What the picnic group sings about. Brief biography of the rock band Picnic

"Roadside Picnic" evolved into "Picnic" on stage. The musicians of the famous Russian rock band chose the name for it under the influence of the work of the Strugatsky brothers. This book, as you know, impressed Andrei Tarkovsky as well. The director shot the film "Stalker" based on the work. The musicians did not recreate storyline books, but only brought to their work the mystery and mysticism inherent in the "Roadside Picnic".

This is probably why many fans of rockers are sure that the leader is fond of magic. After the concerts, Edmund Shklyarsky is given not only applause, but also books with spells and descriptions of various rituals. The singer does not dissuade the audience, but, as he admitted in an interview with MK.RU Vladivostok, he gets rid of presents. In fact, Edmund is not a magician, and he is afraid of spiritualism. This is just a couple interesting facts about the picnic. The rest of the surprises will be included in the outline of biographical and creative references.

Biography of the group "Picnic"

"Picnic" - group, based on the basis of the Polytechnic Institute of Leningrad. The team was formed in 1978 from university students. Cooperation began with the amateur theater of the institute, and in 1989 the first serious performance took place at a student festival. Here the musicians felt the taste of success and began to give underground concerts. They were held not only in St. Petersburg, but also in Moscow.

However, the official founding date of the team is 1981. Then the permanent frontman and ideological inspirer Edmund Shklyarsky joined the musicians. It was he who inspired the guys to experiment with electronic music. Computer samples made group songs "Picnic" special . In addition, it was in 1981 that the band performed on the stage of the Leningrad Rock Club, in the creation of which the musicians actively participated.

Started with a fervent rock and roll. By the mid-90s, they came to a special style, the originality of which is expressed, as a rule, in a non-standard selection of instruments. Not only traditional Russian rock drums, guitars, keyboards are used, but also folk instruments, as well as symphonic techniques. What are they? Let's take discography as an example. There are a lot of albums, because the band is still active today.

Discography of the group "Picnic"

The band has 21 albums. The first of them was released a year after the opening of a rock club in Leningrad. The magnetic plate was called "Smoke". The song of the same name was written by Shklyarsky. He became interested in oriental culture, which was reflected in the ambiguity of texts and the use national instruments Asia.

In studio albums of the group "Picnic" includes "Dance of the Wolf" from 1984. This time Edmund was the author of not a few, but all the songs on the disc. The result was compositions in a medieval style, close to Gothic. Such an unusual rock caused heated discussions and added to the team of fans.

In 1986, the album "Hieroglyph" was released. Soloist of the group "Picnic" created 12 compositions. First, they recorded their live version, then a studio version, and in 1987 they changed the order of the tracks and their duration. So, it turned out 3 versions of one plate.

The year 1988 was marked by the release of the album "Coming from Nowhere". This record was sold not only in Russia, but also in Sweden. But the next album of 1992 "Harakiri" remained within the country, although it was recognized as one of the leading ones in the band's discography.

In 1994 rock band "Picnic" pleases fans with the disc “A Little Fire”. There is really little rocker "fire" in the compositions. Texts are accompanied organ music, the standard keyboards are replaced by a grand piano. The sounds are ascetic, but sublime.

In 1995, the team was inspired by the story of Count Dracula. The album "Vampire Songs" appeared. They are diverse, since they were written not only by Shklyarsky. And here are the texts of "Gen-Seng" of 1996 only by Edmund. But, at concerts, these compositions almost do not sound. They have a lot of electronic music that is difficult to recreate live, and that's how it plays group "Picnic".

Photo on the cover of the next album, "Glass" resembles a stylized eye. This is a symbol of a look into the soul, the desire to know being and convey its fragility. In 1997, Shklyarsky added more mystery to his work, naming the next disc “Drink Electricity” and writing down a certain Mo sect as co-authors. Later, Edmund confesses that this is a fictitious organization.

Back in the spotlight in 2001 group "Picnic". "Egyptian"- an album discussed not only by fans, but by all Russians. The disc became the hallmark of the rockers, because it contained the song "Purple and Black", which got into most of the radio rotations. This also applies to the composition "Egyptian".

The 2002 album "Alien" has become traditional for "Picnic" - the songs are slow and melodic. The 2003 "speaks and shows" record revealed to the world the band's early but never released songs. Surprised and "shadow of the vampire" in 2004. On this disc, Vadim Samoilov from Agatha Christie plays along and sings along with the musicians.

The 2005 album "Kingdom of Curves" revealed to the world the song of the same name, which became the soundtrack to the popular TV series. In 2007, the disc Obscurantism and Jazz was released and ... again became a symbol of the series. The film is called The Law of the Mousetrap. The soundtrack to it is called "From the Mousetrap".

"Iron Mantras" of 2008 was accompanied by as many as 8 clips. In 2010, the Theater of the Absurd was released, consisting of 11 compositions. In 2011, Three Fates went on sale, and in 2012, Singer of Decadence went on sale. So the rock band celebrated its 30th anniversary. After an important date, the album "Outlander" was released. So far, this is the last album that has been released. group "Picnic". 2015 th year is devoted to concert activity. Let's talk about its features.

Concert activity of the group "Picnic"

"Picnic" concert always presents as something theatrical performance. Musicians try to make shows, not just perform songs. Tours in the cities of Russia and abroad are carried out almost after each album. Therefore, in many cities, rockers have been met more than once. For example, the team travels to Primorye almost every year. True, Edmund Shklyarsky does not favor fans. He personally admitted this in several interviews. "We are from different worlds"- said the artist. “Those who like our work are rarely close to me in spirit,” the singer added. Do colleagues agree with him? We learn this, but at the same time, and full squad.

The composition of the group "Picnic"

Shklyarov's associates include 3 people: Leonid Kirnos, Stanislav Shklyarsky and Marat Korchemny. The first one sings and plays the guitar. Edmund's son is a vocalist and keyboardist. Marat is responsible for the bass guitar. All three, like the leader of the team, are slightly removed from the public. But, this adds mystery to the creators, and it is she who is one of the reasons for the popularity of rockers.

Finally, let's say a few words about the past picnic group. A game The collective in different years was decorated with the participation of almost 30 musicians outside the list. All of them are former members of the team. He, like most bands, changed the composition more than once and even completely disintegrated. But for now, "Picnic" is like a phoenix, always rising from the ashes.

Not every team that appeared on the domestic stage can boast of longevity and the status of a legend. One of those that survived on the stage in spite of everything is the group "Picnic". It is simply amazing how popular one can be both during the strict Soviet regime and during the period of complete freedom and lack of censorship that characterize the following years. However, this is a fact. Several generations have loved and appreciated "Picnic". The group became an example for their younger followers. We will talk about it in our article.

History of appearance

The group "Picnic" appeared in the very center of culture and free-thinking of the USSR - the city on the Neva - St. Petersburg. The band's first name was Orion. That is how the first two participants called themselves at the very beginning of their joint work. Then the name changed to "Picnic". The group became what it is now, thanks to the fateful meeting of two talented personalities.

Edmund Shklyarsky, the permanent soloist of the group, simply could not help but meet with Yevgeny Voloshchuk, the organizer of Orion. In a short time, one of the turning points in the history of the Piknik ensemble comes. The group breaks up, and Ed Shklyarsky leaves it along with drummer Ali Bakhtiyarov.

And only in 1981 the team unites again in the already final composition. Then comes the first popularity. Musicians become laureates of the rock festival. Popularity in wide circles comes through the album of the group "Picnic" "Smoke", which finally consolidates the desire of the participants to enter the professional stage.

