Who is Astrid Lindgren. Astrid Lindgren short biography

- Boris Moiseevich Kagan R got dressed May 12, 1918 in the city of Gomel -
the center of the Gomel district of the Western region of the RSFSR

...... FROMDecember 1926 to July 1930, the city of Gomel - the administrative center of the Gomel district of the Byelorussian SSR (since January 15, 1938 - the Gomel region of the Byelorussian SSR ( since August 25, 1991 - Republic of Belarus)) .

- AT childhood Boris Kagan lived With parents and younger sister in Kharkov,
then the family moved in Moscow

In 1941 he graduated With Honors Moscow Power Engineering Institute
on specialty "Automation and telemechanics".
Yet before graduation from the institute, in May 1940 he entered on the work in just now
created in All-Union Electrotechnical Institute Laboratory under
guidance of the future founder
All-Union Scientific Research
Institute of Electromechanics
and A Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR
, With who worked for 35 years, participating
in creation and organization of the work of the State Union Plant No. 627
and reorganization of this plant
( May 1, 1944 ) in Research
Institute No. 627
(future All-Union Research Institute
, now - Joint Stock Company "Corporation VNIIEM" )
passing the way
from head of the laboratory before Deputy Director of the Institute.

October 15, 1941 Boris Moiseevich Kaganvolunteered on the front,
took part in defense of Moscow.

Red Army man B.M. Kagan foughtin part of the First Regiment of the 3rd Moscow Division.
He participated in reconnaissance operations far ahead of the location of the division's units., including covered the retreat of the Commander of the 4th Army, Lieutenant General
(future Marshal of the Soviet Union) K.K. Rokosovsky and his headquarters in time of the November offensive of the Germans on the Moscow.

In 1942, after the defeat of the Germans under Moscow fighters 3-1 of the Moscow division were taken away on the month on the education,since it was formed in mostly from untrained people,which not passed military service , a
Boris Moiseevich Kagan was
in urgently withdrawnfrom active army on the former place of work
for participation in fulfillment of special tasks of the Government of the USSR on creation
military equipment
, including precision instruments for radar stations artillery fire control and aviation - contactless synchro BS-627.
As early as December 1942 fire guidance systems, created
on the their basis,applied in battle per Stalingrad.

During the same period in Institute have developed and surrendered on the armament
Red Army new models of mines
and fuses, automatic gunner
anti-tank gun
(ANPP-627) designed by B.M. Kagan and P.V. Isaeva .

In 1946 B.M. kagan defended a dissertation for a degree
Candidate of Technical Sciences
In 1944-1949, as Head of department he headed a huge complex
on creation on the new technological foundations of the remote
gun control
for Tu-4 strategic bomber,
nicknamed the "flying fortress".
AT also participated in this work.
future Active member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, then - Russian Academy
,Director of the All-Union Research Institute
in 1974-1991.

Boris Moiseevich , appointed Head of a promising institute
electronic computing on merit belongs to right
in creation of this department.

Since 1953 B.M. kagan dealt with the problems of electronic computing
and its application for engineering calculations and management.
He participated in creating one from first tube computers and first
semiconductor control computers
, including
in development of a small-sized electronic computer M-3.
In 1956 pilot production of VNIIEM - All-Union Scientific and
research institute of electromechanics were made
and with with the participation of developers, three sets of M-3 computers were debugged.
The first prototype was left in VNIIEM for training and conducting state tests, the second set was received by the Yerevan Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia,third set - OKB-1 on leadership
Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.
Since 1958, after the release in serial production of this computer was
named "Minsk"
Work organization
in VNIIEM on finalization of the design and technological
, on preparation of production a, by software development
, on preparing and conducting state tests
carried out
at that time - PhD
Boris Moiseevich Kagan .

Early 1950s Boris Moiseevich Kagan became the author of the original solution
problems of increasing the accuracy of the frequency controllers onboard power supplies
, allowed to increase the accuracy of the regulators is more than 100 times.
It was of fundamental importance for improving the accuracy of trajectories
intercontinental ballistic missiles
Per this job in 1958 By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission, he was
awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences without defending a dissertation
During these same years
B.M. Kagan was awarded the title of Professor.

He was a participant in the work on creation of the first artificial earth satellites,
first automatic stations for moon exploration, Venus and Mars, as well as
on training - manned spaceship"East".

Since the early 1960s department of computer technology VNIIEM by order of Uralmashzavod
was engaged in the development of a high-performance control machine
later called VNIIEM-3.
General management of the work package
on this car was entrusted on the chief
B.M. Kagan, appointed Chief Designer of UVM VNIIEM-3.
After delivery
in production of these machines have been successfully applied in atomic
, including on Kursk, Leningrad, Smolensk nuclear
power plants
, and in accident time on the Chernobyl NPP, this UVM recorded
unauthorized shutdown of the machine's impact circuit
on the reactor.

