The numbers of the graves of celebrities buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. Cemetery Vagankovsky

Cemetery Vagankovsky- a necropolis with a two-century history, hundreds of thousands of graves and half a million buried was founded in the 18th century, after the plague in Moscow. Previously, in the 15th-16th centuries, the Vagankovo ​​settlement was located here - the royal amusing yard, where jesters, buffoons and the sovereign's amusements "wagged" - naughty - to their hearts' content. This name was assigned to the cemetery, which, following the victims of the epidemic, received the graves of ordinary people - philistines, artisans, petty officials. In the 19th century, glorious compatriots from the world of culture began to be buried here - first, artists of the Imperial Theater, artists, writers, people of art, and after almost two centuries this tradition was finally entrenched. Now the graves of celebrities at the Vagankovsky cemetery are numerous, overgrown with legends and have become a place of "pilgrimage" for thousands of visitors every year.

Great Russian painters - a merchant, a serf and a Cossack

Under restrained-dark granite tombstones with indispensable Orthodox crosses at the Vagankovsky cemetery rest textbook artists of Russia.

Alexey Savrasov, landscape painter merchant class, teacher of Isaac Levitan, was among the founders of the Wanderers Society. His most recognizable painting, The Rooks Have Arrived, depicts the Church of the Ascension in the village of Susanino, Kostroma Province.

The outstanding portraitist Vasily Tropinin is the son of a serf. His artistic gift was noticed by noble patrons. Tropinin received an academic education, painted romantic, then more and more realistic portraits-types, full of soft charm.

Vasily Surikov, on the maternal and paternal lines, descended from glorious Cossack families. This artist is best known for his large-scale historical canvases Morning archery execution”, “Menshikov in Berezov”, “Boyar Morozova”, “Suvorov Crossing the Alps”.

The tombstones of the great Russian painters - a merchant, a serf and a Cossack - are set above the iconic burials in a long row, which is formed by the graves of celebrities at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Mass graves as milestones in history

The Vagankovskoye cemetery, founded during the epidemic, was originally a place of mass burials. Subsequently, they were buried here:

  • those who fell in the turning point and bloody Battle of Borodino in 1812;
  • those who died in a mass crush on the Khodynka field during the celebrations on the occasion of the coronation of Nicholas II in 1896;
  • victims of the mass repressions of the 1930s;
  • defenders of Moscow, who stopped the Nazi blitzkrieg with the counteroffensive of 1941-1942.

These mass graves at the Vagankovsky cemetery remind us of the tragic death of many of our compatriots.

Bronze sculptural portraits on high corrugated columns are set on a common brown granite podium that covers the graves of Dmitry Komar, Vladimir Usov and Ilya Krichevsky. During the August putsch of 1991, they died while trying to stop an infantry fighting vehicle in a tunnel under Novy Arbat. Historically, the last Heroes of the Soviet Union received the highest award of the state posthumously.

Yesenin's grave.

Under the monument of dark and light gray granite rests great poet with a unique lyrical gift. In the past, marvelous blue eyes, “gold and copper” hair, enchanting scandals with which Yesenin plagued Isadora Duncan in Europe and America, a gloomy suicide in the Petrograd “Angleterre” and the last poem written with his own blood remained. Immortal, soulful, amazingly imaginative lyrics are published, read, re-sung again.

Next to the pedestal with gilded letters and a block of light gray marble with a half-length sculptural portrait of Sergei Yesenin, there is a low tombstone of his mother, and Galina Benislavskaya, who during her lifetime was called the “good angel” of the poet, is buried behind. The following winter after his death, in December 1926, she came to Yesenin's grave and committed suicide with a shot in the head - after all, in this piece of land, as she wrote before her death, there is everything dear to her. Here, next to the ashes of the great poet, who embodied the lyrical spirit of Russia in his poems, several more suicides of his fans occurred in different years.

stage stars

Pleiades famous people theaters buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery are opened by Pavel Mochalov, an outstanding romantic actor of the 19th century. His uneven play produced deep impression: the audience came to the performances because of the famous “Mochalovsky minutes”, when, against the background of an ordinary, unremarkable performance, several incredibly effective remarks suddenly appeared, followed by a flurry of enthusiastic applause.

