Miss mmm. Sergei Mavrodi - biography

Recently, sensational news appeared in the press that the founder of the largest financial pyramid of the nineties, Sergei Panteleevich Mavrodi, had suddenly died. The man became famous after he managed to gain confidence in the majority of Russians through psychologically correct advertising on television.

Mavrodi promised that all those who manage to invest their own savings in the MMM joint-stock company will become unheard of rich and will be able to realize all their cherished dreams.

At the same time, few people know that the talented swindler is also a former deputy of the State Duma, author and performer of songs. He wrote a huge number of articles and books while serving a sentence for a scam with MMM JSC.

Biography of Sergei Mavrodi

The biography of Sergei Mavrodi began with his birth in August 1955 in the capital of the USSR. The boy was quick-witted and lively, his parents loved him very much. The fact is that little Serezha was diagnosed with a heart defect that could have led to death, but this did not happen.

Father - Pantelei Mavrodi - came to Moscow from the mining Donbass, he was an installer, and his mother - Valentina Mavrodi - worked as an economist and was educated as an engineer. Ukrainian, Russian, Greek blood flows in the veins of Mavrodi, and the surname means “black”, “dark”.

The boy had a younger brother, Vyacheslav, who did not distinguish himself in any way and was an ordinary worker. Sergey, on the contrary, studied well, he had an excellent memory, because he could remember several pages of text. The boy constantly participated in olympiads in exact disciplines, while he studied at an art school, although he hated to draw.

Sergei entered the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, although he aspired to become a student at the Moscow Physics and Technology Institute, but did not pass the exam in physics. At the same time, he often skipped lectures, but often won first places in competitions. Sambo, preference and fartsovka were added to the student's hobbies.

After graduating from the institute, he worked for several years on distribution in one of the research institutes. Then he worked as a subway watchman, simultaneously selling pirated video cassettes, for which he was almost sent to jail in 1983.

In 1994, he was accused of hiding the income of the Invest Consulting company, but he made a fuss and got into the number of deputies of the State Duma, so he again escaped punishment, although he skipped all meetings. He constantly clashed with the authorities, so the second time he did not get into the State Duma.

In 1996, Sergei Panteleevich tried to apply for the post of head of state, although he could not collect a sufficient number of signatures in his support. Then he was going to try his hand at the presidential elections in 2018 again, but again he could not collect signatures.

Since 1997, Mavrodi has been actively wanted by Interpol on charges of fraud, but he not only did not travel abroad, but did not even leave Moscow. He even managed to organize an international financial pyramid on the Internet Stock Generation, through which he left more than 275,000 people around the world without winnings.

In 2003, Sergei was arrested and charged with fraud on an especially large scale, and his criminal file amounted to six hundred volumes. At the same time, Mavrodi received only a year and a month of a real term, and already in 2007 this term increased to four and a half years, although a month later the fraudster was released.

While waiting for his sentence in jail, he wrote several books that were sold in a few months. After that, Mavrodi was the host of the MNK channel, and the cult film “PiraMMMida” was shot about the activities of his joint-stock company. In addition, a talented swindler wrote the scripts and soundtrack for the films "River" and "Zombies".

Children of Sergei Mavrodi

The children of Sergei Mavrodi are what remains after the fraudster and financial figure. The most interesting thing is that Sergei Panteleevich and his wife Elena Pavlyuchenko (Mavrodi) already after the dissolution of the marriage had a common daughter, Irinka, this event took place in 2006.

During the divorce, the baby stayed with her mother, and her father ceased to be interested in her life, only occasionally paying alimony. Sergei Mavrodi never saw the girl, she was registered in her mother's surname, because the woman did not want to spoil Irinka's life because of her father's illegal activities.

There are no photos or videos with the girl on the Internet, it is only known that she goes to school and is fond of drawing and reading. Although it became known that one of the girls was called the daughter of a fraudster on the Internet, although she turned out to be an ordinary impostor.

Sergei Mavrodi's wife - Elena Pavlyuchenko

The wife of Sergei Mavrodi - Elena Pavlyuchenko appeared in his life in 1993, the beauty was a native of Zaporozhye. She repeatedly received the titles of beauty contests in her native city, although she worked as a kindergarten teacher, while studying at the Pedagogical Institute at the same time.

Elena became the wife of a promising man, but she could not live with him even for a couple of weeks, because he did not understand what family life was. Mavrodi was a real loner and a hermit who did not need anyone.

