Newborn baby 1 month old Newborn baby. Baby's first month

Knowing what a baby should be able to do at 1 month will help parents lay the right foundation for the physical and psychological development of the baby. Many moms and dads are surprised that such a tiny little man already has certain skills. Despite the fact that in the first weeks after his birth, the baby sleeps a lot, it is necessary to deal with him. special exercises to develop his skills. A child's short moments of activity can be spent with great benefit for him.

At this age, the baby should gain strength, and he does this mainly in his sleep, spending only about 4 hours a day in an active state.

Physical development

Most of the time of the first month (about 20 hours a day) the newborn sleeps. Most often, in a dream, the baby is in the “frog” position - he lies on his back, raising his arms up, bending them at the elbows and spreading his bent legs to the sides. Some babies sleep on their stomachs with their knees drawn up to their chests and their heads turned to one side. Pediatricians recommend laying babies this way, because in this position the child’s sleep is much calmer, and colic is also less likely to occur.
During wakefulness, the baby makes uncoordinated movements with arms and legs. This is because the baby's muscles are in physiological hypertonicity, which usually disappears by the end of the third month. If the baby is placed on his tummy while awake, he will raise his head and try to hold it for a few seconds.

The vision of the crumbs is still imperfect, but by the end of the first month of life, he can already distinguish faces, smiles, follow a bright toy with his eyes.

How does vision, facial expressions, hearing and speech develop?

The organs of vision of a newborn baby are immature, so he sees the world fuzzy and unable to focus on specific subject. However, if you place a bright toy at a distance of 60 cm from the child's face, you will see how the baby's gaze lingers on it. By the end of the month, the baby will learn to follow a slowly moving object with its eyes. During this period, you can hang bright rotating toys above the crib.

Experts have found that most of all the baby is attracted to the faces of people. A newborn loves to look at his mother's face often leaning over him and at the same time pays attention to her facial expressions. You may notice that a child who is 2-3 weeks old repeats active movements after you: smiles, sticks out his tongue, stretches his lips with a tube.

The newborn has good hearing. Already in the first month of his life, the baby tries to find the source of the sound by turning his head in all directions. The child is able to highlight the familiar and pleasant mother's voice. A woman can calm a crying baby by gently talking to him: the baby will quiet down and begin to listen. month old baby perfectly distinguishes emotions. If mom is annoyed or upset, he is also uncomfortable.
The baby expresses all its desires by crying. Over time, you will be able to understand what exactly the baby is “saying”. The child cries in different ways when he is hungry, demands a diaper change, feels cold or hot, feels pain or tired. By the end of the first month, the baby begins to make various sounds: squeak, snort and even imitate syllables. During this period, the baby can please the parents with the first conscious smile, which is an emotional reaction to a person addressing him.

The so-called grasping reflex is one of the indicators normal development your baby

Important Reflexes

Nature endowed the newborn with unconditioned reflexes so that he could adapt to the world around him and prepare for conscious movements. Their assessment should be carried out in a warm room, on a flat surface. In this case, the baby should not be tired, hungry or wet. In a child with a healthy nervous system, the following reflexes should be present in the first month of life:

  1. Sucking. If any object (nipple, nipple) gets into the baby's oral cavity, he will begin to make rhythmic sucking movements. A full-term baby is born with this important reflex and retains it throughout the first year of life.
  2. Search engine. If you gently touch the corner of the baby's mouth, he will lower his lower lip and begin to actively seek out his mother's breast. At the same time, a rougher touch of the baby's mouth can cause a different reaction: the child will feel irritation and turn his head in the opposite direction.
  3. Palmar-oral. With moderate pressure on the palm of the baby, he will open his mouth and tilt his head forward.
  4. Grasping. The baby grasps and firmly holds the fingers of an adult placed in his palm.
  5. Protective. When laid out on the stomach, the baby immediately turns the head to the side. This reflex allows the child to breathe in this position. That is why when sleeping on the tummy healthy child won't suffocate.
  6. Crawls. If you put the baby on his stomach and touch his feet, he will try to push off from the palms of an adult.
  7. Automatic walking. If you give the child a vertical position so that he “leans” on a hard surface with his legs, and tilts forward a little, the baby will begin to “walk”.

