Delete this entry summary. Magazine "reading to children"

We continue to acquaint you with the works included in the short list of the Kniguru-2016 award.

Today we read for you a novel written specifically for teenage girls (as well as their parents), "Delete this entry?" Larisa Romanovskaya.

This story is written in the format of a blog-diary, which for school year hosted by 14-year-old Vera. In it, she describes the events that take place in her life, shares her experiences, reflects on life. The coverage of topics touched upon in the story is amazing: friendship, first love, problems in the family, GIA, etc.

Larisa Romanovskaya

“I grew up as a prosperous, nervous, fat and very happy child. At the age of four, my mother taught me to read and write, and since then I have been doing just that. Poppins: Twenty years later, I learned that writing such stories is not at all embarrassing and this is called ficwriting, and the stories themselves are fanfiction.

Since 1993, she regularly published poems in Pionerskaya Pravda, then she began to cooperate with the Moscow media as a journalist, and in 2002 she graduated Literary Institute named after Gorky (specialty - "poetry").

In 2011, her science fiction novel "Moscow Watchmen" was shortlisted. literary prize"Manuscript of the Year".

"Delete this entry?"

For whom

For children from 13 years old


Friendship, teachers, GIA, relationships with parents, broken family, internet, first love, death of a pet, domestic violence, suicide.


Throughout the school year, 14-year-old Vera keeps a personal blog-diary, where she enters the events of her life, her experiences and thoughts.

The diary is really very personal and very "girlish", in it Vera writes about her former first school love (ironically asking herself "How could I fall in love with him ?!"), and about her friend Lilya and her difficult relationship with her father, about the unloved English teacher and about the pressure called "GIA" and about much, much more.

Sometimes, from her own thoughts, she becomes ashamed or embarrassed in front of herself, and she tries to delete this or that entry in the diary. Every time the decision is different: whether it is necessary to keep it for yourself (as a reminder, memory) or not.

What did you like

1. Despite the fact that very difficult topics are touched upon in the story, there is no excessive fixation on them, this
doesn't look like a "bitch". On the contrary, after reading, a very bright feeling remains.

2. The main character thinks and acts according to her age.

What did not like

It is not entirely clear what blog with the ultrasound photo and where Vera's mother could publish on the Internet 15 years ago, and her daughter then find it.



    There are works that appear when you have already grown up. You read and in your heart you want to send it to yourself, who is still 13 and eagerly reads about peers of all times and countries. But there is no mail, not yet invented, between times. Do not send it to the year 87, or at least to 90. Larisa Romanovskaya's faith turned out to be very lively and real, reminding me of some of my teenage students. Not yet an adult girl, no longer a girl - a teenager. Already vaguely dreams of children, still childishly offended, it seems to herself an adult, and just when she understands something, she calls herself a fool. It was like that, I still remember. Also, this modern girl. This story is needed not only for children, but also for their parents. So accurately and gently shows the life of a teenage girl from the inside. And now I fell in love with one phrase: “Maternal instinct is like falling in love when the brains are separate. I understand." Here and about Vera's mother and about Vera in the future, and so abruptly, as they say now, but so precisely. The girl learns something new about herself and about people, changes her attitude to life, or rather does not change, but deepens in her studies of herself and the world. We are all such researchers, and Larisa Romanovskaya, as always, showed all this very accurately. She simply showed, without any edification and tediousness, the story is like a watercolor. Everything is clean, clear, light even at a difficult moment for the hero. And the reader will draw the conclusions himself, and each - his own. I wish the story to be published with some wonderful illustrations. I want to hold it in my hands and give it to my friends children.

    And here I will write (I have already written to the author personally) that I am damn impressed: both the heroine and the whole story. The way the plot is "made" from a multitude of seemingly small things - at first you turn like a kaleidoscope ... Unpredictability and recognizability. Drama and humour. Depth and seriousness yet ...


    Why? Yes, because the heroine is alive here, like her entourage. All have their drawbacks, pluses and minuses. Vera is not a Mary Sue, she loves to lie, which I have never seen in the works. Lilka (L.) is also not very good. Only here Sonchita is very correct ...

    The idea of ​​the 100 Days of Happiness flash mob is also impressive. In general, everything is fine, except for the language. Well, he’s a little different, even though a teenager writes, anyway. Also abbreviations. Sometimes they were annoying.

    And so good story. Very soulful and touching.

    9 out of 10 from me

    This is a story about growing up, falling in love, friendship. All topics, in general, are hackneyed, but the author managed to distinguish his work from others.
    The main character (Vera) develops throughout the story, becomes a person. She learns that there is no pure good and pure evil in the world. Good is always mixed with evil. Vera also learns to treat the people around her with an open mind.
    This story impressed me. Seriously, I didn't think it was that deep.

