Chanson Festival application for participation. VII International Variety & Chanson Festival "Crown of Chanson"

Festival "Beyond Chanson" invites you to the Qualifying third round 2017.

The organizing committee of the festival "Beyond the chanson" invites you to Qualifying round the third All-Russian festival of songwriters, performers and musical groups. Anyone over the age of 18 can take part. Due to the large number of contestants, applications may be closed ahead of schedule.

Please, please read"Position" festival more closely.

We are waiting for you today, time to submitapplications limited.

1. Each contestant will find support from the Organizing Committee. We often go to meetings, consult in detail, help with documents, and give deferrals for applications.
2. For each contestant, at an event of this kind, there is always the opportunity to get acquainted with interesting people, and among your colleagues, find yourself not only friends, but also business partners.
3. We provide huge privileges for our contestants. By decision of the jury, in addition to the winners, who won prizes, the Qualifying round will be able to go through several individual contestants, and perform on the same stage with popular artists stage and chanson.
4. In addition to souvenir gifts, we award worthy prizes that you simply cannot find in ordinary stores. Each winner receives several prizes and corresponding regalia.

1. For novice authors - performers For those who perform their own songs, but to their regret, these songs are listened to in a narrow circle. They are performed among their friends and relatives, in some of the taverns of their native city, and even worse, in the family circle, among their household members, where creativity does not go beyond home. We know firsthand how difficult it is to revive songs, and if a song is written for a specific purpose, it must definitely achieve this goal.
2. For professional authors - performers For those who perform their own songs, they want not only to demonstrate their creativity from the stage, but also to place their songs in our collection of the festival for FREE, thereby expanding the circle of their listeners.
3. For performers For those who perform non-author's songs, but have official permission from the authors to perform such songs. We accept not only the authors of our own creativity, but also just performers. Many artists work with professional poets, why not combine them creative activity on the same stage...
4. For musical groups For those who perform their own songs, as well as songs from outside authors, there is an equal opportunity to show their potential and perform alongside already announced artists. We try not to divide artists into categories: If the works are really worthy of the attention of the public, then it does not matter how these works came about, with the help of one creative person, or with the support of a whole team. At the same time, a live instrumental performance always raises authority in front of the public.
5. For karaoke lovers For those who do not yet write their own songs or do not have the opportunity, but perform them well enough, who wish to demonstrate not creativity, but their artistry. Who wishes to show all their data confirming the right to have their place on the stage.

1. By decision of the jury, in addition to the winners, who won prizes, the Qualifying round will be able to go through several individual contestants and perform on the same stage with popular pop artists. These contestants will not receive prizes, as they did not score enough points for prizes, but due to the merit of their performances, they have the privilege of attending the Gala Concert.
2. For all contestants, we place their works in our collection of the festival absolutely FREE OF CHARGE, after which the collection is distributed to potential lovers of genre music. By distributing the collection, we help our contestants to promote their creativity.
3. For all contestants there is an opportunity within the framework of the festival, during one of the events, to sell their own CD-albums.PEOPLE COME TO US FROM ALL CORNERS OF RUSSIA AND NEAR ABROAD


TV channel "STS South"

Radio news portal"Saturn FM"
International radio"Chanson Plus"
Information and reference resource of the Russian entertainment
Kolomna Palace of Culture"Diesel locomotive builder"

Chairman of the Organizing Committee festival "Beyond the chanson":
Organizer of numerous projects of touring and concert activities in the field of show business. The owner of the medals "Holy Russia" from the head of the MAGMU RAGS under the President of the Russian Federation for the best patriotic chanson in 2011, and "In memory of the Navy" from the curator of the television project "Vivat Pobeda" for professionalism on stage at the Grand Prix. Author-performer Medvedev Denis Vladimirovich.

Art Director of the All-Russian Festival "Beyond the chanson":
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation - 1993. Awarded with a medal for the Order "For Services to the Fatherland", 2nd degree - 2005, Uletova Galina Mikhailovna.

