Project with presentation of grandfather and santa claus. Research work "Santa Claus and Santa Claus"

1. Introduction 3

2. Main body

2.1. History of Santa Claus 3-4

2.2. Santa Claus Story 4

2.3. Differences in the appearance of Santa Claus and Santa Claus 4-5

3. Conclusion 5

4. References 5

5. Applications 6


Many people think that Santa Claus and Santa Claus are the same wizard. We see Santa Claus so often in advertisements and souvenirs that we get completely confused and often call him Santa Claus. But what are the differences between them? I wanted to understand this issue, so I completed an essay on the topic: "Santa Claus and Santa Claus." The main goal is to identify the differences between Santa Claus and Santa Claus. The main objectives of this essay are to find and study material on the topic of research, to find out how Santa Claus and Santa Claus appeared, to identify the differences between Santa Claus and Santa Claus.

History of Santa Claus.

Santa Claus appeared a long time ago. As mentioned earlier, our ancestors believed that the spirits of the dead guard their family, take care of the offspring of livestock and good weather. To reward them for their care, every winter people gave them gifts. On the eve of the holiday, the village youth put on masks, turned out sheepskin coats and went from house to house, caroling. The hosts presented the carolers with food. The meaning was precisely that the carolers were the spirits of their ancestors, who received a reward for their tireless care of the living. Among the carolers there was often one "man" dressed the worst of all. As a rule, he was forbidden to speak. It was the oldest and most formidable spirit, he was often called simply Grandfather. It is possible that this is the prototype of the modern Santa Claus. Only today, of course, he has become kinder and does not come for gifts, but brings them himself.

According to another version, the "great-great-grandfather" of the modern Russian Santa Claus was the hero of Russian folk tales Frost or Frost red nose, master of weather, winter and frost. Initially, he was called Grandfather Cracker and was represented as a little old man with a long beard and a stern disposition. From November to March, Grandfather Cracker was the sovereign master of the earth. Even the sun was afraid of him! He was married to a despising person - Zima!

In Russian fairy tales, Santa Claus is portrayed as a strict but fair spirit of winter. For example, in the fairy tale "Morozko", he froze a kind and hardworking girl, froze, and then bestowed it, and he froze to death an angry and lazy one. Therefore, some northern peoples are still appeasing old man Frost - on solemn nights they throw cakes, meat, pour wine over the threshold of their dwellings so that the spirit does not get angry, does not interfere with hunting, and does not destroy crops.

It is difficult to say unequivocally where the Russian Santa Claus lives, since there are so many opinions. Some say that Santa Claus comes from the North Pole, others say - from Lapland. Only one thing is clear, Santa Claus lives somewhere in the Far North, where all year round winter. Today it is believed that the Russian Santa Claus lives in the Vologda region in the city Veliky Ustyug.

Not far from the village of Morozovitsa (5 km south of Veliky Ustyug), in the depths of a picturesque pine forest, a fabulous tower- the residence of Santa Claus (Fig. 1). At the entrance there is a beautiful gate behind which there are wooden figurines of animals. An alley leads from the gate to the tower of Santa Claus. He even has an address: 162340, Vologda Oblast, Veliky Ustyug, Grandfather Frost's Residence.

And in 2000, Santa Claus got his own coat of arms. The full coat of arms of Santa Claus was drawn up in accordance with all the rules of classical heraldry using the provisions of the Code of Rules - the Code of the Russian Heraldic College.

The coat of arms is based on a shield in the form of a snowflake with a narrow silver border, which has a symbolic function. In the blue field of the shield, decorated in the form frosty patterns, two crossed Santa Claus rods are placed, on top of which a silver snowflake is superimposed. The shield is crowned with a special heraldic silver crown of Santa Claus as a symbol of the personal coat of arms and a sign of his power. On the sides of the shield are two brown bears. They are dressed in red caftans and hats with golden berdysh, like Santa Claus. The bears stand on the foot in the form of two crossed green spruce branches, which remind us of the New Year tree - the symbol of the New Year. A squirrel sitting on top of a helmet on a special crown - a windmill - with a golden bag with gifts and the coat of arms of Veliky Ustyug depicted on it emphasizes the fabulousness and festivity of the whole composition. The shield below is framed by a silver ribbon with the inscription: "Do good."

And yet, more recently, on November 18, Father Frost's birthday is celebrated in Russia. The date of birth of Father Frost, they say, was invented by the children themselves, since it was on November 18 that on his estate (as it is now believed) - in Veliky Ustyug - real winter comes into its own, and frosts hit.

