What gives influence in wot. Clans on the global map

The release of the updated Global Map is getting closer, which means it's time to lift the veil of secrecy and introduce you to GC 2.0.

When developing new card one of the important tasks was to solve the main problems that players are now facing.

More provinces - more space
Currently, the number of clans playing in landing tournaments significantly exceeds the number of available provinces, which makes the competition incredibly strong.

New map has a flexible architecture, and if necessary, we can expand it to an almost unlimited number of provinces: two, five, ten times more!

Everyone will land
On the current map, in order to capture a province, a clan needs to go through a landing tournament without the right to make a mistake, spend a lot of time fighting, but in the end there is no guarantee of success.

On the updated Global Map, in addition to more provinces, will be introduced new way hits on the map, while it will be possible, as before, to capture territories in landing tournaments.

Choose the level of technology
The recent introduction of additional regions for Tier VIII vehicles has shown big interest players to participate in battles in this format.

Next generation global map will have regions with vehicle tiers similar to sortie battles: VI, VIII, X. Accordingly, profitability and opportunities will differ.

With the exception of campaigns and other in-game events, which are held infrequently and regularly due to current architectural features, the map does not set the ultimate goal for the clans.

Global map 2.0 has a completely new architecture that will allow it to work on a seasonal model. In each season, clans will have the opportunity to compete for victory and special prizes.

Other innovations
Chips are no longer needed, they will be replaced by divisions

A division is a combat unit fully equipped with the required number of tanks, regardless of the number of fighters in the clan. Now it will not be necessary to keep inactive players in the clan, there is no need to move one chip to full membership, and you can be sure: if the fight is scheduled, it will take place.

Division of the map into fronts

Regions will give way to fronts, each of which will have customizable borders, province composition, battle rules, available vehicle tiers, or even a set of specific vehicles. Each clan will be able to choose a front convenient for itself.

New game currency for the Global Map - influence

In order to conduct combat operations and perform other operations on the Global Map, clans will need influence.

What is it for:

  • Landing on a map without participating in landing tournaments.
  • Purchase and maintenance of divisions, as well as additional modules for them.
  • Investing in a province to increase its profitability.
  • Protecting your province under certain conditions.
Influence can be obtained in two ways:
  1. Combat operations on the map: when an enemy division is destroyed, the winner receives a part of its cost.
  2. Participation in Strongholds sorties: in addition to industrial resources, sorties will also bring influence, the amount of which will depend on the division.

Influence will allow clans not to depend on a limited number of chips and their “freezing”, independently regulating their activity on the map. Influence can also be accumulated in unlimited quantities, which will make it possible to plan long-term operations.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that influence cannot be purchased for in-game gold, exchanged for industrial resources or loans.

New interface and visual component

In addition to technical changes and mechanical innovations, the map will be radically redesigned both visually and in terms of usability. Navigation will become more convenient, many new information, flexible filters, and a system of pop-up hints.

Stats are highly valued by many World of tanks players. One of the most noticeable and obvious parameters for comparing the skill of WoT players is win percentage.

What is win rate in WoT

- the ratio of the number of victories to the total number of battles fought in World of tanks multiplied by 100%.

As is known from the course of mathematical statistics, the larger the sample, the more reliable the statistical data. What does this mean in World of tanks language? This means that you should pay attention to the percentage of battles if the player has spent a lot of battles in World of tanks (1000 or more). Moreover, the more fights he had in the World of tanks player, the more reliable data is displayed in his statistics.

If a player has fought more than 10,000 battles and has a win percentage of 50 or higher, this means that he plays better than most WoT players, and the influence of random factors in such a sample is minimal. Tanker statistics and achievements can be viewed on the website or in the World of tanks game itself, or in ours.

Does the skill reflect the percentage of wins in World of tanks

In the battles of World of tanks, three outcomes are possible - victory, defeat, draw. A draw in World of tanks is rare, let's leave 1-2% of the total number of battles in WoT for this outcome. Defeat and victory are opposite events, if one team won, then the other lost. Therefore, the frequency of victory and defeat should be the same - 49% each (the remaining 1 - 2%, as mentioned above - draws).