Babies in the first month of life love to sleep on their backs in the frog position and can already wake up from sharp sounds.

What should a one month old baby do?

All children develop differently. However, by the end of the 4th week of their life, they should master certain skills. Parents need not only to properly care for the baby, but also to monitor its development. , can:

  • In the position on the stomach, raise and briefly hold the head
  • Listen to sounds, turn to their source, distinguish mother's voice from other voices
  • Startle when you hear a sharp sound
  • Grab a light rattle or an adult's finger
  • Follow a slowly moving bright object
  • Make some vowel sounds
  • Fix the gaze on the face bent over it
  • Smile in response to a smile or kind words.

Hold your treasure on the handles more often, because it inspires calmness in the child and helps to feel better.

In order for the whole family, including a newborn baby, to be in a calm, favorable environment, one should not show nervousness when communicating with a child. The baby of the first weeks of life is best picked up more often: hearing the heartbeat of the parents, smelling the smell of mother's milk, the baby calms down. Children love to rock, so rock it in your arms, in the cradle, baby bouncer. It is very important to monitor the temperature and humidity in the room where the newborn is.

To develop the baby's hearing and speech, tell him poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales more often, sing songs. Comment on all your actions, name objects around. The kid will try to enter into a “dialogue” with you, he will become more active in making sounds and smiling. When talking to a baby, always keep a good mood.

Very important for a newborn tactile sensations. Lay it on your tummy more often, while stroking your back, arms and legs. Place bright objects, toys in front of the baby, thereby encouraging him to reach forward. Turn on the child classical music. Experts say that calm melodies help children develop better and feel more confident.

Remember that each child develops according to their individual program. If your baby has not learned something by the end of the 1st month, do not be discouraged. In the coming weeks, he will definitely catch up with his peers and acquire the necessary skills. If you are still concerned about something, contact your pediatrician.

The first month of a baby's life. Child development in the first months of life.

First month. Baby is a month old.
Classes with a child of 1 month.

* One month *

child's world

Earlier we talked about how communication occurs between a newborn and parents. Now we will observe the development of these relationships during the second month of a child's life, when the baby becomes more receptive to the surrounding reality and more clearly shows his reaction to the behavior of adults. At the same time, we will see how the child's coordination and ability to respond to sights and sounds improves. As the child's ability to perceive and absorb new information, parents begin to treat him as a person. Already at the age of one month, it is possible to determine the individual character traits of the child that distinguish him from his peers. By talking one-on-one with your baby, you can tune in to his natural rhythm and get a feel for when you can work with him, and when you need to give him a break. You will learn how to handle a child when he is overexcited and screams a lot. You will discover new ways to help your baby stay calm and alert, calm down before bed. One way you can help your baby is to teach him how to suck on a pacifier. Some babies start sucking on the pacifier instinctively, others stubbornly refuse it. If the baby resists and spits out the pacifier, be persistent. Try to give it to the child by rocking him and singing some melody. Buy two or three different nipples so you can determine which one he likes best. After some time, your efforts will be rewarded - with the help of a pacifier, the child will learn to calm down and fall asleep on his own. A pacifier is a tool that both you and your child will appreciate in the near future.

motor skills

A month old baby is already beginning to control his body. His convulsive, chaotic twitches disappear, and the movements of the arms and legs gradually become more even and orderly. Nervous trembling, which is so characteristic of newborns, also disappears. The first change that can be seen in a child's behavior is the ability to move his head. If the baby is placed in the crib on his stomach, he will be able to turn his head from side to side without much effort. Some, especially strong children, even pick it up and look around. The baby's ability to move its head is especially evident when you hold it against your shoulder. However, no matter how strong your child is, he is far from fully able to control his movements. When taking your baby out of the crib or carrying him around the room, be sure to support his head with your hands. As a rule, monthly babies are not able to move independently, but occasionally there are such active babies who, wriggling and fidgeting, get to the corner of the crib or roll over from their stomach to their back. Sometimes even the most passive children are able to make unexpected movements. Therefore, just in case, even the tiniest baby should not be left alone on a table or other high place. Having reached the age of one month, the child begins not only to turn his head, but also to control the muscles of his arms and legs much better. He is able to move them not only smoothly and rhythmically, but also speed up or slow down the pace depending on the rhythm of human speech. When you speak to your child in a calm and even tone, his movements are calm and even. Try to speak quickly, excitedly, and you will see how the baby begins to vigorously move his arms and legs.

