Material for preparing for the exam "dictionary of literary terms". Material for preparing for the exam "dictionary of literary terms" Dictionary of literary terms

Autobiography(gr. autos - myself, bios - life, grapho - I write) - a literary and prose genre, a description by the author of his own life. A literary autobiography is an attempt to return to one's own childhood, youth, to resurrect and comprehend the most significant segments of life and life as a whole.

Allegory(gr. allegoria - allegory) - an allegorical image of an object, a phenomenon in order to most clearly show its essential features.

Amphibrachius(gr. amphi - round, brachys - short) - a three-syllable meter with an accent on the second syllable (- / -).

Analysis of a work in literary criticism(gr. analysis - decomposition, dismemberment) - research reading of a literary text.

Anapaest(gr. anapaistos - reflected back, reversed to dactyl) - a three-syllable meter with an emphasis on the third syllable (- - /).

annotation- a summary of the book, manuscript, article.

Antithesis(gr. antithesis - opposition) - opposition of images, pictures, words, concepts.

Archaism(gr. archaios - ancient) - obsolete word or phrase, grammatical or syntactic form.

Aphorism(gr. aphorismos - saying) - a generalized deep thought, expressed in a concise, concise, artistically pointed form. An aphorism is akin to a proverb, but unlike it, it belongs to a certain person (writer, scientist, etc.).

Ballad(Provence ballar - to dance) - a poem, which is most often based on a historical event, a legend with a sharp, intense plot.

Fable- a short moralizing poetic or prose story, in which there is an allegory, allegory. The characters in the fable are most often animals, plants, things in which human qualities and relationships are manifested, guessed. (Fables of Aesop, La Fontaine, A. Sumarokov, I. Dmitriev, I. Krylov, parodic fables of Kozma Prutkov, S. Mikhalkov, etc.)

Best-seller(English best - the best and sell - to be sold) - a book that has a special commercial success, which is in reader demand.

"Poet's Library"- a series of books dedicated to the work of major poets, individual poetic genres ("Russian ballad", "Russian epics", etc.). Founded by M. Gorky in 1931.

Bible(gr. biblia - lit.: "books") - a collection of ancient texts of religious content.

Bylina- a genre of Russian folklore, a heroic-patriotic song about heroes and historical events.

Screamers(mourners) - performers of lamentations (I. Fedosova, M. Kryukova, etc.).

hero of a literary work, literary hero- the character of a literary work.

Hyperbola(gr. huperbole - exaggeration) - excessive exaggeration of the properties of the depicted object. It is introduced into the fabric of the work for greater expressiveness, it is characteristic of folklore and the genre of satire (N. Gogol, M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, V. Mayakovsky).

Grotesque(French grotesque, urn. grottesco - bizarre, from grotta - grotto) - the ultimate exaggeration based on fantasy, on a bizarre combination of the fantastic and the real.

Dactyl(gr. dactylos - finger) - a three-syllable meter with an accent on the first syllable (/ - -).

Disyllabic sizes- iambic (/ -), trochee (- /).

Detail(fr. detail - detail) - expressive detail in the work. The detail helps the reader, the viewer, to imagine the time, the place of action, the appearance of the character, the nature of his thoughts, to feel and understand the author's attitude to the depicted more sharply and deeper.

Dialog(gr. dialogos - conversation, conversation) - a conversation of two or more persons. Dialogue is the main form of revealing human characters in dramatic works (plays, screenplays).

genre(French genre - genus, type) - a type of work of art, for example, a fable, a lyric poem, a story.

tie- an event that marks the beginning of the development of action in epic and dramatic works.

Idea(gr. idea - idea) - the main idea of ​​a work of art.

Inversion(lat. inversio - permutation) - an unusual word order. Inversion gives the phrase a special expressiveness.

Interpretation(lat. interpretatio - explanation) - interpretation of a literary work, comprehension of its meaning, ideas.

Intonation(lat. intonare - I speak loudly) - an expressive means of sounding speech. Intonation makes it possible to convey the attitude of the speaker to what he is saying.

Irony(gr. eironeia - pretense, mockery) - an expression of mockery.

Composition(lat. compositio - compilation, connection) - the arrangement of parts, i.e., the construction of the work.

Winged words- widely used apt words, figurative expressions, famous sayings of historical figures.

climax(lat. culmen (culminis) - peak) - the moment of the highest tension in a work of art.

A culture of speech- the level of speech development, the degree of proficiency in the norms of the language.

Legend(lat. legenda - lit.: “what should be read”) - a work created by folk fantasy, which combines the real and the fantastic.

chronicle- monuments of historical prose of Ancient Russia, one of the main genres of ancient Russian literature.

Literary critic- a specialist who studies the laws of the historical and literary process, analyzing the work of one or more writers.

literary criticism- the science of the essence and specifics of fiction, the laws of the literary process.

Metaphor(gr. metaphora - transfer) - a figurative meaning of a word based on the similarity or opposition of one object or phenomenon to another.

Monologue(gr. monos - one and logos - speech, word) - the speech of one person in a work of art.

Neologisms(gr. neos - new and logos - word) - words or phrases created to denote a new object or phenomenon, or individual word formations.

Oh yeah(gr. ode - song) - a solemn poem dedicated to some historical event or hero.

personification- the transfer of human traits to inanimate objects and phenomena.

Description- the type of narration in which the picture is depicted (portrait of the hero, landscape, view of the room - interior, etc.).

Scenery(French paysage, from pays - locality) - a picture of nature in a work of art.

Tale- one of the types of epic work. The story is more in volume and coverage of life phenomena than a short story, and less than a novel.

subtext- latent, implicit meaning, not coinciding with the direct meaning of the text.

Portrait(fr. portrait - image) - the image of the appearance of the hero in the work.

Proverb- a short, winged, figurative folk saying that has an instructive meaning.

Poem(gr. poiema - creation) - one of the types of lyrical-epic works, which are characterized by plot, eventfulness and expression by the author or lyrical hero of his feelings.

Tradition- a genre of folklore, an oral story that contains information passed down from generation to generation about historical figures, events of past years.

Parable - short story, allegory, which contains a religious or moral teaching.

Prose(lat. proza) - a literary non-poetic work.

Nickname(gr. pseudos - fiction, lie and onima - name) - a signature that the author replaces his real name. Some pseudonyms quickly disappeared (V. Alov - N.V. Gogol), others replaced the real surname (Maxim Gorky instead of A.M. Peshkov), even passed on to the heirs (T. Gaidar - son of A.P. Gaidar); sometimes an alias is attached to real surname(M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin).

denouement- one of the elements of the plot, the final moment in the development of action in a work of art.

Story- a small epic work that tells about one or more events in a person's life.

Review- one of the genres of criticism, a review of a work of art with the aim of evaluating and analyzing it. The review contains some information about the author of the work, the formulation of the theme and the main idea of ​​the book, a story about its heroes with reasoning about their actions, characters, relationships with other people. The review also notes the most interesting pages of the book. It is also important to reveal the position of the author of the book, his attitude towards the characters, their actions.

Rhythm(gr. rhythmos - tact, proportion) - the repetition of any unambiguous phenomena at regular intervals (for example, the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables in verse).

Rhetoric(gr. rhitorike) - the science of oratory.

Rhyme(gr. rhythmos - proportionality) - consonance of the endings of poetic lines.

Satire(lat. satira - lit.: “a mixture, all sorts of things”) - a merciless, destroying ridicule, criticism of reality, a person, a phenomenon.

Fairy tale- one of the genres of oral folk art, an entertaining story about unusual, often fantastic events and adventures. Fairy tales are of three types. These are magical, household and fairy tales about animals. The most ancient are fairy tales about animals and magic. Much later, everyday fairy tales appeared, in which human vices were often ridiculed and amusing, sometimes incredible life situations were described.

Comparison- the image of one phenomenon by comparing it with another.

Means of artistic expression- artistic means (for example, allegory, metaphor, hyperbole, grotesque, comparison, epithet, etc.) that help to draw a person, event or object clearly, concretely, clearly.

Poem- a work written in verse, mostly of a small volume, often lyrical, expressing emotional experiences.

Stanza(gr. strophe - turn) - a group of verses (lines) that make up the unity. The verses in a stanza are connected by a certain arrangement of rhymes.

Plot(French sujet - subject, content, event) - a series of events described in a work of art, which form its basis.

Topic(gr. thema - what is laid [as the basis]) - the range of life phenomena depicted in the work; the range of events that form the lifeblood of the work.

Tragedy(gr. tragodia - letters, "goat song") - a type of drama opposite to comedy, a work depicting a struggle, personal or social catastrophe, usually ending in the death of the hero.

Trisyllabic meter- dactyl (/ - -), amphibrach (- / -), anapaest (- - /).

Oral folk art, or folklore, - the art of the oral word, created by the people and existing among the broad masses. The most common types of folklore are a proverb, a saying, a fairy tale, a song, a riddle, an epic.

Fiction(gr. phantastike - the ability to imagine) - a kind of fiction in which the author's fiction extends to the creation of a fictional, unreal, "wonderful" world.

Chorey(gr. choreios from choros - choir) - a two-syllable meter with an accent on the first syllable (/ -). A work of art is a work of art that depicts events and phenomena, people, their feelings in a vivid figurative form.

Quote- verbatim excerpt from any text or verbatim quoted someone's words.

Epigraph(gr. epigraphe - inscription) - a short text placed by the author before the text of the essay and expressing the theme, idea, mood of the work.

Epithet(gr. epitheton - letters, “attached”) - a figurative definition of an object, expressed mainly by an adjective.

Humor(English humor - disposition, mood) - the image of heroes in a funny way. Humor - laughter is cheerful and friendly.

Yamb(gr. iambos) - disyllabic size with stress on the second syllable (- /).


literary terms

Used Books

    Bushko O.M. School dictionary of literary terms. - Kaluga: Publishing house. "Golden Alley", 1999

    Esin A.B., Ladygin M.B., Trenina T.G. Literature: Brief reference book of the student. 5-11 cells - M .: Bustard, 1997

    Meshcheryakova M.I. Literature in tables and diagrams. – M.: Rolf, 2001

    Chernets L.V., Semenov V.B., Skiba V.A. School dictionary of literary terms. - M.: Enlightenment, 2007


Autology - an artistic device of figurative expression of a poetic idea not with poetic words and expressions, but with simple everyday ones.

And everyone looks with respect
How again without panic
I quickly put on my pants

And almost new

From the point of view of the foreman,

Tarpaulin boots…

A.T. Tvardovsky

Acmeism - the course in Russian poetry of the first two decades of the 20th century, the center of which was the circle "Workshop of Poets", and the main tribune was the magazine "Apollo". Acmeists contrasted the social content of art with the realism of material mother nature and the sensual plastic-material clarity of artistic language, refusing the poetics of vague hints and mysticism of symbolism in the name of "return to the earth", to the subject, to the exact meaning of the word (A. Akhmatova, S. Gorodetsky , N. Gumilyov, M. Zenkevich, O. Mandelstam).

