Charity houses. Charity house with house church Prep

Russian sculptor

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was born in the village of Marmyzhi, Kursk Region, on October 19, 1939, into a peasant family. Graduated from Moscow art institute named after V.I. Surikov (1968) with a degree in sculptor - muralist. Gained fame for the sculptural decoration of the Central Children's musical theater(1979) and the figure of the "god of trade" Mercury at the World Trade Center (1980). Almost all of his works are completed in the form of bronze castings with a clear, generalized silhouette. The standards of the official monumentalism of the "severe style" are replaced in them by the "carnival"-playing beginning (decor children's theater, a number of easel works of the 1970s - early 1980s), and in the 1980s - with national romantic pathos.

Over the years of his creative activity Vyacheslav Mikhailovich created more than 200 sculptures. Among his works are monuments to N.M. Rubtsov in Totma, K.N. Batyushkov in Vologda, Sergius of Radonezh in Radonezh, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna in Moscow, Archpriest Avvakum in the village of Grigorov

Nizhny Novgorod region, Cyril and Methodius in Moscow, Saint Vladimir in Chersonese, I.A. Bunin in Orel, Marshal G.K. Zhukov in Moscow, Nicholas II in the village of Taininsky and Podolsk, Peter I in Lipetsk, Ilya Muromets in Murom, Alexander Nevsky in Kursk. In 1995, according to the project of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, a belfry church was installed on the field near Prokhorovka in memory of the Battle of Kursk, the sketch of which was recognized as the best at the popular discussion at the competition for the monument on Poklonnaya Gora.

The monuments of Klykov's work were sometimes associated with a number of sensations - for example, Sergius of Radonezh was perhaps the first monument in perestroika Russia that they tried to install without official sanction, Nicholas II (in Taininsky) was blown up in 1997 by anti-monarchists. In the 1990s, the sculptor, having become one of the ideological leaders of the "patriotic opposition", launched a wide social activities, primarily as chairman of the International Foundation he created Slavic writing and culture.
He rooted for Russia with all his heart, he always remained a man of indomitable energy and will when it came to the Russian people, about Russia. All his activities, both creative and social, were an act of spiritual battle.“The main thing is not to give in in spirit!”- Vyacheslav Mikhailovich invariably repeated. In his sculptures, he left us the heroic chronicle of Russia, in which he glorified its great generals, righteous people, prominent figures, writers and poets. This was a real sermon in sculpture, ascetic service to Christ and Russia.

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich died on June 2, 2006 in Moscow. And on October 19, 2007, on his birthday, in his homeland, in the city of Kursk, a monument to the great Master was unveiled. An avenue in the Northwestern microdistrict of Kursk is named after Vyacheslav Klykov, where a monument was erected. Its author is a young and talented sculptor Andrey Vyacheslavovich Klykov. "The opening of the monument to my father is an important and sacred thing for me. The idea of ​​the monument was born easily, this is my father's favorite posture after work. The only question was what exactly to depict from behind, just a frame, and then I decided, Prokhorovka, this is the Kursk Bulge. This belfry is located in Belgorod, I thought, why shouldn't it be in Kursk ...". The son depicted his father sitting on a work bench after work. It seems that he sat down only for a minute, to rest, is about to get up and continue to work ...

List of Klykov's works:

    monument to children-prisoners of the concentration camp (Poland, Konstantinov, 1973)

    monument to V.M. Shukshin (v. Srostki Altai Territory, 1975)

    monument to V. V. Khlebnikov (cemetery in the village of Ruchi, Novgorod region, 1975)

    monument to Maxim Gorky (Moscow, metro station "Tverskaya")

    monumental and decorative sculptures of the Children's Musical Theater N. Sats (Blue bird, Lel, Orpheus, Boyan, Running on the waves, Trumpeter, Muses, Relief of the birth of music ...) (Moscow 1979)

    statue of Mercury (International Trade Center in Moscow, 1980)

    monument to academician Keldysh (Moscow, 1984)

    monument to N. M. Rubtsov (Totma, 1985)

    monument to the Heroes of the front and rear (Perm, 1985)

    sculptural composition "Goddess of Love" ( Chekhov, Moscow region, 1985)

    monument to M.S. Shchepkin (Belgorod, 1986)

    monument to K. N. Batyushkov (Vologda, 1987)

