And baryshnikova. Ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Anna Kupriyanovna Baryshnikova
A master of Russian fairy tales, a well-known talented Voronezh storyteller, affectionately called Grandmother Kupriyanikh in the Ramon Territory.
Author of 120 fairy tales, various in plots and genres. In terms of the volume and quality of its fairy-tale repertoire, it occupies one of the leading places among Russian storytellers.
She inherited her love for the Russian fairy tale from her grandfather Levon Alekseevich Kolotkov, a serf, and her father Kupriyan Levonovich, who all his life went "on people", was a farm laborer, pastured other people's cattle until his old age. Grandfather, and especially father, were known throughout the district as the best storytellers. The tales of her father and grandfather captivated little Anya in her childhood, they were the only consolation of the little farm worker, who from the age of eight helped her father graze other people's cattle. She eagerly listened to the tales and quickly assimilated, much later she modified many, creatively reworked, replenished with new ones.
The life of Anna Kupriyanovna was bleak and difficult. She early married a poor country boy and soon became a widow, left with four children. She had to not only work hard, but also beg. The harsh life did not give Kupriyanikha the opportunity to develop the bright original talent of the Russian storyteller. She even remained illiterate, since girls - peasant women at that time were not taught. But she had a faithful companion and comforter - a TALE ...
Anna Kupriyanovna's favorite heroes were called differently: either Ivan - the peasant's son, then Ivan the Younger, then just a hunter, but he was always a man with a kind, sympathetic, honest soul, loving work, true to his word. The storyteller surrounded her hero with maternal warmth, aroused the lively sympathy of her listeners for him.
Anna Kupriyanovna was illiterate, but she deeply felt beauty mother tongue and mastered it well. She spoke fluently, rhyming words, decorating the tale with proverbs and sayings.
The first literary characteristic ("Artistic folklore". No. 1 for 1926) was given to Kupriyanikhe by the Leningrad folklorist N. P. Grinkova, who in 1925, together with an ethnographic expedition, visited the Zemlyansky district and wrote down 56 of her fairy tales, three of which were published in the collection " Russian Fairy Tale" in 1932.
In March 1936, Anna Kupriyanovna made a trip to Moscow. She performed at the Institute of Philosophy and Literature, at the State literary museum, in the Writers' Union, in the House of Amateur Art, in the Artistic and Maly theaters. Her speeches were a great success and were recorded by the Gramophone Recording Trust.
Anna Kupriyanovna Baryshnikova was admitted to the Union of Soviet Writers and awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

The storyteller A.K. Baryshnikova was born in the very center of Russia in the village of Churikova, Voronezh province. Her grandfather and father were serfs. Neither they nor she herself could get out of need. The only thing that fate did not deprive them of was the talent of storytellers. Grandfather Leon told tales, but such that more than once, on the master's order, there was a flog. "He had very mischievous tales: everything about the bar and the priests." Famous as a storyteller and her father Kupriyan. “The tales were interesting,” recalled Anna Kupriyanovna. “My father received many gifts for his tales. He will go to Voronezh: and there he says in inns, in taverns. glad: "Uncle, - they say, - Kupriyan has arrived, he will tell fairy tales again." When he told fairy tales, then the work was better argued, so the owner left him to tell for the night shift. For this he drove us pretzels. "

Anna Kupriyanovna, Kupriyanikh in the street, got married in the village of Bolshaya Vereika. She gave birth to ten children, buried five, was widowed early. She lived poorly, hard, she herself had to raise the children to her feet. But she did not forget the fairy tale, which she loved from childhood and adopted from her father. “The holiday will come, the children of the neighbors will run out to play, but mine have nothing to show on the street: no clothes, no shoes, as they are all undressed and undressed. And so the day will pass.

The storyteller Kupriyanikha was discovered for science in 1925 by N. P. Grinkova. The collector was literally captivated by the artistry of the storyteller. A. K. Baryshnikova "tells fairy tales in compliance with all the "rites"; she understands storytelling as an artistic transmission of a plot known to her. All characters fairy tales speak in a special voice, you can always distinguish whether Ivan the Fool is bassist, whether Ivan Tsarevich or some other hero speaks with feeling, with sense, with arrangement. , sometimes almost sing.

In the 1930s, A.K. Baryshnikova became famous. She is invited to Voronezh. Here Kupriyanikha performs in clubs in front of workers and students. In 1936, the storyteller was invited to Moscow. “They took me to clubs, theaters, museums, even went down to the subway, marveled at the marvelous wonder. The city is beautiful underground, the sun shines clearly there,” she recalled in rhyme, like her fairy tales, about her fabulous journey to the capital. A. K. Baryshnikov also visited Leningrad, marveled at the monuments. "Tsaritsa Katerina was quite healthy, apparently, but they say that she dealt with us peasants fiercely." The storyteller participated in May 1939 in Petrozavodsk in the all-Karelian meeting of storytellers. She got all the honors and respect that surrounded folk storytellers in the 1930s.

Literature:Grinkova N. P. Tales of Kupriyanikh // Artistic folklore. 1926. Issue. I. S. 81-98; Tonkov V. Life and work of A. K. Baryshnikova // Tales of Anna Kupriyanovna Baryshnikova. - Voronezh, 1939. S. 3-19.

Ivan Vodych and Mikhail Vodych

The priest had an elderly girl. And she coveted those people who got themselves children. "And I," he says, "without children, old age, where can I go?"

She went once for water with two buckets. Here she scooped up one bucket and sees - there is a bubble in the bucket. She took this vial and drank it - it seemed so sweet to her! scoops right hand another bucket, looks - and there is a vial. She drank another bottle - and that one was also sweet. And suddenly she feels herself that she is heavy. In the stomach, children grow not by the hour, but by the minute. Forty hours passed and she gave birth to two boys. They baptized those children, one was Mikhail Vodych, the other was named Ivan Vodych.

Those babies grew up fast, at six weeks old. As they became twenty years old, those children strive to hunt. Let's go, order the same guns for ourselves, in a few minutes we received the guns, went hunting.

They go - the hare lies. They plan to beat him, the hare answers them: "Don't beat me, I'll be useful to you!"

They have passed - the wolf lies. They plan to beat, he says in a human voice: "Don't beat me, lads, I'll be useful to you!"

And so they wandered through the forest. Whatever the animals were, everyone answered them: "We will come in handy!"

They returned home. They stayed at home for twelve days, and they went along the same road to collect their hunting. They gathered the animals and all their falcons and various understandable birds, they went hunting. They walked and walked and came: two roads. On one road it is written: "To be rich", and on the other road - "Death to be". They gave up. Mikhail Vodych got - "To be rich", and Ivan Vodych got - "Death to be".

So they agreed: the hunt was divided equally, the guns were divided equally. They themselves are one person - it is impossible to unravel them.

"Well, brother, I will go that road, you will follow this one. If you are among the dead," Mikhail Vodych says to Ivan Vodych, "then my gun will turn black. I will look for you on this."

And if Ivan Vodychev's gun turns black, then Mikhail Vodycha will not be alive.

And they said goodbye, went on different roads: this one with his hunt, Mikhail Vodych, and Ivan Vodych with his.

Ivan Vodych walked and walked and, here you are, he came - there is a tavern in the field. The kisser says: "Why did you come here? Here," he says, "the Serpent Gorynych ate all the people." - "And what is he like?" - "Now," says (the kisser), "they took the king's daughter."

And they have such a tower there. They take such a person there, he eats him.

Then (Ivan Vodych) says: "Yes, what time does he arrive?" - "At twelve o'clock".

Here he drank some wine. "Let me," he says, "I'll go and look at him." He took his gun and went there. Comes there, the tsar's daughter is removed to death. "Eh, good fellow Why did you come here?" - "The Serpent Gorynych will fly in, eat me and will not have mercy on you." - "And what kind of person is he like that? Choke! Come down here and we'll talk to you."

They talked for five minutes - look, the Serpent Gorynych is flying. There is a bridge nearby. He (Ivan Vodych) stood under the bridge with his weapons and is waiting.

Flies up (Serpent Gorynych): "Rus-bone smells!" Ivan Vodych replies: "What kind of Russia-bone smells?" He (Serpent Gorynych) three-headed: "What are we going to fight with you, al put up?" Ivan Vodych replies: "He did not go in order to put up, but in order to fight!"

He waved his saber - knocked off two of his heads at once, waved it another time - and took off the last one, waved it a third time - and crushed him all. He cut him to pieces, picked up a mighty stone and put his bones there. He approaches the king's daughter, takes her by the hand and leads her. I said goodbye at that place, on the bridge. I gave him a note, a handkerchief.

Wherever Chugunkin gypsy was, he rode with a barrel for water. He picked the barrel: "Sit down, the king's daughter, I'll take you." Glad for this happiness. Carries her and asks: "How did you stay alive?" - "Yes, - he says, - a good fellow appeared that he left me behind." He threatens her: "Tell me, I've left you behind, otherwise I'll piss you off anyway."

The king's daughter was afraid of death and cast a spell that she would say so.

Mother and father saw that they were carrying a living child, their daughter: "Ah, child, how is it left?" Chugunkin gypsy says: "I've aged her." There he is honored, respected.

Evening comes, another sister gets to go there. Eh, Katya is crying: "The big sister remained alive, but I have to go to death, to be eaten."

They removed her in the same way, put her in the same place. Ivan Vodych comes: "Hello, Catherine the Beautiful!" - "Hello, hello, good fellow! Why did God bring you here?" "I'm here because of you." - "What have you heard about me?" - "Yes, I heard, I want," he says, "to let you go." - "Oh, if only God sent, - Katya says, - I would be your bride." - "Well, then it will be seen," - Ivan Vodych said.

As soon as they spoke, another Serpent Gorynych flies. This one is about six heads. Ivan Vodych went under the bridge again.

He flies up to the bridge: "Rus-bone smells!" - "What kind of Russia-bone smells?" - "What are we - fight or put up?" - "Not for that, - he says, - he went to put up, but for that he went to fight!" As he waved, three heads flew off at once, (another time) he waved - three more flew off. The third time - just chopped. He raised the mighty stone and. put his bones there. He approaches Katya and says: "Let's go," he says, "with me."

He grabbed her hand. She thanked Ivan Vodych and gave him her nominal ring. Ivan Vodych went to the kisser, drank some vodka and went to bed.

She goes, Chugunkin gypsy again goes for water. He dumps the barrel with the same turn, puts Katya, another royal daughter, on the drogue again. "Well, how did you stay?" She told him: so-and-so. He gave threats to Katya too: "Tell me that I've left you behind, otherwise I'll get sick anyway." Well, Katya doesn’t want to die either, she cast a spell: “I’ll say that you are behind the times.”

Then her father and mother were delighted, they began to treat the gypsy. Honor goes to him.

On the third night, the last beautiful daughter is taken to the same place. Ivan Vodych is about to go to the same place and orders the kisser: "Stand a glass in front of you with water. As soon as the glass boils, you release my hunt."

