Meaning of Aesopian language in the dictionary of literary terms.

Aesopian language is a special style of narration, which uses a set of allegorical devices - allegories, allusions, paraphrases, ironies, etc. to express a specific thought.

Often used to disguise, hide, veil the true thoughts of the author or the names of the characters.

Aesop the fabulist

The very term "Aesopian language" was introduced by Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Little is known about Aesop's life. Lived in the 6th century BC Ancient Greece sage Aesop. The historian Geradot claimed that Aesop was born on the island of Samos, but a century later Heraclides of Pontus stated that Aesop was from Thrace. The ancient Greek writer Aristophanes was also interested in his life.

In the end, on the basis of some facts and references, there was a certain legend about the sage Aesop. He was lame, foolish, very inquisitive, smart, quick-witted, cunning and resourceful. Being a slave of a businessman from the island of Samos, Aesop could not speak openly, freely about what he thought, saw.

He composes parables (as they will later be called fables), where the characters were animals and objects, but their character and manners were presented in such a way that human nature was easily captured. Aesop's allegorical fables ridiculed human vices: stupidity, avarice, greed, envy, pride, vanity and ignorance. For his service, the fabulist was released and gained freedom.

According to legend, the death of the sage was tragic. While in Delphi, Aesop, with his caustic remarks, turned several inhabitants of the city against him. And in retaliation, they planted the stolen golden cups from the temple on him, sounded the alarm about the loss and indicated which of the pilgrims could allegedly steal them. After a search, the cup was found, and Aesop was stoned. Later, his innocence was proven and the descendants of the then murderers were forced to pay the viru - a fine for killing a free man.

Aesopian language - the meaning of phraseology

Phraseologism “Aesopian language” is widely used today. Aesopian languages ​​​​will be called speech full of hints, omissions and; or a deliberately veiled meaning of what was said.

Aesopian language in literature

Aesopian language is common in such literary genres as fable, fairy tale, legend, in the genres of journalism, political satire.

Aesop's language became an integral element in the works of times of strict censorship, when writers could not openly express their thoughts and assess current events, which often contradicted the official ideology.

A striking example of the use of the Aesopian language is the story-parable written by J. Orwell in a satirical manner "Animal Farm". It depicts historical events revolutionary Russia 1917. The main characters are animals that live on the English farm of Mr. Jones. Each animal represents a social stratum. The conditions in which they live seem unfair to them, so the animals decide to make a revolution and create an equal classless fair existence. However, equality has not been achieved.

Examples from Saltykov-Shchedrin

Among Russian writers, Saltykov-Shchedrin used the language of Aesop most vividly. Let us turn to his allegorical work “The History of a City”. The writer introduces the reader to the city of Foolov and its inhabitants - the Foolovites. He describes them as lazy, inactive, unable to make decisions themselves, wanting to quickly find someone who will decide for them, take responsibility for their fate.

At the very beginning, the Foolovites go in search of the prince, and give preference to foreign rulers, admitting their own insolvency: "Our land is great and plentiful, but there is no order in it ...".

Reading the work, you understand that the author does not describe a specific city, but the whole of Russia and its people. You can find more obvious correspondences: Scoundrels - Pavel I, Benevolensky - Speransky, Gloomy-Burcheev - Arakcheev, Sadtilov - Alexander I. And the ending of the work is symbolic: how unsuccessful are the efforts of Grim-Burcheev to stop the flow of the river, it is also in vain to try to impede the decisions of tyrants, standing in power.

Saltykov-Shchedrin's Aesopian language is also present in his fairy tale "Gudgeon" about a cowardly fish, which symbolizes cowardice, selfishness of people who remain indifferent to everything except themselves.

In “The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals,” the author tells about the obedience of the people through the images of the allegorical image of a peasant who, on orders, began to twist a rope to tie himself; or about the stupidity, short-sightedness of officials who are far from the pressing everyday problems, who believe that French rolls grow on trees.

