How to melt wax crayons. DIY wax pencils What can be made from crayons

Children are often fond of drawing and try everything: pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons. The remaining pieces can be thrown away, or you can, knowing how to melt wax crayons, to give them a second "life" and the opportunity to still serve art. Children can create real paintings from melted wax crayons: these are shavings and crumbs, for the preparation of which you can use the very remains or fragments of wax crayons. It is enough to follow the instructions. To melt the crayons, you first need to grind them. To do this, you can use a clerical knife, which cuts the wax crayon. The pieces should be small in size - no more than 1 cm. Then they will melt evenly, there will be no grains left. And one more important point: it is necessary to lay out the crayons according to the main colors. Otherwise, you can get a lot of dirty brown.

The second step is the organization of a water bath to melt the wax crayons. To do this, the saucepan is filled with one third of water, placed on the stove. On top of it is a metal bowl in which the chalk will melt. So, one by one, color by color, you can dissolve several pencils and pour them into a pre-prepared form. If there is no desire to mess with the "water bath", you can use the oven. Heat it to maximum temperature and put a silicone mold filled with wax crayons. Five minutes of heating will melt all the pieces. But it must be borne in mind that crayons should be poured into each container with a slide: as a result, figures of normal thickness will be obtained. If you can't use an oven, you can use a microwave. To do this, a form filled with crushed crayons must be put in the oven for two minutes. Periodically, every half a minute, you should mix the mass.

Whatever melting method is chosen, it is necessary to monitor the melting process, being careful not to overheat. When the material is ready, completely melted and stirred, the mold is carefully removed from the oven and set to cool. The quality of the recycled raw materials will not change: the children will calmly continue drawing with melted wax crayons. In addition, there is another way to use the leftover wax crayons: drawing pictures from melted wax crayons. For this, the remains or fragments of pencils that need to be crushed are also used. Many simply rub the pieces on a grater. But you can also use a pencil sharpener: scroll through large pieces in it, and rub the rest on a grater. So, they get a small crumb, which is later used for drawing. They draw with crayons not only traditionally, on paper sheets, but also on fabric or knitwear.

To draw with melted crayons, you need to make a sketch of the drawing. with a simple pencil, and then cover the drawing with cooked crumbs. It can be individual colors or a mixture of colored crumbs. It all depends on the imagination of the author of the drawing. Then a sheet of parchment is laid on top and ironed with a heated iron. Wax crayons melt, spread and turn into a fantasy pattern. You can also paint an old T-shirt. To do this, you will need another sheet of cardboard, which is placed inside the T-shirt so that the paint does not soak onto the back of the product. The front part is sprinkled with wax crayons in the form of patterns, covered with paper and ironed with a hot iron. Wax soaks into knitwear and makes it colorful. Thus, you can engage in creativity with children: this has a beneficial effect not only on development, but also strengthens the relationship between them and their parents.

With the help of beautiful candles, you can create a romantic atmosphere or simply decorate the interior. The modern market presents many options for candles of different sizes, colors and aromas. But why spend money on something that you can easily do at home? After all, almost everyone has ordinary paraffin candles.

Today we will tell you how to turn an ordinary candle into a work of art. This is a very exciting activity, and there is something magical in it. You can safely involve children and other family members to create a colorful miracle.

Multicolored candles

You will need

  • paraffin candle
  • paper cups
  • glass cup
  • colored wax crayons
  • wick
  • a small piece of glass or metal
  • favorite essential oils


Prepare the wick. Usually it is sold with a ready-made base, but if you don’t want to buy, then do it yourself. Place a small piece of paraffin in a paper cup and melt in the microwave (if you don't have a microwave, just hold the paraffin in a water bath). Make a small hole in a piece of glass or metal and pull the wick through it. Place the resulting structure in a glass beaker and fill it with prepared paraffin.

Cut the crayons of the desired color into small pieces.

Place paraffin wax and chopped crayons in paper cups. Melt everything in the microwave. Thoroughly mix the contents of the glasses until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add essential oil. Pour into a glass with a wick mass desired color. You can tilt the container to get the desired shape.

Wait until the first color hardens, and pour the mass of the other color. Do this with each color until you get a full-sized candle. You can make each layer with a different flavor.

If you add essential oils to the mixture, before new year holidays try making candles with the smell of Christmas trees and tangerines. You can also decorate a glass cup with coffee beans, shells or beads, most importantly - not plastic ones.

In this way you can make a variety of candles. The whole process will take quite a bit of time, and the result will please you and your loved ones very much.

Since the invention by cousins ​​Edwin Binney and Harold Smith in 1903, crayons have become almost an integral part of children's lives. Remember your childhood and your children's albums, dotted with colorful scribbles of inept lines and strokes. Drawing with colored pencils, perhaps, has not bypassed a single person on Earth, because drawing lessons begin with kindergarten and continue in the elementary grades of the school with pencils, along with watercolors.

