Easter gift. The program of the festival "Easter Gift"

Since ancient times, the main source of human livelihood has been hunting, animals hunted each other, people hunted animals, so the natural chain and natural balance were preserved in the world. Man has always had an advantage over animals, hunting was carried out collectively, using weapons, traps and pens. Even though the weapon was primitive, it increased the chances of prey, as well as in case of self-defense. Everything was used: stones, and pointed sticks, dug and natural pits for traps. The driving method was the most effective and with the least losses, the animal was driven to a convenient place, into a pit or onto a cliff.

But the man did not stand still, hunting skills improved, new
weapons, hunting no longer required such efforts and a large number of people, and
less time spent. The man came to the conclusion that it is more profitable than some
animals to tame and grow at home, and this is how cattle breeding appeared. But the hunt
this remained a constant, important and fast source of nutrition. First of all,
it was faster to kill as much game as needed than to grow, and secondly, it
simply human instinct even to this day.

The territories of Europe and Russia were quite densely populated
many peoples, and the lands themselves are rich in forests and wild animals. The hunt is here
for a long time remained constant and the only source of food, people
they were not even going to raise livestock, they did not need it. Apart from
food, hunting was a source of income, allowed to trade, thanks to
hunting, life developed, life revolved around hunting.

From Herodotus to our times, quite detailed
descriptions of how our ancestors hunted in the European part. From description
it is clear that even then packs of dogs and horses were used for hunting. From the bow
not every animal can be struck to death, so he was wounded for a long time
pursued on horseback, following the trail with dogs. Notice it's already clear
a planned hunt that does not require a large number of people and your own
forces. Man, with the help of precise weapons and animals, hunted the same
animals, while he himself remained at the top of this chain.

It should be noted that hunting with dogs for a certain period
was available to almost everyone, but then it became a privilege only
wealthy people. Already in the days of Kievan Rus, not a single peasant had
the right to go hunting with a dog, and the peasants could not keep hounds. hunting
dog breeds cost a lot of money, their maintenance and training was also an expensive pleasure, only boyars and landowners could afford this. how
as a rule, greyhounds and hounds were necessary for proper hunting, even then
pedigrees were kept for these breeds.

In the 13th century, firearms reached Russia, appeared
the first guns, then they were called squeaks, less often arquebuses. It should immediately be said
that they were practically not used in hunting, the weight of the guns was decent, they
were bulky and were unsuitable for moving through the forest. To shoot them
at least two people were needed, one loaded and fired, and the second set fire
wick. However, this was not always the case, firearms are rapidly
developed, the Spaniards made a huge role in its development. Being active
conquerors and travelers, they were in constant search and
invention of new designs firearms, light and comfortable.
Thanks to this, new guns and pistols appeared, which quickly gained popularity.
popularity and dispersed around the world. Then the development of weapons
has gained momentum around the world, each country has its own weapons

The 15th century became a breakthrough in weapons in Russia, especially this
reflected in military equipment, and of course, in hunting. Now they can hunt
almost all segments of the population, new types of guns made it possible to shoot alone
and were moderately light and comfortable. When buckshot was invented as a charge,
then the hunt went on new level. With such a charge, one could
shoot the largest animal and the smallest bird, buckshot could
use different calibers. Mostly weapons were bought in Europe, domestic
weapons business was not developed. Peter I in the 18th century significantly changed this
situation, the country has its own powerful gunsmiths, and powerful workshops, and
steelworkers, hunting became available and very popular in those days.

In Moscow, in 1859, the Hunting Society was founded, and so
how hunting was carried out without supervision and the beast was exterminated, in 1872 it was founded
Imperial Society for the Breeding of Game Animals.

In addition to breeding, it also dealt with hunting control, plus
a kind of hunter's etiquette appeared and the rules of hunting were already taught. In 1898
The first All-Russian congress of hunters took place.

It must be said that Soviet times raised the level
amateur and commercial hunting at a high level, in addition,
sport hunting, and stand shooting. The hunting culture was at its best,
many seasonal events were held at the hunting grounds. The hunt was
strictly regulated, the registration of weapons was mandatory, as well as
obtaining a hunting license, which opened up the possibility of hunting in certain
places at certain times.

To this day, hunting does not stand still, weapons and ammunition are developing, now
special attention is paid to hunting grounds, hunting control and breeding
populations that are particularly vulnerable to shooting.

What is hunting is a type of activity for the extraction of wild animals and birds, which includes such operations as search, tracking, pursuit, trapping or slaughter.
And also hunting refers to entertainment, a hobby. Thus, we see that hunting can act for a person as the main work and as a hobby. And if we imagine that a person engaged in commercial hunting at the workplace does this work with great pleasure, then hunting for him is also entertainment, that is, a hobby.

I believe it happy man. A person who lives with pleasure, perceiving the fruits of his labor as a hobby.
Hunting can be commercial and amateur.
In commercial hunting, a product of animal origin (meat, fur, leather, fat, horns, down, feathers, and others) is harvested as a result of the slaughter of animals and birds for the purpose of their further processing and use.
The purpose of commercial hunting may also be the destruction of excessive numbers of animals, or their capture for the purpose of placement in zoos, circuses, as well as capture and redistribution to other territories.
The fauna of the Belarusian forests and swamps is very diverse. Bison, elk, deer, wild boar, roe deer, wolf, fox in the Belarusian forests live quietly and breed. Beavers pile up their fences on rivers. Black grouse, capercaillie, partridge, woodcock find their natural habitat here. A large number of waterfowl: goose, duck inhabit the water expanses of Belarusian rivers and lakes.

The area of ​​hunting grounds in Belarus is about 18 million hectares. Hunting in Belarus is carried out for more than 45 types of game.
Hunting is allowed almost all year round.

Many lakes, extensive forests and swamps, a wide variety of game cannot but intrigue even the laziest hunter. AT last years Belarus is visited by hunters tourists from other countries and easily find places for themselves to fulfill their cherished dreams.
You can hunt in the hunting grounds of the Chervensky district of the Minsk region on your own, as part of organized groups, you can stay in a private house, which I can organize upon your preliminary request.