Allegory - allegorical image of an abstract concept or phenomenon through a specific image; personification of human properties or qualities. The allegory consists of two elements:
1. semantic - this is any concept or phenomenon (wisdom, cunning, kindness, childhood, nature, etc.) that the author seeks to depict without naming it;
2. figurative-objective - this is a specific object, a creature depicted in a work of art and representing the named concept or phenomenon.

Alliteration - repetition in poetic speech (less often in prose) of the same consonant sounds in order to enhance the expressiveness of artistic speech; one of the types of sound recording.
Evening. Seaside. Sighs of the wind.
The majestic cry of the waves.
Storm is near. Beats on the shore
Uncharmed black boat.

Alogism - an artistic technique, contradicting logic with phrases emphasizing the internal inconsistency of certain dramatic or comic situations - to prove, as if from the contrary, some logic and, therefore, the truth of the position of the author (and, after him, the reader), who understands the illogical phrase as a figurative expression (the title of the novel by Yu. Bondarev "Hot Snow").

Amphibrachius - a three-syllable poetic meter, in which the stress falls on the second syllable - stressed among unstressed ones - in the foot. Scheme: U-U| U-u...
Noisy midnight blizzard
In the forest and deaf side.
A.A. Fet

Anapaest - a three-syllable poetic meter, in which the stress falls on the last, third, syllable in the foot. Scheme: UU- | UU-…
People have something in the house - cleanliness, beauty,
And in our house - tightness, stuffiness ...
N.A. Nekrasov.

Anaphora - unanimity; repetition of a word or group of words at the beginning of several phrases or stanzas.
I love you, Peter's creation,
I love your strict, slender look ...
A.S. Pushkin.

Antithesis - a stylistic device based on a sharp opposition of concepts and images, most often based on the use of antonyms:
I am a king - I am a slave, I am a worm - I am a god!

Antiphrase (is) - the use of words or expressions in an apparently opposite sense. "Well done!" - as a reproach.

Assonance - repeated repetition in poetic speech (less often in prose) of homogeneous vowel sounds. Sometimes an inaccurate rhyme is called assonance, in which the vowels coincide, but the consonants do not coincide (enormity - I remember; thirst - it's a pity). Enhances the expressiveness of speech.
It became dark in the room.
Covers the slope of the window.
Or is this a dream?
Ding dong. Ding dong.
I.P. Tokmakova.

Aphorism - a clear, easy-to-remember, precise, concise expression of a certain completeness of thought. Aphorisms often become separate lines of poetry or phrases of prose: “Poetry is everything! - riding into the unknown. (V. Mayakovsky)


Ballad - a narrative song with a dramatic development of the plot, which is based on an unusual event, one of the types of lyrical-epic poetry. The ballad is based on an extraordinary story that reflects the essential moments of the relationship between a person and society, people among themselves, the most important features of a person.

Bard - a poet-singer, usually a performer of his own poems, often set to his own music.

Fable - a short poetic story-allegory of a moralizing orientation.

Blank verse - non-rhyming verses with metrical organization (i.e. organized through a system of rhythmically repeating accents). Widely distributed in oral folk art and was actively used in the 18th century.
Forgive me, girlish beauty!
I'll part with you forever
I'm crying young.
I'll let you go, beauty
I'll let you go with ribbons...
Folk song.

Epics - ancient Russian epic songs-tales, singing the exploits of the heroes, reflecting the historical events of the 11th - 16th centuries.


Barbarism - a word or figure of speech borrowed from a foreign language. Unreasonable use of barbarisms pollutes the native language.

Vers libre - a modern system of versification, which is a kind of border between verse and prose (it lacks rhyme, size, traditional rhythmic order; the number of syllables in a line and lines in a stanza can be different; there is also no equality of accents characteristic of white verse. Their features of poetic speech is divided into lines with a pause at the end of each line and the weakened symmetry of speech (the emphasis falls on the last word of the line).
She came from the cold
Filled the room
The aroma of air and perfume,
in a clear voice
And completely disrespectful to work
A. Blok

Eternal image - an image from a work of the classics of world literature, expressing certain features of human psychology, which has become a household name of one type or another: Faust, Plyushkin, Oblomov, Don Quixote, Mitrofanushka, etc.

Inner monologue - the announcement of thoughts and feelings that reveal the inner experiences of the character, not intended for the hearing of others, when the character speaks as if to himself, “aside”.

Vulgarism - simple, even seemingly rude, seemingly unacceptable expressions in poetic speech, used by the author to reflect a certain nature of the described phenomenon, to characterize a character, are sometimes similar to vernacular.


Hero lyrical - the image of the poet (his lyrical "I"), whose experiences, thoughts and feelings are reflected in the lyrical work. The lyrical hero is not identical to the biographical personality. The idea of ​​a lyrical hero is of a summary nature and is formed in the process of familiarization with that inner world that is revealed in lyrical works not through actions, but through experiences, mental states, and the manner of speech self-expression.

literary hero - character, protagonist of a literary work.

Hyperbola - a means of artistic representation based on excessive exaggeration; figurative expression, which consists in an exorbitant exaggeration of events, feelings, strength, meaning, size of the depicted phenomenon; outwardly effective form of presentation of the depicted. Can be idealizing and degrading.

gradation - stylistic device, the arrangement of words and expressions, as well as means of artistic representation in increasing or decreasing importance. Types of gradation: increasing (climax) and decreasing (anticlimax).
Increasing gradation:
The bipod is maple,
Omeshiki on the bipod damask,
The bipod is silver,
And the horn on the bipod is red gold.
Bylina about Volga and Mikul
Descending gradation:
Fly! less flies! crumbled to dust.
N.V. Gogol

Grotesque - a bizarre mixture in the image of the real and the fantastic, the beautiful and the ugly, the tragic and the comic - for a more impressive expression of the creative idea.


Dactyl - a three-syllable poetic meter, in which the stress falls on the first syllable in the foot. Scheme: -UU| -UU...
Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers!
Steppe azure, pearl chain
You rush, as if, like me, exiles,
From the sweet north to the south.

Decadence - a phenomenon in literature (and art in general) of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, reflecting the crisis of the transitional stage of social relations in the view of some spokesmen for the moods of social groups whose worldview foundations are being destroyed by the turning points of history.

Artistic detail - detail, emphasizing the semantic authenticity of the work with real, event-based reliability - concretizing one or another image.

Dialectisms - words borrowed by the literary language or a specific author in his work from local dialects (dialects): “Well, go - and all right, you have to go up the hill, the house is nearby” (F. Abramov).

Dialog - exchange of remarks, messages, live speech of two or more persons.

Drama - 1. One of three kinds of literature , which defines works intended for stage implementation. It differs from the epic in that it has not a narrative, but a dialogical form; from lyric poetry to that which reproduces the external world in relation to the author. Subdivided intogenres : tragedy, comedy, as well as the actual drama. 2. Drama is also called a dramatic work that does not have clear genre features, combining the techniques of different genres; sometimes such a work is simply called a play.


Monogamy - the reception of repetition of similar sounds, words, language constructions at the beginning of adjacent lines or stanzas.

Wait for the snow to come

Wait when it's hot

Wait when others are not expected ...



Literary genre - a historically developing type of literary works, the main features of which, constantly changing along with the development of the variety of forms and content of literature, are sometimes identified with the concept of "kind"; but more often the term genre defines the type of literature on the basis of content and emotional characteristics: the satirical genre, the detective genre, the genre of historical essay.

Jargon, also slang - words and expressions borrowed from the language of internal communication of certain social groups of people. The use of jargon in literature makes it possible to more clearly define the social or professional characteristics of the characters and their environment.

Lives of the saints a description of the life of people who are canonized by the church as saints (“The Life of Alexander Nevsky”, “The Life of Alexy the Man of God”, etc.).


Tie - an event that determines the occurrence of a conflict in a literary work. Sometimes it coincides with the beginning of the work.

Zachin - the beginning of the work of Russian folk literary creativity - epics, fairy tales, etc. (“Once upon a time…”, “In a distant kingdom, in a distant state…”).

Sound organization of speech - targeted use of elements of the sound composition of the language: vowels and consonants, stressed and unstressed syllables, pauses, intonation, repetitions, etc. It is used to enhance the artistic expressiveness of speech. The sound organization of speech includes: sound repetitions, sound writing, onomatopoeia.

sound recording - the technique of enhancing the visualization of the text by such a sound construction of phrases, poetic lines, which would correspond to the reproduced scene, picture, expressed mood. Alliterations, assonances, and sound repetitions are used in sound writing. Sound recording enhances the image of a certain phenomenon, action, state.

Onomatopoeia - a type of sound recording; the use of sound combinations that can reflect the sound of the described phenomena, similar in sound to those depicted in artistic speech ("thunder rumbles", "horns roar", "cuckoos cuckoo", "echo laughter").


The idea of ​​a work of art the main idea that summarizes the semantic, figurative, emotional content of a work of art.

Imagism - a literary trend that appeared in Russia after the October Revolution of 1917, proclaiming the image as an end in itself of the work, and not a means of expressing the essence of the content and reflecting reality. It broke up by itself in 1927. At one time, S. Yesenin joined this trend.

Impressionism - a direction in the art of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, affirming the main task of artistic creativity is the expression of the artist's subjective impressions of the phenomena of reality.

Improvisation - direct creation of the work in the process of execution.

Inversion - violation of the generally accepted grammatical sequence of speech; rearrangement of parts of the phrase, giving it a special expressiveness; an unusual sequence of words in a sentence.
And the maiden's song is barely audible

Valleys in deep silence.

A.S. Pushkin

Interpretation - interpretation, explanation of the idea, theme, figurative system and other components of a work of art in literature and criticism.

Intrigue - system, and sometimes the mystery, complexity, mystery of events, on the unraveling of which the plot of the work is built.

irony - a kind of comic, bitter or, conversely, kind mockery, by ridiculing this or that phenomenon, exposing its negative features and thereby affirming the positive aspects foreseen by the author in the phenomenon.

Historical songs - a genre of folk poetry that reflects the popular idea of ​​​​true historical events in Russia.


The literary canon a symbol, image, plot, born of centuries-old folklore and literary traditions and become normative to a certain extent: light is good, darkness is evil, etc.

Classicism - an artistic direction that developed in European literature of the 17th century, which is based on the recognition of ancient art as the highest model, ideal, and the works of antiquity as an artistic norm. Aesthetics is based on the principle of rationalism and “imitation of nature”. The cult of the mind. A work of art is organized as an artificial, logically constructed whole. Strict plot-compositional organization, schematism. Human characters are outlined in a straight line; positive and bad guys are opposed. Active appeal to public, civic issues. Emphasized objectivity of the story. Strict hierarchy of genres. High: tragedy, epic, ode. Low: comedy, satire, fable. Mixing high and low genres is not allowed. The leading genre is tragedy.

