I will solve the exam literature codifier. Demonstration version of the exam in literature

The exam in literature in 2018 is an elective subject. Those who decide to take this exam are recommended, first of all, to familiarize themselves with the demo version, which is presented on the FIPI website. Let's analyze the tasks from the demonstration version of the exam in literature in 2018. You can find out more information about the assignments for the exam from ours by signing up for repetition courses for school subjects.

Part 1

Exercise 1. It is necessary to indicate the literary trend / direction within which the given work is written, or its genre: “ What genre does the work of I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"? Genres of prose that we know: novel, epic novel, story, short story, essay, parable. Fathers and Sons is a novel.

Task 2 in the exam in literature. It is necessary to designate some well-known historical and literary fact or term. “What is the name of the ideology of the complete denial of generally accepted values, cultivated by Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov?". We recall that such an ideology is called nihilism.

Task 3. Knowledge of the history of literature is tested. “Bazarov’s internal and external democracy is in tune with the spirit of the era described by the author. Indicate the name of the ruler of the thoughts of the revolutionary democratic youth of those years - literary critic, whose memory "Fathers and Sons" is dedicated to. A graduate reading this work will easily remember that at the very beginning of the text the following is written: “Dedicated to the memory of Vissarion Grigorievich BELINSKY.” Answer - Belinsky

Task 4. As a rule, it checks knowledge of the content of the work presented in the first block of tasks: it is necessary to compare the character and his characteristics. "Establish a correspondence between the characters appearing in this fragment and their future fate: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column". We are given characters: A) Evgeny Bazarov, B) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, C) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and their future fate : 1) gets wounded in a duel, 2) marries Odintsova's sister, 3) dies from a serious illness, 4) marries Fenechka. Recalling the plot of the novel, we conclude: Yevgeny Bazarov dies of typhus, having become infected from a patient; Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov marries Fenechka, and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov shoots himself in a duel with Bazarov. Answer: 341

Task 5 tests knowledge of theoretical and literary concepts. “What is the name of a significant detail, which is a means of artistic characteristics(for example, the Bazarov hoodie and the English suite of Pavel Petrovich noted by the author)?” Answer: detail.

Task 6 also tests knowledge literary terms, in particular funds artistic expressiveness.“The elder Kirsanov and Bazarov are opposed to each other from the first pages of the work. What is the name of the technique of sharp opposition used in work of art. Answer: antithesis or contrast.

Task 7 in literature requires knowledge of other works of literature within the framework of this creative method. ““Fathers and Sons” figuratively and thematically echoes famous work I.A. Goncharov, named after the name of the protagonist. Indicate the names of two Goncharov's characters, one of which is somewhat internally close to Bazarov, and the other, like the elder Kirsanov, is his complete opposite. The only novel by Goncharov that is included in the codifier is Oblomov. Everyone who has read this novel remembers that there are two contrasting characters there - Oblomov and Stolz.

Tasks 8 and 9 are detailed answers in the amount of 5-6 sentences.

In task 8 “How is the main conflict of the work outlined in this episode of Fathers and Sons?” you need to directly and as concisely as possible answer the question posed, without “water” and “without spreading thoughts along the tree”, arguing your answer with citation. Clue: it is worth paying attention to the details of clothing and the appearance of Kirsanov and Bazarov, their mannerisms, phrases and remarks - in these little things the beginning of the main conflict of generations is manifested.

In task 9 in the exam in literature it is necessary to draw a parallel with similar works on the topic: “In what works of Russian classics is the conflict between representatives of different generations depicted, and in what way can these works be compared with Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons”?” Clue: here we can recall "Undergrowth" by D. Fonvizin, "Woe from Wit" by A.A. Griboedova, " The Cherry Orchard» A.P. Chekhov.

USE assignments in literature 2018.
Part 2

In task 10, similarly to 1, you need to indicate the literary trend / direction in which the cited work is written. « Name the modernist poetic current, one of the prominent representatives which was A.A. Block". This, of course, is symbolism.