My personal opinion is that it seems to me that in recent years there has been an excessive mass shooting of wild animals and birds. Many do this for profit. If I had such authority, I would advise ardent hunters to hunt with a photo gun.

And I would also pay special attention to the excessively bred number of black crows. Every year, right next to my house on the territory of an abandoned dairy plant, a flock of crows in the amount of at least a thousand has settled and lives. Every day they make raids on crops and plantings, scatter in all directions of the region. When a flock sits on the street, it is even scary to pass near them, especially for children. Among them there are individuals large in size for a wild duck. For the last two years, they began to eat cherries, cherries, pears and apples.
But in past years, hunters were obliged to shoot crows and even paid 3 rubles for each killed crow (USSR)

A recent discussion of the problems of the hunting economy in the editorial office of Moskovsky Komsomolets showed that there are many of them, including the threat coming from the greens, unsatisfactory state policy and legislation in the field of hunting, and the poor state of hunting supervision. Of course, this list can go on and on.

It is clear that things are not going the way we would like. But the causes of the unsatisfactory state of affairs are much less than the consequences. And it is necessary to fight not with the consequences, but with the elimination of the causes.

In my opinion, one of these reasons is a misunderstanding of the essence of hunting. First of all, it is necessary to imagine what hunting is from an objective point of view, to give a scientific definition to this phenomenon, because it serves as the epistemological (scientific) basis of the entire scientific complex - “hunting science”.

How we define the concept of "hunting" depends on the direction of development of the hunting economy, and the principles of classification of hunting grounds, and methods of regulating hunting, and issues of organizing the activities of hunting users. In other words, state policy, and hunting legislation, and society's attitude to hunting depend on this. Captain Vrungel also remarked: “Whatever you call a yacht, that’s how it will float.”

How do we deal with the name, the definition of the very essence of hunting? Apparently, not everything is safe here, if the yacht of the hunting economy almost sinks.

Of course, there is a definition of this word in legal acts, but it does not reflect the essence, but a description of the hunting process in the form of "activities related to the search, tracking, pursuit of hunting resources, their extraction, primary processing and transportation" ( the federal law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2009 "On hunting and conservation of hunting resources and on amendments to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation").

Such definitions can be useful in the field of combating violations of the rules of hunting, as they allow you to draw up a protocol for almost any person, but do not reflect the essence of hunting.

In everyday life and even in specialized literature, it is widely believed that hunting is a sport or recreation, that is, a frivolous activity. By the way, initially even the registration of hunters was kept in sports societies. Apparently, this is where the hunters-athletes came from.

But we must agree that killing animals for sport or for the sake of recreation is immoral, inhumane. From the point of view of the green movement, such activities have no right to exist, and there is nothing to object to. If hunting is a sport, then it is doomed.

We are already under heavy pressure from the media, forming a negative public opinion. It is no longer possible to see a hunter openly and proudly carrying his prey home. But 30-40 years ago it was the norm.

Worse, if you ask a person why he went hunting, we will get an evasive answer: get some air, drink vodka, etc. Suffice it to recall the film "Peculiarities of the National Hunt". The question is, why then carry a gun?

First you need to figure out if hunting is a sport? Why are there no first-class hunters or masters of sports? There is an encyclopedic definition of sport - it is "a competition according to certain rules with the aim of achieving victory."

If you look at hunting from this point of view, you can see that there can be no sports competition between the hunter and the object of hunting, since animals do not know any rules. And there is no chance for any hazel grouse to peck at the hunter.

If a hunting competition between hunters is meant, then this is a competition in professional skill, like competitions for lumberjacks, milkmaids or turners. So it is no coincidence that hunters are not assigned sports categories, as is customary in real sports.

Someone may object to me - what about varminting? In fact, varminting is a shooting competition, but at live targets, which is not very good from a moral point of view. Thus, one must firmly stand on the position that hunting is not a sport. Opinions that one type of hunting is more and the other less sporting are really about emotions, and they are purely subjective.

Consequently, the expressions "sport hunting", "sports farm", "sports license" are incorrect, they cannot be used.

As for the idea of ​​hunting as a rest, this is also a subjective perception of the objective process of hunting, especially if we consider rest as a change of occupation. But sometimes hunting can seem not like rest, but hard labor. Therefore, it is important to have an objective scientific definition of the concept - "hunting". Such a definition was once given by Yu.I. Kasatkin, former employee of VNIIOZ.

“Hunting is the process of interaction between a hunter and game animals using special tools (guns, traps, etc.), resulting in a certain product (meat, skin, trophy, medicinal raw materials, etc.).”

Any kind of hunting falls under this definition, and it coincides with the scientific definition of any productive labor.

That is, the meaning of hunting lies in the production of food, fur, medicinal and technical raw materials for other branches of human activity. And this happens regardless of how the hunter himself evaluates the process - rest, entertainment, or otherwise. Production is the fundamental difference between hunting and sport.

Not a single athlete, no matter how hard he works, produces nothing. That is why hunting has a moral right to exist. The "greens" do not object to the production of products by hunting. North American hunters proudly say, "I eat everything I get."

In some places, hunters saw off part of the antler of an elk or deer to show that they are hunting for food and not for a trophy. And all sorts of animal rights activists have no complaints against them.

Therefore, in order to get away from the pressure of the greens, it is simply necessary to correctly position the hunt in modern world, showing that this is not a sport, not recreation and not bloody fun.

At present, the contribution of hunting to the welfare of society has significantly decreased compared to ancient times, but the essence of hunting has not changed. This is the use of wild animals to produce various benefits for society. Thus, hunting objectively belongs to the sphere of productive labor, its development must comply with the laws of the economy.

But just this moment is completely ignored in the hunting legislation. If the entire economy has long since moved away from state intervention in the operational activities of producers, then the hunting economy is an anachronism.

The governor, for example, should not open a hunt, the state should not dictate how much food to lay out, when and how much to get animals and how to protect them. This is the business of the hunting user, and specialists should help him in this. Yes, and hunting equipment projects should be aimed at this. And now, fulfilling the conditions of use, hunting users incur losses.