    Monument to Archpriest Avvakum (Grigorovo village, Nizhny Novgorod region, 1988)

    monument to St. Sergius of Radonezh (village of Radonezh, Moscow region, 1989)

    Monument to St. Seraphim of Sarov (Sarov, 1991)

    monument to st. Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna on Bolshaya Ordynka in Zamoskvorechye (1990),

    monument to A. S. Pushkin (Pridnestrovie, Tiraspol, 1991)

    Monument to the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius (Moscow, Slavyanskaya Square, 1992)

    relief depicting Saints Cyril and Methodius (Basilica of Santa Clement. Italy, Rome, 1992)

    monument to A. S. Pushkin (Perm, 1993)

    Monument to the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir of Kyiv (Sevastopol, Tauric Chersonese, 1993)

    worship cross (at the junction of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, 1993)

    worship cross (Lipetsk, 1993)

    monument to Igor Talkov (cemetery, 1993)

    monument to G.K. Zhukov (Moscow, Manezhnaya Square, 1995)

    monument to I.A. Bunin (Eagle, 1995)

    monument to st. Passion-bearer Emperor Nicholas II, p. Taininskoe, Moscow region (1996, in 2000 the monument was recreated anew after the destruction by the Bolshevik RVC terrorist organization)

    monument to Emperor Peter I (Lipetsk, 1996)

    Monument to the Holy Prince Dimitry Donskoy (Ugresha, Moscow Region)

    monument to St. Vladimir the Baptist of Russia (Belgorod, 1998)

    bust of G.K. Zhukov (Kalach-on-Don, 1998)

    Monument to St. Nicholas (Ugresha, Moscow Region)

    monument to the Monk Ilia Muromets (Murom, 1999)

    sculpture "Vityaz" ( Podolsk Moscow region , 2000)

    monument to A. S. Pushkin (Bulgaria, Sofia, 2001)

    monument to P. A. Stolypin ( Saratov, 2002)

    monument to the first president of the Hellenic Republic I. Kapodistrias (St. Petersburg, 2003)

    monument to Savva Serbian (Serbia, Belgrade, 2004)

    monument to V. M. Shukshin (village of Srostki, Altai Territory, 2004)

    Monument to Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius (Samara, 2004)

    monument to Praskovya Lupolova, who showed the world the feat of daughter love (Ishim, Tyumen region, 2004)

    monument to Admiral A. V. Kolchak (Irkutsk, 2004)

    monument to Prince Svyatoslav the Brave (Ukraine, Zaporozhye, 2005)

    monument to Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich (v. Kholki Belgorod region, 2005)

    monument to Prince Svyatoslav the Brave (Chernyanka, Belgorod region, 2006)

    monument to st. George the Victorious (Ryazan, 2006)

  • monument to Ioannikius and Sophronius Likhuda (Moscow, Bogoyavlensky per., 2007)
  • Monument to Antonovka (Kursk, 2008)
  • Monument to the Russian Guardsman of the Semenov Regiment, the monument was designed by Klykov by sculptor Andrey Klykov (Moscow, Semenovskaya Square, 2008)
  • monument to Metropolitan of Ladoga and St. Petersburg John (Sychev) (not installed, it was supposed to be installed in Samara)

    memorial plaque to V. M. Shukshin, Moscow

    monument to A. S. Pushkin (Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod region)

    Monument to Archimandrite Ippolit (Lgov, Maryino)

Head of the All-Russian Council Movement (since 1996), whose goal is to "restore the State Law, destroyed in February 1917 by an international bunch of terrorist conspirators" by convening the All-Russian Zemsky Sobor. Monarchist, supporter of the calling of the Tsar by the Zemsky Sobor. Klykov: "none of the currently living branches of the Romanovs ... has, according to the laws Russian Empire rights to the throne.

