Lucky numbers for Capricorns. Numerological horoscope for Capricorn: lucky numbers for the zodiac sign Capricorn

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j - Zodiac sign - Capricorn.

Basic properties:

Capricorn - practical and punctual, ambitious. He is often accused of coldness, in fact he loves deeply, but has difficulty expressing his feelings. In work, he achieves success in all endeavors. Capricorns are loyal, reliable, honest and simple as the earth itself.

Properties Description
The date: Western astrology December 22 - January 20
Indian astrology January 15 - February 12
constellation by sun January 19 - February 16
Mascot: Black cat, panther.
Symbols: Goat, stairs, tower clock.
Colors: Dark green, black, ash grey, blue, pale yellow, dark brown and all dark tones.
Stones: Ruby, onyx, garnet, moonstone, lapis lazuli.
Metal: Lead.
Essential oils: Mint, geranium, jasmine, sage, eucalyptus, coriander, clove, fir.
White carnation, black poppies, ivy.

Temperament and character:

A sign of fate, retribution, philosophy, the beginning of the world, the ruthlessness of time, is distantly related to instincts and uses moderation and restraint as an internal system of self-preservation. In general, Capricorns don't care about looking attractive. they rarely talk about themselves and consider it above their dignity to use charm. They do not demonstrate their merits, which is why they make a weak impression or do not make it at all. They love subdued indoor lighting. As in other signs, there are low, middle and highest types, but everyone strives to climb to the top of the spiritual or worldly. To achieve them, not everyone has a reserve of vitality - endurance, endurance, despite great stamina - the main feature of Capricorns. Some of their Capricorns are a rock that stands up to difficult situations, others like Virgo are "worker bees" who are never tired of looking for instant solutions or solve a problem with the tenacity of Taurus until they find the right and final answer, until they turn lead into gold. Capricorns can be cold-blooded businessmen or politicians who know how to make deals. These are patient, fair, loving, although strict fathers who do not demonstrate their love. In Capricorns, under calm serenity, greed with self-denial, demon and god can endlessly struggle. Capricorn's disregard for charm and attractiveness is reflected in clothing. The main motives for men and women are simplicity, moderation, balance, modesty, economy, little imagination. Usually deviate from fashion, many simply despise the cost of clothing. Ascetic in youth, but then suddenly become extravagant. The only motive that makes them pay any attention to clothing is ambition. They prefer to look correct rather than interesting.

Love and marriage:

Similar to red wine, may improve with age as internal stiffness disappears. At first, they are alien to humans due to a distant connection with instincts. They resist infatuation out of fear of loss and suffering. They want a minimum of pleasure for a minimum of pain, but a mask of icy indifference can hide the most tormenting passions, which are suppressed to avoid submission to feelings. The result is breakdowns of various forms. Some try to fill the inner emptiness with a thirst for power and collecting, others go into silence or into nervous quirks, and sometimes become physically ill in a desert of selfishness and stinginess. Others agree to such a fate, live unhappily in solitude, as if indifference were a natural human condition, or pretend to be reconciled to fate, proclaiming their loneliness as proof of their spiritual virtues, hiding dogmatism and bilious corrosiveness under the cover of false kindness. Others may be prone to memories of past losses and refuse to forgive betrayals. They are faithful, loyal and live inconsolable sad and deeply vulnerable lives. Many can live alone, without love, almost until the age of 45-50. Then they open up, submit to everything they fought against and rejected, and give themselves completely to it. Although it may seem that the Capricorn is such a "cracker", nevertheless, he is very vulnerable. In this regard, scrupulously treat the issue of marriage. Here Capricorn is monogamous, because he prefers constancy. If he plays the role of a successful lover, forgetting about his wife, then only for career reasons. Emotionally, Capricorn should look for Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, especially good fellowship with Scorpio. Gemini and Cancer should be avoided.

Choice of profession:

Attitude towards money:

Capricorn's money is an indicator of the success of his business. They are the main result. He knows how to draw up a planned statement of expenses and income. At work, this is a business plan, and in everyday life, reports of everyone who is related to money.

Passions in comfort:

For Capricorn, even the Spartan environment is cozy. He is not particularly pretentious about the conditions of rest. It is important for him that after a good rest he can get ready for work without time delays.

Life planning:

Capricorn always strives to have an organizer with him, where he writes down all the upcoming tasks and the results of their implementation. He has his own, individual system for evaluating the success of cases, on which he ultimately relies.


Most of all, Capricorn trusts the opinions of others, if it is based on specific calculations. He is proud of the results of this analysis and often does not admit that there is a possibility of error in it. Such optimism sometimes turns one's head and does not allow one to look at things soberly.


For people of this zodiac tradition, order and a sense of responsibility are not empty phrases. Capricorns love camellias. They like tobacco-scented and leather-scented perfumes. Captivate them and smells of jasmine. The tart smell of moss, wood and medicinal herbs stimulates their concentration. Give them a tart-fresh perfume with a floral-fruity accent in a massive bottle and dark packaging, such as anthracite, dark blue or dark green.

Days and numbers:

    Favorable numbers: 3, 5, 7, 8 (all numbers divisible by 8), 14.