He never slept at night, but twice a day he fell asleep in the morning and in the evening for four hours. Mavrodi often hunted and fished, read books and collected insects, so his wife did not fit into this life.

In general, he considered all the women of the world incompetent and mentally limited. At the same time, the man divorced Elena only in 2005, when he was in a pre-trial detention center, in order to give her a chance to arrange her own life. She lives in the suburbs under a new surname, does not work and brings up her daughter.

Creation of MMM

The creation of MMM fell on 1989, an interesting name is due to the fact that the Mavrodi brothers and the wife of the younger brother Olga Melnikova became its founders. After successful advertising, the joint-stock company received a branched structure. From which a financial pyramid was formed, in the network of which no less than 15,000,000 people fell.

Since 1994, the sale of shares began, which in just six months increased in value by 100%, that is, 127 times. Already in August, Mavrodi was imprisoned for concealing income, and the activities of MMM were suspended.

Three years later, the joint-stock company was declared bankrupt, and Mavrodi was put on the international wanted list. At the same time, in 2011 and 2012, Sergei Panteleevich announced that he was reviving MMM on more favorable terms, although the pyramid burst again a year later, having collected the finances of millions of Russians.

In 2014, the MMM-Global pyramid extended its action to African and Asian countries, and then to the other one hundred and seven countries around the globe. By the way, last year he restarted the Mavro cryptocurrency.

Cause of death and funeral of Sergei Mavrodi

The cause of death and the funeral of Sergei Mavrodi became the first news to date, in connection with his premature death. The fact is that on March 26 this year, a man died in a Moscow clinic.

On the night of March 25-26, passers-by found Sergey at a public transport stop located on Polikarpov Street. He complained of acute pain in the region of the heart and asked to call an ambulance.

At one in the morning, Mavrodi was promptly taken to the hospital and hospitalized, but he did not live to see the morning. He has now been taken to the mortuary of the Fifth Judicial Hospital, and his relatives have been informed of the death.

So far, neither the brother nor the spouse have expressed their desire to take the body or at least identify the body, since Sergei Mavrodi was found without documents. The most interesting thing is that the great swindler of our time can be buried in a common grave, like an unknown person.

The organizer of the financial pyramid JSC "MMM" Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi was born on August 11, 1955 in Moscow. At school, he won olympiads and was distinguished by a mathematical mindset.

In 1978 he graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIEM, now the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics named after A.N. Tikhonov, National Research University Higher School of Economics).

After graduating from the institute, he worked as an engineer-mathematician at a research institute, since 1980 he was the head of a group of programmers. At the same time, he was engaged in private production and sale of sound and video recordings, illegal at that time.

In 1981 he retired from the research institute. He was listed in various positions: the last one was a night watchman in the subway.

In 1983, he was arrested for private business activities (sale of illegal video products), but thanks to the amnesty, he served only 10 days.

In 1989 he founded the MMM cooperative. On the basis of it, several dozen commercial structures were created, including OJSC MMM 1994, which became the largest financial pyramid in Russia.

Until 1991, the cooperative was mainly engaged in the trade of computers and office equipment. Then he began to collect money at high interest rates - up to 1000% per annum. The number of the company's investors amounted, according to various estimates, to .

In August 1994, Sergei Mavrodi was arrested on charges of tax evasion from the income of the Invest-Consulting company he heads. While in custody, he stopped the activities of "MMM 1994".

In September 1994, his candidacy was nominated for by-elections to the State Duma from the Mytishchi district of Moscow.

He was released in accordance with the electoral law, which requires equal conditions for all candidates.

In October 1994 he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the first convocation. His mandate began on January 18, 1995.

Sergei Mavrodi did not join any faction and, since his election to this post, he has never attended a single Duma session. On October 6, 1995, his deputy powers were terminated ahead of schedule.

After that, investigative actions against Mavrodi were resumed, and one more was added to the previous accusations - fraud.

In 1995, he again ran for the Duma from the "People's Capital Party", lost the election.

In January 1996, a group of authorized representatives nominated Sergei Mavrodi as a candidate for the presidency of Russia, but the CEC rejected signature sheets in support of the candidate and refused registration.

In September 1997, the MMM company was declared bankrupt, and Sergei Mavrodi disappeared. In December 1997, he was first put on the national wanted list, and a year later on the international wanted list.

Being on the run in early 1998, Sergei Mavrodi created a new financial pyramid Stock Generation Ltd, which was a virtual exchange. The exchange has existed for about two years.