All of them live not at the expense of hunting activities, but at the expense of sponsorship, including the funds of the founders, membership fees. It turns out that a person earns money somewhere, but only spends in hunting. What investments are we talking about here?

But we are dealing with production, which, by definition, should be profitable, but its economic meaning has been distorted by the state, income is received not from the production of products, but from the pockets of hunters.

As for the hunter, he is more than all other citizens interested in preserving the objects of hunting. Objectively, with the disappearance of hunting resources, the hunter will also disappear. Therefore, only hunters and hunting organizations take care of increasing the number of animals where possible. It remains only to overcome the alienation of hunters from hunting resources. And this is the subject of state policy.

It must take into account the interests of hunters in the Rules of hunting, in the methods of its regulation. Then hunters in their mass will cease to be poachers. In addition, they can produce marketable products and earn on it. Now it seems impossible, but it was relatively recently. With scientific point of view, all this has already been developed, published and tested.

There is another important issue - about animal rights. From the point of view of philosophy, he decides
Simply put, there are no rights without responsibilities. Naturally, animals do not and cannot have any obligations to humans. Therefore, they have no rights either.

Raising the issue of animal rights is a consequence of elementary illiteracy. But a person, including a hunter, must treat animals humanely, that is, humanely.

Is hunting environmentally acceptable? It seems obvious - the hunter got the animal, and there were fewer of them. But in fact, the hunter does not deal with individuals, but with a population of animals. And if an individual cannot adapt to the pressure of hunting, then the population in response to hunting increases the rate of reproduction and the survival rate of young animals.

That is, hunting stimulates the reproduction of animals and, in addition, replaces natural mortality. That is, hunting removal to a certain limit does not increase the overall mortality of the species. All these are the basics of ecology, but little known to anyone.

Major religions have a positive attitude towards hunting, since animals, unlike humans, do not have an immortal soul. In Orthodoxy, the patrons of hunting are St. George the Victorious and St. Tryphon, among Catholics - St. Hubert, or Hubert. Even those peoples who have sacred animals are engaged in hunting.

Thus, hunting objectively belongs to the sphere of productive labor, its existence is justified from the standpoint of biology, morality and the history of mankind. It remains to correctly position it in modern society, showing that this is not a sport, fun or recreation, but the same work as the work of amateur gardeners or pickers of wild berries. And it is possible to develop a hunting economy in the country only on the basis of the scientific definition of the concept of hunting.

), from carts, cars, trains, ships, aircraft.

  • Hunting on the plain, in the forest, in the swamps, on the water, under water, in the air, burrow.
  • Hunting alone and organized groups hunters.
  • Ambush hunting, stalking, stalking and driven hunting.
  • Hunting with a spear, spear, spear, bow and arrow, sling, firearms.
  • Hunting with the help of specially trained hunting animals (birds of prey, dogs, ferrets, cheetahs), including baiting.
  • The use of baits, decoys, decoys.
  • Catching with nets, traps, snares, traps, cages, traps, crossbows.
  • Photohunting - photography and filming of animals in their natural habitat.
  • Game game

    Hunter with dog and game

    Hunters butchering a deer

    • land mammals
      • large game animals
        • red game: deer, chamois, fallow deer
        • black game: wild boar, elk
        • wild rams, moufflons
        • Wild bull, banteng, yak, gayal, buffalo, musk ox
      • large predators
        • tiger, leopard, panther, jaguar
      • elephant, hippo, rhinoceros, giraffe, wild horse, zebra, okapi
      • small game animals
      • small predators
        • marten, ferret, weasel, sable, mink
    • feathered game
      • snipe, great snipe, curlew, woodcock
      • black grouse, partridge, turkey, hazel grouse
      • small feathered game
      • water bird
        • ankle
          • plover
          • heron, crane, stork, bustard
          • corncrake, water hen
        • waterfowl
          • dive, eider
          • wild goose
          • wild swan
          • black water hen, goose
          • merganser
        • sea ​​birds
          • gull, sea swallow
      • predator birds
        • magpie, jay, raven, crow
      • other birds
        • wild pigeon, dove
    • sea ​​creatures
    • reptiles


    Man has been hunting since prehistoric times. With the development of human society, the methods and goals of hunting have changed. In primitive society, hunting was one of the main sources of food, and was also part of the rites and rituals. Further developed different kinds hunting fun, hunting became the entertainment of aristocrats. Currently, there are a large number of hunting organizations, and the manufacture and sale of hunting equipment is a business.

    Hunting in ancient times

    AT first period in its development, hunting was the main source of subsistence for many peoples; then, as new sources of subsistence are discovered, as well as as predatory animals dangerous to life and cattle breeding are exterminated, hunting gradually fades into the background, remaining, however, due to the force of habit and innate hereditary need, one of the main pleasures.

    In both cases, hunting was not subject to any restriction, and anyone could hunt when, where and how he pleased. At the beginning of the 20th century, hunting retained a similar character, for example, in Siberia, in the British possessions of North Africa, on the banks of La Plata, etc.

    The composition of hunters' prey is expanding. In connection with the improvement of hunting tools, it becomes possible to hunt individually or with few participants - at the crossings, in deep snow, with the accumulation of animals on wintering grounds. It is assumed that the predatory nature of hunting at this time is one of the reasons for the decrease in the number, and then the disappearance of such animal species as the hairy rhinoceros, mammoth, etc.

    At the end of this period (10-15 thousand years ago), warming began, conditions for large herbivores worsen, their numbers decrease, and some species disappear. Kulans, elk, roe deer, wild boars, etc. are becoming the main species of game animals, hares, beavers, etc., of smaller ones, hunting tools are being improved. Bows, arrows, samolovs appear, which was a huge conquest of people, this dramatically increased labor productivity. Now you can create stocks of meat (dried, cured). This allowed a certain part of the people to engage in cattle breeding, agriculture or the manufacture of tools. The capture of wild animals with the help of pits and their overexposure (young animals) led to the subsequent domestication of animals, cattle breeding.

