Leisure for the preparatory group journey through fairy tales. Literary entertainment in the preparatory group "Journey through the tales of A.S. Pushkin"

"Journey through fairy tales". Entertainment for children preparatory group

Target: Activate creative activity older children preschool age, with the help of knowledge of fairy tales and literary works.



Arouse children's interest in a fairy tale as a genre fiction.

To improve the ability of children to recognize fairy tales by literary and musical fragments, illustrations, keywords.

Create an emotionally positive attitude in children.

To form emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize with the state, mood of the characters.

To fix the quantitative account, when recalculating the stars received by children, for the correct answers.


Develop emotional expressiveness, activate children's vocabulary.

Motivate independence of choice.


Raise interest in reading fairy tales and literary works.

To cultivate a culture of verbal communication, the ability to interact with peers, the ability to cooperate, friendliness.

Dictionary activation:gnome, troll, goblin.

Preliminary work:reading fairy tales and literary works: "Gingerbread Man", "The Adventure of Pinocchio", "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "Geese - Swans", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"

Material: attributes and costumes for characters, audio recordings, pictures based on fairy tales, a mirror, a feather, an arrow, a basket, a key, an egg, an apple, a washcloth, a flower with seven petals, a letter, a chest, a key, a bell, coloring books, a carpet.


Leader - adult

Children - Gnome

Little Red Riding Hood



Baba Yaga

Vasilisa the Beautiful

Progress of entertainment -

The melody “Come visit us” sounds from the fairy tale “There, on unknown paths”

Presenter: Roll, apple, on a golden saucer. Show a fairy tale to children about good and evil, about bad people and about good people. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows- lesson.

In an open field - a village, on the edge there is a hut. We will look into the hut, congratulate everyone on the new day.

Today guys, I want to invite you to travel to amazing country fairy tales. It is generously inhabited by various good and evil heroes: gnomes and trolls, sorcerers and goblin, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful. Getting there is not difficult, you just need to close your eyes for a few moments and imagine that we are flying on a magic carpet, through the seas and oceans, forests and steppes. Here it descends lower and lower, and finally we have the first fabulous stop in front of us.

Station number 1. At the first stop, the children are met by a dwarf

Dwarf: Hello children! Did you recognize me? And now you have to learn fairy tales. I will show you illustrations for famous fairy tales, and you must accurately say the name of the fairy tale and its main characters.

The gnome shows 6-7 illustrations.

Dwarf : You are great! Completed the task and get a magic petal.

The gnome gives the children a red petal from the Semi-flower.

presenter : Thank you, Gnome. Tell me, why do we need this magic petal?

Dwarf : And you will learn about this later. And now I wish you a happy journey through our fabulous country.

presenter : Well, let's fly further. The journey continues.

sounds again magical music, the children close their eyes and "fly" further.

Presenter: And here is the next stop. Guess who it is:

The grandmother loved the girl very much,

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me, what was her name?

Station number 2. Little Red Riding Hood comes out to the children.

Little Red Riding Hood: Good afternoon! My station is called Guess. I will read to you excerpts from fairy tales known to you, and you have to guess which one.

1. Round face, no arms, no legs,

He is from a fairy tale ... ("Gingerbread Man")

2. Alyonushka has sisters

They took away the little brother of the bird.

They fly high

They look far.

("Swan geese")

3. Waiting for mom with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house ...

Who were these

Small children?

("Seven kids")

4. There is no river or pond.

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.

("Sister Alyonushka

And brother Ivanushka")

5. Knock on our door

Unusual miracle beast.

He is wearing a brown shirt.

Wide open saucer ears.


Little Red Riding Hood praises the children and gives them another petal. The journey continues.

presenter : Do you hear someone singing?

Station number 3. A song from the fairy tale "The Golden Key" is heard and Pinocchio comes out to the children.

Pinocchio: Hello friends! I am glad to see you at my fabulous stop called Pathfinder. To get another magic petal, you need to figure out which of the fairy-tale characters these things belong to.

Pinocchio shows the following things: a mirror, glass slipper, gold fish, a basket of pies, a key, an egg, an apple, a scarlet flower, a washcloth

Children receive a petal from Pinocchio and the journey continues.