Collision - generating a conflict, underlying the action of a literary work, the contradiction between the characters of the heroes of this work, or between the characters and circumstances, the collisions of which constitute the plot of the work.

Comedy - a dramatic work, by means of satire and humor, ridiculing the vices of society and man.

Composition - arrangement, alternation, correlation and interconnection of parts of a literary work, serving the most complete embodiment of the artist's intention.

Context - the general meaning (theme, idea) of the work, expressed in its entire text or in a sufficiently meaningful passage, the link with which the quotation, and indeed any passage in general, should not lose.

Artistic conflict. a figurative reflection in a work of art of the actions of the forces of the struggle of interests, passions, ideas, characters, political aspirations, both personal and social. The conflict adds to the poignancy of the story.

Climax - in a literary work, a scene, event, episode where the conflict reaches its highest tension and a decisive clash occurs between the characters and the aspirations of the characters, after which the transition to the denouement begins in the plot.


Legend - narratives that initially told about the lives of saints, then - religious-didactic, and sometimes fantastic biographies of historical, and even fairy-tale heroes, whose deeds express the national character, entered into worldly use.

keynote - an expressive detail, a specific artistic image, repeatedly repeated, mentioned, passing through a separate work or the entire work of the writer.

Chronicles - handwritten Russian historical narratives telling about events in the life of the country by year; each story began with the word: "Summer ... (year ...)", hence the name - chronicle.

Lyrics - one of the main types of literature, reflecting life by depicting individual (single) states, thoughts, feelings, impressions and experiences of a person caused by certain circumstances. Feelings, experiences are not described, but expressed. In the center of artistic attention is the image-experience. Characteristics lyrics - poetic form, rhythm, lack of plot, small size, a clear reflection of the experiences of the lyrical hero. The most subjective kind of literature.

Lyrical digression - deviation from the descriptions of events, characters in an epic or lyrical-epic work, where the author (or the lyrical hero on whose behalf the narration is being conducted) expresses his thoughts and feelings about the described, his attitude towards him, addressing directly to the reader.

Litota - 1. The technique of underestimating a phenomenon or its details is a reverse hyperbole (the fabulous “boy with a finger” or “a little man ... in big mittens, and himself with a fingernail” N. Nekrasov). 2. Acceptance of the characteristics of this or that phenomenon not by a direct definition, but by the negation of the opposite definition:

The key to nature is not lost,

Proud labor is not in vain ...

V. Shalamov


Memoirs - the author's memories of real events in which he took part or was a witness.

Metaphor - figurative meaning of a word based on the use of one object or phenomenon to another by similarity or contrast; a hidden comparison built on the similarity or contrast of phenomena, in which the words "as", "as if", "as if" are absent, but implied.
Bee for tribute in the field
Flies from the wax cell.
A.S. Pushkin
Metaphor increases the accuracy of poetic speech and its emotional expressiveness. A type of metaphor is personification.
Types of metaphor:
1. lexical metaphor, or erased, in which the direct meaning is completely destroyed; "it's raining", "time is running", "clock hand", "door handle";
2. a simple metaphor - built on the convergence of objects or on one of some common features they have: "hail of bullets", "talk of waves", "dawn of life", "leg of the table", "dawn glows";
3. realized metaphor - a literal understanding of the meanings of the words that make up the metaphor, emphasizing the direct meanings of the words: "Yes, you don't have a face - you only have a shirt and trousers" (S. Sokolov).
4. extended metaphor - the spread of a metaphorical image to several phrases or to the entire work (for example, A.S. Pushkin's poem "The Cart of Life" or "He could not sleep for a long time: the remaining husk of words clogged and tormented the brain, stabbed in the temples, it's impossible was to get rid of it "(V. Nabokov)
Metaphor is usually expressed by a noun, a verb, and then other parts of speech.

Metonymy - convergence, comparison of concepts by adjacency, when a phenomenon or object is denoted with the help of other words and concepts: "a steel speaker is dozing in a holster" - a revolver; "led the swords to the plentiful" - led the soldiers into battle; "Sychok sang" - the violinist played his instrument.

Myths - works of folk fantasy, personifying reality in the form of gods, demons, spirits. They were born in ancient times, preceding the religious and even more scientific understanding and explanation of the world.

Modernism - the designation of many trends, directions in art, which determine the desire of artists to reflect modernity with new means, improving, modernizing - in their opinion - traditional means in accordance with historical progress.

Monologue - the speech of one of the literary heroes, addressed either to himself, or to others, or to the public, isolated from the replicas of other heroes, having an independent meaning.

motive - 1. The smallest element of the plot; the simplest, indivisible element of the narrative (the phenomenon is stable and endlessly repeating). Various plots are formed from numerous motives (for example, the motive of the road, the motive of searching for the missing bride, etc.). This meaning of the term is more often used in relation to works of oral folk art.

2. "Stable semantic unit" (B.N. Putilov); "a semantically saturated component of a work, related to the theme, idea, but not identical to them" (VE Khalizev); a semantic (meaningful) element essential for understanding the author's concept (for example, the motive of death in "The Tale of the Dead Princess ..." by A.S. Pushkin, the motive of cold in "light breathing" - "Easy breathing" by I.A. Bunin, full moon in "The Master and Margarita" by M.A. Bulgakov).


Naturalism - a trend in the literature of the last third of the 19th century, which asserted the extremely accurate and objective reproduction of reality, sometimes leading to the suppression of the author's individuality.

Neologisms - newly formed words or expressions.

Novella - small prose work comparable to the story. The short story has more eventfulness, a clearer plot, a clearer plot twist leading to a denouement.


artistic image - 1. The main way of perceiving and reflecting reality in artistic creativity, a form of knowledge of life specific to art and the expression of this knowledge; the purpose and result of the search, and then identifying, highlighting, emphasizing with artistic techniques those features of a particular phenomenon that most fully reveal its aesthetic, moral, socially significant essence. 2. The term “image” sometimes refers to one or another trope in a work (the image of freedom is the “star of captivating happiness” in A.S. Pushkin), as well as one or another literary hero (the image of the wives of the Decembrists E. Trubetskaya and M. Volkonskaya in N. Nekrasova).

Oh yeah - a poem of an enthusiastic nature (solemn, glorifying) in honor of some
either persons or events.

Oxymoron, or oxymoron - a figure based on a combination of words opposite in meaning with the aim of an unusual, impressive expression of a new concept, representation: hot snow, a mean knight, lush nature withering.

personification - the image of inanimate objects as animate, in which they are endowed with the properties of living beings: the gift of speech, the ability to think and feel.
What are you howling about, night wind,
What are you complaining about so much?
F.I. Tyutchev

Onegin stanza - stanza created by A.S. Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin": 14 lines (but not a sonnet) of iambic tetrameter with rhyme ababvvggdeejzh (3 quatrains alternately - with cross, pair and embracing rhyme and the final couplet: designation of the theme, its development, climax , ending).

Feature article - a literary work based on facts, documents, observations of the author.


Paradox - in literature - the reception of a statement that clearly contradicts generally accepted concepts, either to expose those that, in the author's opinion, are false, or to express one's disagreement with the so-called "common sense", due to inertness, dogmatism, ignorance.

Parallelism - one of the types of repetition (syntactic, lexical, rhythmic); compositional technique that emphasizes the connection of several elements of a work of art; analogy, the convergence of phenomena by similarity (for example, natural phenomena and human life).
Wind in bad weather
Howls - howls;
wild head
Evil sadness torments.

Parceling - division of a statement that is single in meaning into several independent, isolated sentences (in writing - with the help of punctuation marks, in speech - intonationally, with the help of pauses):
Well? Can't you see he's crazy?
Say seriously:
Insane! what the hell is he talking about here!
Worshiper! father-in-law! and about Moscow so menacingly!
A.S. Griboyedov

Paphos - the highest point of inspiration, emotional feeling, delight, achieved in a literary work and in its perception by the reader, reflecting significant events in society and the spiritual upsurge of the characters.

Scenery - in literature - the image in a literary work of pictures of nature as a means of figurative expression of the author's intention.

paraphrase - use of a description instead of a proper name or title; descriptive expression, figure of speech, replacing the word. Used to decorate speech, replace repetition, or carry the meaning of allegory.

Pyrrhic - an auxiliary foot of two short or unstressed syllables, replacing the iambic or chorea foot; lack of stress in iambic or chorea: “I am writing to you ...” by A.S. Pushkin, “Sail” by M.Yu. Lermontov.

Pleonasm - unjustified verbosity, the use of words that are unnecessary to express thoughts. In normative stylistics, Pleonasm is considered as a speech error. In the language of fiction - as a stylistic figure of addition, which serves to enhance the expressive qualities of speech.
"Elisha had no appetite for food"; "some boring man ... lay down ... between the dead and personally died"; "Kozlov continued to lie silently, being killed" (A. Platonov).

Tale - a work of epic prose gravitating towards a consistent presentation of the plot, limited by a minimum of storylines.

Repetition - a figure consisting in the repetition of words, expressions, song or poetic lines in order to draw special attention to them.
Every house is alien to me, every temple is not empty,
And everything is the same and everything is one ...
M. Tsvetaeva

Subtext - the meaning hidden “under” the text, i.e. not expressed directly and openly, but arising from the narrative or dialogue of the text.

Permanent epithet - a colorful definition, inextricably combined with the word being defined and at the same time forming a stable figurative and poetic expression ("blue sea", "white-stone chambers", "beautiful maiden", "clear falcon", "sugar lips").

Poetry - a special organization of artistic speech, which is distinguished by rhythm and rhyme - a poetic form; lyrical form of reflection of reality. Often the term poetry is used in the sense of "works of different genres in verse." It conveys the subjective attitude of the individual to the world. In the foreground - the image-experience. It does not set the task of conveying the development of events and characters.

Poem - a large poetic work with a plot-narrative organization; a story or novel in verse; a multi-part work in which the epic and lyrical beginnings merge together. The poem can be attributed to the lyrical-epic genre of literature, since the narrative of historical events and the events of the life of the characters is revealed in it through the perception and evaluation of the narrator. The poem deals with events of universal significance. Most of the poems sing of some human deeds, events and characters.

Tradition - oral storytelling about real people and authentic events, one of the varieties of folk art.

Foreword - an article that precedes a literary work, written either by the author himself or by a critic or literary critic. In the preface, brief information about the writer and some explanations about the history of the creation of the work can be given, an interpretation of the author's intention is proposed.

Prototype - a real person who served the author in kind to create the image of a literary hero.

