What to do if the pregnant uterus is in good shape - the doctor advises. How to understand that the uterus is in good shape: a description of the symptoms, possible causes, consultation with a gynecologist, examination and treatment if necessary What does the uterus in good shape mean during pregnancy

A woman expecting a baby can be very frightened when she first feels discomfort. Uterine tone during pregnancy is a symptom that is dangerous throughout all three trimesters, the cause of which must be identified as soon as possible in order to avoid serious complications. Why such a problem arises, what is its danger, what to do to normalize the situation, how to determine the pathology - it is necessary to understand these issues.

What is uterine tone

Nature has prepared a special hollow organ for carrying a baby. The uterus, consisting of several layers, has muscle tissue that protects the growing fetus, which can contract during childbirth, helping the baby to be born. Normally, she is relaxed. Unfortunately, there are many reasons why a dangerous contraction of muscle fibers occurs.

What is uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy? This is a symptom that requires accurate diagnosis of the causes of the pathology and immediate treatment. The appearance of dangerous signs means:

  • there is a strong compression of the muscle layer;
  • increased pressure in the uterine cavity;
  • there is a threat to bearing a baby;
  • high risk of preterm birth.

What is the danger of uterine tone during pregnancy

Expectant mothers should carefully monitor their condition throughout the pregnancy. It is useful for women to know why the uterus is in good shape, what are the symptoms, so that when they appear, consult a doctor. This will help avoid serious problems. Uterine activity is dangerous in all trimesters of pregnancy. In the early stages, high tone can:

  • cause difficulties in the process of implantation of the fetal egg;
  • lead to placental abruption, disrupting the nutrition of the fetus, causing missed pregnancy;
  • provoke a miscarriage.

No less dangerous is the uterus in good shape during pregnancy in subsequent periods:

  • In the second trimester, contraction of muscle fibers reduces blood flow in the vessels of the placenta, limits the supply of oxygen to the fetus, which leads to delayed development.
  • In the third trimester, abortion is possible - premature birth due to early opening of the cervix. The baby develops hypoxia due to compression of the vessels of the umbilical cord.

Norms of uterine tone by gestational age

For a baby to develop properly in the womb, the uterus must be supple and relaxed. Like any muscular organ, it has physiological contractions. What contractions of the uterine walls are considered normal? Experts highlight the tone that occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and is conditionally safe. In this case, uterine contraction:

  • occurs no more than 6 times a day;
  • contributes to the activation of blood circulation, the normal development of the child;
  • can be caused by minor physical exertion.

The following stages of pregnancy have their own characteristics:

  • In the second trimester, starting from the 20th week, painless contractions are observed, which are considered training, preparation for future childbirth, occur several times a day.
  • With the beginning of the third trimester, the contractions of the uterus are helped by the baby, who begins to actively move. By the end of the term, hypertonicity is difficult to distinguish from the onset of labor.

Signs of tone

Only a gynecologist can accurately determine the tone. When the first symptoms of a threat appear, in order to exclude dangerous consequences, you need to visit a doctor. What are the signs of uterine tone during pregnancy? Pathology is accompanied by:

  • aching, squeezing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • contractions of the muscles of the uterus;
  • feeling of heaviness, discomfort;
  • bloody discharge;
  • tension, petrification of the abdomen;
  • pain in the lumbar region, sacrum;
  • feeling of contractions.


There are a large number of reasons for the occurrence of tone. They are related to the state of the body and external factors. There are such causes of uterine tone:

  • a reduced amount of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes smooth muscles;
  • severe toxicosis with vomiting, causing muscle contractions;
  • increased levels of prolactin and male sex hormones;
  • thyroid pathology;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • Rh-conflict of the blood of parents;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the placenta;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs.

Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy is provoked by:

  • psychological problems;
  • constant stress;
  • physical exercise;
  • long journeys;
  • sports;
  • air travel;
  • lack of sleep;
  • strong gas formation;
  • malnutrition;
  • obesity;
  • age after 35 years;
  • incorrect position of the fetus;
  • violation of intestinal motility;
  • stretching of the uterus during multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios or large baby size;
  • sex before 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • previous miscarriages;
  • tumors;
  • abortions.


Improper nutrition can provoke an increased tone. There are foods that cause this condition. These include:

  • legumes, cabbage, provoking increased gas formation;
  • moldy cheese containing a fungus dangerous for pregnant women;
  • coffee, which quickly removes fluid from the body, increasing blood pressure;
  • raw eggs that can cause the development of salmonellosis - heat treatment is recommended;
  • black tea containing a lot of caffeine.

Spices cause an increase in uterine tone. Doctors recommend limiting the use of basil, bay leaf, fennel, cinnamon, nutmeg, cumin during pregnancy. The danger is represented by dishes that have not undergone long-term heat treatment. They can become a source of infectious diseases. These include:

  • steaks from meat with blood;
  • dried delicacies;
  • pate;
  • quick cooked liver;
  • sushi;
  • salo.


The first unpleasant symptoms should be determined by the pregnant woman herself and consult a doctor. With great accuracy, increased tone is detected during examination by a gynecologist. Diagnostics includes:

  • external control, fixing complaints;
  • palpation of the abdomen in the supine position;
  • Ultrasound, which reveals a thickening of smooth muscle tissue, the tone of the anterior or posterior wall, depending on the place of attachment of the fetus;
  • tonusometry using special sensors.