Here he (Ivan Vodych) came: "Hello, beauty!" - "Great, good fellow. Why did God bring you here?" - "Yes, precisely because of you, to lag you." She: "If God would give, I would be your bride." - "Well, get down here, we'll talk to you."

She got off the tower. He tied a three-pound stone in front of him, and under this stone they sat down together. "Well," says Ivan Vodych, "look for me. If I fall asleep, you wake me up then. Here," he says, "when the Serpent arrives, but you don't wake me up, then chop off a stone on me."

And then the Serpent flew. Here she woke him up, woke him up, did not wake him up. And it became a pity for her to cut a stone, to untie it (she is afraid - she will kill) and wept tearfully. A tear dripped and landed on my cheek. Ivan Vodych jumped up - her tear was hot. "Ah," she says, "she burned me! Well," she says, "nothing!"

He waved his hand and ran under the bridge. A Serpent with twelve heads flies: "Rus-bone smells!" Ivan Vodych replies: "What kind of Russia-bone smells? Ivan Vodych himself!" - "I heard, I heard," he says, "about son of a bitch Ivan Vodych. I'll fight him!"

This one waved. Ivan Vodych six goals off. The serpent waved its tail - six heads grew. He (Ivan Vodych) waved another time - again six heads flew off. He (Serpent Gorynych) waved his tail - again six heads on it. He waved for the third time (Ivan Vodych) - he knocked down six heads and broke his saber. He (Snake Gorynych) takes his hand into his mouth.

And this kisser sat and sat and fell asleep. The glass boiled and boiled, burst and hit him on the cheek. "Ah," he says, "I overslept!" And his (Ivan Vodych) hunt was locked behind twelve doors. Already six doors have been gnawed by hunting, kicking, scratching with teeth, roaring with a voice. The kisser released the hunt. She ran into the Serpent Gorynych, tore everything to pieces, rescued Ivan Vodych from captivity. He shook his hand a little. "Well, - said Ivan Vodych, - it's nothing, it will heal!"

He collected his (Snake's) bones and placed them under a mighty stone again to these brothers.

Princess Marya took off her towel and bandaged his hand and gave him her name ring. So he went home, drank vodka and went to bed. And he told the kisser not to give anyone vodka.

Chugunkin gypsies are driving in the same way as yesterday. I saw the tsar's daughter Marya the princess. Dumps the barrel and puts it on the cart. "Well, how did you stay alive?" - "Yes, - he says, - a good fellow has aged me." - "Well, - he says, - say that I am, otherwise your death is all the same!" She was frightened, Princess Marya, cast a spell: "I'll tell you!" And Princess Marya was the best among them, the most beautiful of all. He says: "I'm marrying," he says, "you!" - "Well, well, I'll marry you!"

Here he brought, his father and mother are happy - he left his third daughter behind. Honor to him, respect. And the gypsy rejoices, grows, that honor goes to him. The gypsies are going to marry Princess Marya, as by agreement the father and mother give. And, here you are, to do a wedding in the evening, to marry a gypsy with Princess Marya. Everyone has gathered, now they are sending to the tavern for vodka. And the kisser does not give vodka. (The Tsar says): "Why is it so, does not give vodka?" Sends servants: "Say, the king ordered!" And the kisser says: "I have my own king!"

Yes, the servant comes and says so. And-them, the king got angry, "What kind of king is that?" He took a saber with him, he is going to go himself. And the daughters had already sensed what was the matter. "Daddy, we'll go with you!" - "Well, let's go."

Arrived there, he asks: "Where is this king?" - "Here," he says, "he is sleeping and lying."

And Ivan Vodych fell asleep in a heroic dream. Then the girls came and recognized him. "Ah, papa, this is the one who saved us!" The tsar recognized the towel on his hand as his princess Marya. And then one comes up, takes out a handkerchief from her pocket: "This," she says, "father, is my personalized handkerchief." And the other says: "Ah, father, this is my name ring on it." The third says: "This is my golden ring."

And they can't wake him up. They brought a gun, they began to beat with a gun to wake him up. Ivan Vodych woke up - the people are standing in a crowd. "Ah, - he says, - what is it, people are standing?" - "The people came to the wedding for vodka." - "Whom, - he says, - to marry?" - "Chugunkina Gypsy". - "And for what, how?"

The sovereign began to explain his speeches that he had left his children behind. Ivan Vodycha would like to ask him how he got rid of them. They went to the place where he fought snakes. Chugunkin gypsies shows: "I," he says, "chopped them here and put them under this stone." - "Well," says Ivan Vodych, "lift up to look at the bones."

That (gypsy) spun, spun, - not to lift it, he cannot look at him (at the stone). That king looks that the gypsy is not true, he is lying.

Ivan Vodych raises a stone, and the tsar looks at how many snake heads there are, how many bones! And the king turned white with horror. Ivan Vodych seized the gypsy by the little frills and laid him there, next to the snake, and rolled him down with a stone.

Then the tsar assured Ivan Vodych that it was all his business, that Ivan Vodych had outdone all three. Then they did not become afraid of the gypsy, they began to caress Ivan Vodych.

Ivan Vodych says: "I will take your daughter, Princess Marya, for myself!" Her father and mother blessed her and took her to be married. And so they got married.

They lived neither little nor much. Ivan Vodych went hunting with his animals. He walked and walked through the forest, he came across a golden hare. He let him go. They walked and walked through the forest and brought them to darkness. They spent the night there to spend the night, Ivan Vodych with his hunting. They lit a fire, it heats up, roasts ham for dinner, and the hunt sits around. Here's an old woman coming: "Good fellow, tie down your hunt, otherwise I'm afraid! Let me warm up!" - "Go, grandmother, my hunting will not touch you!" - "No, I'm afraid, tie (hunt) on a belt so that she doesn't leave, doesn't touch me."

He had a misunderstanding, took it and tied it. She petrified, all his hunting. And this same yaga-sorceress, Snake Gorynych's mother. She attacked him and gnawed all of him, cut him into pieces, salted him and buried him in a box (later).

Here is my brother, Mikhail Vodych, - his gun turned black. He wept tearfully and went to look. He comes to this kingdom to the kisser: "Hello!" - "Great!" He (the kisser) calls him Ivan Vodych, did not recognize: "Why, brother, have you not shown yourself for a long time? How you got married, you became arrogant!"

He took it into his head, Mikhail Vodych, that he did not recognize him. And their personalities cannot be unraveled - one to one, the hunt is one to one, all the atrocity and the bird. He comes to his father-in-law (Ivan Vodych) and his wife. She was delighted, because how long she had not seen him. They met him, treat him, he is still unhappy. She calls him Ivan Vodych, hugs and kisses him. No, not like that, - everyone sighs. He talks, talks, but still not diligently (does not caress, like a husband; caressed). But it does not affect, it does not frighten her that her husband is not alive; he doesn't scare her.

Here they go to sleep. He does not undress and does not take off his shoes. She calls him there: "Vanya, Vanya," and he turned his face to the wall, Mikhail Vodych, sighs and cries tearfully. She asks him: "Ay, who offended you, ah, who hurt you, or what did you lose from hunting?"

He doesn't say anything, just cries and cries. In the morning he gets up, ate - they treated him - and went hunting for themselves.

Walked along this trail. This golden hare was caught again and almost brought him to this place, where his brother lies. He spent the night there to spend the night with his hunting. He kindled a light, took out ham from the bag, fries supper and sits warming himself with his desire. Here's to you, an old woman comes to him: "Hello, good fellow!" - "Great, great," Mikhail Vodych replies sadly. - "Can you get warm?" - "Yes, you can." - "Get on the belt, tie your hunt, I'm afraid." - "Go, go, do not be afraid, my desire will not touch," - so Mikhail Vodych answers her rudely. - "No, dear man, tie it on the belt."

He took the belt from her and threw it into the fire. This grandmother attacked Mikhail Vodych. The lion grabbed her across, the bear ran up to hold her. "Oh, Mikhail Vodych, leave me!" - "Tell me, where is my brother?" - "I'll tell you and I'll bring it!" - "Well, lead me."

From this place ten sazhens passed, and all his petrified hunting was found. "Speak, old devil, how to resurrect her, this hunt?" - "Here's a bottle, sprinkle it."

He took a vial, sprinkled hunting, shook himself, hunting jumped up: and the lion beats with his feet, he roars, and all the hunting - there is no their owner.

"Speak, old devil, where is my brother?" - "Oh, drop me, I'll show you where he's buried!" - "No, I will not leave, but lead!"

They brought it, dug it out, how it was alive, they folded it, hunting licked it with its tongue. All the scars and all the wounds are licked, as if sewn. "How, say, resurrect him, old devil"- says Mikhail Vodych. At that time, another magpie sorceress flew. "Here, catch a magpie."

The falcon suddenly rushed straight and caught a magpie. Above him (Ivan Vodych) tore the magpie and sprinkled it with blood.

Ivan Vodych got up and said: "Oh, brother, I overslept!" - "Yes, - he says, - brother, if you overslept, overslept!"

And he chopped this old woman, tore it all to pieces, and immediately buried her in this place.

They go with their brother, with Ivan Vodych. And Ivan Vodych boasts to Mikhail Vodyv, says: "Brother, I got married!" Mikhail Vodych says: "I was with you, I saw your wife, I slept with her!"

Ivan Vodych could not stand it, jealousy took over, and cut off his brother's head. Hunting surrounded Mikhail Vodych and roars, and Ivan Vodych goes to the yard. He goes home to his young wife. Well, as if from an insult to Mikhail Vodych, his wife greets him sadly. They had supper, he decided his hunt and went to the room to his young wife. As he had not seen her for a long time, he was glad for her, began to hug and kiss and caress her. Well, how offended she is, stern look looks at him. They went to bed, he asked her: "Why are you so angry with me?" She answered him: “How I caressed you in the deadly night! You turned away from me, did not say anything to me. I asked you in good conscience who offended you, or what was stolen from you, or which of the animals disappeared , and you're the whole thing - the evening shouted. You cry and cry, you don't answer me anything!

Ivan Vodych and grieved: how he (Mikhail Vodych) spent the night sadly!

In the morning he gets up, again goes with his desire to where his brother lies. Here's to you, a raven flies opposite the dead brother. He sent the falcon to catch the raven. The raven answers the falcon: "Do not destroy me, I will be useful to you!" - "Well, tell me, help my trouble!" - "Let me help!"

He flew into the forest, found an oak apple, he brought Ivan Vodych. Ivan Vodych Mikhail Vodych put his head down and shook the apple. From this juice, Mikhail Vodych got up.

And they both went to the courtyard. They came home - the wife will not guess what her husband is; and which one to approach: they have one conversation, one personality. Then she guessed it: on the little finger was her name ring. They both got married. Mikhail Vodych (married) to the larger one, which Ivan Vodych first left behind. And the king gave both sons-in-law a state, divided them. That's when they shared and got married, I was there, I drank honey, it flowed down my lips, but it didn't get into my mouth.