    I AM AMAZING THE WORK! I really like works where the main character(s) keep diaries. It is written that it is desirable to read the book from the age of 13, but this is absolutely true! Because around these years the child grows up, he needs to read such books. Once again I say, I really liked the idea of ​​​​work, main character(Faith), the whole essence that the author wanted to convey to the reader, and I can say he succeeded! Thank you for your work young!

    A new story by Lara Romanovskaya "Delete this entry?"
    For me personally, this is a gift. As soon as I read the last line of her masterpiece "The Youngest", right after the pleasure I experienced a feeling of strong impatience: well, when will A new book beautiful, deep, sincere Lara?
    And here is the holiday.
    As always, great. Dense, rich, tearing the most secret strings of the soul text that does not let go for a second. Empathy, excitement for the fifteen-year-old heroine, her discoveries and disappointments.
    And very sorry.
    It is a pity that I did not read this story earlier, even when my now adult daughters were at this wonderful and difficult age. Perhaps then I would understand them better and be more attentive to them.
    It is a pity that the text ended so quickly.
    But the magic remains. And yes, catharsis is guaranteed. With tears - clean as a spring stream.
    Lara, don't delay! Write more. I already miss your new book.

    Elena Vladimirova is undoubtedly a master of words. And a connoisseur of teenage souls. She's also not afraid to break stereotypes. The story “I will never forgive you” is an example of this. Here are some quotes:
    "Love of Pithecanthropus - what could be more touching?"
    “When a loved one is at the center of your universe, love inspires. But if he tries to replace the universe with himself, love runs out of air."
    “In general, there are no good ones! All good until something is taken from them!”
    “I am more optimistic than you. I believe there is goodness in people."
    “They say that blackmail is vile, vile, vile, dishonorable, low. Of course, this was invented by those who were blackmailed. And when you yourself are in the role of the one who owns the information ... When a sort of pile of muscles bows in front of you, and confusion and helplessness run in your eyes ... Oh, it's indescribable!
    “Art doesn’t teach anything at all. It only fills in the gaps. Compensates for what is missing in a person's life. Or humanity."
    “There are no forbidden topics for an artist. But that doesn't mean they're all worthy of admiration."
    “I felt empty and sad, but not because I don’t see the light, but because I’m zero, a dummy, a dead cell in the Tetris of the universe…”
    "- But the fact that? I asked brazenly, holding the phone on the fly.
    The toughest ending - he will bang me with anger right here in the car. And he'll be in jail for life. This option suits me just fine.”
    There are also real grains of wisdom.
    The plot of the story is good, relevant, there is also a detective plot - a guarantee of reader interest. the main idea, the idea is hard to grasp. Now I guess: this is a story about good boy from a dysfunctional family whose life has brought him to the brink of suicide. It's good that they managed to save him. And we must optimistically believe that everything will work out for him now. Maybe even Uncle Fyodor will reboot, turning on his brains, and turn from a cunning bastard into good man. Cute boy Timothy, in spite of everything, believes in goodness. And his goal was determined, and he has a plan for life (after a suicide attempt) - a good, solid, realistic plan. And I want to believe that his plans and dreams will come true. After all, next to loving soul, true friend girl Lesya.
    But there are also weaknesses - fragmentary, incomplete and far-fetched. With this alignment of characters, I do not believe in optimistic hopes for positive changes. All here are unpleasant in their own way. There are also ill-conceived situations.
    The writer boldly sets out his version of budgeting secondary school. If that's possible, oh my! - Corruption has become the norm of our life, and teachers are there ...
    The principal of the school (the person responsible for finances) is not present at all. There is a head teacher and a secretary (does the head teacher have a secretary in schools now?). For some reason, the head teacher turned out to have a bank card with two million charitable assistance, and for some reason, “Lady Steel” appointed not herself, not the accountant, but the secretary girl responsible for keeping. She “found” the place of storage not in a safe, not in a desk drawer locked with a key, but on a decorative plate hanging on the wall. Stupid? Yes, excessive.
    Fedor is a tough businessman who puts his brother Pyotr with many children under prison. For a poor brother, already dysfunctional, already on probation, a card with two million charitable money was issued. Why, why is that? Again, kinda stupid. Fedor in his brother's family is like an ambulance (it really helps children) and like a doomokles sword. The image of Fedor is not revealed, but he is an important character in the story. It is he who will never be forgiven by the clever-beautiful Polina, it is to him that the title of the story is addressed. Or maybe even to a student detective, whom the secretary Inna will not forgive. For the future detective is stupid and callous.
    The habitat of the characters in the story is not well defined. There is no atmosphere of the city, there are no even hints of the families of Lesya and Arseny. Very stingy literary devices. The story lacks colors, scents, light. Disclosure of the plot through stories (similar to an interview) is not a new technique, perhaps even a fashionable one. But this mosaic does not add up well into a single picture.
    Despite the noted shortcomings, the writer created lively, believable images, allowed us to look into the fog of the teenage world and drew our attention to the difficult worldview of modern children on the threshold of adolescence.
    Will teenagers be able to understand the text on their own? Don't know. Let's wait for their feedback. I (as editor) advise the story to be finalized.