Obstacles and Victories

Like many rock bands of that period, the Piknik group was blacklisted as being inconsistent with Soviet ideology. It just happened that no one could have expected. After the first tour, it turns out that there are no empty seats in the halls. This is surprising, since more than 200 cities were visited by the band members on their tour. At the same time, there was not a single word about them in the media!

The second problem was the crisis of 1989, when half of its members left the group due to growing ambitions. You have to play in a different team. However, literally a year later the band is restored, and a series of albums and performances continues. The death in a car accident of drummer Ali Bakhtiyarov deeply shocked everyone who loves the work of the Piknik collective. The band, however, once again proved that, after any hard times, they will perform and create new works. And so it continues up to the present day. The albums of the Picnic group each time find their grateful listeners, and concerts never take place in an empty hall.

Soloist and group leader

It is very rare when there is a person in the team who has been in the composition from the very beginning, has not left the group and has not even tried to leave the project. One of these rare bands is "Picnic". The group has its own unique personality thanks to its leader Ed Shklyarsky.

Born initially in a family that is not alien to any creativity, the young guy simply did not have a chance not to fall in love with music and connect his life with it. He is not only a soloist, whose voice has become an integral part of the image of the group - Shklyarsky is also a leader, uniting a team around him, a composer and author of many songs. In addition, he is a multi-instrumentalist. We can say that this is a unique personality. The Picnic group, whose photo can be seen in the article, is invariably proud of this participant with any composition. The team has a lot of fans.

Direction of music and style

From the very beginning, the Picnic group was able to create an areola of mystical romance around itself, which attracts young fans and loyal fans. Their work is a mixture of rock and Russian traditions of folklore sound. All this sounds in the frame of folk and symphonic instruments giving a fundamentally new sound.

For lovers of the intellectual component in music, the lyrics of the songs are filled with a lot of irony and philosophy that distinguishes "Picnic". The group strives to preserve its style, not succumbing to fashion trends. Perfectly complements and collects the image of their appearance. Black suits with inscribed runes sunglasses- this is the style that the Piknik group invariably follows. Photos from last year and photos taken five years ago will allow you to know at a glance who is depicted in them. In all this lies the constant success and for many years.

Musicians believe that a professional and full-fledged group was formed in 1981, when Edmund Shklyarsky became the leader of the group.

The band's music, having its roots in Russian rock, has progressed into an original, offbeat style using symphonic, keyboards and exotic folk instruments.

According to Shklyarsky, “the usual environment of the group is the Russian-speaking audience. It doesn't make sense to sing in other languages. In Poland they sing in Polish, in England they sing in English, and we sing in Russian. And that's okay!"


The group was formed in September 1978 in Leningrad from students of the Polytechnic University who played in the amateur group Orion. In 1981, the first composition of "Picnic" broke up - Evgeny "Jacques" Voloshchuk (bass guitar) and Alexei Dobychin (vocals) were left alone. Voloshchuk invited a member of the Labyrinth group Edmund Shklyarsky (vocals, guitar, piano) to the vacant position of the guitarist. Edmund did not come alone, but together with Alexander Saveliev ( acoustic guitar) and Ali Bakhtiyarov (drums). The debut of Edmund Shklyarsky took place at one of the concerts of the Leningrad Rock Club.


In 1982, "Picnic" recorded its first magnetic album "Smoke" at Andrey Tropillo's studio. The original version of the album included the songs "Disc Jockey" and "Who is silent a lot", which were excluded from the track list in reissues. Also, for various reasons, such songs as “Bicycle”, “For the Innocently Killed” (released later on the album “A Little Fire”) and some other songs did not get into “Smoke”. The title of the album was proposed by Andrei Tropillo and was accepted without much discussion. The order of compositions was determined by a simple alternation of "fast-slow" and "from strong to weak." Initially, the album was not supposed to have a cover, even a "virtual" one. In 1993, "Smoke" was not only re-released on CD, but also rewritten in the studio by musicians of the first line-up specially assembled for this purpose.

In the autumn of 1982 - the first public presentation of records in the club "Phonograph" in the Leningrad Palace of Youth.

In 1983, "Picnic" became the laureate of the festival of the Leningrad Rock Club (along with "Aquarium", "Zoo" and "Russians"). Leonid Kirnos comes to the group to replace the drummer. The first version of the song "Giant" is being recorded, which for the first time in musical history The group gets into the hit parade of the newspaper "Change" in the heading "In modern rhythms".


In 1984, the group split. "Picnic", in which only Shklyarsky and Savelyev remain, leaves the Leningrad rock club. After that, for two years the group did not have a permanent composition.

Late autumn at the same studio of Andrei Tropillo, Shklyarsky and Savelyev, with the support of session musicians Sergei Voronin (keyboards), Vladimir Sizov (bass guitar) and Alexander Fedorov (drums), recorded their second album, Wolf Dance. The album turned out to be full of gloomy images and dramatic plots, inspired by the gothic stories of Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne, and musically close to the aesthetics of baroque rock.

Since 1985, the group has been active tour activity. In LDM, the group shows the program "Dance of the Wolf" live. For the first time, an "electric mouth" appeared on the scene, which sometimes travels with the group to this day.

Also in the same year, "Picnic" falls into the "black lists" of groups prohibited from replication in recording studios. The group is attacked by the party and Komsomol press, especially for songs such as "Opium Smoke".

The first version of the song "Holiday" was recorded (for the first time in the history of the group a computer was used), which sounds on the air of the New Year's program "Disks are spinning" on Leningrad TV.

In 1986, using the same computers, the song "I'm Almost Italian" was recorded. The group acquires a stable line-up: Edmund Shklyarsky (vocals, guitar), Alexander Savelyev (guitar), former member Zerkalo group Sergey Voronin (keyboards), Viktor Evseev (bass guitar, back vocals), Yuri Klyuchantsev (keyboards, saxophone) and Vadim Ponomarev (drums). The first version of the Hieroglyph album is being recorded, including the work of Johann Sebastian Bach.

With the help of Vladimir Voronetsky, Lev Levinson and journalist Mikhail Sadchikov, Picnic, in a protracted battle with the artistic council, gets the right to tour, and at the end of the year the group goes on their first tour to Tallinn and Donetsk.

During New Year's concerts in DC them. Kapranova filmed a video sequence for the song "Hieroglyph". WITH light hand Mikhail Sadchikov, the group has the opportunity to release their songs on the Melodiya recording company. Second, classic version The Hieroglyph album is recorded in four days in the studio of the House of Composers. A few months later, one of the first albums appears in the music stores of the country. local rock band released on vinyl.

On the disc "Meeting Place - Disco-3" the song "I'm Almost Italian" appears with the author's comments by Artur Makariev, who later initiated the recording of the second vinyl record"Picnic".

In the spring of 1987, drummer Leonid Kirnos joined the band again.


In 1988, in Moscow, at the Melodiya company, the album “Coming from Nowhere” was recorded. On tour, Svyatoslav Obraztsov works as a sound engineer with the group. In the summer for the program "Morning Mail" in Yalta, a video for the song "Holiday" is filmed. In September at the SCC im. Lenin (Leningrad) hosts three solo concerts of "Picnic" in a row. In December, Evseev and Klyuchantsev left the group.