Task 11 in literature. Knowledge of theoretical and literary concepts. « Indicate the number of the stanza (ordinal number in the nominative case), which the poet uses anaphora ". Remember that anaphora is monophony. We find the anaphora “When the road flashes in the distance / / A momentary glance from under the scarf, / / ​​When it rings with cautious longing / / The coachman’s deaf song!” in the 6th stanza. Answer: sixth.

Task 12. Again, possession of theoretical and literary concepts and terms. “From the third stanza, write out the epithet, which is one of the characteristics of the central image of A.A. Blok. The only epithet that occurs in this stanza is “robber”. This is the answer.

Task 13. Again, knowledge of artistic means and techniques. “From the list below, select three names of artistic means and techniques used by the poet in the second stanza of this poem. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) hyperbole 2) inversion 3) irony 4) repetition 5) comparison ". We carefully look at the second stanza and see that “Russia, impoverished Russia” is a repetition, “To me your gray huts” is an inversion, “Like the first tears of love” is a comparison. We write down the answer in order: 245.

Task 14. The knowledge of the system of syllabo-tonic versification is tested. “Indicate the size in which the poem by A.A. Block "Russia" (without specifying the number of stops). Having singled out the stressed and unstressed syllables (again, as in the golden years, three worn-out helmets fray), and having drawn up their scheme, one can easily determine that basically every second syllable is stressed, which means that the size of the poem is iambic.

Tasks 15 and 16 are similar to 8 and 9 - these are detailed answers of 5-6 sentences.

In task 15 “What feeling is imbued with the poet’s appeal to Russia?” we answer the question directly. Clue: love for the native land and the belief that no shocks will break the country.

Task 16 in the exam in literature sounds like this: “In what works of Russian poets is the image of Russia created and what are its similarities and differences in these works and A.A. Block?. We recall which of the poets still wrote about Russia (yes, in fact, all of them) and choose the most prominent ones. Clue: F. Tyutchev wrote about Russia “You cannot understand Russia with the mind”, S. Yesenin “Goy you, my dear Russia”, “Rus”, A. Akhmatova “Not with those who I left the earth”, etc.

Essay in the exam in literature 2018

AT task 17 you need to write a detailed essay of 200 words on only ONE of the proposed topics. In the demo version of the Unified State Exam-2018 in literature, the following topics are proposed:

17.1. As in the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Mtsyri" reflects the collision of dreams with reality?

17.2. How are the images of Katerina and Barbara contrasted? (According to the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm")

17.3. As in the prose of M.A. Bulgakov reveals the theme moral choice human? (Based on the novel " white guard or The Master and Margarita).

Which topic to choose is up to you. What work you know better, write about it. When writing, you need to formulate your point of view, based on author's position, after which to argue their theses, based on literary works (in an essay on lyrics, it is necessary to analyze at least three poems). Special attention pay attention to the composition of the essay - it should have an introduction, main body and conclusion. Thoughts should be presented in a coherent and logical sequence, in compliance with the norms of speech. Similar tasks are similar to ordinary school essays so don't neglect them.

The most important advice: read more, write essays, practice and you will be able to solve the exam in literature 2018 without difficulty! And the last advice, do not refuse the help of specialists - sign up for the Hodograph training center.

Starting from the new academic year 2017-2018, changes have been made to the system for passing the Unified State Exam in our country in several subjects. Rumors about the upcoming changes have been circulating for a long time. On the eve of the Minister of Education and Science Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva confirmed this information. According to her, the changes will affect a number of subjects, including Unified State Examination in Literature 2018. School graduates will take the exam differently next year.

The innovations developed by FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements) will radically change the very model of conducting final tests for schoolchildren. It is planned that now the exam will consist only of creative tasks. Model tests will be abolished.

