Learning to draw beautiful landscapes with birch gouache. Autumn birch with gouache in stages

7.5 from the editors




Assassin's Creed 3

  • Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
  • Publisher in Russia: Akella
  • Developer: Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Annecy and Ubisoft Singapore
  • Website: Official site
  • Game engine: AnvilNext
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Game Mode: Single Player, Multiplayer
  • Distribution: DVD, Blu-ray Disc, CD

System requirements:

  • Windows Vista (SP2) / Windows 7 (SP1) / Windows 8
  • 2.66 GHz Intel Core2 Duo E6700 or 3.00 GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ or ​​better
  • 2 GB
  • 512 MB VRAM, DirectX 9.0c compatible and Shader Model 4.0 or higher (AMD Radeon HD 3870 / 4000 / 5000 / 6000 / 7000, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT / 9 / 100 / 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 series or better
  • 17 GB

About the game

The project was developed for more than two years practically from scratch; as a result, Assassin's Creed III elevates one of the most acclaimed franchises in the field computer games to incredible new heights.

The time of action is 1775. The American colonies are ready to rebel. You are the assassin Connor, sworn to preserve the freedom and safety of your people and your country. To do this, you will have to go hunting for your enemies in a huge, open and completely realistic world. In a brutal pursuit, you will use all your deadly skills, moving from busy city streets to bloody battlefields, and from there to the harsh edges of the American Frontier. You will meet the legendary heroes of American history and together you will be able to destroy those who threaten freedom itself.

Whether you're using your predatory instincts to kill in secret, or unleashing your entire murderous arsenal openly, one thing is clear: the world where the Assassins live has become even more dangerous. And with him, you too.

The plot of the game

The plot of the game begins immediately after the end of the events of Revelations. In the present, Desmond, his father William, Rebecca Crane and Sean Hastings find the majestic Temple in a cave near New York City. With the help of the Apple, Desmond activates most of the equipment, as well as a timer that indicates significant event December 21, 2012. In order to open the way to save the world, you need a key and four sources of energy. One source was found in the temple, and the location of the remaining three is unknown. In the temple, in front of the gate, Desmond faints and is connected to the Animus to find out where the key was hidden.

The animus transports Desmond to 1754 in the memoirs of the English nobleman Haytham Kenway. Haytham travels to Covent Garden in order to obtain a medallion with which he and his associates can learn about "those who came before." Making his way through the balconies and backstage, Haytham gets to his victim. After taking the medallion and killing his target with a hidden blade, he leaves the opera. Later, at a meeting of the leaders of the order, Haytham is assigned to go to America and find the Temple. He is also given a list of five names that he will have to recruit.

Having reached America, along the way preventing a riot on the ship and "dropping his tail", Haytham arrives in Boston. First, he must find five people who can help him: Charles Lee, William Johnson, Thomas Hickey, Benjamin Church, and Jonathan Pitcairn. After finding these people, they kill a slave trader named Silas Thatcher and free groups of American Indian slaves belonging to the Mohawk tribe. One of these Mohawks, Gajidzio (or Gio), agrees to help Haytham on the condition that he kill General Edward "Bulldog" Braddock. After tracking his movement, Haytham kills Braddock as he retreats to Fort Duquesne. Haytham and Gajijio go to the Great Temple, however, Haytham is disappointed that the locket won't open the door. At this point, the couple reveal their romantic intentions for each other, and soon after, Charles Lee and Haytham return to Boston, where Kenway initiates Lee into the Templars.

1760. The story switches to Radunhageyda, Haytham's son. After playing hide-and-seek with his friends in the woods near his village, Radunhageydu encounters an army of colonists led by Charles Lee. Lee beats the boy up and reveals his intentions to "talk" to the elder, after which the boy is stunned and knocked unconscious. Waking up, the hero discovers that his village has been burned down, and his mother is dying before his eyes in a fire.

Nine years later, already a teenager, Radunhageidu learns from the Mother of the Family that he cannot leave the nearby valleys to protect the Great Temple, and she shows him a glass Apple, which is activated by his touch and allows him to communicate with Juno. Juno informs him that he and his tribe are the guardians of the Great Temple, and that if he leaves, his village will be destroyed and his people will be killed. After Juno asks the Indian to find the assassin Achilles Davenport so that he can train the young man.

The hero finds an old assassin, but he tells him to get out. Finally, when the hero helps him fight off the bandits, Achilles agrees to become his mentor. After, Radunhageydu, along with Achilles, go to Boston to find what they need to fix the mansion. In Boston, Achilles gives the hero a new name for the locals - Connor. Here Connor comes into contact with Samuel Adams. At the mansion, Achilles tells Connor about the Templars and how they all must die, even his father, Grand Master of the Templar Order.

Network mode

In addition to the single-player campaign, the game also features an online co-op mode. Assassin's Creed III co-op supports two to four members. In addition, the new part of Assassin's Creed also has a regular multiplayer mode, where up to eight players can gather on one map. The network mode will develop steadily throughout the year, revealing new plot details. Approximately once a month there will be updates with sketches dedicated to Abstergo. According to the plot, it becomes known that the corporation decides to take a risky step and wants to put up for sale the Animus device, which is able to read the genetic memory of ancestors and then reproduce it. For what reason, "Abstergo" takes such measures, you can find out during the passage of the network mode. The system is arranged in the following way: you need to develop in a multiplayer game, upgrade your character, after which access to new content and tests opens, passing through which you can see new screensavers.


  • New types of enemies have appeared, such as the agile Britons and the tenacious Scots who use axes.
  • Animal hunting appeared; skins of killed animals can be sold for money.
  • Depending on the time of day, different elements behave differently. For example, at night, when it is dark, it will be more difficult for enemies to detect the main character, new ways of disguise have appeared. Also added a change of seasons. Various weather effects like rain, snow and fog slow down the actions of opponents.
  • There are new areas in which the hero can sneak - in the bushes and leaves, players can also sneak up on the target and kill it.
  • There was an opportunity to climb trees and rocks.
  • The combat system has been slightly reworked. Connor uses two weapons at the same time in combat.
  • The controls have been improved, now parkour does not require separately held buttons.
  • In winter, there will be patrols on the Frontier, consisting of mounted British and carts or carriages.
  • A new device, borrowed from the Chinese Shengbiao, has been added - a dart on a rope that allows you to hang enemies.
  • Citizens are now more lively and follow their own separate schedules.
  • About 80% of all the characters that the player will interact with are based on real-life historical figures.
  • Desmond uses the Animus 3.0, an upgraded version of the Animus machine.
  • The game is based on new version engine.
  • The plot is given more attention than in the previous parts. In total, the game has more than 2 hours of cinematic inserts, with excellent acting. Some of the characters speak ancient American languages.
  • Improved the cover system, such as the mobile hay wagon and Connor's ability to snuggle up against a wall.
  • During the battle, you can use the enemy as a human shield.
  • There was an opportunity to interact with pets.
  • Now you can use different types of traps.
  • There was an opportunity to play board games.
  • Aerial kills can now be performed with any melee weapon, not just the hidden blade.
  • A little changed appearance Desmond, William, Rebecca and Sean
  1. The plot in the third part of the saga is given Special attention. More than two hours of cut-scenes unfold the story for us with the participation of a huge number of real historical characters (more than 80% of the total actors), carefully voiced by professional actors.
  2. "Connor" in the language of the Scottish Celts means "lover of dogs", and "Kenway" in Old English means "brave free warrior". "Radunhageydu" in the language of the Mohawk tribe means "wounded by life."
  3. Significant upgrades to the combat system have allowed the protagonist to fight with a different weapon in each hand, as well as perform mid-air kills with more than just a hidden blade. In addition, a dart on a rope was added to the arsenal - a cunning device in the manner of a harpoon that allows you to hang enemies. Of course, the range of firearms has also grown, and rivals can be used as human shields.
  4. The game was created on the new Anvil Next engine, which offers much more advanced graphics and physics, as well as significantly improved adaptive animation. Thanks to the new technology, the developers managed to scale up various weather effects and seasons, snowy locations and surfaces, as well as groves and trees - with all this, the hero adequately interacts and reacts correctly. For example, it falls into the snow and cannot quickly cross a snow-covered area, and also climbs and jumps on trees, hides in thickets, and so on.
  5. A new development branch of the series is naval battles. Now you can take command of an impressive ship and engage in duels at sea. As in the Corsairs, in Assassin's Creed 3 a lot of attention is paid to the relevant details: the wind affects the driving characteristics of the ship, the guns take a long time to reload, the ships maneuver to reach a good firing angle from the onboard guns, and so on.
  6. The plot story of the third part is 20% longer than the second. Events develop in the period from 1753 to 1783, taking into account many significant historical events such as the Boston Tea Party and the Battle of the Chesapeake.
  7. In pursuit of authenticity and atmosphere, the developers have saturated the game with a mass of everyday details. For example, on the reservation, Connor can get food and trophies by hunting and tracking game. The process is shown in quite detail and depends on the landscape conditions, the season and the weather.
  8. At the head of the history of Assassin's Creed 3 new hero- mestizo from Indian tribe A Mohawk named Radunhageidu, the son of an English invader and a Native American. The plot covers 20 years of his life from childhood: the formation of a young man, his reincarnation in the assassin Connor Kenway and many further adventures.