In 1989, Vladimir Sizov became the bass player of the group, who, like Sergey Voronin, participated in the recording of the Wolf Dance album. In the spring, Picnic tours with the French group Dirty Side, and in the summer it takes part in the festival of the Baltic cities in the Polish city of Sopot.

In 1990, "Picnic" has its own graphic symbol, which is now present on all discs and stage decorations. In May, a video for the song "Let yourself be torn off" is filmed. Evseev and Klyuchantsev return to the group. In this composition, "Picnic" flies to Japan, to the city of Osaka, to the festival "Expo-90".


In 1991, at Lenfilm, Mikhail Shemarov recorded the album Harakiri. Former drummer Ali Bakhtiyarov returns to the group as director. In the summer, Edmund Shklyarsky and Sergei Voronin take part in a walking pilgrimage to the Pope in the Polish city of Czestochowa.

In 1992, the penultimate gramophone record of "Picnic" "Harakiri" was released on the "Matuzalem" label, for the first time designed by Shklyarsky himself. There is a devaluation in the country, and for a concert in Minsk the group receives a bag of money (its “million in a bag”). Another attribute of the show appears - the “pointing finger”. In the same year, Ivan Okhlobystin's film Arbiter was released with the soundtrack of the Picnic and Obermaneken groups, which received the Kinotavr award in the Films for the Chosen category.

In 1993, "Picnic" participates in the "live filming" of the program "Hell Libitum" and in the concert " back side Luna" in the Palace of Culture. Gorbunov. At the end of the year, with the assistance of Oleg Kruglov, the group's first CD is released on the Aura label - a remake of the Smoke album.

On February 16, 1994, at the Big Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky", with a two-year delay, the group celebrated the 10th anniversary of the appearance of the "Smoke" magnetic album. In the spring, the second CD of "Picnic" appears - "A Little Fire".

The last flash of "vinyl" (Alexander Savelyev on the label "Antrop" releases the original version of the album "Dance of the Wolf"). During a joint concert in Kazakhstan (Alma-Ata city) with the Nautilus Pompilius group, an acquaintance with Vadim Samoilov takes place. In autumn, Ali Bakhtiyarov dies in a car accident.

In the early autumn of 1995, Edmund Shklyarsky met Viktor Gritsaenko, who later became the director of the group, and on December 6, at the Oktyabrsky Big Concert Hall, he held his first action-presentation new program"Vampire Songs" For the first time, Alexander Yarovoy demonstrates the wonders of a fire eruption. The album "Vampire Songs" was recorded together with vocalist Andrei Karpenko (also known as Anri Alf).


In 1996, after touring in Nizhny Novgorod Evseev and Klyuchantsev finally leave the group. Alexander Rokin becomes the bass player. The album "Ginseng" is being recorded and soon published. In the summer, the Soyuz label publishes the Picnic anthology on eight discs with an annotated book by Andrey Burlaka.

In 1997, the next album, Glass, was released on the Aura label. For the first time (on the vocals in the song "Two Giants") Shklyarsky attracted his children to the recording: Alina and Stanislav. On September 26, a video for the song "Face" is filmed at the "Vatrushka" club.

The first stage instrument was designed - a "live cello" for the song "Eyes outlined in coal" (the first appearance of the cello - Oksana Semyonova).

In the same year, director Viktor Gritsaenko left the group and returned to the radio business.

In 1999, a compilation of songs "Picnic" and the program "The Best" of the same name were released. The presentation of the program took place in St. Petersburg on March 7th.

On May 3, at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", again with a delay of 2 years, the group celebrates the 15th anniversary of "conscious" life. For a short time, Stas Dremov joined the group, who, however, managed to organize the Picnic tour from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok and create a video for the song "Bar-organ".

In May, Svyatoslav Obraztsov replaces Alexander Rokin as bass player.

The beginning of a new century new year's eve from December 31 to January 1, "Picnic" celebrates with a shock concert in St. Petersburg, on the square near the Kazan Cathedral, at 4 o'clock in the morning.

year 2000. Three Ukrainian heroes - Viktor Shpak, Oleg Lyashko and Yuri Gora - initiated the creation joint program"Picnic" and the Zaporozhye String Orchestra conducted by Vsevolod Madan.

In autumn, "Piknik" participates in the concert "20 years of the Rock Club".


In 2001, the Egyptian album was released on the Grand Records label. A "new Egyptian instrument" is created for the title track itself, and a pyrotechnic sign appears in the band's show (in the song "Purple Black").

On February 15 in Zaporozhye and on March 15 in St. Petersburg, the idea of ​​joint concerts of the group with the Zaporizhzhya String Orchestra is finally realized, followed by the appearance of a video version of the action that took place, as well as an audio version (live album).

On February 24 in Moscow, "Picnic" shows a new program "Violet-Cherny", and the song itself enters the rotation of FM radio stations throughout the country.

In the spring, Picnic begins cooperation with the MZCreative team. On October 29, the first "material" result of this cooperation is the official website of the group: http://www.piknik.info.

At the beginning of 2002, Picnic took part in the gala concerts of the largest “real” TV show “The Last Hero” at that time, performing its new song"Speaks and shows."

The label "Grand" releases the album "Alien", consisting of two equal parts - 5 new songs and 5 songs that were previously only performed at concerts or were not included in previously released discs.

In August, at the festival "Invasion-2002" in Ramenskoye, "Picnic" shows fragments of its new program "Wild Games". The performance involves the theater of Doctor Yes - "BlackSkyWhite". The full program "Picnic" shows in September in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Minsk. These concerts are attended by: Alexei Mogilevsky (saxophone), Sergei Gasanov (sitar) and the theater of the Vasilyev brothers. The St. Petersburg concert is recorded on video for later publication.

In January 2003, the group visits the German cities of Hamburg and Osnabrück with concerts.

In March, the label "Grand" publishes the album "Speaks and Shows", the first track of which is "Silver !!!" for a long time it has been practically at the top of the Chart Dozen hit parade, second only to the Kipelov group. And the album itself is one of the five "most requested" albums in the spring of 2003.

April 2 at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky, the premiere of the concert program “Speaks and Shows” is taking place, where Vadim Samoilov, Alexei Mogilevsky, Utah and guest violinist Irina Sorokina participated.

On April 5, a performance takes place in the St. Petersburg Palace of Culture "Yubileiny" as part of the VII "Fuzz Award" ceremony. "Picnic" was nominated for the Award in the category "Best Live Band".

Literally a few days later, during the Ural tour, Svyatoslav Obraztsov takes the stage for the last time. Later he was replaced by Marat Korchemny.

On August 2, at the "Invasion-2003" "Picnic" presents its "chamber" program. In September, together with Vadim Samoilov ("Agatha Christie"), the group starts recording a new album - "Shadow of the Vampire".

On October 18, Valery Kipelov enters the stage together with the Piknik group at the Moscow Art Theater. The songs "To run for the forest-mountains" and "There, on the very edge of the earth" are performed together.

15th of November famous director Vitaly Mukhametzyanov (also known as Mukha) will screen the track from the upcoming album - "The Torture Doesn't End".

On February 15, 2004, the official release of the album Shadow of the Vampire took place. For the first time in the band's discography, the animated "History Pro" is included on the disc. A concert in support of the release takes place on March 2 at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg, where, together with Vadim Samoilov, songs from the new album and “greatest hits” are performed in a special arrangement.

In May, at the invitation of the German group "Ostrov Ded", "Picnic" makes a tour of the German lands. At the end of the tour, taking advantage of a geographically convenient opportunity, the musicians of the group make a pilgrimage to Senor Stefano Donatti.