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy yourself

A woman should be able to diagnose uterine tone herself. This will help to timely identify the causes of the pathology and prescribe treatment in order to moderate it. It is important to distinguish between symptoms that signal a problem. You can find out if there is muscle tone at home. To do this, you need to lie on your back, relax, gently feel the stomach, check the condition of the muscles. In this situation:

  • a feeling of softness indicates a lack of tone and reason for concern;
  • a firm, elastic abdomen is characterized by increased muscle contraction, requires the intervention of a doctor.

What to do

How should a woman behave, what to do if there are dangerous symptoms? Gynecologists recommend following the regimen to relax the muscles, taking medications that will reduce tone. To avoid the threat of miscarriage, pregnant women need:

  • stress relief;
  • complete cessation of sexual activity;
  • exclusion of physical activity;
  • providing bed rest;
  • aromatherapy that promotes relaxation;
  • use of warm baths and showers;
  • acupuncture;
  • treatment of Rh-conflict;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • psychotherapy sessions.

Medical treatment

When uterine tone appears, it is necessary to solve two important tasks - to remove unpleasant symptoms and to influence the causes of their occurrence. Doctors prescribe magnesium preparations with vitamin B6, which relax the uterine walls. It is recommended to take:

  • tincture of motherwort, valerian, soothing, helping to relieve stress;
  • Utrozhestan, Duphaston - progesterone preparations for hormone deficiency in early pregnancy.

To reduce uterine tone, relieve spasms, remove dangerous symptoms, antispasmodics are prescribed - Nosh-pa tablets, as well as drugs:

  • Genipral - relaxes muscles, not recommended in the early stages;
  • Nozepam is a sedative drug that has a sedative effect;
  • Curantil - improves placental circulation;
  • Riboxin - activates metabolic processes;
  • Piracetam - increases the resistance of nerve cells in the fetus to oxygen deficiency;
  • Dicynon - stops spotting.


Rectal suppositories help to bring the increased uterine tone back to normal very quickly. Candles are injected into the rectum, left until resorption. The active substance enters the blood, reduces the excitation of the walls of the uterus. Doctors prescribe:

  • Viburkol - has an antispasmodic, analgesic effect;
  • Papaverine - relaxes smooth uterine muscles, expands blood flow, reduces tension;
  • Indomethacin - is used for the threat of abortion, but only from 16 to 32 weeks.


You can cope with increased uterine tone at home if you perform simple exercises. This will help relax tense muscles. It is recommended to make a complex:

  • Get on all fours, bend your back, raise your head, return to the starting position. Repeat several times, then lie down for at least an hour.
  • Sitting on a chair, lower your head, relax the muscles of your neck and face, breathe through your mouth.
  • Stand on all fours for a few minutes so that the stomach is in a suspended position. Breathe calmly.

How to avoid uterine tone during pregnancy

Prevention of hypertension helps to avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Simple measures contribute to the normal course of pregnancy without pathologies. A woman needs:

  • avoid stress;
  • start eating right
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • observe the daily routine;
  • ensure proper sleep;
  • avoid physical overload;
  • worry less;
  • no smoking;
  • visit a gynecologist regularly.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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What to do with increased uterine tone during pregnancy

From the very beginning of pregnancy, the concentration of progesterone in a woman's blood increases. This hormone acts in the interests of the fetus: it relieves the tone of the uterus and prevents its contractions, which is necessary to save the child. If symptoms of uterine tone appear during pregnancy, then the likelihood of having a baby prematurely increases. But there are treatments for this condition.

The tone of the uterus goes into the category of safe states when the moment of childbirth approaches. The uterus begins to increasingly come into a state of tension, sometimes resembling contractions. This is a workout that starts against the background of a gradual decrease in progesterone.

Symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy

Muscles form the basis of the uterus. Before pregnancy, its size is small: it is no larger than a chicken egg and does not even protrude due to the pubic articulation. During the development of the child, the uterus is repeatedly stretched. The muscles are arranged in three layers in three mutually perpendicular directions. This is necessary so that during labor during labor, the baby is pushed out. Each muscle fiber thickens four to five times and lengthens 10 to 12 times.

Under the influence of progesterone, the uterus is in a relaxed state. But sometimes there is its local or general tension. That is, the tone of the uterus during pregnancy is a temporary or permanent state of tension of the myometrium.

During pregnancy, subjective signs of uterine tone may differ, therefore, several degrees of tone are distinguished to determine medical tactics.

  • First degree. The pain in the lower abdomen is short, does not bring pronounced discomfort and anxiety. It goes away on its own at rest.
  • Second degree. Severe pain in the abdomen, pain can be given to the lower back, sacrum. The uterus comes into a state of high density.
  • Third degree. Small physical or mental stress leads to the appearance of tone. The uterus becomes "stony", does not relax well. This condition requires medical attention.

Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy can occur at any time and periodically appear until the moment of delivery.

How does it manifest

Increased tone can be a dangerous symptom of the onset of preterm labor, so you need to listen to your body. You should consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear, regardless of the gestational age:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • cramping pain in the uterus;
  • stony density of the uterus;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

When can it develop

It is possible to independently determine the tone during a normal pregnancy when the uterus is clearly visible. Sometimes it "hardens" even when touching the stomach.

1 trimester

In the 1st trimester, uterine tension becomes a sign of a possible termination of pregnancy. It has been noticed that on ultrasound, the tone along the anterior wall of the uterus appears if the child has chromosomal pathologies. But many other reasons can affect the condition of the uterus:

  • sex;
  • physical exercise;
  • stress;
  • constipation;
  • pronounced toxicosis.

