Oatmeal. Oatmeal in cooking. For oily skin.

Everyone knows about the benefits of oatmeal for breakfast and the wonderful taste of fresh. But there is another oatmeal product that we have begun to forget about lately. Oatmeal is an oatmeal flour that differs from conventional manufacturing technology. Finding it in stores today is not so easy. Most often it is found in the departments of diabetic and dietary products.

Suppose, inspired by the experience of your ancestors, you went shopping and after a long search found the treasured flour. And now you are wondering: why do you, in fact, need this oatmeal?

Benefits and harms, areas of application, method of manufacture and recipes - we will find out all this right now.

Process manufacturing

Oatmeal flour retains more useful properties than just oatmeal, since it contains a grain shell, which, when processed in a mill, would go to waste. By the way, oatmeal used to be made not only from oats, but also from barley and peas. You won't find this variety today.

Nowadays, hardly anyone dares to make oatmeal on their own. This is a laborious and long process. In addition, it is difficult to do without a real Russian stove.

First you need to soak the oats for about a day. Seeds that can germinate are good. Our ancestors, in order not to suffer for a long time, simply lowered a bag of grain into some kind of reservoir. Now the rivers are not so clean.

Dried grains were crushed in a mortar and sifted through a sieve. Large particles that did not pass through it were again crushed and sieved. And so on until all the grain is crushed to a powder state.

It turned out a cream-colored flour, from which it was possible to quickly prepare a lot of delicious meals. It was enough just to fill the oatmeal with water, and then add salt and berries.

The benefits and harms of oatmeal

Oatmeal is not only tasty, but also healthy. You can talk and talk about the benefits of oatmeal. Here are just a few of the benefits:

  1. Bioflavonoids provide cancer prevention, have a good effect on the endocrine and immune systems, remove toxins.
  2. Lignin lowers "bad" cholesterol.
  3. Alanine strengthens the immune system, regulates sugar levels and stimulates the brain.
  4. Cysteine ​​burns fats, protects against radiation, binds heavy metals.
  5. The high content of potassium and magnesium ensures the normalization of the heart.

In other words, amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, lecithin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and a host of other useful substances contained in oatmeal, very harmoniously complement each other's action, having a positive effect on the entire body.

The product is very useful for pregnant women and dieters. It helps (in combination with complex treatment, of course) to get rid of diseases of the kidneys and liver, gastrointestinal tract, anemia, tuberculosis, inflammatory diseases, skin diseases, etc. Useful for depression and overwork.

The harm from oatmeal flour is a very doubtful phenomenon. You can encounter it, except by sitting on a strict diet and eating one oatmeal. The body will weaken, dizziness will begin, but the only reason for this will be the absence of animal proteins in the oatmeal.

Also, a large amount of oatmeal in the diet reduces the absorption of calcium. But few people want to eat this product in large portions.

Oatmeal in cooking

Porridges, soups, desserts, pastries, baby food- far from full list what can be cooked with oatmeal. This is a great way to diversify the home menu, giving boring dishes an unusual taste.

For example, here are some interesting recipes for sweet dishes.

Mix everything, place the dough for half an hour in the refrigerator. Divide the dough into small balls, roll them out, put them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven.

Nut dessert

  • Half a glass of oatmeal.
  • 5 walnuts.
  • 1.5 st. spoons of any other nuts (whatever you like).
  • 0.5 tsp honey.
  • 0.5 tsp lemon juice.

Grind nuts (can be in a blender), pour a glass of boiling water, beat everything and let cool. Then add oatmeal, honey, lemon juice, a little salt to the nuts and mix well.

Berry dessert

Beat with a mixer 150 gr. oatmeal, 300 gr. berries and 6 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Oatmeal in cosmetology

Tolokon flour is still used in the manufacture of skin and hair care products. There are also many folk remedies, which will be useful for the treatment of problem skin, as well as regular care that provides nutrition, smoothing the skin and improving the complexion.

For example, you can prepare such masks.