And they live well, they send me letters, but they don’t reach me.

Mary the Frog Princess

King Mikidon had three sons, all unmarried. Here they ask: "Father, marry us." - "No, children, you yourself are already adults, look for a bride for yourself. Then I can play a wedding, gather a ball, invite guests to a feast."

Those guys got together to think about a bride, where to marry someone, and they came up with: "Let's make arrows for ourselves."

They made arrows, and this is their agreement: where their arrow hits, there is their bride.

Here the first brother pulled his arrow-beam and fired an arrow. An arrow hit the state palace.

The other brother draws his beam and fires an arrow. His arrow hit, and he went to look for his arrow in the princely palace.

Then Ivan Tsarevich charges his arrow, directs his beam. Shoots his arrow straight into the river. He went to look for her and found his arrow in the river. And Ivan Tsarevich wept. Ivan Tsarevich is crying, and waves are heard along the river. Waves are heard, in her teeth she carries his arrow, Marya the frog princess, and says: "Kvk-kvk! Why is Ivan Tsarevich, are you crying?" - "Well, - he says, - how not to cry, all my brothers have found brides, but for me, - he says, - there is no bride ..." - "Well, yes, I will be your bride too."

Well, although Ivan Tsarevich does not like it, fate brought it to him. She comes to her father, announces to her father that I have a fiancee. Although I'm ashamed to say that the frog is the bride, well, he still said.

Those brothers burst into laughter. Made my brother laugh. The father came out and said: "It's enough for you to rumble, it's time to get down to business." He ordered the first brother, the older son, to bring the duck. And the second the same way, by wiping them. And Ivan Tsarevich ordered to bring a duck.

Yes, they went, ordered their wives that the father requires you to wash as a gift.

Ivan Tsarevich comes to the river and weeps tearfully. His frog swims: "Kwa-kva! Why, Ivan Tsarevich, are you crying?" - "How can I not cry? My father ordered the duck to be brought, where can I get it?" - "Well, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening."

A beautiful tent was built there, he went to sleep in this tent. It turns out Mary the beautiful princess, waved her sleeve: "Get together, mothers, nannies, weave a wash, what a father my wiped."

They gathered, served her such a wash, better than the father wiped himself, with different Frost flowers. In the morning, Ivan Tsarevich rises and carries a duck to his father.

They filed ducks. One is good for the eldest son, the middle one is even better. And Ivan Tsarevich filed a duck - and it is impossible to describe: the most beautiful and best of all!

The next day he asks them to bring everything according to the tablecloth. The big brother went to order his, the middle brother went to order his, and Ivan Tsarevich again burst into tears ...

The waves split in two on the river, a frog swims, asks: "Kva-kva, Ivan Tsarevich, why are you crying?" - "How can I not cry, the priest ordered me to bring a tablecloth, but where can I get it?" - "Well, Ivan Tsarevich, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening."

He went to bed, the beautiful princess Marya, Vasilisa, came out, waved her sleeve: "Nurses, nannies, get ready to weave a tablecloth for Ivan Tsarevich exactly the same as my father has on the table."

They wove a tablecloth - such a beautiful tablecloth: around the edges with patterns - forests, In the middle - seas.

In the morning Ivan Tsarevich got up, took him under his arm and went. Brothers gathered. The big brother began to give to his father - the same beauty, so good! The father rejoices. Filed by another son - even better. The big brother says to Ivan Tsarevich: "And what did you bring from your frog?"

He gives his father, Ivan Tsarevich, a tablecloth - what beauty is woven: with seas, and forests, and stars, and months, and ships! It is impossible to imagine and it is impossible to say whether he has ever seen such tablecloths in his life.

Then he gives them such an order, he says, orders them to bake a pie. These went to the wives to order. Ivan Tsarevich again came to the river, flooded: “Where am I,” he says, “I’ll take a pie for the father?”

A wave is heard along the river, a frog is swimming: "Kwa-kva! Why are you crying, Ivan Tsarevich?" - "Here, my father ordered to bring a cake as a gift. My brothers went to order their wives, but where will I get it?" - "Well, Ivan Tsarevich, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening." He went to bed, went out beautiful Vasilisa, waved her sleeve: "Get ready, mothers, nannies, bake me a pie, which my father ate." They baked a pie. Before that, the pie came out airy - with all sorts of scarlet flowers, which only exist, everything, everyone is staring at the pie!

Tsarevich Ivan wakes up, she wraps a cake for him, he brings his father to the hotel.

Brings big brother - before the cake is good. And the middle one is even better. The big brother says to Ivan Tsarevich: "And you must not have brought even a crust from your frog."

Ivan Tsarevich takes out a pie tied in a napkin from his bosom. The napkin shines - I have not seen such. And he untied the pie - there were no such children in the whole world, even better than all!

Now the father orders them: "We must gather a ball, see your wives."

These went to their wives to order to get out tomorrow on a spree.

And Ivan Tsarevich became thoughtful and went to the river. He sat down and pondered: "These wives will bring, well, who am I?"

A frog floats along the river, and a wave is heard: "Kwak-kwak, Ivan Tsarevich, why are you crying tearfully?" - "Well, the father ordered us to come to the ball tomorrow with our wives. And who will I come with, whom will I show?" - "Ivan Tsarevich, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening."

They gather in the morning. She takes out suits and ties for him - no one was wearing them. How she dressed him up!

The first brother arrived with his wife - decorated, dressed up. There, their servants meet, take off their shoes, undress, put them in chairs. That daughter-in-law arrived luxuriously dressed, that one - even better. And Ivan Tsarevich is walking alone. When he went, she saw him off and ordered him: "They will ask you:" Where is your frog wife? "And she, it seems, will arrive soon."

Those brothers hustle and ask: "You want to be dressed well, but at least you brought your frog in a box." (They raise a laugh.)

Here a whirlwind rose, and a column of dust, and horse trampling. The frog rides in a carriage, everything groans and rattles. At her horses, fire splashes from under the hoof, smoke pours from the nostrils. Her carriage in gold is removed, she herself is all dressed up in jewels.

The brothers of Ivan Tsarevich ask: "What kind of noise has risen?" - "This is my frog swimming in a box."

Pulls up to royal palace. Not their servants with her, but their hay girls, each one cleaned - it is impossible to look at her. Everything is cleaned - what a beauty, what a cleanliness! Ivan Tsarevich jumps up to sit her down, takes her by the arm. Her servants lead, they carry the tail behind her. He and her hand in hand approached his father - his father had never seen such beauty.

They had a feast for the whole world. Tables are cleaned with these tablecloths, wipes are served on their hands.

Marya the princess will not drink enough and pours into her sleeve. Those daughters-in-law look at themselves in the same way: they don’t finish drinking and they pour it into their sleeves. She is malnourished and puts muzzles in her sleeve.

At the end of the whole feast, they went dancing. She waved her right sleeve - water poured into the room, the sea, geese and swans swam, there were beautiful stacks along the banks. She waved her other sleeve - the birds flew, the birds sang. And so the guests were heard, disappointed - good good. Marya Tsarevna conducts such a conversation. And Ivan Tsarevich is growing, he is not overjoyed at Marya the Tsarevna - what a beauty she is!

The big daughter-in-law also went to dance and dance. She waved her right sleeve - she covered everything with her father-in-law, she waved her other sleeve - she pierced her forehead with moss. The middle daughter-in-law hurried after her and also hit him in the ear with a moss.

The king got angry, drove them away, Ivan Tsarevich saw off with good deeds.

This Ivan Tsarevich ran ahead and took her skin burned, Marya Tsarevna, frog.

At the same time, she arrived: "Ah, Ivan Tsarevich, what have you done, you could wait a little, I would be your wife."

On that sin, Koschei the immortal carried away Marya the princess. Ivan Tsarevich began to cry again and went unhappy, hung his little head.

There is an old old man, met him to meet: "Why are you crying, Ivan Tsarevich?" - "Here Koschey the immortal took my bride." - "I'll give you a ball, where the ball rolls, you go there," says that old man.

Now he is walking, the ball is rolling - two devils are fighting. Suitable: "What are you fighting?" - "Yes, here we share things." - "What kind of things?" - "A self-made baton, an invisibility hat and a self-assembled tablecloth." "Well, now I'll share them with you."

He knitted them a forty-meter frill. "Whoever runs to the end as soon as possible, he gets things." They grabbed this frill and intercepted until Tsarevich Ivan left with those things.

And the ball is rolling. A ball rolled under the oak tree. Under this oak stands a chest. He dug up this chest, there lies a hare. Here he tore the hare - there is a duck in it. He tore it open - there is an egg in it. There is death in this egg of Koshchei the immortal.

He approaches Koshchei, the immortal palace. Lions stand there, tigers stand there, they roar with a roar and do not allow Ivan Tsarevich to pass. He put on an invisibility cap, fired a self-made club. The cap of invisibility let him into the house, the club-self-stamping of animals twisted him.

He entered the house - the house of Koshchei the immortal is well decorated. Princess Marya is sitting in the room. How she saw the prince and became unconscious.

Koschey the immortal smelled: "Who is it that came?" He pounces on the door and almost crushes Ivan Tsarevich. Ivan Tsarevich crushed the egg and ruined his soul.

Then Ivan Tsarevich took his princess by the hand and kissed her on the right cheek.

I've been there, messing with them. And when I drank tea, it flowed down my lips, but it didn’t get into my mouth. Here is the end of the story.

Ivan the Fool

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman, they had three sons: two smart ones, the third fool. This one lay in ashes. That's when the father was dying, he ordered: "Sons, you guard me at night."

So they pokonalis, who forward to guard. The big brother got to watch. He says: "Ivan, go guard for me."

This has no refusal, Ivanushka. He takes a club on his shoulder and goes to the grave. Boo-uh on the father's grave with a baton! The father asks: "Who came?" - "Father, me!" He brings him a goat with golden horns: “Let him go,” he says, “in the field, it will come in handy for you.”

In the morning, the middle brother should go on guard duty. "Ivanushka, follow me."

He puts a club on his shoulder, goes to the grave. Boom on the grave! The father asks: "Who is there?" - "Father, me!" Brings him pig-gold bristle: "Let him go, - he says, - in the field, it will come in handy for you."

Then he goes to guard for himself. Heaps a baton - bang on the grave! The father asks: “Who is there?” - “Father, I!” He takes out a horse for him, - he has a golden mane, a golden tail: “Let him go, Ivan, in the field, he will come in handy for you.” When he is needed, whistle, shout in his thin loud voice: “Stand, horse, in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass.” Get into your ear, get out into the other, you will become blood and milk.

Here the king's daughter sat. The king made a tower and put his daughter there. He announced: "Whoever gets my daughter to kiss, he will marry her." Let the blind, let the lame, and the poor do not require, if only he cheated.

The brothers are leaving to go to these shows. Ivanushka says: "Brothers, take me with you." They say: "Fool, where are you going, you will be crushed there."