Professional presenter :
Theater and film actor, singer. Member of the television project "X-factor", the performer of one of the main roles in the television series "Investigation will show", Stanislav Khlavnovich.

Screenwriter, singer, professional presenter. Head of the variety theater "BOHEMA", Vladislava Deniz.

Igor Kokhanovsky: “The film“ Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive "I think it's terrible"

He wrote poetry for many Soviet hits. He is the author of lyrics to many of our favorite hits. He - close friend Vysotsky. It was to him that Vladimir Semyonovich dedicated the songs “My friend went to Magadan”, “I recently received a letter” and others. Igor Kokhanovsky, in an interview with Radio Chanson, spoke about his work at the Kolyma mines, about his new book and about his friendship with Vladimir Vysotsky.

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Ryazan can rightfully be considered the poetic cradle of Russian song. A huge number of songs have been written to the poems of Sergei Yesenin. Thanks to his creative heritage, many artists have gained popularity that is not measured by time ... The Ryazan region continues to supply talented artists to the main concert venues Countries


Fest organizers Ival:
* Producer center of Gennady List "Talent Park"
* Limited Liability Company "Ryaztorgservis"
* Information and music Internet portal "Chanson City"
Deep Club
* Radio Chanson
* Informational partner -
TV company "City"
* With the support of the Ministry of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Ryazan Region


The festival will be held in Ryazan on June 7, 2019 at DEEP CLUB Concert hall), Ryazan, Zavrazhny passage, 4
The event was widely covered in the media and supported by radio stations, television channels and information support Internet resources, with the assistance of the information and music portal "City of Chanson"

Video shooting:

Professional multi-camera filming of the festival is made by the company on highly professional equipment
with the use of a crane (10 m.), light and sound of the "Premium" class, followed by the release of a video version of this festival. EXAMPLE ; EXAMPLE ; EXAMPLE
Each participant receives video material with a professional live recording of HD quality.
Video filming is carried out accompanied by a professional session musical group.

All videos received during the Festival will be posted on the most popular video resources on the Internet!

Goals and objectives of the festival:

  • Identification of new authors-performers in the genres of pop songs and chanson.
  • Promoting the creative growth of authors and performers.
  • Support for young talented musicians.
  • Preservation and development best traditions genre.
  • .Development and strengthening of cultural ties between near and far abroad, exchange of experience
  • Popularization of the genre among the audience.

Jury composition:

. Orest Zorin- Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, music. head of the team Lyubov Uspenskaya (1997-2000) Artist of the group "Lesopoval" (1994 - 1997). Ex-soloist of the legendary group"Leysya, song", singer, poet, composer, producer (Moscow)
. Olga Almazova- Producer of the First Russian National TV Channel, - singer, composer. Editor-in-Chief of Radio "Voices of the Planet". Host of the author's program "CITIES OF RUSSIA" on the First Russian national TV channel. Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, member of the Guild of Interethnic Journalism of Russia, author of the portal of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation. Organizer of concerts at the Central Club of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, at the Museum of the Great Patriotic War, on the Poklonnaya Hill, in the House of Officers of the Preobrazhensky Regiment (an honorary guard company of Russia) and at many other honorary stage venues in Moscow. (Moscow)
. Mikhail Barsky - CEO radio "VOICES OF THE PLANET", Producer, Founder creative projects: "CITIES OF RUSSIA", "SONGS OF VICTORY". Organizer of concerts at large stage venues in Moscow. (Moscow)
. Larisa Gordiera- Honored Artist of Ukraine, producer, vocal teacher. Laureate of the International Festival: " Slavic Marketplace". Laureate of the National Prize: "Woman of the Third Millennium" (Moscow)
. Mikhail Mikhailov- Singer, poet, producer, TV-radio show host, Grand Prix & Laureate of numerous International and All-Russian festivals, "Mr. Shlyager" (Moscow)
. Alexander Markusha- Singer, poet, composer, author concert programs: "Once again about Love", "Under the same sky", "In the name of Love", "Let's talk about different things", "For the good of Russia", "For Faith, for the Motherland, for Love", and others. (Moscow)
. Alla Allaya- Singer, Laureate of All-Russian and International festivals (Kyiv)
. Gennady List- President, International Festival "Crown of Chanson", head of the production center "Talent Park", singer, poet, composer, chairman of the jury (Ryazan)
The jury of the competition has the right: to mark with diplomas the performance of individual musical works, performers