    Lucky day: Tuesday, Saturday.

    Unlucky day: Monday.

Those born from December 22 to January 2 - under the influence of Jupiter - are calm, prudent, systematic natures, acquire fortune and success, but there is a risk of ruin. Important years: 30, 57.

Born from January 3 to 13 - under the influence of Mars - people who breathe home boredom, known for a bad influence on others. Important years: 16, 24, 30, 33, 57.

Those born from January 14 to 20 - under the influence of the Sun - are efficient, powerful, passionate, contradictory, sometimes prone to despondency. Important years: 21, 30, 31, 41, 50, 57.


Better resistance to disease than it seems. It can outlive anyone if it does not allow ossification. He does not notice the first signs of illness, and when something happens, he imagines that it is fatal. Weak Points: Knees, hips over knees, bones, muscles, circulation, thyroid, skin. The skin must be kept extremely clean. They often suffer from excess calcium: calcium deposits - a stone on the teeth, the growth of bumps and bulges (extra bones) on the hands, wrists, ankles. Deafness due to sclerosis. Many people eat too monotonous food - they need vitamins and replenishment of hormonal deficiency. There may be sluggish digestion. Many limit themselves almost all their lives, and then suddenly after 60 years they become stout. Everyone is prone to colds, arthritis, spinal scoliosis, circular blockages, deposits in the veins and arteries, sclerosis, thinning of the walls of blood vessels, dermatoses, eczema, varicose veins, kidney and heart attacks. Preventive measures: carefully varied diet, little salt, sunny climate, mountain air, no drafts, warm underwear and nightwear, regular massage, and not too much bedtime. The worst enemies are humidity and cold, prescriptions must be moderate, consistent, not radical, often hypochondria. With complaints, psychotherapy is desirable with an emphasis on harmonizing internal restlessness with seeming indifference. The state of Capricorn is highly dependent on the composition of minerals in the body, on the quality of the skin, connective tissue, superficial mucous layers and sympathetic peripheral nervous system. This sign governs the state of the knees, the bony structure of the body, tendons and cartilage. Most of Capricorn's accidents involve broken bones, bruises, bruises, sprains, sprains, and knee injuries. From birth to age 7, Capricorns are rarely very healthy. But in the future, if there is no unfavorable arrangement of the planets, their vitality increases, although they never have the reserve of vitality inherent in the stronger signs of the Zodiac. However, they do not give up easily and, if they follow a normal mode of being, they can live an active and healthy life to old age. This sign belongs to the long-lived, despite the fact that the Sun, which gives life, is weak in this constellation. Many Capricorns are still full of energy when their peers have already "lived" life and are confined to a wheelchair. The disease that overtook Capricorn due to the influence of Saturn becomes chronic. Capricorns tend to think about their illnesses (just like about other things) and close in on them, often throwing themselves into hypochondria. Their belief in the hopelessness of the state becomes a prophecy. Major health problems can be related to the malfunctioning of the organs under the influence of Capricorn and Saturn. The blood supply may become sluggish and clearance may be limited. Then poisons and toxins are retained in the body, which is reflected in the work of the stomach, controlled by the opposite sign Cancer. The formation of calcium deposits, rheumatism, arthritis and neuralgia are the troubles that Capricorn has. This constellation also directly affects the functioning of the gallbladder and, in the case of an unfavorable planetary alignment, can contribute to a delay in the flow of bile. This is especially true when Saturn is in the constellation Capricorn at the time of birth.


The zodiac goat, unlike its counterpart in the animal kingdom, cannot eat everything indiscriminately with impunity. Due to the influence of Saturn, which suppresses the function of the excretory organs, the liver, the gallbladder, his system is not ready for the attacks of fatty foods, seasonings, sauces and alcohol. Chocolate and mayonnaise are also undesirable, especially if the birthday falls in the first decade (December 22-January 1). Although his daily diet should include enough protein food to counter the tendency to lower body temperature and stimulate the production of antibodies, nevertheless, gourmet cuts of fatty meat are unsuitable for him. It is better to take protein from lean meat, yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs and lentils. Drink more water between meals. However, since the chlorine used in tap water destroys vitamin E, which is important for Capricorn's health, you should drink boiled or mineral water. When Saturn is dominant or unfavorably placed in the horoscope chart, Capricorns fall prey to worries and fears that cause an increase in adrenaline in the blood. At this time, the unawakened and drifting child of Saturn, which succumbs to this influence, suffers, mopes and torments, leaving itself to serious diseases of the liver, suicidal mania and, in general, chronic ailments. It may fall into a state of anxiety, not due to serious reasons, fear of a situation that it cannot overcome. To defeat the influence of Saturn helps a diet high in protein, supplemented with various mineral salts and vitamins. The main cell salt of Capricorn is calcium phosphate, which, together with protein from food, helps build the skeletal system of the human body. With a deficiency of this salt, the protein is not retained and used and leaves the body through the kidneys. The result is kidney disease, rheumatism and acid disorders. Unused protein can cause skin rashes and boils. It also accumulates in the ears, leading to deafness. Calcium phosphate is supplied to the body by cabbage, asparagus, spinach, lentils, beans, celery, almonds, cucumbers, barley, egg yolk, lean meats, brown wheat, strawberries, figs, blueberries and prunes. Medicinal herbs, harmonious with the sign, are kupena, red beet, mullein, highlander and quince.