No other commercial product can match the versatility of a pencil. Most importantly, wax crayons are completely non-toxic, made from natural materials, environmentally friendly and available in over 120 colors. In fact, with their help, you can get a lot more colors and shades by mixing them directly on paper during the drawing process.

Pencils and crayons undoubtedly play important role in the development of craving for creativity in a child. As for the market for these products, here we see several different types of pencils: ordinary classic, glow in the dark (luminescent), flavored, glitter and water-soluble. But, despite the variety, they all have the same basic ingredients: paraffin wax and pigments that determine their specific color.

Manufacturing methods

First we need to make paper tubes. They will serve not only as a form for our home-made drawing supplies, but also protect your hands from stained dyes later.

Tubes are very easy to make. You just need to wind several layers of any paper on a round blank of a suitable diameter, gluing the layers with PVA glue so that they are dense enough. How many layers will have to be wound depends on the density of the paper itself. As a result, you should get approximately the same tubes as in the illustration.

There are only two methods for making homemade drawing supplies themselves.

First method, similar to an industrial method, available, however, for do-it-yourself reproduction at home.

First, melt paraffin or stearin from candle cinders (beeswax is also suitable). In the melted paraffin, add the usual food coloring and about one tablespoon of boiling water. All this must be thoroughly mixed until the color of the mixture is uniform and poured into molds, that is, into those same paper tubes.

In industrial conditions, special hardeners and pressing are used to give the pencils the necessary hardness, but we can do without it.

Second method, an equally affordable way to make do-it-yourself crayons is to use ordinary soap instead of paraffin.

You will need half a glass of soap flakes, again food coloring and boiling water. Soap flakes must first be dissolved in hot water. There should not be much water, but just enough so that the mixture has the consistency of a paste. If you pour water and the mixture is not thick enough, you will have to evaporate it.

After dissolving the soap flakes completely until the paste is even, add food coloring to it, and mix it all until the color is uniform. When doing this, make sure that there are no air bubbles in the paste, otherwise the crayons will be brittle. And in the end, pour into your paper tubes and leave them to dry for a day.

It is also easy to make new wax pencils from broken or scribbled ones. Just melt them down and pour them into molds.

If you subsequently wrap the pencils in colored paper or an original wrapper, they may well become the most original handmade gift.

By the way, one of the most interesting facts about crayons: the average child uses about 700 crayons from their first attempts at drawing through their decade.


Do not throw away your old and broken wax crayons. Just like candle wax, crayons can be melted down and turned into new crayons, candles, or even lipstick! There are several different ways for melting pencils, and in this article we will tell you about them.


1 Melt the pencils on the stove

  1. Do this with a double boiler or water bath. Pour 2.5-5.1 cm of water into a large saucepan. Place a temperature-resistant glass container inside a large saucepan. The top of the glass container should be above the water level.
    • You can use the metal cup that you use to make candles for this purpose instead of a glass container.
  2. Remove wrappers from pencils. If you encounter difficulties, you can run a clerical knife along the entire length of the pencil, carefully cutting off the wrapper from its surface. However, the wrapper should be removed fairly easily. .
    • You can also put the pencil in the bowl with hot water for a few minutes. The water will soften the paper and make it easier to remove.
    • Soak the pencil in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. Soften the paper and it will be easier for you to remove it.
    • Tear the wrapper. Start at one end (top or bottom) along the seam. Hook the shell with your fingernail and start tearing it off.
    • Some pencils have a loose wrapper. You can easily take it off.
  3. Sort the pencils by color. In the presence of a large number different pencils, you should sort them by color. This will save time later when you melt them. You don't have to separate your pencils by hue, for example you can put cyan and deep blue together. Just group all the shades together of blue color, yellow, etc.
  4. Cut the pencils into small pieces with a utility or kitchen knife. You should end up with pieces about 1.27 cm long. This way you can melt them faster and reduce the amount of lumps that can form.
  5. Turn on the stove and bring the water to a boil. After boiling, lower the temperature and keep the water at a boil over moderate heat.
  6. Drop the pieces of crayon into a glass container. Do not throw all the colors at the same time, otherwise you will end up with muddy Brown color. Instead, send crayons sorted by primary colors for melting. Just throw the pieces of pencils pre-selected by color into the container.
    • When making candles from wax sticks, add candle wax and a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent.
    • If you are making lipstick based on wax crayons, then you should use just one crayon (you can use one or more colors, according to the size of one crayon) and ½ teaspoon of almond, argan, coconut, jojoba or olive oil.
  7. Wait until the pencils melt. Stir them with a spoon to heat the whole mass evenly. Do not leave the stove unattended and be sure to ventilate the room well; substances released by the wax can cause headaches.
    • Add more water if the level in the large pot is low.
  8. Take the container out of the water and use the wax. The glass container will get very hot, so be sure to use an oven mitt or mitt to protect your hands. You can pour hot wax into silicone ice cube molds or candy molds to get pencils in various fun shapes. You can also use this wax to make candles and lipstick.