Additional downloadable content

  • "Hidden Secrets"- the first set of additions. Includes three missions that were only available with the Collector's Edition of the game: Lost Mayan Ruins, A Dangerous Secret, and Ghost of War. Plus, the bundle includes two single-player skins: Aquila Captain and Colonial Assassin, as well as two multiplayer characters: Sharpshooter and Redcoat.
  • "Forged in Battle"- A set of additions for a multiplayer game, including new maps and characters.
  • "The Tyranny of King Washington"- three consecutive downloadable add-ons, which will be released within six months after the release of AC3. This add-on has a new full-fledged single player campaign. The DLC takes place in an alternate reality.

pros Assassin's Creed III- purely local, technical. Parkour and the combat system, in the course of a rather painful evolution, nevertheless came to success. Smooth animations, throws, blocks, grabs, slowdowns: any fight with soldiers looks like it was staged by Zack Snyder, and little assassin pleasures like hunting sentries are a great distraction from politics. Even chasing the wind-blown pages of Franklin's almanac across rooftops is fun, not to mention the local villains - the detailed, lively streets are conducive to spectacular chases.

There are no more first-aid kits - health regenerates, and now you can get rid of persecution not only by tearing down posters, but also by bribing printers or heralds. At the same time, the game no longer offers to kill witnesses, as if emphasizing that here you are not Italy of the Renaissance and not Russia of the 90s, but the civilized XVIII century. The only thing that got worse was the weapon selection interface - a large animated menu, unlike the fast translucent one from the previous parts, somewhat knocks down the rhythm of the action. But in general, we can say that in terms of technical details, the game has finally solved many of the mistakes of its predecessors.

Naval missions (red bars)

Tasks of individual groupings

(Quests are available after completing the main mission 9.1)

Quests at West Point

Use all recruit abilities 2 times.
- Sneak kill the guards while they are distracted by the riot: 5. (We find the crowd, press the "E" key, the crowd will gather. We imperceptibly attack the guard with a hidden blade until an open clash between the crowd and the soldiers begins).
- Perform a double kill with a musket. (You can take the musket from an ordinary soldier. To make a quick double kill, you need the enemies not to see us (for this, you can use a smoke grenade right during the battle). We hold down and do not release the left mouse button, the main character will kill two at once).
- Make snipers fall and die: 5.
- Kill 5 fleeing informers.
- Produce some artillery pieces. (Produced in the estate in the ledger book menu).

Spies among us

We go to the location of West Point, quietly kill the spies.

Way of the traitor

We take the box, we carry it to the camp behind the fort. After that, we run after the deserting soldier. We catch him without killing him (by pressing the "E" key).

The Spy Among Us

In the fort, we overhear a conversation between two soldiers. We follow them, then we follow the disguised soldier, we hide in the tall grass.

Battle of West Point

We defend the fort, kill all the enemies, eliminate the running snipers in time.

Trapper Society
Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. Hunting Society Missions

(Quests are available after completing the main mission 5.1)

Trapper Society Trials 1
- Kill deer: 5
- Kill the wolf
- Refresh animals: 10
- Sell loot for 500 coins
- Trap an animal with bait: 5
- Kill a bear with a hidden blade

Trapper Society Trials 2
- Stealthily kill animals with live bait: 5.
- Skin 25 animals.
- Kill animals with a hidden blade: 10.
- Kill animals with a bow: 15.

Trapper Society Trials 3
- Skin one animal of each type. (Hare, raccoon, beaver, fox, wolf, deer, wapiti, bear, lynx, puma).
- Kill animals while mounted: 5. (You need to kill with melee weapons by jumping off a horse. Such a jump only works on medium-sized animals: foxes, deer).
- Sell loot for 2000 coins.
- Melee kill 10 animals.
- Finish the hunting map. (The whole frontier is divided into 12 hunting grounds, each hunting ground has 4 different types of animals, you need to find out all the species. You can view the hunting grounds in the map menu, in the very top section).
- Obtain 50 intact skins.


We go to the western part of the Frontier, look for evidence of a bear, find a cave. We go inside we see a dead person, we take and carry the body further inland. We see the second dead person, throw the first one here - this is how we lure the bear out of the den. We kill the cannibal bear in the same way as the usual one, only the cannibal will resist longer.

feline tread

You need to kill the lynx. We find it in the northern part of the Frontier. It is very difficult to catch up with the lynx, it is better to throw a shenbiao at it, it will die from one throw.


You need to find a deer in the northwestern part of the Frontier. At the top of the hill we find a deer bed. The deer lives on the rocky slope of the hill. We do not catch the eye of the beast, we enter the tall grass to the right of the slope, we scatter the bait in front of us, we wait until the deer comes up, then we kill it.

leader of the pack

We need to kill the wolf. We go to the northwestern part of the Frontier. We kill three ordinary wolves to lure out their leader. We kill the leader of the wolves.

kill lynx

To the east of the village of Gangyahu, you need to find a lynx. We kill the lynx in the usual way, the most difficult thing is to climb the rock where this lynx lives.

lone wapiti

We kill a unique wapiti at a watering hole in the center of the Frontier.

(Quests are available after completing the main mission 5.2)

Boston Fighters Trials 1
- Find Harold Ring at an old brewery in Boston.
- Disarm enemies: 5.
- Kill 5 enemies in 10 seconds under the cover of a smoke bomb. (We find a detachment of military men, throw a smoke bomb, hold down and hold the left mouse button to make quick kills).
- Kill enemies with a hidden blade: 25.
- Stay undetected and stealthily kill enemies: 10.
- Kill the officer.
- Kill 5 enemies in a row.

Boston Fighters Trials 2
- Kill a grenadier: 10.
- Kill one enemy with each type of weapon. (Normal - sabers, shock - clubs, small - daggers, heavy - axes, firearms - pistols).
- Get 5 double kills.
- Order recruits to help you in battle several times: 10.
- Liberate forts: 3.

Boston Fighters Trials 3
- Use Shenbiao Rogue Technique several times: 5. (We climb a horizontal branch of a tree, wait for the enemies to be below, hold down the "Q" key, without releasing the enemy, jump off the branch (press "space" and to the side), the enemy will remain hanging on the tree).
- Kill 7 enemies in a row.
- Disarm the rangers and kill them with their own weapons: 10. (Huntsmen wear cocked hats on their heads, their faces are covered with a black scarf. To disarm the enemy, you yourself need to be unarmed, block, and then counterattack with the spacebar).
- Buy all types of weapons in the store. (This will require a lot of money. Money can be earned on the estate by selling animal skins using caravans).
- Defend against the ranged chain with the body of the enemy: 10.


The first fighter is located in the Frontier in the Troyse Wood location. We keep the defense (constantly press "E"), repelling the blow, inflicting two or three normal blows, but no more, then we stand up again in the block.


We find it on the west coast of New York, south of Fort George. Defeating a sailor is very difficult, but still possible.

To inflict the first blow on a sailor, we make a short-term block (the "E" key), then carry out a power attack (the "space" key). After that, hold down and do not release "E" at all, Connor will repel all the sailor's attacks.

To inflict a second hit on the sailor, briefly release "E", and then immediately hold it again, this will cause a block with time dilation, after such a block, press the "space" and hit the sailor. We strike the third blow in the same way.

To inflict the last fourth blow on the sailor, we also make a block with time dilation, after it we press the "space", and then immediately finish it off with ordinary blows (we press the "left mouse button" several times) until the sailor comes to his senses.


We find a smuggler in Boston on the northern river. Putting a block against the smuggler is useless, he will make a counterattack faster than you. We attack him first, throw him to the ground with a power attack (“space”). When the enemy rises, inflict a few simple blows ("left mouse button"), then step aside. So we repeat until the very end.

When the smuggler is low on health, he will call for another group of fighters to help. We scatter three simple ones in the first place, we finish off the second smuggler in the same way as the first.


We find Scorpio in the center of the Frontier. We make blocks with time dilation (we hold “E”, release it briefly, hold it again), carry out a power strike (“space”), if the enemy is bent, we finish it off with ordinary blows.


To defeat the rope walker, you need to use the surrounding objects. We get up so that there is a barrel behind us. We put the block, press the "space", the hero will throw the rope into the barrel. You can also use the walls: make the rope man stand with his back to the wall, press the "space" to hit him against the wall.


We stand in the block, but do not counterattack, it is useless. We brush off three hits of the merchant, release the block, press the "space" to drop the merchant to the ground. While the enemy will get up, we will be able to inflict only one normal blow, then again we stand in the block and repeat the actions.


red coat

We block blows, counterattack by pressing the "space", after that we beat with normal blows. We repeat this over and over again.


Defeated in the same way as Redcoat.


The doctor is a weak fighter, you can beat him with various blows. The problem is that he poisons us at the very beginning of the battle, and our health is gradually taken away. We need to act quickly.


To defeat the hunter, hit her with the spacebar, then finish her off with normal blows. The difficulty is that there are actually two Huntresses, and they imperceptibly change places. While you are hitting one, the other is recovering while standing in the crowd. You need to attack very quickly, without wasting time.

Adventurer Club Trials 1
- Take a Leap of Faith: 10.
- Find 5 entrances to the tunnel network.
- Climb to a high point: 5.
- Find out the location of each fort: 7.
- Explore the forest canopy by walking through the trees for at least 100 meters.
- Collect feather: 5.

