And the dawns here are quiet death of heroes. "The Dawns Here Are Quiet": Characteristics of the Heroes from Boris Vasiliev's Story

The story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" written by Vasiliev Boris Lvovich (years of life - 1924-2013), was first born in 1969. The work, according to the author himself, is based on a real military episode, when, after being wounded, seven soldiers serving on railway, did not let the German sabotage group blow it up. After the battle, only one sergeant, the commander of the Soviet fighters, managed to survive. In this article, we will analyze "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", and describe a brief summary of this story.

War is tears and grief, destruction and horror, madness and extermination of all life. She brought trouble to everyone, knocking on every house: wives lost their husbands, mothers - sons, children were forced to be left without fathers. Many people went through it, experienced all these horrors, but they managed to survive and win in the hardest of all wars ever endured by mankind. Let's start the analysis of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" with short description events, along with commenting on them.

Boris Vasiliev served as a young lieutenant at the beginning of the war. In 1941, he went to the front while still a schoolboy, and two years later he was forced to leave the army due to a severe shell shock. Thus, this writer knew the war firsthand. Therefore it the best works- it is about her, about the fact that a person manages to remain a person only by fulfilling his duty to the end.

In the work "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", the content of which is war, it is felt especially sharply, since it is turned by an unusual facet for us. We are all used to associate men with her, but here the main characters are girls and women. They stood up against the enemy alone in the middle of the Russian land: lakes, swamps. The enemy - hardy, strong, merciless, well-armed, greatly outnumbers them.

Events unfold in May 1942. Depicted is a railway siding and its commander - Fedor Evgrafych Vaskov, a 32-year-old man. Soldiers arrive here, but then they start to walk and drink. Therefore, Vaskov writes reports, and in the end they send him anti-aircraft gunners under the command of Rita Osyanina, a widow (her husband died at the front). Then Zhenya Komelkova arrives, instead of the carrier killed by the Germans. All five girls had their own character.

Five different characters: analysis

"The Dawns Here Are Quiet" is a work that describes interesting female images. Sonya, Galya, Lisa, Zhenya, Rita - five different, but in some ways very similar girls. Rita Osyanina is gentle and strong-willed, distinguished by spiritual beauty. She is the most fearless, courageous, she is a mother. Zhenya Komelkova is white-skinned, red-haired, tall, with childish eyes, always laughing, cheerful, mischievous to the point of adventurism, tired of pain, war and painful and long love for a married and distant person. Sonya Gurvich is an excellent student, a refined poetic nature, as if she had come out of a book of poems by Alexander Blok. she always knew how to wait, she knew that she was destined for life, and it was impossible to escape her. The latter, Galya, always lived more actively in the imaginary world than in the real one, therefore she was very afraid of this merciless terrible phenomenon, which is war. "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" depicts this heroine as a funny, never matured, clumsy, childish orphanage girl. Escape from orphanage, notes and dreams ... about long dresses, solo parts and universal worship. She wanted to become new love Orlova.

The analysis of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" allows us to say that none of the girls was able to fulfill their desires, because they did not have time to live their lives.

Further developments

The heroes of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" fought for their Motherland like no one else had ever fought anywhere. They hated the enemy with all their heart. The girls always carried out orders clearly, as young soldiers should. They experienced everything: losses, worries, tears. Right before the eyes of these fighters, their good friends were dying, but the girls held on. They stood to the death to the very end, they did not let anyone through, and there were hundreds and thousands of such patriots. Thanks to them, it was possible to defend the freedom of the Motherland.

Death of heroines

These girls had different deaths, as they were different life paths, followed by the heroes of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". Rita was wounded by a grenade. She understood that she could not survive, that the wound was fatal, and that she would have to die painfully and for a long time. Therefore, gathering the rest of her strength, she shot herself in the temple. Gali's death was as reckless and painful as she herself - the girl could have hidden and saved her life, but did not. It remains only to speculate what motivated her then. Perhaps just a moment of confusion, perhaps cowardice. Sony's death was cruel. She didn't even know how the dagger blade had pierced her cheerful young heart. Zhenya is a little reckless, desperate. She believed in herself until the very end, even when she led the Germans away from Osyanina, she never doubted for a moment that everything would end well. Therefore, even after the first bullet hit her in the side, she was only surprised. After all, it was so improbable, absurd and stupid to die when you were only nineteen years old. Lisa's death happened unexpectedly. It was a very stupid surprise - the girl was dragged into the swamp. The author writes that until the last moment the heroine believed that "tomorrow will be for her."