For dry skin

Mix oatmeal in a 1:1 ratio with some natural nutrient component. For example, sour cream, cottage cheese, egg yolk, olive oil, mayonnaise (natural or homemade!), cream, natural fruit puree. Apply the mixture in a thick layer and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.

For oily skin

In terms of the method of application and preparation, the process is similar, but you need to choose from the following ingredients: low-fat sour cream, egg white, black bread crumb, kefir, cosmetic clay (of course, with the addition of another liquid ingredient).

Also, oatmeal can be successfully used as a component of homemade body and face scrubs, as well as hair masks.

Thus, oatmeal is another tasty and useful product, which has been serving humanity for many centuries and should not be forgotten.

Oat flour is a flour made from previously steamed, dried and roasted oat or barley grain. Oatmeal has a better taste and nutritional value than ordinary oat flour.

All parts of the grain are preserved in it, and in ground flour, the best nutritional components become waste. Oatmeal flour is used for cooking without secondary thermal processing.

Once upon a time, oats were kept overnight in a fairly warm oven. Cereal proteins tolerated changes and denatured. The flour obtained from oats lost its ability to reform gluten.

At the same time, it swelled remarkably in liquid and quickly thickened. Oatmeal, which was kneaded on a cool boiled liquid with the addition of salt, was called "kulaga". This was a dessert for the kids. Animals or birds were molded from thick dough.

Oatmeal was used when after lunch there was a lot of time before dinner. People said that such food is the fastest to cook.

Oatmeal is known to many peoples (Transcaucasian and Central Asian). In Estonian cities, oatmeal is still made from rye and peas. Oatmeal is prepared by pounding in a mortar, hence the name.

Our ancestors lowered a bag of grain into the source, then, bringing it home, poured it onto a sieve to eliminate excess liquid. They laid it out on an iron sheet and placed it in an oven.

The substance was dried and even browned, and only then was sent to the mortar. After that, it was sifted through a sieve, and the remains were again crushed, sieved, and after the empty sieve, the crushed cereals were sown through a sieve.

It should have been a creamy flour. They ate oatmeal with butter, washed down with kvass or liquid.

After the oven, the oatmeal has an individual taste and smell, which is a bit like cocoa. You can simply brew it with hot liquid or milk, you can even fill it with kvass.

Oatmeal can replace cod fat or milk for us. This is quite a cheap remedy for reinforcing an exhausted organism. Oatmeal, like oats itself, is a good laxative.

Oatmeal contains the lipid lecithin, which decomposes at temperatures above 45 degrees. It also contains 20% protein and 7% fat. The mentioned lecithin helps proteins to be better absorbed.

There are other substances that:
1. Remove unnecessary cholesterol and acid in the form of bile (ligin).
2. Positively affect the improvement of metabolism (bioflavonoids).
3. Prevent the onset of tumors.
4. Release the inside of toxins.
5. Promote cell renewal.
5. Are as antioxidants and antidepressants.
6. Render good influence for memory, body cover, hair and nails (alanine, cysteine).
7. Help to regularly remove fat from the skin.
8. Protect against clogging of blood vessels and prevent plaques from settling on their walls.
9. Eliminate depressive states and insomnia.
10. Remove lead and heavy metals.

This product is also used in healing measures. Only 10g of oatmeal contributes to the intake of 20% of the daily protein requirement. 20 grams of this product reduces the degree of cholesterol up to 10%.

Medicine uses it in the form of jelly, decoction, porridge. Oatmeal is useful for baths and dressings. It helps to get rid of a whole chain of diseases.

Oatmeal face masks

Oatmeal is also used in the cosmetic direction. For dry skin mask made with the addition of tomato juice and sour milk. It helps to remove freckles from normal skin too.

To do mask for oily skin mix oatmeal with sour cream and horsetail. For another mask, you can take calendula, sage and cornflowers, or add only watermelon juice to the oatmeal.

By mixing the oatmeal with the liquid in such a way that the mixture is like porridge, you will get a scrub or mask with rejuvenating effects for any skin. It will remove all toxins from the skin of the face. This mask will help strengthen your hair.

