Estimation is more expensive than wealth, the meaning of a proverb. Master class "gold placers"

Wonderful world of classics.

Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, "How a peasant removed a stone".


Many wonderful books
Smart, interesting books,
Entertaining, funny
In towns, villages, villages...
You go to the library
To read more
real person
Books help to become.

Today we will study Leo Tolstoy's fable "How a peasant removed a stone." Let's remember what a fable is, what are its features, draw up a plan for a work. We will try to determine the moral of this fable, we will work on proverbs.

What is a fable?
Here is the definition dictionary Ozhegov:

1. Brief allegorical moralizing story, poem.

2. Usually fiction, fiction, empty talk (from the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov)
- What is the peculiarity of the fable? ( That there is morality.)
- What other features of the fable do you know?

- an interesting short entertaining story;

-few descriptions;

-many dialogues;

- there are usually several heroes;

-main character expresses the main idea;

-heroes are animals, plants, things, birds, fish, people;

- ridiculed human vices.

- a short narrative in verse or prose;
-the presence of morality;
- comedy;
- instructive;

What is commonly understood by the word morality? (Instructive conclusion, instruction, some rules.)

What do the fables make fun of?



- stupidity





What do fables teach?

- friendship

- diligence

- diligence




- nobility

- thanks

- get knowledge

You and I know that fables were written more than 150 years ago, why do we need children of the 21st century, in the century mobile communications, computerization to study the work of Krylov, his fables?

Yes, because even now there are human vices and his fables are more relevant than ever to improve their features. Look at yourself from the outside and get rid of your shortcomings.

A fable is a fictitious incident, fiction, a story for the sake of a red word. An allegorical, instructive narrative, a parable where it is customary to display animals, and even things verbally; lies, nonsense. For example: Full of fables to tell, get down to business (from the dictionary of V. Dahl)

Where did fables come from?

A bit of history

The fable genre has its roots in the folklore of many peoples. Scientists attribute the first written signs of "fable" to the Sumero-Akkadian texts.

The fable acquires a stable genre form in Greek literature. The most prominent representative of this time is the semi-legendary Aesop (6th century BC). .

The first who began to use the technique of allegory, and allegory is when animals are depicted, but they mean people, was Aesop.

He lived in Ancient Greece about 3000 years ago, Aesop was a slave and could not openly laugh at people in power, he told stories that supposedly happened to animals. And although everyone knew that we are talking about people, no one could accuse Aesop of stalking the unsightly deeds of a certain person.

Until now, allegorical speech is called the Aesopian language. By reading fables, we will learn to understand Aesop's language. Many of Aesop's fables became known to Russian readers thanks to Krylov's translations. He endowed them with Russian features, put Russian folk speech into their mouths.

In Russia, the main stages in the development of the fable genre were the fables of M.V. Lomonosov and A.D. Kantemir, the amusing fable of A.P. Sumarokov, the instructive fable of I.I. Krylova, colorful household A.E. Izmailova.

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy also wrote a fable. And as A.M. Gorky: “Without knowing Tolstoy, you cannot consider yourself knowing your country, you cannot consider yourself a cultured person.”

Listen to the recording of Leo Tolstoy's fable "How the peasant removed the stone." Try to determine the moral of this fable. Notice there is a question in the title of the fable. Try to understand how the man did it.

vocabulary work

Engineer - Specialist with higher technical education.
Powder - explosive compound or mixture.
big skating rink - machine for compacting and compacting the soil,
Artifice - Fiction, invention.

Reading with commentary
Read part 1. (There was a huge stone in the square in one city. The stone took up a lot of space and interfered with driving around the city. Engineers were called and asked how to remove the stone and how much it would cost?)
-What does it say?
- Where was the stone? What did he do to the townspeople? What were the engineers asked for?