The brothers did not take him. He whistled, shouted in his thin loud voice: "Stand, horse, in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass!"

He climbed into the ear, climbed out into the other, became blood and milk, and he flew to this tower. It flies, and smoke pours out of the horse’s nostrils, fires splash from under the hoof, fire flares from the mouth, a saddle is under gold, silver is on the reins. Scattered, almost kissed, thousands of great people crushed.

Let him go back into the field. He wrapped his head with a duck and again lay down in the Nazol. The brothers come and say: "Well, there was some kind of prince from other lands. From their birth, they never saw how long they lived, such a gentleman." - "That's me, brothers!" - "Sit down, fool, otherwise they will tie you up. Do you know how many people were suppressed there? And you, dig in the ashes."

Another day is coming, the brothers are going to watch again. "Brothers, take me with you." - "Sit down, fool, they will crush you there."

The brothers are gone. He went out into the field, whistled, shouted in his thin, loud voice: "Stand, horse in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass!"

He climbed into the ear, climbed out into the other, became blood and milk, flew there. Here they began to give space, they are waiting. The horse runs, smoke pours out of its nostrils, fire bursts out of its mouth, splashes of fire from under its hoof. He almost kissed her, even closer.

The brothers come from there and say: "Well, now it's even closer, I almost kissed you." - "That's me!" - "Sit down, fool, they will tie you up. Is there such a headdress in your mind? Where will you get it?"

Himself (Ivan) hid in the ashes.

On the third day, the brothers are removed again to go. "Brothers, take me with you." - "Sit down, fool, otherwise you will be crushed there."

He went out into the field, whistled, shouted in his thin, loud voice: "Stand, horse, in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass!"

He climbed into the ear, climbed out into the other, became blood with milk. It flew great again. There are people standing there, waiting.

He kissed her, and she gave him her ring. Until then, Princess Mary was glad, she waited for her groom from other states.

Looking for a groom - nowhere to be found. They ask these brothers: "Do you have anyone, is there anyone living?" These refuse: "No, we don't have anyone." Big brother says: "Isn't Ivan ours?" We looked - he has a ring and a seal on his forehead.

Well, what to do, Marya the Queen needs to be married. Remarried them. There are still brothers-in-law from other states. They called him (Ivan) to hunt. These rode on fast horses, and they gave the fool an inferior horse. He rode out into the field, knocked down this horse, pulled off its skin: "Magpies, crows, fresh meat!"

Caught a jackdaw and a crow through a bag. Brought to the mansions, dismissed his crows.

And his brother-in-law came from hunting: "Well," they say, "we saw such wonderful animals there: a pig with a golden bristle and a goat with golden horns." -- "That's my cattle!" Those on him: "Sit down, - they say, - you fool!"

They are removed in the morning. They gave him an inferior horse, and they rode again on their old horses. He pulled off her skin and again: "Magpies, crows, fresh meat!"

Got a whole bag of them. He let them into the house.

On the third day they are removed to go again. Ivan went out into the field, whistled, shouted in his thin, loud voice: "Stand, horse, in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass!"

Gathered his this hunt. These brothers-in-law chased a goat and a pig for two days and didn’t catch them. He has gathered his hunt and leads. "What will I take from you? From the hand to the finger, from the back to the belt." (He didn’t sell his horse, he only sold a pig and a goat.)

They arrived, they were going to have dinner, the king said: “What are you doing, Ivanushka? You see, these sons-in-law brought them from the hunt, and what about you?” - "Father, I sold something to them." - "And how much did you take from them?" - "From the hand to the finger, from the back to the belt."

(They sit and eat with gloves on.)

His father-in-law got angry at those sons-in-law, got angry and drove them away.

Here his wife sees that he is so wise. They went to bed, and she asked: "Ivanushka, I'm ashamed in front of the priest, don't torture me, reveal your wisdom to me."

Then he went out into the field in the morning. He whistled and shouted in a thin, loud voice. He climbed into the ear, climbed out into the other, became blood with milk. He threw out what he sold them for, out of his pocket, and came to his wife on a horse. She became so beautiful and smart. And now he's smart. I visited them, drank tea, they are such nice people.

Frozen girl Natasha

Her father got married. The old man has a daughter, Natasha, and the old woman has a daughter, Masha. Natasha was so kind. Wherever they send her, she rolls like a ball. All her people praise her stepmother in the eyes. Well, about Masha, no one ever good word won't say. So Natasha's stepmother hated: "No matter what, take her, old man, to the field, freeze her!"

Although the old man feels sorry for his daughter, he must listen to his wife. "Well," he says, "daughter Natasha, get out, I'll take you to your grandmother." He brought her into the forest, into the thicket, took off her zipunishko and left. Natasha was left alone under the green oak tree.

She raked this snowball - green grass under it. She wrapped her legs in a shirt and sits cross-legged on the green grass. The night has come. Frost is coming. Red nose. She clicks on a tree, crunches her hands: "Girl Natasha! I'm Frost Red Nose!" - "So the Lord brought you!" Frost liked her speeches. "Are you warm, girl?" - "Ah, it's warm, Morozushko, it's warm, father!"

There is another Frost, clicks, crackles: "Girl Natasha! I'm Frost Blue nose! I came to you." - "So the Lord brought you!" Frost likes it even more.

Now comes the Gray Frost, dashing Frost. The branches are frosty, bursting, the trees are bursting: "Girl!" Responds: "Huh?" - "I Frost Gray came to you!" - "So the Lord brought you!" - "Are you warm, girl?" - "Warm, Morozushko, warm, father!"

This one liked the girl Natasha even better. The elder Frost comes home, forced his servants to put on good things for her: her coat, her shawl, boots with warm galoshes ... They brought, shod, dressed. The chest of goodness was brought. And the girl Natasha sits on a chest under a green oak tree.

Stepmother gets up early. She made pancakes for Natasha to bury. The father harnessed two horses. He arrives (it seems like he went to his grandmother, from his neighbors from his own) - she is sitting such a beauty, ruddy, dressed up. And the stepmother hurries pancakes to the funeral.

And he put the chest in the sledge. Natasha sat on the chest, and he took her. And the stepmother is one thing - bake pancakes in a hurry. Natasha's favorite dog runs around the upper room and says: "Tyav-tyav, the horses are merrily walking, Natasha is carrying a cart of good things!" The stepmother replies: "Shush, Bug, damn it, say:" Natasha is cold, the horses are sadly walking, Natasha is being carried dead!

The stepmother looked into the yard, Natasha drove in with a chest. So cheerful, tidy, and a load of good with a chest. They brought the chest to the hut, the stepmother rushed into the chest, began to look at the outfits, lay out the Persian carpets. What are these carpets! They have frosty flowers on them, a feast for the eyes! Ah, envy took the stepmother!

Natasha ate pancakes and walks cheerfully.

The stepmother gets up early: "Take my Masha to that place!"

The old man harnessed the horses, took Masha to that place. He took off her zipunishko and went home. Night comes, she sits trembling and screaming, she freezes completely. Here's to you, Frost is coming Red nose, clicks on the trees, crunches on the snow: "I, girl Masha, have come to you, Frost." She answers him: "The devil brought you!"

Frost got angry and hit her on the forehead. This Masha stretched out along the snow and froze.

Mother gets up early and impatiently bakes pancakes: "Go, old man, hurry!" He harnessed the horses, she shouts to him: "Flash more fun!"

An old man arrived - Masha lies stiff. Dejectedly, he lifts her up and puts her on a sled, covering her with a zipunishka. And took her. The dog runs around the hut: "Tyav-tyav, the horses go sadly, Masha is being taken dead!" - "Shush, Bug, eat on a pancake, say:" The horses are going merrily, they're carrying a load of good! "One Bug continues: "Yip-yap, the horses are sadly going and Masha is being taken dead."

The stepmother looked at the yard - a sad old man drove in. She jumped out to her - she hugged the dead Masha. Well, here she asked a cry!

They began to bury Masha, she scolds herself: "Ah, I'm a fool, I drove the child away to freeze!" And people say: "Do no harm to people, but do all evil to yourself."

orphan girl

The girl's mother died. Her father got married - she had a stepmother with three girls: a girl with One Eye and a girl with Two Eyes, and the third girl - Three Eyes. So she sends them with this orphan girl to guard the cows. She gives them a purse of namik, a purse of spindles. They drove the cows into the field to graze. The orphan says: "Let me look for you, sister!"

She lay down on her knees. And she is not so much looking for as lulling her:

Sleep, sleep, peephole, Sleep firmly, peephole!

One-Eyed fell asleep. She comes up to her cow, throws out napkins and spindles, and she ate them. An hour later they came out of her all on the cob (spun already).

This One-Eyed Girl slept until evening. She comes up, wakes her up: "Get up, sister, let's drive the cow home!" She looks to be spun. “Oh,” he says, “oh, my mother will scold me for not spinning it (yarn)!”

He brings home, gives his stepmother his namyki on the cob, all spun. The one-eyed woman took her hints back. Her mother began to beat her dear: "Why are you too lazy, didn't strain?"

In the morning, she escorts Two-Eyes with her to guard the cow. She says: "Lie down, sister, I'll look, let's look!" She is not so much looking for her as she cradles:

Sleep, sleep, peephole, Sleep, another!

That Two-Eyes fell asleep, she went up to her cow; she threw out her bows and spindles. The cow ate namiki and spindles.

This Two-Eyes slept until the evening. An orphan comes up, wakes up: "Get up, sister, let's drive home!"

He sees that it is spun with cobs: "Oh, oh, my mother will scold me for not spinning it."

They come home. The mother sees that the sliver is not spun. And he praises the orphan, beats and scolds his daughter.

In the morning he sends Three-Eyes with her to guard the cow (they change, but she still does not). They drove to guard, and on a purse on-myk, on a purse of spindles. Three-eyes says: "Let's spin!" - "No, he says, let's spin, the day is great, lie down, I'll look for you."

She lay down to look. Not so much looking for as cradling:

Sleep, peephole, sleep another!

I forgot about the third one.

Now she throws out allusions to the cow. She eats them, the same minute (throws them out) right on the cob. This orphan is in a hurry, puts in, and this one is watching everything with one eye. She began to scold her: “Mother beats us for nothing! And you don’t spin yourself either, but give the cow food. Grass,” she says, raw, “the cow rescues you.”

She comes to her mother and says: "She," she says, "didn't spin herself, but the cow ate her!" The mother was angry with her stepdaughter, she said that her cow was spinning.

The husband came from the field. "Cut Ninina's cow!"

And the mother was dying and ordered that the cow should not be slaughtered, but that there should be Ninina's cow. "If they kill them out of malice, then don't gnaw the bones, but collect them, the bones, and put them in a holy corner!"

It was a pity to slaughter the father's cow for a long time, but Nina's stepmother hated it.