Today, oatmeal is used for dietary purposes. Its calorie content is 120 kcal per 100 g. Animal protein is not present in oatmeal, so this diet is useful for those who have unhealthy kidneys.

Due to the lack of this protein, eating oatmeal can cause exhaustion or a state of dizziness.

Oatmeal for weight loss

Oatmeal in the stomach increases well, which suppresses appetite. Because eating oatmeal helps to maintain weight, its benefits are also great in that it neutralizes the desire to eat sweets.

Therefore, after sitting on such a diet for at least a day, a person will lose the desire to eat sweets on the second day. To maintain weight, you do not need to exhaust yourself with strict diets, eating only oatmeal dishes. Just eat oatmeal dishes in any form once a day.

If you want to make jelly, pour oatmeal (300 g) into a container with non-hot boiled liquid (1 l). After stirring, add a couple of crusts of not quite fresh bread and cover the container with the dough.

For fermentation, place the oatmeal in a warm place and wait 8 hours. After raising the dough, take the crusts, add liquid (another 1 liter). Stir to get a uniform consistency. Filter through cheesecloth folded in half.

Stirring over a small fire, wait for a boil (thick formation). Such jelly is necessary for people with low acidity of the juice in the stomach, and people with poor digestion.

For cooking oatmeal dessert(cranberries), take 6 tablespoons of sugar, 150 g of oatmeal and 300 g of cranberries. Blend everything in a blender and serve to guests.

Do not exceed the consumption of oatmeal, as it has substances that inhibit the absorption of calcium. During its use, you will need to eat less carbohydrates, since oatmeal contains a lot of slow carbohydrates.

Such flour must be stored for no more than 10 months in a ventilated room, away from the sun at 20 degrees Celsius and humidity no more than 70 percent.

Oatmeal is a primordially Russian product. In ancient times, it was produced in an artisanal way in the provinces of Vyatka, Kostroma, Vologda. AT late XIX century, factories for the production of oatmeal and oatmeal appeared. Currently, it is produced at food processing plants in Russia. It goes on sale not only in our country, but also as a high-quality dietary product is exported to European countries.

Oatmeal benefit and harm

Oatmeal in its composition has proteins - 12.5 g, fats - 6 g, carbohydrates - 64.8 g, dietary fiber - 4.9 g, starch - 62.8 g, mono- and disaccharides - 1.6 g, unsaturated fatty acids - 1.2 g. Vitamins: PP, B1, B2, B6, B9, D, E, K. Macro- and microelements: magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, sodium, copper, potassium, molybdenum, phosphorus, etc. .Total 16 titles. As well as bioflavonoids, avenanthramides, lignin, the amino acids cysteine ​​and alanine.

Oatmeal contains lecithin, thanks to which the protein is easily digested and does not form gluten. Despite the high calorie content, it does not threaten weight gain for losing weight, as it contains complex carbohydrates that are not deposited in fat.

  • 1 tsp provides the body with 20% of the daily protein requirement
  • 1 tsp nutritionally comparable to 5 cups of bran or 5 servings of “quick porridges” that do not require cooking.
  • 2 tsp reduce cholesterol by 8-10%.

How does it affect the body

In the composition of oatmeal, all components are balanced, and successfully complementing each other, they have a positive effect on a person. Inclusion in the diet promotes cell regeneration, removal of cholesterol and bile, stimulates the functions of the endocrine and immune systems, tones the nervous system, eliminates stress and depression, strengthens memory, improves mental activity, regulates the sebaceous glands, blocks the growth of fat cells, reduces sugar levels.

The use of oatmeal contributes to the burning of fats, the purification of blood vessels, and prevents the formation of cancer cells. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, teeth and nails. Promotes the removal of toxins and toxins, normalizes metabolism, improves digestion and blood composition (formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells). Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, the occurrence of diseases of the liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, hypertension, thrombosis, anemia, caries, periodontal disease.