History of Santa Claus.

The prototype of Santa Claus is considered a real person. In the 4th century, Archbishop Nicholas lived in the Turkish city of Mira. He was born in rich family and was very kind person helping the poor and caring for children.

And once, wanting to help poor family, in which there were three daughters, and whose father, due to poverty, decided to sell them into slavery, St. Nicholas threw them three bags of gold coins on Christmas Eve. He did this several times. But one day all the windows in the house were locked. Then St. Nicholas threw bags of gold into the chimney. Gold coins fell into drying socks and shoes hanging by the stove.

Christians told this story to their children and grandchildren. This is how the custom appeared: children put their shoes on at night and hang stockings by the fireplace, expecting to receive gifts from St. Nicholas in the morning.

The modern image of Santa Claus appeared in the United States less than 200 years ago (in 1822). It was then that the Saint appeared as a cheerful and cheerful elf with a round tight belly and with a smoking pipe. As a result of the reincarnation, Saint Nicholas got down from the donkey, got eight deer and in his hands a bag with gifts appeared

Many northern countries are still arguing about where Santa Claus lives. Some believe that he lives at the North Pole, others that he settled in Finland.

Differences in the appearance of Santa Claus and Santa Claus.

To find out if they differ appearance Santa Claus and Santa Claus, consider their images on postcards and pictures. It is noteworthy that Santa Claus is depicted everywhere in the same way, but Santa Claus looks different: he is in a red coat, then in blue; now in boots, now in felt boots; and hats are different. Differences between Santa Claus and Santa Claus are presented in table 1.

Differences between Santa Claus and Santa Claus

Comparison subject

Father Frost

Santa Claus

Beard and hair

Thick, gray (silver), mean power and wealth. The beard is lush, long.

Short, trimmed, curly beard.


Red hat embroidered with silver and pearls. The rim, or hall, should be trimmed with white fur with a triangular cut made on the front part - stylized horns. The shape of the cap is a semi-oval, such a cap shape is traditional for Russian tsars.

Red cap with white pom-pom.

The belt should be white with a red ornament.

Belt with buckle.


The fur coat is long (usually red), embroidered with silver - in the form of eight-pointed stars, guskov, crosses and other elements of the traditional Russian ornament, trimmed with swan down (or any white fur).

A short red jacket, just below the waist, sometimes even to the waist, intercepted by a belt.

White, linen, long.

Short, red.


Santa Claus hides his hands in huge mittens. They should be white, embroidered with silver - a symbol of the purity and holiness of everything that he gives from his hands.

Lightweight white gloves.

Silver or red, embroidered with silver boots with a raised toe (but not black). And on a frosty day, Santa Claus puts on white felt boots embroidered with silver.

Black cropped boots.

Santa Claus always carries a staff with him. Firstly, to make it easier to wade through the snowdrifts. And secondly, according to legend, Santa Claus, with this very staff, people “froze”. The staff is crystal or silver.

A staff with a curved end. Wear glasses. Sometimes depicted with a smoking pipe. Also accompany: socks on the fireplace, wreaths, bells and so on.

Way to travel

Santa Claus moves on foot, by air or on a sleigh pulled by a troika.

Santa Claus rides in a cart drawn by eight reindeer.

Glasses and snorkel

Santa Claus sees well, so no glasses.

Wear glasses. (Probably poor eyesight).


Santa Claus is helped by his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden.

Elves help Santa Claus.


According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that the origin of the Russian Santa Claus is different from Santa Claus. The prototype of Santa Claus is considered a real person - St. Nicholas. Santa Claus is rather a pagan spirit, a character of folk beliefs and fairy tales. There are many differences in the appearance of Santa Claus (Fig. 2) and Santa Claus (Fig. 3). Therefore, you need to learn to distinguish between them. Although Santa Claus and Santa Claus have many differences, they are united by love for children and the custom of giving gifts.


1. Vladimirova L. Where does Santa Claus live? / L. Vladimirova // Family and school. - 2002. - No. 1-2. – P.58-59.

3. Zharnikova S.V. The classic look of Santa Claus // St. Petersburg, 2003

4. Ivanov E.V. New Year and Christmas in postcards / E.V. Ivanov. - St. Petersburg: Art-SPb, 2000. - P. 42-73.

6. Sviridenko O. Grandfather-armiger: [Description and image of the coat of arms of Santa Claus] // Russian North. - 2003. - January 1-7. – S.6.