The primary task for Capricorn is to maintain mental and physical well-being, avoid depression and a negative state of mind. Most of his illnesses come from feelings of restlessness and anxiety, even if due to the unfavorable placement of the planets. Many of them can be overcome or facilitated by overcoming oneself. One of the means for this yoga. Each Capricorn has a spiritual world hidden inside, an inner castle. Even the most hardened materialist (there are many of them among Capricorns) can learn to close their eyes and penetrate into this solitude of the soul. The exercise below is useful for those who need a focus point and shows its effectiveness after 3 cycles. Time 78 and 23-24 hours; the place is a quiet, well-ventilated room, free from drafts; duration 10 minutes or more. Sit upright in a straight chair. Calm the mind with soft and rhythmic breathing, mentally counting the duration of the exercise: inhale 7, hold breath 1, exit 7. Repeat the cycle 10 times or more. Still sitting, rest your elbows on a pillow placed on the table. With your thumbs, pinch the tragus (small lobe) of each ear so as to block the access of any sound from the outside. Close your eyes, index and middle fingers are easy to put on your eyelids. Squeeze your lips with little fingers and ring fingers. Continue to breathe normally through the nose, concentrating on the sounds heard in the pinched ears.

Capricorn man:

I must say that the Capricorn man is very difficult to understand, because he keeps a lot inside and speaks about himself only to those whom he fully trusts. Along the way, he does his planned business and is satisfied with any outcome. For a Capricorn man, of course, the result is important, but he does not imagine himself outside the process of activity. Almost always he works with rapture, whether he likes his work or not. To some extent he is a masochist. If this is so, then next to him there is always a person or several people on whom the Capricorn man takes out the discontent accumulated in him. Up to sadism, when he takes pleasure in causing suffering to another. Such, for example, is the boss who will force his subordinates to work more for several hours or on weekends, motivating his demand with the interests of the case. But whether he will pay them for extracurricular hours or not - this question remains open. He may pay, but only for some purpose. For example, for team building or in the interests of improving team performance. Another type of Capricorn man is the type who tends to do nothing just to keep his calm. This is the type of a person who has not realized his creative inclinations. He can do nothing and demand care from others, pretending that he is indifferent to everything. For example, they will feed him and not even hear words of gratitude. At worst, he'll spew out a terrade of criticisms that don't just apply to the moment.

Capricorn woman:

It is difficult for a Capricorn woman without work. But very often a Capricorn woman takes on such household duties that leave her neither time nor energy for anything else. Moreover, this activity is usually followed only by a moral reward. Even if her husband is rich and well provides for the family, he prefers to spend the money he earns himself, giving his wife only for petty expenses. He keeps her in a "black body", jealous for every minor reason. This position of the Capricorn woman is like finding a bird in a golden cage, where she is only allowed to breathe herself. Such her position is possible in the case of a marriage of convenience, when the husband is older than her by many years. If the husband is not so rich or is of the type of an unrecognized genius, then the moment of divorce comes quite quickly. The situations described above are possible because the Capricorn woman pays a lot of attention to social status and loses sight of questions. human relations. Another situation is also possible, when a Capricorn woman, in general, underestimates marriage. In this case, she sometimes chooses the feminist positions of her worldview and strives with all her might to obtain a high social status. In this case, the family is relegated to the background. This is the other extreme regarding the pragmatism of Capricorn. Nowadays, Capricorn women are more endowed with this quality than men.


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Secrets of happiness Capricorn.

"Capricorns" can not be called the world's greatest love partners. They are more breadwinners, looking for a calm, secure existence for themselves and able to provide it to their spouses. You really are not very eager to shed a shower of favorable attention on people. You are conscientious, but a little too dry for lyrical experiences. Much better is “what you can feel” - for example, a house, money, comfort, position, children - in fact, all the blessings of life, but you need at least a little romance, a little more tender heart care. Learn to give. Your innate tightness requires some emotional release. Learn to live more full life. Give your neighbors attention, friendly support and love. Honesty alone is not enough. Participate more in life!

Astrological characteristics of Capricorn

Symbol: goat.

Ruling planet Capricorn: Saturn.

Characteristics of the sign: earth-cardinal-negative.

Sign of the priest, administrator.

The character of a typical "Capricorn": sober, stubborn and practical, ambitious, suspicious, touchy, diplomatic, restrained, selfish, orthodox, decisive, sometimes not very picky about means.

Positive Qualities of Capricorn: practicality and efficiency, perseverance, dexterity, strength of character, rationality, self-control and restraint, diligence.

Negative qualities of Capricorn: coldness and suspicion, selfishness, excessive restraint, pessimism, stubbornness and resentment, excessive earthiness.

Your Capricorn Personality

Unusual ambition, significant organizational skills and grandiose energy and assertiveness - these are the main features of the "Capricorns". Your planet, Saturn, which gives you these traits, is known to be a harsh teacher, which makes you a little heartless. We also note a pronounced tendency to self-absorption - this somewhat burdens life together with you.