Presenter: And what is this station?

Station number 4. The Fairy comes out to the children, she has a magic wand in her hands.

Fairy : This stop is fabulously musical. Hello, my name is Fairy Music Fairy. Now I'll wave mine magic wand and you will hear the songs of fairy-tale heroes. If you guess who is singing, you will get another petal.

Songs of fairy-tale heroes sound: Leopold, Little Raccoon, Winnie the Pooh, a wolf and seven kids.

Fairy : Well done! You receive another petal.

Host: And our journey continues.

Station 5

Leading : In the next fairy-tale riddle, you have to determine which of the characters is superfluous.

Children look at the pictures and name inappropriate characters in the fairy tale.

presenter : Something became suspiciously quiet. Hey, is there anyone here! Nobody responds. The teacher together with the children shout: “Ay! »

Station number 6. Baba Yaga:And who is this Grandmother-Yagusenka to rest? Fu-fu, smells like Russian spirit! Ahhh, young travelers. I know, I know that you are traveling through our fabulous country. You show your knowledge and skills. I know why you collect magic petals. I also have a petal, but not one. But I won't just give them away. Here are my riddles-troubles guess, then we'll see!

Presenter: And we just don't need to. Really guys? Make up your own riddles!

Baba Yaga: Okay, listen! Yes, answer quickly!

Riddles of Baba Yaga:

1. Who turned Vasilisa the Wise into a frog?

2. From whom did Kolobok leave?

3. What was the name of the smallest girl?

4. What was the name of the bears from the fairy tale "Three Bears"?

5. Which girl lost her shoe at the ball?

6. What did the fox feed the crane?

7. What words do Russian fairy tales usually begin with?

Baba Yaga: I see, and indeed you know a lot of fairy tales. Well done! Although it is a pity to give the petal, but take it, now it is yours! Don't be in a hurry to leave! I have one more petal. I have another challenge for you. I sat here alone. Hey, I'm bored! I have no one to play with! I want to play "Zhmurki" with you. Passion, I love this game! I won’t be able to catch it, so I’ll give the petal. Do you agree?

presenter : Well, what shall we play?

Baba Yaga plays with the children in the game "Blind Man's Bluff".

Baba Yaga : Phew tired, tired, dizzy! Played enough! I didn't get anything for lunch! A deal is a deal. Take the petal and leave before I change my mind!

The children again sit on the imaginary magic carpet, close their eyes and fly on.

Presenter: Look, some chest! It's closed. And here is the letter. Let's read and find out!

“Good afternoon young travelers! If you are reading this letter, then you have a chest in which the last petal lies. Will you be able to open the chest, help me free myself from the evil spells of Koshchei. In order for the key to appear, you need to correctly decompose the pages of the fairy tale in the correct sequence and name the fairy tale. I hope for your help and thank you in advance"

presenter : I have not yet understood who this message is from, but I know that our help is needed.

In fairy tales, the pages are mixed up and fairy-tale heroes do not know how to be.

Station No. 7 . Make up a fairy tale.

Let's help you compose fairy tales correctly. / Children lay out the pages of fairy tales in the correct sequence and name the fairy tale.

Upon completion of the task, the teacher offers to check whether the children did everything right. /

Now let's check if we get fairy tales.

The teacher quietly puts the key next to the chest.

presenter : Open the chest, take out the petal!

The music “Magic Flower” sounds and Vasilisa the Beautiful comes out to the children

Vasilisa: Hello, I'm glad to see you! I am Vasilisa the Beautiful. Koschei enchanted me, stole a magical flower from my garden and scattered the petals throughout the fairyland, and made me silent and invisible. And he said, if all seven petals of my magic flower come together, only then will his witchcraft disappear. Thank you guys for your curiosity, wit and friendship. I want to give you coloring pages as a keepsake and as a token of gratitude, on the pages of which you will meet fairy-tale characters.


Fairy tales give us miracles

And without miracles it is impossible!

They live everywhere

And they are our friends!