Aesopian language

Aesopian language

Aesopian language, Aesopian speech (on behalf of the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop), a special type of cryptography in literature, allegory, deliberately masking the thoughts of the author. In fact, the whole genre is an allegory of this kind. fables, largely fairy tales, parables, fiction, utopias And dystopia, many types of philosophical and journalistic writings, including satirical dialogues of the ancient Greek writer Lucian, condemning the moral decline and social vices of the late Roman Empire: “Conversations of the Gods”, “Conversations in the Realm of the Dead”, etc. Aesop uses the language Voltaire in the philosophical story "Candide, or Optimism", refuting the popular con. 17 - beginning. 18th century the thesis of the philosopher and mathematician G. W. Leibniz: “Everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds.” In "Persian Letters" French writer and philosopher of the 18th century. Ch. de Montesquieu, through the lips of the "naive" Persians, denounces the vanity, vanity and prejudices of "civilized" absolutist France. Written based on the European "animal epic" poem by I.V. Goethe"Reinecke the Fox" makes fun of feudal arbitrariness. The reception of the Aesopian language is used in the novel-pamphlet by A. France"Penguin Island", in anti-fascist novels by K. Capek"The War with the Salamanders" and A. Camus"Plague", in many works of M. M. Zoshchenko, M. A. Bulgakov, A.P. Platonov, V.S. Vysotsky, V.P. Kataeva. In Russia, the Aesopian language was formed primarily as a reaction to severe censorship restrictions. According to M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, “I owe the habit of writing allegorically to the censorship department ... A special, slavish manner of writing was created, which can be called Aesopian, a manner that reveals remarkable resourcefulness in the invention of reservations, omissions, allegories and other deceptive means.” Having arisen in the "interline space" of literature (an expression of the famous Russian bibliologist and bibliophile N. A. Rubakin), the Aesopian language became not only a means of expressing criticism, but also a special sphere of the art of the word. He uses fable allegory, allegorical "fabulous descriptions", paraphrases(description of the subject instead of its name: so, Siberia N.A. Nekrasov called Westminster Abbey of Russia, in England it is a tomb the best people), pseudonyms (A. V. amphitheaters pamphlet about the Romanov dynasty called "Lord Obmanov"), allusions(hints) irony, burlesque and travesty (image of "high" objects in "low style" and vice versa), parody And grotesque.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .

Aesopian language

AESOP LANGUAGE verbatim: compositional technique the ancient fabulist Aesop (VI century BC), who hid the characters and relationships of people under the names of animals. Since Aesop (his surviving records are corrupted) reluctantly resorted to the so-called. moralizing(“morality”), revealing the “secret” of the fable, he, perhaps, can be considered the initiator of that special cryptography, to which the word had to be resorted to later for self-defense.

Aesop is said to have been a slave, and since then, as if in execution ancient tradition, the help of the "Aesopian language" has always resorted only to literature, "deprived of rights", literature-slave.

Aesop's language is always about two meanings: one - with its external meaning, it is turned towards the ruling, the other - hidden - to the ruled; "letter" to the censor, "spirit" - to the reader. Aesop's cipher, always trying to get past the censor's pencil, succeeds in bringing in ideological contraband only with the myopia of the censor and the special sophistication of the reader's eye.

In Russia, the censorship presses of Nicholas I, and partly of Nicholas II, pressed only on the "letter"; The censors, finding fault with external phraseology, often overlooked the "ideology" and by no means always turned out to be good guessers of Aesop's riddles. As a result, the vocabulary of the Aesopian language in Russia, especially in 80 years. 19th century and in 1905-7. grew day by day: from works of this kind, especially among Russian journalism, one could make up a small library for those who understand "in Aesopian style." It is curious that if the ancient fabulist had to dress up in animal skins of people, then the Russian Aesop, turning the reception, had to under human guise literary characters hide animal essence then reality.

The Russian literature of this type that is now being re-read seems to be too poorly disguised. But this is a mistake of prepared perception: if the publicist V. Amfiteatrov, heading one of his pamphlets "The Obmanov Family" (newspaper "Russia" 900) was little concealed, then Saltykov-Shchedrin in "History of the city of Glukhov", vaguely, with first reading, reminiscent of some other "story", skillfully confuses, then separates the two meanings of the story: explicit and secret.

S. Krzhizhanovsky. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925


See what "Aesopian language" is in other dictionaries:

    - (named after the other Greek fabulist Aesop) a means of political struggle, a special type of secret writing, censored allegory, which was used fiction, criticism, journalism, deprived of freedom of expression under censorship oppression ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    Aesopian language, allegory, allegory Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Aesopian language n., number of synonyms: 3 allegory (9) ... Synonym dictionary

    It comes from the name of the great fabulist of Ancient Greece, Aesop (VI century BC). Since Aesop was a slave and could not talk about the vices of those around him, he turned to the language of allegories, to the fabled form. The expression was made popular by the satirist writer Mikhail ... ... Dictionary winged words and expressions

