30 grain noses summary. Evgeny Nosov - On the fishing path (Stories about nature)

Hello, my name is Olesya Andreevna. Today I will teach you a writing lesson. So check if everything is ready for the lesson.

Have a seat

Guys, let's stretch our fingers.
We shared an orange.
There are many of us, and he is one!
This hedgehog slice
This slice is for a siskin,
This slice is for ducklings,
This slice is for kittens
This slice is for the beaver
Well, the wolf is peeled.

Well done, we stretched our fingers, and now let's remember the landing rules.

How to sit properly while writing?
And how should we have a prescription?

Well done, we remembered everything, and now let's open the copybook on page 32 and remember the elements of the letters. What is the first element? How are we going to write it? In what letters does it occur to us? What is the next element? How are we going to write it? In what letters does it occur to us?

next element? The next element is repeated, but what did you notice? Then what element? How are we going to write it? next element? After the oval, what element? And last? Write it down.

Collect letters from these elements, write them down. What letters did you get?

Guys, we have a pattern in the strip, let's see what our pattern looks like? How are the droplets arranged? How are we going to write a drop?

Guys, let's get some rest.

Look carefully at the copybook page, what do you think we will do today at the lesson? What letters are given to us? What is the difference? Let's write the first letter with me, and the rest on our own. Look at your letters and shine the sun over the most beautiful, neat letter.

What word is given to us? Read. Let's break the word down. How many syllables are in a word? why? which letter is stressed? How many letters are in a word? How many sounds? And why?

Write down the word blizzard, what letter did we meet? Why was it written? We have one more word, let's write it down nicely, neatly. What letter did we meet? Why is she in the word? How many letters in a word, sounds? Why does 5 sounds not give a sound? Well done

Read the offer. Write the sentence below the word under the word letter under the letter neatly, beautifully. Who wrote down the pens put down, look at me. All recorded, well done.

Now let's rest.

Once - rise on tiptoe.

We all need to warm up, friends.

2 - bent down to the ground

And not once, but three times.

3 - waved their hands.

Our hands are tired.

On 4 - hands to the sides.

We make jumps together.

5 - sat down two times.

6 - it's time for us to go to school

We continue to work.

According to the sentence, two words are written, read them. How are these words different?

Well done. Write these words neatly, exactly word by word.

Read the next couple of words. Let's compare these words. What do they have in common? What is the difference?

Write down these words.

Now let's make a sentence with these words. Let's write down the sentence from the slide "Pasha ate an apple"

Read the second sentence "On the seven books on the table", guys, is this a sentence? Why?

Make a sentence out of these words and write them down. Well done, we did a good job, look carefully at your notes and evaluate your work. If all the entries in your copybook are made neatly beautifully draw a sun at the bottom of the page, if there are any blots a cloud, and if you are not satisfied with your work, you don’t like how you wrote, draw a cloud with rain.

What did we do in class? What letters did you learn to write?

Color the soft sign in blue if you liked the lesson and had no difficulty. And if it was difficult for you, and something did not work out in red

Lesson summary on the topic: The letters b and b. (Grade 1. School of Russia)

The purpose of the lesson - introduce a new letter that does not indicate a sound, which serves to separate the pronunciation of consonant and vowel sounds, as well as to indicate the hardness (softness) of a consonant sound.

Planned results:


Be aware of the separating function of b and b.

Demonstrate the ability to solve the proposed crossword puzzle. Complete assignments as instructed by the textbook and teacher. Have reading comprehension skills.

Prepare to get acquainted with the spelling “spelling b and b”;

Perform sound and sound-letter analysis of words with b and b.


Regulatory UUD.

accept and save the learning task corresponding to the learning stage;

understand the teacher's guidelines for action in educational material;

evaluate together with the teacher the result of their actions, make appropriate adjustments;

fulfill learning activities in oral speech and in the mind.

pronounce the sequence of actions performed aloud;

to carry out actions taking into account the guidelines of action allocated by the teacher;

adequately perceive the assessment of their work by the teacher and classmates;

in cooperation with the teacher, the class to find several options for solving the educational problem;

carry out step-by-step control on the result under the guidance of a teacher;

carry out step-by-step control over the course of the task under the guidance of the teacher.