The play - the general designation of a literary work intended for stage presentation - tragedies, dramas, comedies, etc.


Interchange - the final part of the development of a conflict or intrigue, where it is resolved, comes to a logical figurative conclusion of the conflict of the work.

Poet size - consistently expressed form of poetic rhythm (determined by the number of syllables, stresses or stops - depending on the system of versification); line construction diagram. In Russian (syllabic-tonic) versification, five main poetic meters are distinguished: two-syllable (iamb, trochee) and three-syllable (dactyl, amphibrach, anapest). In addition, each size can vary in the number of feet (iambic 4-foot; iambic 5-foot, etc.).

Story - a small prose work of a mostly narrative nature, compositionally grouped around a single episode, character.

Realism - an artistic method of figurative reflection of reality in accordance with objective reliability.

Reminiscence - the use in a literary work of expressions from other works, and even folklore, causing the author to some other interpretation; sometimes the borrowed expression is somewhat changed (M. Lermontov - “Luxury city, poor city” (about St. Petersburg) - from F. Glinka “Wonderful city, ancient city” (about Moscow).

Refrain - the repetition of a verse or a series of verses at the end of a stanza (in songs - a chorus).

We are ordered to go into battle:

"Long live freedom!"

Freedom! Whose? Not said.

But not the people.

We are ordered to go into battle -

"Allied for the sake of nations",

And the main thing is not said:

Whose banknotes for?

D. Poor

Rhythm - constant, measured repetition in the text of segments of the same type, including minimal ones, - stressed and unstressed syllables.

Rhyme - sound repetition in two or more verses, mainly at the end. Unlike other sound repetitions, rhyme always emphasizes rhythm, the articulation of speech into verses.

A rhetorical question is a question that does not require an answer (either the answer is fundamentally impossible, or it is clear in itself, or the question is addressed to a conditional "interlocutor"). A rhetorical question activates the reader's attention, enhances his emotional reaction.
"Rus! where are you going?"
"Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol
Is it new for us to argue with Europe?
Has the Russian lost the habit of victories?
"To the slanderers of Russia" A.S. Pushkin

Genus - one of the main sections in the systematics of literary works, defining three different forms: epic, lyric, drama.

Novel - epic narrative with elements of dialogue, sometimes including drama or literary digressions, focused on the history of an individual in a public environment.

Romanticism - a literary trend of the late 18th - early 19th century, which opposed itself to classicism as a search for forms of reflection that were more in line with modern reality.

romantic hero - a complex, passionate personality, whose inner world is unusually deep, endless; it is a whole universe full of contradictions.


Sarcasm - a caustic stinging mockery of someone or something. Widely used in satirical literary works.

Satire - kind of literature specific forms exposing and ridiculing the vices of people and society. These forms can be very diverse - paradox and hyperbole, grotesque and parody, etc.

Sentimentalism - literary movement of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It arose as a protest against the canons of classicism in art that had turned into a dogma, reflecting the canonization of feudal social relations that had already turned into a brake on social development.

Syllabic versification e - syllabic versification system based on the equality of the number of syllables in each verse with obligatory stress on the penultimate syllable; equivalence. The length of a verse is determined by the number of syllables.
Don't love hard
And love is hard
And the hardest
Loving love is unreachable.
A.D. Kantemir

Syllabo-tonic versification - a syllable-stressed system of versification, which is determined by the number of syllables, the number of stresses and their location in a poetic line. It is based on the equality of the number of syllables in a verse and the orderly change of stressed and unstressed syllables. Depending on the system of alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables, two-syllable and three-syllable sizes are distinguished.

Symbol - an image that expresses the meaning of a phenomenon in objective form. An object, an animal, a sign become a symbol when they are endowed with an additional, exceptionally important meaning.

Symbolism - literary and artistic direction of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Symbolism sought through symbols in a tangible form to embody the idea of ​​the unity of the world, expressed in accordance with its most diverse parts, allowing colors, sounds, smells to represent one through the other (D. Merezhkovsky, A. Bely, A. Blok, Z. Gippius, K. Balmont , V. Bryusov).

Synecdoche - an artistic technique of substitution for the sake of expressiveness - one phenomenon, object, object, etc. - correlated with it by other phenomena, objects, objects.

Oh, you are heavy, Monomakh's hat!

A.S. Pushkin.

Sonnet - a fourteen-line poem composed according to certain rules: the first quatrain (quatrain) represents the exposition of the theme of the poem, the second quatrain develops the provisions outlined in the first, in the subsequent tercet (three-line) the denouement of the theme is outlined, in the final tercet, especially in its final line, the end of the denouement follows expressing the essence of the work.

Comparison - a visual technique based on the comparison of a phenomenon or concept (object of comparison) with another phenomenon or concept (means of comparison), with the aim of highlighting some feature of the object of comparison that is especially important in artistic terms:
Full of good before the end of the year,
Like Antonov apples, days.
A.T. Tvardovsky

Versification - the principle of rhythmic organization of poetic speech. Versification can be syllabic, tonic, syllabo-tonic.

Poem - a small work created according to the laws of poetic speech; usually a lyric.

Poetic speech - a special organization of artistic speech, which differs from prose in strict rhythmic organization; measured, rhythmically organized speech. A means of conveying expressive emotions.

Foot - a stable (ordered) connection of a stressed syllable with one or two unstressed ones, which are repeated in each verse. The foot can be two-syllable (iamb U-, trochee -U) and three-syllable (dactyl -UU, amphibrach U-U, anapaest UU-).

Stanza - a group of verses repeated in poetic speech, related in meaning, as well as the arrangement of rhymes; a combination of verses, forming a rhythmic and syntactic whole, united by a certain system of rhyming; additional rhythmic element of the verse. Often has a complete content and syntactic construction. The stanza is separated from one another by an increased interval.

Plot - a system of events in a work of art, presented in a certain connection, revealing the characters of the characters and the attitude of the writer to the depicted life phenomena; subsequence. The course of events that constitutes the content of a work of art; dynamic aspect of a work of art.


Tautology - repetition of the same words close in meaning and sound.
All mine, said gold,
All my said damask steel.
A.S. Pushkin.

Topic - the range of phenomena and events that form the basis of the work; object of artistic image; what the author is talking about and what he wants to attract the main attention of readers.

Type - a literary hero embodying certain features of a particular time, social phenomenon, social system or social environment (“superfluous people” - Eugene Onegin, Pechorin, etc.).

Tonic versification - a system of versification, which is based on the equality of stressed syllables in poetry. The length of a line is determined by the number of stressed syllables. The number of unstressed syllables is arbitrary.

The girl sang in the church choir

About all the tired in a foreign land,

About all the ships that have gone to sea,

About all those who have forgotten their joy.

A.A. Blok

Tragedy - a kind of drama that arose from the ancient Greek ritual dithyramb in honor of the patron of viticulture and wine, the god Dionysus, who appeared in the form of a goat, then - like a satyr with horns and a beard.

Tragicomedy - a drama that combines the features of both tragedy and comedy, reflecting the relativity of our definitions of the phenomena of reality.

trails - words and expressions used in a figurative sense in order to achieve artistic expressiveness of speech. At the heart of any path is a comparison of objects and phenomena.


Default - a figure that provides the listener or reader with the opportunity to guess and reflect on what could have been discussed in a suddenly interrupted statement.
But is it me, is it me, the sovereign's favorite...
But death ... but power ... but the disasters of the people ....
A.S. Pushkin


Plot - a series of events that form the basis of a literary work. Often the plot means the same thing as the plot, the differences between them are so arbitrary that a number of literary critics consider the plot what others consider the plot, and vice versa.

The final - part of the composition of the work that ends it. Can sometimes coincide with the denouement. Sometimes there is an epilogue as the finale.

Futurism - artistic movement in the art of the first two decades of the 20th century. The Futurist Manifesto published in 1909 in the Parisian magazine Le Figaro is considered to be the birth of futurism. The theorist and leader of the first group of futurists was the Italian F. Marienetti. The main content of futurism was the extremist revolutionary overthrow of the old world, its aesthetics in particular, up to linguistic norms. Russian futurism opened with I. Severyanin's Prologue of Egofuturism and the collection Slap in the Face of Public Taste, in which V. Mayakovsky took part.


Literary character - a set of features of the image of a character, a literary hero, in which individual characteristics serve as a reflection of the typical, conditioned both by the phenomenon that makes up the content of the work, and by the ideological and aesthetic intention of the author who created this hero. Character is one of the main components of a literary work.

Chorey - two-syllable meter with stress on the first syllable.
A storm covers the sky with darkness, -U|-U|-U|-U|
Whirlwinds of snow twisting; -U|-U|-U|-
Like a beast, she will howl, -U|-U|-U|-U|
It will cry like a child... -U|-U|-U|-
A.S. Pushkin


Quote - verbatim in the work of one author, the statement of another author - as a confirmation of his thought by an authoritative, indisputable statement, or even vice versa - as a formulation that requires refutation, criticism.


Aesopian language - various ways to allegorically express this or that thought that cannot be expressed directly, for example, due to censorship.

Exposure - the part of the plot immediately preceding the plot, presenting to the reader the initial information about the circumstances in which the conflict of the literary work arose.

Expression - emphasized expressiveness of something. Unusual artistic means are used to achieve expression.

Elegy - a lyrical poem that conveys deeply personal, intimate experiences of a person, imbued with a mood of sadness.

Ellipsis - a stylistic figure, the omission of a word, the meaning of which is easy to recover from the context. The meaningful function of the ellipsis is to create the effect of lyrical "reticence", deliberate negligence, emphasized dynamism of speech.
Beast - lair,
Wanderer - the road
Dead - drogs,
To each his own.
M. Tsvetaeva

Epigram - a short poem that makes fun of a person.

Epigraph - an expression prefixed by the author to his work or part of it. The epigraph usually expresses the essence of the creative intent of the author of the work.

Episode - fragment of the plot of a literary work, describing a certain integral moment of the action that constitutes the content of the work.

Epilogue - the conclusion made by the author after the presentation of the narrative and the completion of its denouement - to explain the intention by a message about the further fate of the characters, affirming the consequences of the phenomenon described in the work.

Epistrophe - a repetition of the same word or expression in a long phrase or period, focusing the reader's attention, in poetry - at the beginning and end of stanzas, as if surrounding them.

I won't tell you anything

I won't disturb you...

A. Fet

Epithet - artistic and figurative definition, emphasizing the most significant feature of an object or phenomenon in a given context; is used to evoke in the reader a visible image of a person, thing, nature, etc.

I sent you a black rose in a glass

Golden as the sky, Ai...