9. Elkov I. Christmas tree: from prohibition to flourishing: History / // Russian newspaper. - 2008. - December 25. – P.8-9.



Grandfather Frost's residence in Veliky Ustyug

Father Frost

Santa Claus

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Project for English language on the topic “Similarities and differences between Santa Claus and Santa Claus” Completed by: student of the 5th “G” class Kochegarova Olga Supervisor: Skvortsova S.Yu. Nizhny Novgorod, 2017

2 slide

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Problem and goal of the project. Problem: Many people think that Santa Claus and Santa Claus are the same hero, who in different countries give their name. Purpose: to compare Santa Claus and Santa Claus.

3 slide

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Which countries are waiting for Santa Claus, and in which Santa Claus? Russia Turkey, Australia, Belgium, USA, Canada Pierre Noel - French Santa Claus, Yolupukki - all the same Santa Claus, only Finnish; Grandfather Mikulash and grandfather Ezhishek bring gifts in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Papa Noel - African Santa Claus, St. Basil - in Greece and Cyprus, Ayaz ata - in Kazakhstan.

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The origin of Santa Claus In the image of Santa Claus, the ideas of the ancient Slavs about Karachun, Pozvizda, Zimnik, Treskun Karachun were embodied - evil spirit shortening life. Pozvizd - slavic god storms and bad weather. Zimnik - where he will pass - there wait for a severe cold. Treskun - From November to March, Grandfather Treskun was the sovereign master on earth

5 slide

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The homeland of Santa Claus is a place where it is always cold, this North Pole, it is very far from Russia! Therefore, we have the residence of Father Frost - Veliky Ustyug at the confluence of the Yuga and Sukhona rivers.

6 slide

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Origin of Santa Claus I can definitely say that Santa Claus is quite a real man who lived in antiquity. True, his name was different and he looked different. He was born not in Lapland, as is commonly believed, but in the town of Lycian Worlds in 253 AD, in modern Turkey. And then they called him Saint Nicholas. He was a simple bishop who was ready to accept death for his faith and always fought for good.

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Modern Santa Claus lives in Lapland, on the Finnish part of which is Korvatunturi mountain, shaped like an ear. His residence is at the foot of this mountain - the village of Santa Claus in Kuhmo.

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What does Santa Claus look like? - Beard and hair - thick, gray - Three-fingered gloves or mittens white color, embroidered with silver - Dressed in a long white linen shirt, decorated with white or silver geometric ornaments - On the head of Santa Claus is a red hat embroidered with silver and pearls - Santa Claus's boots are red or silver - A crystal staff is completed with a crescent moon with bells or a silver bull's head - Belt - white with red ornament

9 slide

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What does Santa Claus look like? Santa Claus is a fat, cheerful old man who delivers gifts. He rides around on a reindeer-drawn sleigh filled to the brim with gifts. He must have a white fur coat, a red jacket and trousers, a hat with a white fur trim.

10 slide

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The New Year was celebrated for several centuries, until the revolution of 1918, when New Year's festivities were completely banned. Only in 1937 the tradition was revived, and in 1947 January 1 was declared a day off. Since then, New Year's weekend has gradually developed into a real vacation.

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Holiday traditions in different countries. In Italy, it is customary to get rid of old things on New Year's Eve; in Spain it is customary to eat 12 grapes at midnight; In France, Santa Claus - Pere Noel - comes to new year's eve and leaves gifts in children's shoes; In Bulgaria, on New Year's Eve, after a feast, young people make dogwood sticks (survachki). Survachka is decorated with a red thread, heads of garlic, nuts, coins, prunes and dried fruits. With survachki go to the guests, go into the house and "knock" them on the back of the owners. Such "beatings" promise good luck. In Colombia main character New Year's carnival - Old year- walks on high stilts and tells children funny stories. Pascual - Colombian Santa Claus - arranges fireworks; In Cuba, before the onset of the New Year, all jugs, buckets, basins and bowls are filled with water and at midnight the water is poured out of the windows. So for the outgoing year they wish a path as bright as water; In Japan, bells ring 108 times on New Year's Eve. Each stroke of the bell corresponds to one of the vices. There are six of them: greed, stupidity, anger, frivolity, indecision and envy, but each vice has 18 various shades, which adds up to 108.

