How is the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. Increased tone of the uterus How the uterus manifests itself in tone

More than 60% of pregnant women experience diagnosis of uterine tone. Why does the uterus tone up during pregnancy? Doctors say that hypertonicity is not a disease at all, but a symptom that signals that certain processes are taking place in the body of a pregnant woman.

Western doctors are even more loyal to the tone of the uterus: they believe that muscle tension is physiological in nature and does not need to be corrected. Both Western and our doctors agree on one thing: if an increased tone is detected, additional studies should be carried out in order to prevent possible deviations and threats.

What does the uterus in good shape during pregnancy mean? Before talking about the definition of the concept of "uterine tone", let's deal with the structure of the uterus.

The uterus consists of three layers: perimetrium, myometrium and endometrium. The middle layer is the myometrium, which is a muscle tissue. Myometrium is responsible for the state of uterine tone. During pregnancy, it stretches and relaxes, creating the most comfortable conditions for the baby. On the eve of childbirth, the myometrium begins to actively contract, helping the baby to be born into the world.

Unauthorized contraction of the myometrium is the symptom that is called "uterine tone." If, under the influence of various reasons, the muscles of the uterus begin to contract outside the schedule, doctors talk about hypertonicity. You should not be upset when you hear about such a diagnosis: very often hypertonicity occurs for natural reasons. For example, a woman may feel nervous during a gynecological examination, and the doctor will feel uterine contractions.

Short-term muscle contraction is not dangerous. But prolonged hypertonicity, as well as the presence of additional symptoms, such as a feeling of discomfort, the cessation of fetal movements, may be the reason for the appointment of additional studies.

Prolonged hypertension is dangerous. The consequences of uterine tone differ in name, but do not differ in essence. In the 1st trimester, muscle contraction can lead to cessation of development and spontaneous abortion, death of the embryo.

special danger uterine tone presents in early pregnancy. It is at this time that the contraction of the muscles of the uterus can prevent the embryo from gaining a foothold on the surface of the endometrium, and the pregnancy will not take place.

At a later date, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the same consequences of uterine tone during pregnancy are called differently: spontaneous abortion and premature birth. In other words, a woman may lose a child.

Prolonged uterine tone is harmful to the fetus. The muscles of the uterus contract and clamp the placenta. The placenta does not deliver the right amount of oxygen. An oxygen-deprived fetus may develop oxygen starvation- . Consequences of hypoxia: developmental and growth retardation.

In the later stages, the tone of the uterus may be due to natural causes. The uterus is "training" and preparing for future births. As an athlete compresses and unclenches muscles to test their strength, so the uterus contracts and contracts, testing its own readiness for the upcoming "work". The so-called occur in some pregnant women after 20 weeks.

Causes of uterine tone during pregnancy

Since hypertension is not a diagnosis, but a symptom, determining the causes of such a condition is the primary task of a specialist. Only after determining the cause, treatment can be prescribed.

Causes of uterine hypertonicity:

  • Hormonal disorders. It is responsible for the process of preparing the endometrium for the "implantation" of the ovum and the relaxation of the muscles of the uterus. The lack of progesterone in the body leads to the fact that too dense uterine muscles prevent the implantation of the embryo.
  • Rhesus conflict. The reason for the occurrence of the Rh conflict is the difference in the Rh factor of the mother and father. A mother with a positive Rh factor reacts to a fetus that has received a negative Rh factor from the father as if it were a foreign body. As a result of the Rhesus conflict, hypertonicity occurs.
  • Infections and inflammatory processes- a common cause of uterine tone. Infectious diseases that have not been treated or that have arisen after the onset of pregnancy lead to the fact that the uterus “loses rest”. Inflammation is accompanied by additional symptoms: itching, pain, discharge.
  • Severe toxicosis. contributes to the development of uterine tone for physiological reasons. Severe vomiting leads to a sharp contraction of many muscles, including the muscles of the uterus. It is impossible to get rid of toxicosis, but its consequences can be minimized with the help of a special diet and medicines.
  • Stretching of the uterus. The uterus can stretch excessively during multiple pregnancy, too large fetus.
  • Medicines. The use of any medication during pregnancy should be treated with extreme caution. You simply may not be aware of the side effects of certain medications. Even the most harmless means can lead to an increase in muscle tone.
  • Stress- one of the most "popular" causes of tone. Pregnant women should not be nervous! In a stressful state, pressure rises, the muscles of the uterus contract, the child suffers from a lack of oxygen.
  • Abortion. Pre-pregnancy abortions often lead to the appearance of synechia - intrauterine adhesions. In this case, pregnancy can take place with complications: uterine tone,.
  • Gas formation. During pregnancy, changes occur in different systems of the body, including the digestive system. Increased gas formation and violation of peristalsis sometimes leads to the appearance of hypertonicity.

How does uterine tone manifest during pregnancy? Very often, the presence of uterine tone is detected during a gynecological examination or. Interesting fact: sometimes the causes of hypertonicity lie in the condition of the woman on the eve of the examination. The pregnant woman is nervous, and the uterus contracts.

In hospitals where pregnant women are placed "for preservation", the following trick is used to keep the experiment clean: morning examination in bed. The doctor approaches a woman who has just woken up and quickly probes her stomach. The pregnant woman does not have time to be frightened, and it turns out that she does not have any hypertonicity.

Signs of uterine tone appear depending on the duration of pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy (1 trimester), symptoms of uterine tone - aching pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lumbar region. In the 3rd trimester, as a symptom of uterine tone during pregnancy, a woman experiences tension, feeling of heaviness. The abdomen seems to become stony, becomes dense, changes shape.

Diagnosis of uterine hypertonicity

Uterine hypertonicity can be a symptom of threatened miscarriage or premature birth. To avoid problems, you do not need to be afraid, but you need to regularly go to the doctor. Timely diagnosis can prevent the onset of dangerous consequences for the mother.