Petty Officer Vaskov

Sergeant Major Vaskov, whom we have already mentioned in the summary "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", is left alone in the midst of torment, misfortune, alone with death and three prisoners. But now he has five times more strength. What was in this fighter of the human, the best, but hidden deep in the soul, was suddenly revealed. He felt and experienced both for himself and for his "sister" girls. The foreman laments, he does not understand why this happened, because they need to give birth to children, and not die.

So, according to the plot, all the girls died. What guided them when they went into battle, not sparing their own lives, defending their land? Perhaps just a duty to the Fatherland, his people, perhaps patriotism? Everything was mixed up at that moment.

Sergeant Major Vaskov ultimately blames himself for everything, and not the Nazis he hates. As a tragic requiem, his words that he "put down all five" are perceived.


Reading the work "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" one involuntarily becomes an observer of the everyday life of anti-aircraft gunners at a bombed-out junction in Karelia. This story is based on an episode that is insignificant in the vast scale of the Great Patriotic War, but it is told about him in such a way that all her horrors stand before her eyes in all their ugly, terrible inconsistency with the essence of man. It is emphasized by the fact that the work is called "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", and by the fact that its heroes are girls who are forced to participate in the war.

Courageous death of girls in the work "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"
The work “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, which was written by Boris Lvovich Vasilyev (lived from 1924-2013), was published in 1969. This story, as the writer himself said, was written on the basis of an episode that happened during the terrible and terrible Great Patriotic War, when wounded soldiers, there were only seven of them, did not allow the Germans to blow up the railway. After this cruel and terrible battle, only one soldier remained alive, the one who commanded the Soviet detachment and had the rank of sergeant. Next, we will talk about summary this work with comments.
The Great Patriotic War brought a lot of grief, devastation and death. It destroyed many lives and families, mothers buried their still very young sons, children lost their parents, wives became widows. Soviet citizens experienced all the hardest hardships of the war, its horror, tears, hunger, death, but nevertheless they withstood and became victors.
Vasiliev B. L. in 1941, when the war began, was still a schoolboy, but he, without hesitation, went to the front and served as a lieutenant. In 1943 he received a severe concussion and could not continue to fight. Therefore, he knew what battles were, and his best books were written specifically about war and how a person remained a person, fulfilling his military duty.
In the story of B.L. Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" tells about military events. But the main actors in this work are not men, as is usually the case, but young girls. They resisted the Nazis, being among the swamps and lakes. But the Germans outnumbered them and were strong, hardy, they had excellent weapons, and there was no pity at all.
The action of the story takes place in the May days of 1942 at the railway siding, commanded by Fedor Evgrafovich Vaskov, he was only thirty-two years old. Fighters arrived here, but a spree and even drunkenness began. Because of this, the commander wrote several reports and anti-aircraft gunners arrived at this patrol, they were commanded by Osyanina Margarita, she was widowed, having lost her husband at the front. Then the Nazis killed the carrier of shells, and Yevgenia Komelkova took her place. There were five girls in total, but they all had a different character.
Girls (Margarita, Sophia, Galina, Evgenia, Elizabeth), the author writes about them that they are different, but still similar to each other. Osyanina Margarita is tender, internally beautiful, possesses strong-willed character. She is the bravest of all girls, she has motherly qualities.
Evgenia Komelkova has white skin, red hair, tall stature and the eyes of a child. She has a cheerful nature, and she is prone to excitement and adventure. This girl is tired of war, grief and difficult love for a man, because he is already married and is very far from her. Gurvich Sophia has a poetic, refined character of an excellent student, it seems that Blok wrote about her in his poems.