    With the advent of bronze tools (about 3 thousand years ago), cattle breeding and agriculture developed in the steppe regions, and hunting and fishing became auxiliary, while in the forest regions of the north and east of Russia, hunting and fishing remained one of the main occupations of the population.

    Middle Ages

    As the tribes became sedentary, larger centers of settlement arose. As a result of constant hunting, game near such centers was noticeably reduced in number, and local landowners, for personal convenience, began to prohibit others from hunting on their lands. In Western Europe, such prohibitions were initiated by the Carolingian kings; many individuals soon followed their example. From here arose exceptional the right to hunt, characterizing second period. See also: Royal Forest. With the development of feudal concepts, hunting is separated from land ownership and becomes the property of some of the upper classes of society; the peasant population is deprived of the right to hunt even on their own lands. From fief relations arose by the end of the Middle Ages hunting regalia, that is, the preferential right of the state to hunt, underlying third hunting period.

    At this time, not paying attention to the right to land ownership, the government issues laws on hunting and regulates its management in the interests of both the treasury and the national economy; but even with this order, hunting, by virtue of custom or special royal permission, issued for a fee, is granted to the upper classes. The hunting regalia, which entailed the development of hunting servitudes, corvee and services, had a heavy and devastating effect on the peasant population.

    new time

    With the fall of the feudal system at the end of the 18th century, hunting was recognized free occupation, and the right to hunt - an integral part of the right to land ownership. But since the complete freedom of hunting as a trade and sport would entail significant harm to the entire national economy, and would endanger the existence of many species of animals, modern states have developed a number of measures to regulate hunting and laid the foundation for fourth modern, period free hunting with state supreme supervision over it.

    Hunting in Russia

    As N. I. Kutepov notes in the book, for the first time, historical news about the peoples living within present-day Russia characterize them as hunters. In the time of Herodotus (5th century BC), the Scythians and Sarmatians lived within southern Russia, a nomadic people to whom hunting provided food and clothing so necessary in a cold climate. In the southeastern steppe zone (within the current Voronezh, Saratov, Simbirsk and other provinces) the Woodins lived; " behind the steppe, turning more towards the east (that is, in the Ural area), lived the fissagetes, a numerous and special people, feeding on animal catching; adjacent to them lived iirks, also trappers". Describing the life of these peoples, Herodotus notes that they were all engaged in hunting: “ Having looked out for an animal from the top of a tree, they shoot an arrow at it, and then, jumping on a horse, they pursue it with the help of a dog.» . The Arab writers Ibn Khordadbeh and Ibn-Khaukal speak of the extensive trade in fur goods that the inhabitants of Russia conducted on the Rum (Black or Mediterranean) Sea.

    According to Dementiev V.I., author study guide"Fundamentals of Hunting" and the site "Russian Fur Portal", until the 16th century, Russia was essentially the only country in the world that supplied furs to the international market. According to this point of view, hunting in ancient Russia was very important and widespread. This is due to the good hunting resources and skills of the population, the vastness of the territory and the diversity of conditions and animal species. According to the Russian Hunt website, hunting products accounted for a significant share in the country's economy, the main part was occupied by commercial hunting, although sports hunting was also developed.

    commercial hunting

    The greatest value is furs, as one of the main export commodities. The main export species are sable, squirrel, beaver and marten skins.

    Until the 15th century, most of the furs were mined in the western part of the country. Beavers and martens were hunted mostly in the forest-steppe and broad-leaved forests, their numbers were high here. The cost of a beaver skin at that time was equal to the cost of one or two working horses or two to four cows. Beavers were caught with the help of traps and "beaver dogs". The cost of such a dog was equal to the cost of a cow. When hunting for squirrel and marten, other special dogs were used - “knotters” (likes today), which were valued higher than beaver dogs - up to 4 working horses per dog.

    Great importance in the life of people in Russia there was hunting for wild ungulates - elk, red deer, roe deer, tour, bison, saiga, wild horse. The meat of these animals was harvested in the Middle Ages and for the needs of the army: before the campaigns, mass hunts were carried out on large ungulates in order to harvest meat. Caught in large numbers with the help of nets and birds up to swans, to a lesser extent hunted birds with birds of prey. In those days, hunting in Muscovy had importance, beavers and otters were common animals here until the beginning of the 18th century. As forest areas were cleared and forest stands changed, favorable conditions were created for other animals - elk, hare, fox, black grouse, etc. hunting pits (other ungulates too) in the forest and partially forest-steppe zones, up to Soviet period when the use of such a method of extraction was prohibited. According to eyewitnesses, convoys with beaten elks went to Moscow from the Smolensk region in the 17th century. In the 17th century in Russia, bird shooters paid a dues in the form of game (for example, one shooter had to put “one hundred black grouse, fifty ripples, fifty ducklings, ten geese, four swans, four herons, 2 cranes each”). The best hunting grounds belonged to princes and large feudal lords. Hunting for the population on their estates was forbidden, violation of the ban was severely punished. In 1686, Peter I announced a decree banning hunting in the vicinity of Moscow. In other lands, the population of Russia had the opportunity to engage in hunting, beekeeping and fishing, which was not the case in Western Europe. As an obligatory duty of the peasants - to involve them as beaters when the princes hunt wolves and bears.

    In the eastern regions, the natural conditions were different, and therefore hunting was of a different nature. In the Cis-Urals, for example, there were many martens and few beavers, so yasak was paid here in martens and honey. There were so many roe deer in the Trans-Volga region, Cis-Urals and the forest-steppe of the Trans-Urals that one peasant harvested up to 1000 pieces a year. Most Interest represented the northeastern regions of the European part of Russia, especially Siberia, as the richest hunting grounds, where the main resources of squirrel and sable were concentrated. However, these areas were not developed by the Russians for a long time, mainly because, until a certain time, the export of Russian furs to neighboring countries was limited in size and was satisfied at the expense of furs from the European part of the country.

