Dream "golden dress". Dress in a dream why dream (interpretation of Magini's dream book)

In reality, an elegant dress is a symbol of femininity. What the various dresses dreaming about in dreams promise, dream books will tell you.

Esoteric dream book

A dream interpretation of a new dress is interpreted by a dream book as a promise of profit; crumpled - a sign of trouble and worries; worn, torn, soiled promises trouble and material loss; luxurious antique portends extraordinary events, a stormy social life; someone else's marks the need to solve other people's problems.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Trying on a dress in a dream - to a change in work or housing, the emergence of a strong competitor in love, if it suits you - to defeat her, if it doesn’t suit at all - to strife in the family. To choose, but not to have time to try on - your connection with your lover is strong and reliable.

Seeing a woman put on a dress is a quarrel with her. Seeing yourself in a beautiful dress - you will make an indelible impression on those around you with your exquisite manners.

dream interpreter

What did the dress dream about: rich - to honor and promotion for the rich, misfortune for the poor and death for the sick; tattered or soiled - to sorrows and troubles; new - to joy, income and successful business; burning in a flame - to boredom, slander, loss in court, quarrel with a friend.

Seeing yourself in a light or bright dress - to profit, fame and honor; in red - to grief and tears.

For a man to see himself in a woman's dress - to deceit, for a woman to be in a man's dress - to temptation.


Why dream of a dress: rich and beautiful - to the prosperity of descendants; stained with fat - to patronage from above; to erase it is a happy omen; ironing - to a successful move.

Wedding dress in a dream - to illness; expensive - to quarrels; embroidered - to joy; beautiful on yourself - to tears. They tried it on - to success; acquired - beware of envy.

French dream book

Wearing a dress in night vision - to interesting trip; shoot - you may get sick soon.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Why dream of a dress, depending on its type: luxurious - you will be absolutely satisfied with life; black - to the sad news; blue or green - cherished desires will come true; yellow - you will have to face lies and envy; white color- probably, marriage awaits you soon.

Red - to honor in society; gray - to workload at work; multi-colored - to a long journey; woven with gold embroidery and embroidery - fortunately and reliable protection; torn robe - to small but unpleasant squabbles; soiled - to dishonor; a wide variety of dresses - to slander and insults.

Buying a dress - to reconciliation with an old friend; to sew - to a worthy reward for work; rip - to poverty, try to be more frugal.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

To see yourself in a dream in a rich dress, according to this dream book - to a quick increase in income; in the new - to everything new: positions, acquaintances, incidents; dirty - to big profits; in a torn one - to future troubles; in mourning - to problems in business and monetary losses; in the wedding - to danger and illness.

I dreamed of a red dress - to quarrels; green - to the high appreciation of your work by your superiors.

I had to buy a dress in a dream - to a serious mistake in business; to sell - to vanity and empty chores or victory over the enemy; wash - to household chores; sew up - to hard work to improve their affairs.

Women's dream book

Seeing a shabby and holey dress in a dream - to condemnation for unseemly behavior; refined, well-fitting - to the admiration of those around you with your beautiful manners and subtle mind.

Lunar dream book

The dress seen in a dream was golden - to envy; new - to wealth; rude and poor - to chagrin; dirty - to trouble; full of holes - to trouble.

Dream interpretation bitch

They put on a mourning dress in a dream - to illnesses and sorrows, luxurious and expensive - to tremendous success in society thanks to modest and dignified behavior.

Dreaming of a dress, why? We bought a dress - to the appearance of a rival, but she cannot be compared with you.

They tore the old dress - to the displeasure of others, the new one - to lose in the battle for the attention of a lover.

Big dream book

Why dream of wearing a dress: good - to honor; beautiful - to family joy; ugly - to trouble from a competitor; expensive - to envy and problems; crumpled and dirty - to shame or a meeting with an unpleasant person.

Torn dress - to problems at work and deception; covered with embroidery - to joy; long - to surprises; short - for gifts; close - to problems in business; wedding - to good luck in business, heartfelt joy.

Funeral attire - to the appearance of a new friend; blue - to mental anguish or travel; green - fortunately in love, soon marriage.

Yellow dress - to gossip and envy; red - to important guests; motley - for entertainment; pastel - to rest; silk - to dependence on a dangerous person; velvet - to many fans; inside out - to the revision of erroneous views.

Trying on a dress in a dream - to a profitable job; sew - to a well-deserved reward for work; wash, clean or iron - goodbye; to buy - to reconciliation after a long quarrel.

The latest dream book

For a woman to see a dress in a dream: new - for a date, old - for hard work; trying on a dress in a dream - to a break or quarrel with a lover.