    Nina Valentinovna Uglanova,
    head editorial and publishing department

    Author of the comment: Nina Valentinovna Uglanova Nizhny Novgorod State Regional Children's Library Reviews posted on the library's blog

    100 days of the life of Vera P.
    Larisa Romanovskaya resolutely approaches the heroine, a girl of transitional age, and writes with her a diary of happiness and unhappiness, and, in general, of the growing up of a young creature. I will immediately give praise to the author for the age of the characters, and for the form of the work, and for the clearly indicated time of action. And for being easy to read. In a small work, the most important topics are gloriously intertwined
    The theme of the Internet in the life of a teenager. AT this case, there is no reasoning about the dangers of hanging up in the network. On the contrary, participation “for the company” in a diary flash mob helps the girl understand herself, write down (by the way, thoroughly editing her notes before publication) events, emotions, thoughts. And after 100 days - just after 100 days of such observation and reflection, re-read your children's blog and say: “If I had met my past self, I would have thought,“ What a fool this Vera is. And she would probably have thought, “And why does this Vera dress up like that and build a smart one of herself.” And out loud we would probably say, “I can’t believe that I am you!”. I will note one very correct observation, useful for life: “And it is easier to write some things with letters.” Real effect Internet communication is the acquisition of the skill to express thoughts in writing, preliminarily systematizing them, building them into sentences. It doesn’t work out right away, by the way, and not for everyone.
    The theme of life and death, including suicide. Needless to say, the topic is relevant. It is good that the heroine here reflects in language and images that are close to the understanding of her peers. A boy from a neighboring school, some other girl voluntarily passed away, and this is stupid. And Vera herself almost died under a fallen tree. Faithful dog Maksik pulled the leash in time, maybe inadvertently, but saved the mistress. Or maybe he knew that it was necessary to save - after all, animals have a special sense of danger ...

    Theme of love. Oh, how she worries the children! How they need to be loved, and preferably the most loved. It's good when mom inspires such confidence. The girl Vera was lucky - she is unconditionally sure of her mother's love. And there are other situations. As in the case of girlfriend L., who, together with her mother, hid the facts domestic violence. And the mother of the girl Vera at one time was not easy with love: both parental love was not enough, and male. Fortunately, a wise teacher, a teacher, of which one in a thousand, or even less often, turned out to be nearby. Of course, boys ... They fall in love with them. Not the fact that once and for all. And how many emotions!
    The theme of the school, teachers and students. Oh, this terrible tormentor-teacher of VM! How many curses, angry wishes of all misfortunes on her head! Forced to learn unloved English! Constantly persecute poor Vera, controlling her knowledge! After all, there are other teachers who do not torment their students at all, they don’t care, they are kind. Yes? Is that what kindness is?
    The theme of kindness, mercy. And this theme is heard brightly and polyphonically. A sick dog, old people in a sponsored nursing home, the heroine's attempt to understand the origins of feelings. You can just be a good girl, or you can consciously do good. Or maybe it happens that a good girl becomes the cause of evil? What if it's true that thoughts materialize? And now the hated Englishwoman's mother dies, and she herself with a broken arm. Did faith want it? Scared now?
    The theme of girl friendship. Friends appear and disappear. Relationships are not eternal, but memory is probably forever. And you can mentally wish all the best to your girlfriends, suddenly thoughts materialize?
    The theme of the economic crisis. I don’t know if the teenage reader will understand from the list of products that the quality of life of the family is deteriorating, but the writer skillfully shows the attitude to money and things of different children in a different way and different people. Terrible and even murderous in the literal sense can be the desire to possess things. Our heroine Vera knows how to subdue desires, and does the right thing. At the right moment, important things still appear, sprouting from parental care. You can work with this topic at school and in the library, and L. Romanovskaya's book will help.
    The theme of growing up. When does it start transitional age? When does it end? What is it famous for? Yes, everyone is different. But there is also something in common - and this is common, and therefore close to the young reader, is in this book. So, good luck, new book. Have teenagers and their parents and even teachers read you. It will be useful for everyone. I recommend.

    Nina Valentinovna Uglanova,
    head of the editorial and publishing department

    Wonderful book! Very lively and vibrant. Of course, such as her main character - Vera.