On January 31, 2003, Sergei Mavrodi was arrested in Moscow in a rented apartment. According to the documents found in the apartment, Mavrodi lived in Moscow under the name of a certain Yuri Zaitsev. He was charged under two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: "Fraud on an especially large scale" and "Organization of forgery of documents."

On December 2, 2003, the Khamovniki Court of Moscow found Mavrodi guilty of organizing a forgery of a passport and sentenced him to 13 months in prison.

In January 2004, the criminal case on the fact of tax evasion against Sergei Mavrodi was terminated due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

On April 28, 2007, the Chertanovsky Court of Moscow sentenced Sergei Mavrodi to 4.5 years in prison to be served in a penal colony. As an additional measure of punishment, the court established a fine of 10,000 rubles from Mavrodi in favor of the state. In addition, Mavrodi had to pay back depositors.

While the investigation and trial lasted, he served almost the entire sentence imposed by the court. He was kept in a special block of the "Matrosskaya Tishina" pre-trial detention center and was released 25 days after the end of the verdict -.

On July 10, 2007, the Moscow City Court considered Mavrodi's appeal against the verdict. The court refused to rehabilitate and terminate the criminal case, leaving the sentence in force in terms of the terms of imprisonment, but.

While in prison, Sergei Mavrodi was engaged in literary work. In 2008, his first book "Temptation" was published, which included 14 short stories. In total, the author has more than 200 of them. In addition, he wrote a novel and several plays. The book was published in a pilot edition of 7,000 copies.

On March 26, Sergei Mavrodi, the founder of the largest financial pyramid in the history of the Russian Federation, MMM, died of a heart attack in Moscow. He was 62 years old. The 24 website tells about the biography and main facts from the life of a Russian businessman convicted of fraud.

Sergey Mavrodi was born with a congenital bilateral heart disease, in connection with which the doctors predicted a short life for him. On the night of March 26, he was hospitalized at the Botkin hospital in Moscow. Doctors diagnosed him with a heart attack. In the morning In Russia, some call him a financial genius, but most are sure that this man was a swindler who misled tens of millions of people. About the ambiguous personality of Mavrodi and what he "became famous for" - later in the publication.

Biography of Sergei Mavrodi

Childhood and youth

Sergei Mavrodi was born on August 11, 1955 in Moscow into an ordinary Soviet family. Pantelei's father was an installer, and Valentina's mother was an economist. Had a younger brother. He graduated from the secondary Moscow school No. 35, as well as the Children's Art School No. 1 named after. V. A. Serova.

Teachers from childhood noted his ability to exact sciences. The boy won Olympiads in mathematics and physics. Mavrodi himself flaunted a phenomenal memory.

I could repeat verbatim any passage that was read aloud to me. But then, due to twelve concussions - I was a very restless child! - the memory has deteriorated somewhat, and from a phenomenal it has become just good. Well, thank God!
he said about himself.

After school, Mavrodi dreamed of entering the prestigious Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). However, he did not pass the competition and in 1972 became a student at the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. During his studies, he became seriously interested in sambo, becoming a candidate for master of sports. He won the title of champion of Moscow in the absolute weight category, but ended his sports career on this, explaining that it took too much time.

Mathematical abilities did not help Mavrodi to enter a prestigious university

The young engineer successfully graduated from the institute in 1978, after which he worked for 3 years in one of the metropolitan research universities. Then he quit and began selling pirated videos, for which he was detained in 1983 and could go to jail. However, he then managed to avoid imprisonment due to the “indulgent” policy of law enforcement agencies towards “minor” offenses by that time.

Scam of a lifetime: Mavrodi and his "MMM"

Mavrodi founded his scandalous brainchild in 1989 together with his brother Vyacheslav and Olga Melnikova. The name "MMM" was formed from the first letters of the names of the founders of the company. On its basis, several structures were later created, including the infamous financial pyramid of the same name, the number of depositors of which, according to various estimates, ranged from 2 to 15 million people. Active sales of shares and tickets (the price of one ticket was equal to one hundredth of the share price) "MMM" began in February 1994, and by August the value of each share had grown 127 times. It was rumored that Mavrodi was already earning about $50 million a day in the Russian capital alone. However, the activities of MMM were stopped on August 4 of the same year - the company's central office on Varshavskoe shosse in Moscow was seized by the security forces, and Mavrodi himself was arrested for violating tax laws and ordered to pay almost 50 billion rubles to the state budget.