Brichkina Elizaveta believed that her destiny was to be alive, she knew how to wait. And Galina preferred life in the world of imagination, and not in the real world, she was very much afraid of war. This girl is presented in the story as a funny, still immature, clumsy girl from an orphanage. She ran away from the orphanage and dreamed of being like the actress Lyubov Orlova, wearing long beautiful dresses, getting attention from fans.
Unfortunately, the dreams of these anti-aircraft gunners did not come true, because they did not have time to really live in this world, they died very young.
The anti-aircraft gunners defended their country, they harbored hatred for the Nazis, they carried out orders invariably clearly. Losses, and tears, and experiences fell to their lot. Their girlfriends were dying next to them, but the girls did not give up and did not allow the enemy to pass through the railroad siding. Their feat allowed the Fatherland to win back freedom. There were a lot of such patriots.
These girls had absolutely different life, in different ways they were overtaken by death. Margarita was wounded by a grenade, and in order not to die long and painfully from this mortal wound, she killed herself with a shot in the temple. Galina's death was in keeping with the character of the girl herself (with pain and recklessness). Galya could hide and stay alive, but she did not hide. Why this happened is not clear, maybe cowardice or short-term confusion. Sophia died from a dagger pierced into her heart.
Eugenia's death was somewhat reckless and desperate. The girl was self-confident until her death, even taking the Nazis away from Margarita, she thought that everything would end well. And having received the first bullet in the side, she was only surprised, because she did not believe that she was dying at nineteen. Elizabeth's death was stupid and unexpected - she drowned in a swamp.
After the death of the anti-aircraft gunners, their commander Vaskov was left alone with three captured Germans. He saw death, misfortune and inhuman torment. But he had five times more internal strength, that's all. best qualities, hidden in the depths of the soul, appeared unexpectedly. He felt and lived not only for himself, but also for his “sisters”.
Vaskov grieved for them, did not understand why they died, because they had to live long and give birth to beautiful children. These girls died, not sparing their young lives, doing their duty to the country, they fought bravely, courageously, were a model of patriotism. Anti-aircraft gunners defended their Fatherland. But the foreman blames himself for their death, not the enemies. He claimed that it was he who "put all five."
After reading this story, there remains an indelible feeling that he himself watched the everyday life of these anti-aircraft gunners at the Karelian railway siding, destroyed by bombing. The basis of this work was an episode, although, of course, it was insignificant on the scale of the terrible Great Patriotic War, but it is described in such a way that all its severity and horrors appear in all its ugliness and unnaturalness of human nature. The name "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" and the brave girls participating in these terrible events only emphasize this.

The writing

“And the dawns here are quiet...” - this is a story about the war. The action takes place during the Great Patriotic War. At one of the railway sidings, soldiers of a separate anti-aircraft machine-gun battalion are serving. These fighters are girls, and they are commanded by foreman Fedot Evgrafych Baskov. At first this place was a quiet corner. The girls sometimes fired at the planes at night. One day something unexpected happened. The Germans showed up. Pursuing them in the forest, the girls, led by Vaskov, enter into an unequal battle with them. They die one after another, but rage and pain, the desire for revenge help Vaskov win.

The whole story is written in easy, colloquial language. Thanks to this, you better understand the thoughts of the characters and what they do. Against the backdrop of the terrible events of May 1942, this junction looks like a resort. At first, it really was like this: the girls sunbathed, arranged dances, and at night they "recklessly thrashed from all eight trunks on flying German planes."

There are six main characters in the story: five anti-aircraft gunners and foreman Vaskov.
Fedot Vaskov is thirty-two years old. He completed four classes of the regimental school, and in ten years he rose to the rank of foreman. Vaskov experienced a personal drama: after the Finnish war, his wife left him. Vaskov demanded his son through the court and sent him to his mother in the village, but the Germans killed him there. The foreman always feels older than his years. He is executive.

