Approximate growth of children up to a year. Development of children from birth to a year

Children do grow up very quickly. Just yesterday, when you brought a newborn baby from the hospital, you didn’t even think that today a little one-year-old man would be running around your apartment. Of course, you are concerned about whether your child is developing correctly, whether he is acquiring the necessary skills on time.

Tracking the development of the child by months up to a year and comparing it with the recommendations of pediatricians, neurologists and psychologists, you will not miss anything and can detect and correct possible deviations in time.

A table indicating the time when a particular skill appeared will be of interest not only to you, but also to your grown-up baby in the future.

First month

The first month of a newborn's life is also called the adaptation period. The child learns to live outside the familiar environment - the warm mother's tummy. At this time, the baby:

  • - up to 20 hours a day,
  • eats a lot (read more about this in the article >>>).

The task of the next of kin is to place the child in comfortable conditions: not to overheat and not to overcool. About this in the article >>>, change diapers and feed in time.

Of course, it is important to give your baby your love: carry it on your arms, talk, sing songs.

By the age of one month, the child already pays attention to bright toys and can follow them with his eyes and turning his head. The article contains information about >>> The first color that newborns see is red.

On a note! Such an exercise will be very useful: take a bright, preferably red, toy, and drive at a distance of 30 cm from the child's face from left to right, from bottom to top. A one-month-old baby can already follow the movements of the toy.

In a month, the child already turns his head to the sound. Find out >>> You can test this by rattling the rattle to the left and right of the baby.

In the first month of life, the child retains some congenital, which will completely disappear by fourth month life:

  • sucking reflex (may suck on objects in the mouth);
  • swimming (if you lower the baby into the water with your stomach down, the child will make movements resembling swimming);
  • grasping (if you touch the palm, the child will squeeze the fist);
  • search reflex (if you touch the cheek, it looks for the mother's breast);
  • step reflex - if you put the child on his legs (while holding), he can "walk".

If you put the child on his stomach, then he will try slightly; trains his neck, back and shoulders.

Physically developed children by the age of one month are already beginning to hold their heads.

And also in my video tutorial:

Second month

The second month of a child's development is sometimes referred to as "revival month." Your baby now sleeps less, can stay awake for up to 50 minutes.

The child's vision and hearing improve, the baby is able to look at objects from a distance of 30 centimeters to half a meter. The baby can spend about 15 minutes in his crib, looking at the mobile or other toys.

  1. At the age of two months, babies already raise their heads and hold them upright for some time.
  2. Some babies already know how to roll over from a barrel to their back. More about >>>
  3. The child studies his hands - he can bring his fists to his mouth and suck them;
  4. Infant reflexes are still preserved, but gradually begin to fade;
  5. The emotional sphere also develops. In two months, the so-called "revitalization complex" is formed. This skill takes pride of place in the chart of child development; this is one of the most important milestones up to a year, confirming the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  6. The kid can already recognize his parents, he rejoices at them. When you bend over the crib, the baby begins to quickly, quickly pull the arms and legs;
  7. In the second month of life, your child will most likely give you their first conscious smile. If this does not happen, it's okay; It means that this joyful event will happen a little later. Find out >>>
  8. At two months, the child knows how to walk - he makes melodious vowel sounds, sometimes he can even pronounce “aha”, “aha”, “abu”. Children like their own "speech", they are happy to listen to it. The article contains information about >>>

Communicate with your child more often, sing to him, you will see that the baby will sing along with you!

Read more about this age in the article >>>, and, of course, watch my video tutorial:

third month

Throughout the month, your baby's physical, mental, emotional skills continue to improve.

  • The child is getting better and better at holding his head;
  • Being on his stomach, the baby rises on his forearms and can look around;
  • By the third month of life, the fists straighten out, the baby already knows how to take a rattle, reaches out to objects of interest to him;
  • Children continue to study their hands; by the end of the month, the most active of them are already grabbing their knees (the first stage in studying their own legs);
  • Everything that falls into the hands of a child ends up in his mouth;

Interesting! The fact is that the mucous membrane of the mouth and the tongue are much more sensitive than the fingers. Children explore the surrounding objects with the help of their mouths.

The third month of a child's development is characterized by an expansion of the emotional spectrum.

  • Some kids already know how, others are just starting to smile;
  • The child closely follows the facial expressions of loved ones and can already “read” their mood and imitate their facial expressions;
  • The development of the baby's speech continues. The baby can walk for a long time and with pleasure, more and more often pronouncing not only melodious vowel sounds, but also syllables.

The article contains important information about >>>

fourth month

The fourth month of a child's development is characterized by rapid changes both physiologically and psychologically:

  1. The baby is already holding his head confidently: both when he is held in a “column” and when he lies on his stomach; can turn it, following objects or reacting to sound;
  2. The baby is able to rise on his elbows, lying on his stomach. Some babies are already leaning on straightened arms;
  3. From three to four months, your baby learns to roll over on his own, both from tummy to back and from back to tummy. The most active kids already know how to move around the room with rifts, or even crawl like a bellies! Interesting information about >>>

Important! Remember that leaving a child in an adult bed is no longer safe. It is better to move him to the floor, from there he cannot fall and get more space for his training.

  1. 4 months is the age of conscious manipulations with objects. The baby can take the rattle and play with it;
  2. The child is well able to distinguish his loved ones;
  3. At this age, the fear of being left without a mother is strong, so the baby often does not let her go away from him for a second. Pay more attention to it and wait, this period will soon pass;
  4. At four months, the baby already has favorite toys, may be interested in reflection in the mirror, listens carefully to various sounds: the sound of a rattle, the ringing of a bell, voices, music;
  5. Speech development of the child is laid in the first year of life. At 4 months, cooing is replaced by babble: intelligible syllables “ba”, “ma”, “gu” appear.

Fifth month

AT fifth month During his life, the child hones physical skills:

  • can confidently roll over different sides;
  • lying on the stomach, rises on the elbows or palms;
  • occupies the “preparation for sitting” position: reclining on the hip, leaning on one of the handles;
  • trying to reach the object of interest;
  • can stand if supported by the armpits;
  • grabs his feet, pulls them into his mouth, licks.

In the fifth month of development, a child develops an important social skill: he begins to separate his own from others. The kid is happy to sit on the handles of his parents, but he may frown or even cry if another person turns to him or tries to take him.

At 5 months, the child knows how to play with various objects himself: take them in his hands, throw them, knock, lick, etc. At the fifth month of life, the baby may be interested in a picture book. Babies love looking at faces, especially those with different expressions. Interested in color magazines.

Tell what is shown on the pages, read simple rhymes. So you will not only keep your child busy for a long time, but also contribute to the development of the baby’s speech.

At this age, it is already possible to teach a child simple words: “mom”, “dad”, “woman”. Some babies at the age of five months already repeat them.

At 5 months, babies express their joy with might and main with a smile, they know how to laugh out loud, get angry and sad; continue to explore the full range of emotions. If he lacks the attention of adults, the child may be capricious.

sixth month

The sixth month of a child's development is another time for a change in the usual way of life:

  1. It was at this time that the children begin to crawl in a plastunsky way, and mothers have to remove a lot of objects from their reach;
  2. At six months, the child can already be briefly put in a reclining position. Babies don't know how to sit up on their own. Find out from the article as well ?>>>
  3. Six-month-old babies, lying on their tummy, try to kneel - this is an important stage in preparing for both sitting and crawling. If the child succeeds, after a while he begins to sway in this position. Such movements are completely normal and indicate the development of the baby;
  4. The child confidently holds various objects, can take them with any pen, shift from hand to hand;
  5. 6 months is the age of exploring the surrounding space. The child puts everything he can reach into his mouth, can break toys;
  6. At six months, the first household skills are formed: with the start of complementary foods, children learn what a spoon is; learn to drink from a cup held by an adult. Detailed information about >>>
  7. The child's intellect is developing. At 6 months, children begin to understand the consequences of their actions: if you throw a cube, it will fall, if you press the button, a squeak will be heard;
  8. The formation of speech continues. At the age of six months, children confidently pronounce syllables, master the first consonants: “z”, “s”, “f”.

seventh month

Semi month old baby becomes more and more active.

  • Babies confidently crawl on their bellies, someone already knows how to move on all fours.

If your child crawls backwards, there is nothing to worry about; soon the child will figure out how to control his own body.

  • At seven months, babies can sit with a straight back for a while. Particularly active ones are able to stand at the support, try to get up on their own. Read to find out >>>
  • Fine motor skills are developing: the child is able to hold an object in each hand, knock them against each other, arbitrarily take, put, throw toys.

Important! Make sure that all small parts of toys are securely fastened, as seven-month-old babies put everything in their mouths.