    The traditional theme of growing up a teenager is carefully felt from the inside. This motive becomes the leading one. That is why it should be read by all adults who communicate with children. That is why it will be interesting for teenagers to destroy their imaginary loneliness).

    I liked how well thought out the “ladder” of meanings, along which Vera climbs, in order to understand the main and secondary things in life.

    This book is about the "secondary animation complex". Children perceive the world very directly. They are almost not surprised, because everything around is amazing and natural. This is probably their happiness and protection until some time. But there comes a moment when the world becomes multidimensional, multicolored in an adult way, and the actions of people and events are complex, ambiguous and often irreversible.

    The realization of this for many "former children" is painful. The colors that have come through are so bright that they hurt the eyes and soul. Some people can't stand it without support. This is called adolescence. Such a standard phrase - and such a storm of emotions.

    The author did a great job of making readers feel sympathetic. The form of diary entries captivates not only with sincerity, but also with the psychological nature of events. Of course, this is, in many ways, a book "for girls", because we see everything that happens through the eyes and heart of the main character. Boys go through the same period of growing up. It would be interesting to read about the world through the eyes of a young man.

    By the way, the male images in the story mostly become "problematic" - a boy who went out the window, a sloppy classmate, an indifferent father, Lily's cruel dad.

    Thank you for such a sincere and emotional story!

    A wonderful book, honest and touching. I really hope to see it published. Too bad I didn't get a chance to read it in my teens.

    “Again, my head hurts from tears, we are catching a rain of stars with a sieve ...”
    "Delete this entry?" tells amazing story of human growing up, so ordinary and so unique - for everyone. It was especially interesting to read this for the reason that I just went through the same period when yesterday's entries seem unusually stupid and childish, and you six months ago are generally a person a whole eternity younger. “And it seems to me that I have grown several years in these three months.” And the moments accompanying growing up were very similar in places.
    I can honestly say that I really enjoyed it. At first it seemed that I was reading some kind of nonsense, but as the story progressed, along with the maturation of Vera, the text also matured. Until recently, the heroine's unpleasant materialism, the significance of the iPhone in her life, dragged on. Finally - it's over. True, there was another episode of the strongest desire for a dress, but for some reason it was already perceived differently. Not a capricious girlish “I want, and that’s it!”, But an already conscious, not demanding desire, a small dream from thousands of our everyday dreams.
    Gradually, Vera absorbs the stories of those around her. Wonderful and tragic. She admires Sonchita so much, and in the meantime, she becomes more and more like her. And less and less lies - both for the sweet taste, and in general. But the growing up of the heroine through the discovery of the history of her parents, the death of the dog Marsik, the tragedy of her friend Lilka suggests such a sad thought: can we say that to some extent someone else's bad things happen so that we learn? Why then with them and not with us? How bad is that? “The one who found it, is he not to blame for the fact that the other lost it?” - written by Vera about coins, but in fact it is so much deeper ... And, by the way, suddenly more than at first glance, there are a lot of deep thoughts in this book.
    I found Pasha Faddeev to be an interesting character. I wish it was more open. “Well, sometimes it seems to me that “fifteen years old” is such a special special age that girls and guys don’t look like at all. (...) We are already so smart, and these idiots are laughing and shooting snot, ”Vera writes on her blog. But doesn't her rapprochement with Pasha at the end mean that he matured "girlishly" early? Yes, and throughout the story, he seems serious, perhaps even having time to grow up. before Vera and her girlfriends. The author, unfortunately, did not reveal this riddle of growing up. And I would like to!
    Scary for human loneliness. There is a lot of it in this book. Not a single established family (even among animals). The loss of two of the three closest beings of the Faith and the temporary loss of the closeness of the third, the mother. Lonely VM, Julia, IB. And in addition to everything - a visit to the Nursing Home in the almost final scene. Finish off. To say that in old age you will become lonely even more alone. And yet this sad book lasts and ends lightly, from that such an epigraph-quote to my small review.
    Finally, I’ll tell you about a few unpleasant moments: sometimes gaps in punctuation are striking (but there are fewer of them; these are more mistakes of the heroine than the author), numerous abbreviations and borrowings are strained out of place: I understand that it’s fashionable to say that now, but still read I want artistic speech, and not endless "English-English-conf-Msk" and so on.
    Otherwise, everything was wonderful and even wonderful. thanks for good impression!

    I know that my opinion may not please the writer and other people, but for me the work "Delete this entry?" did not like.

    As a teenager of the same age as the main character Vera, I didn’t really like her story. There was no particular plot in this work. Throughout the reading, the impression was created that this was not a story, but a whole bunch of unrelated passages.