A.A. Blok

An epithet can be expressed by an adjective, an adverb, a participle, a numeral. Often the epithet is metaphorical. Metaphorical epithets highlight the properties of an object in a special way: they transfer one of the meanings of a word to another word based on the fact that these words have a common feature: sable eyebrows, a warm heart, a cheerful wind, i.e. a metaphorical epithet uses the figurative meaning of a word.

Epiphora - a figure opposite to anaphora, the repetition of the same elements at the end of adjacent segments of speech (words, lines, stanzas, phrases):
We are all a little horse,
Each of us is a horse in his own way.

Epos - 1. One of the three types of literature, the defining feature of which is the description of certain events, phenomena, characters. 2. This term is often called heroic tales, epics, tales in folk art.

Essay - a literary work of small volume, usually prose, free composition, conveying individual impressions, judgments, thoughts of the author about a particular problem, topic, about a particular event or phenomenon. It differs from the essay in that in the essay the facts are only an occasion for the author's reflections.


Humor - a kind of comic in which vices are not ridiculed mercilessly, as in satire, but benevolently emphasize the shortcomings and weaknesses of a person or phenomenon, recalling that they are often only a continuation or reverse of our virtues.


Yamb - two-syllable meter with stress on the second syllable.
The abyss has opened, the stars are full of U-|U-|U-|U-|
The stars have no number, the abyss of the bottom. U-|U-|U-|U-|

Abstractionism(from Latin abstractio - removal, distraction) - a direction in the art of the 20th century, whose adherents fundamentally refuse to depict real objects and phenomena (mainly in painting, sculpture and graphics); extreme manifestation of modernism.

Abstractionism- color fantasy, spontaneously impulsive self-expression, a snapshot of the artist's state of mind, a fundamental rejection of the image of reality, the pursuit of pure expressiveness" (Yu.B. Borev).

Absurd(from Latin absurdus - inappropriate, ridiculous) - the term was introduced by existentialists who argued that the basic principles of human life are absurdity, the absence of a higher goal and meaning. The law of the absurd underlies the works of writers of the twentieth century: F. Kafka, A. Camus, J.-P. Sartre.

avant-garde(French avant-gardisme) - a trend in the artistic culture of the 20th century, whose adherents break with existing norms and traditions, turning the novelty of expressive means into an end in itself. "Avant-gardism... in fine arts can be regarded as... a reaction indicating that society no longer needs fine art as a source of information" (O. Karpa).

Autobiography- (from the Greek autos - himself, bios - life, grapho - I write) - a literary genre (usually prosaic); represents a consistent description by the author of the history of his own life. An autobiographical description is characterized by the desire to comprehend the life lived as a whole, retrospectively to give life events coherence and purposefulness (autobiography allows fiction).

Autobiographical hero- a special type of literary hero, whom the author endows with his biography and traits of his character, however, the autobiographical hero is not a literal repetition of the writer (the feature of the autobiographical hero is his greater connection with real life than ordinary characters).

Author's position- in a literary work, the expression of the author's attitude to various aspects of life, the writer's understanding of the characters of people, events, ideological, philosophical and moral problems. An author's song is a small lyrical work, the same as a literary song, but it has become widespread performed by the author, a bard (the most common use was a synonym: bard song). Author's speech - in an epic literary work, the speech of the author or a personified narrator, that is, the entire text of the work, except for the speech of the characters.

Acmeism(from the Greek akme - the highest degree) - a literary movement that arose in Russian poetry in the 1910s. Acmeists sought to reform symbolism, proclaimed the liberation of poetry from symbolist impulses to the "ideal", defended a return to the material world, the natural object, the exact meaning of the word. Acmeism is characterized by an increased tendency to historical and cultural associations. "Always remember the unknowable, but do not offend your thoughts about it with more or less probable guesses - this is the principle of acmeism" (N.S. Gumilyov).

Act(from lat. aktus - action, deed) -1) the finished part of a play or performance; 2) an integral part of a dramatic work that is not interrupted during a stage performance by either an interlude or an interlude (see interlude, interlude).

Acrostic(from Greek akros - extreme, stichos - verse) - a poem in which the initial letters of each line, read from top to bottom, form a word or phrase (often the name of the author or addressee). This kind of construction can also be found in prose:

accent verse(from lat. accentus - stress) - the main form of tonic versification (Greek tonus - stress); a verse in which only the number of stresses in a line is regulated, and the number of unstressed syllables between stresses fluctuates freely within the natural data of the language (usually 0-4 syllables in Russian, 1-2 in English, etc.). Unlike syllabic in accent verse, the total number of syllables is arbitrary; unlike syllabic-tonic verse, there are no stops with an ordered arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in accent verse (see syllabic, syllabic-tonic verse).

Allegory(from Greek allegoria - allegory, from allos - byjq) - a kind of path, the disclosure of an abstract idea (concept) through a specific image of an object or phenomenon of reality. In contrast to the many-valued meaning of the symbol, the meaning of the allegory is unambiguous and separated from the image; the relationship between meaning and image is established by analogy or adjacency. In literature, allegory is used in fables, fairy tales, and parables. For example, the fabled Wolf, Fox, Snake express the idea of ​​greed, cunning, deceit.

Alliteration(from lat. al - to, with and litera - letter) - repetition of homogeneous consonants, giving literary text, usually poetic, a special sound and intonation expressiveness. By linking together words that are different in meaning, but similar-sounding words, alliteration, thereby, establishes non-traditional semantic connections between them.

allusion(from lat. allusio - hint) - a stylistic figure, one of the forms of allegory; the use of any word, phrase, quote as an allusion to a well-known literary, everyday or socio-political fact: "But the north is harmful for me" (A.S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin"). The poet's allusion to his link, disguised by the everyday tone of the conversation about health.

Amplification(from lat. fmplificatio - extension) - a stylistic figure, which is a series of repetitive speech constructions, phrases or individual words. Serves as a means of enhancing the poetic expressiveness of speech.

Amphibrachius(Greek amphibrachys, lit. - short on both sides) - a three-syllable poetic meter in which the stressed syllable is located between two unstressed ones.

Analysis(from the Greek. analysis - decomposition) - dismemberment (mental or real) of an object into elements; in a broad sense - a synonym for scientific research in general.

Anapes t (from Greek anapoistos - reverse dactyl, lit. - reflected back) - a three-syllable poetic size, in which the first two syllables are unstressed, the last is stressed.

Anaphora(Greek anaphora - pronouncement) - repetition of the initial parts (sounds, words, syntactic or rhythmic constructions) of adjacent segments of speech (words, lines, stanzas, phrases).

Anachronism(from Greek ana - up, against; chronos - time) - unconscious or intentional inaccuracies (everyday, cultural, historical, temporal, etc.) when depicting the past in a work of art, introducing signs of a later time into it (as characters of one era, historical heroes from another era appear; the life and atmosphere of one era bear the features inherent in another historical time).

antihero- a deliberately reduced, deheroized character, often devoid of psychological or socio-historical characteristics.

Antithesis(Greek antithesis - opposition, from anti against, thesa - position) - juxtaposition or opposition of specific concepts, positions, images. In a broad sense, an antithesis is any meaningful-significant contrast on different levels artistic work.

Anthology(from the Greek anthologia - a collection of flowers) - a collection of selected literary and artistic works of various authors, selected in order to present in samples the literature of a certain people, era, genre, etc.

Antonyms(from Greek anti - against, onima - name) - words of the same part of speech with the opposite meaning. Often used as an artistic and expressive means in the construction of antithesis (see antithesis).

Anthropomorphism(from the Greek antropos - man and morphё - appearance, form) - likening to a person, endowing objects and phenomena with human properties (for example, consciousness) inanimate nature, celestial bodies, animals, mythical creatures.

Archaisms(Greek arсhaios - ancient) - words, expressions, syntactic constructions and grammatical forms that have gone out of active use. Used to recreate the historical flavor of the era; to give speech a tone of solemnity; to create a comic effect; for the speech characterization of the character.

Architectonics(from the Greek architektonike - building art) - the external construction of a literary work as a whole, the relationship and correlation of its main blocks and parts. The concept of "architectonics" is often used as a synonym for the concept of "composition".

Aphorism(Greek aphorismos) - a saying that expresses a generalized, complete thought in a concise form.

Ballad(French ballade, from Latin ballo - I dance) - a lyrical genre, one of the main ones in the poetry of sentimentalism and romanticism; a small plot poem, based on some unusual case.

Fable- short story, most often in verse, mainly of a moralizing nature. The purpose of the fable is ridicule human vices, shortcomings of public life. In the allegorical plot of a fable, the characters are traditionally conditional fabled animals. Blank verse(free verse, free verse) - non-rhyming verse.

Bibliography(from the Greek biblion - a book and grapho - I write) - a purposeful transfer to readers of information about printed works in a particular field of science, art, etc.

Bylina- a genre of Russian folklore, a heroic-patriotic song-tale about heroes and historical events of Ancient Russia.

Wreath of sonnets- a poetic cycle of 15 sonnets, presented as an independent work. The first line of each of the sonnets repeats the last line of the previous one, and the final sonnet is made up of the sequence of the first lines of each of the 14 sonnets, linking them together (see sonnet).

Eternal images- literary characters, to whom the ultimate artistic generalization and spiritual depth impart a universal, timeless meaning.

Literature interaction- connections between separate, independently developing national literatures. The degree of strength of these bonds and their breadth can be different; they are due to the interaction of cultures as a whole, taking place on historical grounds, on the grounds of national demands.

Vaudeville(French vaudeville) - a kind of comedy, a light, entertaining play of domestic content, based on entertaining intrigue and combining witty dialogue with music and dancing, cheerful couplet songs.

Harmony(Greek harmonia - communication, harmony) - an aesthetic category of literature, represents the organic relationship of all components of a work of art.

Heroic(from the Greek heros - hero) - an aesthetic category, one of the forms of manifestation of the sublime, expressed in the accomplishment by a person or people of outstanding public importance deeds that require courage, stamina and readiness for self-sacrifice (see heroic pathos).

literary hero- a protagonist in a work of art, having a certain character, an individual, intellectual and emotional world

Hymn(Greek hymnos) - a genre form of lyrics, a solemn song in honor of the gods, heroes, winners, later - in honor of an important event.

Hyperbola(from the Greek. hyperbole - exaggeration) - deliberate excessive exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted object or phenomenon. gradation(lat. gradatio - gradual intensification) - a figure of speech, consisting in such an arrangement of parts of the statement (words, sentence segments), in which each subsequent contains an increasing (less often - decreasing) semantic or emotionally expressive meaning, due to which an increase is created ( less often - weakening) of the impression they make.

Grotesque(French grotesque, lit. - bizarre) - a type of artistic imagery that generalizes and sharpens life phenomena with the help of a bizarre combination of real and fantastic, plausibility and caricature, tragic and comic, beautiful and ugly.