What would you suggest if you were in a group of engineers? headline (Stone in the square).
Read part 2.
-What does it say? ( One engineer said that the stone had to be broken into pieces with gunpowder and then taken piece by piece, and that it would cost eight thousand rubles; another said that a large skating rink should be brought under the stone and that the stone would be brought on the rink, and that it would cost six thousand roubles.)
-What did 1 engineer suggest? (... the stone must be broken into pieces with gunpowder and then taken piece by piece ...)
-What did 2 engineer suggest? (... under the stone you need to bring a large skating rink and bring the stone on the rink ...)
- How shall we name it? (Dispute)
Read part 3. ( And one peasant said: “And I will remove the stone and take a hundred rubles for it!”)
What did the man suggest? (. .. “I will dig a large hole near the stone itself; I will scatter the earth from the pit over the square, I will throw a stone into the pit and level the ground ...) Why did they give him another 100 rubles.
-How to title this part. (Good idea

What is the moral of Leo Tolstoy's fable? (It is not so much strength that is important as ingenuity.)

What lesson can you learn for yourself? ( It is not so much strength that is important as ingenuity. You need to think carefully: perhaps there are non-standard solutions to the problem)

Where the ax does not take, the ingenuity will take it.

The stupid one sours, but the smart one will provide for everything.

Achieve everything with your abilities.

The mountain is red with a rock, and the man with his head.

Smetka more valuable than wealth.

It is not enough to want, you need to know and be able to.
Lazy hands are not related to a smart head.
What is the master, such is the work.
No wonder it is said that the work of the master is afraid.
Strength breaks everything, and the mind is power.


We got acquainted with the fable of Leo Tolstoy "How the peasant removed the stone". They noted that fables teach us to be hardworking, honest, fair. Therefore, they are called moralizing works.
The moralizing meaning of the fable is in the words of the author at the beginning or at the end of the fable. This is the moral of the fable


Location : Class


Clarify children's ideas about the traditional manifestations of goodwill and hospitality.

To develop social skills in children: sociability, the ability to cooperate, friendly behavior, the desire to share impressions of what they saw, felt, ethical standards.

To cultivate kindness, responsiveness, the ability to find a way out of difficult situation.


Benefits for didactic games"Qualities of character", "Neighbours", "Fairy-tale riddles", cartoon "Porridge from an ax"

Lesson progress:

I. Introduction.


Very often behind events

And behind the hustle and bustle of days

We do not remember our old days

We forget about her

Let's remember Russian customs

Let's remember our past.

older girl:

According to ancient customs

Everyone wore long dresses

And knew how to meet guests

They did not spare their outfits

Honey, enveloping intoxicated

bowing low to them

Gently touching the floor

And smiling nicely!


Well, Mashenka, it's time for us to meet the guests.


Guest come in!

Traditions will not be broken

And always have a cup of tea

Everyone knows Russian hospitality

Hospitality and an open house!


Good evening! And bow to you

Well, welcome guests:

Girls and boys,

Guys and girls

Neighbors and neighbors

If you praise - so

Meet on the doorstep!


And now welcome to the house!

II. Installation for the lesson.


Come in, have a seat.

Gathered, we have a conversation

Kind and foldable

And let's go by the rules:

(Read the rules of the lesson on the board).

Peace and harmony, mutual respect.

Fluent speech, speak one at a time.

Active participation in conversation, games.

Instead of remarks and praises - labels of good and bad behavior.

Everyone gives himself an assessment, based on the marks received.

III. Main part.


I wanted to read you a proverb, but almost all the letters disappeared in it. So you have to say only the part that remains.

******** - more expensive than wealth


And what, guys, let's solve the missing letters? To do this, let's play a game.

The game "Fairytale Riddles".


Riddle cards.



You need to solve riddles. Then, from the first letters of the received words, make a word.

(Children take turns guessing riddles).

1. The vehicle of Baba - Yaga in Russian folk

fairy tales. (Mortar).

2. What is the name of the Russian folk tale that kindness and politeness

No cold can freeze Nastenka. (Morozko).

3. In fairy tales, she is sometimes called gossip. (A fox).

4. In Russian folk tales, he is called Immortal. (Kashchey).

What was the flower that Nastenka's father brought? (Alenkim).

Ivanushka's sister in a Russian folk tale. (Alyonushka).

7. What was the name of the hero of a Russian folk tale who loved to ride stoves? (Emelya).

Russian folk tale, the main character of which is a bakery product? (Kolobok).


What word did we get?