Few signs are as strongly influenced by their ruling planets as Capricorn is by its planet Saturn. He tests those born under this sign at various stages of life, he disciplines and educates. However, this allows "Capricorns" to successfully overcome difficulties and reap wonderful - albeit not early - fruits.

In many ways, this is what makes you suffer from many obstacles, making you orthodox and conservative in your views. You will never allow yourself to be completely given to anything, sometimes becoming over-cautious and suspicious when making agreements. All this deprives you of many of the joys of life.

Your sign is the tenth sign of the Zodiac, symbolizing effort, energy, power, hard work - thanks to all this, money comes to you easily. You spare no effort to achieve your goals, but you can be indiscriminate and insensitive in your attempts to achieve power and wealth. You have a calm melancholy temperament, you are not very sociable and not too big a fan of meetings and gatherings. Your attitude to work and play can be quite indifferent.

Capricorn as a friend

You will be a faithful and reliable comrade if people manage to overcome the barriers that enclose you. You are not very refined and not very tactful, and may have an unfortunate tendency to arrogance, which you must try to overcome.

Capricorn as a father

You are ambitious not only in relation to yourself, but, even more so, in relation to your children, helping them in every possible way on their life path. At times you can be very strict and unnecessarily demanding. You should learn more understanding and forbearance, enjoying the company of your children and offering them, above all, the warmth of your soul and friendly support.

Capricorn as a mother

You should give children more tenderness, not ashamed to show it.

For all your restraint, you should nevertheless try to understand and meet the emotional needs of your children. You do your very best to give them the very best, but you expect them to work hard and achieve great things—sometimes overwhelming.

A look at the decades:

If you were born between December 22 and January 1 (first decade), then your ruling planet is Saturn, a very powerful planet that is almost at its maximum. This is an ideal decade for engineers, industrialists, suppliers, founders of empires and politicians. Everything connected with the land and houses, in the end, serves your financial benefit. Note also the selfless, stoic attitude to life.

If your birthday falls between January 2 and 11 (second decade), then your ruling planet is Venus; in your life you successfully combine practicality and beauty, which brings you both pleasure and material gain. Often those born in this decade experience emotional or family problems, but, perhaps, of all three decades, this one is the most balanced.

If you were born between January 12 and 20 (third decade), then you are ruled by the planet Mercury, which helps you make contact with people.

Try to use your connections and influence for good. News and funds mass communication are not just interesting to you: they are an integral part of your life - your thoughts, the choice of your profession, and your success are closely related to them; it is a reliable and true way.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between December 20-30, then your date of birth fell at the time of the Sagittarius/Capricorn transition.

Desires and limitations, the desire for freedom and rigid rules are at war in your heart, mind, soul and body. This incessant struggle could lay the foundation for a new world order. Like those born between September 21-24, you strive for balance and harmony in various areas of life. All this is directly related to either full control or with absolute freedom. Brilliant mental abilities, and often luck, help you achieve your goals. You will have money when you need it. Like those born on November 21-24, you will acquire real estate and other property. You could be a great organizer, a Methodist, maybe a great reformer, maybe a rebel.

The weak points of the body are the legs, the acidity of the stomach, the teeth, the bones, the thighs, the stomach, the heart and, of course, the knees.

Entrepreneurship naturally takes its place in your life. You need to recognize your foresight and even the gift of foresight. A rare ability that you possess is the ability to simultaneously live in the worlds of thought and action, worldly and spiritual, well-known and understood only by the initiates; this sets you apart from other people born on the days of the sign change. You are capable of amazing performance as a leader, politician, architect, musician, entrepreneur, director, animal trainer, aircraft designer, pilot, computer technician, builder, and contractor.

The most important years of Capricorn- 3, 8, 12, 21, 26, 30, 35, 39, 44, 48, 53, 57, 62, 66, 71, 75, 80, 84, 89, 93, 98. And in other cases, the numbers 1, 17, 12, 21, 26, 35, 48 and 98 can have a meaning that is not easy to understand or explain.

your lucky colors- purple, black, brown, gray, indigo, purple, green, ash. If God is merciful, you will achieve the greatest success.

A discriminating, inventive, paradoxically organized mind. Those born during this period excel as leaders, methodologists, computer programmers, publishers, electronics dealers, industrialists, announcers, inventors, and lawyers.

Health problems - due to the knees and feet, acidity and possibly the back.

Certain changes in life are possible around the 30th and 36th years. Also important years - 17, 22, 26, 31, 35, 40, 44, 49, 53, 58, 62, 67, 71, 76, 80.

Know what's good for you:

Capricorn lucky number: 1, 10, 19, 28, 4, 13, 22, 40, 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, etc. (series of ones, fours, eights).

Capricorn's lucky color: gray with a blue tint, black, brown (all shades of dark).

Lucky Capricorn Day: Saturday.

Lucky Capricorn flowers and herbs: ivy, pansies, hemlock, hops, honeysuckle.

Capricorn's lucky stones: dark sapphire.