The festival takes place in 2 stages:
1st stage - correspondence. Those wishing to participate in the qualifying competition "Crown of Chanson" send their applications ( creative biography, which indicates which city and country the contestant will represent, 2 songs in MP-3 format, 2 photos, phone number for feedback by the address:[email protected]
Applications are accepted until May 30, 2019 inclusive.
Applications received after this date will not be considered!
2nd stage - final. Contestants who have passed the correspondence qualifying stage receive an invitation to participate in the festival.

Attention!!! Acceptance of applications may be terminated ahead of schedule, due to the complete formation of a set of contestants


  • Registration fee for participants of the 2nd stage: 12,000 rubles. (Duet, trio, etc. for each additional participant, registration fee - 3000 rubles)
  • Details for 50% prepayment will be sent after summarizing the commission. The rest of the amount is paid upon arrival at the festival
  • The registration fee includes: participation in the festival, excursions held within the framework of the festival, professional video filming accompanied by session musicians, photo session, banquet.

A place to stay, at the request of the contestants, can be booked in one of the hotels in Ryazan. (Accommodation at own expense)
Departure to the festival only upon receipt of an invitation, which will be sent to the e-mail, or home (postal) address of the participant.
Participants who arrived without an invitation are allowed to participate in the festival only as spectators at the existing ticket rate.
Guests accompanying the artist can participate in all events that will take place during the festival at their own expense. (The cost is indicated in the invitation)

General rules

  • The order of performance of the contestants is determined by a draw.
  • Performance of competitive works "live" with a phonogram (-1), with a guitar, any other instrument, or with the accompaniment of a musical group, it is permissible to use recorded back vocals.
  • The use of a phonogram (+1) of a double track is unacceptable!!!
  • Phonogram carriers - flash drive.
  • Each participant performs 2 author's songs, or works included in the classics of pop and chanson.
  • The performance time should not exceed 9 minutes.
  • All participants, regardless of titles and awards, take part in the festival on general terms.

Action plan:

06/07/2019 - arrival of participants.
Participants of the festival must arrive in Ryazan no later than 10:30 at "
DEEP CLUB", Ryazan, Zavrazhny passage, 4
- Registration, draw of participants, sound check
12:00 - Grand opening festival, competitive performances of participants

20:00 Gala concert

  • Awarding the participants of the festival
  • Solemn part, performance of the winners of the festival and special guests.
  • 22.00 - Solemn banquet in the restaurant " DEEP CLUB "

06/08/2019. - excursion
11:00 - departure for an excursion from Konstantinovo, the birthplace of S. Yesenin
Excursion to the village Konstantinovo, visiting the house-museum of S. Yesenin, the house-museum of the poem by A. Snegin and other museums, and sights associated with the name of the Great Russian poet


The jury determines five winners who are awarded with diplomas and medals: Grand Prix, 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place,"People's Choice Award".
The following nominations were approved by the general sponsor of the festival: "Soul performance", Unforgettable voice", "Miss positive", "Mr positive", "Fidelity to the genre", "Miss charm", "Deep poetry", "Mr. chanson", Miss chanson"
All participants of the festival are awarded diplomas of the Laureate of the festival, memorable gifts.