Boris Moiseevich Kagansuccessfully engaged in pedagogical work .
He is the founder and Head of the Department "Electronic Computing
and systems" of the Moscow Institute of Engineers

In 1961 he founded and headed the Department of "Automation and automation tools"
Moscow State Machine-Building Institute
then there is also a computer center, laboratories of automation and electronics.

In 1966 B.M. kagan he became the founder and Head of the Department "Computing
technology" Faculty "Technical Cybernetics" of the Moscow Institute of Engineers
railway transport
He led her
in for 22 years, of them in during the first seven years, combining
With department management in VNIIEM.

Under under his leadership the Department became one from leading in country in training areas
on computing complexes, microprocessor systems and networks.

Professor Boris Moiseevich Kaganmade a significant contribution in development and creation of original domestic computers for engineering calculations and process control.

He is the author of 130 inventions
and scientific papers on computing
and automation, including - monographs and textbooks, published in Russia,
Bulgaria, Germany and India.

AT works
Boris Moiseevich exploredand systematized questions
computer architecture
and computing systems, including control computing
real time complexes
, fault-tolerant systems, microprocessor
and automation systems, mass storage devices, organizations
communication systems
With control object in automatic control systems
technological processes
(APCS ), exploitation
electronic computing technology

B.M. Kagan more than 30 candidates were trained
and doctors of technical sciences.
His students became qualified specialists
and work in leading organizations, companies and firms in Russia, neighboring countries and far abroad.

Last years life
livedco second wife and stepdaughter in Los Angeles,
in Marina del Rey

In 2003 B.M. Kagan camein Moscow on the celebrating its 85th anniversary.
In time of this visit,
Boris Moiseevich wrote an articlededicated
100th anniversary of the founder
and the first Director of VNIIEM
Andronik Gevondovich Iosifyan
(article "A wonderful person and a brilliant scientist"
PC Week/RE magazine; No. (435) 21, 2004) :

open link

About members of the family of Kagan Boris Moiseevich:
Parents Boris Moiseevich- natives of the city of Vitebsk:Kagan Moses (Mikhail) Alexandrovich
, from the family of a merchant of the second guild, graduate of St.
Petersburg University
, was the Gomel mayor, Chairman of the Board
All-Ukrainian State Bank
, then worked
in the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR
mother -
Kagan Rakhil Solomonovna , nee Khatsrevina ( 1890-1967 ) , of Education -
dentist, was born in the family of a small merchant
, descendant of the Sephardim,immigrants from Spain.

Father B.M. Kagan after divorce from mother
, in 1941 he remarried Leites Belle
(passed away in 1978)
, his old friend, become famous in the future
, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor and Head
organizational and methodological department of the Institute of Rheumatism of the RSFSR
Mother B.M. Kagan - Rakhil Solomonovnawas married a second time to an old family friend Kagan -
Lipnitsky Boris Naumovich
, who once worked under the supervision of her first husband - Gomelsky
,Manager of the East Siberian Regional Office of the State Bank.
Soon, by decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU
(b) B.N. Lipnitsky was appointed manager of the Northern Regional Office of the State Bank , and then in 1934-1937 he was the manager of the Kuibyshev
regional office of the State Bank
August 29, 1937
B.N. Lipnitsky was arrested on a false denunciation and February 27, 1940
was sentenced by a special meeting of the NKVD of the USSR to 5 years in a correctional
labor camp
He was rehabilitated on April 9, 1955 by the Supreme Court of the USSR.
And so it happened
, that children
Moses Alexandrovich and Rachel Solomonovna
always thought Boris Naumovich
, close and almost native person.
Older brother Kagan Boris Moiseevich- Ilya died after some time
after birth due to medical error
Younger sister
Kagan Boris Moiseevich - Kagan Elena Moiseevna
(27.10. 1919
, Gomel - 25.04. 2017, Moscow ) , writer, publicist, famous
under the pseudonym "Elena Rzhevskaya"
Participant of the Great Patriotic War
Started a war near Rzhev
(hence the alias - approx. ) as a military
translator at the headquarters of the 30th army
During the storming of Berlin with the rank of lieutenant, she participated in the search for
Adolf Hitler,
as well as - in the identification and investigation of the circumstances of his suicide.
In 1948 she graduated Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky
Published since 1950, since 1962 was a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR,
and also a member of the Russian PEN Center
In the 1980s, she was one of the initiators of the state and public perpetuation of the city of Rzhev in the events of the Great Patriotic War.
This is where the idea of ​​the Cities of Military Glory was born.
, and Rzhev, among 40 Russian cities,
received this high rank
She was buried in Moscow at the Kuntsevo cemetery.
, next to the second husband.
Was married twice
- for the poet
(lyricist of the song "Brigantine") Kogan Pavel Davidovich
(04.07. 1918 - 23.09. 2042 )
,who died a heroic death during the Great Patriotic War
on the Sugar Loaf Hill near Novorossiysk, when the reconnaissance group led by him
got into a shootout with the Nazis
- for a literary critic and a researcher of creativity
Andrey Platonov -
Kramov Isaak Naumovich (1919 - 1979 )
P.D. Kogan and E.M. Rzhevskaya - Kogan Olga Pavlovna .
Her husband - Summ Boris Davidovich (03.08. 1933 - 04.09. 2005 ) ,
Doctor of Chemical Sciences
, Honored Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov,
Laureate of the P.A. Rebinder of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Granddaughter -
Summ Lyubov Borisovna , Candidate of Philology .
Younger brother Kagan Boris Moiseevich - Kagan Yuri Moiseevich
(born July 6, 1928 in Moscow)
He is a laureate of the Lenin Prize and the State Prize of the USSR
; Active Member
USSR Academy of Sciences
(Russian Academy of Sciences) ; Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
since 1964 - Professor of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
His wife -
Virta Tatyana Nikolaevna (1930 year of birth) ,
, famous daughter Soviet writer , screenwriter
and Laureate of four Stalin Prizes
Virty Nikolai Evgenievich (16.12. 1905 - 09.01. 1976 ) .