They have already slaughtered a cow, boil the meat and eat it. Nina only knows - she cries, sits at the holy corner. He collects bones from her and buries them in a holy corner. Then they finished the whole cow and ate. She buried the bones in the holy corner. An apple tree grew on it, in that place. On it are red-sided, one-sided apples and different colors. My father went to the city, picked these apples to sell. And he asks: "What, Nina, do you want to buy?"

All the sisters say: what a scarf, what a half-boot, and the third sundress. The fourth, an orphan, says: "Papa, buy me a golden saucer and a silver spoon!"

Then he brought gifts for everyone and for the orphan a golden saucer and a silver spoon.

The gentleman rides and sees an apple tree - hefty beautiful! The girls were playing under it. He asked for an apple. One-eye jumped, wanted to get it - she rose higher. Two-eyes jumped - she is even higher. Three-eyes jumped - and could not reach it at all. Nina comes out with her golden saucer and silver spoon: "Get down, apple tree, here!"

She bent down, the apple tree sank, the apples rolled down, she brings the master. A silver spoon rolls an apple on a saucer, exposes all kinds of cities, and seas, and rivers, and ships, and forests. He was interested in the fact that everything is visible in the saucer, what is being done in the world. He asks her for her first and last name. "I," he says, "is Nina Ivanovna!"

Such a handsome gentleman, and Nina is even more beautiful. He said goodbye to Nina and went home. He arrives and declares to his mother: "I found myself a bride!"

Well, then the gentlemen were free over us, where they want to take a bride for themselves, then they will take it. The master went for the bride. Then he brought a bride, married her and lived, and they got a child for themselves. She missed visiting her homeland. She comes to her stepmother - a hefty messy, hefty rich. The stepmother took it and spoiled it. She took away her arms and legs, and she made a dove out of her. This (the master's wife) got up - flew away. She (the stepmother) dressed Two-Eyes in her dress. Well, she dressed her Two-Eyes in her dress and saw her off. Then the gentlemen hung themselves with these smokes. The master did not recognize her, he took her for his wife. And her baby keeps screaming and screaming. She will get up in the morning, take away this child, go to the field. A herd of pigeons are flying: "The lynx is young, the lynx is good, feed your child!" One answers: "The lynx is young, the lynx is not good in our herd!"

A herd of more pigeons are flying. She again says in the same words: "The lynx is young, the lynx is good, feed your child!" And again the herd answers to her: "The lynx is young, the lynx is not good in our herd!"

She comes out to the third herd in advance: "The lynx is young, the lynx is good, feed your child!"

Barin noticed this business. As she goes with the child, so the child is silent. Like early dawn, his little child cries. Then he noticed what it was. I saw that Nina sank down to her child, took him, and put the wings away. He crept up, laid down those wings, and scorched them.

When he fired them, she says: "What, sister, does it stink of fire?" She answered her: "The master burns pigs!"

He hit the wing with an ax and the wings became a spindle. The spindle broke it, Nina decided ahead of himself. And this Two-Eyes was tied to the tail of a horse and torn to pieces across the field. And now they are in looking good live with his wife. Although it suffered a little, but now I saw a different light.

I was with her, I drank honey, it flowed down my lips, but it didn’t get into my mouth.

Here is the end of the fable.

golden ring

Here the old woman Akulina had three girls. One was twenty-three years old, the other was twenty-one, the third was nineteen. And inadvertently they looked at the golden ring at their mother's, at Akulinoshka's. And so they ask him: she asks - to me, the other - to me. And she would like, mother, to give the very last daughter. She thought so that these two would be offended, and said: “Go into the forest.

Here they were walking through the woods. These two walk together, and this one is the smaller one. And so they got together. "Come on, sisters, let's see who has more berries."

We looked - the smallest one has the most. They went behind a bush and said: "Let's kill her, and share the berry. And we will wear the ring together - when you slander for a week, and when I do."

They killed her and dug a grave on the reeds (just in such a weak place), and they buried her.

They come home, mother asks: "Where is Masha?" They said, "She went ahead of us."

Well, my mother was on fire. She didn't think they killed her. She thinks she got lost, or the animals ate her. And he mourns, and he mourns. Well, things are coming to spring - Masha is still gone.

An old old man comes and sits on a hillock to rest. Looks - a beautiful epic has grown on this hillock. He took out a knife, got excited, made a pipe and blew into it. She spoke in a human voice:

So he came to the village. Their outer yard was: "Let me go," he says, "to spend the night with me."

They let him sleep. "And I," he says, "has an interesting pipe." - "Come on, grandfather, play," - the mother herself says. Yes, here he played the pipe, she again also:

Play, play, grandfather, Play, play, dear. We were three sisters, One was ruined For a red berry, For a golden ring.

Father says: "Let me play." He gave it to him. He gave it to him, he blew a pipe, she began to play:

Play, play, father, Play, play, dear. We were three sisters, One was ruined For a red berry, For a golden ring.

These girls figured it out. And the mother hears what a pipe is playing. "Come on," he says, "I'll play." And the flute:

Play, play, mother, Play, play, dear. We were three sisters, One was ruined For a red berry, For a golden ring.

Now the mother speaks to her daughter in a big one: "Take a pipe, play it." She took it and blew it. And the flute:

Play, play, sister, Play, play, reckless, Play, play, gas chamber. You killed me. They strangled him with a gas gun, buried him in the grave, nailed him with Chebots.

Well, the father says: "Where did you cut it? Did you notice where you cut it?" The old man says: "I noticed." - "Well, let's go there."

They took a shovel, dug it out; All in the blood, as it was. Mother, as she looked, died. And the father took courage, whipped up two horses, and tied them to the tail, both daughters, and adjusted them according to their stumps cut down. Until then, the horses raced until their bones were scattered: where the arm, where the leg came off, remained in the field. And this one was taken from there, they made a coffin and decided to put it in the grave, buried it, and properly served the burial.


Her mother died, leaving her son and daughter. She gave her son a ring and ordered: "Grow up, son, you choose as a bride who the ring is suitable for."

So he thought about getting married. Whatever young lady he gave, the whole ring is no good. Well, and now he became thoughtful and said: "Here, sister, to whomever he gave the ring, everything is no good." She says, "What's your ring? Let me take a look." He gave her a ring, it suits her hand. "Well, now, sister, I'm taking you in marriage." She screamed and said: "What are you, brother, thinking such nonsense!" - "No, no way, but I'll take it!" My sister shouts alone: ​​"I won't go!"

She sits on the doorstep and cries. There is an old woman: "What are you crying, girl?" - "But how, my misfortune is such ..." - "What is it?" - "My brother wants to marry me. Now he orders to get ready for the wedding." She says, old woman: "Bring me his four old shirts." She brought her four old shirts. The old woman made dolls out of shirts and says: "Place them in the corners and get ready for the crown."

She arranged and closed herself in her room. The dolls are snacking:

The sister fell to her knees. A brother comes and asks: "Are you ready, sister?" She says, "Just put on my shoes." The puppets are snacking again:

Ku-ku, Daniel, Ku-ku, said: "Brother sister I'll take for myself." Part the earth, Fail sister!

The sister sank to the waist. The brother comes to the door and asks: "Are you ready, sister?" - "I've already put on the dress." The third time the dolls perekukalis:

Ku-ku, Daniel, Ku-ku, said: "Brother sister I'll take for myself." Part the earth, Fail sister!

And rumbled, completely failed. Brother comes to the door, there is no response. He pulled the door off the hooks, looked - no one was there, only a failed hole. Brother and grieved: "Do not rock, he says - and marry her!"

She failed there, there is such a village. She comes to Baba Yaga. There's a pretty girl setting there, just like her. "Oh, you, beauty, - calls Danilov's sister, - why did you come? Baba Yaga will eat you."

She gave her a needle and thread with which she embroidered her fly. She stuck it in the top of her head and became a needle herself. She took it and plugged it into a broom.

Baba Yaga flew in: "Rus-bone smells!" - "Wow, - says (beauty), - she flew around Russia and Russia gained!"

She fed the Yaga, gave her drink and put her to sleep. And she herself is on the run with this girl. They took a brush, and they took a comb, and they took a wipe and ran.

And the yaga sensed that they had run away, and in pursuit of them. She runs. They threw a comb - the forest is impenetrable. Then she gnawed this forest and again catches up with them. They threw a brush - and inextinguishable reeds. Yaga runs to this reed and gnaws again. Here they smell - again it runs out. They lit it, threw a duck - she could not fly over it. And these girls ran away.

They come to Daniel. Face to face they are similar, on them the rings of the wallpaper are the same. And here you are, Danila walks, admires, but does not know what his bride is, what sister.

He comes to the cook: "How would we know which is my sister, which bride?" The cook now explained to him: "Cut you," he says, "a piglet."

They slaughtered a pig and took out a bubble from it, poured it with blood. And he (the cook) says: "Tie him under your armpits and sit beside them." And he said to him beforehand: "How, - he says, I will rush to you, you raise your hand a little. I will stab you in the bubble, and you will fall quickly."

He sat down beside them and talked. A cook comes with a knife and grumbles at him: "How long will you torment me? Why don't you give me everything I need to cook in time?" - "I apologize, cook, before you. Now I'll go and give everything away!" - "And an hour yes an hour, but my time passes!"

He runs up, sort of boiled up, stabbed him with a knife. Danil seemed to stagger back and fall, blood began to flow. Ah, the sister rushed to him, hugged him: "What an evil cook, he killed his brother for nothing!"

That cook grabbed his sister, and Daniel jumped up the bride. And so, you, they married this bride. When they had a wedding, they opened a feast for the whole world. I visited them and drank tea, well, it flowed down my lips, but it didn’t get into my mouth. All.

That's how Danil married fame.


An elderly girl went to the cooks, took on a child. And she began to die and ordered, gave her son her patronage: "Marry, child, and take a wife so that she looks like me." And I gave him my patch.

So he decided to get married and with a patret went to the villages to choose a bride for himself. I traveled and traveled and did not find a bride. Left for a foreign country. He came to the hotel and saw a cleaner who looked like his mother. And he began to talk to her about his marriage-wedding. She says to him: "How? I'm older than you!" - "Well, there is no need, my mother ordered me. According to your mother's patent, you look a lot like her."

Got married.

She cooks food for him, treats him, but does not eat herself. More than once he noticed that she quietly leaves him at night. And here he lies at night and hears: she rises and goes. He quietly gets up and looks after her. She comes to the grave, digs up the dead man and she eats him, the scoundrel. And she ate a dead man, digs in again. That husband was frightened, had seen enough of such miracles that he had never met before. He thinks in his mind: "What's wrong with me?"

He runs without memory to the yard, goes to bed quietly, he concealed his spirit. And his wife comes and lies next to her.

In the morning he gets up and eats. "Ah, I cooked, ate, I don't want to!" - "No, you're lying, such a creature, you go to eat with a dead man!" And she grabbed the rod, whipped it and said: "Don't be my dear husband, but be a dog!"

