Guess the proverb. Games with proverbs and sayings for children

Guess the proverb

Guess the description

Question 1 If the student has everything mixed up, the teacher claims that it is in his head; and if he has learned everything, but does not clearly express his thoughts, it moves into the mouth. It is brewed if they take on a difficult, unpleasant task, and disentangled after it is completed. However, it can not be spoiled with oil. (porridge)

M.Yu. Lermontov accurately noted that ours have them "on top"; In fact, they are even on the walls. Their application is multifunctional: you can sew on strings, hang them decoratively, hang noodles, clap. Experts do not recommend the child to study in music school if at least one of them was stepped on by a bear. Question 2 (ears)

Question 3 They are different: big, crazy, crazy and even mad. Perhaps that is why some argue that when they are not there, less problems. Others can make them out of thin air, despite the fact that they often cry and love to count. But for some reason chickens prefer not to peck them (money)

Question 4 Smart people advised to spend it on business. It itself works for us and shows how the future will appear before us. Sometimes it does not wait, and sometimes it endures. It can be done well, or it can be won. Some measure it in terms of money, while others argue that it is more expensive than gold. (time)


Lexical Combat Quest: by lexical meaning define a word. 1. Bright lighting of buildings and streets on the occasion of the holiday. 2. Sauce made from vegetable oil, egg yolk and various seasonings. 3. Flattering remark addressed to someone, called. 4. A combustible product that gives colored fire effects on holidays. 5. A keepsake: a thing associated with memories of someone, about something. 6. A complete set of tableware or tea utensils, designed for a certain number of people. 7. A short drinking speech, a toast in honor of someone. 8. Anniversary of the activity of the person or institution; celebration for this occasion. 9. An unexpected gift.

Home > Classroom hour

Class hour in 2nd grade LET'S LIVE IN PEACE! Goals:1 . Development of students' ability to lead a discussion.2. Formation of the ability to argue your point of view. 3. Formation of moral qualities: the ability to be friends, to cherish friendship.

(On the board ~ the word "Friendship" The word is not yet open, it


Teacher; What is the word encrypted on the board? Most often happens

Strong, faithful And long . (Children guess the word and the teacher writes it on the board.) Teacher: What a beautiful word "friendship". You pronounce it and immediately remember your friend with whom you are interested in playing snowballs, reading new book or keep secrets about yours. You pronounce the word "friendship" - and immediately remember the funny cartoon characters. The world of cinema, the world of books, our world in which we live, which gives us wonderful communication with a friend. A friend is a favorite book that you read and you are interested in with it, a friend is a mother who will definitely help you in difficult times, a friend is a school teacher who will help you look into the secrets of knowledge, a friend is an old teddy bear with a torn ear who will listen to you when you feel bad. Russian proverbs | say: - Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends; - Look for a friend, and if you find - take care; - Friendship is not a mushroom, you will not find it in the forest. Game "Guess the proverb" (1 child leaves the door, the children, divided into 2 teams, you- take a proverb and, at the command of the teacher, both teams say their half of the proverb (simultaneously). For example: “What you sow -1 team, “what you reap” - II team. Teacher: What do you think, how did it all start? Where did the word "friend" come from? Let's listen to the poem, which is called "The word" friend ". Reader; When no one knew a word yet, Neither "hello", nor "sun", nor "cow", To the neighbors ancient man Used to Show a fist or tongue And make faces (which is the same thing). But, a guttural sharp sound became a word, A more meaningful face, skill, hands, And a man came up with the word "friend", He began to wait for a friend and yearn in separation. Thank you for my friends.

How would I live, what would I do without them?