Uterine hypertonicity is determined on the basis of a medical examination and ultrasound. On palpation, the obstetrician-gynecologist can understand through the anterior abdominal wall whether the uterus is in good shape. Also, an apparatus is used to determine the tone of the uterus. tonometer, whose sensors are attached to the belly of a pregnant woman.

How to treat and what to do with uterine tone during pregnancy? With a "normal" uterine tone, doctors, most often, do not prescribe hospitalization.

It comes to inpatient treatment if hypertension accompanied by additional symptoms: pain or bleeding. In this case, hospitalization must be agreed. You can't provide yourself with bed rest at home, can you? Better lie quietly in the hospital, and let your family learn to cope for a while without you.

To reduce the tone of the uterus without the use of drugs in stationary conditions, the following procedures:

  • endonasal galvanization;
  • electrophoresis with magnesia;
  • electroanalgesia;
  • electrorelaxation.

If, from the point of view of the doctor, the manifestations of hypertonicity are not so dangerous, then outpatient treatment is prescribed with compulsory bed rest. To reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, antispasmodic and sedative drugs are prescribed: No-shpa, Papaverine, Magne-B6. If the cause of hypertonicity lies in the lack of progesterone, drugs containing hormones are prescribed: or.

How to remove or slightly reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy at home? Lie down, calm down, forget about your household chores. Delegate household chores to your husband. Take a tincture of motherwort or valerian. Remember that for you now the most important thing is the health of the baby, relax and get enough sleep, finally. As a rule, timely rest and taking natural or medicinal preparations (Magne - B6, for example) have the desired effect. Hypertonicity recedes, and life is getting better!

Your task is to prevent an increase in the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. First of all, learn about your health problems even before conception.

Get tested, cure infectious diseases, correct the hormonal background. Modern medicine knows and knows a lot, but it needs your help. Timely detection of health problems will help to avoid unpleasant "surprises" during pregnancy.

Do not be nervous. Remember that the health of your baby is in your hands. Shut yourself off from troubles and do not react to non-negative phenomena. Feel free to ask your loved ones to help you. Rest if you feel the slightest discomfort. Go to the hospital according to the doctor's instructions. Not so much in order to be treated, but in order to get rid of domestic problems. Doctors are well aware that they won’t let you rest at home, so they often prescribe a hospital “for prevention”. Take advantage of your position.

A pregnant woman instinctively feels what she needs. Trust your body, remember your intuition. Do you want fruit? So your body needs. Looking to rest? Immediately drop everything and "fall" on the couch.

  • Adjust your diet to include as many fruits and vegetables as possible.
  • If doctors have prescribed bed rest for you, do not be heroic to the detriment of your baby. You need to lie down - lie down!
  • Do not neglect the medicines prescribed by the doctor. The drugs will relax the muscles and bring the uterus back to normal.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid water per day, except in cases where a large amount of fluid is contraindicated (polyhydramnios,).
  • Walk, do gymnastics for pregnant women.
  • Avoid excessive physical activity. Pregnancy is not the time to lift weights and sprint.
  • Change your wardrobe. Get rid of tight clothes and buy special trousers with elastic at the top and a “blouse blouse” instead.

Video about uterine tone during pregnancy

We invite you to watch the video, in which you will find answers to many questions. Why does an increased tone of the uterus occur? In what cases is this considered the norm, and in what cases it is not. Why do some women not have a similar diagnosis in early pregnancy?

Dear mothers, present and future! We all know what a huge responsibility lies on your shoulders. Let's help each other: let's share our experience. Feel free to tell your stories, ask questions, argue. Let your advice and recommendations help other pregnant women understand their condition, overcome fear and turn into calm mothers shining with blissful smiles.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman pays increased attention to any manifestations that may indicate trouble. And this is right, because most often it is enough to see a doctor on time to cope with the deviation. During this period, physical stress and excitement are contraindicated for a woman, as they can cause a miscarriage or premature birth. Increased uterine tone during pregnancy is a common phenomenon that can be encountered in any week. You need to know what to do if this situation arises.

Sometimes tension in the muscles of the uterus is a completely normal process, for example, if it occurs when sneezing, laughing, changing body position. This condition occurs if a pregnant woman is anxious or worried. But we are not talking about a physiological increase in tone, which is short-lived and does not cause discomfort.

A prolonged increase in tone, which does not depend on the will and mood of a woman, but is caused by any pathologies, is dangerous, as it leads to impaired development or death of the fetus. Depending on which part of the organ is tense, total hypertonicity is distinguished (the walls and bottom of the uterus are tense), as well as local (on one of its walls - anterior or posterior). In this case, they talk about pathology of 1 or 2 degrees of severity.

What is the danger of the state

In the early stages (up to 12-16 weeks), the increased tone of the uterine muscle makes it impossible for the embryo to implant into the endometrium. There is a detachment of the fetal egg or its complete rejection, in which a miscarriage occurs. If the increased tone has arisen after the fetal egg is fixed in the uterus, it becomes the cause of malnutrition of the fetus, oxygen starvation. In this case, the pregnancy freezes, the fetus stops growing and developing. A miscarriage does not occur, but the fetus dies and must be removed by uterine scraping.

At later stages of pregnancy (more than 16 weeks), an increase in the tone of the uterus is dangerous because tense muscles disrupt the blood supply to the fetus, pinching the blood vessels located in the umbilical cord. In this case, placental abruption occurs, fetal hypoxia, leading to impaired development or death of the child, to the so-called "late" miscarriage.

On the eve of childbirth, an increase in tone indicates that the maturation of the fetus has completed. He has reached such proportions that "training" fights begin.