Adventure Club Trials 2
- Jump into the water from a height of 50 meters. (The best place for this - the highest cliff in the northeast of the Frontier, where the Aggressive Negotiations mission was).
- Complete the almanac.
- Climb a total of 1500m.
- Find out the location of all trading posts on the frontier. (You need to go to all the shops of the Frontier. There are only 3 of them: in a large central settlement, in an eastern settlement, in a southern settlement between two bays).
- Listen to all the conversations of Washington. You can talk to Washington in the main mission 9.1 "Lost Cargo": we load this mission again, watch the introductory video, after it we look for Washington in the camp and talk to him two more times. After completing all the main missions, Washington can be found on the streets in southern New York).

Adventure Club Trials 3
- Open the entire map of Boston.
- Unlock the entire map of New York.
- Open the entire frontier map.
- Reach everyone high points: 30.
- Find all entrances to the tunnel network in New York and Boston.
- Visit all the taverns of the frontier, New York and Boston. (4 in Boston, 4 in the frontier, 5 in New York).

Sea monster

We go to the northern part of Boston, three times we overhear what people say about the Kraken. We go to the cemetery nearby, we find the wife of the deceased old man, who supposedly tamed the Kraken. From her we learn the location of the old man's workshop. We go to the workshop, we find an underwater suit in the form of a Kraken. The riddle is solved.

Unknown flying object

We come to a high hill in the west of Boston. We climb onto the toilet, from it to a tree branch. We climb the trees, on one of the branches we find an open umbrella. This is what they took for a UFO.


We go to the Frontier to the very left upper corner cards. We find a dwelling under the waterfall. But inside the most ordinary person, he just likes to live alone.

ghosts from the sea

We approach the lighthouse in the east of the Frontier. We climb to the top of the lighthouse, we find a stuffed ghost.

Headless horseman

We approach the place of search of the rider. We examine dead man, at this time a horseman without a head drives up. It looks like this is the first plausible tale of adventurers. But this time the rider is leaving us.

Thieves Guild Trials 1
- Pickpocket 200 coins.
- Kill 25 people around the corner.
- Kill 15 people in the air.
- Catch up with the courier.

Thieves Guild Trials 2
- Evade an open encounter by hiding or blending in 10 times. (Let's catch the eyes of the enemies, then run away from them. A yellow search zone should appear on the mini-map. We don't run out of this zone, it won't count, but hide somewhere in the grass, in a well, or in the crowd. After 10 - 20 seconds stop looking for us).
- Use the bait to lure the guard dog away 3 times.
- Steal all the property from the guard.
- Steal everything that the rich man has without being noticed.
- Perform a stealth kill without revealing yourself 30 times.

Thieves Guild Trials 3
- Kill with poison: 5.
- Win at gambling 500 coins. (The easiest way to win is by playing checkers or balls in the port next to the estate)
- Find 10 chests in New York.
- Collect 1500 coins from the bodies.
- Attack and plunder three enemy caravans. (Caravans spawn in the frontier area each time at a random location.)

Boston Liberation Missions

After main mission 6.2, liberation missions appear throughout Boston. These are various tasks in which the hero helps ordinary citizens to resist oppression from the authorities and the Templars. Each type of task is repeated three times.

After completing all the liberation tasks in a certain part of the city, we can go to the tavern and recruit the local resistance leader to our team. The first leader - chef Stefan Shafo joins on a story mission. In Boston, you can attract two more assistants of the Assassins.

Liberate the North End of Boston

The priest Duncan Little joins us - the ability to "Protect" (helps to hide from persecution).

Free Downtown Boston

We get the opportunity to cause a riot of the townspeople (the townspeople will distract our enemies).

Free the South End of Boston

We are joined by sniper Clipper Ulkinson - the ability of the "Arrow" (quietly kills the selected target with a shot).

After inviting another assistant to the team, we can use his unique ability (press the "T" key). You can select the required ability in the assistants menu (we hold down and do not release the "T" key). The unique ability can only be used outside of combat, when we have not yet been noticed. During the battle, by pressing the "T" key, assistants appear nearby as ordinary allied fighters.

In combat, recruits gain very little experience. To upgrade your assistants, you need to send them on special missions. These missions cover all 13 states of early colonial America.

In order to enter the menu of missions for recruits, hold down the "T" key, on the screen that appears, left-click on the contracts icon on the left. We choose some state, while paying attention to the complexity of the situation in the state (shown by the number of stars). We choose a task, choose which of the recruits to send, while you can see the statistics of your assistants. You can send several recruits at once to increase the chance of successful completion of the task. We press the "space" to give an order to recruits for execution. After that, you can exit the recruit menu and continue playing. We wait a certain amount of time, look at the result of the execution, send recruits to new tasks. Thus, it is possible, without doing anything personally, to earn money for the work of assistants.

In order to initiate a recruit into the order of assassins, he needs to gain experience level 11.

New York Liberation Quests
Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. Liberation Missions

Same as the Liberation Missions in Boston, but there will be different types of missions and different recruits.

In the lair of the wolf(for assignments in East New York)

We approach the ship, call two disguised soldiers, portray a prisoner. So we pass to the local leader of the Templars. We suddenly kill him, we finish off all the other soldiers on the ship.

Officer Jakob Zenger joins us - Escort ability (you can freely pass into enemy territory).

Clinic Protection(for assignments in Western New York)

Choose the new kind help - ambushes. We set up four ambushes around the field clinic, we begin to beat off waves of arriving enemies.

Jaeger Jamie Colley joins us - the ability to "Ambush" (if the enemy steps into an ambush, then an Indian will jump out of the ground and kill the enemy).

food supplies(for assignments in upstate New York)

You need to kill the local leader of the Templars.

The girl Deborah "Dobby" Carter joins us - the "Bait" ability (We point to a detachment of soldiers, the assassin comes running and angers the soldiers. The soldiers run after the assassin, clearing the way for us).

Tasks for the study of the game world

(Quests are available after completing the main mission 2.1)

Almanac pages appear in strictly defined places, but after that they fly in the air downwind in a random direction. Pages appear only for a certain time, you need to have time to grab the page before it disappears. If you do not have time, you need to move away from the place of appearance, then approach again, the page will appear again.

The pages are useless at first. It is worth collecting them only after acquiring an estate and a ledger (mission 5.4). If you collect all the pages of one almanac, then it becomes possible to build a prototype of Franklin's invention in your estate.

Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. Treasure Chests

In the chests you can find money, useful usable items, or items needed to complete other tasks. The location of the chests can be found by buying travel cards in the mixed goods store.

There are also open chests, but most often you need to open the lock of the chest to pick up the contents.

Hacking is carried out in three stages:

1. Move the mouse left and right. In total there are 8 positions of the master key, this can be traced by the rotating rod. We successively transfer the master key to each of the positions, hold for a couple of seconds, transfer to another (for this we move the mouse to the right, and as slowly and smoothly as possible). After holding the master key for a couple of seconds in the desired position, we proceed to the next step.

2. Move the mouse up and down. Do not move the mouse left or right, otherwise you will have to hack again. There are only a few provisions here. In the same way, we check each position in turn, find the necessary one (we move the mouse up as slowly and smoothly as possible).

3. Press the left mouse button many times. The mechanism for closing the chest will turn on (the latch on top will slowly move to the left). If we don't make it before it closes, we'll have to hack again. If we succeed, the chest is open.

Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. Feathers

(Quests are available after completing the main mission 4.2)

Feathers appear when we start playing as a young Indian. Trees lie on high branches and on rocks. The location of the feathers can be found by purchasing Travel Maps from the General Merchandise Store.

If you collect all the feathers, then access to traditional costume Indians. Costumes can be changed in the basement of the manor.

We collect things from small boxes for an old single sailor sitting in the port near the estate. You can find out the location of all the trinkets if you buy a map in a mixed goods store in Boston or New York.

After collecting a certain number of trinkets, we bring them to the sailor sitting in the port near the estate. For trinkets, the sailor will hand us letters. Letters open access to new additional naval missions to find pirate treasure.

There are 25 trinkets in total. The sailor gives the 1st letter for 1 trinket, the 2nd letter - for 4 pieces, the 3rd letter - for 14 pieces, the 4th letter - for 24 pieces.

Capture of forts
Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. Forts

To capture each fort, you need to quickly get inside before the doors are closed, kill the captain of the fort, set fire to the gunpowder store, and then change the flag. After that, the fort will be captured.

It is best to start capturing the forts located in Boston and New York, since in cities you can call up to six assistants to yourself (press the "T" key). It will be much easier with them. Forts located in the Frontier will need to be captured alone.

Having captured the fort, you can open the chest located inside. For this we get 7500 - 10000 coins. Once captured, the fort can be used as a fast travel point on the map.

Under Boston and New York, there is a whole network of underground tunnels. Each city has 10 secret tunnel entrances. They can be used as points for fast movement around the city. But first you need to go into the dungeon and walk from one entrance to another on foot, so that later you can constantly use this path.

The tunnels are winding and intricate, besides, you have to move in pitch darkness, only a portable lantern illuminates the road a little. In some places, you will have to leave the lantern and climb the walls to open the intermediate doors on the arc side.

