Vagankovsky cemetery Yakovlev Pavel Nikolaevich. Cemetery Vagankovsky

Kharitonov Leonid Vladimirovich (1930-1987). Soviet theater and film actor. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1972), known for the films "Soldier Ivan Brovkin", "Ivan Brovkin in the virgin lands", "The street is full of surprises." One of the most popular actors of the Soviet cinema of the 1950s. Leonid Kharitonov was born on May 19, 1930 in Leningrad. Leonid's mom worked as a doctor, and dad was an engineer. Younger brother Viktor Kharitonov. During the military blockade in Leningrad, Lena sometimes had to eat soap because of hunger, because of this, he later developed a stomach ulcer. After school, he entered the law faculty of Leningrad University. After studying there for one year, Kharitonov decided to leave law and devote himself to acting career dreamed about since childhood. He entered the School-Studio. V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater, which he graduated in 1954. In 1954-1962 and since 1963 - artist of the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky, in 1962-1963 - Theater. Lenin Komsomol and the theater. A. S. Pushkin. The very first film role in the film "School of Courage" brought fame to Leonid Kharitonov. He starred in it while still a student, in 1954. And a year later, the film “Soldier Ivan Brovkin” was released on the screens of the country, after which the young actor became the idol of the generation. For several years, about ten paintings with Kharitonov were published. leading role. He created the image of a new social hero - kind, modest, charming and "slightly unlucky". The characters of Kharitonov not only educated, but also entertained, for which the audience of all generations loved the actor. With age, Kharitonov appeared less and less on the screen. I didn’t want to play aging boys, I acted extremely rarely, taught, prepared myself for a real milestone role. Sometimes he appeared in episodes completely gray-haired, plump, but with the same mischievous twinkle in his eyes, like the heroes of his early films. His former glory was reminded of an episode from the Oscar-winning film by Vladimir Menshov “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”, where in front of the entrance to the Theater of the Film Actor, the heroine of Irina Muravyova squealed enthusiastically: “Oh, Kharitonov !!!”. AT last years Kharitonov was seriously ill. In the summer of 1980, during the days of the Moscow Olympics, he suffered his first stroke. Then, on the set of the film "From the life of the head of the criminal investigation department", on July 4, 1984, a second stroke followed. Health let him down during the crisis at the Moscow Art Theater in the summer of 1987. On June 20, 1987, the day the theater was divided into two parts, Kharitonov suffered a third stroke, and on the same day the actor died. The tombstone is a split stone in the form of an MKhAT seagull broken in two, symbolizing the split of the MKhAT. Gibova Evgenia Alexandrovna. (1942-2004). Wife of Leonid Kharitonov. She was born on March 8, 1942. Since 1962, she studied at the acting department of the School-Studio. V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky. Author of poetry. In 1963 she married Leonid Kharitonov. She died in 2004.

On one of the August days, a Muscovite friend and I visited Cemetery Vagankovsky- one of the most extensive and famous Moscow cemeteries. It is located in the northwestern part of the city, near Krasnopresnenskaya Zastava Square (Sergey Makeev Street, 15). It is near the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station. The last time I was there was ten years ago; was still a student.

A bit of history ... Originated in late XVIII in. The Vagankovsky necropolis, located to the west of the Presnenskaya outpost in Novye Vaganki, has become one of the outstanding Moscow monuments of history and culture. The official year of its foundation is considered to be 1771, although from historical sources it is known about the slabs of earlier burials found at this site. According to legend, Tsarevich Dmitry, brother of Tsar Vasily Shuisky (1606-1610), was buried on the churchyard of the village of Novye Vaganki.

The first to be buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery were thousands of nameless Muscovites who died of the plague in 1771. The cemetery was founded thanks to Count Grigory Orlov, whom Empress Catherine II sent to Moscow, endowing him with emergency powers to fight the plague that was raging at that time.

Over the next century and a half, poor people found their last shelter on Vagankovo ​​- peasant and petty-bourgeois classes, petty officials, retired military men and inhabitants of Moscow slums picked up on the streets. Only in the nineteenth century here appeared the graves of people who left a mark in national history.