Junior sergeant Rita Osyanina married the “red commander” at less than eighteen years of age. She sent her son Alik to his parents. Her husband died heroically on the second day of the war, and Rita found out about it only a month later.

Sonya Gurvich is an orphan. Her parents most likely died in Minsk. At that time she was studying in Moscow, preparing for the session. In the detachment, she was a translator.
Galya Chetvertak does not know her parents. She was thrown into Orphanage. Accustomed to surrounding everything with mystery, she made him worry about it. Galya told everyone that her mother is a medical worker. I believe that this was not a lie, but desires masquerading as reality.

Liza Brichkina was the daughter of a forester. One day, their father brought a guest to their house. Lisa liked him very much. He promised to place her in a technical school with a hostel, but the war began. Lisa always believed that tomorrow would come and be better than today.
Zhenya Komelkova, the first beauty of the trip, grew up in a good family. She loved to have fun, and one fine day she fell in love with Colonel Luzhin. It was he who picked her up at the front. He had a family, and Zhenya was sent to this siding for contact with him.

Once the girls were transferred from the front line to the facility (passage). Rita asked to send her department there, because from there it was easier to get to the city where her parents and son lived. Returning from the city, it was she who discovered the Germans.
The major ordered Vaskov to catch up with the saboteurs (Rita saw two) and kill them. It is in this campaign that the main action of the story unfolds. Vaskov helps the girls in everything. During a stop at the pass, friendly relations reign between them.
The Germans appear. It turns out that there are sixteen of them. Vaskov sends Lisa back to the junction. The first to die was Liza Brichkina. She drowned in the swamp, returning to the junction: “Liza saw this beautiful blue sky for a long time. Wheezing, she spit out dirt and reached out, reached out to him, reached out and believed. She believed until the last moment that tomorrow would come for her too.

Sonya Gurvich was shot when she returned to collect Vaskov's forgotten pouch.
Gali Chetvertak's nerves could not stand it when she was sitting with the foreman on patrol.

Rita Osyanina was wounded by a grenade, and Zhenya died while leading the Germans away from her. Rita, knowing that her wound was fatal, shot herself in the temple.

Together with the author, you experience these deaths and the pain of Vaskov, who managed to win.
The story is written in a very lively manner. Against the backdrop of the war, optimistic girls are shown. Vaskov's victory symbolizes the victory of the Russians over the Germans. A hard-won, loss-filled victory.

At the end of the story, in the epilogue, Boris Vasiliev shows a couple of heroes - Albert Fedotovich and his dad. Apparently, Albert is the same Alik, the son of Rita. Fedot Baskov adopted him, the boy considers him a real father.

This means that, despite all the difficulties and hardships, the Russian people are alive and will continue to live.
Very interesting picture of nature. Beautiful views drawn by the author set off everything that happens. Nature, as it were, looks at people with regret, participation, as if saying: "Stupid children, stop."

“And the dawns here are quiet...” Everything will pass, but the place will remain the same. Quiet, silent, beautiful, and only marble tombstones will turn white, reminding of what has already passed. This work serves as a magnificent illustration of the events of the Great Patriotic War.

This story amazed me a lot. The first time I read it, I sat with a handkerchief in my hand, because it was impossible to resist. It is because of this strong impression, so memorable to me, that I decided to write about this work. The main idea of ​​this story is the invincibility of people fighting for the freedom of the motherland, for a just cause.
I, like all my peers, do not know war. I do not know and do not want war. But after all, those who died did not want it, not thinking about death, that they would no longer see the sun, or grass, or leaves, or children. Those five girls didn't want war either!
The story of Boris Vasiliev shook me to the core. Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Lisa Brichkina, Galya Chetvertak. In each of them I find a little of myself, they are close to me. Each of them could be my mother, could tell me about the beautiful, teach me how to live. And I could be in the place of any of them, because I also like to listen to the silence and meet such " quiet-quiet dawns».
I don't even know which one is closer to me. They are all so different, yet so similar. Rita Osyanina, strong-willed and gentle, rich in spiritual beauty. She is the center of their courage, she is the cement of achievement, she is the Mother! Zhenya... Zhenya, Zhenya, cheerful, funny, beautiful, mischievous to adventures, desperate and tired of war, of pain, of love, long and painful, for a distant and married man. Sonya Gurvich is the embodiment of an excellent student and a poetic nature - a "beautiful stranger" who came out of a volume of poetry by Alexander Blok. Liza Brichkina... “Oh, Liza-Lizaveta, you should study!” Learn to see Big city with its theaters and concert halls, its libraries and art galleries. And you, Liza... The war got in the way! Do not find your happiness, do not write lectures to you: I did not have time to see everything that I dreamed about! Galya Chetvertak, never matured, funny and awkwardly childish girl. Notes, escape from the orphanage and also dreams ... to become the new Lyubov Orlova.