    The development of these lands for the purpose of trading furs with Western countries was started by the Novgorodians in 1999, when they quickly mastered the lands of the Pechora Territory, and in the 13th century. and northeastern Trans-Urals (Yugra). Novgorodians went here not only to "forest" squirrel and sable, but also to collect tribute in furs from the local population or to exchange furs for iron products. With the fall of Novgorod in 1478, the development of these regions by Russians until the 16th century. went slowly. And only from the 2nd half of the XVI century, when trade with the West opened through Arkhangelsk, and through Astrakhan - with Central Asia, an unlimited demand arose for Russian furs, especially for squirrel and sable, a trade in Russian furs opened at the Leipzig Fair, fur buyers quickly penetrated north and into Siberia to the Ob.

    High prices for furs accelerated the conquest of Siberia and the development of the richest hunting grounds in the East (Yermak's campaign, 1580). From the conquered peoples, tribute was collected "from every person for a sable." The desire for the fur wealth of Siberia of Russian industrialists was so great that at the end of the 16th century. they reached the middle and lower reaches of the Ob, and by the end of the first half of the 17th century. shores of the Pacific Ocean. For sable and squirrel, artels of "own dinner" went to Siberia (went to fish with their equipment) and gangs of "pokuruchikov" (at the expense of the entrepreneur "on the master's grub"). The industrialist entered into a one-two or more year enslaving deal with thugs (up to 30-40 people in the gang), according to which the first one had to hand over up to 2/3 of the mined fur to the industrialist (owner). Often gangs completely or partially died for various reasons.

    The persistent persecution of sable with the widespread use of such fishing gear as netting, pack bags, and traps led to its extermination in a number of places already in early XVIII in. The development of hunting grounds in Siberia contributed to the accumulation of furs in the treasury and at the beginning of the 17th century. the state monopolized the trade in its most expensive species: blue foxes, black-brown foxes. The roadblocks took away such furs from the industrialists, with the payment of money for it, the treasury also received furs in the form of yasak from the population and road fees (a tithe payment) received by the roadblocks. Thus, up to 200,000 sables and up to 10,000 black-brown foxes entered the pantries of the state annually. The accumulation of significant stocks of furs allowed the state to trade not only with Western countries and Central Asia, but also, starting from 1689, with China. With the latter, trade continued for 60 years in the border town of Kyakhta. After this time, the fur trade with China declined sharply and was replaced by cloth, a cheaper commodity.

    Since 1762, in connection with the abolition of the state monopoly on furs, the fur trade has been developing within the country as well. The main centers of such trade are the famous fairs - Kolyma (Yakutsk), Irbit (Irbit), Novgorod. At the same time, the export of furs to Western countries until the 20s. 19th century furs took first place in Russian exports. With half of XIX in. The main buyers of our furs were the Western countries - Germany, France and England, where it was supplied to the fur-working factories of Leipzig, Paris and other cities. In 1913, the export of furs to these countries amounted to 26 million rubles, of which to Germany - 71%, England - 7.5%.

    But the abolition of the state monopoly on the fur trade and the admission of foreigners to buying furs also led to negative consequences: a stir between buyers, predatory extermination of the most valuable animals, robbery of the local population (they paid 4-5 times less than the cost of the skin at the fair), furs, etc. The extraction of hunting animals (animals and birds) was not limited either by methods or by timing. Birds were exterminated in masses in wintering places, moulting ducks and geese were destroyed by the thousands. So at one time, about 2,400 moulting geese were caught with nets. Collecting eggs was widely practiced (up to 20 million per year). Bird nests were also destroyed during fires. All this led to the impoverishment of hunting grounds, to the impoverishment of individual indigenous peoples. small peoples North, Siberia and the Far East.

    The predatory destruction of the hunting fauna over the past 200-300 years has led either to the complete extermination of some species (bison, wild horse, Steller's cow, etc.) or to their preservation only in hard-to-reach remote places (snow sheep, leopard, etc.). Many valuable species were on the verge of extinction (beaver, sable, sea otter, etc.), some species were almost exterminated (moose in many places). The decline in the number of many animals was affected not only by their predatory extermination, but also by changes in land in negative side due to deforestation, forest fires, development of forests for agriculture, plowing of virgin lands, increasing population density in previously sparsely populated areas, etc.

    Amateur hunting

    Hunting with birds of prey

    It is considered the most ancient. Indications about the origin of hunting with birds of prey (falcons, hawks, golden eagles) in Russia refer to c. It came to us from the countries of the South-East and Asia Minor, and originated in India. In particular, the Mongol feudal lords arranged this hunt with special splendor as a sign of wealth, strength and power. With us, too, this hunt was a privilege of the royal court and princes. The most common was hunting with falcons, falcon dogs were used to lift the bird into the air. Highest Development hunting with birds of prey reached in the 17th century. under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, although Prince Oleg in Kyiv (v.) also had a falcon yard. Falcons for the royal court were caught by special hunters. Falconry in Russia was not only of sporting importance, but was often also a means of establishing good neighborly relations: falcons were sent to neighboring countries as gifts. Hunting with birds of prey broke up at the beginning of the second half of the 18th century. with the advent of hunting weapons and shotgun shooting.

    dog hunting

    hare hunter

    It was a lordly hunt, an amusement of large landowners. It arose in Russia after the capture of Kazan, was borrowed from the Tatar princes. It was most developed during the period of serfdom. Many landowners kept tens and hundreds of dogs, many horses for hunting, and attendants. People, individual families were exchanged for dogs, the crops of peasants were trampled during the hunt. For this type of hunting, dogs of 2 breeds were needed - hounds and greyhounds. The hounds, having found the beast, with barking drove it out into the open, and horse hunters poisoned it with greyhounds (the fox, the hare, kept the wolf until the entrance of the hunters). Greyhounds were supposed to have great running speed. Pershinsky hunting, as the most famous, had 250 dogs, 87 horses, 78 servants, the cost of its maintenance was about 100 thousand rubles (at city prices), on average, 1.5 animals were hunted per dog per year. the ruin of the nobles and the development of gun hunting ( mid XIX c.), and this happened especially quickly after the abolition of serfdom in 1861, although individual hunts were preserved (up to 100 hunts) until - years. Finally, dog hunting in Russia ceased to exist after the revolution.