Cognitive UUD.

understand the signs, symbols, models given in the ABC;

understand question asked, in accordance with it, build an answer orally;

analyze the studied facts of the language with the allocation of their distinctive features;

to carry out comparison, seriation, classification of the studied facts of the language based on the criteria selected by the teacher;

generalize (select a number of objects according to a given attribute).

establish cause-and-effect relationships in the studied range of phenomena;

see the possible variety of ways to solve a learning problem;

perceive the meaning of a small text;

relate the material being studied to their own experience.

Communicative UUD.

have an idea about the possibility of the existence of different points of view, about the possibility of negotiating, coming to a common decision;

use the rules of courtesy in communication; respond appropriately to the teacher's request.

accept a different opinion and position;

to formulate own opinion and position;

build clear statements;

to ask questions.


positive attitude towards school learning activities;

interest in ABC classes (or individual tasks);

knowledge of the basic moral norms of behavior in the new school life.

primary skills for evaluating work, classmates' answers based on the specified criteria for the success of educational activities;

ideas about language as a means of communication, about the diversity of communication situations.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

We came here to study

Don't be lazy, but work hard.

We listen carefully

We work diligently!slide 1

2. Repetition of previously studied material.

Today, guys, we have an unusual lesson. We are all invited to the palace. And who lives in it, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

slide 2

What is the name of the palace itself?

slide 2

Each letter in the alphabet has its place.

What does each letter stand for?

He is not visible.

Do not take in hand

But it's audible. (Sound)slide 2

Each letter in the alphabet stands for a sound.

What are the two groups of sounds? ( into vowels and consonants)

- What sounds do we call vowels?

The vowels are drawn in a ringing song,

Can cry and scream

Calling and haunting in the dark forest

But they do not want to whistle and grumble.slide 3

How do we pronounce vowel sounds? (by voice)

What sounds do we call consonants?

And the consonants agree

Whisper, whisper, whistle,

Even snort and creak,

But they don't want to sing.slide 3

What do we encounter when pronouncing these sounds? (barriers: teeth, lips,language).

Now I will show a letter in the alphabet, you call its sound. (you can use a fan of letters)

Guys, why were you silent when I showed you b and b signs? (do not represent sounds)slide 4

And now we will climb the ladder of knowledge and get the key that will help us open the doors to the palace. But on our way there will be obstacles in the form of tasks, so we must be very attentive and ready for difficulties. So, go ahead, get the key!

3. Message of the topic of the lesson.

Why do you think I left the b and b signs in front of you?

The topic of our lesson: Separating b and b signs.slide 4

Set a task for the lesson.

4. Work on new material.

- First Obstacle (quest) on our way:

Cards on desks (work in pairs)

Read the words

beast carrot

sing skates

brush dolphin

guest goose

What role doesbat the end and in the middle of a word?

It turns outbthere is another role.

SEED - FAMILYslide 5

Look at the spelling of these words and tell me how they are different?

When pronouncing the word family, what do we hear?

(The word seems to be broken).

Why do we need b and b? (ъ makes the consonant hard, and ь soft)

Not always, guys, a hard sign makes a consonant hard, for example, in the word ate the sound s'soft.


Now look carefully and say, the dividing signs b and b are between which sounds. (Consonants and vowels)

h - acc., n - acc., b - acc.

i - ch., e - ch., e - ch.

Reading from the board:

lew view family blizzard whose

drink sew jam curls

What conclusion can be drawn about the separating soft sign?

Conclusion: The dividing soft sign is written after the consonant and before the vowels E, E, Yu, I, I.

SEL - ateslide 6

In the word ate, we also hear a gap.

Reading from the board:

drove up ate

moved out shooting

moved explained

drove off syulil

In order to show that the word here is, as it were, torn apart, it was agreed to put the separating b and b signs in this place.

What conclusion can be drawn about the separating solid sign?

Conclusion: A separating solid sign is written after the consonant and before the vowels E, Yo, Yu, Ya.

Let's make a sound scheme of words:

s e m i s e m i

Slide 7

E, Yo, Yu, I are unusual vowels. Why? (They form a double sound)

In what positions do they form a double sound? (At the beginning of a word and after a vowel)

This we knew. And now we have learned another third position after the separating b and b signs.

