How to use acrylic paints: application rules and basic techniques. Acrylic - getting started and some subtleties Acrylic paints learning special effects

In the last column, Natasha was asked in the comments about general tips for acrylic, I wanted to give a link, and then I decided to copy the entire text here.
I used to translate tips on working with acrylic for the want_draw community a long time ago. I think they can be useful here too. All tips are translated from American sites. Half of it has already been told by Natasha, sorry for the repetitions.
Although advice for painters, something may be useful for artjournalists.

10 tips for painting with acrylics
Practical tips for beginners to use acrylic.

Acrylic paints are very flexible and versatile in use, fast drying paints and can be used undiluted straight from the container (like oil) or diluted with water or other thinners and used like watercolour. With a lot of intermediate options. Here are some tips for beginners.

Tip 1: How to keep acrylic working
Because acrylic dries so quickly, always squeeze out only a small amount of paint. If you're using a regular plastic palette, buy a spray bottle and spray a fine mist of water over your paints from time to time to keep them from drying out. Non-drying palettes—in which the paint is squeezed onto a sheet of waxed paper placed on top of a damp sheet of watercolor paper—allow the paint not to splatter, but lack a finger hole and can be difficult to hold.

Tip 2: Dry your brushes
Always keep a piece of paper towel or rag near the water can, and get in the habit of wiping your brush down after each rinse. So you will avoid water flowing onto the ferrule (metal crimp between the hairline and the handle) - and then dripping onto the work and spoiling it.

Tip 3: Tight or transparent
If you apply the paint thickly - straight from the tube or mixed with a little water, or with the addition of white - all acrylic paints are opaque and opaque. Diluted with water can be used as a watercolor or in an airbrush.

Tip 4: Acrylic vs watercolor wash.
When the wash (filling with a thin layer of transparent paint) with acrylic dries, it becomes permanent, unlike the watercolor fill, it does not wash out with water, and you can safely write on top of it without affecting the underlying layer. The next transparent fills blend optically with the bottom ones. Filling with watercolors can always be soaked and wiped with a cloth - almost to clean paper.

Tip 5: Glazing - think thin.
If you want to paint with transparent, layered, watercolor-like glazing, you need to do it in thin layers. A thick coat of paint will have a glossy finish.

Tip 6: Improve flow without losing color
If you want the paint to be liquid, but the color saturation is not lost, use special thinners for acrylic, which increase fluidity, instead of water.

Tip 7: Mixing Acrylic Paints
Since acrylic dries very quickly, you will need to work at speed if you want the colors to blend seamlessly into your painting. If you are writing on paper, you can increase the drying time by dampening the paper.

Tip 8: Sharp edges
The masking tape can be stuck on and removed from the dried layer without any harm to the paint. In this way, it is easy to achieve clear boundaries. Just make sure that the edges of the tape are glued tightly and don't apply too much paint along the borders - otherwise you will not be able to achieve a smooth clean border when you remove the tape.

Tip 9: Camouflage liquid cleaner.
Masking fluid can be used in acrylic in the same way as in watercolor. But remember - if it dries on the brush, it is almost impossible to remove it. Therefore, rinse it in some kind of launderer first (special liquid) - then it will be easier to wash it

Tip 10: Using Acrylic as a Collage Adhesive
If the layer of acrylic is thick enough and the objects to be glued are not too heavy, acrylic paints work like glue in collages.

Acrylic tips from practicing artists.

Water for acrylic painting
Use three cans of water for brushes: the first, best with a few drops of liquid to increase fluidity, is to thin paints for better movement on the canvas; the second, with warm water and the addition of liquid for washing brushes - in order to wash the brushes; the third, with ordinary water - for rinsing. Wash your brushes every few minutes. Let the acrylic dry on the brush and you can throw it away!