Whether this will improve the quality of the check, time will tell. Teachers, the eleventh-graders themselves and their parents have already begun to thoroughly prepare for the exams in literature today. What changes in the passing of the exam in literature await graduates?

FIPI presented their official list:

  1. The requirement to justify the choice of an example for comparison was cancelled.
  2. A fourth was added to the three previous themes of the essay.
  3. The criteria for assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer have undergone strong changes.
  4. Immediately by 15 points (from 42 to 57 points) the maximum for the entire work increased.

Testing with one short answer, on which schoolchildren, especially three-year-olds, so often left, was canceled. Thus, there will be no chance to earn points on tests. According to the developers, such innovations are fully justified. Indeed, because of its simplicity and monosyllabism, the answer could be guessed.

With the help of tests of this type (there are 12 such questions in the current exam), knowledge of terminology in literary criticism was tested. In addition, experts believe that such testing is unnecessary. Since in a detailed written response, it is already necessary to operate with terms. And this is enough to test basic knowledge. Now, in order to successfully pass the unified state exam in literature, the guys will have to work hard.

Starting from 2018, assignments in literature will be aimed at testing graduates to present their thoughts beautifully and competently, to be able to reason based on the works they have read. Many tasks are related to development oral speech in schoolchildren and their vocabulary

Increase in the number of optional tasks

Graduates will still be able to choose assignments for composition from the proposed options. If before there were only three tasks, now the list has increased to four. Thus, the choice has expanded, and the student can stop at interesting question to respond to the work.

Recall that earlier literature of three periods was proposed for the topic of the essay:

  • from ancient Russian to literature of the first half of XIX century;
  • second half of the 19th century;
  • Russian literature of the XX century.

In 2018, the developers added works late XIX- the beginning of the 21st century. Now the "latest" literature of our state is also included. This also includes works that have been born in the last ten years. The addition of the fourth topic of the essay is the most important innovation in the literature exam

The fact that the themes for essays were works post-Soviet period, does not mean at all that graduates should read any specific authors (obligatory surnames are not on the list). This innovation will allow the examiner, on the material of literary works of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, to reveal a given topic of his choice.

The volume of writing will grow

As for the minimum length of a detailed essay, it has become larger. This year it was enough to use 200 words in your answer. Next year, the number will increase by 50 to 250 words.

The requirements for mini-essays have changed. They have become clearer and more specific. If earlier it was necessary to write a text 5-10 sentences long. And, as you know, sentences are also short, from three words, for example.

They are also complex, using a large number of revolutions and introductory words. Now everything has become very clear. The length of the mini-story should be at least 50 words. This applies to any tasks related to both text analysis and comparative and contrast tasks.

Simplifying Matching Jobs

Next year, it was proposed to simplify tasks for comparison as much as possible. To show their reading outlook, graduates had to compare the text using two works. Now, one will be enough to justify your choice.

Evaluation criteria are specified

Experts have been thinking for a long time about the question of how to assess students' knowledge in full and as objectively as possible. After all, now there are no tasks with short answers that made the knowledge test automatic.

From 2018 for graduates criteria USE assessment proposed to be tightened. It is clarified that in addition to testing, which takes into account knowledge of terminology, the task should include five essays on selected topics

According to the developers, now a single exam will be as close as possible to the traditional version of passing a school exam. Perhaps, over time, the unified state exam will be completely canceled.

Specialists involved in the development of a new model of the Unified State Examination in Literature continue to work on a system for assessing knowledge in this subject. They hold meetings, voice problematic issues, express opinions, try to find optimal solutions.

The new exam in literature has already been launched

Trial (experimental) exam in literature with some changes, which in this moment already officially approved, was held for the first time in academic year(2015-2016) in 13 subjects of the Russian Federation. More than 1000 students from 60 educational institutions took part in it.

It should be noted that 94% of teachers of literature were satisfied with the results of the experiment on the introduction of a new model for conducting the USE in this subject. In their opinion, today this option for conducting the exam allows you to fully give an objective assessment of the knowledge of students.