Video: What is uterine hypertonicity. The reasons for its appearance

Causes of increased tone

The reasons for the increase in uterine tone at the beginning of pregnancy can be:

  1. Hormonal disorders - lack of progesterone. After fertilization of the egg, thanks to this hormone, the endometrium is loosened, which helps to fix the fetal egg in it. When progesterone production is normal, the smooth muscles of the uterus are relaxed. If the hormone is not enough, the tone rises. Uterine hypertonicity also manifests itself when the content of the male sex hormone testosterone is exceeded in the body of a pregnant woman.
  2. Congenital malformation of the uterus. In the presence of a "bicornuate uterus" or its bend, pregnancy can proceed without complications, but quite often a woman cannot bear a child due to an increase in the tone of this organ.
  3. early toxicosis. This condition is experienced by most women at the beginning of pregnancy. During severe vomiting, compression, spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the uterus occurs.
  4. Rhesus conflict. The mismatch of the Rh factor in the blood of the mother and father of the unborn child often leads to the death of the fetus. At the same time, the tone of the uterus automatically increases.
  5. The presence of scars or adhesions in the uterus after suffering inflammatory diseases, abortions, operations, as well as damage or stretching of the muscles of the organ during previous births.
  6. Polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancy. Under the influence of ever-increasing gravity, the uterus is stretched, spasms occur in it. Most often, the birth of twins occurs a few weeks ahead of schedule.
  7. Intestinal bloating, constipation.
  8. Heavy lifting, harmful working conditions, severe emotional stress, active sexual contact.

To provoke a spasmodic contraction of the uterus and an increase in its tone can be too active fetal movement. If the spasms are painless and short-lived, there is nothing dangerous in them.

Sometimes the pathological tone of the uterus occurs during pregnancy in women with thyroid disease. Often, tone is observed during the development of infectious processes in the genitals.

Note: The risk of tone is increased in pregnant women younger than 18 and older than 30, as well as those who have had several abortions and have weak immunity. Often, symptoms of hypertension occur in smokers or drinkers during pregnancy.

Symptoms of increased uterine tone

Often a woman can guess the appearance of such a condition. If it occurs at an early stage (before the 16th week of pregnancy), then heaviness in the lower abdomen, aching pains in the sacrum and lower back (as during menstruation) appear.

At later stages of pregnancy, when the size of the abdomen increases, you can notice that the uterus is in good shape by changing the elasticity of the muscles. There is a feeling of a "stone" stomach. If the uterus is “in good shape”, it tenses and contracts.

Advice: In order to independently check whether the uterus is in good shape or not, a woman should lie on her back and relax, and then gently feel her stomach with light movements. If it is soft, there is nothing to fear. But if it is elastic, the muscles are tense, it is necessary to report your condition to the doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy.

Signs of increased tone in the 1st trimester

The risk of miscarriage during this period is greatest, so the following signs should not be ignored:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back;
  • spotting spotting from the vagina;
  • tension of the muscles of the abdomen, a feeling of spasm in his muscles.

Increased tone in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

You can assume the presence of pathology by the presence of spotting discharge and back pain. Most pregnant women experience mild discomfort in the lower back due to the fact that the fetus becomes heavier, the uterus increases in volume, the ligaments that hold it are stretched. But if the tension is pathological, then the pain becomes severe. This requires urgent medical attention, which will help prevent the loss of a child.

Increased tone in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

During this period, uterine contractions periodically appear in every pregnant woman. Since there is less and less free space in the uterus, it is more difficult for the unborn child to change its position, its thrusts into the wall of the organ become more noticeable, which leads to muscle contraction. Therefore, recognizing a state of increased tone is not as easy as before. However, "training" uterine contractions do not cause increased pain in the back and in the lower abdomen, moreover, they occur irregularly and for a short time. There is no hemorrhagic discharge.

A sign of an increase in the tone of the uterus during pregnancy may be the occurrence of pain during the movement of the fetus, when the hardening uterus begins to squeeze it. The long-term absence of movements (more than 12 hours) also speaks of trouble.

Diagnosis of increased tone

Each woman undergoes individual changes in her body during pregnancy. They can be unexpected even for a doctor, so it is not always possible to diagnose hypertonicity only according to the patient's sensations and by palpation of the abdomen. To clarify the condition of the uterus, an ultrasound is performed. This study allows you to identify a violation of the shape of the uterus, that is, to recognize the presence of tone in the region of its bottom, posterior wall or anterior, as well as determine the degree of contractions (1 or 2).

Increasing the tone of the muscles of the back wall

It is more difficult to diagnose such a condition, since a woman often does not have obvious symptoms that could cause a feeling of discomfort. In this case, the tension of the muscles of the back wall is detected during a planned ultrasound and subsequent tonusometry (using a sensor applied to the uterus).

When hypertension of the 2nd degree appears, the pain in the lower abdomen and lower back intensifies, it is especially felt when walking, it can be given to the rectum, perineum, vagina. If such a pathology is detected, the woman is hospitalized and treated to prevent miscarriage or premature birth.

Increased muscle tone of the anterior wall

This complication of pregnancy is accompanied by more pronounced symptoms: spotting, severe pain in the lower abdomen and perineum. Diagnosis is established by palpation of the uterus through the vagina.

The stage of increasing the tone is determined.

At the "initial" stage, changes in the shape of the organ are insignificant, the neck has normal dimensions.

At the “development” stage, the neck shortens and partially opens.

At the “final” stage, the cervix opens completely, which leads to termination of pregnancy or premature birth.


Treatment, depending on the degree of tension of the uterus and the threat of complications, is carried out at home or in a hospital.

First of all, a woman needs bed rest. She is advised to avoid worries and stress, sexual intercourse, and be more attentive to her diet (refuse coffee, eat fiber-containing foods to normalize bowel function). Antispasmodic drugs are prescribed, such as papaverine or no-shpa to relax the muscles, as well as sedatives (valerian or motherwort tincture).