The human friends I love, I will never offend in any way. Not for this our ancestor walked through the darkness, So that, having met a friend, I shouted: "Fool!" Showed his tongue or fist And made faces (which is the same thing). Teacher: K unfortunately, rude words can sometimes be heard by the guys in our class, and sometimes it happens like in the poem "Two Goats". Maybe, after listening to it, someone will recognize himself, and, having learned, he will try not to be like these characters. Reader: One day two goats fought on the lawn, They fought for fun, not out of spite. One of them quietly kicked his friend, The other quietly butted his friend, One kicked his friend a little harder, The other butted his friend a little more painfully, One got excited, kicked with all his might, The other hooked him under the belly with horns. Who is right and who is guilty is a confusing question, But the goats are fighting not in jest, but in earnest. I remembered this fight when in front of me, At the school break, the same fight broke out. Teacher; Yes, such relations cannot be called friendly. It is better if everything happens, as in the fairy tale "Turnip". (The tale "Turnip".) Thanks to our actors. You see that even in fairy tales, friendship helps to cope with any business. Reader: Who fervently believes in friendship, Who feels his shoulder next to him, He will never fall, In any trouble will not disappear And if he suddenly stumbles, That get up for him help a friend! Always in trouble reliable a friend will stretch out to him hand. (Song "A True Friend") The game "Who is friends with whom" (The names of cartoon characters are written on the board.) Teacher: Before you are different heroes, different names. Who do you think is friends with whom? Who needs whom? 1. Funny chipmunks Chip and. -, (... Dale.) 2. Good Snow White and... (seven gnomes.) 3. Beautiful Mermaid and... (Nay Sebastian.) 4. Funny Winnie the Pooh And... (Piglet.) 5. Kind Kid and... (Carlson.) 6. Trusting Pinocchio and.. (Malvina, Pierrot.) 7. Green crocodile Gena And... (Cheburashka.) Reader: If there are friends in the world - Everything is fine, everything blooms. Even the strongest wind, Even the storm will not bend. We are in the rain, and in the snow, in the cold We will have fun walking. We are friends in any weather - This friendship cannot be broken. And any of us will answer, Everyone who is young and brave will say: You and I live in the world For good, glorious deeds. Teacher: Try to remember the words with the root - friendly (Children's answers.) Teacher: The ability to make friends, to communicate with people, must be learned from childhood. One cannot be indifferent to someone else's grief, one must always remember that a person lives once on Earth, so you need to do good every day. Reader: A friend reminded me yesterday So many did I'm good. Pencil to me once, I forgot my pencil case that day, In the wall newspaper, in almost every one, He mentioned me. I fell and got wet, He helped me dry. He did not spare a pie for a dear friend. He once gave me a bite, And now he presented the bill: Doesn't attract me, guys, Doesn't attract me to a friend anymore. Teacher: Can this character be called a true friend? If not, why not? /Answers of children.)

Teacher: If people have the same interests, tastes or likes

the same games, activities, if they are kind and responsive, then friendship

it can be real, strong, faithful and long.

Reader: Don't stand by indifferently

When someone is in trouble:

You can rush to the rescue

To any minute, always. And if someone helps yours kindness and friendship yours You happy, what day not lived in vain! You don't live in vain!

Be cheerful to become happier

Tom, with by whom you make friends

So that everyone in life has enough

Beautiful human kindness -

You hear someone's song

And it will become lighter around: The most magical miracle We call friendship not without reason. (Song"Real friend".) Teacher: What a reliable and capacious word "friendship"! You can be friends with everyone and with one person, you can be friends both in the classroom and in the family, after all, the most important friendship begins in the family. After all, the family is the beginning of our life, we were born here, we grow and mature. No wonder one of the proverbs says... (Make a proverb out of words.) The words were scattered on the board. (“There is no better friend than a mother.”) Reader: With Sveta neighbor Not I will run - She laughs, she cries, she gets angry. But mum said, What is so unsuitable, That you need to be able to make friends with a girl. That they were friends with dad since childhood, And they played together, And they fished. With a girl like my mom Of course I could make friends too! Teacher: You can be friends not only with each other, but also with animals. Reader: Sometimes voices are heard, That there are no miracles, There are miracles on our Earth, But they must be found, of course. Friendship is always the main miracle, One hundred discoveries are real for everyone. And any trouble does not matter, If there are real friends. A friend will not look down, He will learn your character by heart. You need to believe that a friend's hand will definitely help out in difficult times. Teacher: Look how big the heart is on the board. This is our heart, ready to love and help each other. It is not simple, but magical. In this heart-pocket, you now put your "palm" (children in advance prepare a letter-palm: on a sheet of paper circle around the contour their palm, cut out, on one side they write a wish to themselves, friends m, class, and paint the other) with your wishes. We will seal and open in 9 years when you are in 11th grade. |Game "Friendly handshake"

(2 people stand in rows blindfolded. They are offered

take 3 steps forward, turn your back to each other, but then move back 5 steps to different sides, turn around, take 5 steps towards each other and shake hands.

\ Reader: So let's, let's be friends, Let us remember the verses more than once - Always cherish friendship, Then any desire will come true. Teacher: Here comes the end of our class. Let's make our life good. Let's help each other in difficult times, let's choose good and true friends, Boys invite girls. We became couples, we are finishing our class hour. (Children dance.) Now let's stand in a circle, let's never quarrel. And let's say words to each other famous hero patient and kindest cat Leopold: "Guys, let's live together!". And I think that this class hour will give rise to that great friendship that we will carry through the whole school life. And in honor of our friendship, I |propose a salute. Game "Salute" (The circle is divided into 3 teams: red, yellow and green team "Red!" 1st team claps, "Yellow!" - 2nd coma "Green!" - 3rd. Then, the teacher gives the command: “Red! Yellow green!"). (General salute.) Teacher: Thanks. Classroom is over.