Talisman of Capricorn: plow.

Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01

The zodiacal sign of Capricorn begins on December 21st, but for another seven days, overridden by the influence of the previous sign, does not fully come into its own until the beginning of December 28th. In the period up to January 20th, Capricorn is in full strength, and at the end of the period for seven days, gradually loses its power due to the rising sign of Aquarius.

People who were born between January 20th and 27th take on the influence of the characteristics of both Capricorn and Aquarius, the same rule applies to all people born within the transition periods of any zodiac signs.

Influence: Saturn, Mars.

Symbol: goat, ladder, clock tower.

Colours: dark green, black, ash grey, blue, pale yellow, dark brown and all dark tones.

Stone: ruby, onyx, garnet, moonlight, lapis lazuli. ...

The reign of the zodiac sign Capricorn is from December 22 to January 20. This sign is under the influence of two planets - Saturn and Mars. The element of the zodiac sign Capricorn is Earth. Like other signs of the earthly trine - Taurus and Virgo, the horoscope sign Capricorn is distinguished by high efficiency, survival and purposefulness.

The nature of the zodiac sign Capricorn - dates of birth from December 22 to January 20

People born in the zodiac sign Capricorn, on dates from December 22 to January 20, have a cold, reserved character. Them distinguishing feature- an inner core that allows them to be strong and achieve their goals.

Many of them do not hesitate to use despicable methods to get what they desire. Having met with an insurmountable barrier, having been defeated, people by the date of birth, the sign of the zodiac Capricorn, withdraw into themselves, fence themselves off from the whole world around them.

Reclusion leads to conflicts with colleagues and ...

Strong planets: Saturn, Uranus, Mars

Weak planets: Moon, Jupiter

Element: Earth

Symbol: the head and front of the torso of a goat, and the back of a fish

Color: black, ash grey, brown

Metal: lead

Landscape: the mountains

Favorable numbers: 7, 3, 25

Unfavorable Numbers: 2, 5

Happy Days: Tuesday, Saturday

Characteristics of Capricorn

Capricorns born in different decades are different from each other.

Capricorns born in the first decade - from December 22 to January 2, - are under the influence of Jupiter. These are calm, independent, wealthy people with diplomatic and organizational skills.

Important years: 30, 57.


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Capricorn sexual horoscope

Looking at Capricorns, it is impossible to doubt that they are pragmatic people, rarely allowing storms of emotions to overwhelm their mind and heart. They are not subject to diving headlong into love passions, so a rare Capricorn is able to give his sexual partner an avalanche of feelings. They are more interested in building a career, making money, not in vain because this sign of the Zodiac is the ruler of the House of Success. However, big money, a successful career does not always give him positive emotions, joy. Being people prone to despondency, they spend a lot of time in apathy, depression.

Capricorns are people born between December 22 and January 19. They are subject to the influence of Saturn, their symbol according to the astrological horoscope is a goat. The lucky number for Capricorns is 8, as well as multiples of 8. Their colors are light yellow, rich brown, ...

The zodiacal sign of Capricorn begins on December 21st, but for another seven days, overridden by the influence of the previous sign, does not fully come into its own until the beginning of December 28th. In the period up to January 20th, Capricorn is in full strength, and at the end of the period, for seven days, gradually loses its power due to the rising sign of Aquarius. People who were born between January 20th and 27th take on the influence of the characteristics of both Capricorn and Aquarius, the same rule applies to all people born within the transition periods of any zodiac signs.

These people are usually ambitious, their lives born under this sign are marked by a single-minded pursuit of their destiny and destiny. Capricorns have a clear vision of their goals and great faith in their own abilities and infallibility.

People born in the sign of Capricorn are usually self-confident and strong spiritually, but as a rule, they are generally not understood by other people. They are...




Capricorn is restrained, prudent, patient, uses not force, but cunning, strives for security; he is prone to money-grubbing, disciplined, determined, will not miss his chance.

RULING PLANET Saturn, Roman god of crops and harvest. In ancient times it was considered the most distant planet. In astrology, Saturn represents obstacles, restrictions, prohibitions and discipline.

SYMBOL Capricorn - an animal with strong hooves, able to climb to the tops, using each ledge. Capricorn works his way through obstacles.

GLYPH (GRAPHIC SYMBOL) xxx A pictogram depicting the wedge-shaped beard of a goat and the curved tail of a Fish (Sea Goat - ancient symbol Capricorn). The second meaning is the human knee and patella (Capricorn governs this part of the body). The glyph consists of two...

December 22 - January 20

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Capricorn

Motto, lucky numbers, days and places of Capricorn

Motto of Capricorns "I use". The ruler of those born under the sign of Capricorn is Saturn. Capricorn element - Earth. Lucky days for Capricorns, according to the astrological characteristics, are days such as Tuesday and Saturday, but on Monday or Thursday they need to count on a good combination of circumstances much less than on other days of the week.

Good places for them are mountains, ponds, ruins, rocks and, no matter how strange it may sound, cemeteries. Lucky numbers for Capricorns are those that are divisible by 8, as well as the numbers 3, 5, 7 and 14.