  • The seventh month of a child's development is the time when you need to stimulate the cognitive interest of the crumbs. Tell him about the objects that surround him, show and name the main parts of his body.
  • At seven months, children can already show objects at the request of their parents (“Where are the eyes?”, “Where is the watch?”).
  • Improving household skills. Now, during feeding, the baby removes food from a spoon, continues to master drinking from a mug. Some children already drink from a non-spill cup or straw themselves.

Seven-month-old babies begin to imitate adults, this is what facilitates the introduction of complementary foods.

  • At this age, the child imitates the sounds that animals make; he can say “av-av”, “me-me”. Pronounces many syllables.

On a note! To activate the speech center, develop your baby's fine motor skills. For this, toys with large wooden beads of various colors and shapes strung on a rope are suitable.

eighth month

The eighth month of child development is marked by persistent attempts to get up.

  1. The baby crawls to any support and tries to give the body a vertical position. So far, not all children succeed in this maneuver. If you put the child next to the support, he will stand;
  2. The most active children already know how to walk along the support, and also touch with their feet when an adult holds them by both hands or armpits;
  3. An eight-month-old child knows how to crawl on all fours, explores the room where he lives, knows the location of the rooms, moves around the apartment himself;
  4. The child knows how to sit, sits down on his own from the “standing on all fours” position;
  5. Games little man become more and more meaningful. The baby knows how to put toys in a box or some kind of container. Some children can already put rings on the base of the pyramid and take them off, trying to put cups one into the other.

At this time, your child may want to eat with a spoon on their own. This desire must be encouraged, then later you will not have to instill this skill in your child.

  1. The child has already mastered simple games: "ku-ku" (hides behind his arms, hides his face on his mother's chest or, for example, in a blanket on the bed), "okay" (claps his hands), shows "flashlights". He listens to music with pleasure, can “sing along” and even dance, especially if he saw how his parents do it;
  2. The child understands simple requests: bring a toy, show a chandelier. Many children already know how to show some parts of their body;
  3. Speech is constantly being improved. The baby is trying to repeat the words for adults, new syllables are obtained. Perhaps right now the baby will utter his first meaningful word.

ninth month

  • Nine month old baby continues his attempts to rise to his feet;
  • He already gets up more confidently and stands at the support, moves along the sofas, beds, along the children's playpen;
  • While crawling, it can turn around and crawl into reverse side. Knows how to sit down from a “lying” position and get up from a “sitting” position;

Important! At this time, the child tries to climb onto a chair, sofa, and get off on his own. Parents must be on guard at all times to prevent dangerous falls.

  • The baby tries to reach out to everything that he sees. If it does not work out, he can express his dissatisfaction with a cry. It is at nine months that the child actively shows his character. May begin to resist dressing and hygiene procedures, even if before that he endured everything meekly. The child is afraid of losing his mother and does not want to even briefly let her out of sight.

In the ninth month of child development, new skills arise:

  1. The baby learns to crumple and tear paper, leaf through books;
  2. You can give the child plasticine, just make sure that he does not eat it. Kneading plasticine will strengthen the hands, develop fine motor skills. In addition, this activity is very popular with children;
  3. Vocabulary crumbs are constantly replenished. Children quickly remember the names of all the objects that adults show them, they also know the meanings of the words “give”, “bring”, “put”, “eat”, “no”, etc.

tenth month

In the tenth month of a child's development, his skills continue to improve. The little man can already get up and stand without support, he is trying to walk. Able to sit down from a standing position. Quickly crawls all over the apartment.

At this age, children's games are improved:

  • Thanks to the active development of fine motor skills, the child can already hold two to three small objects in one hand. At 10 months, the crumbs have a leading hand;
  • Children understand how to play with toys: they know how to roll a car, assemble and disassemble a pyramid (the rings are not put in order yet). They know how to play with a tumbler, they know how to build a turret out of two cubes;
  • A child can be involved in playing with children if adults show him how to do it;
  • Kids love to put cups inside each other;
  • They know how to roll, throw a ball;
  • Opening and closing cabinet doors, pulling out and sliding drawers. Can put the toy in a closet or drawer;
  • Transfer small items to different boxes and containers;
  • They begin to combine objects, for example, they push the ball with a stick;
  • They enjoy playing with food and water;
  • They begin to be interested in constructors from large parts, only they don’t assemble them yet, but disassemble them;
  • They know how to turn the pages of cardboard books.

Ten-month-old babies love to imitate adults, copy their facial expressions. Use this interest of the little man by pronouncing new simple words with him. The baby will repeat them after you.

At 10 months, children memorize the names of animals well, parody the sounds that they pronounce.

A child can respond to a simple request: show, hide, bring. Children already know the names of body parts, show eyes, nose. They know how to generalize concepts: for example, they show pens on their own, on a doll, on a dad, on a girl in a picture.

Eleventh month

  1. At eleven months, your baby is strong enough to start taking his first steps without support. A child can walk a short distance from one adult to another, or from support to mom. The baby actively moves in any room: crawls, sits down, gets up, walks with support.
  2. Self-care skills continue to develop. The little man tries to eat with a spoon, drink from a cup, tries to put on or take off his own clothes. You can keep the baby busy for a long time if you offer him a box of clothes. The independence of the child must be encouraged, especially since children at this age love to be praised.
  3. The eleventh month of a child's development is the time when the first meaningful dialogues appear. The baby perfectly understands the meaning of the words “yes”, “no”, “no” (learn from the article, >>>); can nod positively and shake his head negatively.
  4. In addition, the baby looks and points with a finger at an object of interest. Thus, the baby communicates with adults, parents and the child begin to understand each other better. The number of spoken syllables is growing. At this time, two or three clearly pronounced words may appear in the baby’s speech (most often it is “mom”, “dad”, “woman” and some kind of onomatopoeia, for example, “av”).
  5. Eleven-month-old babies begin to master the skills of polite communication: they easily remember the gestures “hello” and “bye”, they willingly wave their hands.

On a note! While it's still a game for them, parents are encouraged to always ask their child to say hello and goodbye to reinforce this positive habit.

At 11 months, babies are very excitable, easily moving from laughter to crying. They are alert in an unfamiliar place, scared when a new person appears. These manifestations indicate normal development the psyche of the child and should not upset the parents.

twelfth month

The twelfth month of a child's development is a kind of transitional period from infancy to childhood. Although this boundary is very arbitrary, but psychologically, parents expect from one year old baby much more than from an eleven-month-old.

  • In a year, the baby most often begins to walk.

Don't worry if your child doesn't yet; children have the right to crawl up to one and a half years, and this is not considered a pathology.

  • A little man at this age already knows how to squat to pick up a toy; can put one item and take another. Children know very well where everything lies, and will look for a toy exactly where they left it;
  • Toddlers learn to step over obstacles: first holding an adult's hand, and then on their own;
  • Everyday skills develop: the child eats with a spoon, drinks from a cup, puts on and takes off hats and socks;
  • If the baby was potty trained, at the age of one, such children may already ask for it. Information about >>> At one year old, a child eats food in pieces, knows how to chew. If the chewing teeth have not yet grown, the children chew with their gums (they are quite hard);
  • A one-year-old child understands everything that is said to him, even if it seems to his parents that this is not so. He perfectly knows how to read the mood and gives in to it: he has fun and is sad with his mother. Psychologists do not recommend sorting things out and quarreling with a child. Since the baby still does not know how to cope with his emotions, this can cause him severe injury.

The baby not only understands everything that is said to him, but he babbles a lot and pronounces individual words.

Important! At this age, teachers consider all stable sound combinations that always mean the same thing as words.

Vocabulary by a year old - from two to ten words; some children may have more.

  • At the twelfth month of life, the child's games become more complicated. The kid allocates some toys, can feed them, rock them, put them on a pot.

What did the baby learn in the first year of life?

The calendar of a child's development from birth to a year is filled with many events. By the age of one year, the baby can roll over, crawl, sit, stand, walk. The child climbs on beds, sofas, gets off them.

Children know how to eat with a spoon, put on and take off a hat and socks, ask for a potty.

The little man has mastered the game: throws and rolls balls, cars, rocking dolls. Plays with cubes, collects a pyramid.

The child is very emotional, knows how to smile and laugh, get angry, sad. Recognizes parents, prefers their company to the company of other people.

When wondering about the development of the crumbs, do not forget that each person is individual, even if he is only a few months old. If your child is not good at something, this is not a cause for concern; he will definitely acquire this skill later.

The most important thing is to surround the baby with care and love, spend a lot of time with him, talk with him. Then there will be a return, and very soon the child will begin to please his parents with more and more new skills.

The development of the baby is under the vigilant control of physicians, especially the first year after birth. Mom should visit the district pediatrician every month to check the height, weight, chest circumference and head of the baby. All these activities are carried out in order to timely identify possible deviations in its development.