2 trimester

In the 2nd trimester, uterine tension may be more pronounced. The main reasons are the same conditions as at the beginning of gestation, but the rapid growth of the fetus is added to them. Other possible causes of uterine tone during pregnancy at this time:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • twin pregnancy;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • placenta previa;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • pathology of the development of the uterus;
  • inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

High parity of births (frequent pregnancies with a short break between them) can also lead to increased tone.

For a pregnant woman, an additional increase in intra-abdominal pressure is dangerous, which occurs due to vomiting in case of poisoning, severe diarrhea, and flatulence. This can cause uterine contractions.

3rd trimester

In the 3rd trimester, the child is already quite large. But before the 35th week, the appearance of increased uterine tone is undesirable. There may be the following additional causes of this condition:

  • malposition;
  • preeclampsia;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • history of caesarean section;
  • miscarriage in the past.

The female body is influenced by external factors. Stress has an impact not only on mood, but also on sexual function, the ability to conceive and bear a child, and lactation. Constant emotional stress, lack of sleep also provoke the appearance of uterine tone. Some doctors refer this condition to psychosomatics.


The uterus in good shape does not always pass without a trace. In the early stages, this condition may end in abortion. An additional symptom in this case is bloody discharge from the genital tract.

In the later stages, the tone of the uterus is dangerous for the violation of blood flow in the placenta. In this case, a spasm of blood vessels appears, and then their relaxation. These processes can lead to detachment of a normally located placenta and fetal death.

If the tone occurs periodically, then the consequence is malnutrition of the fetus, intrauterine growth retardation.

Ways to influence the state

Diagnosis of uterine tone is not difficult. On examination, the doctor can determine a change in the shape of the abdomen, a hard uterus that hurts even more when touched. In the short term, the tone is diagnosed during ultrasound. Most often this is a local process along the anterior or posterior wall.

For a period after 27 weeks, the use of the CTG apparatus is informative. It has two sensors. One reflects the fetal heartbeat, and the second - uterine contractions. This allows you to evaluate not only the strength and duration of uterine contractions, but also the child's reaction to them. A pronounced decrease in heart rate, which takes a long time to return to normal, speaks of the suffering of the fetus.

Early dates

The cause of the pathological condition is often a lack of progesterone, and the consequence is the threat of interruption. Therefore, hormonal preparations are used for treatment that can compensate for the deficiency of the hormone. Most often, Duphaston is prescribed. But for some women, Utrozhestan is more suitable, which can be taken orally or vaginally. The vaginal form is indispensable for signs of toxicosis - severe vomiting in the morning.

Treatment is supplemented with antispasmodics. You can use tablets "No-Shpa" (similar to "Drotaverin"). With frequent vomiting, candles "Papaverine" are prescribed, which are best laid at night.

In a hospital setting, Vikasol and Dicinon may be prescribed to stop bleeding. You can calm your nerves with motherwort tincture. But you should not get carried away: it contains ethyl alcohol.

Treatment of uterine tone in early pregnancy involves a change in the patient's lifestyle. A woman is assigned sexual rest. In some cases, hospitalization. It is recommended to normalize the regime of work and rest, to sleep at night, but also to go to bed during the day to rest for an hour. Foods that promote gas formation, as well as coffee, strong tea, are removed from the diet. If you suffer from constipation, then you need a laxative diet.

Middle of gestation

Approaches to the elimination of tone in this period are different. In some women with progesterone deficiency, Duphaston continues to be taken until week 20 (followed by a gradual dose reduction). Helps in the treatment of antispasmodics. If necessary, they are used in the form of injections.

But the main drug for quickly reducing the local tone of the cervix and generalized spasm is a solution of magnesia. It is used in the form of drops. Magnesium sulfate helps to relax the muscles as well as calm the nervous system. The solution lowers blood pressure, improves diuresis, which is used for preeclampsia. Appointment is contraindicated for bradycardia, low baseline blood pressure and severe kidney disease.

The choice of other drugs depends on concomitant pathologies that could cause a deterioration in the condition.

After discharge from the hospital, women are prescribed Magnesium B6 in the form of a tablet medication. This is necessary to improve the condition of the fetoplacental complex. At home, a pregnant woman can perform breathing exercises that help to calm down in stressful situations. Some do yoga for pregnant women, but it should be easy asanas, excluding raising the arms and tightening the abdomen. Nutrition recommendations remain the same as in the previous trimester.

From 7 months

In this period, the uterus also responds to the introduction of magnesia. But it increases the number of receptors that can be influenced by the drug "Ginipral". It belongs to the group of sympathomimetics and is able to reduce the tone and contractility of the myometrium. Available in the form of tablets and solution. But most often the drug is used in hospitals for tocolysis - the removal of contractions during preterm labor or during complicated labor.

The uterus is an organ made up of muscles. In a calm, balanced state, the muscles are relaxed, the uterus is not tense. Muscle tension can often be observed during pregnancy, but especially during childbirth. This state of tension is called tone. Can there be uterine tone without pregnancy? Of course, yes, because muscle contraction can occur in any state.

The uterus is a hollow organ riddled with muscles. It consists of three parts: the outer serous membrane (perimetrium), the inner mucous layer (endometrium) and the muscular layer (myometrium). Muscle fibers in the last layer are located unequally. In the outer part - the arrangement is vertical, in the middle part - in a spiral. The inner part is distinguished by a circular arrangement of muscle fibers. Muscles are subordinate to the autonomic, nervous system, hormonal fluctuations. Muscles tend to contract and be in constant motion - tone.