Dactyl(from the Greek dactylos - finger) - a three-syllable meter in syllabo-tonic versification, in which the stress falls on the first syllable in the verse.

Couplet(distich) - the simplest form of a stanza with a minimum number of lines (two). In rhyming verses, two lines connected by an adjacent rhyme. In larger stanzas, the couplet is included as an integral part.

Action- a system of events in a literary work that determines the movement of its plot.

Decadence(from lat. decadentia - decline) - the general name for the crisis phenomena of culture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, marked by moods of hopelessness, rejection of life. This concept combines diverse areas of art - from symbolism and cubism to abstractionism and surrealism. Many motives of decadence have become the property of the artistic movements of modernism.

Dialectisms(from Greek dialektos - dialect, dialect) - words belonging to any dialect or dialects, used in the language of fiction to create local color, speech characteristics of characters; sometimes phonetic, morphological, syntactic, and so on are also referred to as dialectisms. features inherent in individual dialects and interspersed in the literary language.

Dialog(Greek dialogos) - in a work of art - a conversation between two or more persons. In a broader sense, dialogue is a special form of constructing a literary work or scientific essay as a conversation between two people.

Dilogy(from Greek di - twice and logos - word) - a work of two independent parts with special titles. The plots of the individual parts of the dilogy have something in common; a number of heroes also pass from one part to another.

Dissonance(from French dissonance, from Latin dissono - I sound out of tune) - an inexact rhyme with matching consonants and a mismatched stressed vowel.

Dithyramb(Greek dithyrambos) - a genre close to the hymn and ode. The works of this genre are distinguished by exaggerated praise.

A diary- a literary work in the form of regular records, contemporary to the events described. How Literary Form Opens Specific Possibilities for Depiction inner peace character or author.

Drama(from Greek drama, lit. action) - one of the main genres of fiction (along with epic and lyrics). The specificity of drama as a kind of literature lies in the fact that it is written in a dialogic form and, as a rule, is intended to be staged. See also drama (as a genre) a play with a sharp conflict, which, however, unlike the tragic, is not so elevated, more mundane and somehow resolved. Drama combines the tragic and comic beginnings, which is why it is often called the middle genre.

genre(from French genre - genus, species) - a historically formed type of literary work, a stable formal-content scheme. Genre is a typological phenomenon, historically stable, characteristic of works of different eras and trends.

Jargon(French jargon) - the language of individual social groups, characterized by a special composition of words and expressions, sometimes with a special pronunciation.

Feminine rhyme- rhyme with stress on the penultimate syllable.

Life is a genre of ancient Russian literature that tells about the life of people ranked by the church as a host of saints.

tie- an event that served as the beginning of the emergence and development of the conflict, which forms the basis of the plot of a work of art. The hook determines the subsequent deployment of the action; this is the most important element of the plot.

Mystery- a genre of folklore in which things and phenomena are reproduced allegorically by comparing them with remotely similar ones, traditionally a riddle is offered as a question for guessing.

Conspiracy- the oldest genre of incantatory folklore, closely associated with magical rites; verbal formula, which was considered a means of influencing the world around. It is distinguished by a special composition: the beginning, the epic narrative part, the command part and the setting.

Intention- the general idea of ​​the content and form of the future work that has developed in the artist's imagination, permeated with a certain idea.

The sound organization of the verse- artistic and expressive application in the poetic text of certain elements, phenomena, properties of the sound composition of the language: consonants and vowels, stressed and unstressed syllables, pauses, various kinds intonation, etc.

Idea- (from the Greek idea - concept, representation) - the main idea of ​​a work of art, expressing the attitude of the author to reality. It is expressed by the entire artistic structure of the work, by the unity and interaction of all its substantive and formal components.

Idyll- (Greek eidyllion) - a genre variety depicting a peaceful, virtuous rural life against the backdrop of beautiful nature.

Visual and expressive means- artistic techniques and means of creating literary images that determine their emotional and aesthetic expressiveness.

Imagism(from French image - image) - Russian literary group of the 1920s. The Imagists asserted the primacy of the image as an end in itself, its form over the meaning, the idea; they saw the main task of their work in inventing images and words that were previously unknown in poetry.

Impressionism(from the French impression - impression) - the direction and artistic method in the art of the last third of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Its representatives sought to most accurately capture the real world in its variability, conveying their fleeting impressions of it. As an established method, it is customary to talk about impressionism mainly in relation to painting, sculpture, graphics, and music. In literature, more often they talk about the features of the impressionistic style.

Individualization- (from lat. individuum - indivisible) - a way to reproduce the essential aspects of the real world in unique and individual forms; artistic form of conveying the typical.

Sideshow- (from lat. intermedius - located in the middle) - a small play of comic content, played out between acts of the main drama. In the XIX-XX centuries. the interlude lost its significance as an independent genre and was preserved only as an inserted comic or musical scene in the play.

Intonation- (from Latin intonare - to speak loudly) - the main expressive property of sounding speech, which allows you to convey the attitude of the speaker to the subject of speech and to the interlocutor. Intonation enriches the specific meaning of any statement, expresses its purpose and emotional nature.

Intrigue- (French intrigue, from Latin intricare - to confuse) - a way of building an action in a work of art with the help of complex twists and turns, interweaving and clash of interests of heroes and characters.

Irony(from the Greek eironeia - pretense) - a kind of trope, the opposition of the literal meaning of the word to the meaning that is put into it by the speaker (transfer of meaning by opposite. A distinctive feature is a double meaning, where not directly stated, but opposite to it, implied will be true).

Art- a special form of social consciousness and human activity, organically combining artistic (figurative) knowledge of life and creativity according to the laws of beauty; This is artistic creativity in general, uniting literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics, arts and crafts, music, dance, theater, cinema, etc.

Catharsis(from Greek catharsis - cleansing) - a polysemantic term that came from ancient aesthetics. The highest form of tragedy, when the shock of a tragic conflict does not suppress a person with its hopelessness, but enlightens and elevates.

Classic(from lat. classims - exemplary) - outstanding, universally recognized works of literature and art that have enduring value for national and world culture.

Classicism(from Latin classicus - exemplary) - an artistic direction and style in art and literature of the 17th-early 19th centuries, which is characterized by high civil themes, strict adherence to certain creative norms and rules, reflection of life in ideal images, as well as an appeal to antique legacy as the norm.

Comedy(from the Greek. komodia) - one of the main types of drama, depicting such life situations and characters that cause laughter. Comedy as a special form of the comic in literature most accurately captures and conveys its most important shades - humor, irony, sarcasm, satire.

comic(from the Greek komikos - cheerful, funny) - a category of aesthetics that implies the reflection in art of phenomena that contain inconsistencies or contradictions (goals - means, forms - content, actions - circumstances, essence - its manifestation, etc.) and causes laughter.

Conflict(from lat. conflictus - clash) - a contradiction reflected in a work of art, leading to a clash of characters, character and circumstances, different sides of characters. Directly revealed in the plot and composition; constitutes the core of the theme, and the method of resolving the conflict is the determining factor in the development of an artistic idea.

climax(from lat. culmen, genus, culminis - peak) - the moment of the highest tension in the development of the action, aggravating the artistic conflict as much as possible. There can be several climaxes in a literary work.

keynote(from German leitmotiv - leading motive) - a recurring element of the work, the bearer of its main idea.

Lyrics(from the Greek. lyrikos - pronounced to the sounds of the lyre) - one of the three types of fiction. Unlike the epic and drama, which depict certain characters acting in various circumstances, the lyrics reflect the individual states of the character at certain moments of life, the author's own "I"; the speech form of lyrics is an internal monologue, mostly poetic (lyrics are mostly plotless, subjective).

Lyrical hero- the hero of a lyrical work, the experiences, thoughts and feelings of which it reflects. The image of the lyrical hero is not identical to the image of the author, although it covers the entire range of lyrical works created by the poet; on the basis of the image of the lyrical hero, a holistic view of the poet's work is created.

Literary direction- a concept that characterizes the unity of the most significant creative features of the artists of the word within a certain historical period; this unity usually arises and develops on the basis of a common artistic method, worldview, aesthetic views, ways of reflecting life.

literary process- the historical movement of national and world fiction, developing in complex connections and interactions. The progressive movement of literature is an essential component of the literary process.

Lyroepic works- works that combine the features of epic and lyrical poetry (a plot narrative about events and heroes is combined with a subjective - lyrical commentary from the author - narrator).

Literary gender- a generalized type of verbal artistic creativity, the main way of constructing works, which differs from other similar methods in the ratio of the world and man in the pictures of life created by the artist. For each literary genre, the main feature is distinguished - the generic dominant: this is a narration of events (epos), subjective-emotional reflection (lyrics), a dialogic depiction of events (drama).

literary character(Greek charakter - trait, feature) - artistic expression sets of stable mental characteristics that form the personality of a literary character; The literary character captures both the type of human behavior determined by the socio-historical situation, and the creative individuality of the author.

literary criticism- a science that studies fiction: its essence and specificity, origin, social functions, patterns of the historical and literary process.

Litotes(from the Greek litotes - simplicity) - a deliberate understatement of certain properties of the depicted object or phenomenon; the opposite of hyperbole.

Metaphor(Greek metaphora - transfer) - a type of path, transferring the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another on the basis of a feature common to both compared members; establishing a relationship by similarity. Color, shape, nature of movement, any individual properties of objects can be similar.

Metonymy(Greek metonymia - renaming) - transferring the properties of an object to the object itself, an allegorical designation of the subject of speech; establishing a connection between phenomena by adjacency.

Meter(from the Greek metron - measure) - the general scheme of the sound rhythm of the verse, that is, the predictable appearance of certain sound elements at certain positions. Meter is the basis of poetic sizes of syllabic-tonic versification.

The worldview of the artist- a system of generalized philosophical and ethical-aesthetic views of the artist on the objective world and the place of man in it.

Myth(from the Greek. mythos - legend, legend) - the fruit of a collective fantasy, a story about gods, heroes, demons, spirits, etc., reflecting ideas about the unidentified forces of nature and society.

mythology- the use of mythological motifs or characters in a literary work or the creation by the artist of an original mythological system. Mythologism is addressed to philosophical problems, it is typical for works that explore the universal, stable features of human thinking and behavior.

Motive (from the French motif - melody, melody) is the simplest unit of plot development (dynamic, moving the plot or static, descriptive). Any plot is an interweaving of closely related motifs. One and the same motive can underlie different plots and thus have different meanings (the modern use of the word “motive” does not have terminological clarity).

Naturalism(from lat. naturalis - nature) - direction in European and American literature and art of the last third of the 19th century, based on the positivist idea of ​​the complete predestination of fate, will, the spiritual world of a person by the social environment, way of life, his nature (physiology, heredity): N. Nekrasov. "Petersburg corners", D. Grigorovich. "Village", "Anton-Goremyka", F. Dostoevsky. "Poor People"

Neologisms(from Greek neos - new and logos - word) - words or turns of speech created to designate a new subject or express a new concept; individual stylistic neologisms are created by the author of a given literary work and are usually not widely used, they are not included in the vocabulary of the language.