Some exit doors from the tunnel are closed with an intricate lock. This is a flashlight with lenses filters applied to the light. The lantern shines on the door, it displays four different symbols. The symbols need to be moved to make the right combination and open the door. Symbols can be superimposed on each other, but in the correct combination, each symbol must be in a separate cell. A text clue can always be found next to the lantern, it can always be viewed in the menu under "Animus Database - Items - Magic Lantern". In the text of the entries, those places that are hints are highlighted in large capital letters.

Correct puzzle solutions (the location of the symbols is indicated starting from the topmost, and then clockwise).

Globe - Steering wheel - Libra - Cross

Hint: I. Concerning God and religion.
…IN EVERYTHING WORLD(globe to remaining cell)
BUDDHISM LAND ORIENTAL(circle in the east)

Crown - Man - G (mason) - Ear

Hint: II. On the civil supreme magistrate and subordination.
... BUT HIM ONLY REMAINED, LIKE ANY UNHAPPY PERSON ... (the person in the remaining cell on the right)

G (mason) - Symbol of a man - Libra - Symbol of a woman

Hint: III. About lodges.
MEN GOOD, FAITHFUL AND RIGHT FOOD ... (man on the right)
WOMEN NO ENTRY… (the woman in the remaining cell on the left)

Pyramid - Crown - G (mason) - Coat of arms

Hint: IV. Masters, caretakers, apprentices and apprentices.

Sun - G (mason) - Libra - Symbol of a man

Hint: V. About the management of crafts and labor.
masons, FROM RIGHT ONLY EARNING WAGES ... (Mason on the right)

Pyramid - Libra - Jester - Cross

Hint: VI. About behavior, viz.
BASE And CROWN(pyramid on top)

Fully open map of Boston Underground and New York Underground.

Regular delivery orders. We approach the person, we get a stack of letters. Letters need to be distributed to the addressees, this can be done at any time, there are no restrictions. For each such task, we get from 500 to 950 coins.

Delivery of things
Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. Delivery Requests

It is necessary to collect a wide variety of household items for local residents. Necessary things are given by the whole list. Most of the time, you have to cook things yourself. To do this, we collect all the chests, in them we find instructions for creating items. In the estate, we carry out all the tasks of the settlers. We arrive at the estate, go to the ledger book menu, create the necessary items. After that, we return to the person who gave the task, and give him all the necessary things. As a reward we get 1000 coins.

Naval missions


We escort a merchant ship. We fight off small ships. We pass through a narrow bay, shooting cannonballs at mines to clear them. At the end of the path we come under fire from a ground fort. We shoot three of its towers.

The rescue

We sail forward during the storm. We need to help the merchant ship ahead. We reach, we destroy 4 small ships. We are chasing the main enemy ship. Destroy 2 support frigates of the main ship. The main enemy is hiding.

French intervention

We are escorting the French ship Beladonna. At first we fight off many small ships, but soon large ships come and break the main mast of the Belladonna. We need to protect the immobilized ship.

Beadle's hideout

We catch up with the enemy ship "Randolph". We shoot knippels to break the main mast of the ship and leave it motionless. We deal with two huge battleships with the help of conventional cores. After the victory, we take the "Randolph" for boarding, in battle we kill the Templar Beadle.

Dead Man's Chest

We land on the island of pirates. We reach the cemetery of plundered ships. On the ship we need, we see how the pirate finds a piece of the map faster than us. When he sees us, he runs away. We catch up with him and pick up a piece of the map.

Ghost ship

We run along the ice floes to the destroyed ship. Inside the ship, we take a piece of the map and quickly get out before the ship sank.

Mad Doctor's Castle

In Jamaica, we find the abandoned estate of a mad doctor. We go inside, looking for evidence. After that, we quickly climb onto the stuffed bear, run through the second floor, cling to the first chandelier, jump to the second. On the second chandelier we rise, we jump over to the beam of the first chandelier. We jump to another part of the second floor. We are looking for a couple more clues, along the secret passage we return to the previous room.

We find three more clues, solve a puzzle with a large grandfather clock. We put the short hour hand at 5 o'clock, the long one at 10 o'clock. We pass into the secret passage, we find a piece of the map.

Oak Island

Landing on treasure island. We get to the clearing where the treasure should be buried. We walk around, looking for 4 landmarks. At each point, we find special sign. After that, you need to complete a small puzzle: move and rotate the drawing so that it coincides with the trees and stones on the ground. We correctly arrange four drawings, determine the exact location of the pirate treasure.

We approach the treasure, at this time wolves attack us. These wolves attack much faster than normal wolves, get ready to act quickly. After the victory, we dig up the treasure, find the protective electro-magnetic ring of the first civilization (it completely protects the hero from shots).

Ruins of Serros

We land on the island, looking for the lost Mayan temple. Inside the temple you need to go upstairs. We are looking for the extreme column on the right, we climb along it to the second floor. We run along the vines to the other side of the second floor. We jump onto the ledge in front of a small waterfall, jump back (hold down the right mouse button, press the spacebar) to the opposite ledge. We climb to the third floor, go around it. We find the sarcophagus, and inside the unique sword of Captain Kidd.

Letters of marque
Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. Private Contracts

Entry to missions through any port.

The missions themselves are easy to complete on a standard ship, but some additional tasks are best left for later, when we buy all the ship upgrades. Improvements are sold in the port next to the estate, to select improvements, you need to use the book lying next to the captain of our ship.

Henderson in trouble

Together with an ally, you need to destroy 11 small ships.

Bonus Quest: An ally's health loss limit is 50%.

Paving the way

You need to destroy 10 small ships.

Optional quest: Destroy 3 ships with a ram.

dead hour

It is necessary to destroy the frigate "St. John's" and its flotilla.

Optional quest: Take less than 25% damage from the environment.

Call for help

It is necessary to protect the ship "Independence" from 17 small ships.

Bonus Quest: Limit an ally's lost health to 75%.

Search for Somerset

You need to destroy the Somerset frigate and 5 small ships.

Bonus Quest: Limit Health Lost from Encirclement 35%.

muddy waters

You need to sink three large ships during a storm. You will have to watch not only the shots of enemy ships, but also the position of the waves on the water, so as not to fall under the killer wave.

Chasing the Scout

We destroy 8 small ships, hide in ambush among the rocks. We destroy the Scout frigate and 10 small encirclement ships.

Additional task: Destroy the second group of ships in 1.30 minutes.


We defend the entrance to the bay for 4 minutes. An infinite number of small ships and two frigates will attack.

Additional assignment: Destroy the frigate.

Ghost War, Act I

It is necessary to sink the huge battleship "Undermir".

Ghost War, Act II

You need to sink a huge battleship "Leviathan" and two large support ships.


We escort 8 merchant ships. We are attacked by 4 large ships, we need to destroy them.

Additional task: Keep at least 4 merchant ships alive.

midnight meeting

We move behind a large enemy ship through narrow passages between the rocks. We go out to the open sea, destroy the ship and four escort ships.

Additional task: Take no more than 25% damage from the environment.

The giant and the storm

It is necessary to destroy the giant ship "Orpheus" and two large escort ships during the storm.

Optional Objective: Destroy all three ships with a gunpowder shot.

Manor Quests

After completing the main mission 5.4, additional estate missions appear in the game Assassins Creed 3. For the completion of these additional tasks, new residents settle in our estate. Each inhabitant is a master in a certain field. He can extract resources or process them into useful items.

Management of mining, production and trade is carried out with the help of the ledger "Ledger". You can extract resources simply if there is a necessary settler. For production, you need not only a settler, but also instructions for creating a certain item. All collected instructions can be viewed in the "ledger" menu in the "Production" section (Attention! All instructions are divided into categories that are not immediately noticeable. You can select a category by pressing "up" and "down").

After the settler begins to live on the territory of our estate, you can continue to complete tasks for him. For each completed task, the settler will level up, he will be able to extract new resources and produce new goods.

Crafted goods can be sold to city shops. The movement of goods occurs only with the help of wagons (caravans). When moving a caravan, there is a chance that enemies will attack it (the chance of attack can be reduced by capturing forts). In this case, you need to go to global map, find where the caravan is, get there and fight off the attack. If the caravan is destroyed, then you can create new wagons in the menu "Ledger" - "Production" - "Special Goods" - "Wagon". In total, you can create a maximum of three land caravans at the same time. After completing tasks at sea, it will be possible to send sea caravans.

Encyclopedia of the Common Man

We need to walk around the estate and consider (press the "F" key) the workers for whom we perform additional tasks. But look not just like that, but only when they do a certain job. Each worker has three different occupations.

Lost secret

Old man Achilles tells about the chest in the cave, you need to get it. We go to the miner Norris for explosives. Together with him we go to the cave, blow up a barrel of explosives, go inside the cave. We pass through the narrow caves, break open the chest, pick up the bag. Now in 2 minutes you need to get back out of the collapsing cave. As a reward for completing the mission, we get the clothes of the first assassin of the colonist.

Secrets of the estate

We go to New York to the burnt quarter. In a three-story house on the top floor we find a cache with a picture. We return the painting to Achilles.

Heritage(appears after completing tasks for all residents of the estate)

Achilles is dying. We go to the priest, report this news. Attending funerals, digging graves.

Painting of Achilles

We approach the place on the wall above the fireplace, we hang a picture here, which depicts the whole family of Achilles. In the portrait we see the son of Achilles, after whom he named us Connor.


In the northeastern region of the Frontier we find a detachment of soldiers beating a man. We kill the soldiers, we save the man.