The song “Tales Walk Around the World” by Plyatskovsky sounds and Vasilisa gives gifts.

presenter : And now let's say the magic words:

Clap twice

Stomp three times

Turn around yourself

And find yourself in kindergarten!

Presenter: Here we are again in our kindergarten. Our journey is over. Well, that's the end of our fabulous journey.

Entertainment Analysis -Guys, where did we travel today? What did you like and what was interesting? What was difficult?

So what do fairy tales teach us?

A fairy tale teaches us to be friends,

Be faithful and live honestly

Let the heroes of fairy tales live in a mischievous children's world

More often let the wizards look into our house.

Guys, our lesson has come to an end. See you soon! "In the next lesson we will meet again, we will have exciting mathematics"

Scenario of entertainment "On the roads of Russian folk tales» for children of the preparatory group

Prepared by the teacher of MDOU " Kindergarten No. 35 "Gingerbread Man" Bedenko Ekaterina Gavrilovna

Target: to activate the mental activity of children; develop ingenuity, memory, interest in fairy tales; cultivate a good attitude towards folk art and the people around.

The facilitator addresses the children:
- Guys, do you like fairy tales?
-Name your favorite fairy tales.
-I see that you really know and love fairy tales! Then I invite you to a fabulous competition!
Attention attention!
We are all waiting for fabulous competitions!
Both adults and children love fairy tales,
You can't live without fairy tales.
Do you agree with me? (Yes)
I tell everyone to play then!
And the guest, the Storyteller-Riddler, will help us in our fabulous competition.
Shall we call her?
The children call the Storyteller-Riddler in unison.
The Storyteller-Riddler enters the hall.
- Hello, my good, hello, my handsome! I hear you called me, do you really want to guess my fairy-tale riddles?
-Can you do it, darlings?
Well, let's check it out now. But first you need to split into two teams. (The facilitator helps the children divide into two teams.)
Exercise 1.
-Guess the title of the story from the passages.
"The sons bowed to their father, took the stele, went out into the open field, pulled their bows and fired." ("Princess Frog")
"The children bowed to their father, saddled good horses and set off on their journey: the eldest in one direction, the middle one in the other, and Ivan Tsarevich in the third direction." ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")
"Here in the hut the corners crackled, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, along the road, straight to the king." ("By pike command")
"The old man went to the forest, he reaches that place - under a large spruce his daughter is sitting, cheerful, ruddy, in a sable coat, all in gold, in silver, next to her is a box with gifts." ("Morozko")

Task 2.

Guess which character and in which fairy tale said the following words:
- Do not grieve, Ivan Tsarevich, lie down, it’s better to sleep and rest: the morning is wiser than the evening. (Frog from the fairy tale "The Frog Princess")
- I don’t have a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth - I’m not afraid of anyone. (Hare from the fairy tale "Hare-boast")
- A heavy stone pulls to the bottom, silk grass tangled my legs, yellow sands lay on my chest. (Alyonushka from the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")
- As she ran across the bridge, she grabbed a maple leaf. Yes, as she ran through the comb, grabbed a drop of water. (A goat from the fairy tale "Goat Dereza")
-Sleep, peephole, sleep another. (Havroshechka from the fairy tale "Havroshechka")
-Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie. (Masha from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear")
Task 3.
- Add a word to the title of the fairy tale:
Hare - ... (brag)
Sivka-... (cloak)
Princess Frog)
Swan geese)
Task 4.
- And now I will name the heroes of fairy tales. If the hero is evil, I ask you to stomp, if he is good, then clap. (The storyteller-mystery girl addresses each team in turn.)
Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich, Baba Yaga, Khavroshechka, Emelya, Morozko, sister Alyonushka, Serpent Gorynych, swan geese, Snow Maiden.
Task 5.
-What is the story about?

Wasn't on the window
Rolled down the track.
Along the path, walking briskly,
Buckets carry water.
("At the command of the pike")
The red girl is sad
She doesn't like spring.
("Snow Maiden")
And the road is far
And the basket is not easy,
To sit on a stump,
I would eat a pie.
("Masha and the Bear")
Opened the goat door
And they all disappeared.
("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

The mouse has found a home
The mouse was good.
In the house that after all
There were many residents.
Task 6.
Relay "Let's pull the turnip"
The captains of each team run around a hoop in which a "turnip grows" (a picture depicting a vegetable or a dummy turnip toy). Returning to their team, the captains take the second players of the team, run together, return for the third, etc., until the whole team has run. The last players of the team "pull the turnip" - they take a picture or a dummy.