But graduates need not worry. The updated exam is practically no different from the tests of previous years. Yes, and it is unlikely that the state exam in literature will become more difficult. It will not cause any difficulties for graduates.

Already, on the Internet, developers have published a demo version of the Unified State Examination in Literature 2018 with answers and criteria. Future graduates, parents, teachers and all interested persons can familiarize themselves with the demo version and understand the structure of control and measuring materials, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity. This gives a general idea of ​​the requirements that will apply to the answers to the exam in literature.

Video news

Every year, demo versions of the USE of the current year are published on the official website of FIPI.

On August 21, 2017, draft documents regulating the structure and content of the KIM USE in 2018 were presented (including a demo version of the USE in literature).

There are documents that regulate the structure and content of KIM - a codifier and a specification.

Unified State Examination in Literature 2018 - demo version with answers and criteria from FIPI

Total tasks - 17; of them by type of tasks: with a short answer - 12; with a detailed answer - 5; by difficulty level: B - 12; P - 4; IN 1.

The maximum score for work is 57 (significant changes compared to last year).

Changes in the USE 2018 in literature compared to 2017

1. The criteria for evaluating detailed answers have been improved and brought closer to the OGE.

2. Simplified algorithm of actions of the expert when evaluating detailed answers of different types; greater transparency in the formation of marks for individual tasks and work as a whole (for an expert and an examinee) was ensured. The changes are aimed at increasing the objectivity of assessing the examination work and at strengthening the continuity between the forms of final control at different levels of school education.

3. Strengthened control over the quality of speech of the examinee (speech is assessed in response to all tasks).

4. The requirements for the performance of comparative tasks 9 and 16 have been clarified: in the instructions for them there is no requirement to justify the choice of an example for comparison, which is reflected in the criteria for their assessment.

5. The fourth task has been introduced in part 2 (the themes of essays vary taking into account the genre and generic diversity of literary material and the literary era).

6. The maximum score for the entire work has been increased from 42 to 57 points.

7. The procedure for appointing 3 experts has been clarified.

8. Instructions for work and individual tasks have been improved (they more fully, consistently and clearly reflect the requirements of the criteria, give a clear idea of ​​what actions and in what logic the examinee should perform)

The duration of the exam 2018 in literature

The duration of the exam in literature is 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

Distribution of KIM tasks by content, types of skills and methods of action

The list of content elements tested for the exam is presented in section 1 of the codifier. The list contains eight subsections. Based on subsection 1 "Information on the theory and history of literature", certain terms and concepts are used in the wording of tasks.

The remaining subsections distribute works fiction according to different literary eras:

From ancient Russian literature;

From the literature of the 18th century;

From the literature of the first half of the 19th century;

From the literature of the second half of the 19th century; -

from the literature of the late XIX - early XX century;

From the literature of the first half of the 20th century;

From the literature of the second half of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century;

To compile the KIM USE, these subsections are combined into content blocks. In each version of the examination paper, there are necessarily tasks from three content blocks:

1) ancient Russian literature, literature XVIII in. and the first half of the 19th century;

2) literature of the second half of the 19th century;

3) literature of the late 19th century - early 21st century;

The general model of the Literature exam remains the same as in previous years:

  • an excerpt from an epic, lyric-epic or dramatic work included in the codifier and seven questions with short answers that test knowledge of the basic literary terms(in relation to this work) and the realities of the text;
  • two mini-essays on this work (5-10 sentences each) - one with an emphasis on the analysis of the given passage, the other - comparative, where the problems, topics and ideas raised by the author are considered in comparison with other works of similar problems;
  • an excerpt from a lyrical work, a whole poem and five questions on it (similar to the first block);
  • two mini-essays - also for analysis and comparison;
  • a detailed essay with a volume of 200 words or more on one of the proposed topics (at the choice of the examinee).

There is only one change here - in the last task, graduates will be offered a choice four themes.

