creative Group"Fields of Miracles" handed me another prison jersey," Koptev said.

As it turned out, all participants fill out a special questionnaire, in which they indicate what gifts they are going to bring to the studio. If people have nothing to give, then the editors themselves can pick up something - the main thing is that the present corresponds to the place where the participant came from. So, Inna Kameneva was presented in the studio as a resident of Cherepovets, although in fact she is a Muscovite.

“I was immediately asked: “Are you coming with gifts?” I said yes. I immediately planned to bake pies and make a cake. studio," said Kameneva, who participated in the capital show on February 3.

I understand that television is always a script and staging, there is nothing surprising in this, it just becomes a little sad after such articles, because childhood ends with them. And, by the way, it is completely incomprehensible why people who are already carrying gifts should buy others and invent other cities? Isn't there a sufficient number of heroes from different cities? What do you think?