    Also, there was too much youth slang in the work. And I can assure the author that the younger generation does not use it so often. It was because of this slang that the impression was created that these characters were not real and because of this the story became more difficult to read.

    I also found only two grammatical errors in the work, and this pleases.

    To be honest, in this work I liked the moment with my friend L, when Vera found out what was really going on in her friend's family. It seemed to me that this was the most successful moment in the story, since the best sides of the heroine, her mother and teacher were revealed.

    And the end of the story seemed somehow incomplete to me. There was a feeling that not everything was told.

    Very interesting and touching, the truth is clear storyline I didn't see it, but it doesn't really matter. Bright characters, "live" language (although in my opinion the author went a little too far with teenage slang) Only the ending let us down a little - in my opinion, the story is not over. I hope that Lara Romanovskaya will finish it in the future. The constant cuts hurt her eyes - Msk-KD-L-English, etc., etc. We look forward to the appearance of the story in stores!

    Thank you so much for the fanfiction. I cannot adequately evaluate the text, because I saw a ficbook in it, and then I just screamed with joy. I love fanfiction, so it was a little sad that Vera abandoned the translation, but to each his own, yes.
    Another huge human thanks for the offline scene. No one knows how hurt I was when I came to the meeting of the fiwriters and did not dare to come closer than five meters, I kept walking in circles.

    If we consider the notes as a real diary, then I do not believe it. Thought runs much faster than a person types. But as a book, it's beautiful. Truth. The characters are quite interesting (I don’t say “live” because I’ve never met such ninth graders, but I say “interesting” because they can theoretically exist), the plot is there, and it’s cool. Thank you for the death of the dog. Thanks for Sonchita. Thanks for the nursing home. Thanks for the L family.

    I don't know exactly what I didn't like. Probably, it was assembled from separate pieces, from those moments when the main character is too bold and immediately so fake (in the same nursing home). Also, I didn't like it a bit. very much reminds me of my life, many small moments, but I have enough of this in real life, I wanted to read a book about not-myself.
    Am I picking on a 10? Sorry.
    Thank you for the many things I have already listed above!
    Ella Soley,
    14 years

    Commentary author: Anna Panfilova Nizhny Novgorod State Regional Children's Library Reviews posted on the library's blog

    Artwork "Delete this entry?" Larisa Romanovskaya is designed for readers from thirteen years old. It is difficult to consider it unambiguous. After reading the impressions were twofold and there are many reasons for this.
    The title accurately reflects the form of the work. The meaning is immediately clear: we will talk about a blog or a diary. In general, the narrative will be closely related to life on the Internet. AT modern society From an early age, there is an acquaintance with all kinds of gadgets. Existence in the network is as common as in real life. If in the outside world there are faces, days, live communication, then in the other (“digital”), instead, there are avatars, messages on personal pages and the ability to delete this or that entry.
    Written original work, lively. But this originality borders on illiteracy, slang words and thoughts of a teenage girl in a very peculiar form. The anxieties of the main character - big and completely insignificant - are described well, believably. Many events take place, the meaning of which can often be given only by a person who has experienced these events. But this reliability tries to justify errors in the text, a large number of slang words and chopped phrases in colloquial form. When all this is thrown at you from almost every sentence, then there is doubt about the literary value of the work. In addition, mentions of “fan fiction”, “Dota” and other things, without much explanation of what they mean, narrow the circle of understanding readers, which does not benefit the text. Also, what is fashionable and relevant now, in five years will either be forgotten or completely disappear.
    There are a few things I didn't like about the text. For example, two sentences related in meaning: “What will grow out of you, a cleaning lady, or what?” and “You will be nothing! If you can't provide for yourself, you're nobody! The idea is understandable, but was it worth it to humiliate the cleaning profession so much and compare it with "nobody"? Another example from the text that calls into question the author's style: “And our children will never eat porridge if they don't want to eat. Or let them eat whatever they want. There are many such proposals in the work.
    On the other hand, such speech is close and understandable to teenagers. The work is really perceived as a diary of a girl found on the Internet. Undoubtedly, this is good for the perception of readers to whom the text is oriented, but non-literary language still spoils the impression.
    The work can be read to both teenagers and their parents in order to better understand each other. The teacher is shown here from two sides: as a strict professional and as an ordinary person, not devoid of compassion and other feelings. Also, as you read, motivation arises, if not to learn English, then to the desire to take on difficult things in order to overcome yourself and, finally, complete them. Therefore, despite the controversial points, the work "Delete this entry?" liked it, but if you adapt the text for more wide audience, it could turn out to be a very good book.