In pregnant women, the tone of the female organ is a fairly common phenomenon, but if there is no pregnancy, and the uterus is in good shape, this is a reason to visit a doctor.


With a balanced state of the uterus, its abdominal wall is soft, the muscles are relaxed. This can be felt by pressing on the lower third of the abdomen. If the tone is increased, the abdominal wall is firm, and the muscles are tense.

Muscle contractions are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, which radiate to the lower back. Pain is aching and pulling. They can be felt when bending over, walking, squatting. Sometimes there may be spotting.

Diagnosis Methods

The tonic (excited) state of the reproductive organ can be determined in three ways:

  • Probing with fingers - palpation. The doctor makes a diagnosis by independently feeling the woman's abdomen and conducting a vaginal examination;
  • Ultrasound method;
  • Tonusometry, using a special apparatus.


A number of reasons that a woman does not even know about can affect the tone of the uterus without pregnancy:

Operations on the cervix

One of the significant causes of tone are operations on the cervix. The cervix is ​​a dense frame with numerous muscle fibers. The cervix is ​​connected to the uterus through the cervical canal, which prevents infection from entering the reproductive organ itself. Sometimes surgery is needed to treat certain conditions.

There may be several indications for operations: removal of polyps, amputation, treatment of erosion, prolapse and prolapse of the uterus, accompanied by lengthening of the neck, background and precancerous conditions.

Operations can be plastic - when the organ is preserved, and radical (the neck is removed). In some cases - biopsies from the cervix, accompanied by bleeding - suturing is not required. Bleeding is stopped with a tight gauze swab moistened with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

For suturing the cervix, catgut or semi-synthetic threads are used. The area of ​​​​the seams is smeared with iodine and a cotton swab is inserted into the vagina for a while. In the first one or two days after suturing, a woman experiences pulling pains in the lower abdomen. They may be accompanied by spotting, which indicates that the uterus is in good shape. A woman is given drugs that relax the reproductive organ and relieve tone. As pain relief, you can take anti-inflammatory drugs such as diclofenac, ibuprofen. Allocations can last up to 20 days.

During childbirth, the cervix may rupture, which will also require suturing the tears. The process is painless, as the uterus loses sensitivity after childbirth. Stitches are applied either separately, when each thread is fixed with a separate knot, or continuously, when the seam is tied at the beginning and at the end of the row. Such seams do not need special care, and they do not cause any particular inconvenience. But the painful sensations that accompany the tone of the female organ will persist for some time.

If the increased tone is short-term, there is nothing to worry about. It is enough to lie on your side, drink warm tea, take a warm bath, watch a pleasant movie. In this case, the symptoms pass very quickly. If they go into the pathological stage, you can not do without the intervention of a doctor. When the diagnosis is established, the doctor decides to hospitalize the woman in a hospital. This is how, under the supervision of specialists, the treatment is faster and more correct.

In recent years, the diagnosis of "uterine tone" has become quite common. It is put by gynecologists in almost 60% of pregnant women who visited the antenatal clinic in order to diagnose pregnancy and monitor its development. What does “uterus in good shape” mean and what are the consequences of this condition if, at the time of diagnosis, a woman is often offered hospitalization in an inpatient department in order to maintain her pregnancy?

Validity of the diagnosis

The uterus is a hollow organ, the main wall thickness of which falls on the middle, muscular layer (myometrium). The latter consists of smooth muscle fibers that contract involuntarily, at will, like striated muscles, but under the influence of hormones and nerve impulses coming from the spinal cord.

"Live" muscles are never completely relaxed. They are always in a certain reduced state, tension, or tone. Thanks to this, a certain form and functioning of the organ is preserved, its normal blood circulation and other physiological processes are ensured. Therefore, one can speak of an increased or decreased tone only conditionally, that is, with respect to certain conditions and needs of the body.

For example, the degree of contraction of the myometrium depends on the age of the woman, many external and internal causes. As a physiological reaction, as a result of the release of a significant amount of catecholamines and other biologically active substances into the blood, increased uterine tone (hypertonicity) can occur with excitement, physical stress, and sexual intimacy. Before and during menstrual bleeding, after curettage of the uterine cavity or abortions, during childbirth, contraction of the myometrium also occurs as a protective response to stress, which helps to stop bleeding, give birth, etc.

From the beginning of pregnancy, tension and contractions of muscle fibers are less intense, which is a physiological manifestation of the preservation of pregnancy and the life of the fetus. As the duration of pregnancy increases, especially after 11-12 weeks, the number of contractions increases, and after 20 weeks they may be accompanied by short-term (seconds) pain, abdominal discomfort and a feeling of tightening of the uterus.

In other words, at times, sporadically, irregularly, there are individual signs of "tone" of the uterus during pregnancy. They don't pose any danger. These phenomena represent the physiological activity of the uterus, its reaction in response to fetal movements, touching the abdomen, medical examinations, irritation of the nipples, etc. and do not pose any threat to the child and mother.

At the same time, the relative weakness of the myometrium during the period of expulsion of the fetus leads to a delay in its stay in the birth canal and the threat of asphyxia, and after expulsion - to retention of the placenta and uterine bleeding.