In the summer, the song "Kingdom of Curves" is recorded and at the same time the shooting of the video for it begins. In October, "Picnic" is celebrated with an unusual project - "Transformation", which is released on DVD a month later. The unusual thing is that Edmund Shklyarsky uses a synthesizer instead of a guitar, and Sergei Voronin plays the guitar. There is also no drummer Leonid Kirnos, and in the background the so-called small "orchestra" under the direction of Denis Vasiliev plays along with the group.

In December, the group celebrates the 20th anniversary of the release of the Wolf Dance album with a concert in the company of N.V. Gogol and Mr. Grand Inquisitor.

The beginning of 2005 was marked by the completion of work on the clip "Kingdom of Curves" and its subsequent premiere in the Central House of Artists. A little later, in April, in the same hall, two sold-out concerts marked the release of the album "Kingdom of Curves".

Meanwhile, in St. Petersburg, the keyboardist of the Alisa group, Dmitry "Oslik" Parfenov, is finishing work on the album "New Egyptian Songs". The disc includes techno versions (that is, electronic processing) of the hits of the Piknik group. The vocal part in the track "Night" was performed by the leader of "Alisa" Konstantin Kinchev himself. The disc was released in September.

In August, Edmund Shklyarsky participates in the undertaking of Mikhail Kozyrev - the creation of a Russian-language soundtrack for Tim Burton's famous work "The Nightmare Before Christmas". Edmund sang for a whole choir of vampires. The text was corrected on the go. The result is shown on TNT on October 31.

In the fall of 2005, the most grandiose in recent history"Picnic" tour, whose name - again, "Kingdom of Curves". The spectacular part of the tour was brought to life by Irina Ponomareva and Alexander Zatsepin. The main concert of the tour took place in St. Petersburg on November 7th. Thanks to Bogdan Drobyazko, this performance of "Picnic" was filmed and subsequently released on DVD.

In December, director Vitaly Mukhametzyanov made a video clip for the song "The Shaman Has Three Hands" for the group, and Edmund Shklyarsky recorded a track for Vitaly Mukhametzyanov's film.


January 12, 2006 in the Central House of Artists, the Piknik group plays concert program"Harakiri", dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the release of the album of the same name.

On February 5, with the support of Nashe Radio, the youth television channel O2TV and the music channel Music Box The DVD "Kingdom of Curves (Live!)" is released.

On March 29, the Central House of Artists hosts a concert dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the release of the "Ginseng" album, on which the songs "Silent Film", "Sliding on the Ground", "Their Elastic Names" and other tracks from this album are performed, previously never performed live by the band. A special show has been prepared for a detailed visualization of the performance.

From May 24 to May 27, the concert tour of "Picnic" takes place in the cities of Germany. The group then goes to Far East with three more concerts.

July 29 "Picnic" performs at the festival "Wings", August 4 - at the festival "Baltic Storm" in Kaliningrad, August 6 - at the festival "Invasion-2006". According to the musicians, the presentation of the song Obscurantism and Jazz was supposed to take place at this festival, but in fact the presentation of this song took place at the traditional autumn concert at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg on October 8, and a little later this song got into rotation on Our radio". (It should be noted that Obscurantism and Jazz became the first song of the Picnic group to top the Chart Dozen. That was on November 24, 2006.)

At the same concert, the premiere of the program of the anniversary tour "25" ("XXV") takes place, which "Picnic" will soon take to the cities. For the first time, the Surround FX system is used, with the help of which it was possible to "revive" sound effects. On the song Obscurantism and Jazz, Mr. Jazz Obscurantist performs a solo on bare high-voltage wires. In addition, there is an impromptu shadow theater performance.

Andrei Burlaka and Yuri Shevchuk honored the anniversary concert with their visit. The first said that he was preparing an extensive rock encyclopedia for publication, and Yuri Shevchuk performed an "autumn-spring" song.

On November 26, live on the O2TV channel, as part of the Kommunalka special project, the Picnic apartment building is being held.

In January 2007, Edmund Shklyarsky recorded the soundtrack for the film "The Law of the Mousetrap" directed by Alexander Yakimchuk.

In early February, the group's new album, called Obscurantism and Jazz, is released.

February 24, 2007 "Picnic" plays a big anniversary concert in Luzhniki. Such bands and musicians as Agatha Christie, Valery Kipelov, Bi-2 and Kukryniksy are invited to the anniversary of Picnic. Besides four permanent participants groups, invited musicians play on the Luzhniki stage - Irina Sorokina, Natalya Voronina and Stanislav Shklyarsky (who later became the group's keyboard player).

April 27 in the city of Tula and May 3 in the Moscow Central House of Artists "Picnic" and Vadim Samoilov give a performance called "Vampire Songs". In addition to the tracks of the corresponding album, the program includes the classic songs of "Picnic", which the group performs together with Vadim.

On May 4, at a concert in the Central House of Artists, musicians Inna Zhelannaya and Sergey Kalachev perform on stage with the group. The set list of the concert includes several works performed for the first time for a wide audience.

The end of June is marked by the release on the screens of the Ukrainian TV channel "1 + 1" of the television series "The Law of the Mousetrap" - a product of cooperation between Edmund Shklyarsky and director Alexander Yakymchuk.

In the first half of July, a DVD with an archival concert of "Picnic" in the SCC named after Lenin (Leningrad, 1988) and TV shootings (Saratov, 1987).

In the fall of 2007, the group goes on a big tour "Obscurantism and Jazz" throughout the country. December 10, 2007 - a concert in the city of Gomel (25 years after the first concert in this city). On December 21 and 22, 2007, two concerts took place in the Moscow Central House of Artists - "The Best" and "On the Ray", respectively.

Recorded and released in 2008 new album"Iron Mantras".

In April 2008, the group went on a Ukrainian tour with the Obscurantism and Jazz program, where they performed in Donetsk, Poltava, Simferopol, Kharkov, Cherkassy, ​​Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Kherson and Kiev.

On October 1, 2008, the city of Murmansk began new tour groups "Picnic" in the country - "Full Moon".

Also in 2008, the song "Nautilus Pompilius" "Gentle Vampire" was recorded for a two-disc tribute to this group, authored by Vyacheslav Butusov and the group "Yu-Piter" - "Nau Boom".

In the fall of 2009, Piknik participates in the Nashe Radio project Salt, in which famous rock musicians perform Russian folk songs. "Picnic" records the song "Lubo, brothers, lyubo" for this project.

In February 2010, the group goes on an "early spring tour" around the cities of the Volga region. On February 13, Piknik performs at the Petersburg Sports and Concert Hall at the Chart's Dozen festival.

Since 2011

In 2011, the group completes the Theater of the Absurd tour and begins to create a program for a new, anniversary tour, 30 Light Years, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Picnic. The album "Three Fates" was released, on which folk songs of the war and pre-war years were performed.

In the spring of 2012, DVD and Blu-Ray with the recording of anniversary concert"30 light years" in the Ice Palace (St. Petersburg).

At the end of May, three joint concerts with Vadim Samoilov are held in Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar, where the Vampire Songs program is played.

The start of work on the album "Singer of Decadence" is announced and a new concert program "Decadence" is announced, starting on October 5 with a concert in Moscow.

In addition, for the first time in its 30-year history, the band has planned a trip to Canada and the United States, where the 30 Light Years anniversary program will be presented to viewers in a number of cities.

September 27, 2013 in the city of Ukhta starts a new tour of "Picnic" called "Morse code".