Ability to see, hear, feel

In the previous chapter, we discussed the degree of excitability in newborns. We talked about how you can notice how differently they feel depending on their environment, sleeping and awake. State month old baby much easier to determine. You can already understand whether the baby is sleeping soundly or, conversely, restlessly, and when he wakes up, he is calm or excited. In the waking state, a one-month-old baby is able to follow a moving object with his eyes. He concentrates and looks with interest at some object or drawing that is in front of him at a distance of 12 - 30 centimeters. If the baby especially likes something, he even starts to "hum". Then after a few minutes he looks away. This process is called "familiarization". The child seems to say: "Yes, now I know what it is." If you change the item or, without removing the first one, show the baby another one, he will repeat his actions. For a one-month-old baby, new sounds are just as interesting as new visual images. He can distinguish speech from other sounds and at the same time gives a clear preference to the human voice. At an unfamiliar sound, the child is alert, freezes, and it seems that he is carefully listening to him. If the sound is repeated several times, the child stops paying attention to it. To re-interest the child, you can change the sound, for example, instead of ringing a bell, give the baby to listen to a rattle or a toy that can squeak. During this period, the connection between what he saw and heard strengthened in the mind of the child. After a little training, he will look at the bell hanging over his bed every time it rings. The baby reacts differently to different sounds. Music soothes him, loud noises frighten him, and whistling or ringing arouses interest.

We understand our child

From the moment of birth, each child is a distinct individual with characteristic hallmarks . However, only by the end of the first month of a baby's life do parents begin to truly recognize him. Now they can tell a lot about their child, including the whole range of his behavior: how he is when he is calm or excited, when he is in a good mood or naughty, resting or moving, whether he calms down easily or not, his actions are predictable or not, quickly or slowly he reacts to what is happening around him. Parents know how best to hold him in his arms and how to calm him down and put him to bed. They can determine when he is screaming in pain, when he is hungry, and when his cry means: "Nothing terrible has happened. I just want to be petted." A one-month-old baby loses the sleepy, wandering look characteristic of newborns. Now the baby is able to stay awake for quite a long time before and after feeding, but he is still not ready for impacts of a sharp nature. If he hears too loud sounds, sees bright lights, feels too energetic touches, he is unable to separate one sensation from another. Overloaded with impressions, the baby begins to get nervous and annoyed. Indeed, at this age, many children have certain periods during the day when they suddenly overwork quickly and begin to act up. At such moments, one baby can be calmed by picking up, shaking or patting rhythmically on the back. Another will stop crying and fall asleep if wrapped in a blanket or snug in a stroller. However, it happens that a very active or restless baby does not respond to any efforts on the part of the parents and his unceasing crying creates a tense atmosphere in the house. Such a child needs to be given some time to scream so that he can free himself from internal tension. We hope that the following tips will help you calm your restless baby. 1. Try to complete daily activities such as feeding, swaddling, bathing and massage before going to bed in a balanced, calm state. 2. Sit in a rocking chair in a semi-dark room. Take the baby in your arms and gently rock while singing the melody. If the baby is tense and arching, put him on his lap, belly down, or place him in a large, comfortable stroller and rock gently. Sing something in a low voice. 3. While rocking for a while, listen for a scream. Has he started to calm down? Maybe it became not so shrill and loud? If you feel that the crying has become more sleepy and quiet, continue to swing for another five minutes. 4. It also happens that crying does not subside, but, on the contrary, intensifies. In this case, carefully place the baby on his stomach in the crib. Turn on soft music - the radio or the music box - and tiptoe out of the room. 5. If the scream lasts more than 10 minutes, return to normal activities. Be confident in yourself and do not forget that when doing things, you need to maintain their usual sequence, calmness and balance. 6. Finally, if you see that the child always has difficulty falling asleep, contact your pediatrician. A month-old baby is not yet ready for contacts with others, however, he strives for communication. Try playing a one-on-one game with your baby: you and your baby stare into each other's eyes, then move them aside and meet again. So in a simple way parents develop a communication skill in a child, which becomes for him the first step to spoken language. And after a while the child begins to "walk". Although his sound repertoire is not rich and is limited to one or two front vowels, he learns to speak in the fullest sense of the word. It is very funny to watch parents who are passionate about talking with their baby. An adult raises his eyebrows high, opens his eyes wide and rounds his mouth, or, conversely, frowns, squints his eyes and purses his lips. He may nod his head and lean close to the child's face, or tilt his head slightly back. Through such grimaces and movements, which at first glance seem unnatural, parents introduce the child to sign language, which is an integral element of spoken language. An open look, a face turned to the baby, testify to the desire of an adult to communicate with the child, cause him to dialogue. Conversely, if the adult's facial expression becomes detached and he turns away, this means that there will now be a pause in the conversation. Such conversations, no matter how short they are, usually proceed in a certain sequence. First, dad or mom raise their voice to get the child's attention. When the baby begins to make different sounds in response, this inspires the adult, and the conversation is livened up, which, in turn, causes the child to become very aroused. Then, as the baby's excitement subsides, the adult's voice gradually drops and he looks away. After a few seconds, the "interlocutors" look at each other again, and the conversation resumes. Over time, through such conversations, a daily ritual can be established in your family that gives pleasure to both the baby and parents.

