Revyakin watercolor. Revyakin P

Below is a list of the monarchs of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, that is, the states that existed or exist in the British Isles, namely: The Kingdom of England (871 1707, including Wales after it ... ... Wikipedia

The Kingdom of the Isles was a Gaelic-Norwegian state in the 12th-15th centuries on the Hebrides and the west coast of Scotland. Until 1266, the state was in vassalage from Norway, later from Scotland. Since 1336, the rulers have been called ... ... Wikipedia

Kings of Scotland Stuart Dynasty ... Wikipedia

Wikipedia has articles about other people named Robert II. Robert II Robert II ... Wikipedia

James IV of Scotland James IV of Scotland Seumas IV Alba James IV, King of Scotland ... Wikipedia

James V Scottish Gaelic. Seumas V Alba James V of Scotland ... Wikipedia

Wikipedia has articles about other people with the name James II (disambiguation). James II Scottish Gaelic. Seumas II Alba James II of Scotland ... Wikipedia

"Jacob III" redirects here; see also other meanings. James III Scottish Gaelic. Seumas III Alba James III of Scotland ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see James I. James I of Scotland James I of Scotland ... Wikipedia


  • The Captive Lion, Jung Charlotte. Castles of Scotland and old Germany full of gloomy secrets, kings traveling in armor along the roads of Europe like simple knights, noble vassals, proud and passionate ladies - such is ...
  • The Captive Lion, Jung Sh .. Castles of Scotland and old Germany full of gloomy secrets, kings traveling in armor along the roads of Europe like simple knights, noble vassals, proud and passionate ladies - such is ...