None of them had time to fulfill their dreams, they just did not have time to live their own lives. Death was different for everyone, just as their fates were different: Rita had an effort of will and a shot in the temple; at Zhenya - desperate and a little reckless, she could hide and stay alive, but she did not hide; Sonya has a dagger stab at poetry; Gali's is as painful and merciless as she herself; from Lisa - “Ah, Liza-Lizaveta, she didn’t have time, she couldn’t overcome the quagmire of war ...”.

And there remains the foreman of the Basques, whom I have not mentioned yet, alone. Alone in the midst of pain, flour; one with death, one with three prisoners. Is it one? He has five times more strength now. And what was best in him, human, but hidden in his soul, everything suddenly revealed, and what he experienced, he felt for himself and for them, for his girls, his “sisters”.
How the foreman laments: “How can we live now? Why is it so? After all, they don’t need to die, but give birth to children, because they are mothers! Tears well up as you read these lines.

But one must not only cry, one must also remember, because the dead do not leave the lives of those who loved them. They just do not age, remaining forever young in the hearts of people.
Why, then, is this particular work memorable to me? Probably because this writer is one of best writers our time. Probably because Boris Vasiliev managed to turn the theme of the war to that unusual facet, which is perceived especially painfully. After all, we, including myself, are used to combining the words "war" and "men", but here women, girls and war. Vasiliev managed to build the plot in such a way, to tie everything together in such a way that it is difficult to single out individual episodes, this story is a single whole, merged. A beautiful and inseparable monument: five girls and a foreman, who stood in the middle of the Russian land: forests, swamps, lakes - against an enemy, strong, hardy, mechanically killing, which significantly exceeds them in number. But they did not miss anyone, they stood and are standing, poured out of hundreds and thousands of similar destinies, deeds, of all the pain and strength of the Russian people.

Women, Russian women who won the war and death! And each of them lives in me and other girls, we just don't notice it. We walk the streets, we talk, we think, we dream like them, but there comes a moment, and we feel confidence, their confidence: “There is no death! There is life and struggle for Happiness and for Love!”

The beginning of the 70s was literally illuminated by the light of "Zor". The people were reading the novel by Boris Vasiliev, “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” published in 1969 in the journal Yunost. Two years later, readers were already breaking into the famous performance of "Taganka". And 45 years ago, a two-part film by Stanislav Rostotsky was released on the screens, which in the first year was watched by 66 million - every fourth inhabitant of the USSR, if we count infants. Despite subsequent film adaptations, the viewer gives the unconditional palm to this, mostly black-and-white, picture and generally considers it one of best films about war.
From the heroes of yesteryear

In those years, the war was often filmed, and filmed superbly. A film about five dead girls and their rude, but such a sincere foreman managed to stand out from this constellation. Probably because former front-line soldiers gave him their memories, soul, experience, starting with the author of the script, writer Boris Vasiliev.

He knew how to write about the war especially. His characters were never perfect. Vasiliev, as it were, said young reader: look, the same people as you went to the front - those who ran away from lessons, fought, fell in love at random. But something in them turned out to be like that, which means there is something in you.