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Modern traditions holiday in Russia The modern holiday New Year is usually celebrated with family, relatives, relatives and friends. Throughout December, preparations are underway for New Year's Eve. Houses and central squares of cities are decorated with real fir trees, which are decorated homemade toys and balls, figurines of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. People prepare surprise gifts for each other, come up with a special menu for holiday table, collect guests. And on New Year's Eve at 00:00, under the chiming clock, each person makes a cherished wish and drinks a glass of the New Year's drink - champagne. Congratulates all the people around on the New Year, gives wishes of prosperity, well-being to relatives and friends! Gives prepared gifts!

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution

Perevozsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region

"Secondary school No. 1 of Perevoz"



Completed by: Vsevolod Bychkov and Mikhail Denisov

6th grade students

Teacher: Tarasova I.A.

Problem selection:

Here are two Frosts, or one?

But who will come to us on New Year's Eve?

Santa Claus and Santa Claus - rivals or colleagues?

We want to know the answers to all these questions.

Purpose: to determine Santa Claus and Santa Claus - colleagues or rivals Task number 1 before us is this: Find and understand differences Than European Santa Claus Distinguishable from Santa Claus. Task number 2: And who are they to each other - rivals or colleagues.


We believe that Santa Claus and Santa Claus are colleagues.

Research methods :

study and analysis of information,

comparison and analysis, survey of friends.


  • Determine the goal, objectives and hypothesis of the project
  • Identify the similarities between Santa Claus and Santa Claus
  • Identify the differences between Santa Claus and Santa Claus
  • Conduct a video - interview - a survey on the question "Rivals or colleagues?"
  • Formulate the conclusion of the project
  • Demonstrate a project in a geography lesson

Our conclusion will be simple: many differences - character, appearance, glasses, clothes, shoes, mittens, pants, helpers, and homeland, and transport, they are all different. But there is much more in common...

But there are also similarities Santa Claus and Santa Claus bring joy to everyone in the house, gifts, congratulations and New Year's Eve. And this is much more important for people!!!


Santa Claus and Santa Claus are different in appearance. They have different clothes, shoes and attributes that they take with them. Thus, we can conclude that Santa Claus and Santa Claus are different fabulous


We believe that they are allies, colleagues, since the main task of both is to bring joy to children and adults, gifts on the most important holiday for every person - the New Year.

We believe that our hypothesis has been confirmed.

Resources Used

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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2 slide

Description of the slide:

Santa Claus is a Christmas grandfather, a Western European and North American fairy-tale (folklore) character who gives gifts to children on Christmas. The name Santa Claus is a corruption of the name of Saint Nicholas, whose feast day is celebrated on December 6th. There is no consensus on which place should be considered the birthplace of Santa Claus: Lapland or the immediate vicinity of the North Pole.

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The prototype of Santa Claus is the common Christian Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker (Santa - “saint”, Klaus - “Nicholas”), known for his charity - help in the form of secret gifts to poor people with children. Originally December 6, the day of St. Nicholas church calendar, in European countries it was customary to give gifts to children on his behalf. However, during the Reformation period, when the veneration of saints was not approved, in Germany and neighboring countries, the baby Christ became the person who distributes gifts, and the day of their delivery was moved from December 6 to December 24, that is, during the Christmas fairs. During the Counter-Reformation period, gifts to children were again given in the name of St. Nicholas, but now this happened already at the end of December, at Christmas. But in some European countries, older traditions still remain in force.

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So, in the Netherlands, where the name of St. Nicholas is pronounced as Sinterklaas, kids can receive gifts on his behalf both on December 5 and at Christmas. It was thanks to the Dutch colonists who founded the settlement of New Amsterdam in the 1650s, now turned into the city of New York, that the image of St. Nicholas came to the North American continent. At the same time, it should be noted that the English Puritans, who mastered North America, did not celebrate Christmas. The History of New York was published in 1809. American writer Washington Irving, in which he spoke about the times of Dutch rule, mentioning the custom of honoring St. Nicholas in New Amsterdam.

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In the development of the story of Irving in 1823, Clement Clark Moore published the poem "The Night Before Christmas, or the visit of St. Nicholas", in which he spoke about Santa Claus - fairy tale character giving gifts to children. This poem, which became very popular, was republished in 1844. The History Channel documentary Legends of Santa in the 2000s stated: “Thanks to the pen of Clement Moore, Saint Nicholas turned into Santa Claus” and “by 1840, almost all Americans knew who Santa was. -Klaus. This funny old man was given to us by Clement Moore." In the same poem, eight of Santa's classic nine reindeer are mentioned for the first time. In 1863 the famous American artist Thomas Nast of Harper's Weekly used the Santa Claus character, based on the book by Clement Clark Moore, in a series of political cartoons as a gift-giving hero. The character gained popularity, and Nast later published many funny drawings for children with funny scenes from the life of Santa Claus - in Harper Weekly magazine and other publications. In his drawings, Nast came up with and painted in detail the life of Santa.