Medical treatment

After finding out the cause of this condition, the corresponding pathologies are treated. If progesterone deficiency is detected, duphaston or other drugs based on it are prescribed. Excess testosterone is eliminated with the help of estrogen-containing agents. To alleviate the manifestations of toxicosis, Benedictine or other antiemetics are prescribed.

Preparations containing magnesium are also prescribed, which helps to relax the muscles of the uterus, intestines, and also reduces the excitability of the nervous system. In a hospital, a woman is given magnesium and vitamins intravenously.

Warning: In no case should you take any drugs during pregnancy without a doctor's prescription, since any of them have serious side effects. Medicines can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby and mother.

Special exercises

At home, tension in the uterus is relieved in the absence of serious symptoms with the help of physical exercises. For example, you can weaken the tone by standing on all fours. Then the uterus appears as if in limbo. Bend your back and stand like this for 10-15 seconds. Additionally, antispasmodics should be taken. After completing the exercises, you need to lie down for an hour.

Yoga classes help a lot.

Video: Exercises to reduce the tone of the uterus

Measures to prevent increased tone of the uterine muscles

It is possible to reduce the likelihood of such a complication of pregnancy. It is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist, undergo the necessary examinations, follow all the doctor's recommendations. This will allow you to notice infectious diseases and other pathologies in time.

Hygiene plays an important role. Good rest and sleep, normal daily routine, short walks in the fresh air, limitation of physical activity, as well as emotional peace are the most important conditions for a normal pregnancy. It is necessary to eat regularly and properly, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

If the future woman in labor begins to feel a strong tension in the muscles of the "press" or pain in the lower abdomen, she needs to inform the gynecologist as soon as possible.

These manifestations are normal, but do not exclude the development of a syndrome called increased uterine tone during pregnancy. Often this phenomenon is simply called tone, which is fundamentally wrong, since tone is a physiologically necessary state for a muscular organ, which is the uterus.

Abnormal uterine tension, if left untreated or preventive action, can progress to more severe complications, endangering childbearing. Read about the symptoms and risk factors for increased uterine tone during pregnancy and how to fix this problem.

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To imagine what the tone of the uterus is during pregnancy, let's remember the muscle layer of this organ - the myometrium. It consists of 3 layers of smooth muscle, elastic fibers and connective tissue. Myometrium has a contractile ability (tonus), which is actively manifested during labor and ensures the exit of the fetus from the uterus.

In certain situations - with any tension of the press, whether it be physical activity or coughing - the uterus, even without pregnancy, enters into tone, which is a normal reaction to contraction of the abdominal muscles. It is clear that before the onset of labor, intensive contractile activity of the myometrium is undesirable.

When the excitability and tension of the uterus are increased, this means that it has entered into an increased tone and does not allow the fetus to develop calmly, receive nutrition and breathe.

The symptomatic complex, when the myometrium of the uterus is compressed and tense, is called increased tone. Some clinicians (especially ultrasound specialists) define this condition as hypertonicity, but this term is not used in obstetrics. The hypertonicity of the uterus is spoken only in relation to labor.

If we talk about increased tension of the myometrium shortly before childbirth, for example, at 38 weeks, such uterine tone can be attributed to the so-called "training contractions", these periodic muscle contractions are safe for the fetus.

When tension in the uterus increases out of time - in the initial or middle period of pregnancy - and is characterized by increased intensity, this provokes an increase in pressure in the uterine cavity and threatens the course of gestation.

Uterine tone

Increased tone of the posterior or anterior wall

There are 2 degrees of uterine tone during pregnancy in accordance with which part of the muscular membrane is excited:

  • 1 degree - when the posterior wall of the uterus is in increased tone;
  • Grade 2 - tension of the myometrium, when the uterus comes into tone along the front wall.

It is believed that 1 degree of uterine tone is less dangerous for pregnancy, although it requires obstetric supervision. The 2nd one implies the tension of the entire myometrium, which becomes noticeable from the side of the anterior wall and is characterized by tangible clinical manifestations.

Could it be early?

High uterine tone is able to manifest in any period of pregnancy, including. This is not necessarily a signal of a pathological course of pregnancy, rather, on the contrary. The uterus, which has accepted a fetal egg into its womb, may react differently to its qualitatively new state, including quite tolerable pain. About physiologically justified pain during pregnancy says their nature:

  • they are not localized in a certain part of the abdomen, but migrate to different points;
  • do not progress, do not increase in strength, do not become more frequent;
  • often given to the lower back or felt in the lower abdomen.

Their sporadic nature (irregularity) and dissimilarity to contractions also speak of the non-pathological nature of the pain. When there are too intense pain, and even more so - spotting, you need to rush to the doctor.

It is useful for women to find out how the increased tone of the uterus feels, so that by detecting it in a timely manner, measures can be taken to save the pregnancy. , And ?

How to determine yourself?

The future woman in labor is quite capable of independently determining the tone of the uterus, if she is attentive to her well-being. Symptoms vary in degree of pathology and are able to manifest both in the 1st trimester and in subsequent ones.

What are the signs?

The tone of the uterus of the 1st degree is usually not manifested by pathological signs, and the pregnant woman simply does not notice it. This condition is determined only with ultrasound, during which you can see a local thickening of the myometrium. Modern gynecologists generally tend to consider this situation normal, since:

  • the zygote is usually attached to the back wall of the uterus;
  • at the site of implantation, a reaction occurs in the form of a slight inflammation;
  • this is accompanied by increased blood flow to the fetal egg;
  • because of this, the posterior wall of the uterus thickens, which is quite logical, but is often interpreted by ultrasound doctors as an increased tone.

It is not rare that such a “diagnosis” (although this is just a symptom) is made for the purpose of reinsurance.

In the 3rd trimester, symptoms such as heaviness in the sacral area or pulling pain in the lower back may occur, which are quite tolerable. Despite the insignificance of the pain syndrome, a woman should still inform her doctor about these signs indicating uterine tone and, possibly, develop a sparing regimen for bearing a baby.