The increased tension of muscle fibers can be widespread (before childbirth and during childbirth) or local, local. For example, an increased local “tonus” of the uterus is observed during an ultrasound examination. This is a natural physiological reaction to irritation during manipulation of the sensor of the device in the region of the anterior abdominal wall or when using an intravaginal sensor that causes irritation of the receptors of the vagina and cervix.

At the site of the introduction of villi and implantation of the ovum into the endometrium, an aseptic (non-infectious) inflammatory reaction of tissues normally occurs, where biologically active substances that promote implantation are delivered with the bloodstream. As a result of inflammation, there is a slight limited swelling of tissues and local contraction of muscle fibers, which is perceived by insufficiently experienced doctors during ultrasound examination as local hypertonicity of the posterior wall and the threat of miscarriage.

In addition, the diagnosis of “tone” of the uterus in early pregnancy, regardless of its nature (common or local), as a rule, indicates only an erroneous interpretation of some subjective sensations of a pregnant woman and ultrasound data, an insufficient understanding of the processes and causes of the dynamics of muscle fibers.

Thus, such a formulation of the diagnosis during pregnancy is erroneous, and it is generally absent in the generally accepted classification of diseases. Of the 60% of women who received it, only 5% needed treatment. Therefore, we can only talk about the physiological or pathological variant of muscle hypertonicity.

In this case, how to understand the presence of a pathological condition, how it manifests itself and how to distinguish it from a physiological one?

Causes of uterine tone during pregnancy

Some of the reasons for the physiological contraction of the muscle layer are mentioned above. What is the danger of pathological hypertonicity? Its result is an increase in pressure in the uterine cavity and a displacement of its walls in relation to the child's place. This can lead to a violation of the blood supply to the fetus, a deterioration in the conditions of its life, to a missed pregnancy, to or to a premature termination of pregnancy - to a spontaneous abortion or to premature birth.

Pathological hypertonicity can be caused by many reasons, among which the main ones are:

  1. Hormonal deficiency or imbalance of sex hormones. So, progesterone not only prepares the mucous membrane (endometrium) for the implantation of a fertilized egg, but also reduces the tone of the myometrium, reduces the number of contractions of muscle fibers, and therefore contributes to the preservation and development of pregnancy, especially in the early stages. Its absolute or relative deficiency occurs in various diseases or dysfunctions of the endocrine glands, in which hyperandrogenism (increased synthesis of androgens by the adrenal glands or ovaries) or hyperprolactinemia (increased blood levels of prolactin produced by the pituitary gland) can develop.
  2. Increased or decreased thyroid function, diabetes mellitus.
  3. Congenital malformations of the uterus.
  4. , chronic inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs, isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  5. Rhesus conflict and autoimmune processes.
  6. Pronounced.
  7. Large fetus, multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, preeclampsia, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. A particularly negative role of these factors affects the late stages of pregnancy.
  8. Inadequate sleep, prolonged negative psycho-emotional stress, stressful conditions, heavy physical exertion, smoking.
  9. Magnesium deficiency in the body. Magnesium is a calcium antagonist at the level of cell membranes, thus it plays an important role in muscle relaxation and promotes the accumulation and preservation of calcium in bone tissue, preventing osteoporosis. Its deficiency in the second trimester may be associated with an increased need for a woman's body and fetal growth, stressful situations, excessive sweating, a lack of food, bowel dysfunction, and the use of alcoholic beverages.
  10. Age under 18 or over 30, especially in first pregnancy.
  11. Acute infectious diseases (influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, etc.), especially accompanied by elevated body temperature, and chronic foci of inflammation (chronic tonsillitis, rhinosinusitis, pyelonephritis).

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy

Its physiological contractions are manifested by more or less pronounced soreness in the abdomen, sometimes resembling contractions and passing within a few minutes.

The main symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy:

1 trimester

Pain in the lower abdomen, above the pubis, sometimes radiating to the groin, sacrum, lumbar region, a feeling of discomfort in the lateral parts of the abdomen and lumbar region, a feeling of fatigue in the back, a feeling of abdominal tightness, unusual discharge (with an admixture of blood, even a slight one) from genital tract. Subjective sensations persist for a relatively long time (more than a few minutes).

2 trimester

During this period, the pains and discomforts described above, especially in the lumbar region and spine, are not uncommon even in a normal state, and therefore many women do not cause concern and can be misleading. With an increased tone of the uterus, they are more intense and prolonged. An alarming symptom, the appearance of which requires an immediate appeal to a gynecologist, are unusual in nature and volume of discharge from the genital tract, especially bloody.

3rd trimester

It is quite difficult for a pregnant woman to determine the signs of hypertonicity on her own, since during this period frequent uterine contractions occur, similar to contractions (). They are preparatory (for the fetus and the woman's body) for childbirth in nature. However, they differ from pathological hypertonicity in their short duration, irregularity, the absence of severe pain in the abdomen, spine and lumbar region, as well as the absence of discharge mixed with blood.

With local hypertonicity, others may be added to the listed symptoms. For example, the tone of the posterior wall of the uterus can lead to a feeling of heaviness in the perineum, to constipation or, conversely, to the appearance of loose stools, frequent urge to defecate in the absence or small amount of feces (“false urges”). However, in many cases, increased myometrial contractility in the region of the posterior wall proceeds without severe symptoms.

The tone of the anterior wall of the uterus is also characterized by the main symptoms of hypertonicity, to which a feeling of pressure over the womb, soreness and a feeling of pressure in the inguinal regions, frequent urination and false urge to urinate can be added.