President of the Slavic Economic Union.

People's Artist of Russia.

Honored Art Worker of Russia.

Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR.

Laureate of the State Prize of Russia.

Winner of the Gold Medal of the Academy of Arts (1988).

Laureate of the International Prize of St. Andrew the First-Called in the nomination "For Faith and Loyalty" (1996, "for selfless work to preserve the national historical memory and perpetuating the glory of Russia, for his personal contribution to the unity of the Slavic peoples")

In 1985-87. - Member of the Patriotic Association "Memory",
Since 1989 - a member of the Association of Russian Artists (TRH).
In 1995, he was a member of the National Committee of the Social-Patriotic Movement "Derzhava" for half a year.

Since the end of 1993 - Member of the Council of the Russian Zemstvo Movement, since December 1996 - Member of the Presidium and co-chairman of the Movement.

Workshop Klykov

House of conscience.- This name is given mainly to such charitable institutions that have the character of an almshouse (see), but this character is not always consistent in them; in many charitable institutions, not only do-it-yourself pensioners are accepted, but children are also treated together with the elderly and crippled: charitable homes for orphans should be wholly referred to as orphanages, charitable homes for the exclusively juvenile poor - to orphanages, charitable homes for the mentally ill - to D. insane. Like almshouses, D.P. are class and all-class. The most significant of D.P.: in St. Petersburg: 1) D. P. poor maidens of noble rank, founded in 1853, is, as it were, a branch of the widow's D. (see); accepted mainly girls who served in government institutions in the educational part. 2) Nikolaevsky D.P. elderly and crippled citizens, basics. in 1831 for the poor of both sexes, the merchant and petty-bourgeois classes. At D. schools for boys and girls. 3) D. L. elderly and crippled citizens of the St. Petersburg petty-bourgeois society, basics. in 1863, he was appointed for the free charity of those unable to work from the local philistines vol. gender. four) D. charity for the poor citizens of St. Petersburg Timenkov-Frolov, basics. in 1877, supported by funds bequeathed by the donor, is run by St. Petersburg. merchant society and is divided into two branches: a) on D. for free care of the elderly and crippled, belonging to St. Petersburg. to merchant or petty-bourgeois societies and b) to a school under D. charity, the course of which approaches the course of 3-class city schools. 5) Alexandrovsky D. for the charity of the poor of the clergy- consisting under the auspices of St. Petersburg. metropolitan. D. accepts females who, due to poverty, orphanhood, or a diseased state, are deprived of the opportunity to live independently. Under D. there is a three-year school with a 6-year course for orphaned girls of the clergy. 6) D. charity of the poor of the clergy at the Bolsheokhtensky Orthodox cemetery. 7) D. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna for charity of the poor, basics. in 1828, is in the department of Empress Maria. Honorary philanthropists are attached to D., contributing annually at least 300 rubles. or who contributed at a time not less than 5000 rubles. eight) D. charity for the elderly poor women of Count Kushelev-Bezborodko, basics. in 1861, is administered by the Imperial Philanthropic Society and is supported by donations from the heirs of c. Kushelev-Bezborodko and a benefit from a philanthropic society. 9) Consisting in the department of Empress Maria Demidovsky D. workers' sympathy, opened in 1833 with a capital of 500,000 rubles, donated by Anatoly Nikolaevich Demidov, now operating on the basis of the charter on July 8, 1882, it least of all has the character of an almshouse. Combining the features of D. industriousness and cheap apartments, it consists of 4 departments: a) department of working women for the residence of 50 women and girls who can perform work in those crafts and needlework that are introduced in the institution; 25 kopecks are withheld from the earnings of the prisoners. per day for their maintenance; b) department for the upbringing of girls- a vocational school, which aims to provide poor girls of all classes with a vocational education; pupils take a scientific course in the scope of the program for women. progymnasium and then in a special class they learn different skills; in) department for supplying the poor with ready-made food- a cheap canteen in which only the sick are given free food, d) department for the shelter of guards and teachers, intended for the charity of the faces of wives. gender, who were in the service in Demidovsky D. and, due to old age and weakness, were deprived of the opportunity to feed themselves by their own labor. The management of D. Demidovsky for the care of the workers, together with the title of his hereditary trustee, belongs to the heirs of the founder. Under Demidov D. Charities of the working people are full and honorary members.