The tone of the uterus of the 2nd degree declares itself more pronounced, the symptoms of which occur in both the 1st and 2nd trimesters. Here are some manifestations that will help to recognize the tone of the 2nd degree:

  • pain below and a noticeable induration of the abdomen, palpable tension ("fossil") in the muscle layer;
  • spread of pain to the perineal area;
  • a feeling of "bursting" in the external genital organs;
  • spasm of the muscles of the rectum, the urge to empty the intestines;
  • frequent urination or urge to it.

If a woman has previously suffered an injury to the cervical canal, a high tone is also manifested by contraction of the cervix, which cannot be determined independently, but is detected during an obstetric examination.

Symptoms by trimester

Symptoms of increased uterine tone do not correlate with the timing of pregnancy, its manifestations can open in the second and third trimester. The intensity of the signs correlates with the degree of tone tension.

If you do not get rid of the increased tone at the beginning of gestation, by the 3rd trimester the symptoms often worsen: at grade 1, back pain occurs, at grade 2, bloody discharge from the vagina, indicating an abnormal course of pregnancy and the danger of its failure.

The appearance of acute pain and traces of blood in the discharge, regardless of the gestational age, is a good reason for the hospitalization of a future woman in labor in a hospital.


It is also necessary to understand why the uterus comes into tone during pregnancy, which prevents it from being in the normotonus necessary for rest and development of the fetus.

The most common cause of increased uterine tone during pregnancy, experts call a lack of progesterone. This hormone is responsible for the normal course of the gestational period, reducing the excitability of the nerve receptors of the spinal cord and myometrium, reducing its contractility. A high tone of the uterus, provoked by a lack of progesterone, can result in consequences such as fetal hypoxia, "miscarriage", miscarriage or premature birth. The origin of this condition during pregnancy is also associated with other pathologies:

  • hyperprolactinemia - when increased prolactin production provokes blocking of progesterone production;
  • hyperandrogenism - early termination of pregnancy due to excessive production of male sex hormones;
  • endometriosis - pathological growth of the endometrium;
  • genital infantilism - a state of abnormal developmental delay of the reproductive system
  • myoma - a benign tumor of the myometrium;
  • inflammatory or viral diseases transferred in the early stages;
  • a disorder of regulation of the central nervous system, manifested by a loss of the ability to maintain the optimal tone of the myometrium;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • genetic anomalies.

In addition to diseases, the tone of the uterus is influenced by external influences - harmful working conditions, daily duty, lack of sleep and other violations of the regime.

How to relieve muscle strain of the body?

If the body of a pregnant woman makes it clear that the tone of the uterus is increased, and this is confirmed by instrumental and laboratory studies, it is necessary to look for methods to combat this pathology. Doctors will take any action to remove the abnormal increase in tone and extend the pregnancy to 38 weeks.

But shpa

The main medicines used to relieve tense uterine tone are antispasmodics. The well-known antispasmodic drug No-shpa is often prescribed by doctors of antenatal clinics. The annotation for this medicine contains a warning about its use during pregnancy.

Despite the absence of embryotoxic and teratogenic effects in No-shpa, pregnant women are advised to use this medication with caution, comparing the likely risks to the fetus and the potential benefit to the woman. Usually, no-shpu is drunk at a dosage of 2 tablets per dose in order to remove a spontaneous increase in the tone of the uterus, if the woman has no contraindications prescribed in the annotation.

No-shpy tablet


Rectal suppositories, often prescribed for increased tone, also have an antispasmodic effect. The active substance of the suppositories is papaverine hydrochloride. According to the instructions, caution is recommended during pregnancy. The recommended dosage is 1-2 suppositories 2-3 times a day. The drug is injected into the anus after emptying the intestines, after cutting off the contour packaging around the perimeter of the candle with scissors.


Papaverine pills are recommended to be used with caution in uterine tone, that is, as prescribed by a doctor, since according to the annotation, the safety of this medication during pregnancy has not been established. Usually this antispasmodic is taken at a dosage of 1 tablet 3-4 times a day, unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor.

In urgent situations (with acute and radiating pain in the lower abdomen), papaverine and no-shpa solutions can be administered as injections. The dosage is determined by the doctor conducting symptomatic antispasmodic therapy.

Papaverine ampoules

What else can be done to reduce tone?

The main rule in the situation is what to do if a high tone of the uterus is found - to organize calmness and immobilization (immobility) for the pregnant woman, to warn the doctor. In case of acute pain and spotting - call the SMP.

Even with tolerable pain sensations, it is necessary to provide the woman with peace and medical assistance. If it turns out that treatment at home is possible, all the appointments of a specialist should be strictly followed.

To reduce tone, the treatment regimen includes:

  • soothing medications (tinctures of valerian or motherwort) - they are designed to muffle the fear of losing a child, which exacerbates the increased excitement of the myometrium;
  • with a deficiency of progesterone in the 1st trimester - medications Duphaston, Utrozhestan;
  • antispasmodics described above.

A woman at home should be provided with a gentle mode of physical activity and a diet that excludes the possibility of constipation.

What is the dangerous condition?

The tension of the myometrium creates an unfavorable "environment" for the fetus inside the uterine cavity - it prevents the normal supply of oxygen and nutrition, inhibits growth. With 1 degree of uterine tone, the prognosis is usually favorable, timely action can suppress the increased tension of the muscular membrane. At grade 2, the risks of developing complications such as:

  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • detachment of the placenta;
  • spontaneous abortion at an early stage;
  • out-of-term delivery in the 3rd trimester.

Knowing how dangerous the tense tone of the uterus is, a woman should in every possible way move away from unnecessary emotions, physical overwork and other dangerous influences that can provoke it. If the pathology has already been discovered, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

Danger of uterine hypertonicity

In what cases is treatment required?