The use and storage of acrylic for a poor artist.
When I was a student and my budget was very limited, I couldn't buy all sorts of advanced things like a special palette for non-drying paints. But when I was working on a painting, I kept my paints in an egg mold (styrofoam, not cardboard). Its cells store a large amount of paint and are good for mixing shades. If I was interrupted while working, I would place a damp paper towel over the paints and close the lid. The paint inside did not dry for three days!

Use film containers to store acrylic paints
If you have photo processing and printing facilities nearby, you can ask them to store 35mm film containers for you. Customers usually bring film in them. Usually workshops do not need these jars and they will gladly give them to you for free. I use them to store paint scraped off my palette after a painting session. This is a great way to save shades that you may have mixed in too much and would like to save for the next job. I usually put a speck of paint on the lid of the jar with a palette knife - or mark them with an indelible marker, so I know what color is inside without opening the jar. Opening and closing the jar to look, we let air in and the paint dries faster. The paint stays working for a long time in such jars. sometimes I even write directly from the container without dumping the contents onto the palette.

How to have enough mixed shade
When I paint with acrylics, I mix my colors in little Chinese cups. I usually mix more than I need so that later, after the paint dries, I can fill in the missing places or places where the paint lay unevenly. I put these cups in plastic bags on a zip and close them tightly without air. The paint remains liquid for three days.

Acrylic painting is a relatively new technique that emerged in the mid-twentieth century and was popularized by pop art artists including Andy Warhol. Today there has been a significant increase in adherents among artists. This happens because this material is almost universal - it can be used as a watercolor, heavily diluted with water, or you can achieve the effect of a picture (in some variations). The big advantage of acrylic paints is that they dissolve in water (no need for special solvents). In addition, they dry rather quickly, which is unfortunately a drawback in some cases, especially for long-term work and intense colors. After the paint dries, the surface remains smooth, durable and flexible coating that does not yellow from exposure to the sun or temperature. Painting acrylic paints it is better to start with the preparation of all the required materials and tools.

Tools and materials

  • Acrylic paints are a mixture of pigments, binders, synthetics and water. They can have the consistency of a slurry, packaged in jars or containers (ideal for receptions). watercolor painting and covering large areas), a consistency similar to oil paints packed in tubes (large and small) or a consistency close to liquid in bottles. All of these paints can be purchased at the artist's shop.
  • Brushes can be used both flat and round with natural bristles or bristles made of artificial materials. Their choice depends on the technology you are going to work with. Before, it is better to moisten the brushes in water so that the paint does not stick to the pile. Acrylic paints dry very quickly, so brushes should be washed thoroughly with soap and water and then dried immediately after work is completed. Don't keep them standing up in a jar of water or you'll permanently ruin your bristles. As a last resort, if the brushes are dry and you can't remove the paint, you can place them in a flat dish of water with the bristles lying horizontally and leave to soak.
  • You can use a stainless steel or plastic plate as a palette.
  • Canvas. Acrylic paint is versatile and gives you the ability to paint on any surface you want to use as a base. In addition, you can choose from canvas, watercolor paper, cardboard, chipboard, wood, metal and plastic. In addition, you can prime the canvas yourself (primer for acrylic) or buy a ready-made one.

It is possible to slow down the drying time of acrylic paints by using special pallets with humidifiers or spraying the paint palette with water. And in between painting a picture, you should cover it with foil to prevent moisture from evaporating.

Special additives can be used to change the physical properties of the paint - if the paint is too thick, if you need to slow down the drying of the paint, if you want to achieve a matte or glossy finish - just add the appropriate ingredient for acrylic.

In a technique similar to oil painting, it is better to use thick acrylic and do not use water as a solvent; this will keep the color from losing its intensity and better distribute the paint on the canvas.

A tablet, canvas or board must be fixed on an easel, materials such as cardboard or paper can be placed on a table or placed on a special easel.