On September 9, 2014, the new album "Outlander" was released. The tour called "The Stranger" started in Moscow on October 5, 2014 and ended on May 21, 2015 in Vladivostok.

In the fall of 2015, the group will present a new program "Big Game".

Composition of the group

  • Edmund Shklyarsky - vocals, guitar, author of music and lyrics (since 1981)
  • Leonid Kirnos - drums (1983-1984, since 1987)
  • Marat Korchemny - bass guitar, backing vocals (since 2003)
  • Stanislav Shklyarsky - keyboards (since 2007)

Invited members

  • Vladimir Safronov - keyboards (2007-2008), now band director
  • Victor Evseev - keyboards (2007)
  • Irina Sorokina - violin (2003-2008)
  • Irina Ponomareva - "live cello"
  • Igor Vasiliev - stage images, dances
  • Viktor Dombrovsky - sound engineer
  • Alexander Yarovoy - fire shaman, tambourine, dancing (1995-2005)

Musicians of past compositions

  • Alexey Dobychin - vocals (1978-1983)
  • Sergey Omelnichenko - guitar, vocals (1978-1981)
  • Evgeny Voloshchuk - bass guitar (1978-1984)
  • Nikolai Mikhailov - flute (1978-1981)
  • Alexander Kondrashkin - drums (1978-1981) †
  • Yuri Danilov - flute, clarinet (1979-1981)
  • Alexander Saveliev - guitar (1981-1990)
  • Ali Bakhtiyarov - drums (1981-1983) †
  • Viktor Morozov - drums (1982)
  • Vladimir Sizov - bass guitar (1984, 1989-1990) †
  • Victor Sergeev - keyboards (1984)
  • Sergei Voronin - keyboards (1984, 1986-2006) †
  • Alexander Fedorov - drums (1984)
  • Victor Evseev - bass guitar, backing vocals (1986-1988, 1990-1996)
  • Yuri Klyuchantsev - keyboards, saxophone (1986-1988, 1990-1996)
  • Vadim Ponomarev - drums (1986-1987)
  • Andrey Merchansky - guitar (1992-1994) †
  • Alexander Rokin - bass guitar (1996-1999)
  • Svyatoslav Obraztsov - bass guitar (1999-2003) †

The group was formed in September 1978 in Leningrad from students of the Polytechnic University who played in the amateur group "ORION". The line-up included: Sergey Omelnichenko (guitar, vocals, lyrics), Evgeny "Jacques" Voloshchuk (bass), Alexei Dobychin (vocals, lyrics), Nikolai Mikhailov (flute), Alexander Matskov (drums). When the question arose about the name, someone remembered the recently read story by the Strugatsky brothers "Roadside Picnic". The proposal was accepted, but the end of the phrase was dropped almost immediately. After some time, Matskov was replaced by Alexander Kondrashkin at the drums.

In March 1979, the composition of the group was strengthened by a classmate of Nikolai Mikhailov in music school and flutist of the group "Tuesday" Yuri Danilov. The repertoire of "PIKNIK" in these years relied mainly on the songs of Dobychin and Omelnichenko - energetic rock and roll, blues or beats.

In 1981, Evgeny Voloshchuk (bass guitar) and Alexei Dobychin (vocals) were left alone. Voloshchuk invited Edmund Shklyarsky, a member of the LABYRINTH group (vocals, guitar, piano), to the vacant position of the guitarist. Edmund did not come alone, but together with Alexander Savelyev (guitar) and Ali Bakhtiyarov (drums). The debut of Edmund Shklyarsky took place at one of the concerts of the Leningrad Rock Club.

In 1982 "PIKNIK" recorded its first magnetic album "Smoke" at Andrey Tropillo's studio. The original version of the album included the songs "Disc Jockey" and "Who is silent a lot", which were excluded from the track list in reissues. Also, for various reasons, such songs as “Bicycle”, “For the Innocently Killed” (released later on the album “A Little Fire”) and some other songs did not get into “Smoke”. The title of the album was proposed by Andrei Tropillo and was accepted without much discussion. The order of compositions was determined by a simple alternation of "fast-slow" and "from strong to weak." Initially, the album was not supposed to have a cover, even a "virtual" one. In 1993, "Smoke" was not only re-released on CD, but also rewritten in the studio by musicians of the first line-up specially assembled for this purpose.

In the autumn of 1982 - the first public presentation of records in the club "Phonograph" in the Leningrad Palace of Youth.

In 1983, "Picnic" became the laureate of the festival of the Leningrad Rock Club (along with "Aquarium", "Zoo" and "Russians"). Leonid Kirnos comes to the group to replace the drummer. The first version of the song "Giant" is recorded, which for the first time in the musical history of the group gets into the hit parade of the newspaper "Change" in the heading "In modern rhythms".

In 1984, the group split. "Picnic", in which only Shklyarsky and Savelyev remain, leaves the Leningrad rock club. After that, for two years the group did not have a permanent composition.

Late autumn at the same studio of Andrei Tropillo, Shklyarsky and Savelyev, with the support of session musicians Sergei Voronin (keyboards), Vladimir Sizov (bass guitar) and Alexander Fedorov (drums), recorded their second album, Wolf Dance. The album turned out to be full of gloomy images and dramatic plots, inspired by the gothic stories of Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne, and musically close to the aesthetics of baroque rock.

Since 1985, the group has been actively touring. In LDM, the group shows the program "Dance of the Wolf" live. For the first time, "electric rock" appeared on the scene, which sometimes travels with the group to this day.

Also in the same year, "Picnic" falls into the "black lists" of groups prohibited from replication in recording studios. The group is attacked by the party and Komsomol press, especially for songs such as "Opium Smoke".

The first version of the song "Holiday" was recorded (for the first time in the history of the group a computer was used), which sounds on the air of the New Year's program "Disks are spinning" on Leningrad TV.

In 1986, using the same computers, the song "I'm Almost Italian" was recorded. The group acquires a stable line-up: Edmund Shklyarsky (vocals, guitar), Alexander Savelyev (guitar), former member of the Zerkalo group Sergey Voronin (keyboards), Viktor Evseev (bass guitar, backing vocals), Yuri Klyuchantsev (keyboards, saxophone) and Vadim Ponomarev (drums). The first version of the Hieroglyph album is being recorded, including the work of Johann Sebastian Bach.

With the help of Vladimir Voronetsky, Lev Levinson and journalist Mikhail Sadchikov, Picnic, in a protracted battle with the artistic council, gets the right to tour, and at the end of the year the group goes on their first tour to Tallinn and Donetsk.

During the New Year's concerts in the Palace of Culture. Kapranova filmed a video sequence for the song "Hieroglyph". With the light hand of Mikhail Sadchikov, the group has the opportunity to release their songs on the Melodiya recording company. The second, classical version of the Hieroglyph album is recorded in four days in the studio of the House of Composers. A few months later, one of the first albums of the domestic rock band, released on vinyl, appears in the country's music stores.

On the disc "Meeting Place - Disco-3" the song "I'm Almost Italian" appears with the author's comments by Artur Makariev, who later became the initiator of recording the second vinyl record of "Picnic".

In the spring of 1987, drummer Leonid Kirnos joined the band again.

In 1988, in Moscow, at the Melodiya company, the album “Coming from Nowhere” was recorded. On tour, Svyatoslav Obraztsov works as a sound engineer with the group. In the summer for the program "Morning Mail" in Yalta, a video for the song "Holiday" is filmed. In September at the SCC im. Lenin (Leningrad) hosts three solo concerts of "Picnic" in a row. In December, Evseev and Klyuchantsev left the group.

