In which theater does Nemolyaeva play. Svetlana Nemolyaeva: The new artistic director of the theater takes care of the classics


People's Artist of the RSFSR (1980).

Commander of the Order of Honor - for great merits in development theatrical art(February 3, 1998).

Member of the Union of Theater Workers (since 1962)

Member of the Union of Cinematographers (since 1980)

Member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts (since 2002)

Cavalier of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree - for great services in the development of domestic theatrical art and many years creative activity(January 31, 2007).

Cavalier of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree - for his great contribution to the development of domestic theatrical and cinematic art, many years of creative activity (April 6, 2012).

Laureate of the "Theater Star-2012" award in the "Stage Legend" nomination.

"Golden Diploma" X international theater festival"Golden Knight" for the role of Domna Panteleevna in the play "Talents and Admirers" (2012).

Laureate of the Russian National Prize " golden mask" in the nomination "Best Supporting Role" (Domna Pantelevna in the play "Talents and Admirers") (2013).

Theater Award "MK" in the nomination "Best female role"(Anna-Regina in the play "Kant", 2014). Laureate of the Theater Prize of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" in the nomination "Best Actress" (Anna-Regina in the play "Kant") (2014).

Laureate of the "Star of the Theater-2014" award in the nomination "Best Supporting Actress" (for the role of Anna-Regina in the play "Kant").

Honorary prize "Lady Luck" named after Pavel Luspekaev of the XXIV Film Festival of the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia "Kinoshock" for courage and dignity in the profession (2015).

Honorary Diploma of the President of the Russian Federation "For merits in the development national culture and art, many years of fruitful activity” (23.02.2018)


Theatre. Vl. Mayakovsky (works of previous years):