Doctors in pediatric practice are guided by a table of child development up to 1 year by month. The neurologist has his own, which allows you to monitor the mental development of the baby. Of course, we all understand that there can be no clear age norms - all children grow according to an individual schedule, but it’s still worth listening to the average indicators of a table of child development parameters up to a year old.

Child development table up to a year (height and weight)

Some babies are born real heroes - more than 4 kg and with a large height of 58 cm, while others have a slender build, and therefore may not gain the prescribed kilograms and centimeters.

All these parameters in the table vary from minimum to maximum, but deviations from the norm are already causing some concern for physicians. In the first months of life, children gain up to one kilogram, but subsequently lower this bar and no longer grow so intensively, adding only about 300-600 grams per month.

Pediatricians pay less attention to growth, since it does not reflect whether the baby is eating properly, but only indicates its genetic component. But height, together with weight, is used in the formula for calculating the minimum and maximum body mass index, which means that it must still be measured. The parameter is calculated using the following formula:

BMI = weight / height of the child squared.

The same information content as weight with height, have indicators of the volume of the chest and head. Too actively growing head may indicate hydrocephalus or rickets. with table physical development children under one year old can be consulted directly at the pediatrician's appointment.

Table of neuropsychic development of children up to a year

At one month, at three, at six months and at one year old, the pediatrician sends the baby to an appointment with a pediatric neurologist. The doctor must make sure that the psychomotor development of the baby corresponds to the norm, which is indicated in a specially designed table. At a certain time, the child should begin to react to others, walk, roll over from his back to his stomach and back, crawl, sit, walk.

Even today, your child is an unintelligent baby, but very soon an active one-year-old baby will run around the house. To know whether the baby acquires all the necessary skills on time, you need to track his development by months.

The first year of life: a calendar of child development

We present to your attention a detailed calendar of the development of the child from birth to the age of 12 months. The period up to a year is the stage of life when the baby learns everything around, studies himself and those around him, so this is one of the most important life stages. Therefore, we read carefully. But first, we want to show you a short video summary of the development of the child by month:

First month

This time is considered a period of adaptation for both mother and newborn child. The baby's body gradually gets used to the new environment. If the child is healthy and nothing bothers him, he can sleep most of the day. In short periods of wakefulness, the baby randomly moves his arms and presses his legs in his knees. From the first days of his life, he begins to listen to the conversations of others, the sounds of rattles and a musical mobile.

  • Physical development

A newborn baby spends 70% of the time sleeping. In the first weeks of life, the baby often makes convulsive movements with the arms. Physical activity is based mainly on reflexes: sucking (reflex sucking); grasping (putting a finger into the palm of a child, he will firmly squeeze his fingers); search (reflex allows you to find the breast nipple during feeding).

  • psychomotor development

Toward the end of 1 month, the baby brings the hands to the face (eyes, mouth) so that they are in sight. Lying on his stomach, the child during this period tries to turn his head from side to side, but still does not hold her weight.

The main points of the development of the child in the first month of life:

  • feeding on demand (can reach up to 10-12 times a day, including night ones);
  • the physical activity of the child is based on reflexes (sucking, grasping, searching);
  • recognizes the mother's voice and smell, reacts to it;
  • for a few seconds can focus on the face of an adult or a stationary object.

Second month

In the 2nd month of life, the child gradually develops. By this age, the baby already with might and main pleases the parents with his smile. A two-month-old baby is able to feel the emotional state of his mother. During wakefulness, the baby is already moving its legs and arms more actively, especially during moments of communication with an adult.

  • Physical development

In the second month of life, the baby already holds his head more confidently. Lying on his stomach, the baby can hold his head for 10-15 seconds and turn it in different directions. Two month old baby movements are more coordinated.

  • psychomotor development

What can a 2 month old baby do? He likes to look at faces, for a long time focuses his eyes on objects at a distance of 20-30 cm. He answers the familiar voice with a smile.

The main points of the development of the child of the second month of life:

  • reacts to sounds, turns his head towards its source;
  • examines his own palms and fingers, clenching them into fists and examining them;
  • makes the first awkward attempts to reach the rattle;
  • the reflexes of the newborn gradually fade away;
  • the child's visual apparatus improves, from this age the baby begins to show interest in bright objects.

Increase in height - by 3 cm.

third month

At 3 months, the child changes every day, turning from a baby completely dependent on the mother into an active, sociable baby. By three months, the baby gets rid of the reflexes of newborns, and learns to consciously control his body. The child is more and more interested in what is happening around him, he is curious about new faces, voices. The baby, in response to communication, can slowly “coo” and walk.

  • Physical development

A three-month-old baby confidently leans on his forearms in a prone position. Controls the fingers, unclenches and compresses them. Holds the head well in an upright position. At this age, they may begin to disturb intestinal colic. A warm diaper before feeding, placed on the tummy, light massage of the abdomen clockwise, laying on the tummy and special herbal teas (Dill water, fennel).

  • psychomotor development

At this age, the baby can already grab and hold toys. There are lingering sounds “b-u”, “sh-i”, etc. in the hum. When contacted by an adult, he actively moves his arms and legs, makes sounds, rejoices.

The main points of the development of the child of the third month of life:

  • can;
  • easily recognizes the source of sound and light, turns to it;
  • tries to grab and hold the rattle;
  • pulls objects and his fingers into his mouth;
  • explores his face with his hands, raises and pulls his legs towards him.

Weight gain (on average) by the end of the month - 800 g.
Increase in height - by 2.5 cm.

The scheme of physical development of children from birth to 12 months:

fourth month

  • being raised to a vertical position and touching the surface with his feet, he tries to push off with his legs;
  • cooing and imitating sounds uttered by adults (“ma-ma”, “a-gu”);
  • reaches for toys, grabs them and pulls them to her mouth;
  • rejoices in games with an adult, in case of termination of the game, she may cry;
  • At 5 months, many children begin to erupt their first teeth.

Weight gain (on average) by the end of the month - 700 g.
Increase in height - by 2 cm.

sixth month

A child at 6 months better expresses his emotions and desires, often voices them. Now he can cry not only when he is uncomfortable or wants to eat. Crying may be triggered by a desire to change activities or play with another toy. Active strengthening of the muscles of the back and neck contributes to the ability to sit, the child can sit without support for a short time. But he will learn to squat on his own a little later. Lying on his stomach, he pulls up his legs one by one and tries to get on all fours in order to crawl.

  • Physical development

At this age, when pulling up by the arms, the baby sits down from a supine position. Sits with adult support or pillow support. Learn to crawl forward. The child is already able to hold the toy and shift it from one hand to the other.

  • psychomotor development

A six-month-old baby can already distinguish his name from others and reacts to its pronunciation. The baby appears babbling, separate syllables (“pa”, “ba”, “ma”). During this period, the baby loves to be in the arms of his mother. The baby stops crying when he is picked up.

  • , by the end of the 6th month it can crawl 20-30 cm to the object;
  • getting up on all fours, learns to swing back and forth, which helps to strengthen the crawling skill;
  • in the game he uses both handles, shifts toys from one hand to the other;
  • plays on a developing rug with an unbreakable mirror, prefers musical toys;

Weight gain (on average) by the end of the month - 650 g.
Increase in height - by 2 cm.

We invite you to view a detailed overview of how the first year of a child's life goes:

seventh month

At 7 months, the baby is experiencing a real leap in emotional development. His character and temperament begin to show. It not only absorbs information, but also applies to Everyday life received knowledge. The child distinguishes large objects (watches, TV, mirror) and is able to show them. By the end of the month, the child will be able to briefly hold his weight on his feet and stand up on his own, holding on to the support with both hands.

  • Physical development

A seven-month-old baby sits without support, resting on the palms of his hands. With pleasure, throws toys on the floor or knocks them against each other. Turns easily from tummy to back. Babies at this age are real fidgets.

  • psychomotor development

The baby babbles for a long time while in the crib. Distinguish between loved ones and strangers. He reacts to strangers by crying loudly. Can study mother's face for a long time with the help of hands. She loves looking at pictures and flipping through books.

  • reaches for an object or to mother with both hands;
  • sits down with the help of an adult and;
  • trying to attract attention, showing interest in simple games(“coo-coo”, “palmies”);
  • actively sings sounds, a simple onomatopoeia of animal voices appears (“ha-ha”, “quack-quack”);
  • loves to leaf through books and look at bright pictures.

Weight gain (on average) by the end of the month - 600 g.
Increase in height - by 2 cm.

eighth month

The child behaves much more actively than in previous months. He can sit down and move around with the help of crawling, gets up in the crib. The kid easily distinguishes his parents from strangers and will be able to find their faces even in a photograph. Shows a desire to independently hold a spoon when eating. Understands simple requests - to show something or bring one of his toys.