Therefore, the proverb is:

Ingenuity is more valuable than wealth


And to understand the meaning of this proverb, let's turn to a fairy tale.

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

(Answers of children).

Indeed, all people in the world love fairy tales. Magical, funny and even scary, fairy tales are always interesting. Read or listen, it's breathtaking. But not only interest, not only entertainment is in fairy tales “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson".

Tell me, please, what kind of "lesson" is this? What does a fairy tale teach?

(Answers of children).

And indeed, there is always a lesson in a fairy tale, but the lesson is very soft, kind, most often it is friendly advice: how to do the right thing so as not to get into a stupid position.

IV. Watching a cartoon


But it's all a hint

And the fairy tale will come

Just listen and look.

We extinguish the light and watch the fairy tale “Porridge from an ax. You can listen to the soundtrack of the fairy tale if you can't watch the cartoon

V. Discussion.


Did you like the fairy tale?

Tell me, please, how do you understand the title of the fairy tale?

What is fabulous in a fairy tale, and what could happen in life?

Who is hunted down in a fairy tale?

What is ingenuity? How did she help the soldier?

What lesson, advice is given in the fairy tale?

(Children reflect and try to justify their conclusions).


The fairy tale teaches to act kindly, to be friendly, so as not to fall into a stupid position. Try to find a way out of a difficult situation, be quick-witted and resourceful.

VI. Consolidation.


Now let's split into groups. To do this, I distribute letters of different colors to everyone. For those whose letters are of the same color, they are combined near the table of the corresponding color.

(as a result, two groups of equal strength are obtained, drawn up taking into account age and individual characteristics).

The game "Qualities of character".

To consolidate in children the idea that in a fairy tale there is always a wise soaring, how to live, that different qualities of a person are revealed in the actions, desires of the heroes of fairy tales.


A typesetting canvas with characters from a fairy tale, a set of cards with different qualities of a person - patience, anger, friendliness, cunning, resourcefulness, pride, friendliness, etc. Yes, he will treat you hard ”“ Seemingly a simpleton, but a sly one at heart. “The miser of a flea’s top covers”, “You won’t beg him for snow even in winter”, “If strength doesn’t take, ingenuity will help out”, “Intelligence and ingenuity, that brother and sister”, “Guess is no worse than reason”, “Not a handsome guy , yes resourceful ", etc.

Game progress:


Well done! All qualities were explained correctly.

Guys, tell me, what kind of hospitable hosts should be?

(Answers of children).


And now the next task:

Neighbors game.

To teach children to express their attitude to the actions of comrades, to evaluate their qualities.

Develop observation and attention to others.


Paper model of a sofa, paper figures of family members.

Game progress:

We have a large sofa in the playroom, almost our entire family can fit on it. Now look: here, a sofa is also drawn on paper, on the seats of which there are slots, but here there are paper figures that represent all members of our family. I suggest you "plant" yourself and everyone, as you would like.

(Children place the figures and explain why they placed these “children” next to them).


I see that you are good hosts. There is a place for everyone in your home.

Tell me, guys, and we are away, how should we behave?

(children's responses).


Yes, it is important to be polite, attentive, to be able to keep up the conversation. And most importantly, be able to thank, praise the hosts for their hospitality.

And now, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, and play a game.

The game "Praise in a circle."

Encourage to benevolent relations, to awareness of their behavior.

Game progress:

Everyone takes turns saying something nice about their neighbor. He thanks, agrees or adds something about himself that seems important to him.

(After the game, it is important to ask the children the following questions:

What did they expect when they treated their neighbors politely?

What was more difficult: to give praise, or to wait for what they would say about you?


And I learned from this game that you need to try to act in life so that people have something to thank you for.

VII. Summary of the lesson.

Teacher: This is where our lesson ends. And I would like to ask you a few more questions:

What did you enjoy the most during the class?

What is the moral or lesson of the fairy tale "Ax Porridge"?

(Answers of children).


You are right, you need to act kindly, so as not to fall into a stupid position, like an old woman. Because a Russian person is characterized by breadth of soul, openness, hospitality, the ability to find a way out of any situation.