Schemes of sound-letter analysis of words.


FEATHER EATED (performed on interactive whiteboard)


5. Work on the textbook.

- Task (obstacle) 2. We need to expressively read 2 poems on page 75 of the textbook.

What does expressive mean?

Read 1 poem on your own. What is it about? How is it written? (by roles). Does it contain words on the topic being studied today? Underline the b and b signs in these words with a pencil.

Let's assign roles. Let's get ready to read expressively by roles.

Read verse 2 on your own. What is it about? Is this poem written to be read by roles? (No). Does it contain words on the topic being studied today? Underline the b and b signs in these words with a pencil.

- Challenge obstacle 3. Look at the drawing on page 74.

What event is shown in the picture? (birth of Jesus Christ)

Hear the story of the birth of Jesus Christ

Why do they say so? (text on page 74)


Task (obstacle) 4. Compose a story based on plot pictures.

Task (obstacle) 5. Let's see how you remember the spelling of words with b and b signs. Let's solve the crossword puzzle (work in groups)

6. The result of the lesson.

What was the topic of today's lesson?

What were the tasks? Have we fulfilled them?

So, guys, for the fact that we did a good job today, they gave us the keys. Now we can get into the palace called Alphabet at any time.

7. Reflection.

Attach your keys to the ladder of success.

Subject: Lowercase letters ь, ъ. Comparison of printed and written letters

Objectives: to teach how to write letters b, b, to learn to analyze and write down syllables and words with studied letters, to write off words and insert them into sentences according to the meaning, to use a capital letter when writing proper names, to check for -written; solve puzzles; rhythmically arrange letters on a line

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"Lesson in grade 1 on the topic: "Lower letters b, b. Comparison of printed and written letters""

Subject: Lowercase letters ь, ъ. Comparison of printed and written letters

Objectives: to teach how to write letters b, b, learn to analyze and write down syllables and words with learned letters, write off words and insert them into sentences according to their meaning, use a capital letter when writing proper names, check what is written; solve puzzles; rhythmically arrange letters on a line

Lesson Plan

    Inclusion in learning activities

    Knowledge update

    Setting goals and determining the topic of the lesson

Write on the board:

Sat down - ate Lunch - eaten

Read a couple of words. Tell me how they differ from each other?

Name the letter that changed the meaning of the words in the left column, and formulate the topic of today's lesson.

Physical education for the eyes.

    Work on the topic of the lesson

There is no dining table in our class, but there is a desk. On it lies several envelopes with tasks. Let's complete the tasks, find out what lies in the "colorful box".

Let's open the firstred the envelope.

There are different letters here. Who will find among them a firm sign?

Let's open the second Orange the envelope.

say the word ate, compose its sound scheme.

Let's open the thirdyellowthe envelope

Work in copybook (first and second lines)

Let's open the fourthgreen envelope (let's rest)

    Physical education minute

    Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

Let's open the fifth bluethe envelope

It has words. Read. (The words are written in notebooks).

Entrance, Announcement, Departure

Tell me, after which letters (vowels or consonants) is there a solid sign?

Which letters are preceded by a solid sign? (e, yo, yu, i)

Read the written words again and say, do consonants and vowels merge when reading or separate if there is a solid sign between them?

If a hard sign separates consonants and vowels, then how can it be called?

Dividing is not only a hard sign, but also a soft one. Read the words

Sparrows, Family, Blizzard, Jam, housing

What letters are separated by a soft sign? - What vowels are preceded by a soft sign?

Is there a difference in the pronunciation of consonants followed by a soft and hard sign

Let's open the sixthbluethe envelope Work in writing. Letter of words with ъ.


Let's open the seventhvioletthe envelope

Last envelope. Test yourself. If the word is a hard sign, clap your hands once, if it is a soft sign, stomp your foot.

    Summing up the lesson

A solid sign is not a trifle,
Not a trifle and a soft sign,
Even though both
They don't read at all.
A solid sign is harsh, angry -
He separates the letters.

There are no more envelopes on the table. So the lesson is over.

And now let's look into the multi-colored box (the alphabet is in the box)