The reformist director, symbolist, futurist, master of the grotesque Vsevolod Meyerhold was repressed in 1939, shot in 1940, cremated and buried among unclaimed ashes at the Donskoy Monastery. However, the tombstone over the empty grave is located at the Vagankovsky cemetery - the monument was erected shortly after the posthumous rehabilitation of Meyerhold, when the whereabouts of his remains were not yet known.

The burial of the extremely popular People's Artist of the RSFSR Andrei Mironov, who died on stage during the performance of The Marriage of Figaro, is marked by a black marble monument - a triple row of wings framing a dark background stele with a narrow cross-slit. From time to time it is necessary to restore the bronze chain enclosing the burial: rumor ascribes to it the ability to bring wealth and love power.

The tombstones of the original Oleg Dal, the inimitable Georgy Vitsin, the famous Bulat Okudzhava are extremely restrained.

Above the grave of Igor Talkov, a rock musician with a bright political and civil position, a large bronze crucifix in the Old Slavonic style was installed on the foot of polished black granite. The death of an artist shot at a concert is marked by prophetic coincidences: shortly before his death, Igor Talkov brought home a large cross he had found, and in a private conversation he predicted his own murder in a large crowd of people, and that the killer would not be found.

Very young stage stars, 13-year-old Arseniy Kurylenko and 14-year-old Kristina Kurbatova, performed their last roles in 2002, in the musical Nord-Ost. They died during the terrorist attack on Dubrovka and are buried side by side, under light-colored steles with oval bas-relief portraits.

Vladislav Listyev

The famous TV presenter, journalist, businessman was shot dead in 1995 at the entrance of his own house. The investigation into this case is still not closed, the customers and perpetrators of the murder have not been found.

By the time of his death, Vladislav Listyev, the creator of the iconic television program "Vzglyad", the first host of the "Field of Miracles", had been exactly 34 days in the position of general director of the ORT channel. He planned the concept of television without commercials, conceived new projects ... but now on his grave, on a black marble slab, sits a sharp-winged bronze angel, light, graceful and inconsolably mourning.

Alexander Abdulov

The most popular theater and film actor, an idol who conquered many hearts, did without understudies in risky shootings. Last movie with the participation of Alexander Abdulov was called "Nowhere with Love or Fun Funeral". He was released in 2007, and in 2008 the actor died at the age of 54 from a serious illness that leaves no hope.

Above the grave there is a block of grayish-white marble, on which the inscription "Alexander Abdulov" goes in ascending steps of letters. Above, on a polished area, there is a black-and-white portrait of the actor in the image of Lancelot from the movie-parable "Kill the Dragon". A relief cross is carved on the side of the monolith.

Not only fans come to Abdulov's grave, but also those who dream of a brilliant stage career. Rumor has it that the success envisioned here can really come, but the price of acting success will be a short life.

Grave of Vladimir Vysotsky

The grave of Vladimir Vysotsky is marked sculptural monument works by Alexander Rukavishnikov. It was this option that the relatives chose, noting the unusual, right down to the mole on the left cheek, the similarity of the sculpture with the person they remembered alive. Vysotsky's widow, Marina Vladi, and fellow artists from the Taganka Theater believed that something abstract or completely unearthly should stand over the grave - for example, a meteorite. However, the associative array that accompanies Rukavishnikov's realistic sculpture is close and understandable to everyone who listens to Vysotsky's songs. Here is the invariable guitar of the bard, here are the recalcitrant “Fussy Horses”, and the creator of countless songs, as if breaking out of a limiting or, perhaps, a funeral veil, confirms: “I didn’t manage to, as I liked - sewn-covered. I, on the contrary, - went publicly from granite.

They say that a visit to this grave gives inspiration to poets, professional success to musicians, but the life of creators, like Vysotsky's, becomes short-lived.