    Panfilova Anna, department librarian fiction

    • Dear Anna, forgive me for interfering without permission with my beard, but - as for my modest writing taste, Romanovskaya's book is precisely valuable for its delicate balance between literary and colloquial speech. Of course, a museum of words, as a book often is, is a necessary place for a teenager; but still you should not offer him to live there. Otherwise, he will believe less and less in the necessity of this museum.

    Book "Delete this entry?" I loved it.

    It was interesting for me to follow the thoughts, experiences that are spinning in the head of a teenage girl. I experienced along with the characters, rejoiced, and at some moments, I wanted to cry with them. I liked that the book has transitions from “light” to “dark” and vice versa. I also liked that the book was written in an unusual diary format. I also enjoyed getting to know things that I knew well: the music I listen to; fanfiction.

    My rating is 10 out of 10.

    In the past, it always seemed obligatory to write long papers, essays, etc. But, I didn’t always cope with this ... And now, hoping that in some century a good, long and meaningful review will come out, I’ll just tell the story.

    Very relevant novel, experienced good, positive emotions. Thanks to Larisa Romanovskaya for this hit.

    At first it didn’t drag out, well, what’s wrong with that, the girl keeps a diary, and then it became much more interesting! See what's going on and follow what's going on. Perhaps someone could recognize himself, or vice versa, it was funny to look at Vera. I personally really liked it, every time something new: different funny and funny, and sometimes sad and calm life moments ... I personally read and got involved more and more each time! 10/10))

    I would like to start with the fact that the work “Delete this entry?” Larisa Romanovskaya is one of the biggest at the Kniguru competition. Honestly, I have special feelings for this story, because I am now at the same age as the main character at the beginning of the work.

    I would like to note the very idea of ​​“100 days of me”. I don’t know what prompted the author to such an experiment, but he turned out to be quite interesting. Here, every day is painted in stages, every story that happened to the main character named Vera and her entourage. Friends, teachers, parents, school teenage problems, love and hate - like the usual set of main points of any modern book, so what distinguishes "Delete this entry?" To be honest, I didn't notice much difference. All the same teenage plot, especially memorable moments ... Only people are remembered. They are here alive and as if in the palm of your hand. It is interesting to watch them and try to predict what will happen next.

    I would even say that this book is instructive. No, this, of course, is not a life textbook called “What to do and how not to do it,” but some readers will surely notice the similarity with the main character and note some points for themselves.

    Larisa Romanovskaya's book "Delete this entry?" - very bright, simple in form (this is the diary of the girl Vera), but very difficult in its internal tension.

    The blog format was very unusual for me, because I had never come across such books before.
    The author of the blog, Vera, is the most ordinary ninth-grader, with her own problems in relationships with her peers, teachers, and mother. Vera's judgments are very harsh - and, it seems, fair. Apparently that's why she's lonely. But it turns out that many of Vera's assessments are unfair, because for a long time she did not notice anyone but herself.

    In the time that has passed since she started blogging, Vera has learned to notice other people. She realized that they often hurt much more than she did. And her problems are nothing compared to their misfortunes.

    I liked the book by Larisa Romanovskaya “Delete this entry?” because this story is quite easy to understand and the work itself is very bright. Opinion It was interesting to follow the experiences that occur in the head of a teenager. I also liked this work because it was written in an unusual format, but in the format of a diary. There was also a lot of youth slang in this work. I want to conclude that I personally liked this work, I would give it 8 out of 10 points.

    I am not a fan of many literary genres, and I am very careful when choosing a new book on my shelf. My rating is 8/10. At some points, I completely felt the main character, but I, a little girl, have a slightly different vision of these "teenage problems"

    The work of Larisa Romanovskaya “Delete this entry?” I liked his openness and honesty. Indeed, in reality, we are all trying to play some role in this world. The reader is presented with the soul and thoughts of Vera, the main character, devoid of self-deception (even though she loved to lie to others, but not to herself) and far-fetched images. I find the similarity of the heroes with the heroes of Elena Vladimirovna's story "I will never forgive you." Both texts reveal the psychology and thoughts of adolescents, their fears and vision of the world.

    "Delete this entry?" about the reality of teenage life. On bullying GIA schoolchildren: "we get tested more often than rabbits in the lab." About good and evil, about life and death. About prosperity, about lack of money. About the family and about the “family without a family”.

    Vera is jealous of her friend that she has a father. Although it later turns out that her friend was subject to frequent beatings from her father. Faith re-evaluates life after the fall of the tree. The theme of life and death. Her dog saved her from death. It is very touching that Vera has a friend like Marsik. Too bad he died at the end of the story. It is a pity that Vera had little contact with her grandfather (great-grandfather), he also died. Vera disliked the smell of cigarettes because it reminded her of her grandfather. It seems to me that Vera lacks love, she does not feel protected.