  • Physical development

An eight-month-old baby experiences the pleasure of walking and masters the stepping stones near any available support. It sits on its own, while crawling it can get up and swing on all fours.

  • psychomotor development

Babbles, repeating the syllables “ma-ma-ma”, “ba-pa”, etc. He masters the movement of farewell with his hand. He likes to play "coo-coo", "palmies". When asked, he tries to look for a familiar object or person.

The main points of the development of the child of the eighth month of life:

  • holding on to a support,
  • easily navigates and moves from one place to another;
  • the child already likes to lie less, he tries to take a vertical position at any opportunity;
  • actively babbles, vocabulary will be replenished with new sounds and simple words.

Weight gain (on average) by the end of the month - 550 g.

ninth month

At 9 months, the baby feels confident, standing on his feet and trying to take the first hesitant steps, holding on to a support. He has not yet learned to get down to the floor without falling, so he can often fall. By the end of the month, the child will learn to better balance and balance. The baby is already drinking well from a cup with a spout and is learning to drink from an adult mug.

  • Physical development

The baby begins to actively learn to walk independently. A nine-month-old baby sits down and stands on its legs, holding on to a support, without the help of an adult. Walks with the support of both hands.

  • psychomotor development

Begins to imitate himself, repeating random sounds and syllables. Responds to own name. Playing "palmies", waving "bye-bye".

The main points of the development of the child of the ninth month of life:

  • sits down from a supine/tummy position independently;
  • while crawling, it can turn around and move in any direction, and not just forward;
  • well remembers the names of surrounding objects and, upon request, shows them;
  • reacts to the word “no”, understands prohibitions;
  • babbles a lot in his own language, understandable only to relatives.

Weight gain (on average) by the end of the month - 500 g.
Increase in height - by 1.5 cm.

tenth month

The kid can maintain balance and even take several steps in a row until an adult picks him up. At 10 months, a child can play continuously for 15-20 minutes, get carried away with a pyramid or cubes. Can turn pages in books. Seeks to play with other children at a party or for a walk.

  • Physical development

A ten-month-old baby, holding on to a support with only one hand, can take independent steps. Squats and stands up at will for any object. The main mode of movement is no longer crawling, but walking.

  • psychomotor development

Seeks to copy adult speech, listens to the conversation. Recognizes and finds familiar objects at the request of an adult (“give me a lie”, “where is the ball?”)

The main points of the development of the child of the tenth month of life:

  • can stand for a few moments without support;
  • takes 2-3 steps forward without support;
  • crawls on hands and knees, holding the weight of the body on them;
  • likes to scatter toys from the crib/playpen;
  • shows body parts on himself and on an adult.

Weight gain (on average) by the end of the month - 450 g.
Increase in height - by 1.5 cm.

Eleventh month

Babies at 11 months are curious about everything that surrounds them. The child seeks to explore the object in a variety of ways - shake it in the air, throw it or hit it on the surface. He likes to play the game “hidden toy”, he easily finds it. In books, he looks at the correct picture when he hears the name of a certain object.

  • Physical development

At 11 months, the child stands confidently without support. Actively learns to take the first step without support. Likes to move, dance to music, play with other children.

  • psychomotor development

Pronounces conscious babble words (“ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, “av-av”). Responding to the word "no". Playing with a pyramid. Knows and shows parts of his body.

The main points of the development of the child of the eleventh month of life:

  • actively moves (sits down, lies down, gets up independently);
  • not indifferent to praise, also understands strict speech;
  • can point a finger at the desired object;
  • new steps in communication with an adult: waving “hello” / “bye” with a pen, nodding affirmatively or shaking his head negatively;
  • can independently pick up small pieces of food with his fingers.

Weight gain (on average) by the end of the month - 400 g.
Increase in height - by 1.5 cm.

Twelfth month (1 year)

By the age of one, the child has already grown stronger as a small person. . In short, he is less worried in the presence of strangers, behaves persistently, actively expresses his desires. Begins to show possessive tendencies towards mother or toys. The vocabulary of the child grows very quickly, the baby understands all the speech addressed to him and tries to answer.

  • Physical development

A one-year-old child stands confidently and walks without support. The baby is active in combing, bathing, dressing. Tries to independently hold a spoon, eat thick food from it; learning to drink from a mug.

  • psychomotor development

He pronounces the first words, correlating them with actions - “give”, “bang”, “am-am”. Fulfills simple requests - “go to your mother”, “give me a cube”. Knows the purpose of simple objects (phone, hairbrush, toothbrush).

The main points of the development of the child of the twelfth month of life:

  • can walk a short distance without support and support;
  • bends down and lifts objects to the floor;
  • can step over an obstacle in the form of a threshold or a lying toy;
  • searches for the necessary item at will, even if he did not see where it was put;
  • expresses his needs and desires in simple terms. Calling mom and dad. Vocabulary by this age is 8-12 words.

Weight gain (on average) by the end of the month - 600 g.
Increase in height - by 2-3 cm.

Useful tips on how to care for your baby:

Differences in the development of boys and girls

Pediatricians have long noticed that there are differences in the development of newborn babies of different sexes. And although each child is individual, there are some patterns. For example:

Boys are born larger than girls in height and weight. So, in full-term male newborns, the average height at birth is 53-56 cm, while in girls it is only 49-52 cm;

- speaking about children's norms of general physical and mental growth, it is noted that the development of boys is a little behind their peers already at the time of birth. But this difference is imperceptible, and is no more than 2-3 weeks;

- the fair sex is smaller at birth, but later the physical development of girls accelerates. The bone skeleton in them, on average, is formed earlier than in boys.

Table with norms of height and weight of children up to a year

With the help of the centile table, you can track the approximate norms of the monthly weight gain of the child, and how the increase in the length of the baby's body should occur. Children's heights and weights are given in terms of minimum/maximum values, so they can be used as a guideline.

boys Girls
Age Height (cm) Weight, kg) Age Height (cm) Weight, kg)
1-2 months52-60 3,5-5,8 1-2 months51-59 3,1-5,2
3-4 months59-66 5,1-7,4 3-4 months57-64 4,6-7,1
5-7 months61-71 6,2-9,7 5-7 months61-69 6,1-8,7
8-10 months68-75 8-11 8-10 months66-73 7,3-10
10-12 months71-78 8,8-12 10-12 months69-76 7,6-11

Table of key points in the development of a child from 0 to 1 year

A brief overview in the table, which indicates the development of a child up to a year by months, will be an excellent “cheat sheet” for young mothers.

Age Speech development motor development mental development
1-1.5 monthsQuiet humFirst attempts at lifting the headBriefly follows the rattle
2 monthsIn a good mood, a little gurglesBetter coordination of movementsKeeps eyes on a moving object
3 monthslong humHolds head confidentlyTurns to sources of sound
4 monthsWalking is replaced by the first babblingKeeps eyes on moving objectsDistinguishes mother from strangers
5 monthsBabbles, pronounces the syllables “ma, “pa”Rolls over on its own, crawls backFearful of other people's voices
6 monthsActive babble, reproduces simple syllablesCrawls "in a plastunsky way"Shows emotions of joy and dissatisfaction
Seven monthsBabble, the appearance of the syllables “ta”, “na”, “yes”, etc.Sitting with support, crawling forwardUnderstands intonation, the word “no”
8 monthsFirst monosyllabic wordsGets up and moves at the support, sits independentlyThe range of emotions expands (surprise, persistence)
9 monthsActive babble, new syllablesStands and walks with support, crawlsUnderstands simple instructions
10 monthsPronounces simple words “la-la”, “av-av”Sits down from a standing position, tries to walkRepeats after facial expressions of adults
11 monthsExpresses desires - “on,” “give”Picks up objects from the floor, stands up, squatsShows at the request of familiar objects, parts of the body
12 monthsShe babbles a lot, consciously pronounces the words “mother”, “woman”Actively moves, lies down, gets up, walksUnderstands adult speech, responds to requests and prohibitions

During the first 12 months, the child develops especially actively. And although all babies go through different stages of development on their individual schedule, there are some common signs that most children of the same age have. To determine whether the baby is developing normally and whether it is necessary to inform the pediatrician about any problems, parents should know how the baby grows and what skills the baby acquires in the first year of life.

Parents need to know if the child is developing according to age in order to contact a specialist in time in case of deviations.