At the end of all competitions, the Storyteller-Mystery Girl, together with the presenter, summarizes the results of the game, and the winners are announced.

Everyone is invited to tea.

Entertainment in the preparatory group "Fairytale World"

Educator: Taranova L.V.

Target:organize pupils for entertainment; stimulate children's emotional perception of fairy tales;

Learn to find means of expression in facial expressions, gestures, intonations;

Stimulate children and their initiative in a theatrical game;

Cultivate friendly relations in the game

Monitor the speech of preschoolers.

vocabulary work : storyteller, monsters, ball, viands.

Equipment:mirror, glomerulus, comb, ringlet.

The storyteller enters

storyteller. Far - far spread the kingdom - the Land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic. And who once visited it, love forever. Because the trees there are the most bizarre, the mountains are the highest, the towers are the most painted, the birds are the most sonorous, and the monsters are the most terrible.

I suggest you go on a journey - a path: to see the white light, to look at people, to show yourself. The road is going to be long. You need to collect a knapsack with the most necessary things. A tablecloth is spread out in front of you - self-assembly. But on it there are not overseas dishes, but “fabulous” items that will help you along the way: a comb, a towel, a vessel with living water, a ring, an apple, a ball, a mirror.

Guard:Children, only those who love and know a fairy tale can enter our country? Guess - well done, but no - you have to return.

The guards take turns asking questions to the teams, writing down the answers and giving out tokens - keys.

  1. One of the names of Vasilisa (Wise)
  2. Apples that give youth (Rejuvenating)
  3. The tree most often found in fairy tales (oak)
  4. Animal in which a beautiful girl is bewitched (Frog)
  5. Who did the boy turn into when he drank water from the trace of an animal (Kit)
  6. What is the name of the tablecloth in a fairy tale (Self-assembly)
  7. From what object in a fairy tale they become beautiful (Mirror)
  8. What monster lives in the forest (Leshy)

1st guard. You passed the test

Slightly suffered losses.

(Magic words - "Come fairy tale")

2nd guard. But now I to you

I'll give you a wonderful card.

The seal is torn off, the card is attached, and they leave.

Storyteller. For a long, short time, travelers walked through the Land of Fairy Tales, but found themselves near a strange hut. How to get into it, what words need to be said?

Children.hut, hut,

Stand back to the forest, front to me.

I can get into you, there is bread - kvass.

Music sounds. Baba Yaga appears, sings, dances.

Baba Yaga. What dear guests have come to me! I'll let you go if my fairy tales are about evil spirit guess?

  1. Fairy-tale heroine who flies on one apparatus (Baba Yaga)
  2. A creature that lives in the forest (Goblin)
  3. Who lives in fairy tales in the water (Water)
  4. Who is the mistress of the swamp (Kikimora)

Baba Yaga.And now go to Kikimore, here is a map for you where you need to cross the swamp.

The game "Cross the swamp"

Before you are "bumps" (circles not drawn with chalk). You can step on a bump and not fall into the swamp, only by saying the magic words ... (they lived - they were, in a certain state ...)

Storyteller.Well done, you've done your homework, then let's move on. What is this house?

The hostess enters, in front of her is a house, on the table a samovar and bagels.

Hostess.Do you know what dishes are most often offered to guests in fairy tales?

(Porridge, cabbage soup, honey, apples, bread and salt, leg of lamb, pancakes, etc.)

Well done, now take a break from the road.

"Favorite Tales"

Let's count fingers
Let's call fairy tales
Mitten, Teremok,
Gingerbread man - ruddy side.
There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,
Three bears, Wolf - Fox.
Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,
Our prophetic kaurka.
We know a fairy tale about the firebird,
We do not forget the turnip
We know the Wolf and the goats.
Everyone is happy with these stories.


Relax, it's time to work again.