Let's assume that all WoT players have exactly the same level of play (skill), and there are no external irritants that affect the outcome of the battle, then with a sufficiently large number of battles (large sample), each player will have 49% of wins - statistics draws the player to this indicator.

What does win percentage above 50 mean?

So we have considered theoretical example where all World of tanks players are equal, but in reality they are not. And win rate over fifty, with a large number of battles, it just shows that the tanker acts better than the average opponent, and by his actions he helps the allied team win more often.

The influence of randomness in World of tanks, of course, is great, but it is leveled by a large number of fights. Since with a large sample, the influence of randomness will be minimized - you will be thrown to weak teams, in whole series, then to strong ones, the projectile will ricochet, sometimes from you, sometimes from your enemy, all this is equalized with the number of fights.

What does win percentage below 49 mean?

From World players of tanks, you can often hear that if the percentage of wins is below 49, then this means that such a participant only interferes with the team, spoils everything, and it would be better without him at all. In fact this is not true. A win percentage below 49 means that the player is performing worse than his average opponent, that is, not doing harm, not inactive, but not playing well enough - these are, after all, different things. A player's sabotage may be indicated by a percentage of wins below 40, or a tendency to deal damage to his own.

If your percentage is below 49, or higher, but you want to improve it, then this can be done. How? Better play and fix stats. The more fights on the account, the more reliable the statistics, and the more difficult it is to fix it, since a few successful fights will simply dissolve in the mass of old unsuccessful ones. But this is not a reason to despair, a large number of unsuccessful battles is a reason to change the approach to the game and have many successful battles. The complexity of the task only makes it more desirable.

Where to start improving statistics in World of tanks

To begin statistics improvement worth studying it, go to World of tanks or to your account on the official website of the game and look at which tanks you have a high percentage of victories, which ones are low. At the same time, again, remember that the more battles played on the tank, the more reliable the statistics.

How to increase the percentage of wins in WoT

There are two simple ways improve the percentage of wins in World of tanks. It is up to you to decide which one to choose, but for each of them you will need to play hard, study the tactics of actions on a particular tank, and improve your skills.

Method 1 to improve statistics in World of tanks

If, after looking at the statistics, you find that one or two tanks stand out in terms of statistics for the better, while there are quite a lot of battles on them, then you can play more on these two (or one) combat vehicles. At the same time, it is worth additionally studying information about the tank, looking at guides, noting the strengths and weaknesses of the tank, equipping the selected combat units with the best consumables, transplanting good crews into them, installing the best modules. Since the statistics show that you act correctly on these tanks, and you can often influence the outcome of the battle, which means you will improve the total statistics of your account in World of tanks.

For example, you noticed that your statistics on the KV-1 is good and you win 55% of the battles on it, while you have already played more than 700 battles on this heavy machine. Choose this tank, improve it as much as possible, just in case, look at our website, mark something new for yourself, or vice versa, share your skills and win on it, correcting general statistics.

Method 2 to improve the percentage of wins in World of tanks

If, when looking at statistics, you find that you showed the worst results on low-level vehicles when you first started play world of tanks, then this situation can be corrected. You can improve the total statistics, bringing unsuccessful results to the level of 49 - 50 percent.

For example, you found that on the T-26 tank you have 35 battles and 43 percent of victories, buy this tank, watch video tutorials on our website, install good equipment on the tank, and level the position, because now you are an experienced player, and you can better act in every fight.

Auction province

A province that can only be landed through an auction.


Currency of the Global Map. It is used to purchase divisions and modules, increase the income of provinces, participate in auctions and for other paid operations. Clans can earn influence by participating in battles on the Global Map.

The accumulated influence is canceled before the start of the new season.


A method of landing on the Global Map, during which clans make bets in a special currency — influence.

Division base cost

The influence a clan spends to buy its first division.


The amount of influence with which the clan takes part in the auction. If the bet loses, the influence is fully or partially returned to the clan's account.

Minimum bet

The amount of influence a clan must pay to participate in a landing auction. Bids less than the minimum for participation in the auction for the province are not accepted.

Last winning bet

The bid that won in the previous auction for the province. Not specified if the previous auction did not take place. Can serve as a guide for participants in the current auction. Does not affect the size of the minimum bet.

Free Influence

Influence spent on the landing rate in excess of the base cost of the division. Can be used to purchase modules for the division.