In 1824, according to the project of the architect A.G. Grigoriev, here, on the site of the old Church, the Church of the Resurrection of the Word was erected with a northern chapel in the name of John the Merciful, and a rotunda was built in memory of the old church of the same name. A little later, the graves of the Decembrists A.F. appeared near the new temple. Frolova and P.S. Bobrischev-Pushkin, a little further - the graves of A.S. Pushkin Count F.I. Tolstoy and composer A.N. Verstovsky.

According to the burials of the Vagankovsky necropolis, one can trace national history according to its tragic moments: there is a mass grave of soldiers who died in the Battle of Borodino in 1812 and a mass grave of Khodynka victims who died in a stampede during the distribution of gifts after the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II, a monument to the victims of Stalinist repressions of the 1930s, a mass grave defenders of Moscow, who held its defense during the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1942, a monument to the victims of the putsch of 1991 and, finally, a monument to the child actors of the musical “Nord-Ost”, who became victims of the terrorist attack on Dubrovka in 2002.

Many Moscow celebrities rest on Vagankovsky. Here is the compiler explanatory dictionary living Russian language” V.I. Dal and the famous baker I.M. Filippov, one of the founders of the Moscow Zoo - Professor S.A. Usov and internationally recognized academician K.A. Timiryazev, founder Theater Museum A.A. Bakhrushin and the "singer of the Russian soul" - the poet S.A. Yesenin, great artists V.A. Tropinin, A.K. Savrasov, V.I. Surikov and the queen of romance, singer Varya Panina, revolutionary N.E. Bauman, as well as directors Yu.A. Zavadsky, V.N. Pluchek, G.N. Chukhrai, S.I. Rostotsky, famous artists of all generations: E.N. Gogoleva, M.I. Tsarev, E.P. Garin, G.M. Vitsin, M.E. Liepa, V.S. Vysotsky, A.A. Mironov, V.M. Solomin, L.A. Filatov, singers and musicians E.F. Svetlanov, Yu.S. Saulsky, D.V. Pokrovsky, Yu.A. Gulyaev, V.G. Migulya, I.V. Talkov, writers and poets B.Sh. Okudzhava, G.I. Gorin and a whole galaxy of athletes who glorified our Motherland in the international arena: football players N.P. Starostin, L.I. Yashin, E.A. Streltsov, I.A. Net, hockey players and their coaches A.V. Tarasov, E.A. Mayorov, figure skaters L.A. Pakhomova, S.A. Zhuk, gymnast M.Ya. Voronin and many other worthy people. You can't list everyone.










Over the 235 years of the existence of the Vagankovsky necropolis, more than half a million people have been buried on it. Currently, there are more than 100 thousand graves of Moscow citizens.

Vagankovsky cemetery - a monument cultural heritage. It keeps not only the memories of the deceased, but also genuine works of art that belong to outstanding sculptors, artists, architects. The oldest burials are concentrated in the northwestern part of the capital, where they occupy more than 50 hectares.

Scheme of the Vagankovsky cemetery


According to official data, the necropolis was founded in 1771 by order of Count Orlov. In those distant times, the Russian Empress endowed him with special powers to resist the raging plague, and he gave the land near the village of Vagankovo ​​for the burial of the dead.

Grave of Bulat Okudzhava

After the extinction of the epidemic, they found the last refuge here unknown people from the slums, retired military, poor peasants, petty officials and poor townspeople. This went on for about half a century, until burials of prominent personalities began to appear in the 19th century.

Now the most famous sight of the cemetery is the Church of the Resurrection of the Word. It was erected according to the project of the architect Grigoriev in 1824 on the site of a former church, in memory of which a rotunda now rises nearby.

tragic moments

More than 100 thousand graves of the Vagankovsky cemetery are traces dramatic history. Buried here:

  • fallen during the battle of Borodino (1812);
  • victims of the Khodynka disaster (1896);
  • victims of Stalin's repressions (1930);
  • Moscow defenders (1941-42);
  • victims of the August putsch (1991);
  • child actors who died on Dubrovka (2002).

celebrity graves

The necropolis became last resort for many eminent personalities. In particular, they found eternal rest here:

  • scientists (transplant specialist V. Demikhov, rocket scientist N. Tikhomirov, naturalist K. Timiryazev, lexicographer V. Dal, zoologist S. Usov);
  • archpriest V. Amfiteatrov;
  • revolutionary N. Bauman;
  • actors (Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR V. Vysotsky, artist of the Imperial Theaters G. Fedotova, symbol of the era of romanticism P. Mochalov, laureate of the Moscow Prize V. Solomin, people's artists A. Mironov, G. Vitsin, M. Tsarev, E. Gogoleva, L. Filatov, etc.)
  • painters (V. Surikov, A. Savrasov, V. Tropinin);
  • directors (S. Rostotsky, V. Pluchek, G. Chukhrai, Y. Zavadsky);
  • poets and writers (representative of the new peasant lyrics S. Yesenin, satirist G. Gorin, laureate of the Stalin Prize L. Oshanin, prose writer and bard B. Okudzhava, playwright E. Permyak);
  • baker and philanthropist I. Filippov;
  • creator of the Theater Museum A. Bakhrushin;
  • musicians and singers (rock performer I. Talkov, author of the Anthem of Cosmonautics V. Migul, lyric baritone Yu. Gulyaev, folklorist D. Pokrovsky, author of musicals and ballets Yu. Saulsky, pianist E. Svetlanov, performer of gypsy romances V. Panin);
  • gymnast and Olympic champion M. Voronin;
  • football players (I. Netto, E. Streltsov, L. Yashin, N. Starostin).

Grave of Vladimir Vysotsky

Grave of Leonid Filatov

Grave of Nadezhda Rumyantseva

Grave of Vitaly Solomin

Grave of George Vitsin

Grave of Alexander Abdulov

Grave of George Chukhrai

Grave of Sergei Yesenin

Grave of Igor Talkov

Grave of Lev Yashin

Address: 123100, Moscow, st. Sergei Makeev, 15.
Directions: m. "Street 1905 Goda".

The Vagankovsky necropolis that arose at the end of the 18th century, located to the west of the Presnenskaya outpost in Novye Vaganki, became one of the outstanding Moscow historical and cultural monuments. The area of ​​the necropolis is 50 hectares. The official year of its foundation is considered to be 1771, although from historical sources it is known about the slabs of earlier burials found at this place.

The first to be buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery were thousands of nameless Muscovites who died of the plague in 1771. Over the next one and a half centuries, poor people of the peasant and petty-bourgeois classes, petty officials, retired military men and inhabitants of Moscow slums picked up on the streets found their last shelter on Vagankovo. Only in the 19th century did the graves of people who left their mark on Russian history appear here. In 1824, according to the project of the architect A.G. Grigoriev, here, on the site of the old church, the Church of the Resurrection of the Word was erected with a northern chapel in the name of John the Merciful, and a rotunda was built in memory of the old church of the same name. A little later, the graves of the Decembrists A.F. Frolov and P.S. Bobrischev-Pushkin appeared near the new temple, a little further - the graves of A.S. Pushkin's friends, Count F.I. Tolstoy and the composer A.N. Verstovsky.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with the growth of the population of Moscow and the expansion of residential development, the number of city cemeteries also increased. Many of them, who were outside the city, are now within its boundaries. Some of them were closed for burials, others were transferred to new places. Several old Moscow cemeteries - Donskoy, Novodevichy, Vagankovskoye - have turned into original historical monuments-necropolises, preserving not only the memory of the people who died here, but also collections of works prominent sculptors, architects and artists - authors of tombstones.

According to the burials of the Vagankovsky necropolis, one can trace Russian history by its tragic moments: there is a mass grave of soldiers who died in the Battle of Borodino in 1812, and a mass grave of Khodynka victims who died in a stampede during the distribution of gifts after the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II, a monument to the victims of Stalin's repressions of the 1930s, a mass grave of the defenders of Moscow, who held its defense during the Great Patriotic War in 1941-42, a monument to the victims of the 1991 putsch and, finally, a monument to the children - actors of the musical "Nord-Ost", who became victims terrorist attack on Dubrovka in 2002.

Over the 235 years of the existence of the Vagankovsky necropolis, more than half a million people have been buried on it. Currently, there are more than 100,000 graves of Moscow citizens.

Information from the site