Suitable tool

We go to any store in New York, go to the trade menu, select the line "items for the tasks of the townspeople", buy a handle and a hammer. We return to the estate to Dave.

Look at both

A soldier was caught on the estate. He came looking for Dave. Nearby we find another soldier, we run after him, we shoot at the moment when he mounts a horse. We return back. The first soldier caught broke free and ran away. Now they will definitely come back for Dave.


We are preparing for the arrival of troops of soldiers. We take a barrel with explosives, put it on the road away from the allies. We simply drag the second barrel closer to a safe place. We are waiting for the arrival of the first detachment, we blow up the barrel. Immediately after that, you can have time to run for the second barrel, and then blow up the second squad in the same way. Dave stays with us.

Rescue on the river

The task is completed according to the plot in mission 5.4.

Manor Burglar

While Godfrey and Terry are working at the sawmill, a robber breaks into their house. Let's deal with him.


Godfrey and Terry got into a fight and got into a fight. To break up the fight, you need to complete a small mini-game. To win it, you need to simultaneously separate two moving lines to the sides. The left line is controlled by the keys "A" and "D", the right - "left" and "right". The "W" and "S", "up" and "down" keys are not really used. Smoothly draw colored lines in different sides. If one of the lines goes beyond the image of the buttons, then it will go back to the center. In this case, we return the image of the buttons back so that the line is again inside the image of the buttons, then we start drawing the lines again.

Balls Basics

You just need to play a game with lumberjacks, it is not necessary to win it.

Carver's weapon

We find a destroyed wagon on a mountain road. We help a person fight off the bandits. Upon completion, we are joined by a master carpenter who can produce barrels and crates from the mined wood.


We return to Lance's workshop. But his apprentice had already sold the workshop. We need to return at least the tools. Together with Lance we quietly follow the student, we find where he hid the tools.

The million pound idea

We return to the port near Lance's workshop. We learn that the student took Lance's parcel. Again he appropriated the property, but now he transferred it to three people for safekeeping. Finding these three people, quietly suffocate from behind, take the drawings. We bring the drawings to Lance.

Warrens and Prudence (farmers)
Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. Warren & Prudence Missions


A group of soldiers attacked a family of farmers. We enter the battle with the soldiers. We invite two farmers to our estate.

Oslinnik Prudence

Prudence went to the forest in search of a healing herb. She was attacked by wild animals. We kill the attacked animals, in our arms we carry Prudence back home.


We run around the garden, forcing the pigs to run to the pen, located to the right of Prudence. We just walk behind the pigs, they will run away from us in the opposite direction. So you need to drive three pigs.

Norris (miner)
Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. Norris Missions

Fight in a tavern

In the north of Boston, in one of the quarters, we protect a person from robbers. A man joins our estate as a miner.

Norris in love(after Miriam appears)

Norris wants to give Miriam a gift, but he doesn't know exactly what to give. We go to Prudence for a hint. Then we climb to the northern cliff. We climb along the gap between the rocks, at the top we run across the log, we crawl along the rocks. We crawl into the gorge between the rocks, here we press the "space" + "right mouse button" to jump to another rock. We crawl on, we climb up. We collect flowers, we take them to Norris.

Another attempt by Norris

On the instructions of Norris, we go to Miriam's house. Imperceptibly approach the girl's house. While she is sitting on a stump, we examine the area at the entrance to the house, we find a broken knife. We return to Norris and advise you to give the girl a knife.

Raw material

We go to the center of the Frontier. Norris will clear the tunnel with explosives, and at this time we will fight off the soldiers coming running at the sound of explosions from the outside. You can use three barrels of explosives, planting them in the path of the soldiers, and then shooting at them.


Prudence asks us to find a doctor to deliver the baby. Let's go to the east side of Boston. We beat all the people who attacked the doctor in the alley. The doctor will settle near the estate.

Doctors, urgently!

Prudence goes into labor. We sit on a horse and quickly jump after the doctor. You have to be there in three minutes. On the way back, we pick up her husband Warrens. The doctor takes delivery.


We're heading south to Boston. We speak with the person who brought the letter to the doctor. After that, we walk around the city, we pay money to four boys who sell newspapers so that they do not spread slander. With the help of eagle vision, we find the person who pays for this slander, we rob him with the help of pickpocketing.

Broken bonds

In the center of New York, a girl comes up to us and asks to help her mother. We approach hand-to-hand beat the drunkard husband. We invite mother seamstress to the estate.

Get silk

We return to New York. In the Ellen quarter we find an empty box behind the fence, on the other side we find a roll of silk. We take the find to Ellen.

Last straw

Breaking into Ellen's house ex-husband with accomplices. Hand-to-hand deal with all the attackers.

Miriam (huntress)
Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. Myriam Missions

Silent Hunter

After completion, the huntress Miriam joins us, she will get hunting trophies for us: skins, meat.

white trophy(Need Norris in the estate)

Miriam goes hunting for a white cougar. We help her.

Trying is not torture(requires a level 2 blacksmith in the manor)

Let's go to Norris. He wants to give Miriam a knife made by a blacksmith. We approach Miriam, Norris gives a knife, and we go hunting with her. We kill the wolf, climb the tower on the tree. We run to help Miriam in the battle with the poacher.

Estate life
Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. Oliver & Corinne Mission

Is there a place in the tavern(appearance of the Innkeeper)

We meet a homeless innkeeper in the south of the estate, we lend him 1000 pounds to build a house. Now we have our own tavern "Bear's Corner".

Flock for the shepherd(Priest appears)

The priest Father Timati comes to the tavern. We give him 1000 coins to build a building, after that we will have our own church.

Wedding(requires all settlers in the estate)

We speak with Norris in the mansion, we go in search of Miriam. We go up to the second floor, find a couple of clues, go out onto the balcony and run to the tower on the tree near Miriam's house. We pursue Miriam through the branches of trees. The wedding did take place. We speak with the guests at the wedding, we get a personal flag from the seamstress Ellen.

Building Inventions
Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. Homestead Inventions

If we collect all the pages of one of Benjamin Franklin's almanacs, then in return we will receive instructions for creating a unique invention. There are 7 such inventions in total.

After receiving the instructions, in the estate in the "Ledger" menu, you can see what is needed to create an invention. Most often, a blacksmith of the last 4th level is needed to create inventions. And since the tasks of the blacksmith in the estate appear last, in the end, in order to create a working prototype of the invention, you must first complete all the tasks of the estate.

Main character costumes

1. assassin outfit(standard) - unlocked for completing the main mission 5.5. (All outfits sold in the merchandise stores are replicas of the standard Assassin outfit, just with a different color scheme.)

2. Outfit of Altair(hero of the first part of Assassin's Creed) - unlocked for completing all additional tasks in the main missions.

3. Achilles' old outfit- opens for the execution of additional. assignments of Achilles "Secrets of the estate".

4. Aquila captain uniform- unlocked for completing the main mission 5.5.

5. Captain Kidd uniform- Unlocked by completing all side missions of the one-legged sailor (collecting all the trinkets, completing all sea treasure hunt missions).

6. Ezio's Outfit(the hero of the second part of Assassin's Creed) - a reward from UPlay.

7. Ganyageh's Outfit- unlocked by collecting all the feathers.

8. Prisoner Outfit- unlocked for completing the main mission 8.3.

9. Assassin's traditional colonial outfit- unlocked for completing mission 6.4.

assassin outfit
Outfit of Altair
Achilles' old outfit

Aquila captain uniform

Captain Kidd uniform

Ezio's Outfit

Ganyageh's Outfit

Prisoner Outfit

(in Assassin's Creed 3 game)

Answer: Artisans are upgraded only for completing additional missions in the estate.

Question: how to recruit assassins(in Assassin's Creed 3 game)

Answer: to recruit each assassin, you need to complete all additional liberation missions (liberation icons on a white background) in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city, after that you need to go to the tavern and complete the mission to recruit an assistant (liberation icon on a dark background).

Question: how to protect the caravan(in Assassin's Creed 3 game)

Answer: after the message about the attack on the caravan appears, we enter the Frontier, find the caravan icon on the global map, run there and kill the attackers. Capturing forts will significantly reduce the chance of your caravans being attacked. If the caravan is still captured, then in the ledger menu you can make a new wagon (for this you need to have a tree, a craftsman and the appropriate instructions). A little later it will be possible to create sea caravans.

Question: how to break up a fight(in Assassin's Creed 3 game)

Answer: in the additional mission of the estate, where you need to separate two red-haired Irishmen, there is a mini-game that is not entirely clear. To win it, you need to simultaneously separate two moving lines to the sides. The left line is controlled by the keys "A" and "D", the right - "left" and "right". The "W" and "S", "up" and "down" keys are not really used. Smoothly spread the colored lines in different directions. If one of the lines goes beyond the image of the buttons, then it will go back to the center. In this case, we return the image of the buttons back so that the line is again inside the image of the buttons, then we start drawing the lines again.

Question: how to earn money(in Assassin's Creed 3 game)

Answer: You can get a lot of money for opening secret chests located in the fort. Quite a lot of money can be received in the estate for the sale of goods through the state accounting book. It is most profitable to sell bear skins, deer skins, alcohol, guns.

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Achievement "Honorary Sponsor Site"
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Part 1.