In Moscow, the city is in charge. total controls consist of: 1) D. of care of Gorikhvostov at the 1st city hospital and 2) D. charity of Peter's brothers, Alexander and Vasily Bakhrushin for the terminally ill, established at the city hospital named after Bakhrushins on the capital donated by them. Managed by the Moscow nobility consists D. Charity named after the Guards Colonel Vladimir Borisovich Kozakov for poor nobles of both sexes, with the aim of gratuitous charity of poor nobles of military rank, their wives and widows with young children, as well as widows and children of staff and chief officers who died from wounds. Managed by the Moscow merchant society consist of: 1) Nikolaevsky D. charity for widows and orphans, belonging to the Moscow merchants, for poor women, 2) D. charity named after the Mazurins and 3) House of Charity for the Poor G. I. Khludov. Moscow guardianship of the poor of the clergy is in charge Gorikhvostovsky Charity House. Independent is Georgievsky House of Charity for the Poor Clergy. The Society for the Care of the Terminally Ill in Moscow has House of Charity for the Terminally Ill(women). The Society of Educators and Teachers established a House of Charity for elderly teachers and educators. D. charities of the staff and chief officers of the philanthropist Sheremeteva there is a military almshouse (see Disabled Homes). Yaroslavsky Ekaterininsky D. charity of one's neighbor established in Yaroslavl in 1786 with the aim of educating the children of poor parents in the Yaroslavl province. In 1820, a hospice ward of the Gryazevs was opened under him for the care of elderly and helpless women. Boys living in the village of charity study at the local male gymnasium, etc. educational institutions, and the girls - in the women's gymnasium attached to D.. House of Charity for the Poor in Tula aims at caring for the elderly and the crippled; is in the department of the institutions of Empress Maria, but does not receive any benefits from the amounts of the department, but is supported exclusively at her own expense. D. charity of the poor in memory of imp. Alexander II in Oranienbaum, established by V. A. Ratkov-Rozhnov, aims to care for the deprived of shelter and food, both the elderly and the poor, and poor homeless children of both sexes. Under the jurisdiction of the Minister yard consists of D. charity for the elderly and the crippled in the city of Peterhof in memory of the imp. Nicholas I, opened in 1859