Yu.M. Kagan and T.N. Wirth - Kagan Maxim Yurievich (born September 8, 1961) ,
corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
;Chief Researcher of the Institute
physical problems named after P.L. Kapitsa
; theoretical physics scientist,
solid state physics and low temperature physics.
Boris Moiseevich Kaganwas married twice
- first wife -
Boguslavskaya Zoya Borisovna (born April 16, 1929) ,
writer, prose writer and essayist;

in the third marriage - the wife of a famous poet
Voznesensky Andrey Andreevich
(12.05. 1933 - 01.06. 2010 )
The poet was buried next to his parents in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.
Son B.M. Kagan and Z.B. Boguslavskaya - Boguslavsky Leonid Borisovich (born June 17, 1951)
, D doctor of technical sciences, computer scientist,
one of the largest Russian investors in Internet and IT companies
founder of "ru-Net" company.
- second wife -
Valentinova Natalya Grigorievna (1930 - ? ) , PhD in Philosophy;
wife's daughter from first marriage Maria continues to live in Los Angeles,
in Marina del Rey
(USA) .

Other relatives Kagan Boris Moiseevich:
- Vagrina Valentina Grigorievna(1906 - 1987 ) ,
Honored Artist of the RSFSR, actress of the E.B. Vakhtangov;
- Khatsrevin Zakhar (Zakhary) Lvovich (05.09. 1903 , Vitebsk, Belarus - 19.09. 1941, Boryspil,Ukraine ) - Soviet writer , translator and screenwriter, journalist and war correspondent,
special correspondent of the newspaper "Red Star"
Died a heroic death in battle with a military journalist
and writer
Boris Lapin.

- Rogovin Naum Alexandrovich (19.02. 1906 , Mogilev - 21.10. 1986, Moscow ) ,
Soviet power engineer and production organizer,Honored Builder of the RSFSR
Honorary Power Engineer of the USSR,member of the Central Council of Senior Power Engineers
and the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR
He was buried in Moscow at the Miusskoye cemetery. .
Rogovin Zakhar Alexandrovich (28.08. 1905 , Mogilev - 11.08. 1981, Moscow) ,
Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR
;Laureate of two Stalin Prizes;
Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR
; Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor,
Soviet organic chemist
, specialist in the field of chemistry of macromolecular compounds.
Husband of a renowned scientist in the field of physical chemistry of polymers
,Doctors of Chemical Sciences,
Tager Anna Semyonovna(31.08. 1912 - 07.11. 1999 ) .
PER. Rogovin and A.S. Tager buried in Moscow at the Vvedensky cemetery
H grads : In November 1942, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
Per successful completion of a special task of the Government of the USSR
to create new weapons
, Manager laboratory
State Union Plant No. 627 of the People's Commissariat of the USSR Electrotechnical Industry
Kagan Boris Moiseevich
was awardedorder Labor Red Banner .

In 1949, Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, h and creation Tu-4 aircraft cannon remote control systems ,
Stalin Prize III degree and cash prize in the amount of 50,000 rubles
were awarded Leading Specialists of the Research
Institute No. 627 of the Ministry of Electrical Industry
Kagan Boris Moiseevich, Head of Department
Laboratory manager

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 264/37 dated December 27, 1957
"For merits in the creation and launch in the Soviet Union of the First in the World
artificial earth satellite
, Head of Department All-Union Scientific
Research Institute of Electromechanics of the State Committee
USSR Council of Ministers for Automation and Mechanical Engineering
Kagan Boris
was awardedorder "Badge of honor" .

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR № 253/34 dated June 17, 1961
successful completion of a special task of the Government to create
samples of rocket technology, spacecraft-satellite "Vostok" and
implementation of the world's first flight of this ship with a man on board
" ,
H head of departmentAll-Union Research Institute
electromechanics of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
for automation and mechanical engineering
Kagan Boris Moiseevich
was awardedOrder of the Red Banner of Labor .