Accurate diagnosis of the pathological syndrome is carried out through examination by a gynecologist, ultrasound and tonusometry using a special apparatus.

How to determine the pathology yourself?

This is not difficult to do, given that this pathology is extremely rare in early pregnancy, knowing about its general clinical manifestations and using a simple technique. To do this, you need to calm down in a horizontal position on your back, achieve maximum relaxation, bend your legs at the hip and knee joints, and then probe the surface of the abdomen with neat, gentle movements. If its high density is felt, especially if the density of the stomach seems to be "stone", this will indicate a very high tone of the myometrium.

In addition, in the later stages, in the second and third trimesters, you can additionally navigate by other subjective sensations - an increase or, conversely, a decrease in the intensity of fetal movements, an increase or decrease in its activity, that is, by the number of movements (compared to previous days or weeks), discomfort that was not previously noted during fetal movements.

How to reduce the tone of the uterus

In a hospital, physical rest is recommended, up to bed rest. In relatively mild cases, oral hormonal drugs are prescribed, if necessary (Dufaston, Utrozhestan), antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Papaverine) and vitamin “B 6”, magnesium preparations - Panangin, especially “MAGNE B 6”.

Psychological peace is achieved by the appointment of light sedatives - tinctures of motherwort, hawthorn, valerian, or a combination of them, infusions of these plants with a decoction of valerian rhizomes. With their inefficiency, Sibazon, Nozepam are prescribed. Vitamins, trace elements, especially magnesium (magnesium sulphate) and sedatives are given by drip into a vein in more severe cases. If necessary, Corinfar or Nifedipine are prescribed inside, blocking calcium channels in cells, as well as tocolytics, which reduce the contractility of the myometrium and reduce the degree of its tension (Ginipral).

What to do if there are signs of hypertonicity and how to remove the tone of the uterus at home?

If pathological symptoms occur, it is necessary to call an ambulance, and before the doctor arrives, stop mental and physical work, even light work, go to bed and try to relax all the muscles of the body. You can also take No-shpu, Papaverine or Drotaverine and motherwort tincture, drink weak warm tea with lemon balm or mint.

How to lie in these cases? It is necessary to choose a position in which the pressure in the abdominal cavity decreases, for example, on the side or in the knee-elbow position (“on all fours”).

In the absence of severe pain, you can try to perform light exercises to relieve the tone of the uterus. To this end, you must carefully kneel down and rest your palms of outstretched hands on the floor, take a deep breath, gently raise your head and bend slightly at the same time in the lumbar region, exhaling. In this position, you need to linger for 5 seconds. Then slowly lower your head while arching your spine and exhaling. These exercises should be performed calmly and without tension.

Another exercise, simpler - just lie on your side, bend your legs slightly and breathe deeply, but not very intensively, and in the early stages of pregnancy - in the supine position with bent legs, put a pillow under the pelvis.

Most often, with the correct information of a pregnant woman and her timely seeking medical help, the phenomenon of pathological hypertonicity can be successfully stopped and maintained pregnancy without negative consequences for the unborn child.

I am glad to welcome you again, my dear readers) Why is there a tone of the uterus during pregnancy? This is the question we will try to answer with you in today's article. We will also find out what threatens the tone of the uterus to mommy, and whether there is any harm to the fetus.

Terrible diagnosis or normal condition during pregnancy?

It so happened that the topic of uterine hypertonicity, at best, a woman meets with valerian in her hands, at worst - with ammonia)

Do not be nervous! Relax and exhale! Increased uterine tone is not a sentence! Most of your pot-bellied girlfriends face this problem. In some, it may appear closer to childbirth, in others at the beginning of pregnancy, in others there is a constant tone of the uterus from the 1st to 3rd trimester, and in the fourth it happens sporadically and lasts no more than half an hour. By the way, the nature of the pain in the tone of the uterus for each woman may also be different.

All these options do not carry such a terrible danger that doctors are trying to intimidate you with. Of course, if the tone of the uterus is accompanied by bleeding, dizziness, fever and other dangerous symptoms, which we will consider a little lower, then there can be no question of the norm!

So, what is uterine tone during pregnancy?

Increased tone of the uterus - these are contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus, which are felt by a woman, like a "petrification" of the abdomen. In the absence of other symptoms, the tone of the uterine muscles is not dangerous and requires only relaxation measures.

Causes of a "stone" belly during pregnancy

What increases the tone of the uterus?

  1. Physical exhaustion.

Have you been on your feet all day? Or, perhaps, you started a general cleaning at home and jumped from stool to stool like a squirrel, simultaneously wiping the dust under the cabinets and the sofa? Then do not be surprised that by the evening you will feel tension in the abdomen, and you will have pulling pains in its lower part.

Pregnancy is a time when a mother must take care of herself and her baby. Another question is that the average mother works up to 7 months, so you can’t really relax ...

Therefore, such a condition as pregnancy is not a reason to give yourself slack, right?) But in vain! Have pity on yourself and your future baby, take time to relax! It is even better if you spend it for the benefit of your health: sign up for good courses for pregnant women, visit the pool, often make trips to parks and squares.

By the way, sex with uterine tone is contraindicated!

  1. Emotional exhaustion.

Constant stress, strong excitement or a critical situation can not only cause an increased tone of the uterus, but also lead to termination of pregnancy! Therefore, the nerves of the future mother must be protected.