The film director Stanislav Rostotsky also passed the front. Vasiliev's story interested Stanislav Iosifovich precisely because he wanted to make a movie about a woman in the war. He himself was carried out of the battle by nurse Anya Chegunova, who later became Beketova. Rostotsky found a savior who, as it turned out, reached Berlin, then got married and gave birth to beautiful children. But by the time the shooting was over, Anna was already blind and fading away from brain cancer. The director brought her to the studio screening room and recounted the whole picture in detail what was happening on the screen.

The main cameraman Vyacheslav Shumsky fought, main artist Sergei Serebrennikov, make-up artist Alexei Smirnov, assistant costume designer Valentin Galkin, director of the painting Grigory Rimalis. They simply physically could not allow untruths to appear on the screen.
Sergeant Major Vaskov: Andrey Martynov

The difficult task was to find actors - such that they would be believed. Rostotsky conceived: let someone famous play the foreman, and girls, on the contrary, debutantes. He chose Vyacheslav Tikhonov for the role of foreman Vaskov, and Boris Vasiliev believed that front-line soldier Georgy Yumatov would do the best. But it so happened that the search for "Vaskov" continued. The assistant saw the 26-year-old actor at the graduation performance.

Andrei Leonidovich was born in Ivanovo, from childhood he raved about the theater. And his hero was not only six years older, but also from the village, had a “corridor education”, he dropped his words - like he gave him a ruble.

The first tests were very unsuccessful, but, apparently, Rostotsky was very attracted to the type of actor and his perseverance. In the end, Martynov played Vaskov, so much so that the viewer unconditionally fell in love with this ridiculous foreman after his on-screen fighters. Martynov superbly conducted the final scenes of the film, where he, already gray-haired, one-armed, together with his adopted son, sets up a modest tombstone in honor of his girls.

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The actor had another star role- in the TV series "Eternal Call". Martynov successfully worked in film and theater. He voiced over 120 foreign films, including " Godfather and Schindler's List.

Life gave him a kind of surprise: his wife was a German citizen, whom he met at the festival. Franziska Thun spoke excellent Russian. The couple had a son, Sasha. But Andrei did not want to live in Germany, although at home his colleagues literally pecked him for marrying a foreigner. And Francis did not want to move to the USSR. Their union eventually fell apart.

Rita Osyanina - Irina Shevchuk

Rita is the only heroine who was married and became a widow in the very first days of the war. In the rear with her mother remained Small child, then Vaskov adopts him.

The painful personal drama of her heroine Shevchuk was helped to play by her complex romance with the actor Talgat Nigmatulin, who was then gaining popularity (Pirates of the 20th Century). But Irina had to experience the happiness of motherhood many years later. In 1981, she gave birth to a daughter, the famous actress Alexandra Afanasiev-Shevchuk (the girl’s father is composer Alexander Afanasiev).

Irina Borisovna successfully combines acting and public career. In 2016, she starred in the film Stolen Happiness. At the same time, Shevchuk is the vice-president of one of the largest film festivals in Russia, Kinoshock.

Zhenya Komelkova: Olga Ostroumova

By the time of the filming of "Dawn" Olga at the same Rostotsky played a memorable role in "We'll Live Until Monday." Zhenya Komelkova - bright, daring and heroic - was her dream.

In the film, Ostroumova, whose grandfather was a priest, had to play a completely unusual “nudity” for the USSR. According to the scenario, the anti-aircraft gunners washed in the bath. It was important for the director to show beautiful female bodies designed for love and motherhood, not for bullets.

Olga Mikhailovna is still considered one of the most beautiful Russian actresses. Despite her extremely feminine appearance, Ostroumova has a strong character. She was not afraid to divorce her second husband, the chief director of the Hermitage Theater Mikhail Levitin, although they had two children in marriage. Now the actress is already a grandmother three times.