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 11, 1985
"For courage, steadfastness and courage shown in battles with the German
fascist invaders and in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet
people in the Great Patriotic War"
Kagan Boris Moiseevich was
Order of the Patriotic War II degree.

In addition, he was awarded medals : "For the defense of Moscow" ,
"For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
(1945 )
, "In memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow" (1947 ) and other awards. -

): ... a well-known scientist and designer in the field of automation and computer technology, doctor of technical sciences, professor, participant in the Great Patriotic War, laureate of the Stalin (State) Prize, participant in the space program, one of the founders of the All-Union Research Institute of Electromechanics (VNIIEM), founder and head of the Department of Electronic Computers and Systems at MIIT.
In February 1941 B.M. Kagan graduated with honors from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute with a degree in Automation and Telemechanics. Even before graduating from the institute in May 1940, he joined the laboratory of the outstanding scientist, the future founder of VNIIEM, academician Andronik Gevondovich Iosifyan, which was being created at VEI, with whom he worked for 35 years.
On October 15, 1941, on a critical day for the defense of Moscow, having a reservation from the draft and documents for evacuation, he volunteered to defend Moscow. After the defeat of the Germans near Moscow in 1942, he was recalled from the army to carry out a special task of the Government. In November 1942, during the Battle of Stalingrad, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for the creation of new equipment for the front.
In 1946 he defended his PhD thesis.
In 1944-1949, together with his friend, now an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, N.N. Sheremetevsky B.M. Kagan headed a huge complex of works to create a remote control system for cannon installations on the Tupolev Tu-4 flying fortress on new technological foundations. For these works, he, together with N.N. Sheremetevsky was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1949.
At the very beginning of the 50s, under the leadership of B.M. Kagan managed to find an original solution (invention) to the problem of increasing the accuracy of the operation of on-board power supply frequency controllers by a factor of 100, which was of fundamental importance for improving the accuracy of ballistic missile trajectories. For this work, the Higher Attestation Commission in 1958 awarded him the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences without defending a dissertation. B.M. Kagan was awarded with orders for his contribution to ensuring the flights of the first Earth satellite and the Gagarin spacecraft.
Since 1953, the scientific interests of B.M. Kagan focus on the problems of electronic computing and its application for engineering calculations and control.
B.M. Kagan created a department (department) of computer technology at VNIIEM. Participated in the creation of one of the first (tube) computers and the first semiconductor control computers. He created the Department of Computers and Systems at MIIT, which became one of the leading departments in this area.
B.M. Kagan is the author of numerous monographs and textbooks on topical issues automation and, in particular, computer technology, many of which have been translated into German, English, Chinese and some other languages.

- a well-known scientist and designer in the field of automation and computer technology, doctor of technical sciences, professor, participant in the Great Patriotic War, laureate of the Stalin (State) Prize, participant in the space program, one of the founders (), founder and leader Department of "Electronic computers and systems" MIIT.

In February 1941 B. M. Kagan Graduated with a diploma with honors from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute with a degree in Automation and Telemechanics. Even before graduating from the institute in May 1940, he went to work in the VEI laboratory of an outstanding scientist, the future founder of VNIIEM academician, with whom he worked for 35 years.

On October 15, 1941, on a critical day for the defense of Moscow, having a reservation from the draft and documents for evacuation, he volunteered to defend Moscow. After the defeat of the Germans near Moscow in 1942, he was recalled from the army to carry out a special task of the Government. In November 1942, during the Battle of Stalingrad, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for the creation of new equipment for the front.

In 1946 he defended his PhD thesis.

In 1944-1949, together with his friend, now Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, N. N. Sheremetevsky B. M. Kagan headed a huge complex of works on the creation of a remote control system for cannon installations on the Tupolev flying fortress on new technological foundations Tu-4. For these works, he, together with N. N. Sheremetevsky, was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1949.

At the very beginning of the 1950s, under the leadership of B. M. Kagan, an original solution (invention) was found for the problem of increasing the accuracy of the frequency controllers of on-board power supplies by a factor of 100, which was of fundamental importance for improving the accuracy of ballistic missile trajectories. For this work, the Higher Attestation Commission in 1958 awarded him the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences without defending a dissertation. BM Kagan was awarded orders for his contribution to the flight of the first satellite of the Earth and Gagarin's spacecraft.

Since 1953, the scientific interests of B. M. Kagan have focused on the problems of electronic computing and its application for engineering calculations and control.

B. M. Kagan created a department (department) of computer technology. Participated in the creation of one of the first (tube) computers and the first semiconductor control computers. Created Department of "Computers and Systems" MIIT which has become one of the leading departments in this field.

B. M. Kagan is the author of numerous monographs and textbooks on topical problems of automation and, in particular, computer technology, many of which have been translated into German, English, Chinese and some other languages.

Astrid Lindgren is one of the most popular children's writers in the world.