  1. Lack of hormones.

The lack of such an important hormone as may well provoke tension in the muscles of the uterus. This condition is not normal and requires medical adjustment. Usually, in such a situation, a woman is prescribed drugs that every pregnant woman has heard of - Dufaston or Utrozhestan.

  1. mechanical impact.

Active stirring of the crumbs, examination and measurement of the abdomen, an ultrasound procedure, the growth of the baby - all this can also affect the condition of the tummy of a pregnant mother.

By the way, in women who bear two or more babies or a large toddler, uterine tone is observed much more often. Another predisposing factor to the appearance of such a condition in mom is the diagnosis -

Other reasons include:

  • the serious condition of the mother (, acute viral infection, fever, poisoning, the presence of an inflammatory process);
  • sexual intercourse;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • insufficiency of the cervix (its premature opening);
  • in the mother-fetus system.

You also need to remember that even banal flatulence can provoke tension in the uterus. For example, if you have eaten food that causes increased gas formation, then you should not be surprised by the “stone stomach”.

Moms need to be especially careful during IVF, in which case the symptom of a “stone” abdomen can signal a real one, and is much less likely to be a physiological condition!

What are the symptoms of the "enemy"?

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy?

Signs of uterine tone during pregnancy:

  • "petrification" of the abdomen;
  • cramping or pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • girdle aching pains.

Often a woman may notice several of the above symptoms at once.

Often a woman learns about the pathology only during a gynecological examination or ultrasound, while she may not experience sensations of increased uterine tone at all. In this case, hypertonicity appears as a result of a mechanical effect on the stomach, so you should not worry, but it will not hurt to play it safe and undergo an additional examination, as well as lie around for a week or another in the hospital.

Such pains can talk about pathology or be physiological. How to figure out which group to attribute the tension of the uterine muscles specifically in your case?

The first step is to see if you have any additional symptoms. The following signs may indicate the presence of a threat of termination of pregnancy or premature birth:

  • , increased heart rate;
  • temperature increase;
  • , dizziness and darkening in the eyes;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • severe malaise, feeling of weakness, body aches;
  • , abundant discharge of an unusual nature with an unusual smell and color;

Even if a woman does not notice these symptoms in herself, however, hypertonicity brings her tangible discomfort, then in this case the best solution is to play it safe and consult your doctor or call an ambulance. In the matter of bearing the crumbs, it is better to “overdo it than not do it”) Pregnant mothers will not be hurt by increased anxiety, because they are responsible for life inside themselves!

How to determine yourselfdo you have a similar condition? Pretty simple: lie on your back and relax. Gently feel the lower abdomen, if it is tense, then most likely you have hypertonicity.

Now, I think you know how the tone of the uterus manifests itself during pregnancy.

1st trimester and hypertonicity

Congratulations, you have just set foot on the path of bearing a healthy and strong toddler!) And it's okay if you have already been diagnosed with hypertonicity. My second pregnancy was one continuous hypertonicity, which ended in the safe birth of a healthy baby! Of course, I adhered to the medical recommendations, rested “at the resort” several times under the watchful eye of the medical staff, and also took the necessary treatment in the form of injections, pills and droppers.

So, why does the tone of the uterus appear in early pregnancy?

The most common cause is a hormonal failure, as a result of which an insufficient amount of progesterone is produced to maintain a pregnancy. This condition has not been dangerous for a long time and is quite successfully corrected medically with the help of Utrozhestan and Duphaston. The duration of these drugs is different in each case. Some mothers are forced to sit on Duphaston or Utrozhestan throughout their pregnancy!

In addition, imagine that you lived quietly for yourself, your body took care only of itself, but at one fine moment - a “foreigner” is found on the “board”. Naturally, the body's first reaction is to get rid of it. Therefore, in the first weeks, many women feel sipping pains in the lower abdomen. Further, there is an active production of progesterone, which suppresses female immunity. Against the background of weak immunity, a woman begins to get sick more often, her condition worsens, which, as we have already discussed above, also causes uterine hypertonicity. In addition, mommy learns about her interesting situation, begins to worry, because the 1st trimester is the laying of all organs and systems, so to speak, the foundation for the health of the future crumbs. And nervous tension is one of the most common causes of increased uterine tone.

It is in the 1st trimester that most expectant mothers suffer from increased uterine tone, and, as you know, it is at this time that abortion most often occurs. So remember:

  • If you feel pulling pains in the very first weeks, but you don’t experience any other serious symptoms, then there is no particular cause for concern, because, as you and I remember, a woman experiences similar sensations during the implantation of a fetal egg;
  • If aching pains haunt you for a period of 10-14 weeks, then here we are already talking about a clear threat of termination of pregnancy, because this interval is considered one of the most critical when carrying a baby.

So, in order to know how to act in each specific case, and to minimize the threat of miscarriage, I suggest you read the article:

2nd trimester and hypertension

The 2nd trimester is considered the calmest when carrying a fetus. However, even at this time, a woman can note the "petrification" of the abdomen. . With what it can be connected? In the middle of pregnancy, the expectant mother is already beginning, the uterus increases in size, its walls are stretched. All this cannot go unnoticed, therefore, in this case, hypertonicity may be a variant of the norm. We remember that if there are no other pathological symptoms, the woman feels good, and hypertonicity does not cause severe discomfort, then we have nothing to worry about.

What is the danger of uterine tone during pregnancy?

