Dialogue about the song summary. story for life in different interpretations

In task 39 of the USE in French, an excerpt from a letter from your friend is given, in which he talks about some events from his life. You need to write a reply letter.

Before you start writing a letter, carefully read the task that is given after the incentive letter. If the task says that you need to answer questions, count how many of them were in the letter, and answer as many questions as are formulated in the letter. If you need to ask questions, then you need to write as many questions as required in the assignment. It is very important!

An example of task 39 of the USE in French:

Votre correspondant français a passe une semaine chez vous. Après son retour en France, il vous a écrit une lettre, dont voici un extrait.

… Après mon départ de Russie, je suis allé avec mes parents chez ma grand-mère. Elle habite dans une petite ville au bord de l'océan. Je me suis beaucoup promené, souvent à vélo. Le repos etait agréable. Avec mon père nous sommes allés trois fois pêcher en pleine mer. C'etait formidable! Aimes-tu la mer? Aimes-tu les sports nautiques? Quel repos prefères-tu, actif ou passif? …

Ecrivez une lettre à Marc, repondez à ses questions et posez - lui 3 questions sur ses sports préférés.

An example of writing a personal letter:

Marseille, le 20 juin 2017

appeal below left corner with red line

Cher Marc,

Merci pour ta dernière lettre que j'ai bien reçue mais pardonnemoi pour le retard de cette reponse.

2 paragraph - the answer to 3 questions asked in the assignment

Moi aussi j'étais en vacances avec ma famille et je viens de revenir. Nous sommes alles en Turquie. Pour moi les meilleures vacances sont au bord de la mer. Je l'adore. Mais je ne comprends pas les gens qui restent couchés sur leurs chaises-longues toute la journée. Il y a tant de possibilités: on peut jouer au volley-ball, faire du ski nautique, plonger, faire de la voile. Moi, j'ai fais de la planche à voile pour la première fois dans ma vie. C'était inoubliable! D'abord je n'arrivais pas à trouver l'équilibre, mais enfin j'ai réussi.

3 paragraph - ask three questions on the proposed topic

Et toi, quel sport aimes-tu? Pourquoi le preferes-tu? Est-ce que tu le pratiques?

hope for future contacts

Reponds vite.

parting formula




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The story "Singers" Turgenev wrote in 1850. The work is included in the collection of essays by the writer "Notes of a Hunter".

main characters

Narrator- landowner, hunter; from his face the story is told.

Yashka Turk- 23 years old, "thin and slender"; "descended from a captured Turkish woman".

hawker- 30 years old, a man from Zhizdra, "short, pockmarked and curly."

Other characters

Nikolay Ivanovich- a kisser (as the seller in the tavern was previously called), the owner of the tavern "Pritynny".

Wild Barin (Perevlesov)- 40 years old, "broad-shouldered, broad-cheeked" with Tatar eyes.

Stupid (Evgraf Ivanov)- “a spree, a bachelor”, which the gentlemen refused.

Morgach- tradesman, former coachman; "a grated kalach who knows people".

In the small village of Kolotovka, which lay on the "slope of a bare hill", a small hut stood separately from the others - the Prytynny tavern. He was known thanks to his owner, the kisser Nikolai Ivanovich.

Nikolai Ivanych was "quick and quick-witted", possessed the gift of "attracting and retaining guests." He knew a lot about everything that is "important or entertaining for a Russian person." Nikolai Ivanovich was respected by the neighbors, he was a "man of influence", he had a wife and children.

On a hot July day, the narrator decided to go to a tavern. Even on the threshold, I heard the peasants talking that Turk-Yashka and the hawker would compete in singing - they fought about a bet on an eighth of beer. The narrator heard more than once about Yashka the Turk "as the best singer in the neighborhood."

In the tavern "a fairly large society gathered," which the narrator describes in detail. The stunner did not have any position, did not receive a salary, but he knew how to "spend on someone else's account." It was known about Morgach that "he was once a coachman" for an old lady, fled from her, then returned, after the death of the landowner he was set free, assigned to the tradesmen and soon became rich. Jacob the Turk "was to my liking - an artist,<…>and by rank - a scooper at a paper mill. The past of the Wild Master was unknown, but the peasant "enjoyed tremendous influence throughout the district."

The narrator noticed that Yashka was worried. Lots were cast to determine who would sing first. It fell out to the rower. The hawker stepped forward and "sang in the highest falsetto." "His voice was quite pleasant and sweet." The hawker sang a cheerful dance song. Those present sang along with him and then praised him very much.

Next was to sing to Yakov. He covered his face with his hand, and when he opened it, "it was as pale as that of a dead man." Sighing, Yakov started a mournful song "Not one path in the field ran." His voice "rang like a cracked one". “The Russian, truthful, ardent soul sounded and breathed in him and grabbed you by the heart, grabbed right by his Russian strings.” The narrator was in tears. Everyone understood that Jacob had won.

In order not to spoil the impression, the narrator went to sleep in the hayloft. At night, passing by the tavern again, he heard that the festivities were continuing there - Yakov was singing some kind of dance song. The narrator “began to descend with quick steps from the hill on which Kolotovka lies”, from a distance a boy loudly called Antropka.


The story "Singers" is written in the traditions of realism (a trend in Russian literature). In the work, the author touches on the topic folk art that exists in the ordinary, dark life of the peasants.

Story test

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Larisa Shakhvorostova: “Parents are primarily to blame for the fact that children do not read enough”

Interview: Natalia Lebedeva/RG
Photo: Alexander Oreshin from makhovikov.ru

Theater and film actress, and. about. artistic director in the gymnasium of St. Basil the Great Larisa Shahvorostova talked about what summer reading list her daughter received, who will start 8th grade on September 1st.