Detention of Mavrodi and rallies of deceived MMM depositors: watch the video

A huge amount of cash was taken out of the MMM office, which was not returned to the depositors. Mavrodi commented on the volume of investments that were attracted by MMM:

Yes, like stars in the sky! (...) Seriously, seventeen KAMAZ trucks in cash. Plus 8 percent of the shares of Gazprom. It used to be about $25 billion. Now I don't know, I'll have to look. There were also shares of oil companies.

While under arrest, Mavrodi suspended the work of his main project and, in order to protect himself from conclusions in the future, decided to run for parliament.

This is what the tickets looked like, fictional Mavrodi for "MMM"

Political career

In October 1994, law enforcement agencies released Mavrodi and at the end of the same month he became a member of the State Duma of Russia, not hiding the fact that he needed a parliamentary mandate only for immunity. Mavrodi skipped meetings of the Duma, continued to engage in commercial activities, and also created and headed the "People's Capital Party". But Mavrodi did not stay long in politics. In 1996, he was stripped of his powers and put on the wanted list.

Mavrodi in the State Duma of Russia in 1994

1000 and one scam

Hiding from the Russian authorities in rented apartments, Mavrodi organized another large-scale electronic pyramid on the Internet called stock generation which has become international. The enterprise was registered in the Dominican Republic as a game of chance, in fact, it functioned as a false stock exchange, which traded "shares" of fictitious Mavrodi enterprises. He also invented exchange rates for "securities" on his own. About three hundred thousand Europeans and Americans suffered from Stock Generation.

Detention take three

In 2003, the adventurer was arrested. Mavrodi was accused of fraud, forgery of documents, as well as violation of tax laws. The main case of defrauding millions of depositors consisted of more than 600 volumes. His investigation lasted 3 years, and the trial went on for another year. In April 2007, the swindler was sentenced to four years and six months in prison, but already in May Mavrodi was released: the term of imprisonment included the stay in the pre-trial detention center.

Mavrodi upon release from the pre-trial detention center. The damage he inflicted on deceived investors is estimated at a billion, or even several billion dollars.

"MMM" - rebirth from the ashes

In 2011, Mavrodi unexpectedly announced the creation of a new company "MMM-2011" from his apartment, where he practically did not leave, with the slogan "We can do a lot." It was another financial pyramid, the participants of which were supposed to exchange money using Internet wallets and bank transfers. She went bankrupt this year. Mavrodi's next attempts to "revive" the activity of his financial pyramids also failed. In December 2015, he announced the closure of MMM in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Mavrodi and Bitcoin

The swindler even tried to create a kind of Bitcoin empire by launching a virtual cryptocurrency-based pyramid in early 2014, naming their "electronic money" Mavro. In the spring of 2016, he announced the closure of this pyramid as well. True, in 2017, Mavrodi wrote on his Twitter account about the restart of the "cryptocurrency" Mavro due to the "unprecedented growth of the bitcoin rate."

Mavrodi's last tweet

Mavrodi about Bitcoin: watch the video

Personal life

Mavrodi had a Ukrainian wife. In 1993 he married Elena Pavlyuchenko, who subsequently emigrated to Russia from Zaporozhye. At home, the woman worked as a kindergarten teacher. Elena was a fashion model and participated in beauty contests of various sizes, at one of which she met Sergei. They had a strange relationship: familiar couples noted that Mavrodi never lived together. During his arrest, Sergei insisted on a divorce, and in 2006 he was informed that Elena had given birth to a girl whom he had never seen.

Sergei Mavrodi's wife

Mavrodi as a writer, screenwriter and musician

This scandalous man was a versatile personality. He wrote many works in various genres. During the investigation of him, Mavrodi created the novel "Son of Lucifer". In 2008, a collection of his short stories "Temptation" was published, which is a continuation of the novel, as well as the second part - "Temptation 2". In addition, according to the story "PiraMMMida", in which Mavrodi described his autobiography, a film was made. And at the end of 2015, the Internet show of the Zombie series began, for which Mavrodi wrote the script and music.

In 2007, Mavrodi's book "The whole truth about" MMM ". The history of the first pyramid. Prison diaries" was published.

Although his activities are evaluated very ambiguously, Mavrodi himself believed that:

What matters is the scale of the action. their absolute value. The sign doesn't matter. A minus can easily change to a plus, and vice versa. But zero never changes.