Oatmeal is a valuable food product for people different ages, but it brings special benefits to the growing body of the child and is introduced into the diet from 6 months. It is also useful for nursing mothers, the elderly and the sick to speed up the rehabilitation process after injuries and serious illnesses.

Proper use implies the exclusion of heat treatment, since when heated above +45 degrees, the lecithin lipid is destroyed, and some useful properties are lost.

How to choose

Oatmeal should be bought only in sealed original packaging. This makes it possible to purchase a quality product, with a specified period of manufacture and sale. The product should have a friable, delicate texture of a powder that has a light cream color. It is advisable to choose a package with a "transparent window" through which the contents are viewed. The presence of lumps, seals and impurities indicates poor quality.

Oatmeal can be found in grocery stores in the diabetic section.

Storage methods

The shelf life of oatmeal is 24 months, provided that the product is kept in a hermetically sealed container, which is located in a dark room. The air temperature should not exceed +25. Moisture is not allowed.

What does it pair with in cooking? cooking recipes

Oat flour is a product fast food that does not require cooking. Usually eaten for breakfast. For this, it is diluted with warm water or milk. In a thick form, it is used in the form of porridge, to which sugar, salt, oil are added. If you want to get a drink, you need 1-2 teaspoons per glass of liquid. To improve the taste, you can add honey, juice, cocoa, coffee, chocolate.

From oatmeal, tasty and healthy confectionery products are obtained, which are combined with honey, jam, preserves, cream cheese, creams, whipped cream. For these purposes, the product is mixed with wheat flour 1:1.

When baking cookies, you can do without flour, replacing it with a small amount of starch. Oatmeal jelly is popular, which is prepared with milk, as well as soups, broths and other liquid dishes with the participation of this product.

Useful food combination

Oatmeal is a valuable product in dietary nutrition, as it helps to normalize weight: it regulates metabolism, removes excess fluid, cleanses the intestines and improves digestion. Present in many diets for weight loss.

Oatmeal is useful to use on an empty stomach without pre-cooking. Can be added to broths, soups, botvinia, cabbage soup at the rate of 2-3 teaspoons per serving. The porridge combines fruits, berries, dried apricots, prunes, figs, chopped nuts (, walnuts, cedar, etc.). Harmonizes with spices: vanillin, cinnamon, zira, cloves, cardamom and others.

For those who want to lose weight, a mono-diet based on oatmeal is popular. To do this, a glass of oatmeal is steamed overnight in 400 ml hot water and is used the next day for 6 doses. The diet lasts from 2 to 14 days. You can lose 6 kg in a week. The diet is tough, tasteless, but effective. Along the way, it treats the excretory system, kidneys, and eliminates problems in the gastrointestinal tract. This technique can be used as a fasting day, for example, after a festive abundance.

To maintain a normal weight, it is enough to include oatmeal in the diet: porridge for breakfast or jelly during the day. This product gives satiety, as it increases several times in the stomach, thereby helping to suppress appetite, which is important for losing weight.

To calculate calories, it is useful to know the nutritional value of oatmeal:

  • 1 teaspoon = 21.9 kcal
  • 1 st. spoon = 79.8 kcal
  • 1 cup 250 ml = 508.3 kcal
  • 1 cup 200 ml = 399.4 kcal


Oatmeal is useful for everyone. An overdose is undesirable, since excessive consumption interferes with the absorption of calcium. In the period of serious health problems should be used under the supervision of a physician.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Useful properties of oatmeal are used for medicinal purposes. Doctors recommend daily use. Included in the diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, depression, overwork, anemia, with reduced immunity, obesity. During lactation, during the rehabilitation period, with cancer, problems with the liver, kidneys, skin and hair, low acidity, tuberculosis.