"Hamlet" W. Shakespeare - Ophelia

"Spring Violins" A. Stein - Masha

"The Stolen Life" by K. Morimoto - Khan

"Irkutsk History" A. Arbuzov − Maya

"Time to love" B. Lasin - Masha

"Little student" N. Pogodin - Ruziya

"Mother Courage and her children" B. Brecht - Yvette

"Hotel Astoria" A. Stein - Svetlana, Polina

"Seeing the White Nights" by V. Panov - Ninka

"Ocean" A. Stein - First girlfriend

"Modern guys" M. Shatrov - Svetochka

"Blue Rhapsody" N. Pogodin - Girl in white

"How are you, boy?" V. Panova − Zainka

"Dangerous Silence" A. Weizler, A. Misharin − Irina

"Turn of the Key" by M. Kundera - Alena

“They are waiting for us somewhere” A. Arbuzov - Girl with pigtails

"Golden Horse" J. Rainis - Princess

"Caucasian Chalk Circle" B. Brecht − Suliko, The Peasant's Wife

"Defector" A. Tur, P. Tur - Galya Khmelko

"History of the disease" B. Laskin - Varya Kazakova

"Pebbles in the palm" A. Salynsky - Anna

"Death of Tarelkin" A. Sukhovo-Kobylin - Mavrushka

"The World Without Me" Y. Edlis - Check mark

"A call to an empty apartment" D. Ugryumov - Xana

Nightingale Night by V. Yezhov - Inga

"Talents and Admirers" A. Ostrovsky - Negina

"Children of Vanyushin" S. Naydenov - Inna

"Defeat" A. Fadeev - Shepherd Girl

"A Streetcar Named Desire" T. Williams − Blanche Dubois

"Between the showers" A. Stein - Tata

"The Man from La Mancha" D. Wasserman, D. Darion - Antonia

"Relatives" E. Braginsky, E. Ryazanov − Irina

"Conversations with Socrates" E. Radzinsky - Hetera Harpy

"The long-awaited" A. Salynsky - Nina Rodionovna

"Long live the queen, vivat!" R. Bolt − Elizabeth Tudor

"Running" M. Bulgakov - Serafima Vladimirovna Korzukhina

“She is in the absence of love and death” E. Radzinsky - Her mother

"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" T. Williams − May

"The Fruits of Enlightenment" L. Tolstoy - Anna Pavlovna Zvezdintseva

Lobster Laughter by D. Marrell - Sarah Bernhardt

"A plague on both your houses!" Gr. Gorin - Signora Capulet

"Aristocrats" N. Pogodin - Ninka

“And a Star Fell” by H. Lovinescu − Cristina

"Circle" S. Maugham - Lady Kitty

"Victoria?.." T. Rattigan − Lady Nelson

"Kin IV" Gr. Gorin − Amy Goswill

"My age" M. Laurence − Gabriel

The Karamazovs by F. Dostoevsky − Khokhlakov

"Dead Souls" N. Gogol - Korobochka Nastasya Petrovna

"Inspector" N. Gogol - Anna Andreevna

Movie roles:"Twins" (1945), "Happy flight" (1949), "Eugene Onegin" (1958), "Man to man" (1958), "Short meetings" (1967), "What to do?" (film-play) (1971), Circle (1972), One Hour Before Dawn (1973), Waiting for a Miracle (1975), Such a Short Long Life (1975), Day Train (1976) ), “She was born in a shirt” (film-play) (1976), “Alternate airfield” (1977), “Portrait with rain” (1977), “Office romance” (1977), “Garage” (1979), “ The Month of Long Days (film-play) (1979), Almanac of Satire and Humor (film-play) (1980), Invasion (1980), Say a word about the poor hussar (1980), All the way around (1981), "Uncle's Dream" (film-play) (1981), "Hunter" (film-play) (1981), "Relatives" (film-play) (1981), "Your Brother Valentine" (short) ( 1981), “4:0 in favor of Tanechka” (1982), “Donkey Skin” (1982), “Quarantine” (1983), “Monsieur Lenoir, who ...” (film-play) (1983), “The Secret of the Black Drozdov "" (1983), "And then came Bumbo ..." (1984), "Jump" (1985), "On the main street with an orchestra" (1986), "Anonymous" (film-play) (1987) " I offer you my hand and heart ”(1988),“ Visit of the Lady ”(1989),“ Cat but on a red-hot roof” (film-play) (1989), “The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants” (film-play) (1989), “Promised Heaven” (1991), “Anna Karamazoff” (1991), “Laughter of Lobsters” (film-play) (1991), "To be in love" (1992), "Little things in life" (1992-1997), "Provincial benefit performance" (1993), "Bitter!" (1998), "With new happiness-2!" (2001), "Kin IV" (film-play) (2002), "Moscow Region Elegy" (2002), "Plague on both your houses!" (film-play) (2002), "Balzac age, or All men are their own ..." (2004), "Leningrader" (2006), "Rails of happiness" (2006), "Artist" (2007), "marriage" (film -performance) (2007), "Thirteen months" (2008), " Dead Souls"9 film performance) (2009), "Autumn Flowers" (2009), "House without an Address" (2010), "Zoya" (2010), "Kiss Through the Wall" (2010), "Dove" (2011), " Swallow's Nest" (2011) and others.

Svetlana Vladimirovna voiced the films “Thank you all!” (1981), "Anna Karamazoff" (role of Jeanne Moreau) (1991), "After" (animated) (1991), "Metropolitan Souvenir" (animated) (2004).

After meeting with the audience, Svetlana Vladimirovna shared her thoughts with Evening Moscow about changes in cinema, theater and art.

Of course, the public is changing. But in the Mayakovsky Theater, the audience remained the one that loves the theater with true love. After all, we do not make performances designed for the box office, excitement. I do not suffer from the fact that now the audience is different. Besides, people don't really change. We all live according to the postulates established back in ancient world, and these postulates are kindness, fidelity, honesty, courage... The task of the theater is to identify these postulates in our world and correctly convey them to the viewer. I'm interested in art that can reflect this. I am a supporter of the old theater, the old school, but at the same time I love the search, new solutions. So I was brought up by the great directors who headed the theater - Okhlopkov, Goncharov. New artistic director Theater named after Mayakovsky Mindaugas Karbauskis loves the classics, treats it carefully, does not alter it for himself, does not want to express himself at the expense of the author, but today it is expensive. We all see what they do with the classics in other theaters. At the same time, it cannot be said that the production of Karbauskis “Talents and Admirers”, in which I play, is purely realistic? But no one will say that this is a mockery of the author, that this is not Ostrovsky. This is the look of the director, which convinces the viewer. Mindaugas was looking for a play for my anniversary and settled on Crazy Money. When I re-read this play, I gasped: "How modern it is." However, a classic is a classic that resonates at any time.