Contest Guess it"

- It is necessary to compose fairy tales according to puzzles and say their name.


Well done, they did the job right, saying goodbye, I want to say “and began to live - live and make good”, “and I was there, honey - drank beer ...”

Nadezhda Balabueva
"Journey through fairy tales". Entertainment for children of the preparatory group


Improve skill children learn fairy tales by literary and musical fragments, illustrations, keywords.

To form emotional responsiveness, empathize with the state, mood of the characters.

Activate in speech children: Name fairy tales, names fairytale heroes.

Cultivate an active interest in fairy tales.

Sounds like a melody "Come visit us" from fairy tales"There, on unknown paths"

presenter: Today guys, I want to invite you to go travel to an amazing country fairy tales. It is generously inhabited by various good and evil heroes: gnomes and trolls, sorcerers and goblin, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful. Getting there is not difficult, you just need to close your eyes for a few moments and imagine that we are flying on a magic carpet, through the seas and oceans, forests and steppes. Here he descends lower and lower, and finally we have the first fabulous stop.

At the first stop children meets a teacher in a gnome costume.

Dwarf: Hello children! Did you recognize me? And now you have to find out fairy tales. I will show you illustrations for famous fairy tales and you must exactly say the name of the fairy tale and its main characters.

The gnome shows 6-7 illustrations.

Dwarf: You are great! Completed the task and get a magic petal.

The gnome gives the children a red petal.

presenter: Thank you, Gnome. Tell me, why do we need this magic petal?

Dwarf: And you will learn about this later. And now I wish you happy travel in our fairy land.

Magical music sounds again, the children close their eyes and "fly" further.

presenter: Here comes the next stop. Guess who This:

The grandmother loved the girl very much,

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me, what was her name?

Little Red Riding Hood comes out to the children.

Little Red Riding Hood: Good afternoon! My station is called "Guess". I will read to you passages from fairy tales, and you have to guess which one.

1. He hit a copper basin

And cried out: "Kara-baras!"

And now brushes, brushes

They crackled like rattles

And let me rub


"My, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

Will be, will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean!"

2. There is a kochet on his heels,

Carries a saber on his heels,

Wants to kill a fox

Sew a hat for yourself

Come out, fox, have pity on yourself!

3. Here is a mouse running, got into this mitten and speaks: "This is where I will live"

4. And then they called herons:

Please come drops:

We have eaten frogs today

And our stomachs hurt!

5. Then the stove turned, grunted, got out of the hut and went ...

6. Oh, Petya, simplicity,

I messed up a little:

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window...

7. The wind walks on the sea

And the boat pushes he runs himself in waves

On swollen sails.

Little Red Riding Hood praises children and gives them another petal. Journey continues.

presenter: Do you hear someone singing?

A song is heard from fairy tales"Golden Key" and Pinocchio comes out to the children.

Pinocchio: Hello friends! I'm glad to see you on my fabulous stop with the name Pathfinder. To get another magic petal, you need to guess which one fabulous heroes own those things.

Pinocchio shows the following things: pocket mirror, pen, arrow, basket, key, egg, apple, washcloth, etc.

Children receive a petal from Pinocchio and the journey continues.

presenter Q: What station is this?

The Fairy comes out to the children, in her hands she has a magic wand.

Fairy: This is the stop fabulously musical. Hello, my name is Fairy fabulous music. Now I will wave my magic wand and you will hear the songs fairytale heroes. If you guess who is singing, you will get another petal.

Songs sound fairytale heroes: Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Winnie the Pooh, etc.

Fairy: Well done! You receive another petal.

presenter: And our the journey continues.

presenter: Something became suspiciously quiet. Hey, is there anyone here!

Nobody responds. Teacher with children shout: "Ay!"

Baba Yaga: And who is this Grandmother-Yagusenka to rest? Fu-fu, smells like Russian spirit! Ahhh, young travelers. I know, I know that in our country fabulous travel. You show your knowledge and skills. I know why you collect magic petals. I know, but I won't tell. I also have a petal, but not one. But I won't just give them away. Here are my riddles-troubles guess, then we'll see!

presenter: And we just don't need to. Really guys? Make up your own riddles!