Stones, metal, flowers, symbols, colors, talisman and temperament of Capricorn

By temperament, most Capricorns are melancholic. But along with this, according to the astrological characteristics, they are also ...

Capricorn is the zodiac sign of those people who were born between December 22 and January 20. Such people always know how to achieve the goal that they have set for themselves. Capricorns have excellent memories. The nature of such people is shy and sensitive, but they hide this behind ostentatious arrogance. Like everyone else, Capricorns have their flaws. They can be both cruel and stubborn. Sometimes they do not even forgive small mistakes, both to themselves and to other people.
Capricorn children have already early age there is willpower. If they do not want something, then no one and nothing will force them to do something. Also, these children like to have all their belongings where they think they belong. Little capricorns prefer family rather than frolic with peers. These children have no problems with learning. Learn very well, perform homework first of all. At first glance, you might think that this is an adult scientist, only of small stature. Special attention Capricorn kids...

In this article, we will tell you exactly what date the reign of the Capricorn zodiac sign begins. Its ruling planets are Saturn and Uranus.

Capricorns are usually intelligent, reserved and ambitious individuals. At the same time, they are critical both of themselves and of others.

Outwardly, people born under the constellation Capricorn are cold and impassive. But in fact, most often they are understanding, emotional and generous. However, natural modesty and shyness make them hide the sensual side of their nature.

They usually have a well-developed intuition and self-preservation instinct (at first glance, Capricorns may seem like cowards). They rarely show off and flaunt their virtues. In addition, they rarely make comments or praise the interlocutor. But, as we have already said, representatives of this zodiac sign are very critical of the actions of people. They can, having seen the wrong, in their opinion, action, remain silent, but draw conclusions for themselves ...


However, this is not all. Having figured out when Capricorn dominates (from what date to what date), it is worth mentioning that the representatives of this zodiac sign are divided into three large subgroups:

Numerological horoscopes allow you to learn about the influence of numbers on a particular zodiac sign. With the help of the science of numerology, one can also determine lucky numbers for Capricorn. This knowledge can greatly facilitate the life of a representative of this sign.

Influence of lucky numbers

The mysterious science of numerology has been around for centuries. It is based on an ancient theory according to which everything in our universe is based on numbers, their mystical connection with world processes and the fate of individual people.

With such knowledge, it is possible to determine the lucky numbers of Capricorn based on the date of birth. So the people call those numbers that serve as a talisman. In everyday life, they are able to bring good luck and happiness to those associated with them. Such lucky numbers can play an important role in the life of a certain person. They can help you win. big lottery, determine the number of an apartment that is worth buying, serve as a kind of message of fate.

According to esoteric beliefs, Capricorns are associated with such numbers as:

And also the number 8 and all numbers that are multiples of eight play an important role.

Magic number 22 for Capricorns

Among all the numbers that bring happiness and good luck to the representatives of the sign of Capricorn, especially numerologists distinguish 22. It is called the number of the absolute beginning.

22 - the number that is the most significant for Capricorns

It is believed that it contains everything: career success, happiness in family life, harmony with oneself and the world around, etc. It is absolutely and balanced, therefore it is ideal for wise and balanced Capricorns.

Under the influence of this figure, men are able to achieve heights in career growth, become successful in the financial and love sphere, find their favorite business and develop effectively in it. For a woman, the influence of 22 is also very important, because. it can help you acquire harmony, become a true keeper of the hearth, a wise wife and mother, develop in your field professional activity and not only.

Dangerous Mistakes for Capricorns

Many novice numerologists or just amateurs who want to know their lucky number mistakenly resort to the method of adding numbers in the number of the month of birth. However, this can be a fatal mistake for Capricorns.

For those born in December, i.e. in the month at number 12, such a deceptive "lucky" number is 3. This figure cuts off Capricorn from all areas of his life, except for the family. For a woman, the influence of this mystical figure is not as destructive as for a man. Representatives of the stronger sex lose their desire to develop, become financially unsuccessful.

For those born in January, one could be considered a special number, but its influence on the life of representatives of this zodiac sign is destructive. Capricorn, under the influence of the number 1, is completely deprived of all its sources of energy. He ceases to be interested in the world around him, falls into despondency, etc. For a man, this is the most unfortunate number of all possible.

Lucky Numbers to Win the Lottery

Those who like to try their luck also turn to the mystical magic of numbers. Lotteries are a great example of how numerology works. Lucky numbers for Capricorn are as follows:

The number 17 is a lucky number for Capricorn

It is important to pay attention to the fact that in numerology, combinations of certain numbers can also bring good luck. Using several similar numbers at once can positively affect Capricorn's luck, help him win. large sum in the lottery.

Important years in the life of Capricorns

Turning to the secrets of numerology, any person is able to find out which years in his life will play the greatest role and will influence his whole destiny more than others. These numbers indicate the age at which Capricorn will face the greatest test, gain something extremely important, be forced to make a difficult choice or experience a loss.

These numbers are influenced by the period in which the person was born. For those born between January 22 and December 2, the most important and influential will be the age of 30 and 52 years.

The rest of the representatives of this zodiac sign should pay more attention to such years of their lives: 1, 29, 31, 46, 50.