I love the stage very much. This love does not leave me from the moment I wanted to become an actress. Yes, during my journey I suffered a lot of grief, and cried a lot of tears, but I learned the greatest happiness. The scene heals me. Andrey Goncharov called me "the water supply of the Mayakovsky theater." He told me: “It is you who love to cry, but a person runs away from suffering, and artists should show people how to recover from grief.” But I am a very emotional person, and crying is easy for me.

Now I do a lot of films. Even more than before. I'm shooting in different series. I am an omnivorous actress. I will work until the very end. If the role allows me to get hooked on something, then I will not refuse it. True, modern cinema leaves much to be desired. I am the daughter of a film director, I grew up in an era of another cinema, when there was a long and careful preparation, long rehearsals, analysis of the role. And there was a very high demand on the actors. Previously, there were actors who, having seen them on the screen, it was impossible to forget them. Is it possible to forget Oleg Efremov, Evgeny Evstigneev, Oleg Basilashvili, Oleg Tabakov, Tatyana Doronina? They are etched in memory forever. They created images, characters that fell into our hearts and minds. And now averaged similar work on each other. And film directors do not explain what to play, how to play. Previously, they were looking for unique, inimitable actors, but today, in my opinion, no one is looking for any. Everyone has agents, castings, everything is for sale, and this is not good for art.

I am very glad that the “Little Evenings” drawing room has opened in our theater, where you can remember great partners, great directors, teachers. At the evening, which I spent with my granddaughter, Mayakovsky theater actress Polina Lazareva, I remembered everyone who influenced me and remembered my husband, Alexander Sergeevich Lazarev. Unfortunately, Andrei Goncharov was opposed to recording performances on film, he said that the magic of the theater is lost on film, and therefore there is not much that can be seen on the screen. I found an excerpt from the wonderful play "Don Quixote", in which Alexander Lazarev played Don Quixote, and Yevgeny Leonov played Sancho. The audience did not take their eyes off the screen. Yes, it was a wonderful performance by Andrey Goncharov.

Andrei Aleksandrovich tormented the actors, achieving results at any cost, but we understood that we were suffering for the sake of art, and that if Goncharov staged, he would bring our role to perfection, and the performance would be outstanding.

A cycle of creative meetings "Little Evenings" has started at the Mayakovsky Academic Theater. It was opened People's Artist Russian Svetlana Nemolyaeva.

A resident of Bolshaya Nikitskaya is preparing for her 80th birthday, which she will celebrate on the stage of her native theater in the new play "Mad Money" based on the play by Alexander Ostrovsky.

- Svetlana Vladimirovna, has the audience changed over the 57 years of your service in the theater?

The audience is changing, but those who love the theater have remained in the Mayakovsky Theater. Besides, people don't really change. We live according to the postulates established in the ancient world: kindness, fidelity, honesty, courage ... The task of the theater is to identify these values ​​in our world and correctly convey them to the audience. I am a supporter of the old school, but at the same time I love the search, new solutions. This is how I was brought up by the great directors who headed the theater - Okhlopkov, Goncharov.

- And how is the work with the new artistic director of the theater Mindaugas Karbauskis?

He loves the classics, treats it carefully, does not alter it for himself, does not want to express himself at the expense of the author, and today this is priceless. Karbauskis - he takes everything very close to his heart, gets upset when the actors do not understand him, he cannot shout, raise his voice, like Andrei Aleksandrovich Goncharov, and passes everything through himself. When the rehearsals of the play “Talents and Admirers” had just begun, I used all my acquired techniques, and Mindaugas, clutching his head, said: “Svetlana Vladimirovna, I beg you, don’t do this, don’t need stamps.”

- Did Andrey Goncharov treat you well?

Andrei Alexandrovich tormented all the artists. That was his method. But we tolerated and accepted these conditions, because we were sure that Goncharov would stage the performance as a work of art, and everything in it would be perfect. Needless to say, I suffered a lot of grief and cried out a sea of ​​tears, but I also learned a lot of joy. Goncharov called me the "water pipe" of the Mayakovsky Theatre.