The first month in a baby's life is incredibly long! In any case, this is how it seems to mothers who are next to the baby every minute, and often do not leave the house because of the cold or, conversely, the heat on the street. But this period is over and your baby has already changed. Noticed? What should be proper development baby at 1 month, and what useful skills should be developed today?

Every day your baby becomes more and more beautiful. Puffiness has already gone from the face, thanks to which his features have clearly become visible. Now you can compare who the baby is more like, although this similarity can also change several times.

Features of the physiology of the baby

A newborn child for 1 month no longer experiences the discomfort of muscle hypertonicity, which clenched the crumbs' fists and forced them to press the handles to the body. They move freely and unconsciously, as the baby has not yet learned to control them.

The umbilical wound completely healed, turning into a real navel. And the baby’s sleep at 1 month is so long that it allows the mother to finally feel a little more freedom in doing household chores. During the day, the baby will sleep at least 6 times, total time rest will be 6-7 hours. For another 8-10 hours, the baby will sleep at night, perhaps without even disturbing you for night feeding. Even the most active crumbs of a month old are awake only 6 hours a day, and real sleepyheads rest all 20 hours.

The chair of a child at 1 month is extremely individual. Some crumbs can please mom with a dirty diaper even after each feeding, up to 10 times a day. On average, the number of poop is 4-6. There are also very restrained babies who empty their intestines every other day (this is especially true for artificial people). But if the baby feels good, he is not worried about the tummy, which is absolutely soft, then such rare bowel movements are normal for him.

The weight of a child at 1 month is also individual, as are the indicators of growth, head circumference.

The first weighing in the pediatrician's office at 1 month of a child's life will show the dynamics of weight gain and growth. His scores are on the rise, physical development a child of 1 month of life passes normally.

Core Skills

What should a baby be able to do at 1 month old? Eat and sleep? Not at all! The skills of a child at 1 month are much more diverse! The baby can:

Features of care for proper development

Proper care for a 1-month-old baby will also ensure its proper development. What do you need to do? Just be around all the time that you can afford, and respond to the baby's requests "at the first peep." Take him in your arms more often, talk, play. And do not pay attention to the advice of grandmothers and neighbors who believe that such behavior will make a child an egoist. Just the opposite. Children deprived of their mother's care often start screaming for no reason just to get her attention. The kid, who knows that mom will come at the first call, will not cry again.


To develop the attention and tactile skills of the child will help:

  • large contrasting figures and bright toys of those colors that the baby already distinguishes;
  • black and white pictures with large spiral patterns or in the form of a checkerboard;
  • air balloons;
  • mobile - or children's carousel with large figures and music. Let the number of these figures be small, 3-4 pieces are enough;
  • developing rug or arc - with the latter you can play just in the crib.