An ambulance arrived at the call of a passerby. A few hours later Mavrodi died.

Many facts from his biography are known. He was a bright, "loud", gifted person. Many have heard about “17 KamAZ trucks of cash that left Mavrodi’s office in an unknown direction,” but what did the dollar billionaire spend on? We decided to study the biography of "Bender of the 90s" and collected the most little-known facts about him.

1. Sergei Mavrodi was born in 1955 in Moscow, his parents were engineers. From an early age, he showed remarkable abilities in physics and mathematics, and had a phenomenal memory. He was the winner of a number of Olympiads, a candidate for master of sports. However, after graduating from school, he could not enter the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. I had to choose a simpler university and study at the Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics.

2. Mavrodi's name has become almost a household name in Russia. He became famous as the founder of the MMM financial pyramid, which he organized together with his brother Vyacheslav and Olga Melnikova. In 1998, the MMM cooperative appeared, then numerous commercial companies grew up on its basis, and in February 1994, shares of JSC MMM went on sale. However, for the majority of the population, the name Mavrodi was associated with the concept of "enterprising swindler." By September, the pyramid collapsed. In fairness, it should be noted that as a result of the activities of the MMM financial pyramid, there were not only victims. If, according to various sources, 10-15 million Russians are considered to be such, then 980 MMM depositors in 1994 became dollar millionaires in six months. As they say, who managed ...

3. It can be assumed that the last book of Sergei Mavrodi will be published now after the death of the author. It is likely that this circumstance has already made the novel a bestseller. The book "Son of Lucifer" was written while still in prison, but recently Mavrodi was preparing it for publication in the author's version, without editorial corrections. In fact, the novel is 150 short stories, each one a day long, with plots and characters that are in no way connected with each other. Most of these stories have not yet been published, but 14 miniatures have already been published in the collections "Temptation" in 2008 and "Temptation-2" in 2002. Also known are the works of Mavrodi during the period of imprisonment: "Prison Diaries" and "Carcer".

4. The film "PiraMMMida", directed by Eldar Salavatov in 2011, was filmed according to the script of Mavrodi himself. However, the entrepreneur did not like the film, he considered that there was “too much fabulousness”. This is not the only motion picture staged according to his script. At the III Russian International Horror Film Award "Drop" in 2014, the film "River" - about him - received a special award "For the domestic contribution to the development of the genre." However, a wide range of viewers failed to see the film, the reasons are also unknown. However, you can still read the script on the Internet and watch the film.

5. Before his arrest and numerous trials, Mavrodi's fortune was one third of the entire country's budget, that is, about $25 billion plus shares in gas and oil companies.

He himself could not really say how much money he had, saying only that “he could afford everything,” and he considered cash to be “rooms filled with banknotes from floor to ceiling practically.”

In 2012, after the trials, arrest and imprisonment, the only source of income for the former tycoon was financial advice to a businessman from the Moscow region, Pavel Molchanov. Mavrodi earned 15 thousand rubles a month, but half of these funds went to bailiffs.

6. For eight years, Mavrodi was hiding from justice, and he did not go to another city or abroad, where, by the way, he had never been. He lived in rented apartments in Moscow, and managed companies by phone and via the Internet. The biggest hobby of his life was fishing. According to testimonies, he only got out of the apartment to go fishing. During his arrest, no valuables were found on him, only books and a large aquarium - all that he spent money on. At the same time, the billionaire met representatives of the law in slippers and a tracksuit.

7. Not only the Russian authorities, but also Interpol had a grudge against Mavrodi. Shortly before his arrest, he founded the Stock Generation (SG) virtual stock exchange, which was closed by the US Securities Commission a year later. Later, in 2014, he turned his gaze to the countries of Africa and Asia. For potential investors in these countries, the MMM-Global company was founded, which later spread to Europe. As a result, another 107 countries participated in the construction of the pyramid.

8. For 12 years, from 1993 to 2005, Sergey Mavrodi was married to Ukrainian Elena Pavlyuchenko. Prior to her marriage, in 1992, she won the Miss Zaporozhye contest, and in 1994 she became Miss MMM in a contest apparently organized for her, although Pavlyuchenko by that time had the status of "Mrs." Mavrodi himself filed for divorce while behind bars. He explained his decision by the fact that "everyone is subject to human passions."

By his own admission, he did not hope to be released, and therefore released his beloved woman from obligations. What she took advantage of, changing her name and even her appearance, completely dropped out of the field of view of journalists. There is an opinion that it was she who handed over her husband to law enforcement agencies, securing her freedom and maintaining a comfortable life.