Innovation and tradition(from lat. novator - updater and traditio - transfer). Literature is characterized by both the enrichment of artistic creativity with new themes, ideas, characters, techniques and means, as well as the desire to consolidate and pass on to the next generations of writers their spiritual experience and creative principles.

Novella(from Italian novella - lit. news) - a small prose genre, characterized by a dynamic, rapidly and often paradoxically developing plot, compositional accuracy, and rigor of form. In the center of the plot of the novel, as a rule, there is one event - an extraordinary situation, a game of chance, an unexpected turn in the fate of the hero. The novelist avoids detailed everyday, historical and ethnographic sketches. The hero is revealed to him, first of all, not in the socio-political, but in the moral essence ... In critical realism, the short story is transformed, acquires a synthetic character, combines sharp drama, psychologism and social research orientation.

The image of the narrator- an image that is not personified in the guise of any of the characters - the carrier of the narrative in a work of art.

The image of the narrator- a conditional image of a person on whose behalf the narration is conducted in a literary work. In contrast to the image of the narrator, the narrator in the proper sense is not always present in the epic - he is absent in the case of "neutral", "objective" narration, in which the author himself, as it were, steps aside (the narrator may be close to the author, related to him and may be , on the contrary, is very far from it in character and social position).

ritual poetry- folklore poetry associated with folk everyday rituals (calendar, wedding songs, lamentations, etc.).

Oh yeah(from the Greek. ode - song) - a solemn pathetic, poetic work glorifying God, the monarch, the Fatherland, prominent state officials and their deeds, strictly regulated by the rules of composition (see the poetry of classicism of the 17th-18th centuries).

Oxymoron(from the Greek oxymoron - letters: witty-silly) - a stylistic figure, a combination of words opposite in meaning, as a result of which a new concept is born (a familiar stranger, deafening silence). Octave (from lat. octo - eight) - a stanza of eight verses with abababvv rhyming with the obligatory alternation of male and female endings. With its development, completeness and flexibility, the octave is convenient for both small lyric poems and poems.

personification- transferring the properties of animate objects to inanimate ones, a special kind of metaphor (characterized by the identification of objects and natural phenomena, flora and fauna with the life and activities of people).

Onegin stanza- owned by A.S. Pushkin the form of the stanza with which the novel "Eugene Onegin" was written: 14-line iambic tetrameter with rhyme ababvvggdeejzh. Thus, it is formed by three quatrains of different rhyming schemes (cross, adjacent and embracing) and a final couplet. Such a structure makes the Onegin stanza flexible, solid and expressive, holding the harmony of a large novel.

Feature article- a small epic and (or) journalistic genre, characterized by strict documentary, targeted orientation and a high degree of participation of the author in the development of the plot. The essay is based on real or imagined as real facts, at the same time, the essay allows for creative fiction and pronounced subjectivity of the author's position.

Paleography(from the Greek palaios - ancient and grapho - I write) - a science that studies the monuments of ancient writing in order to establish the place and time of their creation.

Pamphlet(English pamphlet) - a topical, predominantly journalistic work, the purpose and pathos of which is a concrete, civil, socio-political denunciation.

Panegyric(from the Greek panegyrikos logos - commendable public speech) - originally in ancient Greece, a solemn eulogy; later any excessive praise in a literary work.

Paradox(from the Greek paradoxos - unexpected, strange) - a judgment that sharply contradicts the usual logic of things, but deep in meaning. The paradox is characterized by brevity, clarity, emphasized sharpness of the formulation.

Parallelism(from the Greek. parallelismos - walking side by side) - a similar syntactic construction of two (or more) sentences or other fragments of text.

Paraphrase/ paraphrase (from Greek pariphrasis - literally speaking around, retelling) - replacing the direct name of a person, object or phenomenon with a description of their essential features or an indication of their essential features.

Pastoral(from French pastorale and from Latin pastoralis - pastoral) - a literary genre that depicts the idealized life of carefree shepherds and shepherds among the eternally beautiful nature.

pathetic(from Greek pathetikos - passionate, full of feelings) is an aesthetic category that implies the reflection in art of what is connected with the feelings of a person at the highest tension of his will and spirit, feelings that arise as a result of a person making an important decision at turning points in life.

Pause(from Latin pausa, from Greek pausis - termination) - a temporary break in the course of speech.

Pathos(from the Greek pathos - suffering, passion, inspiration) - the ideological and emotional mood of a work of art or all creativity; passion that permeates the work and gives it a single stylistic coloring - what can be called the soul of the work. Paphos is the key to the idea of ​​the work.

Scenery(from French paysage, from pays - country, area) - an image of pictures of nature. The functions of a landscape in a work of art are determined by its method, genre and generic affiliation, and style.

Peripeteia(from the Greek peripeteia - a sudden turn) - an unexpected event, a sharp turn in the action, complicating the development of the plot of the work.

The character(from French personnage, and from Latin persona - personality, person) - along with the hero, the protagonist of a work of art or stage performance.

Tale- epic prose genre; in terms of the nature of the development of the action, it is more complicated than the story, but less developed than the novel (in the story there are more characters than in the story, but less than in the novel, the development of the action is more complicated than in the story, but the action is less developed than in the novel, etc.). P.).

Repeat- repetition of compositional elements, words, phrases and other text fragments in a work of art, due to which the attention of the reader (listener) is fixed on them and thereby their role in the text is enhanced.

subtext- a hidden meaning that is different from the direct meaning of the statement, which is restored on the basis of the context, taking into account the non-speech situation. In the theater, the subtext is revealed by the actor through intonation, pause, facial expressions, and gesture.

Portrait(from French portrait) - an image of the appearance of a hero or a group of characters: faces, figures, clothes, manners. The functions of a portrait are determined by the method, genre and generic affiliation, style.

Permanent epithet- a word-definition that is stably combined with one or another word-defined. Denotes a characteristic, always present feature.

Poem(from Greek poiema) - lyric-epic genre. The main features of the poem are the presence of a detailed plot, the scale of the phenomena and problems depicted, the wide development of the image of the lyrical hero.

Poetics(from the Greek poietike - poetic art) - a section of literary theory that studies the structure of literary works and the system of aesthetic means used in them. In a broad sense, poetics coincides with the theory of literature, in a narrow sense, with the study of artistic speech. The term "poetics" also refers to a system of artistic means characteristic of the writer, certain genres, literary direction era.

Beautiful- one of the central categories of aesthetics, which characterizes the most perfect phenomena in reality, the activities of people, art. The beautiful is disinterested in nature and is directly related to sensual contemplation, which activates the human imagination.

Prologue(from the Greek prologos - preface) - an introduction to a literary work (or to its independent part), not directly related to the developing action, but, as it were, preceding it with a story about previous events or their meaning.

Prototype(from the Greek prototypon - prototype) - a real person, a group of people or literary character, which served as the basis for the creation of a particular artistic image.

Publicism(from lat. publicus - public) - a type of works in which actual facts and phenomena of current life are quickly investigated and summarized in order to influence public opinion and public consciousness. Elements of journalism often penetrate into works of art.

denouement- conflict resolution in a literary work, the outcome of events. Usually given at the end of a piece, but may also be given at the beginning, and may also be combined with a climax.

Story- a small epic genre, based on the image of an episode from the life of a hero. The brevity of the events depicted, the small number of actors are the features of this genre form.

Realism (from lat. realis - real) - 1) the artistic method of the new time, which began either from the Renaissance (Renaissance realism), or from the Enlightenment (enlightenment realism), or from the 30s. 19th century (proper realism, or critical realism). The leading principles of realism: an objective depiction of life, combined with the height of the author's ideal; reproduction of typical characters in typical circumstances with the completeness of their individualization; vitality of the image along with the use of conditional and fantastic forms; the prevailing interest in the problem of the individual and society; 2) a concept that characterizes the cognitive function of art and literature, reflecting the measure of artistic knowledge of reality, which is carried out by a variety of artistic means.

reasoner(from the French raisonner - to reason) - a character (primarily dramatic), used by the author to express his own views on what is happening, on the behavior of other characters.

remark(from French remarque - remark, note) - an explanation or indication of the playwright in the text of the play for the reader, director and actor.

Reminiscence(from lat. reminiscentia - recollection) - features of a work of art, suggestive of a memory of another work.

Replica(from Italian replica, from Latin replico - I object) - the dialogical form of the character's statement; the response phrase of the interlocutor, the response to the words of the partner, followed by the speech of another character.

Refrain(from the French refrain - chorus) - the repeating part of the verse of the song, usually its last line (lines).

Rhythm(from the Greek rhythmos - tact, uniformity) - the alternation of any elements that occurs with a certain sequence, frequency. The periodic repetition of sound elements at regular intervals is the basis of verse; what elements divide the text into comparable segments determines the system of versification (syllabic or tonic). Prose also has a special rhythm.

novel(from the French romans - narration) - an epic genre of large form, revealing the history of several, sometimes many human destinies over a long period of time. The genre of the novel allows you to convey the most profound and complex processes of life.

Romanticism(from French romantisme) - an artistic method that developed at the beginning of the 19th century. and widely used as a trend in art and literature in most European countries (including Russia), as well as in the United States. Romanticism is characterized by a special interest in the individual, the nature of his relationship to the surrounding reality, as well as opposition to the real world of the ideal. The desire of the artist to express his attitude to the depicted prevails over the accuracy of the transfer of real facts, which gives the work of art an increased emotionality.

Sarcasm(from the Greek sarkasmos - mockery, sarkazo - literally "I tear meat") - angry, caustic irony, excluding ambiguous interpretation.

Satire(from lat. satira - a crowded dish, a hodgepodge) - a way of displaying the comic, which consists in a merciless ridicule of socially harmful phenomena and human vices.

Sentimentalism(from French sentiment - feeling, sensitivity) - a direction in literature and art of the second half of the 18th century, which is characterized by the absolutization of human feelings and experiences, emotional perception of the environment, a cult attitude to nature with elements of patriarchal idealization.

Syllabic/syllabic versification (from the Greek syllabe - syllable) - a system of versification in which the length of a verse is determined only by the number of syllables, regardless of the number of stresses; verses are called 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-complex, etc. A different number of syllables is also allowed in the lines; it is only desirable that even-syllabic verses be combined with even-syllabic ones, and odd-syllabic ones with odd-syllabic ones. In 10-, 11- and more complex verses, a caesura appears - an obligatory word division, dividing the verse into short half-lines.