In 1989, Vladimir Sizov became the bass player of the group, who, like Sergey Voronin, participated in the recording of the Wolf Dance album. In the spring, Picnic tours with the French group Dirty Side, and in the summer it takes part in the festival of the Baltic cities in the Polish city of Sopot.

In 1990, "Picnic" has its own graphic symbol, which is now present on all discs and stage decorations. In May, a video for the song "Let yourself be torn off" is filmed. Evseev and Klyuchantsev return to the group. In this composition, "Picnic" flies to Japan, to the city of Osaka, to the festival "Expo-90".

In 1991, at Lenfilm, Mikhail Shemarov recorded the album Harakiri. Former drummer Ali Bakhtiyarov returns to the group as director. In the summer, Edmund Shklyarsky and Sergei Voronin take part in a walking pilgrimage to the Pope in the Polish city of Czestochowa.

In 1992, the penultimate gramophone record of "Picnic" "Harakiri" was released on the "Matuzalem" label, for the first time designed by Shklyarsky himself. There is a devaluation in the country, and for a concert in Minsk the group receives a bag of money (its “million in a bag”). Another attribute of the show appears - "pointing finger". In the same year, Ivan Okhlobystin's film Arbiter was released with the soundtrack of the Picnic and Obermaneken groups, which received the Kinotavr award in the Films for the Chosen category.

In 1993, "Picnic" participates in the "live filming" of the program "Hell Libitum" and in the concert "The Other Side of the Moon" in the Palace of Culture. Gorbunov. At the end of the year, with the assistance of Oleg Kruglov, the group's first CD, a remake of the Smoke album, was released on the Aura label.

On February 16, 1994, at the Big Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky", with a two-year delay, the group celebrated the 10th anniversary of the appearance of the "Smoke" magnetic album. In the spring, the second CD of "Picnic" appears - "A Little Fire".

The last flash of "vinyl" (Alexander Savelyev on the label "Antrop" releases the original version of the album "Dance of the Wolf"). During a joint concert in Kazakhstan (Alma-Ata city) with the Nautilus Pompilius group, an acquaintance with Vadim Samoilov takes place. In autumn, Ali Bakhtiyarov dies in a car accident.

In the early autumn of 1995, Edmund Shklyarsky met Viktor Gritsaenko, who later became the director of the group, and on December 6, at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, he held his first action-presentation of the new Vampire Songs program. For the first time, Alexander Yarovoy demonstrates the wonders of a fire eruption. The album "Vampire Songs" was recorded together with vocalist Andrei Karpenko (also known as Anri Alf).

In 1996, after a tour in Nizhny Novgorod, Evseev and Klyuchantsev finally left the group. Alexander Rokin becomes the bass player. The album "Ginseng" is being recorded and soon published. In the summer, the Soyuz label publishes the Picnic anthology on eight discs with an annotated book by Andrey Burlaka.

In 1997, the next album, Glass, was released on the Aura label. For the first time (on the vocals in the song "Two Giants") Shklyarsky attracted his children to the recording: Alina and Stanislav. On September 26, a video for the song "Face" is filmed at the "Vatrushka" club.

The first stage instrument was designed - a "live cello" for the song "Eyes outlined in coal" (the first appearance of the cello - Oksana Semyonova).

1998 added another musical offshoot to the Picnic anthology - the electronic album Drink Electricity, recorded together with the mythical group MO Sect. “MO Sect” are magical objects. These are people who are not directly related to this music. But their voices were recorded, sampled and then used.

In the same year, director Viktor Gritsaenko left the group and returned to the radio business.

In 1999, a compilation of songs "Picnic" and the program "The Best" of the same name were released. The presentation of the program took place in St. Petersburg on March 7th.

On May 3, at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", again with a delay of 2 years, the group celebrates the 15th anniversary of "conscious" life. For a short time, Stas Dremov joined the group, who, however, managed to organize the Picnic tour from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok and create a video for the song "Bar-organ".

In May, Svyatoslav Obraztsov replaces Alexander Rokin as bass player.

The beginning of the new century, New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1, "Picnic" celebrates with a shock concert in St. Petersburg, on the square near the Kazan Cathedral, at 4 o'clock in the morning.

year 2000. Three Ukrainian heroes - Viktor Shpak, Oleg Lyashko and Yuri Gora - initiated the creation of a joint program between Picnic and the Zaporozhye String Orchestra conducted by Vsevolod Madan.

In autumn, "Piknik" participates in the concert "20 years of the Rock Club".

In 2001, the Egyptian album was released on the Grand Records label. A "new Egyptian instrument" is created for the title track itself, and a pyrotechnic sign appears in the band's show (in the song "Purple Black").

On February 15 in Zaporozhye and on March 15 in St. Petersburg, the idea of ​​joint concerts of the group with the Zaporizhzhya String Orchestra is finally realized, followed by the appearance of a video version of the action that took place, as well as an audio version (live album).

On February 24 in Moscow, "Picnic" shows a new program "Violet-Cherny", and the song itself enters the rotation of FM radio stations throughout the country.

In the spring, Picnic begins cooperation with the MZCreative team. On October 29, the first "material" result of this cooperation is the official website of the group: http://www.piknik.info.

In early 2002, "Picnic" participates in gala concerts of the largest "real" TV show "The Last Hero" at that time, performing his new song "Speaks and Shows".

The label "Grand" releases the album "Alien", consisting of two equal parts - 5 new songs and 5 songs that were previously only performed at concerts or were not included in previously released discs.

In August, at the festival "Invasion-2002" in Ramenskoye, "Picnic" shows fragments of its new program "Wild Games". The theater of Dr. Yes participates in the performance - "BlackSkyWhite". The full program "Picnic" shows in September in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Minsk. These concerts are attended by: Alexei Mogilevsky (saxophone), Sergei Gasanov (sitar) and the theater of the Vasilyev brothers. The St. Petersburg concert is recorded on video for later publication.

In January 2003, the group visits the German cities of Hamburg and Osnabrück with concerts.

In March, the label "Grand" publishes the album "Speaks and Shows", the first track of which is "Silver!!!" for a long time it has been practically at the top of the Chart Dozen hit parade, second only to the Kipelov group. And the album itself is one of the five "most requested" albums in the spring of 2003.

April 2 at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky, the premiere of the concert program “Speaks and Shows” is taking place, where Vadim Samoilov, Alexei Mogilevsky, Utah and guest violinist Irina Sorokina participated.

On April 5, a performance takes place in the St. Petersburg Palace of Culture "Yubileiny" as part of the VII "Fuzz Award" ceremony. "Picnic" was nominated for the Award in the category "Best Live Band".

Literally a few days later, during the Ural tour, Svyatoslav Obraztsov takes the stage for the last time. Later he was replaced by Marat Korchemny.

On August 2, at the "Invasion-2003" "Picnic" presents its "chamber" program. In September, together with Vadim Samoilov ("Agatha Christie"), the group starts recording a new album - "Shadow of the Vampire".

On October 18, Valery Kipelov enters the stage together with the Piknik group at the Moscow Art Theater. The songs "To run for the forest-mountains" and "There, on the very edge of the earth" are performed together.

On November 15, the famous director Vitaly Mukhametzyanov (also known as Mukha) will screen the track from the upcoming album - “The Torture Never Ends”.