    Aesopian language- AESOP LANGUAGE Literally: a compositional device of the ancient fabulous writer Aesop (VI century BC), who hid the characters and relationships of people under the names of animals. Since Aesop (his surviving records are corrupted) reluctantly resorted to the so-called ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    - (named after the fabulist Aesop), cryptography in literature, a veiled statement that deliberately masks the thought (idea) of the author (often from censorship). He resorts to a system of deceptive means: traditional allegorical devices (allegory, irony, ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (named after the fabulist Aesop) cryptography in literature, an allegory that deliberately masks the thought (idea) of the author. He resorts to a system of deceptive means: traditional allegorical devices (allegory, irony, paraphrase, allusion), fable characters, ... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (named after the fabulist Aesop) - cryptography in literature, an allegory that deliberately masks the thought (idea) of the author. He resorts to a system of "deceptive" techniques (allegory, paraphrase, irony, etc.), pseudonyms, contrasts, etc. dictionary on… … Encyclopedia of cultural studies

    Aesopian language- (named after the fabulist Aesop), cryptography in literature, a veiled statement that deliberately masks the thought (idea) of the author (often from censorship). He resorts to a system of “fraudulent means”: traditional allegorical devices (allegory, irony, ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Wiktionary has an entry for "Aesopian language" Aesopian language (named after the fabulist Aesop) cryptography ... Wikipedia

    Aesopian language- (named after the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop) cryptography in literature, allegorical artistic speech, deliberately masking the thought (idea) of the author. Rubric: Language. figuratively means of expression Synonym: Aesopian language Genre: fable, parable ... Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism

Aesopian language

Aesopian language

(by name other Greek fabulist Aesop)

a means of political struggle, a special type of secret writing, censored allegory, which was used by fiction, criticism, journalism, deprived of freedom of expression under conditions of censorship (see Censorship).

As a reaction to the ban on touching on certain ideas, topics, events, names, the "Aesopian language" developed, for example, in the Russian press of the late 18th - early. 20th century a system of "deceptive means", methods of encryption (and decryption) of free thought. A specific role was played in it by fable images, allegorical "fabulous descriptions" (especially by ME Saltykov-Shchedrin, who introduced the expression "Aesopian language.") into wide use, translucent periphrases and pseudonyms (A. V. Amfiteatrov's pamphlet "Lords of Obmanov" about the royal family), hidden allusions and more direct allusions, irony (“full of tact”, it was invulnerable to censorship), etc. The denunciations of domestic reality were veiled by “foreign” topics, an everyday phrase became a mockery (for example, “What do you want? "- about the newspaper "New Time" by A.S. Suvorin). The reader knew that a "great work" is a revolution, a "realist" - K. Marx, "disappeared from anthologies" - V. G. Belinsky or N. G. Chernyshevsky. In this sense, the "Aesopian language" was generally accessible and served as a means not only of political struggle, but also of the realistic art of the word. Over time, the style of satire subjugated the techniques characteristic of the "Aesopian language", and now the politician, the writer resorts to them regardless of any pressure from censorship. Separately and collectively interacting with other ways of word usage, the techniques of the "Aesopian language" became features of specific individual styles (for example, "Penguin Island" by A. France, works by M. A. Bulgakov, "War with Salamanders", " dog's heart", various genres of science fiction (K. Chapek), humor and satire (M. Zadornov).

Political Science: Dictionary-Reference. comp. Prof. floor of sciences Sanzharevsky I.I.. 2010 .

Political science. Dictionary. - RGU. V.N. Konovalov. 2010 .


See what "Aesopian language" is in other dictionaries:

    Aesopian language, allegory, allegory Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Aesopian language n., number of synonyms: 3 allegory (9) ... Synonym dictionary

    It comes from the name of the great fabulist of Ancient Greece, Aesop (VI century BC). Since Aesop was a slave and could not talk about the vices of those around him, he turned to the language of allegories, to the fabled form. The expression was made popular by the satirist writer Mikhail ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    Aesopian language- AESOP LANGUAGE Literally: a compositional device of the ancient fabulous writer Aesop (VI century BC), who hid the characters and relationships of people under the names of animals. Since Aesop (his surviving records are corrupted) reluctantly resorted to the so-called ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    - (named after the fabulist Aesop), cryptography in literature, a veiled statement that deliberately masks the thought (idea) of the author (often from censorship). He resorts to a system of deceptive means: traditional allegorical devices (allegory, irony, ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (named after the fabulist Aesop) cryptography in literature, an allegory that deliberately masks the thought (idea) of the author. He resorts to a system of deceptive means: traditional allegorical devices (allegory, irony, paraphrase, allusion), fable characters, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (named after the fabulist Aesop) - cryptography in literature, an allegory that deliberately masks the thought (idea) of the author. He resorts to a system of "deceptive" techniques (allegory, paraphrase, irony, etc.), pseudonyms, contrasts, etc. A large explanatory dictionary of ... ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