Syllabo-tonic versification(from the Greek syllabe - syllable and tonos - stress) - a system of versification based on an ordered arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in a verse; on the strong places of the meter, as a rule, stressed syllables are located, on the weak ones - unstressed syllables.

Symbol(from the Greek. symbolon - a conventional sign) - an image that maximally generalized and expressively expresses the idea, the essence of an event or phenomenon. The meaning of a symbol is multi-valued and inseparable from its figurative structure. Symbolism is a trend in European and Russian art of the 1870s-1910s, the main principle of which is the artistic expression through the symbol of the essence of objects and ideas that are beyond sensory perception. At the same time, the symbol is understood as an expression of the artist's individual idea of ​​the world.

Synecdoche(from Greek synekdohe) - a type of metonymy, the name of a part (smaller) instead of a whole (larger) or vice versa.

Image system- a set of artistic images that are in certain relationships and connections with each other and form an integral unity of a work of art. The system of images plays a crucial role in the embodiment of the theme and idea of ​​the work.

Comparison- comparison of two objects or phenomena for a more accurate, figurative description of one of them. IN literary creativity extended comparisons expressed in whole fragments of text are widespread.

stanzas(French stances< ит. stanza - остановка) - небольшое стихотворение из строф по четыре стиха, причем конец строфы обязательно служит концом предложения.

Stylization- intentional imitation of an artistic style characteristic of any author, genre, movement, art and culture of a particular social environment, nationality, era.

Versification- a way of organizing the sound composition of poetic speech, opposing it to prose. At the heart of versification lies the predetermined division of speech into correlated and commensurate segments - verses. Depending on what units the lines are measured in (syllables, stresses, stops), the systems of versification differ.

Foot- a recurring combination of strong and weak points in poetic meter, a group of syllables consisting of one stressed and one or more unstressed; a conventional unit by which the poetic size and length of the verse are determined.

Strophic - a section of versification that studies the patterns of connecting verses into stanzas, types of stanzas and their history; as well as a set of types of stanzas found in the works of a particular poet, in the poetry of a certain period, etc.

Plot(French sujet - subject) - the course of narration about events in a work of art, a way of deploying a theme or presenting a plot.

Story line- a relatively complete part of the plot associated with any one hero of the work or with a group of heroes (characters).

creative inspiration- the rise of all the creative forces of the artist, the moment of the highest composure and concentration on the object of creativity.

Textology(from Latin textus - fabric, connection and Greek logos - science) - a literary discipline that studies literary works in order to critically check and establish their original texts for further research and publication. The most important task of textual criticism is a historically meaningful and critical reading of the text based on the study of sources (manuscripts, printed editions, historical evidence), identifying the genealogy of the text and its possible distortions.

Topic(Greek thema - the main idea) - the object of the artistic image, the circle of events, phenomena, objects of reality, reflected in the work and held together by the author's intention.

Subject- a system of interrelated themes of a work of art.

Tendentiousness of a literary work- a biased or one-sided disclosure of the theme, problems or characters of the work, or an open manifestation of a trend (general thought, idea) that the author seeks to inspire readers.

Trend(from late Latin tendentia - orientation) - an integral part of an artistic idea; the ideological and emotional orientation of the work, the author's comprehension or assessment of the problems and characters, expressed through a system of images; in a narrower sense - the artist's social, political or moral predilection openly expressed in a realistic work.

Literary theory- a science that studies: 1) the originality of literature as a special form of spiritual and artistic activity; 2) the structure of a literary text; 3) factors and components of the literary process and creative method.

Tercet(from lat. tres - three) - a stanza consisting of three verses per rhyme.

Terza rima(from Latin terra rima - third rhyme) - a stanza of three verses rhyming in such a way that a series of thirds forms a continuous chain of triple rhymes: aba bvb vgv, etc. and closes with a separate line rhymed with the middle verse of the last terza.

Tetralogy(from the Greek. tetra - four and logos - the word) - an epic or dramatic work, consisting of four independent parts, united into one by a common ideological and artistic design.

Typing- the process of artistic generalization of life phenomena (human characters, circumstances, actions, events), in which the most significant, socially significant features of reality, the patterns of development of the individual and society are revealed.

Typical(from the Greek typos - imprint, form, pattern) - an aesthetic category that serves to determine the most general and essential aspects of real phenomena, the leading trends in the development of real life.

Tragedy(from Greek tragodia) - a dramatic genre. The tragedy is based on a particularly tense, irreconcilable conflict, most often ending in the death of the hero.

Trilogy(from the Greek trilogia, tri - three and logos - a word) - an epic or dramatic work, consisting of three independent parts, united into one whole by a common ideological concept, plot, main characters.

trails(from the Greek tropos - turn, turn of speech) - turns of speech in which a word or expression is used in a figurative sense in order to achieve greater artistic expressiveness. The trope is based on a comparison of two concepts that seem close to the speaker (writer).

Convention in art- 1) non-identity of reality and its representation in literature and art (primary convention); 2) deliberate, open violation of plausibility, the method of detecting illusory artistic world(secondary convention).

Utopia(from the Greek u - no and topos - a place, that is, a place that does not exist) - a work depicting a fictional picture of an ideal life arrangement.

plot(lat. fabula - narration, history) - a chain of events, which is narrated in a work, in their logical causal-temporal sequence. In other words, the plot is what lends itself to retelling, that "what really happened", while the plot is "how the reader found out about it." The plot may coincide with the plot, but it may also diverge from it.

Farce(from French farce) - one of the forms of the comic, manifested in buffoonish tricks, rude jokes (light comedy with purely external comic tricks).

Feuilleton(from French feuilleton, from feuille - sheet) - a satirical genre of journalism; feuilleton can denounce both specific carriers of evil, and the negative in a "non-addressed" form.

Figures of speech- turns of speech, syntactic constructions that enhance the expressiveness of the statement.

Futurism(from lat. futurum - future) - an avant-garde trend in European and Russian art of the 10-20s. 20th century Futurists were united by a spontaneous sense of the inevitable collapse of traditional culture and the desire to realize through art the features of an unknown future. Futurist poets proclaimed the rejection of the usual artistic forms, up to the destruction of natural language ("words at liberty" or zaum).

Characteristics in art(from the Greek. charakter - sign, feature) - a feature of a work of art or a type of performing art, which consists in deliberately emphasizing or exaggerating certain aspects of the depicted characters and phenomena.

Artistic detail- one of the means of creating an artistic image, helping to present the phenomenon depicted by the author in a unique individuality, a memorable feature of appearance, clothing, environment, experience or act.

artistic truth- display in the works of art of life in accordance with its own logic, penetration into the inner meaning of the depicted.

art form(lat. forma - external view) - internal and external organization, structure of a work of art, created with the help of figurative and expressive means to express artistic content.

Artistic imagination is the ability, as well as the very process of creating artistic images based on the creative processing by consciousness of sensations, perceptions, ideas, feelings, impressions, etc.

Artistic generalization- a way of reflecting reality in art, revealing the most significant and characteristic aspects of what is depicted in an individually unique figurative art form.

artistic fiction- the result of the creative activity of the artist's imagination; arises on the basis of generalization of actual realities and understanding personal experience, is embodied in a work of art.

artistic method - a set of the most general principles and features of the figurative reflection of life in art, which are consistently repeated in the work of a number of writers and thus can form literary movements (trends) in a particular country or a number of countries.

Artistic image- a method and form of mastering reality in art, characterized by an inseparable unity of sensual and semantic moments. This is a concrete and at the same time generalized picture of life (or a fragment of such a picture), created with the help of the artist's creative imagination and in the light of his aesthetic ideal.

artistic type(from the Greek typos - image, imprint, sample) - an artistic image endowed with characteristic properties, a bright representative of any group of people (in particular, estate, class, nation, era). The embodiment of the aesthetic category of the typical.

Caesura(from lat. caesura - dissection) - an intra-verse pause that divides a poetic line into two half-lines - equal or unequal.

Cycle(from the Greek kyklos - circle) - a series of works united by some commonality: theme, genre, place or time of action, characters, form of narration, style, etc.

Eclogue(from the Greek ekloge - selection) - an old genre of bucolic poetry, displaying pictures of rural and shepherd life.

exposition(lat. expositio - explanation) - the background of the event or events that underlie the literary plot. It is located at the beginning, less often in the middle or at the end of the work.

Epigram(Greek epigramma, lit. - inscription) - a genre of satirical poetry, a short poem ridiculing a person or social phenomenon.

Epigraph(from the Greek. epigraphe - inscription) - a quote, saying, proverb, placed by the author before the text of an artistic (journalistic, scientific) work or part of it. The epigraph explains the main conflict, theme, idea or mood of the work, contributing to its perception by the reader.

Episode(from the Greek epeisodion, letters. - insert) - a part of a work of art (epic, dramatic), which has a relatively independent value in the development of artistic action.

Epitaph(from Greek epitaphios - tombstone) - a genre that originates from a tombstone inscription. Most often a short poetic work of a commendable or tragic nature.

Epithet(from the Greek epitheton - application) - a figurative definition that gives an artistic description of an object (phenomenon) in the form of a hidden comparison. With a broad interpretation, an epithet is called not only an adjective that defines a noun, but also a noun-application, as well as an adverb that metaphorically defines a verb ("frost-governor", "tramp wind", "Petrel flies proudly").

epic genres- a set of genres that have arisen and are developing within the epic as a literary genre.

epic(from "epos" and Greek poieo - I create) - the largest epic genre. An ancient epic (heroic epic) depicts, as a rule, a heroic event of national interest. In the literature of modern times, an epic is a novel that is distinguished by its particular monumentality: the scale of the events depicted, a highly branched plot, and many characters.

epic(from the Greek epos - word, narration) - one of the three literary genres, the main feature of which is the narration of events external to the author.

Essay(from French essai - experience, sketch) - a prose genre, an essay of a small volume, free composition, in which the main role is played not by the reproduction of a fact, but by the image of impressions, thoughts and associations. It is used both in fiction and - mainly - in literary criticism and journalism.

Aesthetics(from the Greek aisthetikos - feeling, sensual) - the science of beauty in society and nature and its role in human life.

Humor(from the English humour - humor; temper, mood, complexity) - a special kind of comic that combines mockery and sympathy, involves a soft smile and a gentle joke, which are based on a positive attitude towards the depicted.

Phenomenon- part of the act dramatic work, during which the composition of the actors on the stage remains unchanged.

The language of the work of art- the totality and system of linguistic means used in a given work of art.

Language of fiction- the totality and system of linguistic means used in works of art. Its originality is determined by the special tasks facing fiction, its aesthetic function, the specifics of the construction of verbal artistic images. One of the main features of the language of fiction is special attention to the structure of the linguistic sign, the assignment of aesthetic functions to this structure.

Yamb(from Greek jambos) - two-syllable poetic size, in which the stress falls on the second syllable of the foot.