2 Melt the pencils in the microwave

  1. melt wax crayons 1 Remove the paper wrapper from the pencils. You can do this with a utility knife or remove the wrapper by hand, or put pencils in a bowl of hot water to soften the wrapper a bit.
    • Peel and tear the wrapper off.
    • Score the paper wrapper with a craft knife and peel the wrapper open.
    • Soak the crayons in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes to loosen the wrapper, then peel the wrapper off.
    • Some crayons have very loose wrappers. You might be able to simply slide these off.
  2. melt wax pencils 2 Separate pencils by color. If you have a large number of different pencils, you should arrange them by color. This means that you should add all the pinks and purples together. You don't have to focus on shading, like shades of pink." chewing gum"and" rose "should be put in one pile.
  3. melt wax crayons 3 Use a utility or kitchen knife to cut the pencils into small pieces. They should be about 1.27 cm long, which will speed up the melting time.
  4. melt wax crayons 4 Place the pencil pieces in a microwave safe bowl. you can use glass jar or even an old cup. If you have pencils of different colors, then you should use different containers.
    • If you want to make a candle, then you should mix pencils and candle wax in a ratio of 1 to 1. Then add a few drops of essential oil or essence.
    • If you are making lipstick, then you will need one pencil (you can mix several colors), ½ teaspoon of shea butter, and ½ teaspoon of any other oil (almond, argan, coconut, jojoba or olive).
  5. melt wax crayons 5 Put the plate or coaster and container of crayons in the microwave. You can place multiple containers/flowers in it at once, but don't overfill the microwave. It is better to heat each color individually or in small batches.
  6. melt wax crayons 6 Warm up the pencils for 2 minutes, stopping the process every 30 seconds to stir. Stay in the microwave and keep an eye on your pencils. The parameters of each furnace are different, which means your pencils can melt faster.
  7. melt wax crayons 7 Use melted wax. Once completely melted, you can pour the wax into silicone molds or plastic candy molds to make fun shaped figures. You can also use pencils to make lipstick and candles.

3 Melt the crayons in the oven

  1. melt wax crayons 1 Preheat oven to 94 C. This method will help to give old pencils new fun shapes.
  2. melt wax pencils 2 Remove the paper wrapper from the crayon. Using a utility knife, carefully cut the wrapper off each crayon. Be careful not to damage the pencil itself. The wrapper should come off easily.
    • For easier removal of the wrapper, place the pencil in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. The water will soften the paper, making it easier to remove.
  3. melt wax crayons 3 Sort the crayons by color. If you have a large number of different pencils, you should arrange them by color. This will save time later when you melt them. This means that you need to sort yellow to yellow, and blue to blue. No need to group pencils by hue, for example, by adding together all the “cornflower blue” or “golden” yellow.
  4. melt wax crayons 4 Cut the pencils into small pieces with a utility or kitchen knife. Their length should be about 1.27 cm in length. This will help you melt your pencils faster and reduce the amount of clumps that form.
  5. melt wax crayons 5 Find a suitable baking dish or silicone mold. You can use old tin molds for cakes or pastries, or silicone molds for pastries and ice cubes. Silicone molds have a very high melting point, so they are safe to use in the oven.
    • If you are using tin baking pans, lightly grease the indentations with baking spray or cooking oil. This will prevent sticking. You can also use paper cupcake liners.
    • If you're using silicone molds, you won't need to grease or use paper molds. The silicone mold is very temperature resistant and flexible, so melted pencils (after they have hardened) are very easy to remove.
  6. melt wax crayons 6 Place the pencil pieces in the molds. If you plan to use curly forms, then apply the cut pieces of pencils with a small margin. Pencils during melting will fill all the voids of such molds.
    • Pay attention to matching the color of the pencils to the shape of the desired figure. For example, if you have several different shapes in the form of stars and hearts in your tray, then you should put red pencils in the shape for hearts, and yellow and blue in the shape of stars.
  7. melt wax crayons 7 Place the tin mold in the oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes. If you are using silicone molds, place them on a baking sheet first.
  8. melt wax crayons 8 Remove the molds from the oven. Once the crayons are completely melted, take the molds out of the oven and you can use the melted wax for your project, or wait until it's completely solidified and get some fun shaped crayons.
    • When making funky shaped pencils, you can speed up the cooling process by placing the baking dish in the freezer for 30 minutes after the wax has hardened a bit.
  9. melt wax crayons 9 Remove hardened pencils from molds. When making pencils, you should wait until the wax has fully cured. The wax is completely set if the bottom of the mold is cool to the touch. Turn the mold upside down after the wax has completely cured. The pencils should fall out easily if you are using a muffin or muffin pan. At the same time, you can lightly tap the mold on the surface. When using silicone molds, gently grasp the edges of the mold and press down on the bottom of the mold, pushing the pencil out.
  • Melted pencils can be reused to make new ones. Just pour the wax into the molds or leave them in the one you melted them in. The new pencils will be the same color you added to the container.
  • Melted pencils can be poured into shaped or ornamental molds to make new pencils with interesting shapes or figurines.
  • Silicone ice molds are ideal for making new pencils.
  • You don't have to make pencils. You can make a cylinder out of wood and follow steps 1-7 to glue the lead in.