Thank you, dear guys, for your answers and reasoning. They made me happy. And you worked by the rules. Let's evaluate our behavior in class.

(It is important that the child be able to evaluate himself, based on the marks received).

    See mind ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. estimate see ... Synonym dictionary

    Estimate I unfold The ability to think quickly; resourcefulness, ingenuity. II well. unfold Soft hair brush for sweeping. III. unfold 1. action under Ch. sweep II 2. Threads that sweep, sweep something; basting… Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    BASTING 1. BASTING, and; well. Razg. The ability to think quickly, find the right solution in what l. deed; sharpness. Peasant s. Military s. Show note. 2. BREAKING, and; pl. genus. current, date weaves; well. 1. to sweep away. 2. Spec. Hand brush ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    estimate- n. calculation, report, calculation, equivalence, balance sheet. izgoda, taxation, crawling n. plan, intention replies entrance, dossier, number, name, registration presmyatane, calculation ... Bulgarian synonym for riverman

    It's not the mark that wanders; and the estimate that leads others. See MISTAKE SMART...

    Happiness is more precious than heroism, and the estimate will deceive both. See MISTAKE SMART... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

Development of a lesson on literary reading Grade 2

Topic: " Porridge from an ax ”- a Russian folk household tale.

Target: introduce children to a new kind of fairy tales - household fairy tale.


    • practice expressive reading skills.

      enrich students' speech.

      learn to work with text.

    expansion and enrichment of students' vocabulary.

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge


1) Textbook: Literary reading. Native speech for grade 2 (1-4). Authors: Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2009.

2) Drawings of students for the fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane".

3) Audio recording for a physical minute.

Board layout:

Near the stake - bells,

And on stakes - bells.

Serviceman - soldier, soldier



Enough - enough.


Lumber room



If - if.

A sort of - such.

Smetka - ingenuity.

B) Estimation is the most expensive.

During the classes:

I .Organizing time.

Check readiness for a literary reading lesson.

II .Speech warm-up.

Today, at the speech warm-up, we will pronounce the tongue twister, which is written on the board:

Near the stake - bells,

And on stakes - bells.

Let's remember how we work with tongue twisters.

The first time we read slowly, then a little faster, even faster, very quickly.

The most important thing is to pronounce all the words correctly.

We will practice first in chorus, then individually.

III .Checking homework.

Drawings of students are hung on a magnetic board (in advance). Children read passages to their illustrations (2-3 people).

IV .Self-determination to activity.


Let's remember what types of fairy tales we know?


Magical, about animals, domestic.


What are household stories about?


In everyday fairy tales, they talk about poor or rich people.


In everyday fairy tales, greed, stinginess, stupidity of rich people and kindness, intelligence, ingenuity of the poor are ridiculed. The main characters of the tale are people, and the action takes place in ordinary houses, villages. Each fairy tale necessarily teaches something, ridicules bad deeds or negative qualities of a person.

Today we will get acquainted with one such fairy tale. Open your textbooks on page 44, read the title of the fairy tale.


Porridge from an ax.


Is it possible to identify the main characters by the title of the fairy tale?


It can be assumed that these will be villagers: an ax is used to chop wood, and firewood is used in the village.

V .Study of new material.

1) The text is read by well-read children, vocabulary work is carried out in the course of reading. The words are written on the board.

Serviceman - soldier, soldier

stay - visiting someone for a short time.

Izba - wooden, peasant house.

Enough - enough.

Brew - hot liquid food, stew.

Lumber room - a room in the house, served as a pantry.

flavor - add something to the food, for taste.

Boiler - a large metal vessel for cooking food.

If - if.

A sort of - such.

Smetka - ingenuity.

2) Primary check of understanding of the text.

Did you like the fairy tale? What did you like?

Did the title of the story surprise you? What did you think when you read it?

Why did the soldier knock on the hut?

Who lived there?

What did the soldier ask the old woman?

How did the old woman react to the soldier's request?

What did the soldier think?

What did he first ask the old woman?

And then?

What did the soldier manage to cook from an ax?

What is the old woman shown in the fairy tale?

What is a soldier?

Why did he do this?

VI .Physical minute.

Let's take a short break. Let's do the exercises to the music.