Thousands of her fans grew up on Carlson's sayings "Trifles, a matter of life" and "Calm, only calm", on books about the adventures of "the most strong girl in the world" Pippi Longstocking. But in the life of Astrid Lindgren, who died in 2002 at a very advanced age, there were many secrets. The grandson and great-grandson of the Swedish writer told MK in St. Petersburg why Astrid Lindgren gave her first child to a foster family and hid it for almost her entire life.

"Grandma dressed up as a witch"

Last weekend in St. Petersburg there was a tour of the park "The World of Astrid Lindgren". The Okhta Mall shopping and entertainment center turned into a land of fairy tales for two days, where Carlson lives in a house on the roof, and Pippi and Emil from Löneberga walk along the “streets”. While the children had fun with their favorite characters, adults had the opportunity to meet Olaf Nyman and Johan Palmberg. 45-year-old Olaf is the grandson of Astrid Lindgren, the son of her youngest daughter Karin (by the way, it was she who invented Pippi Longstocking), 26-year-old Johan is a great-grandson. They talked about their famous grandmother, with whom they spent their entire childhood.

When you were born, Astrid Lindgren was at the peak of her fame, she wrote books, went on business trips, she probably had no time for you?

Olaf: - When I was little, I didn't see Astrid as a celebrity, she was just my favorite grandmother. She had a summer house on one of the islands near Stockholm, where she took us every summer - her seven grandchildren. In the morning we had no right to disturb her, because at that time she was always writing books. But in the afternoon, grandmother herself called us to her place, treated us to crackers with butter and jam (many Swedish grandmothers give them to their grandchildren), we played cards together.

Johan: - Unlike many adults, Astrid has always been interested in how we live. She asked why we were sad and listened in all seriousness to my complaints that someone had taken my toy away from me. But she was already over 90, she could not see well.

Has she ever been angry with you?

Olaf: - I never saw Astrid lose her temper, she almost never yelled at the children. If we behaved badly - for example, we fought, pulled each other's hair - then she, looking at our behavior, became sad. She could make a stern remark, but even so, we saw that she still loves us. And she loved to play pranks herself - I remember once on my birthday (I was 6 years old) I invited friends home, we set up a tent in the room, and my grandmother came in a witch costume. She scared us and drove around the apartment with a broom. It was very cool!

Olaf: - Of course! Each of her grandchildren had all her books, and for the holidays she gave us new ones - with her own wishes on the flyleaf. I loved Carlson most of all, his phrases about "Calm, only calm" and "Trifles, the business of life", I still say them to myself when I encounter problems in my adult life. By the way, what struck me here in Russia is that Carlson has been your number one hero since Soviet times. And in the rest of the world, the most beloved character is still Pippi.

Johan: - And every night before going to bed I listened to my great-grandmother's tales, recorded on cassettes, read by herself. And now I read books by Astrid Lindgren on duty: they send me scripts for plays and films based on my grandmother's works, I compare them with original text to avoid any inaccuracies. Astrid took the way her characters were "used" very seriously during her lifetime. For example, she didn’t approve the script if people added adult jokes that children wouldn’t understand. Something vulgar or some political remarks. Such things my grandmother severely suppressed.

- What is it like to be the grandson of the most famous children's writer?

Olaf: - I tried not to tell anyone who my grandmother was. But there was always some classmate who “set me up” in front of a new teacher and shouted: “Here he is, the grandson of Astrid Lindgren.” When you are the grandson of a Swedish national heroine who is considered almost a saint, you have high expectations and sometimes show too much attention. Of course, I was proud of my grandmother, but, for example, abroad I was always silent about whose grandson I was.

“I wanted a child, but his father didn’t”

But in fact, her life was far from “holiness”: the daughter of a farmer from small Vimmerby “disgraced” her family and gave birth at the age of 17. Astrid did not like to remember this fact of her biography?

Johan: - Yes, for the small village where Astrid's family comes from, it was a huge scandal - she was an intern at the local newspaper and became the mistress of her boss - a 50-year-old married man. When a 17-year-old girl became pregnant, she had to keep the name of the child's father a secret, because he was just trying to divorce his wife. When the pregnancy could no longer be hidden, Astrid left for Stockholm, and from there to Copenhagen, where she found the only clinic that allowed the child to be born "anonymously", without giving the names of the mother and father. When her son Lars was born, Astrid had to leave him to the foster family of Stevens, who lived in Denmark, and herself return to Stockholm and look for work. Astrid Lindgren hid this fact of her biography for most of her life, confessing this to journalists only at an advanced age.

- She did not want this child?

Johan: - Later she wrote: "I wanted a child, but not his father." Lars' father wanted to marry Astrid, but she herself did not like it. She did not abandon her son, leaving him in the care of other people. During the first three years of Lasse's life, she cut herself in everything, just to scrape together a ticket from Stockholm to Copenhagen and visit her son, she came to him for weekends, on holidays, and corresponded with his foster family. In Stockholm, she worked as a stenographer, rented a small room for a couple with a girl friend, lived from hand to mouth, escaping herself with baskets of food that her parents sent her once a month from the village. When Lasse was three years old, she took him to her, especially since then she had already met Sture Lindgren, head of the office at the Royal Automobile Club. They decided to get married, eventually Sture adopted Lasse. But the son of Astrid (he died in 1974. - Ed.) kept in touch with his "first" Danish mother all his life.