Baba Yaga: Okay, listen! Yes, answer quickly!

Mysteries of Baba Yaga:

1. Who turned Vasilisa the Wise into a frog?

2. From whom did Kolobok leave?

3. What was the name of the smallest girl?

4. What was the name of the bears from fairy tales"Three Bears"?

5. Which girl lost her shoe at the ball?

6. What did the fox feed the crane?

7. What words do Russians usually start with? fairy tales?

Baba Yaga: I see, and indeed a lot about you know fairy tales. Well done! Although it is a pity to give the petal, but take it, now it is yours! Don't be in a hurry to leave! I have one more petal. I have another challenge for you. I sat here alone. Hey, I'm bored! I have no one to play with! I want to be with you "Zhmurki" to play. Passion, I love this game! I won’t be able to catch it, so I’ll give the petal. Do you agree?

presenter: Well, what shall we play?

Baba Yaga plays a game with children "Zhmurki with a bell".

Baba Yaga: Phew tired, tired, dizzy! Played enough! I didn't get anything for lunch! A deal is a deal. Take the petal and leave before I change my mind!

The children again sit on the imaginary magic carpet, close their eyes and fly on.

presenter: Look, some chest! It's closed. And here is the letter. Let's read and find out!

"Good afternoon young travelers! If you are reading this letter, then you have a chest in which the last petal lies. Will you be able to open the chest, help me free myself from the evil spells of Koshchei. In order for the key to appear, you need to put on costumes and understand which hero fairy tales you have become. I hope for your help and thank you in advance"

presenter: I have not yet understood who this message is from, but I know that our help is needed. And here are the costumes, masks, various attributes. Come, choose and wear.

Children choose elements of costumes, different attributes, masks. Then they say what fabulous they have become heroes. The teacher quietly puts the key next to the chest.

presenter: Open the chest, take out the petal!

Music sounds "Magic Flower" and Vasilisa the Beautiful comes out to the children

Vasilisa: Hello, I'm glad to see you! I am Vasilisa the Beautiful. Koschey bewitched me, stole a magic flower from my garden and scattered the petals all over fairyland and made me silent and invisible. AND said If all seven petals of my magic flower come together, only then will its witchcraft disappear. Thank you guys for your curiosity, wit and friendship. I want to give you coloring pages as a keepsake and as a token of gratitude, on the pages of which you will meet with fairy tale characters.


Us fairy tales give a miracle,

And without miracles it is impossible!

They live everywhere

And they are our friends!

The song sounds « Fairy tales walk around the world» Plyatskovsky and the children, together with Vasilisa, stand in a round dance.

presenter: And now let's say magical words:

Clap twice

Stomp three times

Turn around yourself

And find yourself in kindergarten!

presenter: Here we are again in our kindergarten. Is our the journey is over. Did you like it? It was interesting? Funny? What did you like?

Formation of interest in fairy tales, creation of a joyful mood.



Help to remember familiar fairy tales;

To convey the atmosphere of joy from meeting with fairy tales;

Develop memory;

Cultivate sustained attention.


To cultivate initiative and independence in verbal communication with others;

Enrich lexicon pupils;

Develop the ability to solve riddles.


Develop musical abilities;

Cultivate a love for music.

Preliminary work:

To form the ability to listen carefully to the work;

Develop the ability to guess riddles;

Develop auditory perception;

Cultivate love for fairy tales, which embody the traditions of the Russian folk art(victory of good over evil, happy ending).

reading Russian folk tales;

familiarity with mysteries;

a conversation about fairy-tale heroes, what can they be? (positive, negative).

Artistic Creativity:

to form the ability to draw in non-traditional ways;

cultivate accuracy.

Expected result: introducing pupils to the origins of Russian folk culture, the culture of writers of the world through acquaintance with fairy tales; creating a joyful mood from meeting with your favorite characters of fairy tales.

Direction: cognitive speech.

Educational area: communication.

Activities: cognitive, communicative, musical and artistic, motor, productive.

Joint activities of educators, music director and children directly educational activities.

Form of organization of children: group.