    Artist Semyon Kozhin Russian hunting. Canvas, oil. 50 x 200 cm. 2007

    gun hunting

    The modern hunting legislation of civilized countries has the following goals: rationing the production of useful game in the interests of its conservation, “population control” (extermination) of predatory animals and birds, protecting public safety and the right of private owners, sometimes also obtaining financial benefits.

    Currently, many animal protection organizations and citizens different countries protest against sport hunting, there are various anti-hunting movements.

    In Germany, where 0.4% of the population hunts, some of the inhabitants who have a negative attitude towards this type of activity demand its complete ban. Demonstrations against hunting are organized in Berlin.

    People and organizations representing the direction of the struggle for animal rights in animal protection are opponents of hunting.

    Arguments against sport hunting

    • At present, hunting has lost its original purpose and is often associated with damage to the fauna.
    • There are many other exercises for shooting marksmanship and / or for entertainment, accompanied by a walk in natural landscapes. Conservationists consider photo hunting and other possible pastimes that do not harm the health of animals to be a completely replaceable alternative to hunting.

    These critical arguments do not apply to photo hunting, trapping of animals for the purpose of transportation to expand their habitat, as well as sports shooting at artificial moving targets carried out in hunting farms.

    A number of critical remarks in relation to hunting (such as remarks about poaching, leaving wounded animals, a large number of accidents that often accompany hunting) are recognized as actual problems on the part of the hunters themselves, with which they intend to fight without resorting to the abolition of hunting itself as a phenomenon.

    Arguments in favor of sport hunting

    Hunting regulation

    A number of animal rights activists [ who?] , including Russian [ who?], large animal protection organizations [ who?], as well as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), in contrast to them, consider it possible to introduce a number of restrictions, but do not advocate a ban on hunting.

    Commercial hunting and fishing

    Weapons, tactics

    History (in different countries)

    Legislative regulation

    In connection with environmental requirements, hunting seasons are clearly regulated by legislative bodies. In Russia, hunting with firearms is allowed for citizens who have reached the age of 18. A document certifying the right to hunt is a hunting ticket, upon receipt of which the hunter hands over the hunting minimum. In Russia, with the advent of hunting tickets of a new type, in order to obtain a hunting ticket, a hunting minimum is not required. The resulting contradiction is planned to be eliminated "in the near future." However, today (2011-2012) there is no need to pass a hunting minimum to obtain a hunting license in the Russian Federation.

    The dangers of hunting

    Hunting has always been a high-risk activity. Careless handling of weapons often leads to injury and death of participants and random people. So, in 2007, a well-known Ukrainian politician E. P. Kushnarev died while hunting (from an accidental shot).

    TV channels about hunting

    Russian TV channels on the topic of hunting:

    • Hunting and fishing

    Foreign TV channels on this topic:

    • Caccia e Pesca (Italy)
    • Chasse et Peche (France)
    • Outdoor Channel (USA)
    • Pursuit Channel (USA)
    • Sportsman Channel (USA)

    Computer games about hunting

    There are several series of computer games dedicated to hunting. Among them: Deer Hunter, Hunting Unlimited, as well as a line of games Cabela's, consisting of several different series.


    1. See: F. Pavlenkov, "Encyclopedic Dictionary", 1913 (and other publications), article "hunting"; also "Encyclopedic Dictionary", vol. 2, 1954, article "hunting".
    2. Pavlenkov, 1913.
    3. "Encyclopedic Dictionary", 1954.
    4. Klyushev A. G. Hunting economy. - Irkutsk: IrGSHA, 2003. - S. 513.
    5. Dezhkin V.V. Hunting and hunting economy of the world. Reference manual. - M., 1985.
    6. Dementiev V.I. Fundamentals of hunting. Proc. settlement - L., 1971.
    7. Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius
    8. Kutepov N.I. Grand-ducal, royal and imperial hunting in Russia. - St. Petersburg: Expedition for the procurement of state papers, 1896-1911.
    9. Russian fur portal
    10. Russian Hunting website
    11. N. N. Nosova, A. A. Belyachenko. Beaver hunting. - M .: Fishing Academy, 2006. - S. 160. - ISBN 5-94382-073-6
    12. Kruglova T.V. Russian lands and principalities in the 12th - first half of the 13th century // international historical journal. - July-August 2001. - No. 16.
    13. Alexei Mikhailovich, was a connoisseur and great connoisseur of falconry

    Royal and Grand Duke hunting in Russia.

    As elsewhere, in Russia, hunting warns history. History records the existence of hunting as a common and widespread fact. Vladimir Monomakh well expressed folk thought about hunting, when, regarding the abundance of birds and animals, he said: “All the same, God gave it to please man, for food, for fun.” The first of the princes, who is mentioned as a hunter, was Igor Rurikovich (912); his marriage to Olga is closely connected with his fishing.

    In ancient times hunting was best school to prepare soldiers for combat life. Almost all ancient Russian princes were aware of the need to engage in hunting. Svyatoslav inherited from his parents their passion for hunting. The chronicle is silent about the hunts of Prince Vladimir; perhaps this was due to the baptism of Russia and the changes that it brought into the life of the people. Of the 12 sons of Vladimir, only two have survived the news relating to the history of princely fishing - about Mstislav and Yaroslav. About the son of Yaroslav, Vsevolod (1078), the chronicle reports the news characterizing the tools and methods of hunting in his time: “In the summer of 6596 (1088) Vsevolod was fishing for the hunting animal behind Vyshegorod, sweeping the net and calling the yell.” This shows that already in the XI century. snare was used in grand ducal hunting.

    The son of Vsevolod I, Vladimir Monomakh, is an artistic, completely finished type of prince-hunter. His character traits- boundless courage, based on the conviction that death does not come earlier, as at the appointed hour, set by God, and endurance, not recognizing fatigue until the job is done.

    Other contemporary princes were also passionate hunters. Daniil Romanovich Galitsky in 1255, escorting his army to Grubeshov, personally killed three wild boars with a horn. Novgorod princes were sometimes so fond of hunting that they forgot their duties in managing the region and violated the rights of private hunting. On this basis, clashes arose between the princes and Mr. Veliky Novgorod.