Child Development Indicators

First of all, the physical development of the baby is evaluated, the indicators of which are:

  1. Child's weight. This indicator is very important for the baby. In the first days after childbirth, the baby loses a little in normal weight, but then it should only add. Typically, a baby's weight will double its birth weight by 6 months of age and triple by 12 months of age.
  2. The growth of the baby, indicators of the circumference of the head and chest. During the first year, the child grows in length by about 25-27 centimeters, while in the first months the baby grows especially actively, adding 3 cm in height, and in the second half of the year - only 1-2 cm monthly.
  3. Static and motor functions. Assess the child's ability to hold his head, grab and hold objects, roll over, sit, crawl, stand on his feet, walk, and others.
  4. Presence of teeth. The first teeth (incisors at the bottom) usually appear by 6 months of age. The normal number of teeth for a baby is calculated by subtracting the number 4 from the age in months. By the age of one, most babies erupt 8 teeth.

The emotional and mental development of the crumbs is evaluated according to the following indicators:

  1. Baby emotions. A one-month-old child begins to smile, and at the age of 3 months it brightens up when an adult speaks. The grown-up peanut shows more and more emotions, both negative and positive.
  2. Speech development. The first sounds that the baby makes are grunting and sniffing, but by the end of the first month, the baby begins to walk. As the baby grows, it first begins to babble, and then pronounces its first words. By the age of one year, an infant's speech contains an average of about ten words.
  3. Manipulation with toys and games. At first, the baby grabs toys reflexively, but later begins to grab them purposefully. Growing up, the little one studies their properties and learns different ways games.
  4. Understanding the words and intonation of adult speech- Starts at 6 months of age. The child begins to respond to the words of an adult, if they are accompanied by gestures, recognizes his name, looks for familiar objects in response to an adult's question.

The emotional and mental development of the crumbs is no less important than the physical

Calendar-table of child development from birth to a year

Every month, the baby not only gains weight and body length, but also pleases parents with new skills. Traditionally, the development of a child of the first year is noted by months. We have collected the main features of the development of the child in the following table:

Age and physical indicators


At the time of birth

Height (length) - 49-50 cm

Weight - 3200-3300 g

Head circumference - 34-34.5 cm

Chest circumference - 32-34 cm

Moves legs and arms while awake.

Starts and starts to blink at sharp sounds.

Responds to stimulus by crying.

1 month

Height (length) - 54-55 cm

Weight - 4200-4500 g

Head circumference - 36.5-37 cm

Chest circumference - 36-36.5 cm

He tries to raise his head in a position on his stomach and hold it for up to 5 seconds.

Follows moving bright objects and the face of an adult.

Responds to harsh sounds.

Replies with a smile.

Starts to roam.

2 months

Height (length) - 57-58 cm

Weight - 5100-5600 g

Head circumference - 38-39 cm

Chest circumference - 38-39 cm

Holds head for a long time.

Turns to the sound of an adult speaking.

Grabs objects reflexively.

Actively interested in the outside world.

3 months

Height (length) - 60-61.5 cm

Weight - 5800-6400 g

Head circumference - 39.5-40.5 cm

Chest circumference - 40-42 cm

Holds head well in upright position.

Looks at things for a long time.

Makes different sounds.

With support under the armpits, it rests on the legs.

In the position on the stomach, it rises on the forearms.

Turns sideways from the back.

Emotionally responds to the conversation, shows dissatisfaction with loud crying.

Sucks fingers or fist.

4 months

Height (length) - 62-64 cm

Weight - 6400-7000 g

Head circumference - 40.5-41.5 cm

Chest circumference - 41.5-42 cm

Confidently raises his head, lying on his tummy.

Holds mother's breast or bottle with handles during feeding.

Laughs and smiles while playing.

Long buzz.

Grabs hanging objects.

Rolls over from back to stomach.

In the position on the stomach, it rises with support on the palm of your hand.

Lying on the back, raises the head and shoulders.

5 months

Height (length) - 64-66 cm

Weight - 6900-7500 g

Head circumference - 41.5-42.5 cm

Chest circumference - 43-44 cm

He recognizes his mother and other close people.

Consciously follows the object with his eyes.

Rolls from tummy to supine position.

Grabs and holds objects with both hands.

Takes an object from the hands of an adult.

Sits with support.

Long singsong hums.

Responds to heard nursery rhymes and songs.

Looking at pictures.

6 months

Height (length) - 66-67.5 cm

Weight - 7300-7900 g

Head circumference - 42-43 cm

Chest circumference - 44-45.5 cm

Sits without support.

Stretches hands to the subject that interested.

He picks up a toy that has fallen out of his hands.

Tries objects "on the tooth."

Starts to crawl.

Learn to eat from a spoon.

Begins to pronounce syllables.

Tries to stand on his feet, holding on to a support.

Responds to a name.

Listen carefully to an adult.

Looks for an object that an adult is talking about.

Seven months

Height (length) - 67-69 cm

Weight - 7600-8300 g

Head circumference - 43-44 cm

Chest circumference - 45-46.5 cm

Crawls and sits well.

Stands with support for both hands.

Holds an irregularly shaped object in his hand.

He plays with toys for a long time, studying their properties.

Drinks from a mug with the help of an adult.

Tries to sit up.

Shows body parts.

8 months

Height (length) - 69-70.5 cm

Weight - 7900-8600 g

Head circumference - 43.5-44.5 cm

Chest circumference - 46-47 cm

Looking for a toy that has fallen.

Transfers an item from one pen to another.

Stands up holding on to a support.

Creeps fast.

Sits down, lies down, steps over objects.

Babbles with intonation.

Happy with other children.

Shows familiar objects, answering the question "where?".

Independently holds solid food (rusk, biscuits).

Afraid to leave my mother.

9 months

Height (length) - 70-72 cm

Weight - 8200-8900 g

Head circumference - 44-45 cm

Tries to stand and take the first steps.

Imitates other children.

Reaches for an object of interest and tries to get it.

Consciously manipulates toys.

Shows human body parts and toys.

Tears and crushes sheets of paper.

Holding onto a support, dancing to the music.

10 months

Height (length) - 71.5-73 cm

Weight - 8500-9200 g

Head circumference - 44-45.5 cm

Chest circumference - 47-48 cm

Begins to pick up small objects with fingers.

Puts fingers in holes, opens drawers.

Plays hide and seek.

Walks with the support of two hands of an adult.

Can go up and down stairs (3-4 steps).

Understands the requests of an adult.

Repeats gestures and sounds after an adult.

Waving his hand at parting and meeting.

He tries to eat on his own with a spoon.

11 months

Height (length) - 73-74.5 cm

Weight - 8700-9400 g

Head circumference - 44.5-46 cm

Worth it on its own.

Walks with support by one hand.

Lifts objects without crouching (bending down).

Able to sit down without support.

Assemble the pyramid.

Stacks cubes.

Begins to pronounce "lightweight" words.

Plays patty.

He reacts brightly to a stranger or new toys, as well as to praise.

Interested in books and musical toys.

12 months

Height (length) - 74-76 cm

Weight - 8900-9600 g

Head circumference - 45-46 cm

Chest circumference - 48-49 cm

Tries to walk on his own.

Gets up from a squatting position.

He drinks from a cup on his own.

Can refuse unloved food.

Bites off biscuits and other hard foods.

Understands the words "can't" and "may".

Recognizes animals and shows them in the picture and on the street.

Knows how to use some items.

Pronounces 10-15 words.

About what the famous pediatrician E. Komarovsky thinks about early development baby, see the next video.


Immediately after birth, the baby begins to adapt to new living conditions, and his parents to their new responsibilities. The main need of the crumbs during this period is bodily contact with the mother.

The first reflexes must be checked by a pediatrician

  • Most of the time the baby spends in a dream. The baby’s sleep is deep, when the baby’s body is completely relaxed and the eyes are closed, as well as shallow, in which the baby’s limbs can move and breathing is uneven. When feeding, the newborn may doze off.
  • The baby responds to cold, hunger, pain, a wet diaper, heat and other irritants by crying.
  • The child has unconditioned reflexes of grasping, searching, swimming, walking and sucking. Their presence must be checked by pediatricians. Some of these reflexes disappear with time.
  • During this period, the nutrition of the crumbs is very important, the best option which will be mother's milk. The baby eats very often (usually with an interval of 1-2 hours), including at night.
  • If you put the baby on the tummy, then the baby will try to raise his head. Some babies can do this for a few seconds.
  • The child can hold his gaze on a stationary object, and also react to the appearance of a sharp sound.

Watch the following video, which talks about what happens to a baby in the first month after birth.

1 month

During the first month, the child grows by an average of 3 cm and adds about 600 g of weight.

  • The baby is already consciously smiling at the adult and trying to hold his head, but so far he can only do this for a few seconds.
  • The baby can already stop looking not only at stationary, but also at moving objects, if they are bright and large.
  • Sharp loud sounds cause a pronounced reaction in a monthly peanut - usually the child shudders or freezes, but may also start to cry.
  • If you go up to the baby and smile at him, you will cause the baby to revitalize. The child will smile back and begin to move his arms and legs.
  • The baby begins to utter, in response to conversations and a smile of an adult, sounds resembling “ha”, “gee” or something similar, therefore such a “speech” of a little one is called cooing.