Larisa Shakhvorostova: Classical program: Gogol, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Tvardovsky, Astafiev, Rasputin ... Many good authors. I'm happy with the list. But my daughter reads a lot herself, and we read together. We have a tradition - to read aloud in the evening, before going to bed. We recently read The Tale of a Real Man, both she and I had so many impressions - we worried together, wept together.

The main complaints that parents make about school lists are that they are very large and not very interesting, because there are few modern, popular authors in them.

Larisa Shakhvorostova: Modern is, of course, wonderful. I remember how our schoolgirls read books by Erin Hunter, and then sat on the Internet and how zombies played some kind of interactive game by her works. But there are questions about the quality of such literature. Although I believe that children should read different books to learn how to deal with them. If you are shown only bad movies, you will think that this is the real movie. The same is true in literature. There are authors who are the starting point. As they say,

33 stories for life in different interpretations.

Many parents complain that their children do not read enough. How did you manage to instill a love of reading in your daughter?

Larisa Shakhvorostova: My husband (actor Sergei Makhovikov) and I read quite a lot ourselves. Even on vacation, we always take books with us, and not all these modern electronic gadgets, because nothing can replace communication with a real book that you can leaf through, return to something, make a note, memorize something.

It happens that dad asks his daughter what you read, and then adds: “What kind of rubbish are you reading!? Better take it". She is offended. But we try not to put pressure on her, let her know, choose, draw conclusions. Moreover, at this age it is difficult to impose something, and it is not necessary. Better to be subtle. And it's better to start with yourself. Before demanding from a child, remember when you yourself last read good book. Better yet, read aloud to your child, regardless of age. A wonderful occasion to spend time with a child, because in our frantic age we devote so little time to our children.

Recently, my daughter and I went to, after that she read Pushkin avidly, and when she saw “The Captain's Daughter” in the list of literature, the first thing she took out was this book.

But most kids don't seem to be so addicted to reading...

Larisa Shakhvorostova: Unfortunately, children do not read. Everyone is on tablets, social networks and scribbling short messages to each other, including drawings and emoticons. But the responsibility for the fact that children read little lies not with the school, but primarily with the parents. Take the child to Mikhailovskoe, Khmelita, ...

When children walk along the same paths where Pushkin, Tolstoy or Chekhov walked, they learn how they lived, where they wrote, the perception of their works immediately changes. Recently, my daughter and I went to Mikhailovskoye, after which she read Pushkin avidly, and when she saw The Captain's Daughter in the list of literature, the first thing she took out was this book. Take your child to the theater for a play by, show him a high-quality film adaptation. And then offer to compare with original text. You will see, he will read with a completely different mood.

I agree that a lot depends on parents, but children spend most of the day at school, and besides, compulsory school program and USE.

Larisa Shakhvorostova: In our gymnasium, we work hard to get children interested in reading. We hold competitions of readers, put on performances. Recently staged a performance by. High school students read four most difficult poems written during the revolution. We told them what was happening at that time in the country and with the poet himself.

After that, they began to treat Yesenin differently.

We are also trying to regain the habit of keeping diaries, real ones, not electronic ones. Every year we start with a literary lounge called "Autumn Notes on Summer Impressions".

Children talk about the books they read, what museum they went to, about the park, a walk through which did not leave them indifferent, and someone reads his poems or short stories. Such communication broadens one's horizons well. It is a pity that in our SMS time of twitters and social networks we have lost the habit of keeping diaries. It seems to me that we will soon forget how to speak Russian normally.

The main task of both parents and teachers is to interest the child, to overcome the strange attitude that the phrase “mandatory program” causes. And for this, all methods are good.

List of literature for reading in the summer at the Gymnasium Maryina Grove named after V. F. Orlov

Programs of educational institutions. Literature.
Edited by V. Ya. Korovina. 5-11 grades


Russian literature

Pushkin A. « Captain's daughter», « Queen of Spades”, “Poltava”, “ Bronze Horseman", "Boris Godunov"
Pushchin I. "Notes on Pushkin"
Gogol N. "Inspector", "Marriage", "Petersburg Tales"
Turgenev I. "Asya", "First Love"
Tolstoy L. "After the Ball", "Childhood", "Boyhood", "Hadji Murad"
Bunin I. "Numbers", "Lapti"
Tsvetaeva M. "My Pushkin"

Foreign literature

Beers E. "The Man and the Snake"
Hardy T. « Fatal mistake church musicians"
Henry O. "Chief of the Redskins"
Hugo W. "93rd year", "The Man Who Laughs"
Jerome K. Jerome "Mrs. Corner Pays"
Giovagnoli R. "Spartacus"
Dickens C. "Red-handed"
Irving T. "Ghost Groom", "Rip Van Winkle"
Kipling R. "The Devil and the Deep Sea"
Conan Doyle A. "How Copley Banks Killed Captain Sharkey"
London D. "Under the deck awning"
Merime P. "The Capture of the Redoubt", "Colombo", "Tamango"
Maupassant G. "Tuan"
Maugham W. "Breakfast"
According to E. "Glasses", "The Stolen Letter", "The Frog"
Stevenson R. "Master of Ballantra", "Markheim"
Twain M. "Journalism in Tennessee", "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court"
Wells G. "The Struggle of the Worlds", "The Invisible Man"
Haggard G.R. Montezuma's Daughter, King Solomon's Mines, The Ivory Child, The Swallow, Fair Margaret
Chesterton G. "The Flambeau Mystery"
Sheckley R. "The Smell of Thought"
Shelley M. "Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus"
Yamamoto S. "Song Dialogue"


GBOU "Gymnasium Maryina Grove named after I. V. F. Orlova (Moscow)

Works for independent reading. Programs of educational institutions. Literature.
Edited by V. Ya. Korovina grades 5-11.