Summing up what has been said, we note that the normal tone of the uterus is physiologically optimal for the muscular organ. If the condition is not characterized by obvious manifestations - pain, bleeding - no treatment is required.

Any uncomfortable and painful sensations in the abdomen and lower back or spotting during pregnancy should alert the expectant mother and force her to come for a consultation with a gynecologist. Even if the turnout is scheduled for a certain day, if there are characteristic signs, you should not wait for the appointed date, but go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Timely prescribed treatment for high uterine tone in most cases saves a pregnancy that is in jeopardy.


  1. Normally functioning muscles of a living organism are always in good shape, this is the norm for any muscle group, including the myometrium.
  2. Increased tension of the myometrium is called increased tone, which occurs both during pregnancy and without it.
  3. If this symptom complex poses a threat to pregnancy and fetal development, a sparing regimen is developed for the pregnant woman, the diet is adjusted, and, if necessary, medication is prescribed.

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Hypertonicity of the uterus during the bearing of a baby is a common occurrence. This condition is provoked by various disorders in the mother. At the same time, the woman experiences unpleasant pulling sensations, pain and discomfort in the abdomen and lower back. The topic of today's article is how to safely relieve uterine tone during pregnancy at home.

Periodically, an increase in the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus is observed in all mothers. It can occur during physical exertion, excitement, or eating something spicy. At the same time, muscle tension passes on its own and does not pose a threat to the baby. If the increased tone persists for a long period, you should definitely look for the cause of this condition. This is explained by the fact that hypertonicity often causes miscarriage, especially in early pregnancy and other malformations in the fetus.

In the second and third trimester, tension in the muscles of the uterus can provoke premature birth. The walls of the genital organ during their contraction compress the amniotic sac in which the child is located. Because of this, the necessary amount of oxygen and other important nutrients do not pass through the placenta. Deficiency of these components can lead to delayed development or death of the embryo. In this regard, it is very important for mom to control her condition and, if alarming symptoms develop, immediately consult a doctor.

Many women are faced with the problem under consideration and do not even suspect that we are talking about increased tone. So what is this state? Symptoms include:

  • Drawing pain in lower abdomen.
  • Feeling that the uterus becomes like a stone.
  • Discomfort extends to the lumbar region.
  • It becomes difficult for mommy to breathe, shortness of breath appears while walking.

Some patients compare such pain with pain during menstruation.

With the appearance of such signs of a pregnant woman, you should not expect that everything will go away on its own. This must be reported to the attending physician.

Methods for relieving increased uterine tone at home

When hypertonicity appears, it is important to find out the nature of its origin. If the condition is caused by pathological causes, that is, various diseases in the mother, treatment should be carried out exclusively in a hospital under close medical supervision. In the absence of serious diseases, you can use some tips at home.

Special therapeutic exercises are an excellent method of strengthening and relaxing the muscles of the reproductive organ. You can perform any exercises only after prior consultation with a specialist.

To relieve tone, the following exercises are suitable:

  • According to the study, it turned out that relaxing the facial muscles helps to eliminate muscle tone throughout the body. When pulling sensations appear, a woman is recommended to take a comfortable position on a sofa or chair and try to relax her facial muscles as much as possible. Practice shows that after 2-3 minutes, uterine hypertonicity also disappears.
  • Some yoga poses help to relax the muscles well, for example, the position of the cat. To do this, the pregnant woman should get on all fours, lower her head down, and stretch her stomach to the floor. While inhaling, raise your head and straighten your back, while exhaling, lower your head again and stretch your stomach to the floor. It is necessary to perform 5-7 repetitions. Each movement should be performed smoothly, without jerking. After completing the gymnastics, mom is recommended to lie down for several hours.
  • Using the knee-elbow position. This position of the body well eliminates discomfort in the lumbar region and pulling pains in the lower abdomen. To do this, a woman should kneel, while resting her elbows on the floor, breathing should be even. This bar should be held for 30-60 seconds. If discomfort occurs during the session, further exercise is prohibited. After finishing gymnastics, you need to lie down for an hour.

Therapeutic gymnastics is considered an excellent method of dealing with increased uterine tone.

Physical education relaxes muscles well, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs and normalizes overall well-being. Gymnastics allows you to strengthen the muscles of the genital organ, which is very important to facilitate the birth process and prevent various complications in the mother.

In the first trimester, it is undesirable to perform physiotherapy exercises. This can be done only with the permission of the gynecologist.

A special diet helps to get rid of hypertension during pregnancy. Doctors recommend eliminating foods that can provoke muscle tension from the diet and eating more foods containing magnesium.

Foods that relax the uterus Dishes that increase muscle tension
Bran bread, biscuits, dry biscuits, savory pastries. Fried, salted, smoked dishes using animal fats.
Porridges on water or milk (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, wheat). Radish, radish, white cabbage, onion, fresh garlic, as they increase the tone.
Soups and main dishes based on legumes. Fatty varieties of fish and meat.
Vegetables - sweet peppers, cucumbers, asparagus, broccoli. Canned food, smoked sausages.
Dried fruits, nuts in moderation. Spicy sauces, ketchups, seasonings, marinades.
Low-fat meats in boiled, stewed or baked form (chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit). Fast food.
Purified water, weak green tea, natural juices, compotes. Strong black tea, coffee, carbonated sweet drinks, alcohol.
Dairy and sour-milk products with a low fat content (milk, yogurt, kefir, cream). Dairy products with high fat content (sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, whole milk).

If you can’t make a diet on your own, you need to seek help from a specialist.

A device in the form of a bandage allows you to reduce the tone of the uterus by supporting the abdomen. Doctors recommend wearing it from about 17-20 weeks, depending on the size of the tummy. After 30 weeks, this device must be discarded. This is due to the fact that the stomach grows and the belt can interfere with the normal development of the fetus.