Acrylic painting technique

You can write in several ways:

  • Oil-like technique. It is applied from thicker, opaque layers of paint to delicate glazes. The advantage of acrylic over oil is that the layer dries quickly (from 15 minutes to several hours) and the painting can be painted faster, even applying many layers to get the desired color and sense of depth.
  • Watercolor technique. Acrylic paint is used with a slight dilution in water (similar to watercolor) on wet or dry paper. But it should be remembered that a thin layer of acrylic dries quickly and it is not possible to shade or wash out the colors, as is done when working with watercolor.
  • texture effects. A thick layer of acrylic paint can be applied with a spatula or trowel. Since acrylic becomes quite flexible after drying, the surface of the painting does not crack or deform. If you mix acrylic paint with sand or sawdust, you can get an interesting texture.
  • Mixed. Acrylic paints are ideal for combining with various materials, they are a good binder. Since acrylic is highly soluble in water, it can be successfully combined with watercolor, ink, gouache, pencil, charcoal and pastel.

More information and advice can be found in books and website guides. We wish you patience good ideas and the pleasure of painting with acrylics.

The desire to decorate the world around you is a natural feeling for every person, for this various materials come to the rescue. And in the first place are, of course, paints. How to use acrylic paints correctly and step by step especially for drawing on certain materials, you will learn from this article.

How to use acrylic paints for painting on different materials

First, let's figure out what acrylic paint is made of. It consists of:

  • a pigment that gives color to the paint;
  • a binder, which is called an acrylic polymer emulsion;
  • water, which allows you to dilute the paint to the required viscosity.

Acrylic is widely used for crafts and other kinds of creative works, as it dries well, and the color is always bright, does not fade in the sun and does not darken over time. Acrylic paints are completely safe, so they can even be used for painting children's toys.

Acrylic paints are easy to work with. They dry quickly enough, they can be diluted to the desired viscosity or used directly from the package. The paints mix well with each other, which allows you to get the desired shade even from a small set of colors.

Such paints are sold in specialized departments and in simple stationery. You can find products from both natural and foreign manufacturers.

We study the scope of acrylic paints

Acrylic paints on cardboard and paper. Acrylic paints are widely used for batik and painting on fabric and leather.

The paint is also used for painting on wood products, metal, glass, plastic and much more. An interesting option declarations can become painted on stones. You can make a panel, a picture, a souvenir and even a decoration like those shown in the photo.

Consider the use of acrylic paints for painting plastic

To paint plastic, like any material, it must be cleaned and degreased. The product must be categorically free of grease, oil and bitumen stains.

Uneven places or rough surfaces are best carefully walked with a sandpaper or fine sandpaper. It is recommended to carry out this process under water. If the plastic has already been painted before, treat it with a solvent and remove the old surface.

It will not be superfluous for plastic to use an antistatic agent, since plastic accumulates static electricity and, during the painting process, lint and dust can be attracted to the surface.

If the product is damaged, it is reasonable to use a special putty to level the surface.

The use of a brush is not excluded. In this case, it is important to avoid getting villi on the surface. Remember that it is convenient to work with a brush on small details, but it is difficult if you need to paint a large surface. Also, paint applied with a brush dries longer, which increases the risk of contamination. Therefore, care must be taken to protect the product from dust.

Paint is applied in several layers, depending on the desired result. Do not forget to let the layers dry, usually 20 minutes is enough.

Lacquer is applied last to fix the result, but only after the surface has dried.

We use acrylic paints to decorate glass products

Acrylic paints are also good for painting on glass. Manufacturers produce special kits and individual tubes. Consider this species creativity with the help of a small master class of dot painting.

For this you will need:

  1. the product itself - it can be a vase, glass, plate, decoration, candlestick, or a rectangle of glass, from which you will then make a picture;
  2. paint - for point technique it is convenient to use contours on glass;
  3. a thin brush - in case you decide to paint with paint from jars;
  4. a special tool for painting on nails, with a ball at the end - can be a good alternative to a brush;
  5. toothpicks, cotton swabs, napkins - will be needed to correct the image and erase unsatisfied details.