For a man to buy a dress - to cancel the wedding in the near future; to see a wedding dress on someone - to an affair with a married lady.

Felomena's dream book considers a chic golden dress a symbol of good luck, unexpected joy. To see him in a dream means to achieve your goal by any means. Why dream of an expensive outfit, interpreters paint quite willingly.

Miller's dream book: detailed interpretations

Sparkling clothes are worn by people who know how to properly manage capital, see the benefits and never miss their chance. Describing what the golden robe is dreaming of, the psychologist focuses on the details of the dream:

  • wedding - to a strong, long-term marriage;
  • ballroom - to meet influential people;
  • long - to travel to distant lands;
  • short - plans are not destined to come true;
  • with a deep neckline - for romantic dates;
  • velvet with lace - to many fans;
  • sewn with one's own hand - to prosperity, prosperity.

Why dream of a golden dress, according to the dream book of Nostradamus


Barely bought clothes warn that there will be a release. The soothsayer guarantees that the time spent in the circle of strangers will not be in vain - you will definitely find a sponsor for the next project, sign a lucrative contract, meet a generous fan.

worn out

Unfortunately, the old attire testifies to missed opportunities. Be careful - there are people nearby who want to sit you down, put you in an unsightly appearance in front of the authorities, and discredit you.


To dream of a golden dress stained with mud - to a damaged reputation, condemnation from colleagues and relatives. If you tried to wash it off, you will soon become ashamed of your actions and thoughts, you will want to correct what you have done. Finally, there will be a reason to apologize to those who managed to offend.


Seeing spots, holes on fabric embroidered with gold is a bad sign. There is a risk of becoming a victim of scammers, making an unnecessary purchase, or losing dear to my heart thing. Losses cannot be avoided if you happen to see a holey outfit on yourself.

What actions did you dream about with a golden dress?


To buy a luxurious suit embroidered with gold is a symbol of prosperity, a comfortable life. In the near future, nothing threatens you, you can relax and enjoy reality.

try on

If you dreamed of close or short decoration of golden hues, be prepared for a serious conversation with your loved one. It seems that both of you "grew" out of a hateful relationship and it's time to end it.

sew, mend

Why dream of giving an expensive thing to a repair studio, Vanga’s dream book explains well. A golden dress in a dream in the skillful hands of a seamstress, cutter, symbolizes new round in personal life. Somewhere very close is a person who is ready to turn your life into a fairy tale.

See or wear in a dream White dress portends heartfelt joy, an early marriage.

Green dress - to the fulfillment of hopes; blue or blue - you have to hit the road;

Dress yellow color- a sign of lies, envy and gossip;

Red - for an important visit; gray - get busy general cleaning or repair;

Golden - get help from sponsors; multi-colored and motley - to many entertainments;

Pale - rest your soul in peace and quiet; black dress portends sad news that will lead you into a strong upset.

A dream in which a dress that is too short or tight, out of size appears, portends a deterioration in affairs in all areas. A long, toe-length dress means condemnation of others for an unseemly act.

Sewing a dress for yourself - your diligence will be noted on merit, and if it is sewn to you in an atelier, meetings await you that will not bring joy, and good luck that will turn into grief.

Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long quarrel.

If in a dream you try on a dress, this portends a profitable job or occupation that promises a side income that will surpass the main one.

A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will get bored with the lifestyle that you lead, and you will want to change.

A beautiful luxurious dress, and also very expensive, which you see on yourself in a dream - to joyful events in the family circle.

Seeing an ugly or shabby dress on someone predicts trouble threatening from a rival.

An untidy, wrinkled or dirty dress means that in real life you will meet with a person to whom you have an irresistible hostility.

A torn dress - to squabbles and disagreements at work, patched - big troubles, difficulties and the possibility of losing property.

A dress with frills indicates that you will soon experience a completely extraordinary romantic adventure.

A dress with a belt - lose your freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other pretentiousness - a sign that in reality you should be guided by more common sense than emotions and whims.

A velvet dress in a dream is a lot of fans in real life.

A sequined dress portends an acquaintance with a smug and arrogant contender for your hand, which, of course, will be immediately rejected.

Wash or iron the dress - for the upcoming date.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Why dream of a beautiful dress, elegantly fitting a figure, lush or simple? What does it mean to see yourself or another girl in him, to purchase in a dream with your own money or to receive as a gift? Dream Interpretations reveal the mysteries of this dream.