Elena Strelnikova
Research topic: "Santa Claus and Santa Claus - rivals or colleagues"

Target research:

Find out how the grandfather is different Frost and Santa Claus and who are they to each other - colleagues or rivals.

Tasks research:

1. Find out the influence of climate on the appearance of Grandfather Frost and Santa Claus.

2. Study the historical origin of Grandfather Frost and Santa Claus.

3. Describe the main purpose of grandfather's fairy-tale wizards Frost and Santa Claus.

Methods research:

1. Reading fiction and educational literature.

2. Conversations with adults and children.

3. Reasoning based on clarity.

4. Search for information on a topic on the Internet.

Hypotheses research:

1. Let's say that Grandfather Frost and Santa Claus dressed up what they like.

2. What if Grandpa Frost and Santa Claus compete with each other.

3. Suppose that Grandfather Frost and Santa Claus the same fairy tale character.

We thought and began to remember everything that we heard kindergarten and at home about Grandfather Frost and Santa Claus. To confirm our knowledge, my parents and I looked at children's encyclopedias, from where we learned that this is a Russian Grandfather Frost is a giant, a hero who patrols his possessions, fetters rivers and lakes with ice, and at the same time gives gifts to children.

Grandfather Frost and Santa Claus are dressed differently. And not because they like it. The difference is due to the difference in climate. Winters in Russia are cold, while in Europe they are mild.

Grandfather frost hat trimmed with fur.

At Santa Claus nightcap with pompom.

Grandfather Frost beard long, to the waist.

At Santa Claus short beard spade.

Grandfather Frost warm coat to toe, belted.

At Santa Claus - short jacket.

Grandfather frost the fur coat can be red, blue, and even white.

At Santa Claus - only red.

Grandfather Frost - warm gloves.

At Santa Claus - summer gloves.

In the hands of grandfather Frost holding a staff, according to legend, he is just a staff and freezes.

At Santa Claus - nothing.

Grandfather Frost - white belt.

At Santa Claus - belt with buckle; pants.

Grandfather frost- pants are not visible under a fur coat. He has white felt boots - the best shoes in Russian freezing.

At Santa Claus - black boots.

Grandfather Frost sees well, so no points.

At Santa Claus - glasses apparently poor eyesight.

classic grandfather Freezing moves on foot, modern in a sleigh pulled by three horses.

Santa Claus rides in a cart drawn by deer.

Grandfather Freezing leads healthy lifestyle life and does not smoke.

Santa Claus - smoking a pipe.

Every professional, which is Grandfather Freezing, there must be colleagues. Very often people think that Grandfather Frost and Santa Claus- this is the same New Year's super wizard.

Mom suggested looking it up on the Internet. We found a lot of information there learned: what is our old friend and good wizard Russian grandfather freezing- This is a character of Slavic folklore. Among the Eastern Slavs Grandfather Frost is a hero, the blacksmith who binds the water "iron frosts» .

English Santa Claus came from the nickname Sinterklaas (from the word "ash") St. Nicholas (in Orthodox tradition Nicholas the Pleasant) the first Dutch settlers in America. He was considered the patron saint of sailors and children, for whom he prepared gifts all year long, and on Christmas night he delivered them and left them in stockings prepared for gifts.

In the middle of the century, the custom was firmly established on December 19, Nikolin's day, to give gifts to children, because the saint himself did this. The saint comes to the children at Christmas, and then on the New Year. In America, a good old man is called - Santa Claus.

Grandfather Freezing walks with a bag of gifts. He never lets anyone near the bag, and he himself takes out gifts from it. He does this without looking, but he always guesses who is waiting for what gift.

Conclusion: thus, we confirmed the hypothesis that the Russian Grandfather frost is different from santa claus both in appearance and origin. The most important difference between the Russian Grandfather frost- this is his constant companion Snegurochka.

And they look like Grandpa Frost and Santa Claus in one - and this is their most important purpose - they give children gifts for Christmas and New Year! Give children joy!

Therefore, we believe that Grandfather Frost and Santa Claus are not rivals, and full colleagues.