charity house- This name is given mainly to such charitable institutions that have the character of an almshouse (see), but this character is not always consistent in them; in many charitable institutions, not only do-it-yourself pensioners are accepted, but children are also treated together with the elderly and crippled: charitable homes for orphans should be wholly referred to as orphanages, charitable homes for the exclusively juvenile poor - to orphanages, charitable homes for the mentally ill - to D. insane. Like almshouses, D.P. are class and all-class. The most significant of D.P.: in St. Petersburg: 1) D. P. poor maidens of noble rank, founded in 1853, is, as it were, a branch of the widow's D. (see); accepted mainly girls who served in government institutions in the educational part. 2) Nikolaevsky D.P. elderly and crippled citizens, basics. in 1831 for the poor of both sexes, the merchant and petty-bourgeois classes. At D. schools for boys and girls. 3) D. L. elderly and crippled citizens of the St. Petersburg petty-bourgeois society, basics. in 1863, he was appointed for the free charity of those unable to work from the local philistines vol. gender. four) D. charity for the poor citizens of St. Petersburg Timenkov-Frolov, basics. in 1877, supported by funds bequeathed by the donor, is run by St. Petersburg. merchant society and is divided into two branches: a) on D. for free care of the elderly and crippled, belonging to St. Petersburg. to merchant or petty-bourgeois societies and b) to a school under D. charity, the course of which approaches the course of 3-class city schools. 5) Alexandrovsky D. for the charity of the poor of the clergy- consisting under the auspices of St. Petersburg. metropolitan. D. accepts females who, due to poverty, orphanhood, or a diseased state, are deprived of the opportunity to live independently. Under D. there is a three-year school with a 6-year course for orphaned girls of the clergy. 6) D. charity of the poor of the clergy at the Bolsheokhtensky Orthodox cemetery. 7) D. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna for charity of the poor, basics. in 1828, is in the department of Empress Maria. Honorary philanthropists are attached to D., contributing annually at least 300 rubles. or who contributed at a time not less than 5000 rubles. eight) D. charity for the elderly poor women of Count Kushelev-Bezborodko, basics. in 1861, is administered by the Imperial Philanthropic Society and is supported by donations from the heirs of c. Kushelev-Bezborodko and a benefit from a philanthropic society. 9) Consisting in the department of Empress Maria Demidovsky D. workers' sympathy, opened in 1833 with a capital of 500,000 rubles, donated by Anatoly Nikolaevich Demidov, now operating on the basis of the charter on July 8, 1882, it least of all has the character of an almshouse. Combining the features of D. industriousness and cheap apartments, it consists of 4 departments: a) department of working women for the residence of 50 women and girls who can perform work in those crafts and needlework that are introduced in the institution; 25 kopecks are withheld from the earnings of the prisoners. per day for their maintenance; b) department for the upbringing of girls- a vocational school, which aims to provide poor girls of all classes with a vocational education; pupils take a scientific course in the scope of the program for women. progymnasium and then in a special class they learn different skills; in) department for supplying the poor with ready-made food- a cheap canteen in which only the sick are given free food, d) department for the shelter of guards and teachers, intended for the charity of the faces of wives. gender, who were in the service in Demidovsky D. and, due to old age and weakness, were deprived of the opportunity to feed themselves by their own labor. The management of D. Demidovsky for the care of the workers, together with the title of his hereditary trustee, belongs to the heirs of the founder. Under Demidov D. Charities of the working people are full and honorary members.

In Moscow, the city is in charge. total controls consist of: 1) D. of care of Gorikhvostov at the 1st city hospital and 2) D. charity of Peter's brothers, Alexander and Vasily Bakhrushin for the terminally ill, established at the city hospital named after Bakhrushins on the capital donated by them. Managed by the Moscow nobility consists D. Charity named after the Guards Colonel Vladimir Borisovich Kozakov for poor nobles of both sexes, with the aim of gratuitous charity of poor nobles of military rank, their wives and widows with young children, as well as widows and children of staff and chief officers who died from wounds. Managed by the Moscow The merchant society consists of: 1) Nikolaevsky D. charity for widows and orphans, belonging to the Moscow merchants, for poor women, 2) D. charity named after the Mazurins and 3) House of Charity for the Poor G. I. Khludov. Moscow guardianship of the poor of the clergy is in charge Gorikhvostovsky Charity House. Independent is Georgievsky House of Charity for the Poor Clergy. The Society for the Care of the Terminally Ill in Moscow has House of Charity for the Terminally Ill(women). The Society of Educators and Teachers established a House of Charity for elderly teachers and educators. D. charities of the staff and chief officers of the philanthropist Sheremeteva there is a military almshouse (see Disabled Homes). Yaroslavsky Ekaterininsky D. charity of one's neighbor established in Yaroslavl in 1786 with the aim of educating the children of poor parents in the Yaroslavl province. In 1820, a hospice ward of the Gryazevs was opened under him for the care of elderly and helpless women. The boys living in the village of charity study at the local men's gymnasium and other educational institutions, and the girls - at the women's gymnasium attached to the village. House of Charity for the Poor in Tula aims at caring for the elderly and the crippled; is in the department of the institutions of Empress Maria, but does not receive any benefits from the amounts of the department, but is supported exclusively at her own expense. D. charity of the poor in memory of imp. Alexander II in Oranienbaum, established by V. A. Ratkov-Rozhnov, aims to care for the deprived of shelter and food, both the elderly and the poor, and poor homeless children of both sexes. Under the jurisdiction of the Minister yard consists of D. charity for the elderly and the crippled in the city of Peterhof in memory of the imp. Nicholas I, opened in 1859


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