Already in a month, the baby begins to react more clearly to sounds and emotions.

2 months

Compared with the weight and height of 1 month, the little one becomes 700-1000 g (average 800 g) and 3 cm larger.

  • The baby begins to spend more time in a state of wakefulness. On average, the baby does not sleep for about 15 minutes per hour. At this age, babies do not yet know how to distinguish between night and day, so they can stay awake at night.
  • A two-month-old toddler has already learned to hold his head for about a minute, as well as roll over from a side position to his back. If you put a finger in the palm of your baby, the baby will grab it tightly. The tone of the arms has almost passed, but the legs are still preserved.
  • A 2-month-old baby is actively cooing, fixing his gaze on both stationary and moving objects. Seeing bright object, the baby freezes. Of all the sounds heard, the little one already knows how to distinguish a person’s speech, and in response to an adult’s address and smile, the baby also smiles.

At three months, the child becomes, as a rule, calmer.

3 months

During the third month of life, the baby, on average, adds 750 g and grows in length by 3 cm. The baby has been awake for longer - about 1-1.5 hours. At this time, you need to talk with the baby, hug him, show everything around.

  • The baby confidently holds his head if he is held vertically. Lying on his tummy, the baby rests on the surface with his elbows and forearms and raises his head. If you take the little one under the armpits, then it will firmly rest against the surface with its legs. Also, the baby begins to turn from the position on the back to the side.
  • The child is already looking at objects in his environment for a long time and with concentration. He is attracted to bright toys and everything that happens around him.
  • In addition to vowels, consonants appear in the child's speech. The baby begins to show different emotions - if he is dissatisfied, he cries loudly, and when he is happy, he moves his arms, smiles, makes sounds, laughs. At the same time, the emotions of the crumbs become clear to parents.
  • There is already no hypertonicity in the palms of the crumbs. The child reaches out with his hands to the toys, trying to grab them. He also tries to study his body - touches his face, sucks his hands, catches his legs.

It is more interesting to communicate with the baby

4 months

By the age of four months, compared with the previous month, the child gains an average of 700-800 g of weight and grows in length by 2.5 cm. The baby has already developed a certain daily routine, and sleep at night is longer.

  • The baby has already learned not only to hold his head well and turn it to the side, but also to roll over on his tummy from a position on his back. Lying on her stomach, the baby can already lean on her palms and rise to look at everything around. When the baby lies on his back, he also already raises both his head and shoulders. So the baby makes the first attempts to sit down.
  • The baby already manages his hands well, grabs toys that hang, feels them, pulls them into his mouth, throws them, knocks. When the baby eats, he wraps his arms around the mother's breast or bottle.
  • The baby hums for a long time, reacts with a smile or laughter to the speech of an adult, music, his own reflection in the mirror. Mom may notice that the little one likes some toys more.
  • Formula-fed toddlers begin to introduce complementary foods, introducing the baby to porridge or vegetables. Toddlers on breastfeeding still eat only mother's milk, which is enough for them.

At 4 months, the child can rise a little to look at the desired object.

5 months

For the fifth month, the growth of the baby increases by 2-2.5 cm, and the weight - by about 600-700 grams.

  • The physical activity of the crumbs increases. To flips from the back to the tummy, flips back are added - from the position lying on the stomach to the back. Many toddlers at the age of 5 months can already sit, but at the same time the back of the child is bent. With support under the armpits, the baby is already on straight legs.
  • If an adult gives a toy to a five-month-old toddler, the baby takes it with his hands. At the same time, the baby can hold objects in both hands for at least 20 seconds.
  • A 5-month-old child already reacts differently to the faces of relatives and strangers. He recognizes his mother's voice, while distinguishing whether she speaks affectionately or strictly.
  • When five month old baby awake, he hums for a long time, pronouncing the sounds in a singsong voice.

Stimulate the development of the child, but do not force him

6 months

For the sixth month, the baby adds about 600 grams of weight and about 2 cm of height.

  • A six-month-old toddler has already learned to sit without any support, but many children do not yet know how to sit on their own. Many babies at this age begin to master the movement around the room by crawling, but some only learn to stand on all fours and sway. If you take the baby by both hands and pull it up a little, then the baby will rise to its feet. Holding the baby by the chest, parents notice the first attempts of the baby to step over the legs.
  • The child already easily grabs objects, and if the toy falls out of his hand, he picks it up. He can transfer an item from one pen to another.
  • A six-month-old baby babbles a lot and begins to pronounce syllables, but so far they do not have any semantic meaning. Parents can hear from the little one "ma", "yes", "ba" and other syllables, the number of which is increasing daily.
  • A six-month-old baby already knows his name, and can also look for a large object that his mother tells him about.
  • Many babies of six months are wary of strangers or even afraid of strangers. At the same time, they like other children. They watch them with interest and even begin to repeat their actions.
  • At 6 months of age, some babies have their first teeth. They cut through the lower jaw.
  • A six-month-old baby can already eat from a spoon, removing food with his lips. It is from six months that the introduction of complementary foods for children who were previously fed only with mother's milk begins. In infants on artificial feeding By this age, the diet is already expanding significantly.

At 6 months, the fun begins: the child learns to crawl and receives the first complementary foods

Seven months

During the seventh month of life, the child gains from 400 to 600 g, and his height increases by 2 centimeters.

  • A seven-month-old toddler sits confidently and crawls quite quickly. If you hold the baby by both hands, he stands steadily and tries to step over with his legs.
  • At this age, the baby is occupied with toys for a long time. The child is interested in studying them, shifting from one hand to another, throwing, breaking, opening and performing other manipulations.
  • A 7-month-old child not only knows how to eat from a spoon, but also learned to drink from a mug, although the mug itself is still being held by an adult.
  • A seven-month-old baby carefully listens to the speech of adults, if he is told about a familiar object that is in a permanent place in the room, then the baby will find this object with his eyes. Also, the child is already familiar with his mirror image and knows how to show some parts of the body.
  • Seven months is the age at which the first teeth erupt in most children. Some babies are just getting their first lower incisors, while some already have 2 teeth and are expected to have upper incisors.

At 7 months, the baby crawls quickly, mastering almost the entire room

8 months

Compared to the indicators of 7 months, the child becomes 1.5 centimeters taller and gains weight by about 400-500 grams.

  • An eight-month-old baby crawls well and is well oriented in space. The child already easily gets up, holding the handles for a solid support. Standing on its feet, the baby sways and springs, and then can sit down on its own. Take the baby under the armpits, and you will notice that the baby is ready to take the first steps with your support.
  • The peanut for 8 months is constantly busy training his hands. He deftly shifts the toys, presses the buttons, rolls the ball.
  • The babbling of an eight-month-old baby is already becoming clear enough. The child pronounces syllables and repeats them often, so he gets "ba-ba-ba" or "ma-ma-ma."
  • The child treats people differently - acquaintances make him smile, strangers scare him, other children become an object of interest, and the departure of his mother is very upsetting. Also, the child reacts sharply to unexpected sounds and noise.
  • If you ask the baby about finding objects familiar to him, the baby will quickly find with his eyes. At the request, the child can give a pen, make "patties".
  • The eight-month-old peanut menu is expanding. The child can already hold cookies, bread, crackers in his hand and bite off pieces.

The child can stand up by holding on to a support

9 months

During the ninth month of life, the baby adds about 400-500 grams and becomes 1.5 cm taller.

  • The peanut reinforces previously acquired motor skills. During this period, the child's body is intensively preparing for independent walking. The child deftly crawls, easily gets up, grabbing furniture, steps over with his feet. Many babies are already trying to stand without support, and someone is taking their first steps.
  • In manipulations with objects and games, the child actively imitates adults and other children. He can take a toy out of the box and hide it back, find an object at the request, take one toy out of another, roll the car.
  • The nine-month-old toddler really likes music. Hearing her sounds, he dances to the beat, stamps his feet, claps his hands.
  • In many children at this age, the second incisors begin to erupt - first the upper and then the lower.

Daily gymnastics with your child will be a great solution

10 months

In growth for the tenth month, the baby adds from 1 to 1.5 cm, and in weight - about 400 grams.