VII .Consolidation of the studied material.

1) Work on proverbs (on the board).

Read the proverbs that are written on the board.

Which of these proverbs is more suitable for our fairy tale?

A) Guess and ingenuity are not worse than reason.

B) Estimation is the most expensive.

C) A stupid one turns sour, but a smart one will provide for everything.


The second sentence is the best to use -the mark is the most expensive.

The fairy tale is not about how smart a soldier is, but about the fact that ingenuity helps him survive in difficult conditions, when there is no food, clothes, money, etc.

2) Re-reading.

Students read the story in sequence, then in roles.

Pay attention to how friendly the soldier addresses the old woman. Read in the text.

And how hypocritically the old woman answers him. Read.

Behind the gentle words lies the subtext. Emotions are not always expressed in a straightforward way, they can be revealed through the actions of the characters.

The old woman has plenty of everything, but she was stingy to feed the soldier, pretending to be an orphan.

- Oh, good person, and today she herself has not eaten anything yet: nothing.

3) Work with illustration.

And emotions can be depicted in the illustration.

Consider the illustration on page 45.

What lines from the fairy tale fit the illustration?


- The soldier took out a spoon, stirs the brew. Tried.


Explain why these lines were chosen? What emotions can be seen?


The soldier tries the porridge with a spoon. He took his hand to the side, shows how tasty it is for him. The old woman is surprised. She folded her hands under her chin and opened her mouth.

4) Work on the text.

Take simple pencils and underline the words in the text with which you can determine the feelings, state, hidden thoughts of the characters.

Tired the soldier is on the way, he wants to eat - a state of fatigue.

The old woman has plenty of everything, but the soldier was stingy to feed, pretended to be an orphan - greedy and decided to deceive.

The old woman looks can't get away - great surprise in the old woman.

And the soldier eats yes chuckles - laughs to himself at the stupidity and greed of the old woman. Refers to the old woman with irony (hidden mockery).


With sympathy, the fairy tale depicts an experienced soldier who knows how to cook soup from an ax, who can outwit anyone. He is able to deceive a stupid old woman. The servant skillfully achieves his goal, despite the absurdity of the situation. And there is irony in this.

Describe the soldier. What is he? (The question can be read in the textbook on page 47.)







The savvy soldier, because he figured out how to cook porridge "out of nothing", outwitted the old woman. You can also call him resourceful. He did not beg the old woman to give him food, he figured out how to get out of the situation. Another soldier can be called kind. He did not say a single bad word to the old woman, he treated her politely and kindly.

What can you say about the old woman? What is she? You take:






About the old woman, you can say that she is greedy and stupid. She never realized that she had deceived herself.

VIII .Reflection.

From what new fairy tale did you meet in class?

What is fantastic (fabulous) in a fairy tale, and what could really happen in life?


It is fabulous that a soldier cooked porridge from an ax, that an old woman allowed a complete stranger, an outsider, to host in her house.

The real thing is that the soldier went on leave, stopped for the night, that they didn’t want to feed him, an old woman living in the village. The soldier could outsmart the old woman.


Did the soldier succeed? What helped him?


Yes, I did. Wanted to eat and ate. He was helped by ingenuity, kind treatment of the old woman, courtesy. Punished the old woman for being greedy.


Is the soldier correct?


Life forced a soldier to act like this, otherwise he would have died of hunger.


Which side do you think the narrator is on? Why?


The narrator is on the soldier's side. No matter what difficulties have fallen on the soldier, he does not lose heart. Finds a way out of any situation. Greed and stupidity must be punished. Only the old woman did not understand this. The soldier is very sympathetic to the narrator.

IX .Homework.

Homework: Prepare for reading.


Class: 2

Lesson topic: "Porridge from an ax" is a Russian folk household tale.

Lesson type :

This is the seventh lesson in the system. At the first lessons, they get acquainted with the article by Y. Koval "Tales", as well as with the poems by Y. Moritz "A fairy tale goes through the forest ...". In the next lessons, Russian is studied folk tales about animals.