9. The newspaper "Psychic Victims of Political Times" reported that by mid-2000, Sergei Mavrodi had as many twins as no one else in Europe had - almost 400 people. True, all of them were treated in psycho-neurological dispensaries throughout the country. For comparison, Yeltsin had about 50 such "twins".

10. Mavrodi's latest high-profile statements are related to politics and cryptocurrency. In February 2017, he announced his intention to stand as a candidate for the Russian presidential elections in 2018. At the end of last year, he announced the restart of virtual money bearing his name - mavro.

The organizer of the financial pyramid JSC "MMM" Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi was born on August 11, 1955 in Moscow. At school, he won olympiads and was distinguished by a mathematical mindset.

In 1978 he graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIEM, now the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics named after A.N. Tikhonov, National Research University Higher School of Economics).

After graduating from the institute, he worked as an engineer-mathematician at a research institute, since 1980 he was the head of a group of programmers. At the same time, he was engaged in private production and sale of sound and video recordings, illegal at that time.

In 1981 he retired from the research institute. He was listed in various positions: the last one was a night watchman in the subway.

In 1983, he was arrested for private business activities (sale of illegal video products), but thanks to the amnesty, he served only 10 days.

In 1989 he founded the MMM cooperative. On the basis of it, several dozen commercial structures were created, including OJSC MMM 1994, which became the largest financial pyramid in Russia.

Until 1991, the cooperative was mainly engaged in the trade of computers and office equipment. Then he began to collect money at high interest rates - up to 1000% per annum. The number of the company's investors amounted, according to various estimates, to .

In August 1994, Sergei Mavrodi was arrested on charges of tax evasion from the income of the Invest-Consulting company he heads. While in custody, he stopped the activities of "MMM 1994".

In September 1994, his candidacy was nominated for by-elections to the State Duma from the Mytishchi district of Moscow.

He was released in accordance with the electoral law, which requires equal conditions for all candidates.

In October 1994 he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the first convocation. His mandate began on January 18, 1995.

Sergei Mavrodi did not join any faction and, since his election to this post, he has never attended a single Duma session. On October 6, 1995, his deputy powers were terminated ahead of schedule.

After that, investigative actions against Mavrodi were resumed, and one more was added to the previous accusations - fraud.

In 1995, he again ran for the Duma from the "People's Capital Party", lost the election.

In January 1996, a group of authorized representatives nominated Sergei Mavrodi as a candidate for the presidency of Russia, but the CEC rejected signature sheets in support of the candidate and refused registration.

In September 1997, the MMM company was declared bankrupt, and Sergei Mavrodi disappeared. In December 1997, he was first put on the national wanted list, and a year later on the international wanted list.

Being on the run in early 1998, Sergei Mavrodi created a new financial pyramid Stock Generation Ltd, which was a virtual exchange. The exchange has existed for about two years.

On January 31, 2003, Sergei Mavrodi was arrested in Moscow in a rented apartment. According to the documents found in the apartment, Mavrodi lived in Moscow under the name of a certain Yuri Zaitsev. He was charged under two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: "Fraud on an especially large scale" and "Organization of forgery of documents."

On December 2, 2003, the Khamovniki Court of Moscow found Mavrodi guilty of organizing a forgery of a passport and sentenced him to 13 months in prison.

In January 2004, the criminal case on the fact of tax evasion against Sergei Mavrodi was terminated due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

On April 28, 2007, the Chertanovsky Court of Moscow sentenced Sergei Mavrodi to 4.5 years in prison to be served in a penal colony. As an additional measure of punishment, the court established a fine of 10,000 rubles from Mavrodi in favor of the state. In addition, Mavrodi had to pay back depositors.

While the investigation and trial lasted, he served almost the entire sentence imposed by the court. He was kept in a special block of the "Matrosskaya Tishina" pre-trial detention center and was released 25 days after the end of the verdict -.

On July 10, 2007, the Moscow City Court considered Mavrodi's appeal against the verdict. The court refused to rehabilitate and terminate the criminal case, leaving the sentence in force in terms of the terms of imprisonment, but.

While in prison, Sergei Mavrodi was engaged in literary work. In 2008, his first book "Temptation" was published, which included 14 short stories. In total, the author has more than 200 of them. In addition, he wrote a novel and several plays. The book was published in a pilot edition of 7,000 copies.