Recall that earlier, to write a detailed essay on the exam in literature, it is proposed to choose one of three topics, one for each time period:

  • from ancient Russian literature to the literature of the first half of the 19th century;
  • second half of the 19th century;
  • Russian literature of the XX century.

By 2018 the chronological framework of the last period is expanding- it covers the period from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century, that is, it now includes the “latest” domestic literature, works that have seen the light of day in recent decades.

And, since there are three periods, and four topics for composition will be offered, two topics of a different nature will “fall out” on one of them. It is most likely that such "doubles" will most often refer to last period- as in the demo version prepared by FIPI, where three classical "program" topics on Griboyedov, Tolstoy and Yesenin are supplemented with post-Soviet literature. However, this is not mandatory - in accordance with the specifications for the "double volume" exam, topics can be presented in any period.

Inclusion in themes for essays of post-Soviet literature does not mean that it becomes mandatory for graduates to read any specific authors outside the school curriculum- surnames of modern Russian writers did not appear in the encoder. And the topics devoted to the literature of the late XX-beginning of the XXI century will thus be presented with review options that allow the examiner to reveal a given topic on the material of a work (or works) of his own choice.

New USE assessment system in literature

Minimal changes to the exam model should not mislead students - a radically new approach to assessment completely shifts the focus and requires a change in approach to preparation.

Previously, the maximum primary score on the exam in literature was 42 points, distributed as follows:

  • 12 points - for 12 questions with short answers;
  • 16 points - for 4 short essays (4 for each);
  • 14 points - for a "large" essay.

In 2018 the number of primary points for a perfectly completed work will "jump" immediately by 15 - up to 47. Wherein " specific gravity» tasks will change very unevenly:

  • for questions with short answers it will still be possible to get 12 points (21% of the total points)
  • mini-essays for text analysis will “cost” 5 points each - a total of 10 for both (17.5%);
  • the assessment of the ability to immerse a literary work in context increases sharply - for each of the two comparative essays it will be possible to get 10 points, total - 20 (35%);
  • for extended essay you can get up to 15 points (26%).

The increase in the number of primary points is good news for graduates who apply for admission to top universities and expect to pass the USE “to the maximum”. The results of the exam in literature will become much more differentiated, and one or two mistakes made will no longer be so radically reflected in the positions in the ranking. Recall that for high-scorers, the loss of one primary score in literature meant the loss of 4-5 test points at once, while, for example, in Russian, the “cost of error” was significantly lower and amounted to 2-3 points.

However, the “triples” will have to tighten up. If earlier it was possible to pass the threshold in literature (corresponding to 9 primary points) by memorizing a small number of terms and limiting yourself to the part with short answers, now it will no longer be possible to do this.

Criteria for evaluating essays and detailed answers to the exam in literature-2018

In parallel with the change in the number of points the evaluation criteria are also changing- the scoring system (especially in comparative essays) has become more detailed and "transparent". In addition, the ability to write precisely correctly becomes much more significant - points "for speech" are now awarded in all tasks with detailed answers. Recommended length of mini essays remains the same - from 5 to 10 sentences, while if the graduate can formulate the answer more concisely (or vice versa - write a more detailed work), "going beyond" will not affect the assessment in any way - the main thing is the ability to give a direct and clear answer to the set question.

Mini Essays Testing Skill analyze a work or its passage (tasks 8 and 15) will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • answer matching question- 1 point, at the same time, if according to this criterion the work receives a “failure”, it is not checked further;
  • the argumentation of the judgments expressed and the involvement of the text of the work to reinforce them - up to 2 points;
  • - up to 2 points.

"Costly" (and rather difficult to write) comparative essays (tasks 9-16) evaluated according to three criteria. At the same time, the first two are the main ones - if at least one of them gets zero points, the task is considered completely failed and is not evaluated. So:

  • up to 4 points can bring adequate selection of two works for comparison(to get the maximum score, you must select works that correspond to the wording of the task, correctly indicate their titles and authorship);
  • up to 4 points - the comparison itself (ideally, both selected works are convincingly compared with source code in a given perspective, and the comparison is based on the text of the works);
  • up to 2 points - absence of logical, factual and speech errors.