Suddenly he turned over, became a dog. She whipped him up and drove him away. The dog came out, howled and went. He went out into the field, the shepherd saw him, caressed him and gave him a piece of bread. He so affectionately walked with him and grazed his cattle. The shepherd never forced him, but he adopted all the cattle and left his flock to him alone.

The dog always remained strictly reasonable and looked after the cattle. Often the shepherd boasted of his intelligent dog.

There was a shopkeeper there, the shop was often robbed. And he asked the shepherd for this dog: "Shepherd, let me watch your dog for the night, I'll pay you, I'll give you a barrel of herring!"

He gave the dog for the night, took a barrel of herring.

The shopkeeper washed down the gate, ordered her to sit guard at the yard. So the dog guarded, barks, does not let anyone through. Suddenly the thieves arrived. She sees that with a weapon, she hid her spirit, but she sees two thieves. They break the door, they put good on the cart. They bogged down, drive off, she looks after, notices. They drive, she runs after them. One looks and trembles: "Someone is running after us?" - Another leaned over and said: "This is a dog running."

He threw a piece of bread, she did not eat it, but she was a little behind to run away from them. One of them bent down and said: "Did someone run?" And the other says: "It was I who caressed the dog."

So they came to the forest and buried it all. This dog lay and noticed all their tricks. When they started to go, she aside behind a bush. We drove away from this hole, she sniffed and ran.

The owner of the shop missed and hurried so: "Here is the vaunted dog: some kind of soul robbed the shop and the dog disappeared there too!"

He didn’t grieve for good things dearly, but how should I answer for the dog.

And as soon as he let it slip, and then his dog appeared. The owner spoke to him: "Where have you been so?"

And the dog with tears in front of him howled. Grief took him, he drags him by the floor. The people gathered and went. The male runs ahead, they follow.

They walked and walked - there is no trace. And the dog keeps caressing and running and grabs the floor, drags.

The owner has stopped. That male caressed and run. Escape, tore up and washed away the scarlet ribbon from there. Runs up and gives the owner. He recognized his good, he ran with the people there to this pit. So they attacked the trail, dug up this hole, took everything good, put it on the cart with the same turn, brought it home.

The dog was praised and praised. Well, the shepherd took the dog back to him.

The king lost two children. So he heard this dog and is getting better in these ways: "I'll go, I'll ask for a dog!"

He will soon have a third trouble, he always expects this: soon his wife will give birth to him.

He brought this dog and decided to be a watchman at the door. And she is such a strict dog, she does not let any of the people into the queen's room.

And suddenly the queen gave birth to the king. The serpent-magician learned this, flew in and took the child from him. Wherever the dog was, the Snake did not miss the door, sat on the back of the Snake and she began to gnaw at his neck like clay.

Here the Serpent was running, his neck hurt, he was trembling ... His back hurt, and he threw the child. And suddenly the dog jumped off, grabbed the child by the diaper and dragged it onto the road.

Brightened up. The king missed, the vaunted dog was gone, and the child was gone. “Oh, wife, we didn’t save the child, and our dog disappeared. Woe to us, now we have lost three ...”

All of a sudden they say that, people come to them. People come to them, tell them about it: "A child is screaming, a dog is lying in front of him."

The tsar quickly jumped up with joy, put his troika in the carriage, quickly drove the horses and then he ran: the child was screaming, the dog was sitting. He jumped with joy, grabbed the dog with the child in his hands and put him in the carriage.

Here the queen meets, so glad, you need to look at the child. She looked at him boldly, hugged and kissed: "My child was saved through the dog."

Here the king is going to take revenge, he has gathered a feast for the whole world. Perekstil, and the dog was seated in the towers, they began to treat the guests. The dog was poured vodka, they began to give it. The dog drank vodka, like a man, with a sweetheart, and ate. One of the guests took a closer look: "What do you know about this dog? It's not a dog, but a man..."

She had tears falling from her eyes, this dog.

And then one of the guests quietly said to the king: "Tomorrow we need to heat the bath hotter and pierce his sides with a broom in the bath."

So they heated the bathhouse, turned on the heat and beat him on the sides with a broom, and suddenly a man became. There is a guy in the bath, and he became a guy.

The king was delighted: "Be you my second son!" - "No, I won't stay, I'll go and avenge my bitch wife!"

He comes to her there. As soon as she entered the porch, she lashed him straight with rods and said: "Don't be my dear husband, but be a sparrow!"

Suddenly a sparrow flew into the field. He flew and flew and flew to the Wizard Serpent. There, the royal children catch birds with films. And this sparrow got caught. The children began to tear the heads of these sparrows. Everyone was torn apart, but this last one remained. Suddenly he turned out to be a human voice: "Don't tear my head, I'll be useful to you!"

In fright, the boy threw him on the ground. He became young. "Oh, where are we going to put him?" And the other looks and says: "We need to put him in the cavalry."

Here the boy looks that their Serpent Gorynych the magician is flying. Here he flew in: "Rus-bone smells!" - "I flew around Russia and Russia got it, daddy!"

Here he (the Serpent) had dinner and went to bed. Suddenly, they released a guy from the horseman, and he began to joke around the cabinets. He found a tomb book, began to read it, and the Serpent-magician began to fall asleep. He reads, and the Serpent falls asleep. He looked at more books, he fell in love with books and he took them under his arms and began to call the children to run away home. He began to speak to them and beckon to the street: "You live here, you go around the house, but you don't see anything good. Galya told us, let's go and see a good one afar."

Here they are tempted to go look. They went along the strewn stitches, through the green forest, along the paths. So he led them, lured them with speeches, so they did not see how far and far away from the courtyard they departed. And they began to wonder: "Well, will we get there soon?" He says: "Now, now!"

They moved into their state forest. Stitches went there, beautiful paths strewn with sand. Strewn with sand, discharged with a flower. There are fragrant flowers and mints. There they go and rejoice, tear flowers and sniff, come to their house. There are gazebos, patterned curtains on the gazebos, all the benches are carpeted. Flowers bloom in bouquets there, and red girls sit and sing songs.

There, suddenly, they saw this guy with the royal children, they ran up to them, took them by the arms, asked them to open the doors, they brought her to the queen of the children.

The queen saw the children, quickly ran up to them, hugged them so much, kissed them sweetly: "Oh, my unfortunate children, if not for him, where would I look at you?"

Now the king is carried away by the guy, his children are brought. So the king said to this guy: "You remain my senior ruler!" - "No, I won't stay, I'll go and kill my bitch!"

I took the book under my arm and left. Comes. His wife jumps out onto the porch. He managed, whipped her forward and said: "Don't be my dear wife, be you a gray mare!"

Suddenly a gray mare appeared. And then he felt nice when his gray mare ran. He caught up with her and turned her around, locked her in plows and drove her across the arable land. Until then he drove until he plowed six acres. And she got tired and fell in the plows. He tied her to a horse by the tail and drove along the stumps. Until then he drove until her bones were broken.

He came to the king and boasted: "Well, I unwound her bones on stumps, bitches!"

Here the king married him. There was a feast there. I was dancing and broke my leg, and did not see this wedding, it was not before, so the vodka knocked me down.

Girls' parties

Here is one before the girls had a party. And the girls argued: which of them is bolder. Here one girl says: "I'm not afraid of anything." - "And if, - they say, - you are not afraid, go bring the cross from the grave."

She goes to the grave, the light in the church burns. They slaughtered the guard, the cutters, and they are robbed in the church. And a horse with sacks is standing by the church. She took the horse and the cross with it, and led the horse away. Live cutters came out - there is no horse. What to do? Need to find. They got away as beggars, went to look for a horse.

They, these girls, drank money at parties, and this girl left the horse. Here you go, she has a horse. A young man walked and begged, saw this horse and began to ask, to woo. He took her in and, here you are, to make a conspiracy.

She gathered the girls, drank, walked, and she went to see him off. She goes, escorts him, he drags her further and further. They have come - there is a bridge in the forest. So she sees that it’s so bad, she turned away, and she herself started to run and run. They chased, chased, - they didn’t catch up, they missed. And so they climbed the bridge, saying: "Why did we have to let her in, kill her, kill her."

And she's in a hurry. Then she got up and followed them, but they did not see. They lifted a bush, but under a bush. She waited until everyone had settled down, but she herself under a bush. She passed by, touched no one, straight to the pantry. I took two fingers with rings. And there are twelve of them in a row. Then she went from there, hooked one with her foot.

He asks: "Who is that walking?" And she: "It's an innocent soul." In the middle, she caught on to another, and this one asks: "Who is pushing this?" "Shut up, it's an innocent soul."

She passes and hooked the third, the last one. And he also asks: "Who is this?" - "Be quiet, - he says, - this is an innocent soul."

Here comes the groom, knows nothing that she was with them. "It is necessary," he says, "to do a wedding." - "Well, let's do the wedding."

They (native brides) told the police - they drove a regiment of soldiers. They put the bride and groom at the table and they (the groom’s comrades) say: “What is it? The bride says: "Of course, live-cutters. Did you," she says, "feel how I was with you, walked on your legs?" - "What did you, - he says, - saw?"

She jumped out of the table and threw those two fingers at him. It's like he will let her go after her with a dagger! He hit right at the door.

They caught them, opened this bush, and in it - how many cut people, fingers with rings, gold rings! They had no time to shoot, they only beat and chopped.

Well, they all got shot themselves.

Since then, these live cutters are gone.

Like an accordion player went to hell

Here was such a famous harmonist. As Anna Kupriyanovna was famous for fairy tales, so he was with the accordion. Well played! Here they took him for simple conversations everywhere, as he was glorified, he played with merchants and kings. He was praised everywhere. Wherever he plays, they praise everywhere and everyone clicks on the palms. He says: "I was everywhere, in the whole wide world, only the devils were not!"

Here is a man on a horse at twelve o'clock at night. And they took him. He played, he played. There the room is cleaned, the curtains are good, and the young ladies are cleaned well and gentlemen. And he played until he sweated. Here you are, they danced and did not see how he wiped himself with a veil. And suddenly he sees that these veils are suffocators, drowned men, their torn skins are hanging, dusters on devils' aprons. Strangled on the trousers of the devil, the skin is directly removed and put on. And drowners.

So he played and played and said: "It's time to go home!"

So they brought to the heap of money and to the heap of coals. Now, if he had not wiped himself and would have taken the money with coals, but how he wiped himself, then he sees: this money, and these coals. Here, then, they led to coal and money. They show money for coal, and coal for money.

He scratched himself, scratched himself and said: "I don't need money as much as coal." And poured. And instead of coal, money is full of pockets.

They gave him a human strangler instead of a carriage, and a drowned human instead of a horse. And he knows both of them, they are not far off, their village. He drives up to the village and, plucking up courage, says: "Kostya, is that you?" And Ivan, instead of a horse, answers: "Why do you know us?" - "Yes I see!" Here they burst into tears: "Only we have one meeting with you, otherwise we will have eternal and endless torment here."

That little fellow picked up passion and beat his accordion, and now he doesn’t play: he’s afraid - the devils will tear him apart.