We watch a video that tells about the events in the previous parts. We leave the car and go into the cave. Use the Apple of Eden to open closed areas. We settle into a new shelter and begin training.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Additional task:

. Get a kill in the air

Animus firmware has been updated. For us, as players, the controls have become more enjoyable. From now on, much fewer buttons are involved when moving. We move forward, overcoming obstacles. Jumping, climbing walls and stuff like that. We destroy two opponents in the jump and complete the training.

Death number.

Looking ahead, I would like to say that the hero, for whom we play about a quarter of the entire plot, is the father of the assassin Connor. His name is Haytham Kenway and he is a Templar. We go inside and settle down in the hall, in a place specially designated for us. We speak with a supporter who advises to find the target. Turn on Eagle Vision and look to the far right end. We get up and move to the left. From a small room we climb onto the wall and move to the right. Also sometimes we climb higher. We penetrate into the most extreme balcony and from here we pass behind the stage. We crack the door with the help of two master keys. We twist each of them until we hear a click. We jump around the scenery and thereby move to the opposite side. We pass into the box of the target and, having killed it, we extract the amulet. We get out and complete the task.

Journey to a new world.

Additional tasks:

. Don't lose more than 10% of your health during combat with sailors
. Rescue James within the given time when the mast collapses

In order to hide from enemies who suspect us of murder, we are heading to America. We get out on the upper deck and communicate with the sailors. They are aggressive, so after a verbal skirmish, we get down to business. We look towards those enemies who are going to attack us, and hold the counterattack button. After three successful parries, we move on to the attack. Then, we not only parry, but also carry out a blow after the defense. To do this, hold down the counterattack button and quickly press the strike button. Next, disarm the enemy with a knife. We carry out a counterattack and press the appropriate button. Having dealt with the rebels, we communicate with the captain who arrived at the noise and follow him into his cabin. At his request, we take on the disclosure of a conspiracy that is being prepared against the captain. Let's go back to our cabin.

We communicate in turn with the sailor, the cook and James. The latter will tell more or less specific information. From the helm we observe the barrels being dropped from the lower deck. Let's go down there and go to the selected area. Eagle vision will help you see the hold on the barrel. Let's go back to the cabin.

We communicate with the captain and go down to the lower deck. Mills reports that our murder in the theater did not go unnoticed. We deal with the enemy with counterattacks and simple blows. Having won, we return to the upper deck and fasten gear in the marked places. We climb on the mast itself and remove the sails. On the collapsed mast we get to James and help him.

We speak with the captain on the upper deck. We've arrived in America, climbing to the top of the mast.

Part 2.

Boston, 1755

Welcome to Boston.

Our new assistant will be Charles Lee. Accompanied by him, we move to the shop where we buy a saber and small arms. We go outside, sit on a horse and go to the Green Dragon tavern.

Here we meet William Johnson, who talks about his problem.

Johnson order.

Additional tasks:

. Shoot 10 Mercenaries
. Prevent Hikki and Lee from losing more than 50% health

Having got out, we communicate with Thomas Hickey. We kill the guard with a pistol, we rise to his location. Having crept up from behind, we destroy the enemies at the aisle so that the allies can enter the camp. We run to the gate and destroy them, having previously aimed the pistol at the barrel. We go further and select the box.

We kill several enemies and we can only hide from the enemies. We cover Hickey and help Charles destroy enemies. Do not forget to search the bodies where you can find money and bullets. The second resource is the most important, because many opponents sat on the roofs. We deal with them with an aimed shot.


Additional tasks:

. Go unnoticed
. Eavesdrop on the conversation of the patrol guards
. Eavesdrop on all conversations without letting yourself be seen

After talking with Charles, we go outside and knock on the door of Church's house. The partner breaks down the door. Having entered inside, we take away the canvas and go to the marked point. We eavesdrop on the conversation without leaving the indicated zone on the mini-map. We mix with the crowd to avoid detection. We go to the next zone and look for orange dots. Similarly, we eavesdrop on other conversations. Finally, the search area will be reduced to the minimum size, and we can find the required area. We run along the roofs to the barn, which turns out to be locked. The key can be obtained from one of the captains. We are waiting for the guard to leave and, having crept up behind, we search the captain. Inside the barn we find Church. We kill enemies one by one using a hidden blade.


Additional tasks:

. Do not exceed detection time limit
. Get 3 consecutive multi-kills (using a stealth blade)
. Do not let informers call for reinforcements (as soon as we see a receding target, we catch up and kill)

We follow Charles. After talking with the general, let's follow his soldiers. When Li begins to distract, we will catch up with him and kill nine guards. Having freed Pitcairn, we return to the tavern.

Penetration into Southgate.

Additional tasks:

. Find and kill the general
. Get three consecutive corner stealth kills
. Take no damage from the ranged chain

After waiting a bit, we jump from the roof onto the heads of the enemies and kill them all. We change into the uniform of the guards and in the wagon we move towards the fort. Along the way, we give orders to the assassins to neutralize suspicious guards.

Arriving at the fort, we get to the crossroads and turn right. At the very end we see the general. We hide in the hay cart on the left and wait for the target to come here to kill it. Three more ordinary guards need to be killed by hiding behind various shelters. Be it a tent or a tree. To call them, use the whistle.

We help the captives to free themselves, waiting for the patrol to leave. Or we kill them by sneaking up from behind when we are left alone. When they aim at us, the camera changes the angle a little, and a mark appears above the heads of the shooters. At this point, you need to press the jump button to grab the nearest enemy and use it as a human shield. On the way to Cyrus, we kill the rest of the guards.

Part 3

Boston, 1755

We speak with Charles and get to the frontier, from where we get to Lexington.

With your opinion.

Additional tasks:

. The limit of lost health is no more than 50% (quickly press the buttons shown on the screen during a fight with wolves)
. Use destructible items in battle (we position ourselves during the battle in such a way that there are tables behind our backs and then, after a counterattack, the enemies will break interior items with their bodies)

We follow Charles on horseback and stumble upon an extinguished fire. We focus on a wide trail in the snow and pursue a woman. Faced with enemies, we press the buttons shown on the screen to kill them. After that, we turn on eagle vision and track down the woman on the tree. We catch up with her and find out the name. We show Gadzidzio our amulet.

We get to the hill, from where we follow the camp. We jump down into the hay and get to the tavern. Once inside, turn right and hide behind the counter. After listening to the conversation, let's go to the left. We are located near the window and listen to another conversation. We listen again to the first conversation, after which we go to the exit. We deal with drunken visitors.

Execution is everything.

Additional tasks:

. Don't kill the guards (after listening to the conversation, use only hand-to-hand combat)
. Destroy two guns

Meet Gadjidzio near the camp. Let's go left and get out to the road. We quickly jump into the wagon. Once inside, jump down and walk through right side hiding inside the grass. We select a convenient moment to slip to the cannon. Having disabled it, we will return to the wagon. Now we move along the left side until we find ourselves near two talking guards. When they leave, we climb onto the roof, but, moreover, we try not to leave the indicated area on the map. We jump from the other side and move along the grass. A guard will stand next to the tent, we neutralize him from behind without using weapons. Inside the tent is a map, pick it up and go to the second cannon. We follow the guard on the tower on the left, it is impossible for him to notice us. We go down a small slope and leave the camp through a side arch. We return to Gadzidzio.

Expedition Braddock.

Additional tasks:

. Kill two militias without drawing attention
. Destroy the gunpowder wagons (buy the ammo in advance!)

We leave for a meeting with Gadzidzio and her supporters. Turn right and go into enemy territory. We hide in the hay and quietly eliminate the approaching enemy. We will do the same with another enemy, but for this we will move to the next stack. We clean the territory from the remaining guards.

Having changed clothes, we ride on horseback to Braddock. He won't wait for us to kill him, so he'll run away. We pursue the general, along the way shooting powder kegs to clear the path. We overtake the target and deal with it with the help of the blade.

After looking around in the cave, we will return to our friends and perform a ritual to turn Charles into a Templar.

Part 4

Ganadazedon, 1760.


Additional tasks:

. Find all children without making a single mistake
. Find all children in four minutes

From now on, we start playing as Connor. We run into the forest with friends. We play hide and seek. This time we're driving, the rest are hiding. We count to a hundred and accordingly we go looking. Finding children is very easy. We pass into each of the selected areas and study conspicuous clues. Most of all, the kids like to hide in the hay, so we search these places first.

The second time, another one is driving, so we need to hide in any highlighted place. We face the Templar, in particular with Charles. After the skirmish, we return to the village. Everything is on fire, we get to our house as soon as possible. We are trying to help the mother, but we will not be able to do this.

Feathers and trees.

Additional tasks:

. Do not touch land and water
. Find three feathers (they are marked on the map, to find them, let's go through the forest)

At the request of Rhoda, we go to the forest to collect some feathers. We climb onto a branch, and then jump over to a nearby tree. We jump from tree to tree, then reaching the watercourse, we help our partner, who almost fell into it. Climbing up the rock to the top. We manage to grab a feather from the bird's nest, after which we fall down. We collect the required number of feathers by climbing other trees.

Hunting lessons.