    Aesopian language- (named after the fabulist Aesop), cryptography in literature, a veiled statement that deliberately masks the thought (idea) of the author (often from censorship). He resorts to a system of “fraudulent means”: traditional allegorical devices (allegory, irony, ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Aesopian language, Aesopian speech (on behalf of the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop), a special type of cryptography in literature, an allegory that deliberately masks the thoughts of the author. In fact, the whole genre of fable is an allegory of this kind, to a large extent ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    Wiktionary has an entry for "Aesopian language" Aesopian language (named after the fabulist Aesop) cryptography ... Wikipedia

    Aesopian language- (named after the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop) cryptography in literature, allegorical artistic speech, deliberately masking the thought (idea) of the author. Rubric: Language. Figurative expressive means Synonym: Aesopian language Genre: fable, parable ... Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism


  • Aesop. Book of Fables, Aesop. Allegorical parables, scourging human vices are called fables. This is one of the oldest and most beloved literary genres by readers. And the most famous fabulist of all time and ...

Aesopian language, Aesopian speech (on behalf of the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop), a special type of cryptography in literature, an allegory that deliberately masks the thoughts of the author. In fact, the whole genre of fable is an allegory of this kind, to a large extent fairy tales, parables, science fiction, utopias and dystopias, many types of philosophical and journalistic works, including satirical dialogues of the ancient Greek writer Lucian, condemning the moral decline and social vices of the late Roman Empire: "Conversations of the Gods", "Conversations in realm of the dead", etc. Aesopian language is used by Voltaire in the philosophical story "Candide, or Optimism", which refutes the popular con. 17 - beginning. 18th century the thesis of the philosopher and mathematician G. W. Leibniz: "Everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds." In the "Persian letters" of the French writer and philosopher of the 18th century. Charles de Montesquieu denounces the vanity, vanity and prejudices of "civilized" absolutist France through the lips of the "naive" Persians. Written on the basis of the European "animal epic", J. W. Goethe's poem "Reinecke the Fox" ridicules feudal arbitrariness. The reception of the Aesopian language is used in the pamphlet novel by A. Frans "Penguin Island", in the anti-fascist novels by K. Chapek "The War with the Salamanders" and A. Camus "The Plague", in many works by M. M. Zoshchenko, M. A. Bulgakov, A. P. Platonov, V. S. Vysotsky, V. P. Kataev. In Russia, the Aesopian language was formed primarily as a reaction to severe censorship restrictions. According to M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, “I owe the censorship to the habit of writing allegorically ... A special, slavish manner of writing was created, which can be called Aesopian, a manner that reveals remarkable resourcefulness in the invention of reservations, omissions, allegories and other deceptive means” . Having arisen in the "interline space" of literature (an expression of the famous Russian bibliologist and bibliophile N. A. Rubakin), the Aesopian language became not only a means of expressing criticism, but also a special sphere of the art of the word. He uses fable allegory, allegorical "fabulous descriptions", paraphrases (a description of an object instead of its name: for example, N. A. Nekrasov called Siberia the Westminster Abbey of Russia, in England it is the tomb of the best people), pseudonyms (A. V. Amfiteatrov pamphlet about the dynasty He called the Romanovs “Lord Obmanovs”), allusions (hints), irony, burlesque and travesty (the depiction of “high” objects in “low style” and vice versa), parody and grotesque.


Aesopian language(named after the fabulist Aesop) - cryptography in literature, an allegory that deliberately masks the thought (idea) of the author. He resorts to a system of "deceptive means": traditional allegorical devices (allegory, irony, paraphrase, allusion), fable "characters", translucent contextual pseudonyms. The slave Aesop could not directly point out the vices of the masters in his fables, so he replaced their images with animals with the corresponding characteristics. Since then, the language of allegories has been called Aesop's.

In Russian literature, the tradition of using this technique was formed with late XVIII century to circumvent censorship. This technique was widely used by the satirist Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. Subsequently, Aesopian language in satire became part of individual style many writers and was also used outside of censorship pressure.

The use of the Aesopian language was investigated by the literary critic Lev Losev. He defined the Aesopian language as a literary system of interaction between the author and the reader, in which the meaning remains hidden from the censor.