Why such a comparison?

I am a very emotional person, and I cry instantly, as well as laugh. I just think about something sad - and cry. I think about the good - I laugh.

Could you please tell us about your work with Eldar Ryazanov? Your attitude to Olya Ryzhova from the film "Office Romance" is interesting.

I am the advocate of my roles, and that's all. When a person is in love, he is vulnerable and unsophisticated. It is enough to remember your first love in order to understand and justify Olya in some way. Eldar Ryazanov is mine Godfather in cinema. I love my roles in his films: Garage, Office Romance, Promised Heaven.

- Are you satisfied with the success of your son, actor Alexander Alexandrovich Lazarev?

Previously, I was not very pleased with his work in the cinema (in the theater, thank God, he is great). But Sasha pleased me in the film "Catherine" in the role of Razumovsky. Finally played a real hero! I'm very happy for him.


Svetlana Nemolyaeva was born on April 18, 1937 in Moscow. Already at the age of eight, she tried her hand as an actress in the film "Twins", to the shooting of which her uncle, actor Konstantin Nemolyaev, took her with him. In the seventies, she played her most famous screen role - Olga Ryzhova in " office romance».

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Svetlana Nemolyaeva was born on April 18, 1937 in Moscow. Her family was very creative, and therefore almost everyone deserves a special mention in it. So, in particular, the father of our today's heroine - Vladimir Viktorovich - was a famous film director. Mom - Valentina Lvovna - worked as a sound engineer. And uncle Konstantin Nemolyaev was a theater and film actor. According to Svetlana Vladimirovna herself, it was her uncle who first began to develop in her a love for the stage. He often took her with him to performances, took her to the dressing room, and in 1945 even found her first film role - in the film "Twins". So, already at the age of eight, Svetlana Nemolyaeva managed to try her hand as an actress for the first time. The role turned out to be successful, and therefore, soon Sveta began to receive new filming offers. In 1948, Svetlana starred in the film Pencil on Ice, and a year later in the film Happy Flight. Thus, by the end secondary school the young actress already had something to brag about. Having received a diploma of secondary education, the girl, without hesitation, submitted documents to theater school named after Shchepkin. In this place, she studied under the guidance of the best directors of the Soviet Union, and therefore, quite soon, she managed to make considerable progress in her game. After graduating from the university, Svetlana Nemolyaeva again began acting in films. In 1958, the actress played the role of Olga Larina in the film Eugene Onegin. After that, however, there was a break in her cinematic career again, during which Svetlana played exclusively in the Mayakovsky Theater. Perhaps this state of affairs in many ways even contributed to the development of the actress's career. Focusing on her theatrical career, our today's heroine has managed to achieve considerable heights. Over the years, on the stage of the Mayakovsky Theater, she played more than thirty wonderful roles, managing to become its real symbol. Among her the best works performances such as A Streetcar Named Desire, Hamlet, Dead Souls, and many others. As for screen roles, the actress decided to return to cinema only in 1967. However, in the early stages of her career, she still proceeded unevenly - with long breaks in filming. It was only in the seventies that Svetlana Nemolyaeva finally began to appear on movie screens more or less regularly. For this period talented actress she played the central roles in such wonderful films as "Day Train", "An Hour Before Dawn", "Waiting for a Miracle", "Such a Short Long Life" and many others. In the seventies, our today's heroine also played her most famous screen role - the role of a woman in love, Olga Ryzhova, in Eldar Ryazanov's famous comedy Office Romance. A few years later, she also played in his film "Garage", which would also later become well known to the audience. Svetlana Nemolyaeva worked for one film set with such legendary actors as Alisa Freindlikh, Andrei Myagkov, Oleg Basilashvili, Liya Akhedzhakova, Georgy Burkov and many others. Collaboration with director Eldar Ryazanov made Svetlana Nemolyaeva real star Soviet cinema. She began to appear frequently in the best Soviet films, and therefore over the years her popularity has constantly increased. In the eighties, the actress starred often. Among her best works given period it is worth mentioning the paintings "All the way around", "Uncle's Dream", "The Secret of the Blackbirds", "On the Main Street with an Orchestra", as well as some others. The bright work of the actress in cinema and theater brought her not only the all-Union love of the audience, but also the title of People's Artist of the USSR (1980). In addition, the actress also received numerous awards after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the nineties and 2000s, Svetlana Nemolyaeva was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, as well as two orders of Merit for the Fatherland (3rd and 4th degrees). After the collapse of the USSR, our today's heroine continued to often act in films. In the nineties, such films with her participation as Promised Heaven, Moscow Region Elegy, Ideal Wife, as well as the series Balzac Age, or All Men Are Theirs ..., When You Don’t Expect Her at All, appeared on the screens other. During this period, the format of films in which the actress starred became noticeably lower, however, despite this, Nemolyaeva's acting remained still excellent. The celebrity has become a living legend of Soviet and Russian cinema. And therefore, every film and every performance with her participation invariably aroused great interest from the audience. In the past few years, Svetlana Nemolyaeva continues to act in films with enviable constancy. Among her recent works TV series "Dog Job", "Swallow's Nest", "Zoya", as well as feature films "Kiss Through the Wall", "Teacher's Day" and some others. Nothing is known about new paintings with the participation of our today's heroine. In the life of the actress there was only one man - her husband, actor Alexander Lazarev. Celebrities met at the Mayakovsky Theater and subsequently lived together for more than fifty years. As a result of this union, the only son of the actress, Alexander Lazarev, Jr., was born, who today also often acts in films. He gave Svetlana Vladimirovna two grandchildren - Polina and Sergey.