In cosmetology oatmeal serves as the basis for the preparation of masks that are suitable for all skin types. They help to improve the structure of the skin, fight age-related changes: eliminate small mimic wrinkles, age spots. They also moisturize, nourish, relieve inflammation and irritation, eliminate dryness, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Oatmeal scrub is popular. The swollen powder is applied with massage movements and washed off without soap. To combat freckles, sour milk or brine is added to the flour. sauerkraut and apply gruel for 30 minutes. For problematic skin, oatmeal is combined with yogurt 1: 1 and lemon juice is added. For dry - with tomato juice, for oily - with sour cream or watermelon juice. Masks and rinses are used to improve the condition of the hair and strengthen it. Oatmeal diluted in water is applied with massage movements for 10 minutes.


Oatmeal- flour from grains of oats or barley, which are pre-steamed, dried, fried, cleaned and pounded. The technology for making oatmeal is reflected in the name (from the word "crush").

Oatmeal differs from milled flour primarily in its better taste, greater nutritional value, since all grain fractions are preserved in it, while in milled flour, the first most nutritious peeled fractions often go to waste. Oatmeal flour can be eaten without additional heat treatment. Oatmeal is rich in lipid lecithin, which is destroyed when heated above 45 degrees.


In the old days, oatmeal was prepared from oats, aged overnight in a not too hot, but warm enough oven. At the same time, grain proteins underwent changes, denatured, and the flour obtained from such grain lost its ability to form gluten, but it swelled well in water and quickly thickened.

Oatmeal, mixed with cooled boiled water, seasoned with salt, was called kulaga. It was the children's favorite treat. Animals were molded from the thickened oatmeal. Oatmeal was usually consumed if a lot of time passed between lunch and dinner.

see also

Oat flour

Oatmeal is the real old Russian "fast food". It is precisely for the possibility of quick, without much time-consuming preparation of many delicious, nutritious and healthy meals and oatmeal was valued in Russia: “a quick meal of oatmeal, knead it and take it into your mouth.” Oatmeal - flour from grains of oats or barley, which are pre-steamed, dried, peeled and pounded. This is the difference between oatmeal and oatmeal - it is immediately ready for use. Its name comes, as you might guess, from the word crush. Oatmeal was not ground, with the help of millstones, but pounded in a wooden mortar. In the old days, oatmeal was made from oats aged overnight in a not too hot Russian oven. At the same time, grain proteins underwent changes, denatured, and the flour obtained from such grain acquired new properties: it lost its ability to form gluten, but it swelled well in water and quickly thickened. Oatmeal differs from ground flour, first of all, in a better taste, greater nutritional value, since all grain fractions are preserved in it, while in ground, mill flour, the first, most nutritious peeled fractions often go to waste. Due to the fact that all parts of the original plant are preserved in oatmeal, oatmeal flour can be eaten without additional heat treatment. Roasting in the oven gives oatmeal: 1. A very special taste and aroma, vaguely reminiscent of cocoa, and a brownish tint. 2. The ability to use it without cooking - simply brewing hot water or milk (for example, nut milk), or simply pouring cold kvass. Nowadays, oatmeal is made and sold, but some manufacturers, for some reason, forget this important detail. Oatmeal, mixed with chilled boiled water, seasoned with salt, was called kulaga. It was the favorite delicacy of the kids. From the thickened oatmeal, "little sculptors" quickly sculpted a scoop, fish, cockerel - and fun, and tasty, and hunger drives away. They usually had an afternoon meal with oatmeal, since quite a lot of time passed between lunch and dinner (they usually had dinner before going to bed). "Tolokno" has been used in Russia for thousands of years as a healing and wholesome food. There has been a lot of interest in this product lately. It has been proven that for the first time among grain products in "Tolokna" the effect is manifested when: "live" whole grain containing many substances has the strongest complex effect due to mutual multiple amplification healing properties of each component (vitamins, microelements, antioxidants, etc.) When using Tolokn, the body completely absorbs the beneficial substances found in whole grains in their natural form, including inaccessible ones. Oatmeal contains: 15-20% protein and about 5% fat, which contains lecithin - a substance that promotes better protein absorption.