For a 1-month-old newborn, development may well include baby swimming in the pool with mom and an instructor. You can also swim in the home bath. Buy an inflatable donut circle for your baby's neck and fill a bath full of water at a comfortable temperature. Dip the baby in the water and help him get comfortable by holding it under the handles. Already for 3 times the child will be happy to splash himself, moving in the water. And you can just be there.

Starting from 1 month of life, the development of the crumbs will be very active. Capture every moment armed with a camera. In a year, you will be happy to look at the pictures, wondering how much your child could do!


The development of the baby, especially in the first month of life, is very important. The intervals of wakefulness during this period are small, so it is important to build a schedule for the baby in such a way as to accommodate the necessary activities. It is important to set priorities correctly and choose activities that will be aimed at psychomotor development, physiological development, and the development of the senses.

What can a baby in 1 month

For a child at this age, first of all, it is important that the mother is always present nearby and breastfeeding. However, we must not forget about other elements of development, including swimming, walking, and so on. Parents are interested in what a child should be able to do at 1 month. A baby by one month can:

  • Make micromovements, actively move arms and legs;
  • cry and smile;
  • Recognize the voice, smell and touch of the mother;
  • Distinguish between bright colors, checkered and striped patterns;
  • Focus on the face of an adult or on a bright fixed object;
  • Follow a moving object;
  • Pronounce sounds in time with the speaker's speech and distinguish the features of sounds;
  • Raise and hold the head for a few seconds, lying on the stomach.

It is important for parents to provide proper care for the baby, because this is the key to the successful development and good health of the child.

Proper care for a 1 month old baby

Feeding. In the first month it is important to establish breastfeeding, because only breast milk 100% satisfies the baby's needs for food and drink. It contains the necessary vitamins and useful elements that ensure the full physical development of the baby. Breastfeed more often and feed on demand.

In the first month, the number of feedings can reach up to 20 times a day, 3-4 of which occur at night. Do not limit the duration of feeding and do not wean until the baby is full. To protect the child from health problems and maintain lactation at a good level, a nursing mother needs to follow the rules of nutrition when breastfeeding.

Sleep and wakefulness. In the first month, the baby sleeps most of the day, sleep is 20 hours. At the moments of wakefulness, the child needs not only to be fed, but also to develop. Play and walk with the baby, read books and tell stories. Spend this time next to the baby while he is awake. For a baby in the first month, physical and emotional contact with the mother is very important, because it has a positive effect on the psychomotor development of the child.

Bathing It has a beneficial effect on the physical development of the child, because it strengthens the immune system and muscles. Light exercises in the water will help develop the sense of balance and the vestibular apparatus, straighten the fingers, arms and legs. Regular bathing improves the functioning of internal organs, stimulates blood circulation and stabilizes blood pressure. So that the baby is not afraid of water, for the first time start lowering it from the heels and do it carefully. Start bathing with 10-15 minutes and gradually increase the time to 40 minutes.

It is important to support comfortable temperature water and a bathroom so that the child does not overheat or become cold. You need to start swimming at 37 degrees above zero, then lower the water temperature by 1 degree every four days. Pediatricians do not recommend starting hardening before 3-4 months from the date of birth. Useful exercises from babies in the water you will find at the link /.

walks with a newborn, they begin already 7-10 days after birth, if the weather is warm outside. At temperatures below 10 degrees, it is better to postpone going outside. The first walks should be no more than 20-30 minutes. Gradually increase the time to 2-2.5 hours. This is a good time for walking in warm and calm weather. In frost and heat, the walking time is up to 40 minutes. In hot weather over 25 degrees Celsius, do not walk with your baby between 11 and 17 hours, as the sun is most active and dangerous at this time.

Walking in the fresh air stimulates blood circulation, improves sleep and increases appetite, and temperature changes contribute to hardening. The baby grows healthy and kind, the baby cries less, eats well and sleeps peacefully. However, it is important to choose the right clothes. What to take with you for a walk, and how to dress a newborn for the weather, read.