To remove hypertonicity, the belt must be selected correctly. This should be done by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman. It is important to buy a quality product made of natural and hypoallergenic fabric. The bandage should not hamper the movement of a woman. There are several types of such devices:

  • Elastic waistband - provided in the form of an elastic wide band, which is fastened with Velcro. She wears underwear. The belt is used at all stages of pregnancy. The diameter can be adjusted with Velcro.
  • Underwear - special wide shorts with an elastic band in the abdomen. This bandage is very popular, as it is very convenient and practical to use.
  • Universal bandage - can be used both during childbearing and in the period after childbirth. It allows you to relieve tension and quickly reduce the tone of the uterus. The waistband is adjustable with buckles on the side.

With various pathologies in a mother or child, a bandage cannot be used. This can only make the situation worse.

Some natural products can help relieve tension in the muscles of the uterus. They can be used at home without harm to the health of mother and baby.

The most commonly used decoctions of herbs and tinctures that reduce hypertonicity. Consider a few recipes:

  • Motherwort tincture. You can drink this medicine both in the first trimester and at 36-38 weeks. When pulling sensations appear, you need to drink 20-30 drops of the drug. It is best to take it after eating. The total duration of the course of treatment should not exceed two months.
  • You can fight spasms with the help of valerian infusion. Reception of this remedy is allowed to be carried out at all periods of bearing a baby. To lower the tone, a woman needs to drink 25-30 drops of tincture half an hour before meals.
  • Herbal tea. For a medicinal drink, you need to take mint, lemon balm, motherwort and valerian. Mix the ingredients in equal amounts and brew 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of boiling water. It is recommended to take tea in the morning and in the evening before going to bed.

Before using any folk medicines at home, you must first consult with your doctor. Some natural products cause allergies and their use can have the most negative impact on the health of the baby.

Traditional medicine is only an auxiliary method of treatment for increased uterine tone in a woman during pregnancy. This therapy should not be used as a standalone treatment. The doctor must prescribe the appropriate medication.

It has been proven that you can get relaxation by inhaling various essential oils. This method helps to bring the uterus out of tone, improve a woman's mood and even normalize sleep. The oil can be simply inhaled or added to the bath while bathing. You can lie in the bath for no more than 15 minutes at a water temperature of 37-38 ° C.

For this, you can use the following products:

  • Vanilla - increases the feeling of comfort, envelops the room with a sweet smell, improves mood.
  • Rose - helps fight emotional stress, calms, improves sleep.
  • Lotus - has an invigorating aroma, but at the same time helps to relax well.
  • Jasmine - normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, has a delicate pleasant aroma.

In addition, you can also use the aromas of medicinal herbs such as lemon balm, geranium, chamomile, valerian. Do not overdo it, the smell should be barely felt in the air.

Any medication should be prescribed by a doctor. Such therapy is used, as a rule, if the problem is provoked by any diseases in a woman. Constant painful sensations bring severe discomfort to the mother and can become a strong preterm birth. In this regard, it is necessary to treat hypertension in a timely and correct manner.

Used drugs:

  • Antispasmodic drugs (Utrozhestan, No-Shpa, Papaverine).
  • Medicines that saturate the body with magnesium (Magne B6, Magnesia, Magnicum).
  • Herbal tinctures (Motherwort, Valerian).
  • Hormonal agents (Ginipral, Progesterone, Duphaston).

Each medicine has its own indications and contraindications. They should be used in strict accordance with the dosage prescribed by the doctor. If the rules of admission are violated, serious complications can occur. Hormonal drugs are used only in extreme cases, as they have a lot of side effects.

Information about medications is provided for informational purposes only and cannot be regarded as a call for self-treatment.

To deal with the problem, it is very important to understand that emotional peace is necessary during the bearing of the crumbs. A woman needs to try to minimize stress and worries, because pregnancy is exactly the period when mommy should think about herself and the health of the unborn baby.

Spend more time with friends and family, eliminate conflicts at home and at work, treat various problems easier. This will help to maintain a good mood and eliminate the development of certain problems.


To reduce the risk of developing pathology, mom during pregnancy should follow some rules. These include:

  • Compliance with the correct daily routine.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Taking essential vitamins.
  • Reduction of motor activity in the later stages of bearing a baby.
  • Timely treatment of various diseases.
  • Sufficient fluid intake.
  • Exclusion of stress and emotional upheaval.
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air.
  • Choice of comfortable shoes and clothes.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

If any alarming symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Early diagnosis of a particular condition helps to cope with the problem without harm to health.

Summing up

During pregnancy, mom faces many problems, one of which is increased uterine tone. This condition is more or less manifested in all women, which is an absolute physiological norm. Despite this, hypertension must be reported to the attending physician to prevent various complications.


Is it possible to deal with the problem at home and how to do it? More information on this topic can be found in this video.

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy is still perceived by many women as a serious pathology that must be treated. It is rare when a pregnant woman does not begin to worry and wind herself up after hearing such a diagnosis in her address. Is everything okay with the baby? Is this condition really dangerous? Indeed, in the antenatal clinic, the woman must have been frightened by spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth, which can be the result of tone. Meanwhile, in almost 80% of cases, the notorious hypertonicity of the uterus does not pose any danger to either the mother or the child.

What is uterine tone?

There is no such diagnosis in the International Classification of Diseases.

Increased uterine tone during pregnancy is diagnosed only in the post-Soviet space.

But the uterus is a muscular organ, and muscles tend to contract. The uterus can respond to external and internal stimuli. This happens even before pregnancy, it’s just easier to feel the tone during the bearing of the baby. The uterus can contract when sneezing or coughing, walking, or having sexual intercourse. Even the sensor of an ultrasound machine can provoke a tone, and the mother will immediately be told that something is wrong with her.