First you need to prepare the surface, for this, completely clean the glass. With help hot water remove the label if present. The remaining glue can be removed with a hard sponge, for a better effect, add soda. Be sure to degrease the glass. For this you can use special means, alcohol or even nail polish remover. Wait for the surface to dry completely and start painting.

If the process is new to you, practice drawing dots on paper. It is necessary to ensure that their size is the same and only then proceed to the product itself.

If desired, the glass can be left transparent or painted. In the latter case, wait until the surface is completely dry.

It remains the case for small things - to show imagination and produce a masterpiece.

To make the drawing look more textured, alternate dots of different sizes.

To make it easier to draw, you can put a stencil under the glass.

As a result, you will get very unusual handmade products that will perfectly decorate the interior.

Not everyone knows that acrylic can be used not only as paint, but, for example, as glue. Yes, it is glue when creating a collage, if a not very heavy object is glued.

And also as a primer for decoupage, so that the background does not shine through the napkin. To do this, the surface is covered with white paint. After such preparation, the drawing looks brighter and more colorful, and does not seem transparent after varnishing.

Video on the topic of the article

An example of drawing on fabric:

Watercolors, pencils, felt-tip pens - all this is familiar to us since childhood. But acrylic paints for drawing appeared on sale relatively recently, and not everyone knows how to draw with them correctly. This article will help you sort out this issue.

A bit about acrylic paints

Acrylic paints for drawing are a universal option: they can be painted on a wide variety of surfaces. Paper, cardboard, glass, wood, plastic, canvas and even metal - all these materials are great for painting and decorative works acrylic paints. Great creative space, the ability to realize their ideas and fantasies - that's why many people fell in love with this type of paint.

For drawing with them, both natural brushes and synthetic ones, as well as a palette knife and, if the paints are properly diluted with water, an airbrush, are suitable. For those who have already painted with gouache or watercolor, painting with acrylic paints will be as easy as shelling pears. If you purchase a set of acrylic paints for drawing, you will get a number of advantages over other types of paints: they do not spread, do not fade, do not crack and dry quickly.

Acrylic painting for beginners: instructions

If you learn to paint with acrylic paints, you can achieve excellent results. For example, if you mix paint with water, you can achieve the effect of watercolor. If you use a palette knife or a rough bristly brush to draw, then there will be the effect of a picture painted oil paint. So, let's talk about the process itself in more detail.

Paint working condition

Due to the fact that acrylic paints for painting dry incredibly quickly, you should squeeze them out of the tube very little at a time. And you should definitely buy a spray gun to moisten the paint if you use a regular, non-wet palette.

Wipe your brush

Every time you wash the brushes, wipe them with a cloth or paper towel. In this case, the drops flowing from the brush will not fall on the drawing and leave ugly streaks on it.

Color Transparency

If you paint with acrylic paints in a thick layer directly from the tube or only slightly dilute them with water on the palette, then the color will be saturated and opaque. And if you dilute it with water, then the transparency of the color will be the same as that of watercolors.

Difference between acrylic wash and watercolor wash

Unlike watercolor wash, acrylic wash dries quickly, fixes to the surface and becomes insoluble. And this allows you to apply new layers on the dried layers, without fear of damaging the previous ones.


If glazing is needed in several translucent layers, then the layers must be applied very thinly so that the lower layer is visible. That is, acrylic paint must be applied to the surface very carefully, evenly, thinly.


Fluidity can be improved so that the color intensity does not change, it is possible with a special thinner, but not with water.

Color mixing

Since acrylic paints dry very quickly, the colors need to be mixed quickly. If mixing takes place not on a palette, but on paper, it is worth moistening it first - this will increase the speed.

Edge Sharpness

To make the corners sharp and sharply defined, you can stick a masking masking tape on the dried paint without harm to the drawing. But you need to make sure that the edges fit snugly. Also, don't draw too fast around the edges of the tape.