: game motivation, fairy tale characters, riddles, explanation, questions to pupils, musical accompaniment.

Area integration: communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music, safety.

Equipment: Baba Yaga costume, a bag of mushrooms, a fairy tale Turnip, a camera, a flower with tasks, a surprise, riddles.



MBDOU - kindergarten No. 501


Malyshkina Maria Vladimirovna

Razakova Olga Anatolievna

Musical director

Poedinshchikova Alena Vladimirovna

preparatory group

Conducted: 12/29/2013

Entertainment for children of the preparatory group

"In the world of fairy tales".

The purpose of the joint activity of the educator with pupils:

Formation of interest in fairy tales, creation of a joyful mood.



Help to remember familiar fairy tales;

To convey the atmosphere of joy from meeting with fairy tales;

Develop memory;

Cultivate sustained attention.


To cultivate initiative and independence in verbal communication with others;

Enrich the vocabulary of pupils;

Develop the ability to solve riddles.


Develop musical abilities;

Cultivate a love for music.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction:

To form the ability to listen carefully to the work;

Develop the ability to guess riddles;

Develop auditory perception;

To cultivate love for fairy tales, which embody the traditions of Russian folk art (the victory of good over evil, a happy ending).

reading Russian folk tales;

familiarity with mysteries;

a conversation about fairy-tale heroes, what can they be? (positive, negative).

Artistic Creativity:

to form the ability to draw in non-traditional ways;

cultivate accuracy.

Expected result: introducing pupils to the origins of Russian folk culture, the culture of writers of the world through acquaintance with fairy tales; creating a joyful mood from meeting with your favorite characters of fairy tales.

Direction: cognitive speech.

Educational area: communication.

Activities:cognitive, communicative, musical and artistic, motor, productive.

Form of educational activity:joint activities of educators, music director and children in direct educational activities.

Form of organization of children: group.

Forms of organizing joint activities: game motivation, fairy-tale characters, guessing riddles, explanation, questions to pupils, musical accompaniment.

Area integrationKeywords: communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music, security.

Equipment: Baba Yaga costume, a bag of mushrooms, a fairy tale Turnip, a camera, a flower with tasks, a surprise, riddles.


Child 1.

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When meeting, say hello: “Good morning!

Good morning to the sun and birds!

Good morning smiling faces!

And everyone becomes kind, trusting.

Let Good morning lasts until evening.


Every person from the very early age familiar with fairy tales. These are the very first works that begin to be read to a person. After all, it is thanks to the fairy tale that we become kinder, we learn to condemn evil, to admire kindness.

Guys, do you know what a fairy tale is?(A fairy tale is a fiction. A fairy tale is a miracle! A fairy tale is Magic world, in which the author plunges us in order to show that it is better to be kind, honest.)

Child 2.

Quietly, quietly sit next to each other

A fairy tale, a fairy tale enters the house.

In an amazing outfit

In multi-colored, painted.

And suddenly the walls will move apart,

The whole earth is visible around.

Child 3.

Waves splash like a river of foam

Sensitively dormant forest and meadow

Steppe paths run along

Melting in a blue haze

This fairy tale hurries us

And he calls everyone.

(Suddenly there is a whoosh!)


Who could it be? Who does it?

Baba Yaga enters (Musical accompaniment)

Grandma lives in the forest

Herbs - the potion collects,

The floor in the hut is swept with a broom.

In a mortar it flies through the sky,

From the bone of her leg.

This lady's name is...

Baba Yaga:

Hello kids, boys and girls.- Guys, I invite you to go on a journey to a fairy tale - to the world of goodness, miracles and magic.

The road will be difficult. Are you ready to face miracles and mysteries, answer all the questions of the fairy forest, overcome all obstacles?

Then go! Just tell me first what magic items or beings help fairy tale characters travel.

(Children name magic items)

Woman: -Guys, there are also magic words in fairy tales and I suggest playing a game that is called that (they take a flower out of a bag, tear off the petals and read it out, the children guess) - “Magic words”.

Remember who said such magic words and in what fairy tale:

At the command of the pike, at my will.

Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, return, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, you are ordered to be in my opinion.