At the first lessons, the concepts of “what is a fairy tale”, “why everyone loves fairy tales”, “what do fairy tales teach” are formed. In subsequent lessons, the concept of "fairy tales about animals" is formed. The seventh lesson is devoted to the study of the concept of "everyday fairy tale". Next, the children are introduced to fairy tale. Throughout the lessons, work continues on the ability to read expressively. At the generalizing lesson, children have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

The purpose of the lesson to introduce children to a new kind of fairy tales - a household fairy tale - was achieved using the example of the fairy tale "Porridge from an ax".

The tasks of the lesson were also solved: the skills of expressive reading were practiced. Words that are rarely used today were written on the board, work was carried out to clarify the meaning of these words. Thus expanding lexicon students, and enriched their speech. At the lesson, the ability to work with the text, to find the right answer was practiced.

The aims and objectives of the lesson were achieved. The purpose is justified by the content of the program, artistic nature works, class age. The teacher builds on what the students already know. Against this background, a new concept is introduced - a household fairy tale.

During the lesson, reading and speech skills are formed (considered after analysis). The skill of expressive reading, role-playing reading is being worked out. Expressive reading, reading by roles always gives the children pleasure, facilitates the assimilation of the typical features of a fairy tale: spoken language, repetitions, special rhythms.

The lesson analyzes the tale in sufficient detail. The analysis meets the requirements.

Questions are asked of an analytical, exploratory nature, providing subtextual information subtraction.

The work at the lesson was quite clearly thought out, each question was answered and explained. This was facilitated by a well-thought-out lesson plan. The lesson was held in an upbeat emotional atmosphere, so the degree of activity of children is quite high. This was facilitated by a variety of forms of work with a fairy tale.

Teacher: Reprintseva V.V.

Analysis of the lesson on literary reading in grade 2 "B"

We often forget that there is something in life that is much more important than money. Here are 15 things to remember:

1. Relationship experience

Kiss someone, write someone a letter in which you tell about your feelings. Take the time on your day off and cook something interesting, tasty dish. Host a candlelit evening for your loved one.

2. Teaching wisdom

If you think you know the answer, then you are not wise at all. Learn to be wise. Wisdom comes from knowing how little you really know.

3. Marriage

Your life will change dramatically when you deeply and completely accept another person into it. The desire to become the best will occur when revealing every part of you directly to another loved one.

4. Friendly relations

Regular friendships and a friendly atmosphere are a great proof of life. Friendship has nothing to do with the things you own or the things you can do - the things and things themselves revolve around people and their relationships.

5. Healthy body

6. Mental health

Physical health cannot be perfect without psychological health. Expressing your feelings should be done in a healthy way. Problems that bother you need to be addressed, not avoided.

7. Passion

What actions make you feel anxious and full? The dish of your life will be miserable and insipid if you do not season it with spices that add spice and taste.

8. Communication

The talent of expressing one's thoughts and emotions to an impressionable audience is truly priceless. This allows you to share the shades of the spirit world with others. This is something that cannot be achieved with all material goods on this earth.

9. Emphasis on one's own strengths

Money comes and goes. And the ability to survive, or even succeed without money, means that they become less important.

10. Safety

Direct all your efforts towards creating a safe place where you can be protected from failure. By building the foundations of your security now, you can reap real rewards in the future.

11. Support others

Inherent in most people, giving support to other people brings a feeling of happiness and contentment, and this is something that cannot be replaced by any kind of material wealth.

12. Personal development

There are countless possibilities for the improvement of each individual as a person - his actions, faith, and so on. By improving your personality today, you improve your future.

13. Appreciation

There is an expression: “Happiness is when you thank God more often than you ask.” If you begin to thank life more often for what you have, satisfaction with life will soon increase.

14. Hobbies

Many people, having fallen into the routine of life, do not know that true happiness does not depend on the state of capital or the number of things purchased. Get away from this. Learn new things, find something that will bring you sincere pleasure. Often, this is hidden in the most elementary things - games, long walks, communication, favorite pastime.

15. Spirituality

Spirituality, by and large, is the purpose of our life. Comprehending yourself through reading, analysis, reflection, prayer, you can acquire incredible serenity, harmony, joy, which are sometimes very difficult to find in other places, and impossible to find with money.