About the magical girl

The next night he goes and mourns. There is an old man: "Take it," he says, "you measure the poppy."

Here comes midnight, and he smells - they fly (devils flock). He jumped on the stove, poured out a measure of poppy seeds, and he himself reads the psalter.

And they were swooped in through the hut by devils: both oblique, and lame, and torn eyes. Here they shouted at you, they all ran away, they didn’t let this little one eat.

On the third night, he goes and cries. Again the old man meets and says: "Now you bring two measures of sand."

That was a lot of devils, and then twice as many flew. The sand is counted, collected, and the rest of the timber is gnawed (he reads on the timber). Here you are - the beam will fall, the cochet - ku-ka-river! - and the devils disappeared.

So they began to bury her, hewed an aspen stake. The cartilages began to beat, the whole stake was directly covered with blood and groaned.

That's where the witch went.

iron teeth

Here the girls walked along the street, played, and there was an empty hut. In this empty hut, the devil on the ceiling has iron teeth. And, here you are, whenever they enter this hut, the accordion player always plays the accordion there so well.

That time they went there, two went in, what kind of person is playing - and they don’t know. That's the third time they went there. A neighbor girl with a small child also ran there. She has nowhere to go, she climbed onto the stove and sits looking.

They played the accordion, the girls danced. And she sees between the bars that these are devils. They don’t play accordion, but they drag a small child (he’s a sleeper, a baby).

She jumped out and ran. She ran home and said: "Mom, mom, devils with iron teeth are playing there, and our girls are dancing."

They rushed there, and the doors were locked. They rushed to open the doors, they (girls) make noise: "Our sides hurt!" They rushed to dismantle the ceiling, and they make noise: "Whisky hurts us!"

And the devils tore the girls and tied them to the ceiling by braids. Mothers came, shouted, shouted, so the door was not opened and the windows were not uncorked.

So they all died.

About the treasure

One rich man took the money to bury it in the forest, picked up a korchazhka. And one poor man was walking in the forest, he wanted to collect firewood for himself. And the rich think that there is no one there. He brought them to be buried there, dug a hole and started to conjure: "For a hundred years of people ..." And the poor man stands behind a bush and says: "For a hundred chicken heads ..."

The poor man speaks again another time, up to three times like that. And the rich man thinks: "To know, it was my master who got home!" “Well, let it be,” he says, “it will be your way.” And he thinks to himself: "Where do they come from, the chickens are here?"

The poor man took it and brought a stump, put it on this place and let's chop off their heads, chickens. I grabbed it, dug up this money, gave it all away and kept a little for myself.

This same sorcerer went, what kind of money he conjured, but they are not there. He took yes in this place and strangled himself.

old fortune teller

The old woman does not know anything, her husband always scolds her: "Other old women do something, treat and guess, still feed, and you, old, do nothing ..."

The old woman thought of such a remedy: "Here the guys will go, and I will call them, drink wine and feed them with pies."

Here she called the guys with an accordion, gave them drink and food. The guys sit and marvel at what business this is feasting on. She tells them: "You go down the street, play, but you yourself notice the deeds. Where it lies badly, you need to steal it."

Here the guys walked and played and listened to all these things, noticed. And then they stole a chest and a sheepskin coat from one woman. They brought it outside the barn and buried it in the straw. And what watered them, fed them, her name is Ustinya.

In the morning, this Marya, from whom the woman was stolen, got up and shouted loudly: "Ah, they robbed me. Where did they put all this?"

And from this gang, the young lady walks, looks, wants to say to the woman: "Marya, as I know, grandmother Ustinya guesses well."

This Marya ran: "Grandma Ustinya, tell me fortune." “Yes, I didn’t tell anyone.” This one shouted: “Yes, if I do good, then I will pay you dearly.”

Well, grandmother Ustinya appointed a quarter of vodka and a pood of flour, and a goose for the rest.

She (grandmother Ustinya) poured water into a dish for her and looks there herself. He looks into the dish: "If, - he says, - you will flesh, then I will say." Here Marya says to grandmother Ustinya: "I will cry." - "Well, go quickly, behind the barn all your good lies. And then the thief looks, wants to steal.

That's how much she wondered, she glorified herself.

The king's money was gone, the lackey carried it away, and the cook and the coachman buried it. Here the king sends for this fortune-teller.

The footman and the cook say: "Oh, how can we test it?" And the footman says: "It is necessary, he says, - put eggs on the purse."

They laid a purse of eggs, put them in a tarantass in a nurse. The coachman arrives for the fortune-teller grandmother. Grandmother-fortune-teller grieved: "After all, to go to the king, and not to a simple one, I'll be lost there." She picks up her skirt, climbed on the tarantass and says: "Sit down, grandmother, on the eggs." And the coachman says: "Stop, stop, grandmother, it's the tsar who sent you gifts. Wait a minute to sit down, don't suppress it."

The coachman brought her, and there the cook prepared food: he roasted a duck and a crow. The footman says to him: "Carry the crow forward. What will she guess or not?"

As soon as the cook took a crow, she (grandmother Ustinya) looks up and says: "Ah, crow, crow, why did she fly into other people's mansions?" She is speaking to herself. The lackey runs and says: "Wait, wait, grandmother, you have served the wrong dish."

Here they (the thieves) looked at each other and said: "I guessed it. I guessed two things."

The footman gave a duck, she sits eating, and under the door the footman stands, listening. She doesn't want to eat there. She sits and eats and scolds herself a little.

This time was leading up to the Kochet. The first kochet screamed, but the footman stood and listened. She, as the kochet shouted, and says: "There is one." He quickly ran from the door, already trembling. He runs to the cook, says: "I guessed that I was listening."

That cook ran to listen to himself at the door. And the old woman is constantly chasing, all armoring herself. Well, only they are waiting for a response from her, but they won’t make out what she grumbles.

Another kochet shouted, she made a loud noise: "I waited for another!" More than that, the cook was frightened and ran. Runs: "Guessed it!"

Going to go listen to the coachman at the door. Until then, he stood listening to the coachman, exhausting himself all over. And now the kocheta shouted: "Here was the third one!"

The coachman ran from the door, as he swam across the water anyway. He ran to the footman and the cook, they had a lot of conversation among themselves. "Well, let's go ask her. Come on, she'll prove us, then she'll cover up our whole business."

So we decided to ask. They opened the door and rushed to her feet to bow. "Stop, don't bow, I'll help your trouble. I knew all this before, bring me some salo to eat."

Now the coachman's beard cook, greased the frying pan, all this was done, the ham was fried, the old woman was treated. They are going to treat her and hope that she will save them.

She dared to ask them about this case: "Who was in this case, where did the money go?" - "They," they say, "we have in the stable in the dung."

They sit waiting for consolation in the cold.

So the king got up and said to the old woman: "Well, the old woman, how did she guess, did she find out about my loss?" - "And-and, father, I have known for a long time. When you are sleeping and delirious, you jumped up sleepily and took the box with you. When you looked at the horses and dropped the box." - "Yes, yes, it's true, a lunatic finds me, grandmother." “But the coachman got up early, and swept the stable, and didn’t see your box. And now it lies in the dung.”

The king grabbed the pitchfork, dug it out - it is there.

He rewarded this old woman with money, and poured a load of bread, and took her home.

The old woman sees - a bad thing. She took her little house, doused it with hashish and set it on fire. The house burned down. Whoever comes to her to tell fortunes, she managed to refuse like this: "Now my books have burned, there is nothing for me to guess."

Managed to refuse everything. And she healed well, she drinks tea, eats buns. How she was such a friend to me, I was visiting her, treated myself to honey, drank from a glass, it flowed down my lips, but it didn’t get into my mouth.


Here was a priest in the village. Alchireus checked the churches. He came to the church, well - not a peasant, but served mass well. Well, the priest was not stingy, he invited the alchireus to visit. They sat down, had lunch, and sang the pop "Cherimskaya". And he had a good parrot, next to him "Cherub" sang along. Ah, the parrot fell in love with the alchire: "Oh, you, father, give it to me!" - "Well, then, I will not sell for a penny, but I will gain time and bring it to you, I will give it to you."

The priest is going to go to talk: "Where can I take a parrot with me?" I made a cage, put it on a branch, carried it without rubbing, well, I took a parrot with me.

Drove him to the ferry and holds him in his arms, like at home. The ferrymen are young guys. There was Uncle Yarem, he drove the ferry to the other side. Yarem was not a fool, he cursed: "Your so! Pull so pull, yours there."

The priest came to the alchire, brought a parrot. Oh, he is happy with this parrot. Let's go, serve mass, come and have dinner, and the alchire walks around his house, singing "Cherim". And the parrot can’t take it out of his mouth, repeated this word, and says to the alchireus: “Pull, pull, yours is like that!” That alchirey got angry, kicked the priest in the neck with all his parrot. And he never went to visit him.

In this case, I was, I heard such jokes.


Here was a liar. And yet he keeps lying. One day the men are threshing rye, and a cloud finds it. This liar wants them to piss all the rye. He runs very fast, one of them asks: "Liar!" - "BUT?" - "Where are you running? Al lie?" - He says: "There is no time to lie, the fish runs to the gutter, and I run to collect it."

They dropped their flails after him. They ran to the river, and then the rain poured down, soaked all their rye. They came running from there and swearing: "The accursed one thought to deceive us!"

Cowardly Vanya

Cowardly Vanya was lying on the stove. And there were pies (now the event will go to him). They all puff and puff, puff, rise. Vanya listened: "Ah, the brownie frightens me."

And there, when the woman swept the hut, and ordered the stump. "Ah," Vanya thinks, "the enemy frightens me." Vanya rushed to run, stepped on the stalk, she hit him on the forehead. Ay, Vanya fell to the floor and shouted: "Sentry, the brownie killed me!"

Vanya jumped up and ran. The door slammed, and his leg took off his shoes, grabbed the door: "Oh, guard, my fathers, save me! Brownie is holding me."

People came running, looked - she, the door, holds; they looked at the stove - they, donuts, are standing.

Vanya himself is not in himself, he is cowardly, frightened. Even if he did not run, there was nothing.

How a man took a crow to the city to sell

A cunning man, he has no money for his needs. He and the woman are thinking about where we can get money. "And-and-and, woman, wait, I thought!"

Makes a garden. She asks: "For what?" - "For the money to go!" She grins at him that he should go with a cage for money.

He caught a crow, planted it in a cage. He brought it to the city and stands shouting: "Who has not been to the city, has not seen such a miracle? So I brought it!" The people surrounded him. One lady asks: "How much for a glance?" - "Yes rupee!" - "U-u, - he says, - yes, it's a crow!" - "You, - he says, - the crow itself, gave me the ruble!"