Soluble dietary fiber. Lignin (cereal shells) - removes cholesterol and bile acids from the body. Bioflavonoids (shells) are the strongest antioxidants. They have antitumor, biostimulating, anti-inflammatory action. They affect the immune, endocrine and other systems of the body. B group vitamins (grain shells) - vitamins of youth and beauty, stress relievers, antidepressants, improvers of memory, sleep, mood, skin, hair, nails, etc. Avenanthramides are special antioxidants that protect against clogged arteries. Amino acids alanine and cysteine ​​- restore the structure and shine of hair, reduce hair loss, brittleness and fragility.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Oatmeal was diluted with milk, curdled milk, kvass, or even just water. Or it was added to cottage cheese, berries, stew. As a rule, these dishes did not require heat treatment, that is, it was not necessary to heat the stove. For the preparation of oatmeal, oats were initially steamed, and then simmered in a Russian oven, and only after that it was pounded in mortars. Hence, apparently, the name of the oatmeal arose. This was done in order to get rid of the flower shells of oats (unlike wheat and rye, where they are absent). Oats were also ground in special mills - mills, water, wind, and later steam and electric. As a result, the finished product acquired a delicate creamy “downy” color and an incomparable thin, soft aroma characteristic only of oatmeal. Due to its high nutritional value and easy digestibility, oatmeal is recommended by doctors for those suffering from anemia, nervous fatigue, tuberculosis, diseases of the digestive tract, metabolic disorders and weakened immunity. This is an excellent food for children, and, from the very early age to promote health and increase body weight and nursing mothers to enhance lactation. Oatmeal differs from ground flour primarily in its better taste, greater nutritional value, since all grain fractions are preserved in it, while in ground, mill flour, the first, most nutritious peeled fractions often go to waste. Eating oatmeal reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels, improves the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces hunger, suppresses appetite and promotes weight loss. The presence in the oatmeal of unique substances in the optimal proportion for the human body makes it the most valuable healing component. Namely: it is a powerful immune complex; "broom" for the stomach, intestines, lymph and blood. Oatmeal in Old Russian For the sake of historical truth, it should be said that oatmeal is also a traditional Old English and Old Scottish product. A glass of warm milk for breakfast was invariably present both on the table of a true gentleman and a simple subject of Her Majesty. For some time now, we have been supplying only disgraced oligarchs of various ranks there. And until recently, in Soviet times, oatmeal was one of the few goods (along with hemp, Stolichnaya vodka and black caviar) that the USSR exported to the UK. Yes, and in native penates, it was held in high esteem: oatmeal was recommended for children's and medical nutrition, and among fasting people it was valued as an excellent lean product. A lot has been written about the benefits of oats lately. Perhaps this is the most fashionable cereal among modern nutritionists. Now you also have a great opportunity to try it in its original, old Russian form, in which our ancestors used it, and compare it with other oat products. Oatmeal is a fast food, but not so much as to simply add water, as in modern extrusion products, without which not a single muesli mixture can do now. Oatmeal still requires some time from you to acquire skills so that no insoluble lumps appear during kneading. It is also important that you choose the most suitable recipe for yourself: bearberry (liquid diluted oatmeal), tolokontsy (oatmeal koloboks), kulaga (with berries and honey) or salamata (with fried bacon and onions). A little patience, and you will have all the chances to become a "beef maker" or "beef maker" - a lover of oatmeal. And giving an assessment to something, you will begin to say, as in the old days: “Good, but not like oatmeal”!

Cooking method:

Mix two or three teaspoons of oatmeal in a small amount of water, milk or meat broth to make a liquid gruel, then dilute with a glass of the same liquid and boil, stirring constantly. Sugar, salt, oil should be added to taste. You can add cocoa or chocolate to the oatmeal (a teaspoon per glass). You can recommend liquid gruels, decoctions, as well as oatmeal cookies with or without the addition of flour and starch. Of course, the product is lean, and can also be used in nutrition during Orthodox Lent. The product can be recommended for dietary and diabetic nutrition. One teaspoon of Oatmeal useful properties equivalent to five glasses of bran or instant cereals. - gives an adult 20% daily allowance protein and valuable fibre. Two teaspoons of "Tolokna" - allow to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood up to 10 percent. Recipes with oatmeal from the Internet My beloved grandmother often bought oatmeal. She cooked it like this: she simply took this oatmeal powder, or flour, poured a little water, kneaded this “dough” with her hands. It turned out such a tight sausage, which was eaten without salt and without anything at all. I really liked it as a child! It tastes like brown bread, only better. Porridge for children is being cooked - a gray terrible look, but tasty. Brewed in boiling water. Raisins and/or cocoa powder can be added to the porridge. so much tastier! For porridge you will need: 200 - 250g. any juice (can be freshly squeezed) or direct extraction for children (Fruto Nyanya, Agusha, etc.), 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal. We take a coffee maker, pour out the juice, add oatmeal, mix thoroughly, put on a burner, bring to a boil, stirring. Pour into a bowl, let cool and eat. Yummy. You can use water instead of juice. Oatmeal with kvass The easiest way to cook from oatmeal is an old Russian dish, about which they said: “The fastest food is oatmeal: knead it, but bring it into your mouth.” Despite the ease of preparation, oatmeal with kvass is the most valuable diet dish. If you take good kvass without yeast. And this dish is prepared like this: mix oatmeal with homemade bread kvass, add a little honey, sea salt to taste. Everything, a healing and nutritious product is ready. To begin with, take a tablespoon of oatmeal for a glass of kvass. Then decide for yourself what tastes best to you.

Protein Shake Recipes - Oatmeal Oatmeal

Advantages: healthy lifestyle life, low cost Disadvantages: none Method of preparation: Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, 500 ml of skimmed milk, 1 tablespoon of honey (sometimes condensed milk was added instead of honey), 2 bananas, walnuts to taste. Mix everything and beat in a blender. As a result, we get a high-calorie carbohydrate-protein cocktail, which helps a lot with gaining muscle mass. Take 1-1.5 hours before training and immediately after training in order to close the protein window. Oatmeal is an inexpensive and very useful product, without any dyes and food additives. It contains a number of different amino acids (cysteine ​​and alanine). With this recipe, it is quite possible to replace the intake of "protein" and "gainers". The nutritional value 100g of product: Proteins - 20 g Carbohydrates - 60 g fats - 8 g energy value - 350 kcal Use time: one hour before training and immediately after it Now about the benefits of oatmeal, and its use for cosmetic purposes: face masks, the recipes of which you will find below. It can be used to cleanse, smooth, and enrich the skin with essential nutrients, improve complexion, and to some extent improve problem skin. Nourishing and cleansing oatmeal masks for all types of facial skin: 1 or 2 tbsp. dilute tablespoons of oatmeal warm milk(with drier skin), or just cool clean water (for more oily skin types) until a porridge of medium density is obtained. Apply this porridge in a generous layer on your face, and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with water, gently massaging the skin. Such masks not only cleanse and fully nourish the skin, but also improve the complexion, making it more even and smooth. Also, for gentle cleansing of all skin types, it is good to use an oatmeal scrub. As in the case of an oatmeal scrub, it is necessary to moisten a handful of oatmeal in your hand, and then massage the cleansed and damp skin of the face with this mass for 1-2 minutes. Oatmeal and sauerkraut mask recipe for oily and problem skin: To prepare this mask, you will need to squeeze the juice from sauerkraut, and dilute it with 1 or 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal until the formation of a medium density slurry. The resulting slurry should be applied to the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Or stir 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal with the same amount of chopped sauerkraut. Dilute this mixture with the juice of the same cabbage (or brine) to again get a slurry, which is applied to the skin of the face for 15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water. Regular use of such masks has an ennobling effect on problematic and oily skin, helping to eliminate its excessive shine, and helping to eliminate acne. , full-fat milk cream, olive or other vegetable oil, homemade mayonnaise, as well as the pulp of a banana, melon, or persimmon. For 1 st. a spoonful of oatmeal is taken 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any of the above products. In the case of the yolk, it is taken alone. And if you mix oatmeal with vegetable oil, then pour in so much oil that, when stirred, a not very thick slurry is obtained. If you have mixed the products, and the mass is too thick, dilute it with a little milk. The already prepared composition must be applied in a thick layer on the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. For more oily facial skin, oatmeal is recommended to be mixed with egg white, low-fat sour cream, yogurt, black bread crumb, as well as white, blue and green cosmetic clay. For 1 st. a spoonful of oatmeal - 1 raw protein, or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any of the listed products, in the case of clay, half a st. spoons. It will be good to dilute such mixtures with kefir, sour milk, whey or yogurt. Again, you need to dilute the composition so that the result is a mass of medium density, which will be convenient to apply on the face. By the way, with oily skin, it will be good to add 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice to such masks. Keep on face for about 15 minutes, after which wash with cool water.