Additional tasks:

. Harvest three animals different types(hare, fox, deer)
. Set a trap with bait to catch the beast (we set the trap, and sprinkle the bait next to it)
. Kill two animals in the air (you need to attack while on a hill, whether it be a tree or a cobblestone)

We pass into the green area and kill the hare by shooting from the bow. We refresh the prey and examine the hint next to the tree. We select a trap from the inventory and fix it. We will walk to the next zone, where we also examine the traces on the bush. We sneak up to the deer, hiding in the thick grass. Without leaving it, pour the bait and wait for the approach of the animal. We deal with the hidden blade and skin it. Let's check the previously installed trap. We will stay in the forest and kill the required number of animals required to complete the additional task.

We will meet with Ganadogan, who in a panic is trying to escape from the largest forest representative. As in the fight with the wolves, quickly press the buttons shown on the screen. You won't be able to kill him the first time. But we can run away! We return home.

There will be something to remember.

Additional task:

. Avoid mid-air collisions

We follow Rhoda into the tent. Use the Apple of Eden to travel to the Nexus. We control the bird and fly straight, occasionally maneuvering between emerging obstacles.

Part 5

Frontier, 1769.

We leave the village and go to the Davenport estate. We use the global map for fast travel.


Additional task:

. Lost health limit no more than 50%

We knock on the door, the retired assassin refuses to help us. Since it started to rain, we will spend the night in the stable. The next morning we ask for help again. We go to the back door, climb onto the loggia and, having failed in the negotiations, we again go to the stable. We have a chance to win trust at night, when unknown people try to attack the estate. We deal with them and enter the house. After talking with Achilles, we go down to the basement.

Achilles' order.

Additional task:

. Hide within the specified time

Accompanied by the teacher, we get to the city, where we buy tools in the shop that will be needed to restore the estate. We go to the square, watch the demonstration. Let's follow Haytham's assistant into the alley. Of course, we do not allow him to notice us. As soon as the target rises to the roof, we can get closer. Kill the enemy while he is aiming. We leave the danger zone to hide from the guards.

Particularly dangerous.

Additional task:

. Fame must not be higher than level 3

To get rid of a bad reputation, let's talk with Samuel. He will teach us how to lower the wanted level. Let's tear off a few posters and return to the ally. Together we will go to Silas, the herald, who will hold a real show for money. With Samuel we get to the system of underground tunnels, following the lanes.

Get to the bottom.

We pass through the tunnel, focusing on the exclamations of the partner and the rats running towards the exit. We open the lock on the door, rotating the two master keys until we hear a click, and go out into the open air.

Struggle with print.

We get to the printer, who will help to "clear off" the search. Next, we will walk to the pier and chat with the captain (anchor on the map). He can get us to Davenport Manor.

The return of the prodigal son.

We communicate with Achilles, after which we accept a gift from him in the form of an assassin's weapon.

Rescue on the river.

Additional task:

. When saving Terry, do not touch the water (when the camera changes angle, jump onto the log, not into the water)

At the knock, we go outside and follow Godfrey at a fast pace. Arriving at the river, we see a man who is trying with all his might to escape. To get to it, we jump on cobblestones, branches and tree trunks. At the last moment, we make a jump on a log, passing along any of the branches on the left. New acquaintances share their plans for the future.

Start date.

We go to the hut near the shore. We communicate with Robert Faulkner. He will contribute to the repair of the huge ship "Aquila". We get a ledger through which we can control all aspects of trading. We follow the instructions indicated on the screen and thus we will get acquainted in detail with the sections "Stocks", "Craft" and "Trade".

We are not looking for easy ways.

Additional tasks:

. The ship must not take any damage (use half of the sails to avoid hitting the reefs)
. Survive three attacks (we dodge frigate shots by pressing the appropriate button, noticing a massive red stream of light heading towards us)
. Shoot two enemy ships with a falconet

We speak with Robert, after which we head to Martha's Vineyard on a repaired ship. We go to the helm and take control of the ship. Raising more and more sails, the speed will increase accordingly. But the ship becomes less maneuverable. For perfect maneuvering between obstacles, we raise only half of the sails.

Having moored, we go to the tavern and carry out all the necessary actions. We sail away and head to the damaged ship. We will practice on it, making shots from various types of guns. Falconets are designed for point penetration. For example, sometimes vulnerable areas appear on enemy ships, in the form of powder kegs. By shooting at them, we will send the enemy to the bottom. It's time for the real fight. We destroy three small ships and in the end one large one. Don't forget to use dodge shots to complete the side mission.

Part 6


We get to the building where the source of energy was discovered. We climb to the very top and jump down with the subsequent opening of the parachute. Having landed, we steal the artifact, after which we deal with the modern Templar and leave the territory.

Davenport Manor, 1773

Following Johnson.

Additional tasks:

. Do not exceed the second level of fame
. Do not exceed six shots during the destruction of contraband in the port

Ganadogan warns us about the intentions of the Confederacy to buy the land on which the village is located. This is the work of William Johnson. We get to Boston, find Samuel and communicate with him. Let's follow him to the port. Our task is to find illegal goods. We throw powder kegs at them, blow them up from firearms. We constantly search the bodies of the defeated guards in order to get some ammunition. We return to the city and pacify the greedy tax collectors.

The cook is angry.

Additional tasks:

. Do not participate in collisions for more than 15 seconds
. Shafo Lost Health Limit: 30%
. Get five stealth kills

We go to the city for a riot with Stefan. We move ten meters ahead and quickly deal with enemies. We do this quietly, to complete an additional task. Also, do not forget to use a pistol to destroy entire groups of guards as quickly as possible. At the end of the task, we will use the help of the assassin, who must be called upon and then he will quietly kill the captain.

Tea drinking.

Additional tasks:

. Throw ten crates of tea into the water
. Throw three British soldiers into the water (counterattack when they are standing with their backs to the board)
. Make one kill with a musket in the air (we get a musket from enemies, jump on them directly from the side and attack in the air)

After talking with Samuel, we get to the port and destroy a certain number of enemies. We unload counterfeit tea directly into the water. All the time we are directly on the ships and in every possible way cover the allies from enemies approaching from both sides.

Aggressive negotiations.

Additional tasks:

. Prevent more than one Indian from being killed
. Stealthily get close to Johnson (preferably attack from the roof)
. Dive like a swallow and get away from the chase (having dealt with Johnson, we run down the clearing and dive into the water)

Returning to the estate, we speak with the teacher. Again comes bad news from Ganadogan - the enemies are again trying to take away the land from the people. We go to the frontier, where we communicate with a friend. Turn right and carefully go down. We run to the hill mainly on the left side, dodging the route of the guards. We climb onto the roof, from where we attack Johnson with a hidden blade. We run down the slope and jump into the water.

Part 7

Davenport Manor, 1775

Midnight ride.

Additional tasks:

. Do not engage in open confrontation
. Get to Prescott in two minutes

We arrive in Boston, meet with Paul River and his friends. Let's go to the frontier, where we move through the green areas marked on the mini-map. We are looking for the dwellings of the militias, looking into the last of them, we find ourselves in a trap. We run away from enemies and go to Prescott. We will also walk to Hancock and Adams, inform them of the approach of British troops.

Lexington and Concord.

Additional tasks:

. Destroy each of the seven groups of soldiers with one order
. Rescue the hostages (keep an eye on the mini-map on the way to the farm to notice the residents in need of help)

Pitcairn, along with his troops, launched an offensive. The allies are forced to retreat. We have to command these small groups. The mini-map is the main assistant in this difficult task. We follow it and deal with the enemies that are closest to us in time. We refrain from attacks only in two cases: when the enemies are not close enough and when more than half of the fighters are missing in the group. Having won a small victory, we inform Barret about our successes.

The war is coming.

Additional tasks:

. Pass through Charlestown without taking damage (running at an accelerated pace without stopping)
. Kill the grenadier from the air (the grenadier is in the left ship)
. Stay unnoticed on ships

We'll get to Bunker Hill and meet up with Israel Putnam. The scout accompanies us to Breeds. We are watching the battle and the general, who is about to leave the battlefield. We get to the ships, we swim to the left. We climb on board from behind. We silently deal with the guard in the stern of the ship. We climb the mast, jump on the head of the grenadier (he is in a skirt). It remains to set fire to a barrel of gunpowder and hastily leave the ship. In the same way, we destroy the neighboring ship, after which we climb the mast of any of the ships to change the flags.

Battle of Bunker Hill.

Additional tasks:

. Stealth kill Pitcairn in the air
. Get through the battlefield without taking damage
. Do not kill more than four English soldiers unnecessarily

We swim to the shore and then on horseback we ride for an ally. We move around the shelters, watching for flashes at the far end, after which we have literally a couple of seconds to have time to run to a safe place. We get to the mountain and climb up. We move through the grass on the left side until we find ourselves near the tents. Climb up the tree trunk, jump over to the tree on the left side. We rise to the top and go along the branch to the flagpole. From here we attack Pitcairn and kill him accordingly.

Part 8

Davenport Manor, 1776

Something extraneous.

Additional tasks:

. Do not push or knock anyone down (slowly we pass through the townspeople, who greedily rushed to the ground)
. Successfully eavesdrop on a conversation while standing still
. Successfully eavesdrop on the conversation while walking (don't climb the roof!)

We are talking with a friend of the teacher. Through the frontier we get to New York. On a horse we go to the market, where we find a counterfeiter. You need to follow him, without falling into the eyes of him and his accomplices. It is also necessary to listen to periodic conversations in order to find out about the location of the lair. Once in the alley, we act very carefully. It will not be possible to hide anywhere here, except for the wooden structure on the right, literally a couple of meters from the enemies. Right around the corner, there is a counterfeiter's lair.