Served from this place and there screams like that. He collected a lot of money and fulfilled all his needs. Now the man has no need.

daring woman

We have a bridge-bridge, viburnum bridge The man was walking. Hemp slug. And under the neck is a handkerchief, Under the panel rag. He carries a cane in his hands - He leans, He boasts with his rogue wife: "Like my rogue wife, the Craftswoman of baking bread!" She put the bread in a thin pot, Slightly on the bottom. For three weeks the bread was sour And it didn't turn sour! On the fourth week they began to turn sour, And on the fifth week they began to make bread. They rolled along the undercarriage, They planted them on the stove in the corner, They raked them into boxes. They raked them into boxes, They took them to the town. No one buys bread, No one takes it for nothing. The pig Ustinya came up, She began to trade in bread, Traded, traded, And blew her whole snout - She fell ill for three weeks. On the fourth week the Pig writhed, And on the fifth week It was completely over... For three weeks the woman did not clean the hut And she collected a lot of rubbish. I collected a lot of rubbish, By the very benches, By the red windows. The guests have arrived. They took everything handful. The shovel clucked, The pomelo rumbled, And our good wife ate a lot of wine, She fell drunk at the window, Boiled oatmeal. Her soup had cooled down, For braids husband: dragged along the street. He beat her and ordered: "Do not ruin all the good, Do not throw it out the window." He stepped on the throat, strangled the lousy wife. job interior designer in the Crimea.

Mikhail Baryshnikov is one of the best representatives of the Soviet ballet school, who was able to achieve success as a dramatic actor. This article is also devoted to him in the West.


The dancer was born at the end of January 1948 in Riga, in the family of an officer Soviet army Nikolai Petrovich Baryshnikov and his wife Alexandra Vasilievna Grigorieva. The couple ended up in Latvia immediately after the war, where the father of the future dancer was sent for further service.

early years

Misha's father - a man with a stern character - was absolutely indifferent to art and was not particularly interested in raising his son. All worries about the boy were entrusted to Alexandra Vasilievna. She instilled in her son a love for the theater and classical music, and when he grew up a little, she gave it to a ballet studio.

After graduation, Mikhail Baryshnikov entered the Riga choreographic school, where he was taught by N. Leontieva and Y. Kapralis. There his classmate was the future famous dancer and film actor Alexander Godunov, who later also emigrated to the United States.

Sasha and Misha stood out from their peers with their talent, so Juris Kapralis tried to devote more time to them and put on original concert numbers for teenagers.


When Mikhail Baryshnikov was twelve years old, his mother took him on vacation in the Volga region, to his mother. Returning to Riga, she committed suicide. Why the young woman committed this act, no one has found out. Upon returning home, Misha found out about what had happened and for a long time was very upset by the loss of his mother. The situation was aggravated by the fact that Baryshnikov Sr. very soon entered into a second marriage, and the boy could not find a common language with his stepmother.

Study in the city on the Neva

In 1964, the Latvian Misha Baryshnikov came to the Northern capital on tour and was busy in some performances along with classmates. One of the artists of the Kirov Theater took the boy to the Leningrad Choreographic School and showed him to the famous teacher A. Pushkin. He examined the young talent and invited Misha to enter the school.

Baryshnikov informed his beloved mentor about this, and Kapralis, although he did not want to part with one of his best students, advised him not to lose such a chance. The guy went to Leningrad and completely moved away from his father and his new family.

During the years of study in the city on the Neva, he took part in international competition ballet dancers, held in Varna, and won the first prize.

Carier start

After completing his studies in 1967, Mikhail Nikolayevich Baryshnikov became a soloist at the Kirov Opera and Ballet Theater in Leningrad.

The star of the young dancer rose instantly, as specialists and spectators could not but discern the undoubted talent of the artist. He possessed unique professional abilities, had perfect coordination of movements, was unusually musical and possessed rare acting skills.


In the first years of Baryshnikov's work at the Kirov Theater, an era of stagnation began there. She was associated with the policy of the new artistic director Konstantin Sergeyev, who adhered to conservative views on ballet and prevented the retreat from established dogmas.

With his arrival creative life in the Kirov Theater practically died. Baryshnikov, being a creative and free-thinking person, was looking for ways out of the impasse that had arisen. He sought to bring novelty to the classical repertoire. In addition, for his creativity great value had work on the ballets The Creation of the World and Vestris.

Creative evening

By 1973, the actor became the best artist of the troupe of the Theater. Kirov, which allowed him to get the right to organize a creative evening and independently choose his repertoire for this concert. Then Baryshnikov invited 2 modern choreographers - M.-E. Murdmaa and G. Aleksidze - and asked them to stage one-act ballets especially for this event. The leadership of the Kirov Theater had to give in, especially since new artistic director troupe supported its best soloist.

Creative evening Baryshnikov on the stage of the Kirov Theater became the pinnacle of his work in the USSR. The concert program included "Divertissement" by Aleksidze, as well as "The Prodigal Son" and "Daphnis and Chloe" by Murdmaa. Baryshnikov's creative evening made even more obvious his significance for Soviet art and culture.

In 1973, the dancer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. He starred in several ballet films: "The City and the Song", "The Tale of the Serf Nikishka", etc.

In addition, Sergei Yursky invited him to his teleplay "Fiesta", entrusting the ballet dancer dramatic role Don Pedro.

Escape from the USSR

Over time, Baryshnikov began to feel more and more that he was creatively cramped in the Soviet Union. Any attempt to do something new was met with hostility. The last straw in Mikhail's patience was the refusal of the leadership of the Kirov Theater to Roland Petit's offer to stage a ballet performance on his stage for free especially for Baryshnikov.

In 1974, during a tour in Canada of artists from various theaters of the USSR, ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov decided not to return to his homeland. The decisive factor was that his old acquaintance, dancer Alexander Mints, who emigrated to the United States in 1972, offered the Soviet star to join the troupe of the American Ballet Theatre.

Canada granted Baryshnikov political asylum, but his escape to the West meant a complete break with everyone who was dear to him in his homeland. In particular, with this act of his, Baryshnikov betrayed his common-law wife Tatyana Koltsova, who was one of the soloists of the Kirov Theater. The dancer was very upset by the rupture of all ties with friends and relatives, but he understood that this was the price he would have to pay for creative freedom. He was "mourned" by the audience, for whom the favorite artist was someone like Mozart in the dance world.

With the American Ballet Theater Company

For the first time, Mikhail Baryshnikov appeared before the American public in the summer of 1974. Together with the same “defector” Natalya Makarova, he danced the ballet “Giselle”. The American Ballet Theater Company performed at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. The audience adored the dancer. They gave him a standing ovation and raised the curtain dozens of times to the exclamations of “Misha! Misha! In 1974, Baryshnikov became the troupe's premier and performed as a soloist in many musical performances by contemporary choreographers. In addition, he staged P. I. Tchaikovsky's ballet The Nutcracker. The recording of this performance was filmed on videotape, and its circulation was quickly sold out by amateurs. classical dance. In America, Baryshnikov also managed to work with Roland Petit, which he dreamed about when he danced at the Kirov Theater.


In 1978, the founder of neoclassical ballet, George Balanchine, invited Mikhail Baryshnikov, whose biography you already know, to join his New York City Ballet troupe. He referred to former soloist Kirov Theater as a son, but the great choreographer was already 74 years old, and he had health problems. Balanchine was not able to stage a new ballet for Mikhail, but Baryshnikov danced the main roles in the ballets Apollo and The Prodigal Son by George Balanchine. These works of the world ballet star became an event in the field of dance art, and he himself was named best performer performances of the great choreographer.

Later, at NYCB, he was able to work with another famous ballet creator, Jerome Robbins. The latter staged Opus 19. The Dreamer for Baryshnikov.

Return to the American Ballet Theater

In 1988, the dancer headed the American Ballet Theater (ABT), which once became his first place of work in the United States. Baryshnikov led his troupe for 9 years. Before he joined the AVT as an artistic director, performances were staged for stars, often invited from other countries. Baryshnikov created a permanent troupe. In addition, he acted as a choreographer for the ballet "Cinderella" by S. Prokofiev and created a new version of "Swan Lake" by M. I. Petipa.

This happy creative period Baryshnikov ended in 1989, when the great dancer left AVT. One of the main reasons for his departure was the unwillingness to constantly coordinate his creative plans with the board of directors.

In recent years

In 1990, Baryshnikov and Mark Morris formed the White Oak Dance Project. The project lasted 12 years. Then Mikhail set about creating an arts center, which opened in 2005.

Mikhail Baryshnikov: films

In the USA, Baryshnikov starred in several feature and musical films. Among them:

  • "Turning point".
  • "Nutcracker".
  • "Don Quixote".
  • "White Nights".
  • "Dancers".
  • "The Cabinet of Dr. Ramirez".
  • "Carmen".
  • "Business Business".
  • "Sex in big city(Season 6)".
  • "My dad is Baryshnikov."
  • "Jack Ryan: Chaos Theory".

Of these, the most famous was the film "The Turning Point", which received many nominations for "Oscar". The picture "White Nights" had a great box office success. In addition, the actor played in Broadway play Metamorphoses, for which he was nominated for a Tony Award.

Family of Mikhail Baryshnikov

Shortly after arriving in the United States, the dancer met a two-time Oscar winner, an actress. Although the marriage between the stars was not concluded, in 1981 they had a daughter, Alexandra Baryshnikova. The girl followed in the footsteps of her father and became a ballet dancer. A year later, Michael and Jessica broke up.

After that, a lot of time passed before the personal life of Mikhail Baryshnikov finally improved. In the late 80s, the dancer married former ballerina Lisa Rinehart. The children of Mikhail Baryshnikov from this union are Peter, Anna and Sofia. The marriage of like-minded people turned out to be happy and has been going on for almost three decades.

Now you know interesting details from the biography of Mikhail Baryshnikov. The artist's family has recently been in the spotlight of the press, as his children have grown up and are trying to prove that they deserve to bear the name of their famous father.

Baryshnikov studied choreography in Riga, then he performed with the Kirov Ballet from 1966 to 1974.

Being highly respected, extremely popular among Soviet people, he began performing with Western bands in 1974. So from 1974 to 1978 Mikhail danced at the American Ballet Theatre, and from 1978 to 1979 at the New York City Ballet. He took part in productions of Swan Lake”, “Giselle”, “From the sample to the case”, “Medea”. Oni was also the choreographer of The Nutcracker and Don Quixote.

In addition, in his biography, Mikhail Baryshnikov starred in several films. For example, in the tapes "The Turning Point" (The Turning Point, 1977), thanks to which the American society recognized the famous dancer and choreographer, "White Nights" (White Nights, 1985). Baryshnikov also appeared on television in the program "Baryshnikov on Broadway" (1980, Baryshnikov on Broadway), starred in the series "Sex and the City" (2003-2004, Sex and the City).

Biography Baryshnikov is known as the director of the American Ballet Theater from 1980 to 1989. He also took part in several modern dance projects, including those produced by his own dance organization, the White Oak Dance Project. In 2005, he opened the Baryshnikov Art Center in New York, a large universal association for artists of various directions. With his attractiveness, inconstancy, Baryshnikov changed the public's attitude to ballet, interested in dance, art as such.

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