Detailed essay on literature (task No. 17)- the task that traditionally receives the most attention. Recommended amount of work - from 200 words(including pronouns, prepositions, particles and other auxiliary words). If the essay is less than 150 words, the work is not evaluated, even if the topic is disclosed. In addition, in order for points to be awarded, the work should correspond to the topic and reveal it. By the way, graduates often lose points for an essay due to inattentive reading of the wording - for example, in 2017 in an essay that was supposed to be based on contemporary literature, many chose the works of Simonov and Bulgakov, thereby going beyond the given period.

The essay on the exam in literature in 2018 will be evaluated according to the following criterion:

  • relevance to the topic- 1 point (if the work is not on the topic or is empty - no points are awarded for other criteria);
  • argumentation of the judgments expressed and the involvement of text to confirm them literary work, including the presence of references to specific episodes and characters - up to 2 points;
  • use of the basic concepts of literary theory- up to 2 points, and in order to get the maximum score for this criterion, it is no longer enough just to use such words as “novel”, “conflict” or “hero” in the text - you need to isolate at least one artistic medium, which is fundamentally important for the development of the topic;
  • compositional design essays, the proportionality of the parts relative to each other, the integrity of the work - up to 2 points;
  • logical presentation - up to 2 points;
  • absence in the text factual errors- up to 3 points;
  • absence speech errors- up to 3 points.

Consist of two parts: the first part includes short answer questions and tasks that require a detailed answer in the amount of 5 - 10 sentences. The second part includes 4 tasks from which you need to choose one and give on it a detailed reasoned answer in the form of an essay of at least 200 words.

All demonstration USE options on literature contain answers to all tasks, as well as assessment criteria for tasks with a detailed answer.

In compared to

Demonstration versions of the exam in literature

Note that demonstration versions of the exam in literature are presented in pdf format, and in order to view them you need to have installed, for example, the freely distributed Adobe Reader software package on your computer.

Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2003
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2004
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2005
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2006
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2007
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2008
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2009
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2010
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2011
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2012
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2013
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2014
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2015
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2016
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2017
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2018
Demonstration version of the exam in literature for 2019

Changes in the demonstration versions of the exam in literature

Demonstration versions of the exam in literature for grade 11 for 2003 - 2007 consisted of tasks of three types: A - tasks in which you need to choose one of the proposed answers, B - tasks that require a short answer, C - tasks that require a detailed answer.

In 2008 from demo version of the exam in literature were Choice questions were excluded.

In 2015 in demo version in literature was variant structure changed:

  • Option became be in two parts(part 1 - short answer questions, part 2 - open-ended questions).
  • Numbering assignments has become through throughout the variant without letters A, B, C.

AT demonstration versions of the Unified State Exam 2016 - 2017 in literature compared with demo 2015there were no changes.

AT demo version of the USE 2018 in literature compared with demo 2017 the following changes:

  • The requirements for completing tasks 9 and 16 have been clarified ( canceled the requirement to justify the choice of an example for comparison)
  • Introduced the fourth theme of the essay.
  • Fully revised criteria performance evaluation tasks with a detailed answer (8, 9, 15, 16, 17).
  • Maximum score for doing all the work increased from 42 to 58 points.

AT demo version of the USE 2019 in literature compared with demo 2018the criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer have been specified:

  • corrections were made to the assessment of tasks 8 and 15 (the wording of criterion 1 with a description of the requirements for an answer for 2 points, the rules for calculating factual errors in criterion 2),
  • for tasks 9 and 16 in criteria 1 and 2, possible variants of flaws in the answer are taken into account,
  • for tasks 17.1–17.4, the calculation of logical errors has been added to criterion 4.

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