  • The movements of a 10-month-old toddler become more confident. He can sit down from a standing position, stand up, grabbing a support, walk along the support, and also holding his mother's hands with both hands. Some babies can already stand without support or take steps without support. In addition, the child can already climb the step and descend from it.
  • The child deftly wields toys, flips through the pages of books. Now he takes tiny objects not with the whole palm, but with only two fingers. The kid is already good at complex actions - pick up a toy, open and close a drawer or box, hide an object, eat with a spoon, roll cars, build a tower of 2-3 cubes.
  • The child pronounces many syllables and even separate words are obtained from them. He can call miscellaneous items certain syllable. The kid understands the speech of an adult well, can answer a request, repeat a movement, show parts of the body.

Many children at this age learn to walk diligently, and some already walk on their own.

11 months

For the eleventh month, the child gains approximately 350-400g, and his height becomes 1-1.5 cm longer.

  • The child of 11 months moves a lot and actively. The child has already learned to stand without support, walks well, holding his mother's hand. Seeing a favorite toy on the floor, the baby can either sit down without holding on to the support, or bend down without squatting.
  • The actions of an 11-month-old baby with toys are becoming more dexterous and skillful. The baby has already learned how to assemble a pyramid, add cubes, the Kid really likes musical toys, as well as books with bright illustrations. At the request of the mother, the baby can show the nose and eyes of animals, shake the doll and perform other actions that he learned earlier.
  • Words appear in the child's speech, which so far consist of one or two syllables (they are called "lightweight"). The child understands if the mother speaks to him strictly, and is also very happy about the praise.
  • An eleven-month-old child begins to show independence - dress, wash, eat with a spoon. The child can already show his desires not only by crying, but also by a glance or a finger, as well as a nod of the head (negative and affirmative) and the word “give”.

With early age teach your child to eat with a spoon

12 months

Compared to the previous month, the child has added about 1 cm of height and approximately 350-400 g of weight. By the age of one, babies usually triple their birth weight and weigh an average of 9-10 kg. The average height of a one-year-old child is 74-80 cm.

  • The movements of a 12-month-old peanut are very active. Most children of this age already walk independently, they know how to rise from a squatting position.
  • In the speech of a peanut for 12 months, you can already count about a dozen simple words. The baby understands the meaning of the words “no”, “give”, “go”, “you can” and many others. The child is able to perform light tasks, for example, set the table, wipe the dust. Also, the baby already knows the names of close adults and children with whom he constantly communicates.
  • A child of 12 months is already interested story games. He can feed his favorite toy, put her to bed.
  • The food of a one-year-old peanut becomes very diverse. The child already knows how to chew solid food, independently drink from a cup, eat with a spoon. Also, the crumbs have already developed their own preferences - the child loves some foods, and flatly refuses some foods.

In a year, babies become practically independent in movement and have well-defined preferences.

All moms are watching how a child develops by months from birth to a year passing through the stages of physical and mental development, but remember that the development of a child up to a year is individual. There is no need to adjust the baby to the development plate, a discrepancy per month is quite acceptable.

Natalia Chalaya - the author's table of the development of a child under 1 year old by months

In the table, I will tell you in as much detail as possible, based on the accepted standards and my experience, how the child develops by months. I will break the tablet into 4 blocks, 3 months per block.

Photo of a child at 1 month

Child development from birth to 3 months

Baby development at 1 month

  • He will spend most of the first month in a dream, somewhere around 70% adapting to life outside his mother's tummy and gaining mass.
  • Weight gain will be 700 grams - 1 kg, but these are average figures. I saw children who gained 300-500 grams each. It depends on the weight with which your treasure was born. The lower the weight, the usually more its set, and vice versa - large babies gain less.
  • In the first month of life, the baby will stretch 2-4 cm. Funny story happened regarding the growth of my Anechka in the maternity hospital. She was measured and 56 cm was written on the tag. At the first measurement in a month, it turned out that her height was 46 cm. Has she decreased by 10 cm, or is this how our doctors measure?
  • Since there is no coordination of movements yet, and nervous system intensively formed, in a dream your happiness either sleeps calmly, or randomly waves its arms and legs. Do not think that this is some kind of fear, or excessive nervousness. I advise you to swaddle the baby for the first month, so he will sleep much calmer.
  • From sharp sounds, he blinks and shudders with his whole body, which means that hearing is developed. It is more terrible when, on the contrary, there is no reaction to the sounds.
  • 3 weeks after birth, you can check the fixation of the gaze. Bring a bright blue, red rattle to the face of the little one and wait until it attracts his attention, and then slowly take it aside. For a couple of seconds, the baby can already fix his attention on something interesting: a toy, a mother’s face
  • Closer to 4 weeks, you can notice that the baby laid out on the tummy is trying to raise and even hold the head for a couple of seconds. Pay attention to whether your child turns his head all the time to one side, this may be a sign of torticollis, which can be corrected with massage.
  • Palms clenched into a fist in a dream can be a sign of increased tone, but not by themselves, but in combination with other factors.

Development in 2 months

photo of baby at 2 months
  • There are less and less chaotic movements in a dream, sleepy palms gradually straighten from clenched into a fist.
  • Most of the time, the baby is still sleeping and eating. breastfeeding takes a lot of strength from mom, and in order to quickly restore them
  • Firmly grabs everything that accidentally falls into the field of view: mother's hair, chains, earrings. Personally, the princess grabbed my earring so much that she tore my earlobe to the blood, of course, I instantly took off all the earrings and chains.
  • Hearing your voice, looks for the source of the sound.
  • He can see already at a distance of 40-50 cm, but so far he sees everything in black and white.
  • At 6-7 weeks, he consciously smiles when you pick him up, responds to the speech addressed to him with the first attempts to coo. You may be able to distinguish sounds such as: a, o, u, uh.
  • Your smile is answered with a smile and a burst of laughter. This happened to my daughter only at 3 months, so I repeat, all this is conditional. All 2 months she just slept and ate.
  • If he slept in a room with closed curtains, having received a portion of bright light, lying in the arena, he tries to turn his head away. Having lifted it from a lying position on the stomach, it is able to hold it for about 10 seconds. The same situation with holding the head in the position of the baby "column". However, do not rush things artificially, just remember that more frequent laying out on the stomach helps to strengthen the muscles of the cervical region as soon as possible.
  • By the end of the second month, especially developed babies can roll over onto their back from a lying position on their side.
  • Almost forgot. It is impossible to assess exactly how a child develops over the months without tracking changes in weight and height. Weight gain is usually 800 grams, but can reach up to 2 kg.
  • Height will increase by 3 cm.

Development in 3 months

photo of baby at 3 months
  • Weight gain ranges from 700g-1 kg, height changes by 2.5 cm.
  • The baby already needs the first toys - soft fabric cubes to grab and throw them. Can play with one toy for about 3 minutes. In your presence, a small tumbler will fit for games. It will cause delight and laughter at the sight of how the toy returns to its original position.
  • Binocular vision appears - the ability to perceive the object of attention simultaneously with two eyes at once.
  • The next stage in the development of a baby at 3 months is the development of convergence - the ability to fix both eyes on one toy.
  • The stage of looking at your hands begins.
  • The kid notices if you remove the toy - he looks for it with his eyes.
  • Different reactions to different music. Rhythmic music causes revival, and the classics listen.
  • Smiles become meaningful, the intonation of laughter changes.
  • He recognizes the faces of relatives, expresses emotions of joy at their sight.
  • An important stage in the development of the child by months is that he begins to distinguish colors. Some experts claim that initial stage it is only red, and after it other colors. Recent studies refute this, arguing that the child sees not only all colors, but even their shades.

Further, our plate development of the child by months up to 1 year goes to the stage of 4-6 months

This period of child development by months will allow you to track the skills that the baby acquires, from attempts at coups to the appearance of the first babble and teeth.

photo of baby at 4 months

Development at 4 months

  • It grows by 2.5 cm, and gains about 750 grams in weight.
  • A 4-month-old child clearly distinguishes between “us” and “strangers”. Preferring mom. Can cry. If mom disappears from view.
  • Lying on their back, most babies are already rolling over on their stomach. My princess lifted her legs up and rolled like a bun, using her legs as an additional center of gravity.
  • Taking the child in your arms, you will notice that he not only confidently holds his head, but also turns it in different directions, accurately identifying the source of light and sound.
  • You can track the appearance of the first emotions: fear (fading followed by crying), delight, curiosity, anger. Builds eyes and wrinkles forehead.
    He listens if music is playing, recorded on a voice recorder with his mother's voice of a fairy tale.
  • The grasp reflex is reduced, but still quite strong.
  • Between periods of sleep, he not only looks at his hands, but also tries to coordinate them.
  • Grabbing the toy, he pulls it into his mouth. So he does with everything he can reach, exploring the new by smell and taste.
  • Increased salivation before eruption of the first teeth.
  • Finally, the period of "gaziki" and colic is over. Mom to avoid exhaustion of the body (especially in winter period) you need to introduce new ones into your diet healthy foods. (to increase hemoglobin), rich in trace elements.
  • Lying on his back, straining his neck, briefly raises his head. Some babies even lift their upper back off the bed for a couple of seconds as they make their first attempts to sit up.
  • A "favorite" toy appears.
  • Delight expresses very emotionally, literally with the whole body.
  • If a child of 4 months is brought to the mirror, he will begin to flirt with his reflection.
  • At this stage of the child’s development by months, it is important that by the end of 4 months the little one will delight you with the first meaningful sounds that he designates you with: ma (mother), ba (grandmother), pa (dad).