We burst inside and meet with Thomas Hickey. We pursue the fugitive, first turning into the left lane, and then continuing to run in a straight line to cut Thomas and grab him.

Bridewell Prison.

Additional tasks:

. Don't kill more than one guard
. Kill Hickey in 2 minutes

Once captured and imprisoned, we cling to the wall in the cell and eavesdrop on the conversation of the neighbors. Then we can go to sleep.
The next morning, we leave the cell and proceed down. With the help of eagle vision, we find a person at a table that is highlighted yellow. His name is Mason and he's supposed to help us escape. After the game, we go upstairs and quietly grab Finch's key. Let's go back to the camera. Waking up at night, we try to open the grate. The next morning we are interested in Mason, why the key did not fit. It's actually part of the plan: the warden has the original, and this copy is meant to be a replacement. We begin to beat the prisoners to attract attention. To begin with, we break through the defense, and only then we strike.

This time, nothing will stop us from escaping. We dodge the route of the enemies and run upstairs. Having met with an ally, we pass further and, having seen the guard, turn to the right. We go up to the desired camera.

Public execution.

Additional tasks:
. Washington's bodyguards must survive (we catch up with Hickey as quickly as possible and push him)
. Kill enemy militias

Slowly we reach the gallows. As soon as we are reset down, immediately press any button. We overtake Hiki and run right at him to push. During the fight, we also use pushes, otherwise we will not have time to kill the guards. Only in the last turn will we finish Hikki.
Let's go after Achilles and, after talking, we go into the hall.

Part 9


Arriving in Brazil, we get out of the subway and contact Rebecca. To the right of the control is a door that will allow you to bypass the posts. We got out into the yard, we'll sneak further along the grass. We enter the building, do not forget Golden Rule- always bypass through the rooms on the right. Let's climb up, stun the guard and go to the VIP stand. Let's go through the central structure to the other side. Let's go out into the corridor and get into another VIP zone. We catch up with the unknown killer, kill him and his guards. We select the artifact, we return to the subway.

Davenport Manor, 1777

Lost cargo.

Additional tasks:

. Catch the driver in thirty seconds
. Don't hide in the hay while following the caravan
. Kill three patrolmen without being seen

We get to Valley Forge, then after talking with the commander, we will go to a deserted church. Inside we encounter Father Haytham, with whom we have one goal - Benjamin Church.

Going outside, examine the track in the snow next to the boxes on the right. We continue to move along the path, the road. We destroy or ignore the guards encountered on the way. We will find traces on the wagon near the road and run to the very wagon and driver. We rush in pursuit of the carrier and, having caught, we ask.

We overtake the loaf and follow him. We move from one side to the other to avoid detection. Overhearing the conversation, we find ourselves in the hay, without leaving which we neutralize the enemy. We also kill two more enemies, after which we free Haytem from the paws of the guards, killing a total of thirteen people.

Father and son.

Additional task:

. Steal a mercenary's clothes and don't get caught

We leave for New York to meet Haytham. Let's follow him through the rooftops to Benjamin Church's lair. To go further, you need to get a special uniform. Let's get to the guard and deal with him while others do not see. Having changed, we can go to Church.

Foam and fire.

Additional tasks:

. Take no fire damage
. Haytham's Lost Health Limit: 50%

We were in an ambush and with a bunch of enemies in the same room. Actively help Haytham not to let him die. Next, there will be a shot that will break the powder keg. We climb up, on objects not covered by fire. We pass to the opposite side, climb to the very top and, having freed Haytem, ​​we break out.

Bitter outcome.

Additional tasks:

. Environmental Damage Limit: 20%
. The distance to the schooner should not exceed 500

Together with Hatem we rush after Church. We catch up with the ship "Greeting", on board of which no one is found. A smaller ship appears. We set off in pursuit of him, maneuvering through the reefs. We use only half speed to be agile on sharp turns. First of all, we attack small ships, then a huge escort. To do this, use knippeli, which can be selected in the inventory.

We board the enemy ship and destroy the enemies. We look for Church in the lower deck and also deal with him.

Part 10

Davenport Manor, 1778

Alternative methods.

Additional tasks:

. Use guards twice as human shields
. Pounce on the target from above

In New York, we meet with Haytham. Let's go in search of commanders. Let's follow the partner and go upstairs. We jump from here directly to the opponents. We draw the attention of the shooters located in the back row. We use other guards as shields. Having dealt with everyone, we take the shooters hostage. One of them escapes, so we set off in pursuit. It is advisable not to run into the alleys, but go along a straight street and, cutting off the fugitive, grab him. We push the enemy for interrogation.

Dedicated trust.

Additional tasks:

. Do not touch the ground (we move and attack, only while in the saddle)
. Intercept all Patriot messengers in three minutes
. Neutralize ganyageha with bloodless methods

We leave for the village, destroying the marked enemies along the way. We communicate with Roda, who is surprised by our arrival. We leave the village and look for the ganyageha warriors who need to be neutralized. It is desirable to do this by bloodless methods, that is, without the use of any weapon. At the end, we deal with Ganadogan, since, unfortunately, he believed in Charles's sweet lie.

Battle of Monmouth.

Additional tasks:

. Neutralize each of the eight squads of soldiers with one cannonball
. Kill two platoons of soldiers with one shot (shoot between two platoons)
. Prevent three executions of Patriot leaders

Having met with the commander, we begin to hold the defense. We destroy the approaching platoons, firing from the most powerful weapon. In the end, we will have to retreat, since an incredibly large number of enemies cannot be held indefinitely.

Part 11


We arrive at the Abstergo laboratory. We deal with the guards at the reception. We go up on the lift, which gets stuck along the way. We'll have to climb into the mine, from where we independently climb to the desired floor. We continue to destroy persistent enemies. We move through corridors and various bridges. Let's go through the door on the left and find Cross. Fortunately for us, he fails, and then we begin to pursue him. He will run for a long time, so you need to overtake as soon as possible and kill accordingly.

On the lift we go to the floor above. We go to Vidik, simultaneously killing enemies with a pistol. Let's go to the very last room, use the Apple of Eden to control the minds of the guards. Vidic is dead, and along with numerous employees. We help our father, extract the artifact and go to the shelter, using the Apple more than once along the way.

Davenport Manor, 1781

Chesapeake battle.

Additional tasks:

. Destroy three ships with one broadside salvo
. Sink two frigates by hitting them in the gunpowder holds
. Kill five enemies with a counterattack

We get to the Chesapeake Bay and begin an attack on enemy ships. Their number will constantly increase. We try not to fall under the onboard fire, and if this happens, then we use evasion, noticing a red stream of light. We board the last long escort.

We kill the enemies, then we get to the captain and shoot the barrel of gunpowder. We leave the ship, hastily jumping into the water.

Lee's last battle.

Additional tasks:

. Reach the signal tower in three minutes
. Stay unnoticed on the way to the signal fire
. Health Lost Limit: 50%

We drop the enemy down and go to the tower through the roofs. We warn the admiral to start the attack. We find ourselves under assault fire, which causes us a shell shock. We pursue Haytem and enter into battle with him. We are located in such a way that there are interior items behind us. We parry the attacks of the enemy, after which we deal with him, having carried out a decisive blow to the head.

Part 12

New York, 1782

Rest in peace.

Additional tasks:

Do not kill more than fifteen English soldiers
. Get off the ship without fighting
. Kill the captain of the Jersey

We overtake Charles Lee and after talking, we are freed from enemies. We kill them and get to the ferry. We swim to the Jersey, climb aboard and, avoiding enemies, we get to the area where we can eavesdrop on the conversation. Next, move to the right and continue to listen to the conversation already near the window of the captain's cabin. After him, we will destroy the guards and the captain himself. We return to the pier.

Chasing Lee.

Additional tasks:

. Do not move more than 50 from Lee
. Don't push anyone while chasing
. Take no damage from fire

In the tavern "Green Dragon" we find out from the locals about Charles. We leave for the harbor, climb onto the roof and track down the target with the help of eagle vision. We rush after the enemies. We linger a little in front of the powder kegs. After the explosion, we can continue running, go around the guards on the right, and the next shooters on the left, cutting off the corner. Having reached the ship, we slide from below, climb up the wall on the right side. Turn left and jump over to the other side. We jump through the window, going outside, turn left. We continue to jump along the structure, once at the bottom, we slip under the obstacle. We jump up the rope, waiting for the return of a special device, on which we can go around the corner.

Having overtaken Charles, we do not have time to deal with him, but we can safely get even in the tavern, where he will not even be able to resist.


We extract the key from the place where our ancestor hid it. Returning to the shelter, turn left and get to the room with complex mechanisms. We climb to the very top along the iron bars and install the artifact. They will show us that a new room has opened, we will get to it.

First, let's go up the stairs. Noticing the connector for the artifact on the other side, turn left and go to the end, then turn right twice and drive down. Two more times to the right, and finally, for the last time, to get into the central room. From here we will climb up and get to the very place where you need to install the artifact.

Let's go forward from the Animus towards the transparent wall and turn right. We climb up, jump along the columns to an accessible place. We boldly jump onto the horizontal pipes and cross them to the other side. Again, the columns that will lead us to the place where you need to install the artifact. We return to the Animus, we pass to the wall. Let's watch the final video.