    The first Moscow princes were more interested in hunting from a fiscal point of view, as an important article of the state budget, than from the point of view of fun, to a certain extent, due to the tradition obligatory for the princes. Ivan Kalita, Simeon the Proud, Dimitry Donskoy jealously protect their "falconer's and stalker's ways". The time of Vasily III can be considered the time of the flourishing of the grand ducal hunting in Moscow. He arranged his hunts in such a way that they were striking in their grandiosity. John IV began to hunt as a boy, but hunting attracted him more with the spectacle of blood, torment and death of animals than with impressions of a different order. Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich liked to amuse himself with the spectacle of bear fun and fights with bears. About the hunting of Boris Godunov, only one story by Horsey has come down to us, from which it is clear that Godunov was a falconer.

    Old Russian hunting can be divided into two types according to the methods of its production: hunting and hunting in the proper sense. Catching birds in ancient time was carried out mainly with the help of overweights. Both princes and ordinary people. Princess Olga had her preponderance along the Dnieper and along the Desna. Vladimir Monomakh, when hunting for an animal, had a sword with him (“a wild boar took away my sword on my hip”). Vasily III, going hunting, had with him two long hunting knives, an oblong dagger, an ax with an ivory handle, a flail, and so on. shestoper; Shig-Aley, who took part in the hunt, carried with him two quivers with bows and arrows. Firearms for hunting began to be used under Tsar Ivan the Terrible; the first experiments of rifle hunting were made from self-propelled guns and light hand squeakers. We know about horse hunting from Vladimir Monomakh's spirituality.

    Princely and Ts. hunting was divided into two types: bird hunting and dog hunting. Hunting with birds of prey, known everywhere in the world from the most ancient times as a truly Ts. fun, from time immemorial, and we have done princes. Of the princes of southern Russia, Igor Seversky (end of the 12th century) was the most passionate lover of hunting with birds of prey. Hunting with birds of prey was carried out with the help of hawks, falcons and gyrfalcons "endured", that is, accustomed to catching wild birds and small animals. To catch falcons and gyrfalcons, our sovereigns sent special bands (artels) to the north with an ataman at the head, or they populated villages and settlements in the places of fishing with scavengers, or entrusted this business to local villagers. The opinion that “Vasily III was almost the first (of the Russian princes) started hunting for dogs is unfounded, because the Russians in the old days considered dogs to be unclean animals and abhorred them.” True, under Vasily III, dog hunting reached greatest development, but many historical data say that it existed from the earliest times. In princely dog ​​hunting, not only the local breed of greyhounds was used, but also the eastern breed, which was valued very dearly.

    In Russia, from the most ancient times, hunting was a free trade for everyone, although the princes enjoyed special rights and advantages in relation to hunting, arising from their land rights and partly from their high position. In the conquered and newly annexed areas, the best hunting grounds went into the possession of the princes. The hunting path, which denoted all the princely hunting grounds in one or another county (for example, the Moscow Way), was divided into camps. In each camp there were several villages and repairs, which were in charge of a special hunter. How great were the income from the hunting grounds, can be judged from the testimony of Fletcher, that for the satisfaction of all palace expenses and salaries to the palace staff from these quitrent items, there was still a huge surplus in the form of skins and furs, which, when sold, gave up to 230,000 rubles. All the rights of the volostel passed to the huntsman. It happened that the positions of the volost and the huntsman were combined in the same hands. The position of the huntsman was first mentioned around 1455, during the reign of Vasily II the Dark. To help with the affairs of the court and the management of the camp, the hunter had with him two officials, whom he appointed and replaced with his own power: a tyun and a closer, the first - for the analysis of court cases, the second - for inquiry, investigation and investigation of crimes committed in his camp.

    Under the Romanovs

    Mikhail Feodorovich, arranging his devastated kingdom, after only five or six years could take care of restoring the former hunts and funs. For this purpose, in 1619, he sent two hunters and three horse kennels to the northern bear side (in the current Kostroma province) with an assignment to take greyhounds, hounds, Medelyansky and bears from people. All C. hunts were carried out with the help of hunters of the hunting path, under the general guidance of the hunter and dogkeeper. Mikhail Feodorovich's favorite hunt was bear hunting.

    Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich became attached to bird hunting from the very early childhood. He was, in his own words, "a reliable hunter", that is, a true, sworn. During hunting trips, the sovereign ordered to pitch tents, which were in charge of a special tent owner who accompanied the king with all the tent belongings. These tents were distinguished by great luxury. The central kennel until 1616 was located in the White Tsar's City, and then was transferred to Staroe Vagankovo ​​in Moscow, where new premises were built for it. For animal and falconry hunting, there were special hunting horses, both for personal Ts. use, and for hunting ranks. Hunters, in addition to bows and arrows, were armed with spears, protazans, pitchforks and horns. From firearms, squeaks, self-propelled guns, carbines and pistols were used. C. hunters in ceremonial occasions rode richly dressed horses. The attire of the sovereign's horses was distinguished by even greater luxury and wealth.

    All the hunting birds of the falconry of Tsars Mikhail Feodorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich belonged to the breed of noble falcons. The catch of these birds was carried out by the Dvina scavengers along the sea coast and along the rivers, along the Tiun coast, the Terek side and on the Kanin Nose. There was severe discipline at the royal baptismal; any omission was punished very severely. The care of birds of prey consisted in feeding them, in treating the sick, but mainly in "carrying out", that is, the systematic training of wild birds in hunting. Birds of prey were fed at the “specified time”, that is, at certain hours, and certainly with the most benign meat. When the gyrfalcons were carried and prepared, they were taken on a real hunt; often the tsar himself “tried” newly born gyrfalcons. The attire of the royal falcons consisted of the following components: a hood, a bib, a tail-piece, a fringe (otherwise called a carry-on, a bow-tie, an entanglement or an oputin), a strongman, a debtor and bells. All these outfits were made by special craftsmen in the sovereign's workshop; the value of the outfit was consistent with the dignity of the bird for which it was intended; usually gyrfalcons, the royal favorites, shone with gold, silver and precious stones.