What is Aesopian language and what is its significance in modern literature

We have repeatedly heard the expression "Aesopian language." What does this term mean and where does it come from? It is not known for certain whether such a person lived, or whether it collective image. There are many legends about him, and in the Middle Ages his biography was compiled. According to legend, he was born in the VI century BC. e. in Asia Minor and was a slave of the Lydian king Croesus, however, a dodgy mind, ingenuity and cunning helped him gain freedom and glorified him for many generations.

Naturally, it was the founding father of this technique who first applied the Aesopian language. Examples of it are given to us by a legend that tells that Croesus, having drunk too much, began to assure that he could drink the sea, and made a bet, putting his entire kingdom at stake. The next morning, having sobered up, the king turned to his slave for help, and promised to grant him freedom if he would help him out. The wise servant advised him to say: “I promised to drink only the sea, without the rivers and streams that flow into it. Shut them down and I will keep my promise." And since no one could fulfill this condition, Croesus won the bet.

Being a slave, and then a freedman, the sage wrote fables in which he ridiculed stupidity, greed, lies and other vices of people he knew - mainly his former master and his slave-owning friends. But since he was a bonded man, he clothed his narrative in allegories, paraphrases, resorted to allegories, and brought out his heroes under the names of animals - foxes, wolves, crows, etc. This is the Aesopian language. The characters in the funny stories were easily recognizable, but the "prototypes" could do nothing but rage silently. In the end, ill-wishers planted a vessel stolen from the temple for Aesop, and the priests of Delphi accused him of theft and sacrilege. The sage was given the choice to declare himself a slave - in this case, his master had to pay only a fine. But Aesop chose to remain free and accept the execution. According to legend, he was thrown off a cliff at Delphi.

Thus, thanks to his ironic, but allegorical style, Aesop became the ancestor of such literary genre like a fable. In subsequent eras of dictatorships and infringement of freedom of expression, the fable genre was very popular, and its creator remained a real hero in the memory of generations. It can be said that the Aesopian language has outlived its creator by a long way. So, in the Vatican Museum there is an antique bowl with a picture of a hunchback (according to legend, Aesop had an ugly appearance and was a hunchback) and a fox that tells something - art historians believe that the ancestor of the fable is depicted on the bowl. Historians claim that in the sculptural row of the "Seven Wise Men" in Athens there was once a statue of Aesop the chisel of Lysippus. At the same time, a collection of the writer's fables appeared, compiled by an anonymous author.

In the Middle Ages, the Aesopian language was extremely popular: the famous “Tale of the Fox” was composed in just such an allegorical style, and in the images of a fox, a wolf, a rooster, a donkey and other animals, the entire ruling elite and clergy of the Roman Church are ridiculed. This manner of speaking vaguely, but aptly and caustically, was used by Lafontaine, Saltykov-Shchedrin, the famous composer of fables Krylov, the Ukrainian fabulist Glibov. Aesop's parables were translated into many languages, they were composed in rhyme. Many of us from school probably know the fable about the crow and the fox, the fox and the grapes - the plots of these short moralizing stories were invented by an ancient sage.

It cannot be said that the Aesopian language, the meaning of which during the times of regimes where censorship ruled the ball, is irrelevant today. The allegorical style, which does not directly name the target of satire, seems to be addressed by its “letter” to a tough censor, and by its “spirit” - to the reader. Since the latter lives in realities that are subject to veiled criticism, he easily recognizes it. And even more than that: a quirky manner of ridicule, full of secret hints that require a guess, hidden characters and images are much more interesting to readers than a direct and undisguised accusation of the authorities of any offenses, therefore, even those writers and journalists who have nothing to be afraid of resort to elements of the Aesopian language. We see its use in journalism, and in journalism, and in pamphlets on current political and social topics.