Burning candles at the grave of Father Valentine

Archpriest Valentin Amfiteatrov, rector of the Kremlin Archangel Cathedral from 1892 to 1902, is revered as a miracle worker. A memorial cross was erected at the place of his burial. Fresh flowers and unquenchable candles at the grave of Father Valentine are left by those who go to the "Moscow comforter" in search of a miracle, for healing and help from above.

Sincerely believers see here a "disembodied elder", notice the face of a kind-hearted priest on a commemorative plaque. Such phenomena are considered a good sign, evidence that the request will be fulfilled.

Sonka the Goldhand

The grave of the famous adventurer of the past, Sonya the Golden Hand (Sofya Blyuvshtein) at the Vagankovsky cemetery is a legendary and actively visited place. There are different opinions about who is actually buried under the gilded statue of a female figure in antique drapery, devoid of arms and head. Nevertheless, the criminal public regularly covers the monument with commemorative notes from the Solntsevo lads, requests to teach them how to live, give happiness to the Zhigan and pacify the "cops". People go to this grave, hoping to get luck in a card game, salvation from a knife and a bullet.

Here, at the Vagankovsky cemetery, under luxurious sculptural tombstones, crime bosses Vyacheslav Ivankovich (“Jap”) and Otari Kvantrishvili are buried.

Mystical stories of the Vagankovsky cemetery

Ancient necropolis densely filled with graves different eras, cannot do without mysterious visions and inexplicable phenomena. Sensitive people at the appointed hour notice on the local paths a ghostly soldier in the form of a Napoleonic army. He struggles to say something, opens his mouth wide, but makes completely soundless speeches. Fans of walking around the cemetery at dusk, no, no, and even meet a nameless wandering grave with a luminous cross and a hospitably open fence, into which no one has yet dared to enter.

The mystical stories of the Vagankovsky cemetery also have a more accurate address. The grave of Aglasia Tenkova, who died at a young age, is adorned with a bas-relief of a grieving angel, set up by her inconsolable father. According to lovers of the paranormal, those who unnecessarily hold their eyes on this bas-relief fall into a trance and find themselves at a completely different grave, and sometimes far beyond the cemetery territory.

The Vagankovsky necropolis is imbued with deep historical memory, the echo of artistic achievements, the sorrow of sudden deaths and the aura of posthumous glory, the hope for an unprecedented miracle and a long-awaited meeting with him.

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Vagankovsky cemetery - a monument cultural heritage. It keeps not only the memories of the deceased, but also genuine works of art that belong to outstanding sculptors, artists, and architects. The oldest burials are concentrated in the northwestern part of the capital, where they occupy more than 50 hectares.

Scheme of the Vagankovsky cemetery


According to official data, the necropolis was founded in 1771 by order of Count Orlov. In those distant times, the Russian Empress endowed him with special powers to resist the raging plague, and he gave the land near the village of Vagankovo ​​for the burial of the dead.

Grave of Bulat Okudzhava

After the extinction of the epidemic, they found the last refuge here unknown people from the slums, retired military, poor peasants, petty officials and poor townspeople. This went on for about half a century, until the burials of prominent personalities began to appear in the 19th century.

Now the most famous sight of the cemetery is the Church of the Resurrection of the Word. It was erected according to the project of architect Grigoriev in 1824 on the site of a former church, in memory of which a rotunda now rises nearby.

tragic moments

More than 100 thousand graves of the Vagankovsky cemetery are traces dramatic history. Buried here:

  • fallen during the battle of Borodino (1812);
  • victims of the Khodynka disaster (1896);
  • victims of Stalin's repressions (1930);
  • Moscow defenders (1941-42);
  • victims of the August putsch (1991);
  • child actors who died on Dubrovka (2002).

celebrity graves

The necropolis became last resort for many eminent personalities. In particular, they found eternal rest here:

  • scientists (transplant specialist V. Demikhov, rocket scientist N. Tikhomirov, naturalist K. Timiryazev, lexicographer V. Dal, zoologist S. Usov);
  • archpriest V. Amfiteatrov;
  • revolutionary N. Bauman;
  • actors (Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR V. Vysotsky, artist of the Imperial Theaters G. Fedotova, symbol of the era of romanticism P. Mochalov, laureate of the Moscow Prize V. Solomin, people's artists A. Mironov, G. Vitsin, M. Tsarev, E. Gogoleva, L. Filatov, etc.)
  • painters (V. Surikov, A. Savrasov, V. Tropinin);
  • directors (S. Rostotsky, V. Pluchek, G. Chukhrai, Yu. Zavadsky);
  • poets and writers (representative of the new peasant lyrics S. Yesenin, satirist G. Gorin, laureate of the Stalin Prize L. Oshanin, prose writer and bard B. Okudzhava, playwright E. Permyak);
  • baker and philanthropist I. Filippov;
  • creator Theater Museum A. Bakhrushin;
  • musicians and singers (rock performer I. Talkov, author of the Anthem of Cosmonautics V. Migul, lyric baritone Yu. Gulyaev, folklorist D. Pokrovsky, author of musicals and ballets Yu. Saulsky, pianist E. Svetlanov, performer of gypsy romances V. Panin);
  • gymnast and Olympic champion M. Voronin;
  • football players (I. Netto, E. Streltsov, L. Yashin, N. Starostin).

Grave of Vladimir Vysotsky

Grave of Leonid Filatov

Grave of Nadezhda Rumyantseva

Grave of Vitaly Solomin

Grave of George Vitsin

Grave of Alexander Abdulov

Grave of George Chukhrai

Grave of Sergei Yesenin

Grave of Igor Talkov

Grave of Lev Yashin

The cost of a place in cemeteries in Moscow and the region depends on their location and status. At the Khovansky cemetery, a standard place with an area of ​​1.8 by 2 square meters costs about 120-150 thousand rubles. A well-maintained place next to the temple at the Khimki cemetery will cost 1.5 million rubles. Funeral at one of oldest cemeteries Moscow are quite rare due to the lack of places. However, they are possible on the site of old graves. So, if the grave is recognized as ownerless, then the remains of the person buried in it are transferred to a common burial, and a new burial may appear in its place. At the Vagankovsky cemetery, the plot will cost an amount equal to the cost of a one-two-room apartment in Moscow. And few people already remember that this cemetery was founded at the end of the 17th century, as a churchyard for the poor.

Vysotsky's grave at the Vagankovsky cemetery

The Vagankovo ​​cemetery is one of the largest and most famous cemeteries in Moscow. Let's find out the story, watch a film about its secrets, and in conclusion, wander there among the majestic tombstones.

Pogost for the poor

The Vagankovsky necropolis appeared in 1771, when a plague epidemic was rampant in Moscow. From this year, by decree of the Senate, it was forbidden to bury the dead in the city churchyards and it was ordered "to set aside special cemeteries for them outside the city ... and build on them, in the first case, at least small wooden churches." A new cemetery was formed to the west of the Krasnopresnenskaya outpost near the village of Vagankovo. For almost a century and a half, poor people found their last shelter here - the peasant and petty-bourgeois estates, less often - petty officials and retired military men. AT mid-nineteenth centuries, burials appeared famous people that left their mark on Russian history, science and culture, and in the last third of the twentieth century, the Vagankovskoye cemetery became the third most prestigious after the Kremlin and Novodevichy.

The most famous grave is Vladimir Vysotsky. According to unconfirmed rumors, Iosif Kobzon bought the burial place of the great artist for several thousand dollars in 1980, as the authorities were afraid of Vysotsky's popular popularity and did not give permission for his burial in an elite cemetery.

There are always a lot of people at the graves of Andrei Mironov (with a monument in the form of wings) and Vlad Listyev.

The last one is decorated with white marble figure a grieving female angel with a fallen wing. A few years ago, his mother, actress Maria Vladimirovna Mironova, who outlived her son by almost ten years, was also buried in the grave of Andrei Mironov.

Before last day Maria Vladimirovna came to visit her son (especially for her, the cemetery gates were opened and a car with old woman directly on the territory, which is in principle prohibited). At the prestigious Novodevichy, Mironov was not buried only because he did not have a title " National artist USSR".