    Fighting with wild bears and baiting them with dogs were very loved by both first tsars from the Romanov dynasty. Under Tsars Mikhail Feodorovich and Aleksey Mikhailovich, hunting was divided, as before, into two large departments, which retained the old name of the paths - falconer's and hunter's. All persons who were at the C. hunt, no matter how insignificant their position, were considered to be in active C. service. All hunting birds were distributed according to "articles". At the head of the "article" was the "initial" falconer, who was in charge of known number"ordinary" falconers, gyrfalconers and hawks.

    Tsar Feodor Alekseevich, sickly and weak, did not inherit his father's love for "falconry fun." During his 6-year reign, he never took part in the hunt. C. hunting falls, but is not completely destroyed. Its decline continues and intensifies even more in the reign of Peter the Great. The entertainments of navigation replaced for Peter the entertainments of hunting. He not only "did not feel any inclination" to hunting, but was opposed to it as an empty and unworthy fun. Under Peter Vel. The management of hunting was in the hands of Prince-Caesar Feodor Yuryevich Romodanovsky, and then his son Ivan Feodorovich. In 1695-1696. the Preobrazhensky order was formed, to whose jurisdiction it was transferred from the order Grand Palace Semyonov amusing yard with all the birds, animals and hunting attendants that were in it. Since that time, C. hunting for 34 years has been under the control of the Preobrazhensky order. One of the few monuments of the activity of Prince. Romodanovsky on the management of the royal hunt were published on his initiative in 1701 and 1703. decrees prohibiting individuals from hunting in the vicinity of Moscow.

    Emperor Peter II spent most of his short reign on hunting trips that continuously followed one after another; he was especially fond of dog hunting. Under Peter II, the first hunting position borrowed from the West appeared - the Jägermeister. Upon the accession to the throne of Anna Ioannovna, the rich hunting of Peter II passed into her possession. Taking care of the splendor of her court, she closely followed the organization and development of court hunting institutions. In addition to rifle hunting, Anna Ioannovna very often amused herself with the spectacle of baiting animals; neither before nor after all kinds of persecution of animals were practiced on such a large scale. Her favorite pastime was rifle shooting. In 1736, the position of Ober-Jägermeister was established. In 1740, the imperial hunt for the first time received a precise organization, with the publication of the first yahd state.

    The beginning of hunting bans near St. Petersburg was laid by Peter the Great, who, by decree on April 22, 1714, forbade shooting or beating elks in the entire St. , which for each live elk gave 5 rubles.

    Elizaveta Petrovna became interested in hunting even in her youth, under the influence of her nephew Peter II. A long series of hunts, in which Elizaveta Petrovna took part already as an empress, opens in Moscow, where she moved in 1742 for her coronation. Under Elizabeth Petrovna, a special type of bird hunting became widespread - hunting for black grouse from huts, with stuffed animals.

    Shortly after her accession to the throne, Empress Catherine II became addicted to bird hunting with falcons. Upon arrival in Moscow in 1763, Catherine II visited the Izmaylovo menagerie, Tyukhaleva grove and other suburbs of the capital, where she was engaged in both falconry and jaeger hunting. Office work for the management of the imperial hunt was concentrated in the Ober-Jägermeister Chancellery, formed in 1744-1745. In 1773, she was granted rights on a par with colleges. The Ober-Jägermeister Chancellery became the head of the independent Ober-Jägermeister Corps.

    In 1762, by order of Emperor Peter III, Oranienbaum hunting was included in the imperial hunts. The new yahd staff made some small changes to the organization of bird hunting, which was still located in Moscow. The chief officer with two assistants was placed at the head of the bird hunt. In the state of 1773, we meet Jaeger music for the first time as a separate institution. Previously, as, for example, in the list of Peter II's own hunting, only individual jaeger musicians - voltorists were mentioned. Chief Jägermeister Naryshkin submitted to the Empress in 1773 a report on the determination of yakhd pages for the imperial hunt. This report was approved by the Empress. By decree of May 6, 1771, all the ranks of the Ober-Jägermeister department, together with all palace servants, were exempted from corporal punishment. The ranks of the hunt, retiring "for decrepitude of years" or for complete "disability", were awarded a pension in the amount of a salary, or they were entrusted with an easier task while maintaining their previous salaries.

    Menageries and hunting yards in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Peterhof, Gatchina, Tsarskoe Selo, at the Semyonovsky Amusement Yard, in the village of Izmailovo and in Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda looked like zoological gardens, the beginning of which was laid in St. Petersburg by Peter the Great. During the reign of Anna Ioannovna, several menageries, animal and hunting yards arose in St. Petersburg, in which, in addition to collections of rare animals and birds, animals were also kept - for baiting, birds - for the empress's rifle hunting. In 1770, Empress Catherine II ordered the construction of a “pheasantry” near the Dudergof mountain. In Krasnoye Selo in 1764 a falconer's yard was set up. The first place among the Moscow hunting establishments belonged to the old Semyonovsky amusing yard - the center of the royal bird hunting. Animals and birds for menageries and animal yards were delivered partly from abroad, but mainly from various outskirts of Russia.

    The position of the falcon litters during the period under consideration becomes more difficult; the highest authorities make more and more stringent demands on them, while local authorities often extremely restrict their activities by not giving them the established salary. The most significant damage to the well-being of the Pomytchiks was caused by the gradual reduction of their ancient rights and privileges. The catch industry gradually declined during the 18th century. The Ober-Jägermeister department had to make great efforts to ensure that bird hunting was in the best possible order, and especially that there was no shortage of birds of prey. Falconry with the death of Catherine II forever freezes. By personal decree on August 19, 1827, imp. Nicholas I expelled the last pomytchikov from the court rank.

    For the imperial hunting under the emperors Paul, Alexander I and Nicholas I, a time of complete calm came; she became part of the ministry of the imperial court and was exclusively a canine hunt. Since Emperor Alexander II, hunting has been revived and more often visited by the most august hosts; rifle hunting becomes dominant. AT early XIX table. the imperial hunting from St. Petersburg was transferred to Peterhof, in 1858 - from Peterhof to Gatchina.

    This article was written using material from encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Efron (1890-1907).