Strong man Adolf and Goering as Carlson?

- They say that Astrid's second child - Karin's daughter - was the prototype of Pippi Longstocking?

Johan: - Pippi appeared in 1941. One day, Karin was seriously ill and demanded that her mother tell her stories. And she asked for a story about Pippi Longstocking. Astrid wrote down the stories invented for her daughter about a brave red-haired girl and then gave it to a publisher. By the way, the book was written during the Second World War, so it is not surprising that there is such a character as the strongman Adolf, performing in the circus, whom Pippi defeats in a fight.

Last year, shocking information appeared on the Internet that the prototype of the famous Carlson was ... Hermann Goering! Allegedly, Hitler's closest ally in the 20s came to Stockholm more than once and made friends with Astrid. And besides, he loved airplanes (hence the propeller) and often used our favorite expressions "a man in his prime."

Olaf: - Who?! Göring?? No, I can guarantee that it is not. Astrid hated and despised the Nazis, and she had never met Goering. The story "The Kid and Carlson" was written only in 1955. During the war years, she kept a kind of "war diary" in which she described what was happening in the world. The war did not touch her personally, because Sweden remained neutral, but she was very afraid that the Nazis might come to power with us.

In the same diary there is such a phrase, dated June 18, 1940: “For me, it’s better to say “Heil Hitler” for the rest of your life than to be under the Russians. Nothing worse can be imagined."

Johan: - Astrid was very worried about her Finnish neighbors who fought against the USSR in 1939. Sweden was in a difficult position - the Nazis occupied Norway and Denmark, the USSR occupied part of Finland. Apparently, then the great-grandmother feared the communists more than the Nazis. We must not forget the centuries-old history of the Russian-Swedish wars.

Olaf: - Already after the war, my grandmother's attitude towards Russians changed - she even came to the USSR on a visit in the 80s, especially since her books were very popular with you. Because of the Iron Curtain, we did not know much - for example, neither grandmother nor we had ever seen the Soviet cartoon about Carlson, so beloved by Russians. Children from all over the world wrote letters to grandmother - dozens of messages came to her every day. And in her old age, already seeing poorly, she tried to answer everything - for this she even had to hire an assistant. Grandmother has always been on the side of the child - no matter what nationality he is.

Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren (Swed. Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren), nee Eriksson, Swedish. Ericsson. Years of life: November 14, 1907 - January 28, 2002. The world-famous Swedish writer, author, who became famous thanks to her numerous works for children: "Carlson, who lives on the roof" and "Pippi long stocking". Translation into Russian by Lilianna Lungina allowed Russian readers to get acquainted with these books, fall in love with them for the simplicity of the story, the relevance of children's problems and interests.

Writer's childhood

Astrid Lindgren (née Eriksson) was born in the small Swedish town of Vimmerblue, located in the south of Sweden in the province of Småland, on November 14, 1907. The future writer was born into a modest farming family. Her parents were Samuel August Eriksson and Hanna Jonsson. The childhood friendship of her parents grew many years later into deep feelings for life - love. 17 years after they first met each other, they got married and rented a farm in a pastoral estate on the very outskirts of Wimmerblue. Astrid's family was quite large: she had an older brother, Gunnar, and two younger sisters, Stina and Ingegerd.

In her autobiographical essays entitled "My Fictions", released in 1971, she wrote that she grew up in a transitional age - the age of "horse and cabriolet". The method of transportation in their family was a horse-drawn carriage, respectively, and the whole rhythm of life seemed slower, and entertainment was easier. At the same time, relations with the surrounding nature were closer. Perhaps this contributed to the fact that all Lindgren's works are imbued with love for nature.

The writer admitted that her childhood was happy, full of games and adventure, while not forgetting to help their parents on the farm. It was her childhood years that subsequently inspired her to write famous books. Paying tribute to her parents, it must be said that they not only experienced sincere and strong affection for each other, but also did not hesitate to show it, which was unacceptable in those years. These special relationship In her family, Astrid subsequently described in the book "Samuel August from Sevedsthorp and Hanna from Hult", published in 1973 and was the only book that was not addressed to children.

The beginning of creativity

Since childhood, surrounded by folklore, fairy tales, jokes, works. Her friend Christina instilled in Astrid a love of books. The sensitive Astrid was amazed at how a book could immerse Magic world fairy tales. Later, she herself was able to master the magic of the word, which then seemed magical to her.

Already Primary School showed: Astrid has a wonderful ability for the art of words, they even began to call her “Selma Lagerlöf from Vimmerblue”. Astridd herself considered such a loud comparison undeserved.