In order not to destroy the gravestone of the great artist, the grave for his mother, according to the regulars of the cemetery, was dug by specialists invited from Novodevichy. Alas, in addition to the Mironovs' admirers, vandals also visit, who somehow stole a bronze fence from the grave. Recently restored...

On the grave of Igor Talkov there is a huge cross, the wooden prototype of which was found by the singer shortly before his death and brought into the house, which has always been considered a bad omen. Each of the graves has its own guide, from whom you can learn, for example, how a fan of Talkov once decided to bury herself next to him. She dug a hole, lay down in it, and even came up with a way to cover it with earth at once. Fortunately, the head did not fall asleep, and local diggers managed to save the girl. Or about how a tree that fell during a hurricane completely turned the grave of the actor Burkov...

Among those buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery, the actress, known to many from the films "Wedding in Malinovka", "Give a Book of Complaints", - Zoya Fedorova, who was killed in her apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt under unclear circumstances, the king from "Cinderella" Erast Garin and who do not need performance by Oleg Dal, Vitaly Solomin, Marina Levtova, Andrey Rostotsky, Mikhail Gluzsky, Maris Liepa, Yuri Bogatyrev, Anatoly Romashin, as well as the "thinking clown" and master of pantomime Leonid Yengibarov.

On the day of his death, July 25, 1972, there was an unprecedented heat and drought in Moscow. For a week now, peat bogs were burning in the Moscow region, and on some days the air was such that it was impossible to see a person a few meters away. Yengibarov became ill. The doctor diagnosed poisoning. The artist suffered from pain and during one of the attacks he suddenly asked his mother: "Give me cold champagne, it will make me feel better!" Apparently, he did not know that champagne constricts blood vessels, drank half a glass and soon died of a broken heart. He was only 37 years old... When Yengibarov was buried, heavy rain began in Moscow. It seemed that heaven itself was mourning the loss of a wonderful artist.

To bow to the ashes of the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, who committed suicide in the Angleterre hotel in St. Petersburg, and today young poets come.

Many of whom, by the way, are firmly convinced that Yesenin was actually killed by the Chekists. They always readily tell their version to everyone who is interested. And they add that on the grave of Yesenin, his admirer Galina Benislavskaya committed suicide, with whom the poet at one time had a closer relationship. Benislavskaya left a posthumous note written on a piece of a pack of "Belomor". The woman shot herself with a revolver that contained a single bullet, writing in a note that if she regretted what she had done, the revolver would be next to her body. If not, she will throw him over the grave of her adored Sergei. When Benislavskaya was discovered, the revolver was a few meters from the body of the suicide. They buried the woman, as she asked, next to Yesenin. Many years later, his mother was also buried in the son's grave.

Not far from the grave of Sergei Alesandrovich is the "spiritual" grave of the great director Vsevolod Meyerhold. The fact is that Meyerhold, who was the second husband of Yesenin's wife, actress Zinaida Reich, who was brutally murdered in her apartment, was shot in prison. And since the location of his ashes is unknown, the last refuge of Meyerhold is considered to be the Vagankovskoye cemetery. Another famous theater director Yuri Zavadsky, who for many years directed the Moscow Theater. Moscow City Council, according to the existing Soviet years norms (Zavadsky was the winner of all possible prizes and awards, including the Gold Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor), was to be buried on Novodevichy cemetery. However, a will was found on the director's desk, in which he asked to be buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery next to his mother's grave. No matter how the party bureaucrats resisted, the will of the deceased was satisfied.

Many athletes also rest here: the pre-war runners, the Znamensky brothers (Georgy died of a serious illness, and Seraphim shot himself in front of his wife), speed skater Inga Artamonova, European and world champion and Olympic Games in ice dancing Lyudmila Pakhomova, football player Eduard Streltsov, football goalkeeper Lev Yashin, figure skating coach Stanislav Zhuk.

mass graves

IN ONE of the mass graves, the victims of the Khodyn disaster were buried, crushed in the crowd during the celebrations on the occasion of the coronation of Nicholas II on May 18, 1896. During the solemn ceremony, then someone said that wagons with expensive gifts appeared, and their distribution began - as a result, in a crush in a matter of hours, according to unofficial data, 1,500 people died, and another four to five thousand received various injuries. In another mass grave, the remains of soldiers - participants in the Great Patriotic War.