Happy days of the week

Numerologists say that the period in which it was started affects the success of a business. Capricorns should be careful about the days of the week they choose to start some new business. This is the purchase of real estate, the opening of a business or a major transaction, a wedding or an important family event, a marriage proposal to your soulmate, etc.

For any undertaking the best option will be Saturday. On this day of the week, any business that Capricorn undertakes will be successful.

The days when Saturday coincides with the lucky day of the month have special power for a woman under the sign of Capricorn. These are the most energetically strong and favorable periods, which should be given great attention and properly take advantage of this opportunity.

Capricorns are born from December 22nd to January 20th. This tenth sign of the horoscope refers to the earth element. The earth is responsible for ensuring that its representatives stand firmly on their feet, have perseverance, endurance and constancy, as well as prudence, practicality and hard work. The planet Saturn, which is the patron and rules the sign, teaches you to take everything seriously and responsibly. Purposefulness and self-confidence allows you to overcome obstacles calmly and slowly. Representatives of this sign do not lose faith in themselves and always achieve their goals.

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      Characteristics of the sign

      The Capricorn zodiac sign is cold, strict, responsible and hardworking. A person born under this sign is ambitious and demanding. From childhood, he was used to not showing his emotions, and he developed the characteristic of an indifferent and detached person. His description as a hard and cold person is not true. In fact, he simply hides his emotions, not considering it necessary to demonstrate his mood. Capricorn relies only on himself and rarely asks for help from others, but he himself easily helps in a difficult period if close people ask him about it.

      • The patron planet Saturn gives energy responsible for responsibility, restraint and discipline. She teaches patience and perseverance. This is the planet of maturity and a person born under the sign of Capricorn respects his ancestors and respects the elderly. He slowly ages, retaining his youth for a long time, and lives to a ripe old age.

        Capricorn Man

        Outwardly, he looks serious and restrained, but sometimes serious passions rage inside him. In love, he is restrained, stingy with compliments and cute useless gifts. With his inherent practicality, he gives only the right things. Sometimes he is able to make an expensive gift if he considers it a reasonable investment. This seemingly cold man is capable of a feeling that will burn all his life with an even and warm flame. His love is constant and not subject to fluctuations, but such a guy can hardly be called passionate. He is loyal, honest and you can always rely on him.

        He chooses an economic girl, but who wants to make a career. It is important for him that she be purposeful, hardworking and not lazy. For some time he looks closely at the object of love, asks many questions and talks about his plans for life. If they match, he starts courting the girl. Having married, he tries to ensure prosperity in the house and takes care of all family members. With children, he is strict but fair. Knows how to earn money and likes to plan everything both in life and in family relationships.

        Capricorn Woman

        A woman of this sign can be safely called Snow Queen. In appearance, cold and indifferent, she is able to melt from love for a man worthy of her. She is demanding, loves rules and an orderly rhythm of life. She always has a goal to which she will strive, no matter what. The Capricorn woman copes with any obstacles and is well aware of her potential. In business, she succeeds better than many men and is not afraid to compete with them. The reputation of such a girl is in the first place, and this applies to both premarital relationships and work.

        In marriage, he easily overcomes any difficulties. Manages to cope with household chores and make a career. He approaches the birth of children responsibly, having established himself in his career and having come to financial stability. But she can raise children herself, and remain a successful and independent woman. She will be a faithful wife to her husband, but her sexuality is revealed at a more mature age, and after a while she becomes a passionate lover for her husband.


        In childhood, Capricorn has poor health, but every year the immunity becomes stronger, and he gets sick less often. This sign is prone to such diseases:

        • skin allergies;
        • stomach;
        • knees and other joints;
        • curvature of the spine;
        • kidney disease;
        • lungs;
        • mental illness.

        Capricorn does not like to be treated, but since it is necessary, he, of course, will take care of his health. Salt deposits, osteochondrosis, arthritis and stiffness are the most common diseases of this sign. Migraines accompanied by nausea may also disturb. He needs to be outdoors more and learn to relax. A workaholic by nature, he runs the risk of overwork and nervous breakdown. It is necessary to allow yourself rest and small entertainments and learn to spend at least a little time for your own pleasure.

        It seems to many that Capricorns do not like to have fun. In fact, the proverb: business time - fun hour, they came up with.

        Compatibility with other signs

        The best compatibility of Capricorns with representatives of their elements - Virgo and Taurus. Gemini and Scorpio are the worst for a serious and responsible representative of this sign.