Auction Winner

The clan or several clans that made the highest bid and received the right to fight for the province with other applicants.


Clans participating in the tournament for the province. Applicants for the auction province are clans that attacked from neighboring provinces or won the auction.


A combat unit with which you can attack enemy provinces and defend your own territories. The division can be reinforced with modules. Influence is needed to acquire divisions.


Division reinforcements that change its properties and make it possible to use combat reserves in battles for provinces. If the division was not destroyed in battle, the modules are saved and continue to operate. You can add up to three modules of different types at the same time.

Basic Rules

To find a province suitable for landing, click on the icon(Provinces of the Global Map) and set the required search parameters.

To land in a province, a clan can take part in the auction by making a bid. You can place a bet if the clan does not yet have provinces and divisions on the Global Map.

Auctions on the Global Map are held according to the following rules:

  • Closed-type auctions are held on the Global Map: clans do not know the number of participants or the size of their bids.
  • An auction can only be held for landing in an auction province.
  • You can place or cancel a bet no later than one hour before the Prime Time of the province.
  • The winner of the auction is determined one hour before the prime time of the province.
  • The winner of the auction gets the right to participate in the tournament along with other clans that attacked the province from neighboring territories.
  • Immediately after summing up the results of the auction, the division of the winner moves to the province and begins to bring intelligence about the enemy division to his clan.

On some Fronts, auction provinces cannot be attacked from neighboring territories.

Bids within auctions are subject to a number of rules:

  • All actions with bets are carried out in real time, which means that there is no need to wait for the calculation of the move.
  • The amount of an already placed bet cannot be changed. If you want to lower or raise your bid, cancel your current bid and make a new one.
  • If the bids are equal, the clan that made its bid earlier wins the auction.
  • The rate includes the base cost of the division. Free influence can be used to buy modules.
  • The minimum bid cannot be less than the base cost of a division.
  • If the bid is out of the auction after the final results have been calculated, then influence is returned to the clan in full, regardless of whether modules for the division were purchased or not.

The following clan officers can perform auction bid actions:

  • Commanding;
  • Deputy Commander;
  • Staff officer;
  • Unit commander.

Factors affecting the size of the minimum bet:

  • the income level of the province;
  • communication with the headquarters;
  • the presence of a division in the province;
  • the number of neighboring clans.

A clan can land on the Global Map without battles if it receives a province from its vassal or overlord as part of an alliance (see below).

There are many posts and discussions on the Internet about how negatively gambling affects men. The authors of these materials are mostly wives of husbands playing this computer game.

The negative, in their opinion, is that husbands begin to devote little time to their wives and children, stop helping with household chores and spend certain money from the family budget on this game. And it’s not a man’s business to sit for hours at computer games. But any medal, as you know, has two sides. We will try to give a few weighty “pros” in relation to the “tanks” game that is so popular today.

First of all, computer game World of Tanks improves visual response and increases the speed of processing visual information in your man. This is due to the fact that during the game you have to keep track of a large number of moving objects and at the same time evaluate and predict the possibility of their further movement and movement. This is a significant plus that a man can use in Everyday life. He will become more attentive behind the wheel and will be able to quickly assess the possibility of an emergency on the road, and either prevent it or be able to cope with it, with minimal losses for himself and his passengers.

Secondly, this game for him is a kind of way to relax and relieve accumulated stress after a working day. Agree that everyone has the right to relax in their own way.

And it will be much better for you if your beloved man spends two hours doing what he loves, relieving accumulated stress, than walking around irritated under the yoke of moral fatigue and stress.

Thirdly, The game World of tanks allows your man to acquire organizational skills and managerial experience, which he can later successfully apply at work.

Fourth, this game increases male sociability and contributes to the acquisition of additional communication. Many men are very taciturn by nature and find it difficult to new contact. But, having recognized in his colleague, or even the boss of the player in the “tanks”, he can easily find a topic for conversation, even if first about the game.

Fifth, inspires a man and helps to increase his self-esteem. Winning the next battle, he receives moral satisfaction from his own success and at the same time proves to himself that he is really capable of something. Therefore, dear women, before reproaching your man for an “unmanly” occupation or hobby, in your opinion, think about whether it is as useless and harmful as it seems to you.