But the victims of the recent terrorist attack on Dubrovka, spectators and participants in the musical "Nord-Ost", are buried in separate graves, sometimes even in different parts of the cemetery. Only two of them - the actors of the musical 13-year-old Arseniy Kurylenko and his 12-year-old girlfriend Kristina Kurbatova are buried nearby.

Cemetery horror stories

"KONEK" of local guides - horror stories and stories about vandals. One day a woman who was visiting her relative's grave decided to take a shortcut to the exit and began to climb over the fence of one of the graves. She fell awkwardly, and her leg was pierced and firmly pinned with a metal bar. Her cries for help were heard by passers-by - visitors to the cemetery. They called an ambulance, but the doctors who arrived could not remove the woman from the fence - they were afraid to damage the artery. The capital's rescuers came to the rescue, who freed the unfortunate woman by cutting out a piece of the fence.

Vandals at the Vagankovsky cemetery are mostly clients of precious metal collection points. A few years ago, a bronze easel was stolen from the grave of the artist N. M. Romadin, and copper strings disappeared from the monument of the harpist Maria Gorelova ... Photographs of beloved idols have repeatedly disappeared from the graves.

On the first section of the Vagankovsky cemetery there is an amazing monument - a headless female figure made of white marble under black palm trees. The pedestal of the monument is covered with inscriptions like: "Sonya, teach me how to live", "Solntsevskaya lads will not forget you", "Mother, give happiness to Zhigan".

The tombstone was ordered with the money of Odessa, Neapolitan, London, St. Petersburg and other swindlers, and, according to legend, the unforgettable Sonya the Golden Hand (in the world Sofya Blyuvshtein) rests under it - the once famous thief, and now the local saint of the underworld. Still would! After all, Sonya not only could hide diamonds in the folds of her dress or under her long nails, but she was also a “noble” thief: she returned 5,000 rubles to a widow who had been robbed by her, who had two daughters, sent a gold watch to the actor of the Maly Theater in a fit of feelings, taken in the hall from a neighbor, and a sleeping young man, near whom lay a revolver and a letter to his mother about embezzlement of 300 rubles, she saved from suicide by placing a 500-ruble banknote under his arm.

The monument was damaged a few years ago, when dashing guys from the Urals, drunk, climbed to kiss him and accidentally tore off the head of the statue. However, this cannot be called blasphemy either - after all, the grave, according to the guides, was built for fun. Actually it is empty. According to legend, somewhere nearby is the grave of the thief in law, the leader of the Black Cat gang, whose story formed the basis of Stanislav Govorukhin's film The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed. After the release of the film, "brotherhood" began to gather more often on their graves, paying tribute to their famous predecessors.

Secrets of the Vagankovsky cemetery. Secrets of the century.

Vagankovo ​​- an alternative cemetery. There are the graves of those who, for various reasons, could not be buried at Novodevichy - Talkov, Mironov, Yashin, Vysotsky, Engibarov, Dal, Shchelokov. Our country had two histories and two lives - official and unofficial. Those who created official history ended their lives at Novodevichy, and Vagankovo ​​is a churchyard for those who were surrounded by people's rumors, love and fame, but for one reason or another "did not reach" Novodevichy. The heroes of the program are the "outstanding" dead and living workers of Vagankovo. Living and Dead. The Vagankovskoye cemetery is a model of society, an alternative to the pompous and bravura political "official".

And in conclusion, a photo tour of the cemetery:

The Vagankovo ​​cemetery is one of the largest in Moscow. It was built in 1771 by order of Count Orlov.

This happened at a time when Russian Empire plague raged. The territory of the Vagankovsky cemetery was allocated for the burial of those who were killed by this disease.

Only in the 19th century did they begin to bury outstanding personalities in the cemetery - about 100 thousand burials reflect the history of our state.