If hypertonicity manifests itself quite seriously, do not hesitate, it is better to immediately call an ambulance. Ignoring the situation can lead to the following consequences:

  • late miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • delayed intrauterine development of the baby due to acute
  • intrauterine fetal death;

As we can see, the consequences of uterine tone can be very deplorable. Therefore, do not play with fire, but it is better to visit your doctor once again and talk about the problems that bother you than to regret later and think what would have happened if you had acted differently.

3rd trimester and hypertonicity

Finally, you can exhale) You have already stepped on the finish line, but you still have a lot to go through. It is the 3rd trimester of pregnancy that becomes a real test for a woman, presents surprises and torments her with an endlessly long wait.

The first reason for uterine tone in late gestation is training contractions. For everyone, they can proceed in different ways, someone notes just pulling pains in the abdomen and back, others say that the stomach becomes “stone”.

Therefore, the increased tension of the abdomen on the last and before the birth itself should hardly scare you. Rather, it is a signal to pack your bags)

The second, more dangerous reason is the threat of premature birth, which peaks at 28-33 weeks of gestation. More detailed information on this topic can be found in the article:

What other reasons can cause uterine hypertonicity in the later stages:

  • active growth of the fetus;


How to get rid of uterine tone during pregnancy?

Depending on the degree of uterine tone and the presence of other symptoms, mom can be offered 2 treatment options:

  • on an outpatient basis;
  • in the hospital.

Does No-shpa help with uterine tone during pregnancy?

It is possible to talk about the effectiveness of the medicine only if the woman adheres to other recommendations of the doctor, does not experience strong emotional upheavals and does not subject herself to strong physical exertion. It is impossible to hope that you can get rid of the problem with only one medicine, while continuing to exhaust yourself with stress and work!

What herbs can be taken with uterine tone?

Often, with the threat of termination of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes valerian to a woman. However, if the future mother is a supporter of folk remedies, then the doctor may prescribe valerian or motherwort herb for admission.

If the problem lies in a hormonal failure, then the doctor will prescribe hormonal preparations to the woman. Dufaston proved himself best in this matter with uterine tone. Also, along with this drug, women are prescribed Utrozhestan.

What is prescribedfor hospital treatment?

Usually, a woman is prescribed treatment lasting about 10 days or until the symptoms disappear completely. In the hospital, the doctor prescribes magnesia droppers for uterine tone, prescribes Ginipral or Nifedipine. Today, more and more often they resort to the second drug, while Ginipral fades into the background. Indomethacin or Papaverine suppositories are also often prescribed.

Many mothers refuse treatment in a hospital, because they do not see much benefit in this - “I will give an injection and a candle to myself ...”. Familiar, right?)

Now think about it, will you lie on the bed all day, languishing with boredom, like in a hospital? Of course not! Therefore, such a kind of rest will not interfere with every pregnant woman)

How to remove the tone of the uterus during pregnancy at home?

Banal exercises can help you cope with this scourge. It is enough to stand in a knee-elbow position or in a cat position, and then the muscles of the uterus will relax. By the way, it is with the help of these poses that women try to relieve pain during labor pains.

Try to relax, not be nervous, turn on soothing music, ideally, you can ask a loved one for a massage. In addition, foot massage not only relaxes, but also helps prevent the development of edema, which so often disturbs women during gestation. If you want to combine business with pleasure, you can combine foot massage with gentle beauty care. To do this, I want to draw your attention to a new invention in the field of foot skin care - Japanese electric pumice. This device perfectly helps to get rid of rough skin of the feet, making them smooth, like the skin of your unborn baby. A woman and during pregnancy should remain attractive, tender and well-groomed. Therefore, everyone, without exception, needs to take care of their legs, and with such a pumice stone it becomes fast, simple and effective, even for pot-bellied ladies)

Another effective way is to take a warm shower. Direct warm jets of water to the abdomen, simulating massage movements in a clockwise direction.

If after all this the pain does not subside, you should immediately call an ambulance or call your gynecologist.

What is not alloweddo a woman in such a state?

Do self-healing! Do not prescribe drugs for yourself that were advised to you by girlfriends, acquaintances, or about the miraculousness of which you learned from the pages of the blog. Only a qualified specialist is capable of prescribing competent treatment that will not be dangerous either for you or for your crumbs.

Thus, with proper treatment of uterine tone, mommy has nothing to worry about.

Who is at risk?

Even if you carefully follow all the doctor's prescriptions, lead a healthy lifestyle and are the standard of a pregnant woman, you will never be able to feel the tone of the uterus during the entire pregnancy) The percentage of such women is very small.

In addition, there are some predisposing factors that increase the likelihood of hypertonicity:

  • bad habits;
  • overweight;
  • in late or early pregnancy;
  • the previous pregnancy was already aggravated by the increased tone of the uterus;
  • abortions, miscarriages or premature births have been before.

In addition, as we have already found out, increased tension in the muscles of the uterus can be observed due to flatulence. Thus, one should beware of eating foods that cause uterine tone. Below is a detailed list of them.

Now you know which foods cause uterine tone during pregnancy.

Also at risk are women who are re-carrying a child. As practice shows, increased tension in the muscles of the uterus during the second pregnancy is more common than during the first.

With due observance of all the doctor's recommendations, there is no reason to worry about hypertonicity. Carry your baby without negative emotions and do not worry about the outcome of pregnancy, because today hypertonicity is treated quite effectively!)

I am sure that the article gave you comprehensive knowledge about what uterine tone means during pregnancy, and what needs to be done in this case.

Now you know how the tone of the uterus feels, and how to deal with it. Happy and easy pregnancy! Bye!