How do doctors manage to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy? In addition to the most common method of palpation, they resort to ultrasound diagnostics and cardiotocography (CTG).

What does the uterus in good shape during pregnancy mean?

This is a state when the muscle fibers of the main female organ are in tension. A woman is worried about a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, pulsation and spasms, many complain that the stomach becomes stone for a while. There may be pulling or aching pain. But physiological uterine contractions should not cause concern. They are often associated with physical activity, occur irregularly, and resolve with rest. With the increase in the duration of pregnancy, the frequency of contractions also increases. More about tone in each trimester:

Important! If the pains in the lower abdomen become intense, regular, at a certain interval, radiate to the lower back or spotting appears, this is a reason to urgently seek medical help.

Causes of uterine tone

Symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy can cause discomfort to a woman, and a gynecologist's consultation is necessary in this case. But it is better to identify the causes of uterine tone during pregnancy, because hypertonicity is a consequence, but it develops, for example, against the background of some diseases in the body of the expectant mother. The most common reasons are:

  • chronic foci of inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • abortions;
  • anomalies and malformations of the uterus;
  • multiple pregnancy, large fetus or polyhydramnios, which provoke overstretching of the muscles of the uterus;
  • bad habits and lack of proper sleep;
  • diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver and other organs;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • depression, anxiety in a woman, both before pregnancy and during gestation.

Important! The tone of the uterus during the second pregnancy, which occurred after 30 years, occurs several times more often. As women age, as a rule, the number of gynecological and concomitant diseases, abortions increases, which increases the risk of hypertension.

It is especially important, starting from the 30th week of pregnancy, to prepare for childbirth. Physical and emotional. A step-by-step preparation plan awaits you in the online course Five Steps to a Successful Childbirth >>>

How to help yourself at home

Along with the question “how to independently determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy,” expectant mothers are often interested in how to help themselves alleviate the condition? As soon as you feel signs of tension, do the following:

  1. Forget about haste and urgent matters. Stop or sit down, depending on the situation. Rest will help to get rid of unpleasant sensations.
  2. Try to relax, take a deep breath, listening to yourself and inner feelings. Try to imagine the pain leaving your body as you exhale.
  3. Remove emotional stress by relaxing the muscles of the face and neck. Try to relax your mouth and throat (it is believed that they are energetically connected with the uterus). In this case, you should breathe through your mouth.
  4. If you do not know how to remove the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, use aromatherapy. Essential oils of bergamot, sage, vanilla and lavender will help you relax. Choose the scent that suits you. May it always be at your fingertips. A mixture of oils can be worn around the neck in an aroma medallion (more about aromatherapy during pregnancy >>>).
  5. If possible, take a warm bath, prepare yourself herbal tea from lemon balm and motherwort with honey. Treatments like these are great for relaxation.
  6. You can stroke your belly and still communicate with your baby. He feels your stress, soothe him!
  7. If the uterus is in good shape during pregnancy, and you don’t know what to do, do the “Cat” exercise. Standing on all fours, lift your chin high, arching your back, and stay in this position for a short time. Relax and repeat a few more times. You can just kneel down, lean on your elbows and stand like that for a bit. After doing the exercises, it is better to lie down and rest.

How else can you relieve the tone of the uterus during pregnancy?

The best remedy for tone is to lie down. It would be best at this moment to watch a pleasant movie or listen to music.

The tone of the uterus is a temporary condition.

A wise doctor told me that he does not understand why a woman is given leave after the 30th week of pregnancy, because the first trimester is also a very exciting period in a woman's life. Ideally, if during this period the expectant mother is surrounded by care, attention and protected from additional worries.

And this will be the best prevention of uterine tone in the first trimester.

In the third trimester, tone is confused with training contractions. In the West, it is customary to talk about "Braxton-Hicks contractions" when it comes to painless uterine contractions throughout the entire gestation period. There is even a joke in the obstetric environment about this, that "the uterus, like a good athlete, should warm up before the race." It means that such “false contractions” are the training of the uterus before childbirth.

For more information about preparing for childbirth, see the online course Easy childbirth - how to give birth without breaks and protect your baby from birth trauma.

To reduce the risk of hypertension, follow a few basic recommendations:

  1. Drink at least 2.5 liters of clean drinking water.
  2. Don't take long breaks between meals.
  3. Seek help from osteopaths. A good specialist will not only save the pregnant woman from discomfort, but also in the early stages will help to avoid hypertonicity.
  4. Increase magnesium-rich foods in your diet. It prevents muscle contractions. Eat greens, bananas, green vegetables, make smoothies and fresh juices from them. Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, beans, almonds are also useful. See the book The secrets of proper nutrition for the expectant mother >>>
  5. Observe sexual rest during the period of indisposition.
  6. Remember: if the mother is worried and worried, the released hormone adrenaline affects the contraction of the uterus, the tone increases. So don't be nervous!
  7. Try to create. Coloring in the style of "Antistress", including specially for pregnant women, is now at the peak of popularity. They have been proven to reduce anxiety levels and help expectant mothers relax.
  8. Try to move, because physical inactivity negatively affects intestinal motility, constipation becomes more frequent. As a result, bloating and pain in the abdomen, which are mistaken for tone or the threat of miscarriage. Read more about bloating during pregnancy >>>
  9. Be careful with doctor's prescriptions. For example, droppers with magnesia and ginipral, which are usually prescribed to women with tone, can further lead to the fact that the uterus cannot contract itself and the woman in labor is found to have weakness in labor. No-shpa and suppositories with papaverine also cannot be called harmless antispasmodics, because they have a lot of side effects. And if there is no real threat of abortion, think about whether you need to use all these drugs for reinsurance?

Pregnancy is a wonderful time. Surround yourself with nice people, provide yourself with pleasant experiences, pamper yourself, and then nothing will overshadow all 9 months of joyful expectation of a baby.