Hygiene- the most important element in the care of the baby. Compliance with hygiene standards and cleanliness around will help to avoid health problems in the newborn. Bathe your baby every day and wash your face twice with water, wipe your eyes with wet cotton pads, trim your nails, change diapers every two to three hours. It is important that the baby is clean and dry.

Use wet and dry wipes, arrange air baths. Ventilate the room regularly in the absence of the baby and carry out wet cleaning. Don't forget about your hygiene. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before each feeding.

Massage favorably affects the mental and physical development of a small child, calms and relaxes, relieves overstrain and improves sleep. You can start massage as early as 4-5 days after the birth of the baby. However, please note that tummy massage should not be done until it heals. umbilical wound! As a rule, this happens by two months.

Physical development

From the first minutes after birth, the body begins to gradually adapt to new conditions. environment. Today, doctors recommend immediately putting the baby to the breast, as this has a positive effect on both the physical development of the baby and the development of lactation in the mother. In the first 12 hours, the baby is vaccinated against hepatitis B, and during the week - against tuberculosis. A month later, hepatitis is re-vaccinated.

Often in the first week after birth, the baby loses about 10% of body weight. This is a normal phenomenon that occurs due to the adaptation period and the restructuring of the internal organs of the baby. Only by the second week the baby's condition stabilizes, he becomes calmer and begins to gradually gain weight. Let's take a closer look at the indicators that a baby should have by one month.

Note that in the first month of life, the rate of weight gain is 90-150 grams per week. Thus, by the first month, the weight of a newborn increases by an average of 400-600 grams compared to birth weight. How to correctly calculate the rate of weight gain in children under one year old, read.

psychomotor development

Children have several innate reflexes, including sucking, grasping and searching. So, when holding a finger or a nipple around the mouth, the baby makes sucking movements with his lips. In addition, the child grabs what touches the palm of his hand and turns his head when stroking any part of the body.

When a newborn hears a sudden or loud sound, he spreads his arms and legs to the sides and brings them back. Lying on his tummy, he makes swimming movements. And if you take the baby in your arms so that the legs lightly touch the surface, he will begin to make movements that imitate walking.

By the third week, the baby begins to copy the active movements of the mother's facial expressions. Do not forget that intuitively the baby feels the emotions of adults. If mom or dad feel comfortable, then the child behaves calmly. If they are irritated or angry, the newborn becomes anxious, cries and acts up. And by the fourth week, “speech” is already beginning to develop, when the baby makes snorting and squeaking sounds.

To develop motor skills and speech, you need to regularly talk with your baby in voice, facial expressions, gestures. In addition, it is important to support the development of the sense organs. You can develop vision with the help of bright and colored toys that are handed to the child, hung over the crib or in the stroller. For the development of the auditory organs, you can not only talk with the baby, but also let them listen to music. The more varied it is, the better.

Play with your child, tell stories and sing songs. This develops vision and hearing, motor skills and concentration while listening, has a beneficial effect on the mental state and well-being of the baby.

Premature baby development

A baby born before 260 days of pregnancy is considered premature. There are many reasons for preterm birth. These are mother's health problems, unhealthy lifestyle, previous abortions, stress, etc.

In a premature baby, thin skin and reddish wrinkled skin can be observed. External differences from children who were born on time disappear by the year. More noticeable differences are not in external signs. Early children learn skills and abilities a little later. So, with a premature birth earlier than a week of pregnancy, the child may lag behind in development by 1.5-4 months.

In the first month, a premature baby has poorly developed congenital reflexes and inactivity, lethargy and reduced muscle tone. These children are slowly gaining weight. Until the baby learns to eat on his own, he receives food through a special tube.

To ensure the correct psychomotor and physical development of a premature baby, it is important to pay special attention to him and carefully monitor the functioning of each organ. At proper care the baby's condition approaches normal by 12 months after birth.