On February 15, 2004, the official release of the album "Shadow of the Vampire" took place. For the first time in the band's discography, the animated "History Pro" is included on the disc. A concert in support of the release takes place on March 2 at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg, where, together with Vadim Samoilov, songs from the new album and “greatest hits” are performed in a special arrangement.

In May, at the invitation of the German group "Ostrov Ded", "Picnic" makes a tour of the German lands. At the end of the tour, taking advantage of a geographically convenient opportunity, the musicians of the group make a pilgrimage to Senor Stefano Donatti.

In the summer, the song "Kingdom of Curves" is recorded and at the same time the shooting of the video for it begins. In October, "Picnic" is celebrated with an unusual project - "Transformation", which is released on DVD a month later. The unusual thing is that Edmund Shklyarsky uses a synthesizer instead of a guitar, and Sergei Voronin plays the guitar. There is also no drummer Leonid Kirnos, and in the background the so-called small "orchestra" under the direction of Denis Vasiliev plays along with the group.

In December, the group celebrates the 20th anniversary of the release of the Wolf Dance album with a concert in the company of N.V. Gogol and Mr. Grand Inquisitor.

The beginning of 2005 was marked by the completion of work on the clip "Kingdom of Curves" and its subsequent premiere in the Central House of Artists. A little later, in April, in the same hall, two sold-out concerts marked the release of the album "Kingdom of Curves".

Meanwhile, in St. Petersburg, the keyboardist of the Alisa group, Dmitry "Oslik" Parfenov, is finishing work on the album "New Egyptian Songs". The disc includes techno versions (that is, electronic processing) of the hits of the Piknik group. The vocal part in the track "Night" was performed by the leader of "Alisa" Konstantin Kinchev himself. The disc was released in September.

In August, Edmund Shklyarsky participates in the undertaking of Mikhail Kozyrev - the creation of a Russian-language soundtrack for Tim Burton's famous work "The Nightmare Before Christmas". Edmund sang for a whole choir of vampires. The text was corrected on the go. The result is shown on TNT on October 31.

In the fall of 2005, the most grandiose tour in the recent history of the Picnic started in Kyiv, the name of which, again, is the Kingdom of the Crooked. The spectacular part of the tour was brought to life by Irina Ponomareva and Alexander Zatsepin. The main concert of the tour took place in St. Petersburg on November 7th. Thanks to Bogdan Drobyazko, this performance of "Picnic" was filmed and subsequently released on DVD.

In December, director Vitaly Mukhametzyanov made a video clip for the song "The Shaman Has Three Hands" for the group, and Edmund Shklyarsky recorded a track for Vitaly Mukhametzyanov's film.

January 12, 2006 in the Central House of Artists, the Picnic group plays the concert program Harakiri, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the release of the album of the same name.

On February 5, with the support of Nashe Radio, the youth TV channel O2TV and the music channel Music Box, the DVD Kingdom of Curves (Live!) is released.

On March 29, the Central House of Artists hosts a concert dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the release of the "Ginseng" album, on which the songs "Silent Film", "Sliding on the Ground", "Their Elastic Names" and other tracks from this album are performed, previously never performed live by the band. A special show has been prepared for a detailed visualization of the performance.

From May 24 to May 27, the concert tour of "Picnic" takes place in the cities of Germany. Then the group goes to the Far East with three more concerts.

July 29 "Piknik" performs at the festival "Wings", August 4 - at the festival "Baltic Storm" in Kaliningrad, August 6 - at the festival "Invasion-2006". According to the musicians, the presentation of the song Obscurantism and Jazz was supposed to take place at this festival, but in fact the presentation of this song took place at the traditional autumn concert at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg on October 8, and a little later this song got into rotation on Our radio". (It should be noted that Obscurantism and Jazz became the first song of the Picnic group to top the Chart Dozen. That was on November 24, 2006.)

At the same concert, the premiere of the program of the anniversary tour "25" ("XXV") takes place, which "Picnic" will soon take to the cities. For the first time, the Surround FX system is used, with the help of which it was possible to "revive" the sound effects. On the song Obscurantism and Jazz, Mr. Jazz Obscurantist performs a solo on bare high-voltage wires. In addition, there is an impromptu shadow theater performance.

Andrei Burlaka and Yuri Shevchuk honored the anniversary concert with their visit. The first said that he was preparing an extensive rock encyclopedia for publication, and Yuri Shevchuk performed an "autumn-spring" song.

On November 26, live on the O2TV channel, as part of the Kommunalka special project, the Picnic apartment building is being held.

In January 2007, Edmund Shklyarsky recorded the soundtrack for the film "The Law of the Mousetrap" directed by Alexander Yakimchuk.

In early February, the group's new album, called Obscurantism and Jazz, is released.

February 24, 2007 "Picnic" plays a big anniversary concert in Luzhniki. Such bands and musicians as Agatha Christie, Valery Kipelov, Bi-2 and Kukryniksy are invited to the anniversary of Picnic. Also, in addition to the four permanent members of the group, invited musicians play on the Luzhniki stage - Irina Sorokina, Natalya Voronina and Stanislav Shklyarsky (who later became the group's keyboard player).

April 27 in the city of Tula and May 3 in the Moscow Central House of Artists "Picnic" and Vadim Samoilov give a performance called "Vampire Songs". In addition to the tracks of the corresponding album, the program includes the classic songs of "Picnic", which the group performs together with Vadim.

On May 4, at a concert in the Central House of Artists, musicians Inna Zhelannaya and Sergey Kalachev perform on stage with the group. The set list of the concert includes several works performed for the first time for a wide audience.

The end of June is marked by the release on the screens of the Ukrainian TV channel "1 + 1" of the television series "The Law of the Mousetrap" - a product of cooperation between Edmund Shklyarsky and director Alexander Yakymchuk.

In the first half of July, a DVD with an archival concert of "Picnic" in the SCC named after Lenin (Leningrad, 1988) and TV shootings (Saratov, 1987).

In the fall of 2007, the group goes on a big tour "Obscurantism and Jazz" throughout the country. December 10, 2007 - a concert in the city of Gomel (25 years after the first concert in this city). On December 21 and 22, 2007, two concerts took place in the Moscow Central House of Artists - "The Best" and "On the Ray", respectively.

In 2008, a new album "Iron Mantras" was recorded and released.

In April 2008, the group went on a Ukrainian tour with the Obscurantism and Jazz program, where they performed in Donetsk, Poltava, Simferopol, Kharkov, Cherkassy, ​​Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Kherson and Kiev.

October 1, 2008 from the city of Murmansk began a new tour of the group "Picnic" around the country - "Full Moon".

Also in 2008, the song "Nautilus Pompilius" "Gentle Vampire" was recorded for a two-disc tribute to this group, authored by Vyacheslav Butusov and the group "Yu-Piter" - "Nau Boom".

In the fall of 2009, Piknik participates in the Nashe Radio's Salt project, in which famous rock musicians perform Russian folk songs. "Picnic" records the song "Lubo, brothers, lyubo" for this project.

In February 2010, the group goes on an "early spring tour" around the cities of the Volga region. On February 13, Piknik performs at the Petersburg Sports and Concert Hall at the Chart's Dozen festival.

In 2011, the group completes the Theater of the Absurd tour and begins to create a program for a new, anniversary tour, 30 Light Years, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Picnic. The album "Three Fates" was released, on which folk songs of the war and pre-war years were performed.

In the spring of 2012, DVD and Blu-Ray will be released with a recording of the 30 Light Years anniversary concert at the Ice Palace (St. Petersburg).