MOSCOW, 18 April. /Corr. TASS Olga Svistunova/. People's Artist of the RSFSR Svetlana Nemolyaeva celebrates her anniversary on the stage of her native Moscow academic theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky, where he has served for 57 years. The birthday girl will perform one of the roles in the premiere performance based on the play by Alexander Ostrovsky "Mad Money", which was specially staged for her anniversary.

“I am grateful that they gave me such a wonderful benefit performance,” said Nemolyaeva, accepting congratulations from TASS. "The theater took care of me and after the performance also makes a banquet in my honor," the actress added.

As for her age, she does not hide it. "80 years is incredible," exclaims Svetlana Vladimirovna. “But I don’t get hung up on numbers, I don’t cry about this, it’s not in my nature. I think about something else. Actors at my age receive few gifts from the theater, but I received it - the performance is a gift, it’s worth a lot,” the actress said.

Performance - as a gift

According to Nemolyaeva, the choice of the play belongs to the artistic director of "Mayakovka" Mindaugas Karbauskis.

"I really appreciate Mindaugas. He is talented, interesting, educated person. As a director, he is an adherent of Russian classics, who knows how to reveal the author," the artist said, recalling that she plays in several performances of Karbauskis and does it with great pleasure.

However, this time she met with an even younger director Anatoly Shuliev. “It was recommended to our theater by the artistic director of the Vakhtangov Theater Rimas Tuminas, in whose workshop Anatoly Shuliev studied at the Shchukin School,” Nemolyaeva explained. “So, last season Anatoly Shuliev put on our small stage the performance "I was in the house and waiting ..." based on the play by Lagarce and now for the Main Stage he made Ostrovsky's "Mad Money".

Nemolyaeva speaks with enthusiasm about working with the director. “Shuliev managed to create a wonderful atmosphere at rehearsals. We really created, did a performance, and did not sort things out, which often happens in the theater,” Svetlana Vladimirovna shared.

She did not keep silent about another gift from the theater. Her partner, and specifically her daughter in the play, was her own granddaughter, actress of the Mayakovsky Theater Polina Lazareva. "We have already played a daughter and a mother in Talents and Admirers," the agency's interlocutor said.

“Now my acting task was to play my mother in a different way, not to repeat myself. The most touching thing is that, when distributing the roles, Anatoly Shuliev did not even know that Polina was related to me,” Nemolyaeva smiled. "It's a pity that grandpa won't see Polina. I mean my husband, famous actor Alexander Sergeevich Lazarev, who died six years ago," Svetlana Vladimirovna complained.