Participants of the Battle of Borodino, victims of Stalin's repressions, participants of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1942), children who died in the terrorist attack on Dubrovka, various famous personalities are buried in the cemetery - more than 500 thousand Muscovites in total, while only 100 thousand of all burials have been preserved .

Where is the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow

The object is located at the address: Sergey Makeev street, house 15.

The area of ​​the cemetery is almost 48 hectares. This article will serve as a kind of guide between the sites where the graves of famous people are located.

Scheme showing graves

The Vagankovskoye cemetery is very extensive, without any plan or scheme, it is impossible to navigate. The diagram shown in the photo shows the location of 60 burial sites, each of which has its own number.

Two mass graves are indicated and Orthodox Church. The paths between the sections also have their own names. Also, opposite the Vagankovsky cemetery, the Armenian cemetery is located, which is its branch.

Where can I get a complete list of graves

A complete list of burials can be found at the cemetery administration or at the special site. resources. For example, here is a list of all persons buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Another interesting resource offers an interactive map By clicking on any site number, the link is followed and a list of persons buried here opens.

Which celebrity is buried

Excursions are held at the Vagankovsky cemetery for those who wish, during which sightseers will see the graves of famous personalities of our country - poets Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Vysotsky, Sergei Yesenin, artist Alexei Savrasov, actors Alexander Abdulov, Andrei Mironov, TV presenters Vladimir Voroshilov and Vladislav Listyev, and many others .

Grave of Vladimir Vysotsky

Vladimir Semyonovich was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in 1980. His grave is located next to the entrance to the cemetery, on the right side.

His site - at number 1, is still one of the most visited. His mother, Vysotskaya Nina Maksimovna, is buried next to Vysotsky.

Grave of Alexander Abdulov

A. A. Abdulov was born on May 29, 1953. The artist died on January 3, 2008. A few months before his death, he was diagnosed with lung cancer.

Alexander Gavrilovich was famous actor theater and cinema. Worked at the Lenkom Theatre. The number of films in which Abdulov starred has lost count. The number varies from 100 to 150 paintings. He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery at site number 2.

Grave of George Vitsin

G. M. Vitsin was born on April 5, 1917. Due to chronic diseases of the liver and heart, Vitsin passed away on October 22, 2001. Georgy Mikhailovich was a theater and film actor. He worked at the Yermolova Theater. He was involved in more than 300 works.

People know him from such films as "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Gentlemen of Fortune". Unfortunately, in last years his work was no longer in demand. He was buried on October 25, 2001 at the Vagankovsky cemetery on site 12A.

Grave of Igor Talkov

I. V. Talkov was born on November 4, 1956. He was a singer, actor, poet. Took part in 18 projects. During a concert at the Yubileiny Sports Complex in St. Petersburg, Talkov was shot dead. He seemed to have a premonition of his death and knew how he would be killed.

He said that they would shoot at him in front of a large number of people, and the shooter would never be found. And so it happened. The killer of Igor Vladimirovich hid in Israel for a long time. The singer's funeral took place on October 9, he was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery site number 25.

Grave of Sergei Yesenin

How to find the grave of a famous poet? In order for everyone to honor the memory of Sergei Yesenin, guide signs were installed at the Vagankovsky cemetery near the entrance. Near the grave of the poet is the grave of Galina Benislavskaya, a girl in love with the poet.

S. A. Yesenin was born on September 21, 1895. On December 28, 1925, Yesenin was found hanged in his room at the Angeleterre Hotel in St. Petersburg. He was an outstanding poet silver age. His poems have always been in demand and loved. Until now, his poems are read, they are taught in schools.

The grave of Sergei Alexandrovich is the most visited at the Vagankovsky cemetery. There are always fresh flowers on it. Yesenin's grave is constantly visited by fans of his work.

Grave of Vladislav Listyev

V. N. Listyev was born on May 10, 1956. He was a TV presenter and TV journalist. Also was the first CEO ORT. Before that, he was the host of numerous popular TV shows, such as Field of Miracles, Guess the Melody, Rush Hour.

On March 1, 1995, Listyev was shot dead in the front door of his house. He spent a little more than a month as director of ORT. The investigation into Listyev's murder is still ongoing. His grave with a tombstone is located on site number 1.