Shades of happiness

If a woman dreamed of a beautiful dress, its color can tell a lot. According to Hasse's dream book, mostly pleasant events await her:

  • Red - meeting with an influential person.
  • Green - the fulfillment of the plan.
  • Blue is travel.
  • Yellow - intrigue, envy.
  • Black is a funeral ceremony.
  • Gray - routine work.
  • Pink is love.
  • White - marriage.
  • With a multi-colored pattern - a lot of trips, impressions.

A beautiful black dress requires a more detailed interpretation. Trying it on in a dream at the mirror - to the appearance of a dangerous rival. Why dream of seeing him on another woman: this means that this person will cause sad events.

Miller's dream book: love victories

According to Miller, the only thing that can lead to gloomy predictions is to measure in a dream in a beautiful dress in front of a mirror. This means a difficult rivalry in the struggle for the attention of a loved one. However, if you dreamed that the outfit sat perfectly on graceful figure, the interpretation of sleep is favorable, no rivals are terrible.

Why dream that expensive fabric is torn in a dream? The girl will aggravate relations with loved ones because of an act that goes beyond the bounds of decency. Even the guy will reproach her.

About emancipation

Skillfully sewn evening attire in a dream portends fun, entertainment. If you dreamed that it was too frank: tight, low-cut, short - the frivolity of the girl will not bring her to good.

Why dream of seeing yourself in a luxurious toilet made of expensive fabric, embroidered with sequins, rhinestones: the lady will be in the center of attention, arousing the admiration of fans. And the envy of rivals, if you happen to see yourself in a fabric with a yellow gold thread.

Seeing yourself in a modest tunic or wearing a long beautiful dress of a very strict cut in a dream, according to dream books, indicates a complex, incredulity that prevent you from finding your happiness.

wedding chores

It is believed that wearing a long wedding dress is a sign of imminent marriage. I dreamed of wearing light fluffy skirts with frills for a wedding, dream books interpret as the playful nature of the future bride, and a tight-fitting silhouette following the lines of the body as sensuality.

Some interpreters see in a long white outfit a premonition of unexpected disappointment. Dancing in it at your own wedding may portend a betrayal of a friend.

Why dream that it was not a wedding: a young woman will be subjected to unfair persecution, but there is hope that the slander will be exposed. But if you had a chance to dance in it, dream books prophesy wealth and success with fans.

success and worries

Why dream of being preoccupied with your figure before buying a new beautiful dress in a dream? The lady persistently goes to the goal, she will be able to turn the head of her beloved man.

At the same time, buying such a new thing portends the appearance of rivals. You should not be afraid of them, because the dreamer is brilliant. But if you dreamed of buying it and tearing it up right there, new, the guy would be beaten off.

dreaming someone else's dress in a dream - seduce a person who does not belong to you. Nothing good will come from such a connection.

Lots of dresses according to the dream book - there will be no end to the gentlemen, you can be sure.

The dress is big— I want more from a loved one, reliability and stability. small- you have already outgrown this stage of the relationship, you are cramped within this framework and you want changes. baby- irresponsibility and defenselessness, the situation of a small child.

What happened to the dress in a dream

see yourself in a dress according to the dream book, it means to have any kind of relationship, the details of which can be found out by interpreting the symbols accompanying the dream.

put on a dress (dress)- get in touch with a man. Take off- parting.

Try on a dress (measure, try on) in a dream - to desire a relationship with a guy. Choose a dress(in a store, for example) - soon you will be faced with a choice of which of the gentlemen you should prefer.
Buy a dress (buy, purchase)- Magini's dream book assures: be sure that your charms made the proper impression on the desired object.

you in a dream gave a dress (to receive as a gift)- someone will introduce you to interesting person. Giving a dress- to be yourself a little as a "pimp".

Steal dress - take away someone else's passion.

Search dress in a dream - in reality, being in search of a soulmate. Lose- take the wrong step, which will suddenly cause a break.

Sew outfit - interpretation from the dream book - to make efforts to win a representative of the strong half of humanity.

Wash dress - try to restore a damaged reputation and a good relationship. Stroking - a change of residence and / or social circle.

Dance in a dress - to make love. If at the same time the hem develops in beautiful waves in a dream, sensual passion will give you great pleasure.

Other dreams about the dress

Man in a dress women dream of non-standard manifestations of feelings or "non-male" actions on the part of the stronger sex.

If you had a dream about inside out dress, then such visions mean - to wash dirty linen in public, to reveal secrets that should not be made public.

See in a dream dress on woman- There are gossips about your personal connections. dreamed girl in a dress (girl)- look at the interpretation of the accompanying symbols. Girlfriend in a dress- your last novel caused jealousy or envy.