Drawing with acrylic paints on canvas: features

In order to give the canvas a whiteness, it should be coated with an acrylic primer. But if there is a desire to give the work a contrast, then you can use a dark acrylic emulsion. The primer can be applied with a brush in one or two coats. But if the surface is large, then this is not very convenient. In this case, the canvas should be placed horizontally and the primer should be poured onto it, while distributing it with a scraper in a thin layer over the entire area of ​​the canvas.

Proper lighting for working with acrylics

Skillful organization of the workplace has a positive effect on the creative process. It is worth following some rules in order to work more comfortably and faster. Lighting should be even and diffused, the same throughout the entire work process. The light should be to the left of the canvas and in no case should it blind the creator.

If you want to try something new in painting, pay attention to the acrylic painting technique. Canvases created with plastic-based paints have an interesting three-dimensional structure. Painting with acrylics is no more difficult than painting with watercolors. At the same time, the finished painting does not need to be treated with fixing compounds - the paints have high resistance, do not fade and are not afraid of water.

What is acrylic paint

Acrylic paints appeared in mass production relatively recently - only 50 years ago. Pigmented acrylic resin quickly gained universal popularity - primarily due to its versatility and durability. It is used not only by painters on canvas, but also by interior artists who create paintings on the walls, builders and even manicurists.

Acrylic paints are different. So, for decorating walls or ceilings, it is better to choose a special acrylic paint of a dense consistency. Volumetric images in the interior look colorful, realistic and original. Less concentrated paints, usually sold in tubes, are suitable for creating paintings on canvas. The process of drawing for beginners is fascinating, it allows you to fully reveal your artistic talent.

How to prepare the basis for the future picture

Before choosing acrylic paint, take care of preparing the base. You can draw on wooden boards or plywood. You can use a stretcher or regular canvas. The easiest way to paint is with acrylic on paper, so a beginner should first master this canvas.

Choose paper with a thick, rough surface. In order for you to paint correctly with acrylic, the base must be strong. If you choose textured paper, stick a wood backing on it.

Remove the formed air bubbles with the help of a book - the canvas for painting is ready. Acrylic canvas can be further sanded as the material adheres best to smooth surface. Beginning painters often wonder if acrylic should be primed on canvas.

If you are working on boards, you will need an acrylic primer, which is available in art stores. It is a special emulsion with titanium dioxide, which gives whiteness. The primer is applied to the prepared board in several layers and dried during the day.

How to learn to paint with acrylic from scratch

First of all, make sure the paint is not dry. When applying the first strokes, be sure to moisten the acrylic palette with water - for this you need a spray bottle. No need to pour a lot of acrylic paint at one time. Use absorbent paper, you can put it under the palette.

Watch the transparency of the paint: what more water add, the more transparent the strokes will be. First paint with large brushes, start with large areas. Then smoothly move on to the main details. The technique of painting with acrylic on paper or a wooden board requires the utmost care and precision. From time to time, look at the drawing in the mirror - this will help you understand if its proportions are correct.

Many beginners find it difficult to mix acrylics with each other. You can use a thinner - it increases the "open" time of the paints, making them easier to compose. It is necessary to distribute the material only with the edge of the brush, and to obtain clear contours of the sketch, you can use ordinary adhesive tape, which is sold at any hardware store.

Try lightening and darkening the shades by adding white or black tones to them. To clean the palette of acrylic paints, use any means that dissolves plastic - a common household solvent will do.

Painting with acrylic on paper or wood is a creative process that is a lot of fun. To make it even more enjoyable, follow these guidelines:

    The colors darken significantly when dry. Keep this in mind when choosing shades for the future canvas. Choose non-toxic materials to work with, even if they cost more. Wear an apron while you work so you don't stain your clothes.

    In addition to professional brushes with long handles, paints and canvas base, stock up on decoupage glue, as well as a convenient spray bottle filled with water.

    It is better to use a plastic palette - it is practical and easy to clean. Don't forget about clean water in which you will rinse the brushes.

Having mastered the technique of painting with acrylic, you can create real masterpieces. A little patience, diligence and the right materials for work are the key to impressive results.