    As it turned out, Vera hated her English teacher so much in vain. Sometimes we do not know who is really bad and who is good, and if bad for us, then what is the reason for this.

    Vera has poor English, she hates this subject. But she goes to a tutor, one of the whole class knows the translation of the word A Blame - accusation. Some sense, apparently, the author laid here. The accusation against VM that she is a despot and the accusation against Vera that she is mediocrity. We often blame others for our troubles. We blame circumstances, fate, the city in which we grew up, etc.

    I liked the work, but I would like to see the portraits of the characters more clearly. There were errors and misprints in the text. And in general, thanks to Lirisa Romanovskaya. 9/10

    The idea of ​​the book is quite interesting, but I found it difficult to read because of the abbreviated names and many other abbreviated words.

    but then interesting reading begins, various adventures begin that many teenagers have, and as you read, you begin to understand that many of Vera's adventures coincide with yours. The reader is interested in how she will get out of difficult situations.

    I read: I'm in 4 KRO, Completely Uninhabited, One Boy, Stories, The Secret of the Forest Clearing.
    I began to read, almost read it, but gave up: A talking portrait (very sad, because of this I quit at the moment of throwing my second child off a cliff) I will never forgive you (I somehow finished reading it, but didn’t read it in pieces, this whole story is unpleasant, none of the characters are likable, even the main teen Tim is a fool fool) Delete this entry.
    I want to say this about the “Delete this entry” diary! Such books are needed, but they should not be very long. At first it was interesting for me to read about Sonchita, Katya, L.'s girlfriend and "My Mom", but then I got fed up. Now I'm not sure what rating to give. “Talking portrait” and “I will never forgive you” I put deuces (2 points each). And "Delete this entry" is well written, but if it could be cut in half, it would be better. Let there be 7 points.

    Impressed by the work "Delete this entry?" Highly detailed description the heroine of her feelings, emotions, experiences, in a word, the heroine turned out to be alive.

    This work reminded me of how I used to keep a diary in the same way, writing down all the strongest experiences there.

    The idea itself is interesting. In the diary, the girl wrote down her sincere feelings and experiences, sometimes it’s easier to write about what worries you so much, what you can’t even tell yourself dear friend. The story brought a smile when the girl stormily described her English teacher.

    While reading your work, my personal memories came to mind, thank you very much for reminding me of such a simple thing as a Diary. There are flaws so 7/10

    The main character of the book "Delete this entry" by Larisa Romanovskaya is Vera. She is 13 years old. It's a very tender age, isn't it?! She is no longer a teenage girl, but not yet a girl. At this age, a special outlook on life, especially if you have a gentle character, still unspoiled by a harsh life.

    I myself was 13 not so long ago. Therefore, I understand her feelings and actions. If I were in her place, I'm sure I would have done the same. And by the way, I also kept my personal diary with notes. And now I love to read it. So I return to my dear time - the past.

    In general, I liked the work. I rate it 7/10.

    I personally really liked it. 10/10. This story very accurately describes some moments of my life. It even contains an almost verbatim phrase from my classmate: “Sometimes you want to beat someone, and sometimes you want to hug someone.” Although I usually read fantasy books, I think that this book deserves the attention of any reader.

    It seems to me. written too childishly. Maybe. I really grew up too soon. but I'm 13 years old, and I don't think this job is so old for me. My personal opinion. In principle, the author quite plausibly describes the life of a teenager - my classmates are exactly the same, at least.

    By the way, I found a few mistakes. This is an additional minus. Ai-yay-yay do this, because children. those who do not know that these are mistakes will remember incorrectly, and it will be more difficult to re-educate already)

    All in all. I would rate it no higher than 5 out of 10, sadly.

The new story by Larisa Romanovskaya "Delete this entry" is aimed at teenage girls from 12-13 years old. This is the author's third children's story. Prior to that, she published two children's stories "The Youngest" and "Vitka-Vintik" and a cycle of novels in the genre of "female fantasy" "Moscow Watchmen". Except fiction Larisa Romanovskaya writes articles for magazines and poetry. In 2016, the story "Delete this entry" took third place on All-Russian competition for better literary work for children and youth "Kniguru".