In 1996, Olga Mikhailovna married actor Valentin Gaft. Two such bright creative people managed to get along, although Gaft is the star of Sovremennik, and Ostroumova works at the Theater. Moscow City Council. Olga Mikhailovna said that at any time she was ready to listen to the poems of Valentin Iosifovich, which he writes as talentedly as he plays in films and on stage.
Liza Brichkina - Elena Drapeko

Lena, of course, really wanted to play Zhenya Komelkova. But in her, a thin girl who was born in Kazakhstan and studied in Leningrad, the director “saw” the full-blooded beauty Lisa, who grew up in a remote forest estate and was secretly in love with the foreman. In addition, Stanislav Iosifovich decided that Brichkina should not be a Bryansk, but a Vologda girl. Elena Drapeko learned to “okay” so much that for a long time she could not get rid of her characteristic dialect.

One of the most difficult scenes for the young actress was the scene when her heroine is drowning in a swamp. Everything was filmed in natural conditions, Lena-Lisa was wearing a wetsuit. She had to dive into the muddy mud. She was supposed to die, and everyone around was laughing at how the “swamp kikimora” looked like. Moreover, her glued freckles were restored all the time ...

The unbending character of Elena Grigorievna manifested itself in the fact that she became not only a very famous actress, which is still being filmed, but also a public figure. Drapeko - State Duma deputy, candidate of sociological sciences.

Political activity did not always contribute to personal life. But Elena Grigoryevna has a daughter, Anastasia Belova, a successful producer, and a granddaughter, Varenka.
Sonya Gurvich: Irina Dolganova

Irina Valerievna was as modest in life as her heroine, the quietest and most "bookish" among the five fighters. Irina arrived for the audition from Saratov. She didn't believe in herself so much that she didn't even leave an address. They barely found her and immediately sent her to play scenes at the rink with the then-beginner Igor Kostolevsky, otherwise they would have to wait for the next winter.

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Beloved Komelkova

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Galya Chetvertak is an orphan, a pupil of an orphanage. In the orphanage she got her nickname for her short stature. Dreamer. She lived in the world of her own fantasies, and went to the front with the conviction that war is romance. After the orphanage, Galya got into the library technical school. The war caught her in her third year. On the first day of the war, their entire group was sent to the military commissar. Everyone was assigned, but Galya did not fit anywhere either in age or height. During the battle with the Germans, Vaskov took Galya with him, but she, unable to withstand the nervous tension of waiting for the Germans, ran out of hiding and was shot dead by the Nazis. Despite such a "ridiculous" death, the foreman told the girls that she died "in a shootout."

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One of the main characters in Boris Lvovich Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet...".

Zhenya is a very beautiful red-haired girl, the rest of the heroines were amazed at her beauty. Tall, slender, with fair skin. Zhenya is 19 years old. Zhenya has her own account with the Germans: when the Germans captured the village of Zhenya, an Estonian managed to hide Zhenya herself. In front of the girl's eyes, the Nazis shot her mother, sister and brother. She goes to war to avenge the deaths of her loved ones. Despite the grief, "her character was cheerful and smiling." In Vaskov's platoon, Zhenya showed artistry, but there was also enough room for heroism - it was she who, causing fire on herself, leads the Germans away from Rita and Vaskov. She saves Vaskov when he fights with the second German who killed Sonya Gurvich. The Germans first wounded Zhenya, and then shot her point-blank.

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Senior sergeant, platoon commander of female anti-aircraft gunners.

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One of the main characters in Boris Lvovich Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet...".

Lisa Brichkina is a simple village girl, originally from the Bryansk region. Daughter of a forester. One day, their father brought a guest to their house. Lisa liked him very much. Seeing the conditions under which the girl grows up, the guest invites Lisa to come to the capital and enter a technical school with a hostel, but Lisa did not have a chance to become a student - the war began. Lisa always believed that tomorrow would come and be better than today. Lisa died first. She drowned in a swamp during the execution of the task of foreman Vaskov.

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The landlady of foreman Vaskov

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One of the main characters in Boris Lvovich Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet...".