Explain the meaning of phraseological units. Aesopian tongue, tongue untied, tongue swallowed, bite tongue, find common ground, holding


Aesopian language - speak allegorically, express your thoughts in parables, fables (Aesop was a slave and could not speak openly)
The tongue is untied, usually in drunkards it unties, that is, what the sober thought about, he told, being drunk. Tongue progloil-shut up stopped talking. Or they say something like that about deliciously cooked food, for example, you can swallow your tongue, bite your tongue. To find a common language is people met and found general theme for conversation, they are pleasant to communicate with each other. Keep your mouth shut - don't talk too much. Scratch tongues - gossip or talk just like that, about nothing


Aesopian language - hints when it is impossible to speak in plain text, so that only those who need it guess, and the rest do not understand.
Tongue untied - to engage in chatter, to speak incessantly.
Tongue swallowed - be silent.
Bite your tongue - shut up suddenly, in mid-sentence
Find a common language - find a common topic in a conversation

Explain the meaning of phraseological units: thirty pieces of silver, terra incognita, Aesopian language, cross the Rubicon, burn the mos


Well, not all. Only some thirty pieces of silver are the price of betrayal: it was this amount that the Jewish high priests gave to Judas so that he would betray Christ to them.
Terra incognita - land unknown
Aesop's language is an allegory: Aesop is an ancient Greek fabulist, and a fable, using all sorts of examples, speaks allegorically about something.
Cross the Rubicon (in general, the same as burning bridges) - take a decisive step, after which there is no turning back: the Rubicon is the border river between the Roman Empire and the German lands, which Julius Caesar crossed, capturing the Germans.

terra incognita - unknown, unexplored things, something unknown, an undeveloped area of ​​\u200b\u200bknowledge.
Cross the Rubicon - to commit an act that can no longer be undone, to make a dangerous and irrevocable decision.
AESOP LANGUAGE - named after the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop - disguised style literary work in which, behind the direct meaning of what was said, there is a second plan of understanding that reveals the true thoughts and intentions of the author.
burn ships, bridges - cut off any possibility of retreat.


Thirty pieces of silver are very small coins for which Judas betrayed Jesus. This term comes from the Gospel. "Aesopian language" - means allegoricalness, zashivrovannost statements, the language of fables. Aesop is an ancient Greek poet and fabulist. "Burn bridges behind you" - make final and irrevocable decisions, not giving yourself the opportunity to return to the past.

Daria shadrina

1, "Crossing the Rubicon" now means: to commit an act that can no longer be undone, to make a dangerous and irreversible decision. “The die is cast” is said in the meaning: “the fluctuations are over, I began to act, and it’s too late to change anything”
2, About pieces of silver: The most despicable traitor in history is the legendary Judas Iscariot, one of the disciples of Christ. He betrayed his teacher for thirty pieces of silver, that is, for thirty pieces of silver. That is why the expression "thirty pieces of silver" has long been understood as "the price of betrayal", "the price of blood". The legend also gave us many allegorical words and expressions. The name "Judas" is synonymous with the word "traitor". The combination of the words "Kiss of Judas" expresses the concept of insidious, hypocritical flattery, of treacherous affection.
3, "terra incognita" began to be used and figurative meaning: unknown, unexplored things, something unknown, an unexplored area of ​​\u200b\u200bknowledge due to the fact that one ancient astronomer spoke like this when he discovered new parts of the world. Terra incognito literally means "unknown land".
4, Aesop was a slave. He could not frankly condemn human vices, so he turned to fables, in which he expressed his thoughts not directly, but with the help of intricate allegories. This is not a direct, mysterious language, the ability to speak in blunt terms, in parables, and was called the Aesopian language.

Thirty-three pieces of silver - the price of the sale of I. Kh., or the price of betrayal. Terra Incognita - a common noun in relation to the unknown, translated as "Unknown Land". Aesopian language - the language of allegory, by analogy, for example - animals. Jump Rubicon - in figuratively a certain trait that separates two different opposites. Burning bridges is a concept that defines a fundamental revision of one's views in the past.

What does Aesopian language mean

Jaann fogel

Aesop's language (named after the fabulist Aesop) is a cryptography in literature, an allegory that deliberately masks the thought (idea) of the author. He resorts to a system of "deceptive means": traditional allegorical devices (allegory, irony, paraphrase, allusion), fable "characters", translucent contextual pseudonyms. The slave Aesop could not directly point out the vices of the masters in his fables, so he replaced their images with animals with the corresponding characteristics. Since then, the language of allegories has been called Aesop's.

~ Foxy ~ green eyes ~

AESOP LANGUAGE literally: the compositional device of the ancient fabulous writer Aesop (VI century BC), who hid the characters and relationships of people under the names of animals. Since Aesop (his surviving records are corrupted) reluctantly resorted to the so-called. morality, revealing the "secret" of the fable, he, perhaps, can be considered the initiator of that special secret writing, which the word had to resort to later for self-defense.
Aesop, according to legend, was a slave, and since then, as if in fulfillment of an ancient tradition, only literature “devoid of rights”, slave literature, has always resorted to the help of the “Aesopian language”.