  • Melt pencils in a well-ventilated area. Keep the window open.
  • Melted pencils are very hot. Adult supervision and precautions are required during wax melting and application. Do not leave melted or hot wax unattended.
  • Don't overheat your pencils.
  • Never leave a switched on stove or oven unattended.

What will you need

  • Pencils
  • Stationery knife
  • High temperature resistant containers and containers for microwaves.
  • Microwave plate or stand
  • Equipment for the project, such as molds, etc. to work with melted wax.

Paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, pastels, wax crayons - such a variety of materials that our children use for creativity. Each of them has its own properties and features inherent in this particular material.

Today I would like to talk about how you can use wax crayons and what you can do with them unusual.

Surely every mother has come across the fact that the remains of painted crayons are lying around the house. It is already inconvenient to use them, but it is a pity to throw them away. How to give these crayons new life?

Take a silicone mold, crumble the rest of the crayons into it. You can scatter in shades, or you can make a mix of different colors.

Put the mold in the oven at 180 degrees.

The crayons will melt in about 10 minutes, then take them out. If you notice that the melted crayon has separated into two layers (a transparent layer has formed on top), or air bubbles have formed in it, just stir the contents, for example, with a toothpick and leave to cool.

When the crayons are frozen, remove them from the mold and you can draw!

Such crayons can even be made specifically for small children, it will be more convenient for them to hold small things of this shape than long thin ones, and even those that constantly break from falls.

While we were melting the crayons, the idea occurred to me that you can also draw with melted crayons! If you do not wait for them to harden. Since my crayons were in a form with many cells, we got such a mixture, but if we take, say, cupcake molds and melt the crayons there, then when the contents are poured, the colors will not mix and it will be possible to draw real drawings, and not abstraction. For example, flowers, where the petals are made of drops, and the stalk will certainly take on a bizarre shape. In addition to the fact that the process itself is interesting, the result will also be unusual, because the drawing will turn out to be voluminous.

It’s also interesting to make pictures like this by melting the crayons with a hair dryer.

Glue the crayons on a sheet of paper, let the glue dry.

Then take a hair dryer and, turning it on to the hottest setting, blow on the crayons, holding the sheet of crayons almost vertically. My advice is to blow into the middle, or even the top of the crayon, rather than the very tip. The chalk will begin to thaw and will flow in straight lines. If you blow on the tip of the chalk, then the molten wax will scatter into different sides due to strong airflow. In fact, that's exactly what we did.

After the smudges dried, we peeled off the crayons and began to fantasize. We got a holiday with gifts and colorful balloons!

Then I accidentally damaged an incompletely dried blot of melted crayon and a notch formed in it, and then the idea came to my mind that wax crayons are easy to use as a background on which you can scratch out something interesting.

And a little later, I remembered that my friend told me how she and her brother made engravings in childhood. They took a candle, rubbed a sheet of paper with it, poured ink on top, let it dry and scratched out a drawing with a needle.

Instead of a candle, I took wax crayons, and covered them with black gouache on top. When the gouache dried, we enjoyed this technique to our heart's content, using an ordinary toothpick for drawing. A little later it turned out that I did not invent the wheel and this technique is called scratching.

Crayons - soft material so they blend nicely. Cut out different shapes from paper and lay them out on a blank sheet of paper.

Holding the shape superimposed on top with your finger so that it does not move out, circle the outline with crayons.

Then with your finger, blend the line in the direction from the center.

This is such a fun result.

And finally, how to decorate a house with wax crayons. Are you planning children's holiday and you think about how to decorate the room? Invite your child to take part in decorating the most direct.

To do this, you will need wax paper, a sharpener and wax crayons. Cut paper flags of any shape, cut so that they fold in half, like a postcard.

Sharpen the crayons, fill in one half of the flag with shavings, cover with the second half and iron the flag through plain paper with an iron. Then fasten the flags on a thick thread or braid, and you will get a wonderful homemade garland!

Happy holiday to you!