The main character of the story, fourteen-year-old Vera, writes a blog on the Internet, in which she describes everything that excites and worries her. The whole story of Larisa Romanovskaya is written in the form of Vera's Internet blog. The reader gets acquainted with the content of the blog, finds out the thoughts, desires, plans of the girl, solves her problems together with her, plunges into her inner world. A teenage girl has a lot of problems. One day, Vera decided to take part in the 100 Days of Happiness flash mob and thought: “Is there a lot of happiness in her life?”. She has problems with her boyfriend, she hates her English teacher, and she lies all the time: she invents some unrealistic stories about herself, and why she herself does not understand. For a whole year we will follow Vera's blog, witnessing her victories and defeats, successes and failures. The ninth grade will be an important transitional period for Vera's life. A completely different girl will move into the tenth grade. Before our eyes will pass her growing up, changing desires and priorities, outlook on life. Everything will change: her long-standing friendship with her best friend Lilka will collapse, mutual understanding will arise with her mother, Vera, she will suddenly fall in love English language and his "hated" teacher VM (Vera Mironovna). From a capricious teenage girl, a self-confident young girl will grow up. it difficult overcoming adolescence and constitutes the main content of the story of Larisa Romanovskaya. The story is written sincerely and this is another plus for her.

To be honest, it was difficult for me to read the story of Larisa Romanovskaya. I'm not used to reading internet blogs. I kept tripping over hackneyed phrases, strange abbreviations, Internet jargon, emoticons, etc. But then I read it, the sincerity of the writer, her bold attempts to understand the complex and contradictory soul of a teenager still fascinated me. I think that for young readers, for whom Internet culture has long become a part of their lives, the story in the form of an Internet chat or blog will be of interest, reading it will not be difficult for them. Still, a new generation grew up on the Internet. This has its pros and cons, but it is an integral part of the life of modern children. Blogging thinking, Internet chats are all elements of modern existence that are very important in the lives of children, it is no longer possible to simply brush them aside. Many of the teenagers are active life on the Internet, create personal text and video blogs, it has become a necessity for them. If their grandparents kept personal diaries, today's teenagers keep Internet blogs instead of diaries. We often wonder why for the sake of an unusual selfie and likes on the Internet, children do crazy things, why is the anonymous attention of the Internet audience so important to them? There can only be one answer to this. Virtual reality, the reality of the Internet for modern children is no less important and real than for us the world. You can argue about this, you can condemn it, you can resent it, but this is part of the life of our children and we need to come to terms with it.

The story of Larisa Romanovskaya "Delete this entry" was published in the edition "Scooter" in the series "Oncoming traffic". The book is in a hard colorful cover, printed on high-quality white paper, offset printing. There are no illustrations in the book. Graffiti on the cover of Ksenia Turenko.

  • Tags:
  • Books for children and parents
  • teenager

L. Romanovskaya. Delete this entry?

Publisher: Samokat

Target audience: teenagers over 12 years old

Vera is fourteen and hates school, the English teacher, and being reminded about GIA. Vera keeps a blog about what she would like to remember and what she dreams of forgetting. Everything that happened once remains not only in memory, but also in the records. What's going on with Lily's best friend? And why, at the most difficult moment, does mother turn for help to that person whom Vera cannot stand? All this together - a year of life, a year when the ninth grade ended.

The book was published in the Oncoming Traffic series for teenagers.

Larisa Romanovskaya graduated from the Literary Institute. Gorky, but worked in ten completely different specialties. Like the main character of the story, she hated English at school and was sure that she would never learn it in her life (but she did learn it).

Larisa author fantastic cycle novels "Moscow Watchmen" (shortlist for the "Manuscript of the Year" award), as well as the story for children "The Youngest" (shortlist for the "Kniguru" award). For the heartfelt and sincere story "Delete this entry" received third place in literary competition"Kniguru" in 2016.


In childhood, almost each of us kept a diary, where he expressed his thoughts, experiences, revealed his secrets to paper. There is practically no growing up without a diary.

Today's children also keep diaries, but in the age of the Internet, they have been transformed into electronic ones.

The format may change, but the essence remains.

The main character of the book "Delete this entry?" maintains a blog where he writes interesting events own life. Good and not so good. Can boldly write that he hates his English WM teacher and wishes her dead, can “say” everything about his mother, criticize the figure of a friend, also that he is madly in love with his dog, worries about the upcoming GIA, and loves to read fanfiction based on your favorite series. In general, everything that worries the modern teenager. The story is recognizable, many girls can "recognize in themselves" Vera. And this is another opportunity to look at yourself from the outside, at your actions, views, at your attitude towards others.

By the end of the book, the main character Vera rethinks a lot, and various events in her life contribute to this.

Although the book was written for teenagers, parents would also benefit from reading it.

Sommer Marina,

Leading Librarian of the Volodya Dubinin Family Reading Library.

Larisa Romanovskaya is a writer, journalist, author of novels and short stories for teenagers.

She graduated from the Literary Institute. M. Gorky.

Like the main character of the story “Delete This Entry”, she hated English at school and was sure that she would never learn it in her life.

For the heartfelt and sincere story "Delete this entry?" won the third place in the literary competition "Kniguru" in 2016.


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