When 16 years old, Astrid graduated from high school and became a journalist for the local newspaper. 2 years later, Astrid found out that she was pregnant, not being a married woman by that time. She left her hometown and moved to Stockholm. Here she studies to be a secretary and finds a job in this field. December 1926 gave Astrid a son named Lars. Acute financial need forced Astrid to transfer her dearly beloved son Lars to foster parents in Denmark. Astrid had to give her beloved son to Denmark, to the family of foster parents. On the new job she met a young man, Sture Lindgren (1898-1952), who later became her husband. After the wedding, in April 1931, Astrid finally takes her son home.

Creative years

In the end, Astrid Lindgren decided to fulfill her desire to become a housewife and devote herself to caring for her family, her son Lars and then also her daughter Karin, born in 1934. In 1941, she and her family moved to an apartment near Vasa Park in Stockholm, where she lived for the rest of her life. She occasionally took on secretarial work, but her main occupations were describing travels and simple fairy tales for family magazines. So she gradually honed the skill of the writer.

As Astrid Lindgren herself claimed, the book "Pippi Longstocking" was published in 1945 solely thanks to her daughter Kariin. She got pneumonia, and her mother told her every day before going to bed different stories about a girl invented on the go - Pippi Longstocking. This was the beginning of the story about a girl who did not want to obey any rules and prohibitions. In those days, Astrid advocated the idea of ​​education taking into account the psychology of the child, this idea caused a huge amount of controversy and seemed like a challenge to the conventions that existed at that time. The image of Pippi, taken in a generalized way, was based on new ideas for raising children. Lindgren took an ardent part in all controversies and discussions on this issue. She considered the only right decision in the upbringing of children - to listen to the thoughts and feelings of each individual child. Respect for the child is the basis of relations between adults and children. This approach was reflected in the writing of her works - they all turned out to be written from the position of the world through the eyes of a child.

The first story about Pippi was followed by the second and the next. So the stories about Peppy turned into a long tradition. When her daughter was 10 years old, Astrid wrote down several stories and handcrafted her first book about Pippi with illustrations. The first handwritten version of the book was not so carefully processed stylistically and was more radical than the subsequent, already public version of the book (here the copier helped the writer). The second manuscript was sent to the Bonnier publishing house, where it was rejected. However, the first failure did not break Astrid, by that time she realized that her vocation was to compose for children.

At the competition held in 1944 by the new and still unknown publishing house Raben and Sjögren, Lindgren earned the second prize and entered into an agreement to publish the story Britt-Marie pours out her soul.

Somewhat later, in 1945, Astrid Lindgren was offered the position of editor of the children's literature department at the same publishing house. Gladly accepting this offer, Lindgren remained at this publishing house until her retirement in 1970. Their works were published in the same publishing house came out in the same publishing house. Despite being busy and homework and editing and writing, Astrid proved to be an extremely prolific writer. In total, more than 80 works came from the pen of Astrid. The most active in this regard were the forties and fifties. From 1944 to 1950, the writer wrote a trilogy about the red-haired girl Pippi, two novellas, three books especially for girls, one detective story, collections of fairy tales, songs, several plays and two picture books. One can only be surprised at the diversity of the author's talent, ready to experiment in any field.

In 1946, the first story was published, dedicated to the detective Kalle Blomkvist, which helped her win 1st place in literary competition. After 5 years, a story called "Kalle Blomkvist takes risks" was published. Both stories, when translated into Russian, received the general title "The Adventures of Kalle Blumkvist" and were published in 1959.

1953 gave the world the third part of the adventures of Kalle Blomkvist, with which she wanted to replace the readers of the increasingly popular thrillers that promote violence. Translation into Russian took place only in 1986.

Then, in 1954, the fairy tale "Mio, my Mio!" This story turned out to be an exceptionally emotional, dramatic book, where techniques were combined fairy tale with heroic storytelling. This story is a story about a boy, Bu Wilhelm Olsson, who was abandoned by his adoptive parents, left without care and love. The theme of abandoned children was very close to Astrid Lindgren, many times in her fairy tales and fairy tales it affected the fate of abandoned and lonely children. The task of all her work was to bring comfort to children and help them overcome difficult life situations.

Another famous trilogy- about Malysh and Carlson - published in three parts from 1955 to 1968, and translated into Russian in 1957, 1965 and 1973, respectively. And again we meet a fantasy non-malicious hero. A "moderately well-fed", greedy, and infantile "man in the prime of his life" lives on the roof of a high-rise building. Carlson is an imaginary friend of the Kid, the image of his childhood is much less remarkable. The kid is youngest child in the most ordinary Stockholm family. It is noteworthy that Carlson flies to him whenever the Kid feels lonely, misunderstood and vulnerable. In scientific terms, in cases of loneliness and humiliation, the Kid appears a kind of alter ego - the “best in the world” Carlson appears, who helps the Kid forget about his problems.

Screen adaptations and theatricalizations

In 1969, an event unusual for those times took place - a theatrical production based on Carlson, who lives on the roof, performed by the Royal drama theater in Stockholm. Since then, theatrical productions have been constantly performed with enviable success in almost all large and small theaters in Europe, America and, of course, in Russia. On the eve of the production in Stockholm took place Russian premiere performance about Carlson, which was staged at the Moscow Theater of Satire, it is still played there thanks to the viewer's enduring interest in this hero.