At the end of May, there are three joint concerts with Vadim Samoilov in Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar, where the Vampire Songs program is played.

The start of work on the album "Singer of Decadence" is announced and a new concert program "Decadence" is announced, starting on October 5 with a concert in Moscow.

In addition, for the first time in its 30-year history, the band has planned a trip to Canada and the United States, where the 30 Light Years anniversary program will be presented to viewers in a number of cities.


However, even in this company of rebels, Picnic stands apart, standing out thanks to incredible show, which suit the members of the team at every concert. But they love the group not only for their bright, bewitching performances, but also for their deep philosophical texts and melodic performance, memorable from the first notes.

History of creation and composition

In 1978, students of the Leningrad Polytechnic University Alexei Dobychin and Evgeny Voloshchuk founded the Orion musical group. Talented young people even managed to achieve some popularity in student circles. Soon a drummer, a flutist and a guitarist joined the duo, and already in this line-up, Orion began to conquer music venues cities.

Three years later, the band practically broke up, the musicians went their separate ways. different groups, and someone completely abandoned the music. At that moment, Voloshchuk and Dobychin, once again left alone, were close to leaving the dream of the stage. However, fate decreed otherwise, and the artists met Edmund Shklyarsky, who was destined to eventually become the main inspirer, permanent soloist and soul of the new team.

The musicians resumed rehearsals, began to try different styles and look for associates. A year later, the team, replenished with several more musicians, recorded debut album, called "Smoke", and this moment is considered to be the beginning of a serious professional biography of the "Picnic" group. However, real recognition awaited Shklyarsky and company a little later.

Now, after numerous replacements, departures and the appearance of new names, Edmund Shklyarsky (still vocalist, as well as guitarist and author of most of the band's songs), drummer Leonid Kirnos, son of Edmund Shklyarsky - Stanislav Shklyarsky (responsible for arranging, playing on keyboards and performs backing vocals), as well as bass guitarist and backing vocalist Marat Korchemny. In addition, several people work behind the scenes, helping the musicians put on an enchanting show.


The next album "Picnic" without exaggeration became a mature and professional work of the musicians. The record was called "Dance of the Wolf". The compositions from this album, according to the musicians, became the embodiment of the gloomy gothic stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne and the king of horrors. The songs were met with interest by fans of rock music, and already in 1985 the group went on tour around the country.

The growing popularity of the group did not go unnoticed, and the works of "Picnic" more than once ended up on various black lists for the overly provocative content of the texts. However, despite the vigilant censorship, the band's team continued to work on new compositions and already in 1986 the new album "Picnic" - "Hieroglyph" was presented, which finally approved Shklyarsky and the company in the lists of recognized stars of the rock scene.

Three years later, Picnic experienced its first major crisis. Two members of the team separated, deciding to continue musical career on one's own. For some time nothing was heard about the group, but it soon became clear that new project did not achieve success. The musicians returned back and in 1991 released another disc - Harakiri.

The song "Hysteria" of the group "Picnic"

The following years significantly expanded the Picnic's discography: first, the first collection appeared best songs"Collector's Album", in 1995 the group presented the disc "A Little Fire", and in 1996 an album called "Vampire Songs" was released.

This disc was destined to become one of the group's most popular albums for a long time, and the compositions "Only for a Vampire in Love", "Hysterics" and "White Chaos" are still loved by fans. It is noteworthy that Edmund Shklyarsky invited vocalist Andrei Karpenko to record this album, who performed some of the songs.

2001 was marked by the appearance of the disc "Egyptian", which Shklyarsky himself described as "an album of one song." According to the artist, "Egyptian" is the case when the meaning lies in one main song of the album, while the rest only complement it.

Then, with the release of this disc, "Picnic" began to arrange pyrotechnic shows at concerts. And a year later, the album "Alien" appeared, remembered for the composition "Or maybe there was no me."

The song "Or maybe there was no me" by the group "Picnic"

Another bright album of the group was "Speaks and Shows", which was loved by fans for the compositions "Silver!", "Signs in the Window", "I'm Almost Italian". Traditionally, the artists prepared a new concert program, to the premiere of which they invited (group), composer and musician Alexei Mogilevsky and singer (Anna Osipova). Violinist Irina Sorokina also took part in the concert.

The song "The shaman has three hands" by the group "Picnic"

The band shot a video for the title track of the album, which for a long time headed all kinds of chart lists and hit parades. music videos. Immediately after the release of the disc, the team went on a large-scale tour in Russia and foreign countries. Later, a video appeared for the song "The shaman has three hands."

The next disc - Obscurantism and Jazz - was released in 2007. Then, at the beginning of the year, the team celebrated its 25th anniversary. Groups were invited to the concert dedicated to this anniversary, as well as (group). And already in 2008, the prolific team presented a new disc - "Iron Mantras". In the same year, a cover of the composition "Gentle Vampire" by the group performed by "Picnic" appeared.

The song "Doll with a human face" by the group "Picnic"

2010 was marked by the release of the disc "Theater of the Absurd" with the title track of the same name. The songs "Doll with a Human Face" and "Wild Singer" also became popular. And the show program was traditionally updated, with which the team went on the next long tour.

Since that moment, almost every year has been marked by the release of a new Picnic disc. These were new studio albums, and collections of songs from different years, and even collections of cover versions of songs by other artists. And from the fall of 2016 to the spring of 2017, the team on tour, together with the audience, celebrated the 35th anniversary, traditionally preparing a bright show.

Group "Picnic" now

In 2017, Picnic released another disc - Sparks and Cancan.

And in the spring of 2018, photos of the band members appeared on the pages of news publications and websites, as well as Instagram and others. social networks, however, this time is not on a joyful occasion. The fact is that the musicians had an accident on the highway - their minibus crashed in an accident. Fortunately, everyone survived, but the tour had to be interrupted, as the artists were seriously injured.

Now the musicians are preparing to perform at the Invasion rock festival, which is scheduled for August 2018. On the official website of the band, Edmund Shklyarsky admitted that a surprise was being prepared for the fans, but he kept the details a secret for now. The festival will be attended by the group "", as well as artists Grechka, and other popular performers.


  • 1986 - Hieroglyph
  • 1987 - "You're all fire"
  • 1990 - "Let yourself be plucked"
  • 1991 - "Since the houses burned down"
  • 1996 - Silent Movie
  • 1998 - "Drink electricity"
  • 2000 - "Purple Black"
  • 2004 - "Kingdom of Curves"
  • 2005 - "The shaman has three hands"
  • 2007 - "From Korea to Karelia"
  • 2007 - Obscurantism and Jazz
  • 2008 - "Creature"
  • 2009 - "Bad weather flower"
  • 2011 - "Doll with a human face"
  • 2015 - "Outlander"
  • 2016 - "We are like quivering birds"


  • 1982 - "Smoke"
  • 1984 - "Wolf Dance"
  • 1986 - "Hieroglyph"
  • 1991 - "Harakiri"
  • 1994 - "A little fire"
  • 1995 - "Vampire Songs"
  • 1997 - "Glass"
  • 2001 - "Egyptian"
  • 2002 - "Alien"
  • 2004 - "Shadow of the Vampire"
  • 2005 - "Kingdom of Curves"
  • 2007 - Obscurantism and Jazz
  • 2010 - "Theater of the Absurd"
  • 2012 - "Singer of Decadence"
  • 2017 - "Sparks and Cancan"