encyclopedic Dictionary

OIL, oatmeal, pl. no, cf. Crushed, not ground flour, preim. oatmeal, used in food with water, oil, etc. Oatmeal with kvass, with butter. “The dog ate oatmeal, but does not praise.” (last) Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal (

Oatmeal called flour obtained by grinding whole grain oats. Even among the ancient Slavs, oatmeal was a very popular product, but in our time its prevalence has slightly decreased, so not everyone knows about its healing and dietary properties. Its name comes from the method of preparation, oatmeal was prepared by crushing grains in a wooden mortar. Do not confuse oatmeal with oatmeal, since these two, at first glance, similar products differ significantly in their properties. Oatmeal has an excellent taste, is ready to eat and retains all the useful qualities of oat grains, while when processing flour, the grain shell with the largest amount of useful substances goes to waste. Oatmeal can be roasted in the oven, this treatment gives it an unusual taste, shade and smell, a bit reminiscent of cocoa. After roasting, oatmeal can simply be poured with boiling water or hot milk, even kvass, it is no longer necessary to boil it additionally. In ancient times, they even prepared a dish, the basis of which was oatmeal, mixed with cold water and slightly salted, it was called kulaga. This dish was usually served as an afternoon snack, and kulaga was also favorite treat for kids.

The benefits and harms of oatmeal

Oats are a well-known vitamin source, containing almost all B-group vitamins and having a large amount of slow carbohydrates, which gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness to the body. Oatmeal is prescribed for people with problems of the stomach and intestines, children, and also this great weight loss product. Calorie content of oatmeal(boiled) is about 120 kcal per 100 g of product. AT Ancient Russia properties of oatmeal were well known and widely used for the treatment and strengthening of the body. After a long period of uncertainty, oatmeal is becoming quite popular again. Scientists have proven that oatmeal contains the richest complex of necessary and useful substances that organically complement each other and have a general strengthening effect on the entire human body. Diets based on oatmeal are indicated for kidney disease, since there is no animal protein in oatmeal. But at the same time, it is very difficult to adhere to such diets, since oatmeal dishes are tasteless and insipid. Such nutrition can provoke weakness, dizziness, caused by the lack of animal proteins in the diet. Oatmeal perfectly neutralizes appetite, because it has the property to increase several times in the stomach. Thanks to this, the use of oatmeal helps a person keep his weight normal.

Oatmeal contains about 20% protein and approximately 5% fat, it also contains dietary fiber, lingin, antioxidants, B-group vitamins, and amino acids. This product strengthens hair, improves it appearance, prevents clogging of arteries, improves sleep, relieves stress, positively affects the condition nervous system. Oatmeal has effective antitumor properties and is beneficial for the endocrine system. One teaspoon of this product contains a fifth of the daily requirement of proteins and a lot of useful fiber. The harmful properties of oatmeal are similar to oatmeal. It is not recommended to exceed the amount of oatmeal, the substances contained in this cereal inhibit the absorption of calcium in the body. When eating oatmeal or oatmeal, it is necessary to reduce the amount of other carbohydrate foods, because there are plenty of slow carbohydrates in this cereal.