The winners of the competition who took the "Grand Prix", 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, "People's Choice Award" receive the right to participate in the Gala Concert of the "Crown of Chanson" festival

  • To the owner " The Grand Prix" Diploma "Grand Prix", a commemorative medal, a certificate for video recording of 2 songs in Gennady List's video project "Talent Park" are awarded.
  • The participant who took 1st place, is awarded a Diploma - "1st place", a commemorative medal, a certificate for video recording of 1 song in Gennady List's video project "Talent Park".
  • Participant who took 2nd place, is awarded a Diploma - "2nd place", a commemorative medal, a certificate for recording 1 song in the studio of Gennady List.
  • The participant who took 3rd place, is awarded a Diploma - "3rd place", a commemorative medal, a certificate for interactive participation in the program "Person"
  • The participant who received " People's Choice Award", is awarded a Diploma, a commemorative medal, a certificate for the production of the official website

The jury meeting is closed. The jury's decision is final and not subject to revision.
The approved, precise regulations of the festival are sent to each participant 10 days before the start of the event.

President of the International Festival
"The crown of chanson" - Gennady List



Festival organizers:
* Ryazan Palace of Youth
* Limited Liability Company "Ryaztorgservis"
* International Talent Portal "Talent Park"
* Information and music Internet portal "Chanson City"
* Producer center of Gennady List
* Radio Chanson
* Informational partner - TV company "City"

The festival will take place in Ryazan on November 25, 26, 2017 at Ryazan Palace of Youth, Ryazan, pl. 50th anniversary of October d. 1
The event is widely covered in the media and supported by radio stations, television channels and information support of Internet resources, with the assistance of the information and music portal "City of Chanson"
Professional video filming of the festival is carried out by the company on highly professional equipment using 4
stationary cameras, a steadicam and one (flying) camera mounted on a crane (10 m), followed by the release of a video version of this festival.
Each participant of the festival receives video material with a professional concert recording of HD quality.
Video filming is accompanied by a professional music group

Goals and objectives of the festival:
1. Identification of new writers-performers of a genre song
2. Promoting the creative growth of authors and performers.
3. Support for young talented musicians.
4. Preservation and development of the best traditions of the genre.
5. Development and strengthening of cultural ties between near and far abroad, exchange of experience.
6. Popularization of the genre among the audience.

Jury composition:

1. Vladimir Asmolov - Legend of Russian Chanson. Laureate of the "Chanson of the Year in the Kremlin" award (Moscow)
2. Orest Zorin - Singer, poet, composer, producer, ex-artist of the Lesopoval group, ex-soloist of the Leysya Song group (Moscow)
3. Oksana Ivanova - Singer in the "Chanson" genre, president of the "Island of Chanson" festival (Moscow)
4. Gennady Evsyukov - Director of the television company "Gorod" (Ryazan)
5.Evgeny Luchnikov - Composer, producer, head of the music studio "Rodniki" (Moscow)
6. Gennady List- Singer, poet, composer, president of the festivals: "The Crown of Chanson", "Murka", chairman of the jury (Ryazan)

General provisions:

Participants who have reached the age of 18 are allowed to the qualifying competition

Only genre songs are considered in the competition!

Theme of the songs

1. urban romance, cruel romance (city rake, hooligan, romantic, poet in love)
2. Convict, camp, prison, prison songs (lyrical hero, convict, ZK, "Will - bondage", conflict, remorse)
3. Acute social(society, power, political system, social injustice)
4. Social(man, hard worker, rural guy, drunkard, huckster, beggar, drug addict, etc.)
5.thieves, street, yard(punks, pickpocket, crook, hooligan)
6. Criminal, gangster(bandit, criminal, lawless person, recidivist, "new Russian")
7. Songs civil war and golden NEP(white officer, chieftain, Cossack rebel, partisan, anarchist)
8. Emirgan-nostalgic songs(emigrant, guest worker, exile of the Motherland, song of the early underground, emigrants of the 1st wave)
9. Songs for Odessa(a native Odessa, a hooligan, a swindler, a speculator, generalizing characters of Odessa folklore (Aunt Besya, Aunt Dvoira, Rabinovich and others), Odessa humor is inherent in the songs,
10. Social and everyday(traveling husband, unfaithful wife, lover, mistress, prostitute)

The festival takes place in 2 stages:
The first stage is in absentia. Those wishing to participate in the qualifying competition "Murka" send their applications (creative biography, which indicates which city and country the contestant will represent, 2 songs in MP-3 format with a bit rate of at least 320 kbps, 2 photos, to the address: [email protected]
Applications are accepted until November 20, 2017 inclusive.
Applications received after this date will not be considered!
The second stage is the final one. Contestants who have passed the correspondence qualifying stage receive an invitation to participate in the festival.