Development at 5 months

photo of baby at 5 months
  • There are periods of long wakefulness, when the baby, entertaining himself by “talking”, saying: “Ba-ba-ba” or other sounds.
  • In weight, it gains an average of 700 grams, and grows by 2 cm.
  • Plays hide-and-seek with loved ones.
  • It can suck fingers not only on the hands, but also on the legs.
  • Specifically throws a toy, waiting. When they pick it up to throw it again.
  • Hearing becomes very sharp, and even your tiptoeing he is able to hear.
  • He distinguishes the intonations of his mother's voice and even sometimes recognizes his own name.
  • A milk bottle can be held with two handles.
  • Acquires the skill of transferring an object from one hand to another.
  • If at 4 months everything first went into the mouth, and then it was examined, then at the 5th month of the baby's development, the opposite is true.
  • Increasingly, he makes attempts to sit up, stretching his neck and arms forward.
  • The baby at 5 months begins to stand on his feet with support.
  • I saw children who are already crawling at 5 months.

Development at 6 months

photo of 6 month old baby
  • Weight gain is 650 gr., 2 cm in height.
  • The periods of wakefulness increase.
  • At 6 months old, the baby is trying with might and main to sit, having freely mastered the flips from the back to the stomach, to the side and back.
  • Able to shift small toys from one container to another.
  • It is at 6 months that most babies make their first attempts to crawl. Leaning on the outstretched arms, the legs begin to sway.
  • Responds to his name and responds to it.
  • A 6-month-old child accompanies his games with continuous babbling.
  • Masters imitation skills (especially those that delight adults).
  • It can be observed that, having reached for one toy, the little one shifts it to the other hand and reaches for a new one.
  • The babble has intonations.
  • The kid is aware of his influence on his parents, he likes to be in the spotlight.
  • With constant games, his reaction can be ahead of the event itself. Example: “As soon as you bring your hand to him and say:“ A horned goat is coming, ”he starts laughing in advance.
  • If you rock a child in your arms, then taking the usual position, he will begin to sing to himself: “Aaaa.”
  • Most have 2 lower incisors.

My author's plate about the development of a child by months up to 1 year goes to the stage of 7-9 months

Development at 7 months

photo of baby at 7 months
  • It can already sit for a long time, and crawling skills will improve.
  • Weight gain is 600 gr., and growth increases by 2-3 cm.
  • Some children, holding on to the playpen, begin to get up, but they themselves still do not know how to sit back down.
  • I saw babies who even at 7 months old took their first steps.
  • He plays with toys, studying them: he shakes them, knocks them on the arena, tries to measure the sizes.
  • Gets angry when something doesn't work.
  • If a 7-month-old baby is offered 2 toys at the same time, it is clear that he is already learning to make a choice.
  • Describing how a 7-month-old baby develops, it is worth noting that he is more interested in round objects, the baby is trying to find where their "corners" are. Realizes that there are toys that are disassembled according to the principle of nesting dolls.
  • The facial expressions and gestures of the child become expressive.
  • Can show mom, dad, cat, dog, TV with a finger.
  • He himself can press the buttons of musical toys to listen to the melody.
  • He loves his reflection, strokes it.
  • He understands not only the intonations of adult family members, but also the word “no”.
  • The words appear in the speech: "Give-give" accompanied by a gesture of squeezing the palm.

Development at 8 months

photo of baby at 8 months
  • The peanut is recovering by 500-550 gr., It grows by another 2 cm.
  • Actively crawls, exploring everything and everywhere.
  • Learn to open box lids. He loves to take everything in and out. He likes games that involve putting objects, for example, different balls into different buckets.
  • He knows simple games: “Okay, over bumps, horned goat, hide and seek.
  • An 8-month-old baby is able to fulfill a simple request from his mother: "Give me a hand, give my mother a bear."
  • Waving bye bye, blowing kisses.
  • Can watch other children for a long time, everything that moves.
  • Confidently and for a long time stands at the arena, even holding on with one hand.
  • He likes to have his "adult" toys, and enjoys playing with toy mobile phones.
  • I want to note that the developmental skills of each 8 month old baby are very different. Some kids are already running with might and main, and some of their more well-fed and overfed peers have only mastered the confident sitting without pillows. Believe me, if the baby does not lag behind emotionally and intellectually, then sooner or later 100% will start walking.

Development at 9 months

photo of baby 9 months
  • A 9-month-old baby will gain about 500 grams in weight, and growth will increase by 1.5 cm.
  • Able not only to simultaneously lift 2 objects with his hands, but also to play with them at the same time.
  • Your 9-month-old baby is, first of all, a pioneer: he knocks on pots, extracting new sounds, with a bottle against the walls of the arena. Standing at the arena, dancing to rhythmic music. Anything that makes sounds attracts his attention.
  • well developed fine motor skills, this is tracked in the fact that he captures large objects with his palm, and small fingers. At this age, he will like what you have done
  • He claps his hands, turns the pages of the book.
  • I learned to stand at the support not only to stand, but also to squat, jump.
  • A 9-month-old baby already makes a lot of sounds that parents are able to understand along with bright facial expressions. The first communication, when the little one holds out an empty bottle with the words: "Give-give."
  • Memory develops rapidly. He already knows exactly the purpose of some items, and this is a big leap in how your baby develops over the months. Having got a cup in his hands, he does not examine it, as before, but immediately brings it to his mouth. If he did not have a memory, each time he would study objects again and again.
  • If the mother hides something under the covers in his presence, she is able to find what is hidden.
  • Creeps fast. My eldest son did not crawl in the usual way, he rather moved to the 5th point, helping himself to push off with one foot, and then immediately went.
  • Shows eyes, mouth, ears.

The final stage of the development of the child in the table by months up to 1 year (10-12 months)

Development at 10 months

photo of baby at 10 months
  • A baby at 10 months feels like an "adult", and will be happy to help his mother.
  • Creeps fast.
  • He walks in walkers, and some children already without them.
  • Independence is manifested in the desire to eat with a spoon, drink from a cup.
  • Knows the names of his toys, can bring them on request.
  • A 10-month-old baby understands the purpose of many items: a TV remote control, a telephone.
  • 450 gr. is added in weight, only 1.5 cm in height.
  • There is a fear of unfamiliar people and places.
  • Curious, capable of opening cabinet doors and throwing them all out.
  • Likes toys that can be invested.

Development at 11 months

photo of baby at 11 months
  • An 11-month-old baby takes the first clumsy steps, constantly balancing, legs apart and raising his arms.
  • An 11-month-old baby knows the word “no” very well, but sometimes he consciously ignores it, trying to take the position of the center of the universe in the family.
  • Able to pick up very small objects with 2 fingers.
  • Makes persistent attempts not only to walk independently, but also to do many other things.
  • If he holds the hands of adults, or furniture, then he moves quickly and confidently.
  • Can hang about 1 minute on the rings.
  • Able to independently climb 2-3 steps of the Swedish ladder.
  • Shaking his head in approval or denial.
  • Switching to a one-time nap.
  • Weight gain is only 400 grams, height is one and a half cm.

Development at 12 months

photo of a 12 month old baby
  • A one-year-old baby walks confidently, sits down, gets up (but there are perfectly healthy babies who begin to walk confidently closer to 18 months).
  • He is able to assemble a simple pyramid himself, and literally by the age of 2 he will already assemble it, naming the colors and the size of the details.
  • The range of games is increasing, this is already rolling cars, putting dolls to bed and rolling carriages.
  • They try to help around the house: make the bed, fold toys
  • Some perseverance and concentration appear (they love to be read to)
  • He clearly pronounces the words: "Mom, dad, woman, grandfather, give me bye."
  • He tries to command, showing with his finger the object that he wants to receive, and when he wants to walk, he is able to bring his walking shoes and clothes to his mother.
  • Refuses to eat what you don't like, to wear something.
  • Reacts very negatively to mother's absence
  • He likes solid food in the form of cookies, bread.

So our table of child development for months up to 1 year has ended. After reading the entire table about the development of the baby by months from birth to a year, you realize how everything happens very quickly. This can only be compared with the fact that a paralyzed adult with a fairly low intelligence in just a year of his life will not only begin to fully move, but will also become a Nobel laureate in nuclear physics.