    1. 1. Capricorn and Aries. It is difficult for two independent people to live their entire lives together. But mutual respect and sincere interest in each other attract them for a while. But in the struggle for leadership and power, the couple diverges, trying to quickly forget this connection.
    2. 2. Capricorn and Taurus. An excellent adequate union based on mutual interest in money and improving well-being. Respect and general views guarantee for life strong marriage in which there is a place for love and good intimate relationships.
    3. 3. Capricorn and Gemini. A superficial Gemini will not interest a serious Capricorn. The novel, if it starts, will end very quickly.
    4. 4. Capricorn and Cancer. This is the case when opposites converge. Completely different personalities are able to complement each other and succeed in life. As two halves, they smooth out the partner's shortcomings and acquire new skills and experience.
    5. 5. Capricorn and Leo. The regal and generous nature of Leo repels the cold Capricorn. He does not like bright colors, loud and theatrical speech and extravagance, which are inherent in all Leos. They will not be able to live together with a person who is greedy for flattery, and they will not be happy together.
    6. 6. Capricorn and Virgo. A spiritual connection unites two people born under these earth signs. But the chaste Virgo does not meet the sexual preferences of Capricorn, and this is the only negative that this beautiful couple has.
    7. 7. Capricorn and Libra. Hesitant and lazy Libra will not attract a purposeful Capricorn for a long time. Everyday life will not be ordered, but chaos and uncertainty, precisely those features that repel serious and disciplined people.
    8. 8. Capricorn and Scorpio. If they give in to each other, and Capricorn can curb the passionate Scorpio, they will create a good couple based on the same life values. People of these signs are well aware of the feelings and desires of a partner and can complement one another.
    9. 9. Capricorn and Sagittarius. For Sagittarius, Capricorn is too boring and strict, and they will not be able to put together a strong couple. Balancing on the verge of love-boredom, they quickly part.
    10. 10. Capricorn and Capricorn. Quite a good couple. Two people who think and feel the same way will become a friendly couple, but they will be bored in the marriage bed. The problem will also be that both are not ready for compromises and are convinced that they are right. The confrontation between the two begins strong personalities which leads to conflicts.
    11. 11. Capricorn and Aquarius. Aquarius will bring novelty and surprise to their couple, which the conservative Capricorn lacks so much. But after an overabundance of inspiration and surprises, Capricorn will protest against the carefree and freedom-loving nature of his partner. The union will fall apart, but they will remember it for the rest of their lives.
    12. 12. Capricorn and Pisces. Vulnerable and mysterious Pisces needs care and attention. Capricorn understands these definitions in his own way, and his Pisces partner will not be able to endure cold love, confirmed by deeds alone, for long.


    In the Middle Ages, it was Capricorns who were considered mystically minded people. Despite the earthly element, which gives pragmatism and a rational mind, magic is subject to them and there is an ability for effective rituals. You can develop your magical potential with the help of properly selected stones and amulets. They are able to bring good luck, strengthen the protective aura and block negative energy.

    With the help of stones, hardworking representatives of this sign will quickly cope with difficulties, improve their sensuality and emotional perception. Their influence will increase if you pick up a stone by date of birth. Born in the first decade (22.12 - 2. 01) and under the auspices of Jupiter, the following minerals are suitable:

    • obsidian;
    • amethyst;
    • eye of the Tiger;
    • agate;
    • nephritis.

    Capricorn, born in the second decade (from January 3rd to 13th) and falling under the rule of Saturn, the following stones are suitable:

    • chrysoprase;
    • opal;
    • sardonyx;
    • onyx.

    These natural minerals are able to reduce the pessimism, tediousness and laziness inherent in people born in the second decade of the sign.

    The third decade is ruled by the Sun and includes people born from January 14th to 20th. Suitable stones for them are:

    • sapphire;
    • opal;
    • pomegranate;
    • tourmaline;
    • ruby.

    There are stones that Capricorns cannot wear, these are beryl, aventurine, pearls, amazonite and moonstone. They negatively affect overall well-being, interfere with luck and have a bad effect on mood. To improve the strength of natural minerals, you need to purchase them on Saturday, and all dates from June 22 to July 22 are considered an unfavorable period for their purchase.

    Stones that bring good luck are different for men and women. Carnelian is suitable for young girls. It protects from anxiety, unrest, does not allow quarreling with a loved one and attracts love. For women, a pomegranate, enclosed in a silver frame, is suitable. It will set your career on a faster path, help you reach your goals, and improve your mood. Agate stone is suitable for strengthening health, which protects from the evil eye and damage and gives protection from ill-wishers and danger.

    Representatives of the stronger half are suitable stones that will give confidence, stability and financial well-being. Chrysoprase gives courage, accelerates adaptation to new conditions and helps in a career. Topaz, garnet and rauchtoplas will help improve leadership skills. By their influence, they contribute to sociability and reduce the isolation inherent in Capricorns.


    The amulets that protect the representatives of this zodiac sign are:

    1. 1. Cat. This amulet is considered the most powerful for all Capricorns. A pendant with this animal will protect from negative influences and ward off misfortune and misfortune from a person.
    2. 2. Turtle. A leisurely animal symbolizes longevity, wisdom and health. The talisman will prolong years of life, add informed decisions and improve health.
    3. 3. Owl. The symbol of wisdom will help not to commit rash acts, improve reputation and authority, give recognition and allow you to achieve a better position.
    4. 4. Bee. The talisman with this animal has a positive effect on business, brings happiness and fulfills the wishes of the ambitious Capricorn.

    The most favorable numbers for this zodiac sign are: 1, 4, 8, 10, 13, 17, 19, 22, 26. These dates are best suited for transactions, marriages and all important events in the life of representatives of the zodiac circle.