Rita is strict, she never laughs, she just moves her lips a little, but her eyes remain serious. "Rita was not one of the smart ones ...". Rita Mushtakova was the first of the class, out of great love, to marry senior lieutenant Osyanin, from whom she gave birth to a son, Albert. And there was no happier girl in the world. At the outpost, she was immediately elected to the women's council and enrolled in all circles. Rita learned to bandage the wounded and shoot, ride a horse, throw grenades and defend against gases, and then ... war. On the very first day of the war, she was one of the few who did not lose her head, did not panic. She was generally calm and thoughtful. Rita's husband died on the second day of the war during a counterattack on June 23, 1941. Upon learning that her husband is dead, she goes to war instead of her husband to protect little son left with mom. They wanted to send Rita to the rear, and she asked to fight. She was persecuted, stuffed by force into the wagons, but the stubborn wife of the deceased deputy chief of the outpost, Senior Lieutenant Osyanin, reappeared at the headquarters of the fortified area a day later. In the end, they took me as a nurse, and six months later they sent me to the regimental anti-aircraft school. The authorities appreciated the unsmiling widow of the hero-border guard: they noted in the orders, set as an example and therefore respected the personal request - to send after graduation to the area where the outpost stood, where her husband died in a fierce bayonet battle. Now Rita could consider herself satisfied: she had achieved what she wanted. Even the death of her husband went somewhere in the farthest corner of her memory: Rita had a job, and she learned to hate quietly and mercilessly ... In Vaskov's platoon, Rita became friends with Zhenya Komelkova and Galya Chetvertak. She died last, putting a bullet in her temple and thereby saving Fedot Vaskov. Before she died, she asked him to take care of her son. The death of Rita Osyanina is psychologically the most difficult moment in the story. Boris Vasiliev very accurately conveys the state

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One of the main characters in Boris Lvovich Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet...".

Sonya Gurvich is a girl who grew up in a large friendly Jewish family. Sonya is from Minsk. Her father was a local doctor. She herself studied for a year at Moscow University, knew well German. A neighbor from lectures, Sonya's first love, with whom they spent only one unforgettable evening in the park of culture, volunteered for the front. Knowing German, she could have been a good translator, but there were many translators, so she was sent to the anti-aircraft gunners (who, in turn, were few). Sonya is the second German victim in Vaskov's platoon. She runs away from the others to find and return Vaskov's pouch, and stumbles upon patrol saboteurs who killed Sonya with two stab wounds in the chest.

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Major, Commander Vaskov

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The protagonist of Boris Lvovich Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet...".

Sergeant Major Fedot Vaskov is the commandant of the 171st patrol in the Karelian wilderness. The crews of the anti-aircraft installations of the siding, getting into a quiet environment, begin to toil from idleness and get drunk. In response to Vaskov's requests to "send non-drinkers", the command sends two squads of anti-aircraft gunners there ... Fedot graduated from four classes of the regimental school, and in ten years he rose to the rank of foreman. Vaskov experienced a personal drama: after the Finnish war, his wife left him. Vaskov demanded his son through the court and sent him to his mother in the village, but the Germans killed him there. The foreman always feels older than his years. The peasant's mind, the peasant's leaven is emphasized by the author in the "gloomy foreman" Fedot Vaskov. “Strong reticence”, “peasant slowness”, special “male solidity” since “the only peasant in the family remained - and the breadwinner, and the drinker, and the breadwinner”. “Old man” and “mossy stump, who has twenty words in reserve, and even those from the charter” behind his back call the thirty-two-year-old Vaskov his subordinate anti-aircraft gunners. “All his life Fedot Evgrafovich carried out orders. He did it literally, quickly and with pleasure. He was the gear of a huge, carefully tuned mechanism. Having come across with their “search group” of five “girls with three-rulers in an embrace” sixteen armed fascist thugs rushing through the Sinyukhin ridge to the Kirov railway, to the “canal named after. comrade Stalin”, Vaskov “hid his confusion. He thought and thought, tossed and turned with his heavy brains, sucked all the possibilities of the upcoming deadly meeting. From his military experience, he knew that “playing hovanki with a German is almost like playing with death”, that the enemy “must be beaten. Beat until he crawls into the lair, ”without pity, without mercy. Understanding how difficult it is for a woman, who always gives birth to life, to kill, taught, explained: “These are not people. Not people, not people, not even animals - fascists. Look at it accordingly."