My light is a mirror, tell me, tell the whole truth.

Crex, fex, pex!

  • Sisam open...
  • One, two, three pot boil ...

Well done boys! Let's see what else I have in this bag. Takes out a camera.

The game "Movie-photo".(musical accompaniment).

Educator: And we, grandmother, also know riddles about fairy tales, let's guess? (children from groups ask riddles and guess.

guys, "Learn a fairy tale":

1. Alyonushka has sisters

They took away the little brother of the bird.

They fly high

They look far.

"Swan geese"

2. Waiting for mom with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house ...

Who were these

Small children?

(Seven kids)

3. There is no river or pond.

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.

"Sister Alyonushka

And brother Ivanushka

4. Run away from being dirty

Cups, spoons and pots.

She is looking for them, calling

And sheds tears in sadness.


5. Sweet apple flavor

Lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And light in the night, as in the day.


6. Chubby, no arms, no legs
He is from a fairy tale ... (Kolobok)

7. The arrow of the young man hit the swamp,
Well, where is the bride? Want to marry!
And here is the bride, eyes on top of her head.
The bride's name is...

8. He is so lilac.

Waving his hand cheerfully.

He fell to us from the moon.

They know they love kids.


9. Knock on our door

Unusual miracle beast.

He is wearing a brown shirt.

Wide open saucer ears.


10. What a fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter,

Mouse, another dog Bug

Helped grandpa and grandma

Have you harvested root crops?


Educator: Grandma, you have a big bag over there, there are probably more games.

Woman : Oh, guys, that I have a fairy tale, you just need to put it in order (takes it out of your bag)

Come on, girls and boys, get together in two teams.

The game "Collect the fairy tale Turnip".

Educator: Grandma, where do you live?

Fizminutka: outdoor game "Christmas trees - stumps)

caregiver : how fun with you Granny, play with us some more.

Woman: but I love smart and sensible guys, and what are you?.....

Well then listen:1 task of Baba Yaga.

The players need to remember and give the correct names of fairy tales.

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka"

"Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf"

"Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Mouse"

"At the command of the dog"


"Floating ship"

"Wolf and 7 tiger cubs"

"Pashenka and the Bear"

"Crow Geese"

"Turkey Princess"

You know everything, you read about everything, but my next task will be the most difficult.

Something completely vision village, well, granddaughter, read the riddles, but not simple ones, but with a twist.

2 task of Baba Yaga.

Riddles-deceptions (riddles about fairy-tale heroes).

1. With blue hair

And huge eyes.

This actress doll

And her name is (Malvina)

2. He somehow lost his tail,

But the guests brought him back.

He is grumpy like an old man.

This sad (Donkey)

3. He is a big naughty and comedian,

He has a house on the roof.

Boastful and arrogant,

And his name is (Carlson)

4. He was on the road for many days,

To find your wife

And the ball helped him.

His name was (Ivan Tsarevich)

5. He lived in Prostokvashino

And he was friends with Matroskin.

He was a little simple.

The dog's name was (Sharik)

6. He walked boldly through the forest.

But the fox ate the hero.

At parting, the poor thing sang.

His name was (Kolobok)

Baba: - Oh, and I got tired, I lingered, I had to go back to the forest. And lastly, a surprise for you from me. Throws mushrooms.

Woman: - Eat, guys! (no ....) Well then, pick the mushrooms back into the baskets

The game "Who will pick mushrooms faster" (teams)

(at the end he looks for a real surprise for children in the bag and gives it back. Says goodbye)


In a fairy tale it's time for me again, Will you remember me?

I will live in fairy tales again

And do good and evil.

And on holidays, guys,

I will be visiting.

You don't get bored without me

Always read about me

And don't believe me, I'm not evil

I'm good like that.

And for you, my dear, I left gifts.

Educator: Well, that's the end of our fabulous journey.

Guys, was it hard? And what was the hardest thing? What did you like?

So what do fairy tales teach us?

A fairy tale teaches us to be friends,

Be faithful and live honestly

Let the heroes of fairy tales live in a mischievous children's world

More often let the wizards look into our house.

Guys, our lesson has come to an end. See you soon!