Despite the fact that more than one decade has passed, Carlson is still a very popular and beloved character by children of all countries. Theatrical performances greatly contributed to the rapid fame of the works of Astrid Lindgren throughout the world. At home, in addition to the theater, her popularity was also promoted by films, as well as television series based on the works of Lindgren. So, the adventures of Call Blomkvist were filmed, his premiere took place on Christmas Eve in 1947. 2 years later - the first of four films about the red-haired girl Pippi Longstocking appears. In total, over the period from the fifties to the eighties, the world-famous Swedish director Ulle Hellbum made more than 17 films based on the works of Astrid Lindgren, all of which were very fond of the children of Sweden and other countries. Director Hellboom's visual interpretation was able to capture the beauty and sensitivity of the writer's word most accurately, thanks to which his films have acquired the status of classics in the Swedish film industry in the field of films for children.

Social activity

Despite the multi-million dollar profits from literary activity, the Swedish writer has not changed her lifestyle in any way. She still lived in the same modest apartment overlooking the same Vasa Park in Stockholm as many years ago. And with her savings from income received from writing, she spent readily and without hesitation on helping other people. Astrid Lindgren considered it right and logical that she should pay taxes on all her income, like any law-abiding citizen. Therefore, I never argued with tax bills and had no friction with the Swedish tax authorities.

Only once did she express her protest. In 1976, the tax collected by the tax authorities amounted to 102% of Lindgren's income, this in itself seemed such an egregious fact that on March 10 of that year she wrote an open letter published by the Stockholm media with an allegorical story about Pomperipossa in Monismania. It was a kind of fairy tale for adults, in which an undisguised, crushing criticism of the bureaucratic and complacent party apparatus of Sweden of those years was laid down. The narration was conducted on behalf of a naive child (by analogy with the fairy tale "The King's New Dress" by Hans Christian Andersen), with the help of the fairy tale, Lindgren tried to expose the existing vices of society with universal pretense. A controversy erupted, and even a scandal between the Minister of Finance of Sweden, a representative of the ruling Social Democrats, Gunnar Strang, and a well-known writer. However, one should not think that it was thanks to the protest action against the current tax system and the disrespectful attitude towards Astrid Lindgren, who was very popular among Swedish citizens by that time, that the Social Democrats failed in the parliamentary elections in the fall of 1976. The voting results showed that only 2.5% of Swedes withdrew their support for the Social Democrats, when compared with the results of previous elections.

Throughout her conscious life, the writer was an ardent supporter of the Social Democratic Party, and until 1976 she remained faithful to her. Her protest was directed, first of all, against the fact that her once congenial party had moved away from the former ideals of her youth. She even said that if she had not become a writer, she would most likely have devoted herself to party work with the Social Democrats.

Humanism in relation to everything and the values ​​​​of the Social Democratic Party of Sweden - they laid the foundation for the character of Astrid Lindgren. She strove for equality and care for people, despite her posts, her popularity and her position in society. The world-famous Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren has always lived according to her morals and beliefs, which caused deep respect and admiration among her compatriots.

The reason for such a great impact of the open letter of the writer was that by 1976 she was no longer just a famous writer, she became famous person, which caused deep respect and trust among the citizens of Sweden and beyond. Lindgren's frequent radio appearances also contributed to her popularity. All Swedish children of those years grew up on Lindgren's radio fairy tales, performed by the author. All the Swedes of the fifties and sixties were well aware of both her voice and appearance, even her opinions on a particular issue. Also, the trust on the part of Swedish ordinary citizens was also facilitated by the fact that Lindgren, without hiding, showed all her innate love for her native nature.

Already in the eighties, an event occurred that later played important role in defense surrounding nature and animals. It all started with the fact that in 1985, a girl who grew up in a Småland farming family publicly declared her disagreement with the oppression of animals in agriculture. The Prime Minister himself reacted vividly to this voice of protest from the farm girl. When Lindgren found out about him, already being a woman of seventy, she sent an open letter to the most famous and largest newspapers in Stockholm. The letter came in the form of yet another fairy tale, this time about a loving cow who really doesn't want to be mistreated. From this tale began a political campaign for the protection of animals, which lasted for three whole years. The result of this three-year campaign was a law named after Lindgren - LexLindgren (which means "Lindgren's Law"). Nevertheless, the essence of the law did not satisfy Lindgren - in her opinion, it was vague and already ineffective in advance, it was purely propaganda in nature.

The writer, defending the interests of animals, as before in the issue of protecting children, repelled from her personal experience, expressed sincere personal interest. She realized that the twentieth century was unlikely to bring humanity back to the small-scale pastoralism that surrounded her in her youth. Time and rhythm of life has changed. Astrid wanted, first of all, something more fundamental - respect for animals, because they are also living beings, who also have their own feelings.