Grave of Vyacheslav Ivankov (Jap)

V. K. Ivankov was born on January 2, 1940. Was crime boss and a thief in law. Created his own criminal group. Groupings under the guise of a police search got into the apartments of those who, in their opinion, earned money by unclean labor. Some were taken to the forest and tortured. Gangs worked throughout the USSR.

On July 28, 2009, Yaponchik was attacked. He received several gunshot wounds and was taken to the hospital, where he was put into an induced coma. From September 13 to September 14, Ivankov experienced a clinical death, and on October 9 he died in an oncology center from peritonitis.

Yaponchik's grave is of great interest, so excursions are occasionally given to it. Vyacheslav Ivankov is buried at site number 55.

Grave of Andrey Mironov

A. A. Mironov was born on March 7, 1941. He was an Honored Artist of the RSFSR. He has been involved in more than 80 projects. His work is admired to this day. He gave his all to the theatre. As they say, he spent his whole life on stage. Death also caught him on the stage.

At the play "The Marriage of Figaro", where he performed leading role He had a cerebral hemorrhage. Later, the actor was found to have a congenital aneurysm. Andrey Alexandrovich Mironov was buried at site number 40.


The most famous attraction of the Vagankovsky cemetery is the Church of the Resurrection of the Word, built in the period 1819 - 1831. Previously, there was a small wooden church in the cemetery (1773), on the site of which in this moment there is a rotunda.

Divine services are regularly held in the existing stone church, memorial services are performed, a lot of missionary and educational work is being carried out, and a Sunday school for children is functioning.

All information, schedule, opening hours, news and much more can be seen on the official website

Address: 123100, Moscow, st. Sergei Makeev, 15.
Directions: m. "Street 1905 Goda".

Arising in late XVIII century, the Vagankovsky necropolis, located to the west of the Presnenskaya outpost in Novye Vaganki, has become one of the outstanding Moscow monuments of history and culture. The area of ​​the necropolis is 50 hectares. The official year of its foundation is considered to be 1771, although from historical sources it is known about the slabs of earlier burials found at this site.

The first to be buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery were thousands of nameless Muscovites who died of the plague in 1771. Over the next one and a half centuries, poor people of the peasant and petty-bourgeois classes, petty officials, retired military men and inhabitants of Moscow slums picked up on the streets found their last shelter on Vagankovo. Only in the 19th century did the graves of people who left their mark on Russian history appear here. In 1824, according to the project of the architect A.G. Grigoriev, here, on the site of the old church, the Church of the Resurrection of the Word was erected with a northern chapel in the name of John the Merciful, and a rotunda was built in memory of the old church of the same name. A little later, the graves of the Decembrists A.F. Frolov and P.S. Bobrischev-Pushkin appeared near the new church, a little further - the graves of A.S. Pushkin's friends, Count F.I. Tolstoy and the composer A.N. Verstovsky.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with the growth of the population of Moscow and the expansion of residential development, the number of city cemeteries also increased. Many of them, who were outside the city, are now within its boundaries. Some of them were closed for burials, others were transferred to new places. Several old Moscow cemeteries - Donskoy, Novodevichy, Vagankovskoye - have turned into original historical monuments-necropolises, preserving not only the memory of the people who died here, but also collections of works prominent sculptors, architects and artists - authors of tombstones.

According to the burials of the Vagankovsky necropolis, one can trace national history by its tragic moments: here is mass grave soldiers who died in the Battle of Borodino in 1812, and the mass grave of the victims of Khodynka, who died in a stampede during the distribution of gifts after the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II, a monument to the victims of Stalinist repressions in the 1930s, a mass grave of the defenders of Moscow, who held its defense during of the Great Patriotic War in 1941–42, a monument to the victims of the putsch of 1991 and, finally, a monument to the children - actors of the musical "Nord-Ost", who became victims of the terrorist attack on Dubrovka in 2002.

Over the 235 years of the existence of the Vagankovsky necropolis, more than half a million people have been buried on it. Currently, there are more than 100,000 graves of Moscow citizens.

Information from the site