Love affair at work

"We lived together for 51 years and 4 months," says Nemolyaeva. And she doesn't have to say any more words. Their union was truly unique.

They almost simultaneously appeared at the Mayakovsky Theater, where an "office romance" almost instantly arose between them, which soon ended in a legal marriage. Working in the same theater for more than half a century, they lived without gossip and public scandals, refuting the common stereotype about the precariousness of acting families. They have a talented son, Lenkom actor Alexander Lazarev Jr., who will turn 50 on April 27.

“My son is a cast from his father,” Svetlana Vladimirovna is inspired. “He is very moral, faithful, just as vulnerable, the same family man. He has the same human nobility as his father. And my grandchildren are wonderful.”

Nemolyaeva is glad that granddaughter Polina continued family tradition She also became an actress. And he works in Mayakovka, where today he will play in a play in honor of the anniversary of his grandmother.

All life is theater

"The theater is my happiness, my rear, my fortress," the actress admits. It is clear that in this case we are talking not about the theater in general, but about a very specific troupe - about Mayakovka. Nemolyaeva came here in 1959, immediately after graduating from the Shchepkinsky school, and she remained forever.

First, she played the touching Ophelia in Shakespeare's "Hamlet", which was staged by the then head of the theater, the legendary Nikolai Okhlopkov. Then Mayakovka was headed by an equally powerful director Andrei Goncharov. In his performances, Nemolyaeva created a whole gallery of different characters, but best role to this day considers the subtle, ethereal Blanche Dubois from Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire.

“I used to be called “the water supply of the Mayakovsky Theater”: so many of my heroines cried on stage,” recalls Svetlana Vladimirovna.

The next artistic director of Mayakovka was Sergey Artsibashev, who discovered in her the gift of a characteristic, sometimes frankly comedic actress. She is brilliant in the role of a matchmaker in Gogol's "Marriage", and is good in " Dead souls", where she plays two roles at once - Boxes and Just a Nice Lady. She, no doubt, also succeeded in the role of the mayor Anna Andreevna in The Inspector General, but this performance is no longer listed in the theater's repertoire.

Now in Mayakovka new main director Mindaugas Karbauskis, however, he immediately "laid eyes" on Svetlana Nemolyaeva, taking a wonderful actress in his very first production - in "Talents and Admirers" by Ostrovsky.

"This is one of my favorite playwrights. I graduated from the Shchepkinsky school at the Maly Theater, which is rightfully called the Ostrovsky House," the artist explained. To date, her repertoire includes six performances. In a word, the "theatrical romance" of the hero of the day continues successfully.

About cinema

But, it would seem that fate itself was destined for her to "shine" on the screen. Nemolyaeva, so to speak, "comes from the cinema." Her father was a famous film director, her mother was a sound engineer. They filmed their daughter from childhood.

“From the age of nine,” Svetlana Vladimirovna clarified. “My mother then worked for Konstantin Yudin on the film “Twins”, and there, according to the plot, two girls of my age were needed. Mom brought me, and Yudin immediately took: “Oh, what a sweet girl ", - he just said. I was plump, with a round muzzle, fair."

But, of course, it was by no means this role that made Nemolyaeva a popular film actress. She was “discovered” for cinema by Eldar Ryazanov, who filmed her in 1977 in “Office Romance”, in which Nemolyaeva played the role of sentimental and vulnerable Olya Ryzhova, long years who kept student love in her heart. With the same director, she soon created another tragicomic image that the audience remembered - Guskov's wife in the film "Garage".

And then at the same Ryazanov she starred in the films "Say a Word About the Poor Hussar" and "Promised Heaven". Among other films with the participation of Nemolyaeva are Short Encounters, Portrait with Rain, Invasion, Along the Main Street with an Orchestra, Bitter! "And the list could go on and on.

To this day she does not part with the cinema. “I’m filming in TV shows, I have to justify the situation,” the actress explained. “But there is no such thing as it was with Ryazanov, and there won’t be,” concluded the hero of the day.

For her creative work, People's Artist of the RSFSR Svetlana Nemolyaeva has been awarded many awards. She is a laureate of the Russian National theater award"Golden Mask" and the Audience Award "Theater Star", awarded the Order of Honor, is a holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, fourth and third degrees.