Details for payment will be sent after summarizing the commission.

Departure to the festival only upon receipt of an invitation, which will be sent to the e-mail, or home (postal) address of the participant.

Registration fee for participants of the 2nd stage:

Without accommodation - 12,000 rubles.
With accommodation - 19500 rubles.

In the amount of the registration fee - 12,000 rubles. included: Excursion. Lunch. Professional multi-camera video shooting with a crane (10 m) accompanied by a musical group. Banquet.

In the amount of the registration fee - 19500 rubles. included: Accommodation in " AMAKS CONGRESS HOTEL"- 3 days. Buffet breakfast. Access to the Fit Level fitness center. High-speed Wi-Fi. Luggage storage. Excursion. Lunch. Professional multi-camera video shooting with a crane (10 m) accompanied by a music band. Banquet. (Cost extra bed (with breakfast): adults = 1000 rubles children from 7 to 14 years old = 1000 rubles children under 7 years old = free of charge)

Participants who arrived without an invitation are allowed to participate in the festival only as spectators.
Guests accompanying the artist can participate in all events that will take place during the festival at their own expense.

Action plan:

November 24, 2017- Recommended arrival of participants - (in the evening)
November 25, 2017- Not later 11:00 arrive at the Ryazan Palace of Youth, Ryazan, square of the 50th anniversary of October, 1
11:00 - Registration, draw of participants
12:00 - Draw, sound check
13:00 - Grand opening of the festival, competitive performances of participants

November 26, 2017

10:30 - Departure for an excursion to the village. Konstantinovo, visiting the house-museum of S. Yesenin, the house-museum of the poem by A. Snegin and other museums and attractions associated with the Great poet
15.00 - Lunch

18:00 - Gala concert - Rewarding the participants of the festival, solemn part, performance of the winners of the festival and special guests.
21.00 - Gala banquet in the restaurant

November 27, 2017 - 12:00 - Departure of participants

General rules

1. The order of performance of the participants of the competition is determined by a draw.
2. Performance of competitive works "live" with a phonogram (-1), with a guitar, any other instrument, or with the accompaniment of a musical group, it is permissible to use recorded back vocals.
The use of a phonogram (+1) of a double track is unacceptable!!!
3. Carriers of phonograms - a flash drive.
Each participant performs 2 author's songs, or songs from the series "Legends of Russian chanson"
The performance time should not exceed 9 minutes.
All participants, regardless of titles and awards, take part in the festival on general terms.

Video filming

Professional video filming of the festival is made by the company on highly professional equipment
using 4 stationary cameras, a steadicam and one (flying) camera mounted on a crane,
with the subsequent release of the video version of this festival.
Each participant of the festival will be sent a free video with a professional concert recording of HD quality.
Video filming is carried out accompanied by a professional musical group.


The jury determines four winners who are awarded with diplomas: Grand Prix Winner, 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place. One of the participants receives the "People's Choice Award" for the largest number of votes received among the audience.
The following nominations were approved as the general sponsor of the festival: "Soul of Chanson", "Trump Suit", "Miss Revelation", "Mr. Revelation", "Loyalty to the Genre", "Miss Charm", "Deep Poetry", "Mr. Chanson", "Miss Chanson "
All participants of the festival are awarded diplomas of the Laureate of the festival, memorable gifts.

The winners of the competition "Grand Prix", 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, "People's Choice Award", by the decision of the jury, they get the right to participate in the Gala concert of the Murka festival
All videos received during the Festival will be posted on all the most popular video resources on the Internet!
The jury meeting is closed. The jury's decision is final and not subject to revision.