  • Try to mend breast-feeding, because mother's milk - the best remedy to increase immunity in a premature baby. Breast milk gives strength, promotes weight gain and accelerates development early child. No formula can replace milk! Therefore, if lactation has already begun, express milk and feed the baby through a bottle or tube. Offer the breast regularly to the baby to develop the sucking-swallowing reflex;
  • Pay attention to the climate in the room, monitor the humidity and avoid drafts. The temperature in the room for a premature baby should be slightly higher. In ordinary infants, it is 18-24 degrees above zero, in premature babies, the indicators vary between 22-25 degrees;
  • Dress your baby warmer if he weighs less than 2 kg. Otherwise, the child should be dressed in the same way as a normal newborn;
  • Bathing for children weighing less than 1.5 kg can begin after two to three weeks. In other cases, you can bathe your baby for 7-10 days. The water temperature should be 38 degrees, and in the bathroom - at least 25;
  • Walks begin only in warm weather after 12-14 days from the date of birth. The first walk should be short and be 10 minutes, then increase the time to 1.5 hours. During cold or hot weather, it is better to postpone going out;
  • The doctor must draw up an individual vaccination schedule, since in the first month of life, a premature baby seriously increases the risk of infectious diseases;
  • Massage will bring invaluable benefits to a premature baby, because almost 50% of these babies begin to gain weight faster. Light, simple touches and strokes have a positive effect on the well-being and physical condition of the baby. Massage can be started as early as the second week of life. And after 1-1.5 months they begin to do special gymnastics.

Cognitive development of a child of 1 month of life

Most of the time the newborn sleeps. Periods of active wakefulness, when he is ready to perceive new information, are rare and short-lived. Therefore, you should not plan classes with the baby in advance, just do not miss the opportunity.

When the child is awake, try to diversify his postures. Let him lie on his stomach for a while, then on his back or on his side. Being in different positions, the baby will learn to move his arms and legs. Enjoy the time you spend with your little one. Laugh and have fun with him.

Don't be afraid to spoil your child. Try to quickly fulfill his desires. If you give the baby enough attention when he needs it, he will not annoy you once again. First of all, the baby needs human warmth, so he loves to be picked up. If the child is rarely held, he may become lethargic and lethargic.

Indicators of cognitive development of 1 month of a child's life:
- the child carefully looks at objects, but still does not reach for them;
- the child may not for a long time turn his eyes to bright object or light;
- the baby leans towards the chest, even if he is not fed;
- if the mother spreads the child's fingers and puts a rattle in his palm, he quickly grabs it, but immediately releases it;
- active one hour out of ten;
- a vague, expressionless face almost all the time of wakefulness;
- recognizes the mother by voice and smell;
- cries when calling for help.

Emotional and social development of a child of 1 month of life

At 1 month, babies express their feelings by widening their eyes and rounding their mouth. At this stage, a bond is formed between the child and the parent. The kid intuitively feels the emotions emanating from the adult. If the mother is happy and calm, the child is also comfortable. If the mother is annoyed, angry, swears, the baby instantly reacts with protesting crying.

A newborn signals about his emotional state by crying or smiling. Crying expresses discontent, discomfort, fear, pain, cold or heat. A smile in the first weeks of life is a sign of calm contentment. At first, the baby smiles involuntarily, almost only in a dream. Later, a smile can be observed both after feeding and during bathing.

Indicators of the emotional and social development of a child of 1 month:
- the child is mobile during one of ten hours;
- he screams that he needs help;
- the child calms down if someone close takes him in his arms;
- for a long time, the child has an indifferent appearance;
- the child remembers objects that appear repeatedly for several seconds;
- the child is able to establish eye contact;
- the child responds to the human voice;
- the child adapts his position to the person who holds him;
- in response to the mother's smile, the child focuses his gaze on her face.

Speech development of a child of 1 month of life

During this period, the first smile appears in response to the addressed speech. A smile is a call for mutual understanding, an invitation to communication, an expression of positive emotions.

The baby can make separate sounds in response to a conversation, sometimes the reaction is still delayed by a few seconds. For example, some babies, as early as a few hours after birth, can imitate if someone sticks out their tongue or opens their mouth. At the very beginning, the child cries or screams, then begins to make throat sounds, which are less and less by the month.

In the second month, the baby will begin to make sounds reminiscent of “a”, “kh”, “ah”, etc. When the baby is sleeping, you can often hear soft snore or even snoring.

How is your baby developing at 1 month old?

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