Table competitions are good to hold between fun dances and the moving part of the program. So that the guests at the table do not get bored and do not give in to unrestrained libations, the organizers of the holidays of the resource This holiday offer to spend an interesting quiz with popular folk proverbs.

You should not hold this contest when the company has already drunk a lot. The company's tipsy responses are sometimes discouraging in their novelty and unpredictability. But even at the beginning of the holiday, the guests are not yet in the mood to hold competitions for erudition. The organizer with his idea to remember famous proverbs can simply be ignored or refuse to take part in the quiz. Therefore, it is better to hold the Connoisseur of Proverbs competition in the midst of a feast.

In the first part of the competition, the presenter says verbal description proverbs, and the participants in it must remember the proverb itself. For each correct answer, the participant receives a bonus point. But in cheerful company enough and just applause and cheers.

Options for questions and answers:

  • We accept a gift without discussion or dissatisfaction... - Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
  • Troubles and troubles directly tend to where the place is unreliable, fragile ... - Where it is thin, it is torn there.
  • There is so much knowledge in the world that a person has to learn every day to learn it, and new days bring new knowledge... - Live a century, learn a century.
  • It is not worth taking on unfamiliar cases ... - Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.
  • Even the most difficult task must be carried through to the end without complaining about fate and poor health...
  • The attitude towards you will be the same as you yourself relate to others ... - As it comes around, it will respond.

The second part of the competition provides for the selection of proverbs for each animal, which vividly characterizes the habits or essence of the character. To do this, we prepare pictures depicting various animals, and guests must choose a suitable motto for them.

Examples of proverbs suitable for animals:

  1. Repetition is the mother of learning.
  2. Leg to leg.
  3. Hold your pocket wider.
  4. There is safety in numbers.
  5. Tears of sorrow will not help.

These proverbs fit the images:

  • parrot
  • centipedes;
  • kangaroo;
  • locusts;
  • crocodile.

This part of the competition can be played in reverse order. The host says the proverb itself, and the participants in the quiz must guess the animal itself. In this case, you do not have to prepare pictures depicting characters.

The participant with the most bonus points wins the quiz.

You can play a game on the knowledge of proverbs at any birthday, as an adult anniversary, and children's holiday. Such a competition is also suitable for table entertainment of the company on New Year's corporate party or a professional holiday, for example, in honor of.

January 6, 2017 .

Contest of proverbs and sayings experts

Hour of Folk Wisdom

The proverb is not in vain.

Folk wisdom.

Teacher. The greatest wealth of a people is language! For thousands of years countless treasures of human thought and experience have been accumulated and live in the word. Accurate and figurative Russian language is rich in proverbs and sayings. There are tens of thousands of them! As if on wings, they fly from century to century, from one generation to another, and the boundless distance where this winged wisdom directs its flight is not visible ...

Proverbs and sayings are short, simple, but well-aimed and instructive sayings. They were formed even before literacy appeared. In proverbs, the people passed on to their children and grandchildren their cherished rules of life, taught them the mind. Old proverbs live today - in conversation, in books. Proverbs decorate our life, make it lively and witty. Russian writers and poets loved to listen to the people speak, often using their figurative well-aimed expressions in their works.

So, today we are holding a competition for the best expert in proverbs and sayings.

You can divide the class into several teams. For the correct answer, the child (team) receives a token (paper circle).

Teacher. Our first competition is "Warm-up".

Warm up

The task is to continue the proverbs and sayings:

    What goes around comes around).

    Without difficulty ... (not to catch a fish from the pond).

    Business before pleasure).

    Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

    I took hold of the tug ... (do not say that it is not hefty).

    With whom will you lead ... (from that you will type).

    Prepare the sleigh in the summer ... (and the cart in the winter).

    As it comes back to haunt ... (so it will respond).

    You will chase two hares ... (you will not catch a single one).

    Make a fool pray to God ... (he will hurt his forehead).

    How many wolves do not feed ... (and he keeps looking into the forest).

First competition

The task is to remember proverbs or sayings about the following subjects:

    A spoon. (Road spoon for dinner. One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.)

    Book. (To live with a book is not to grieve for a century.)

    Needle. (Where the needle is, there is the thread.)

    Awl. (Murder will out.)

    An Apple. (One rotten apple can spoil hundreds of others. An apple does not fall far from an apple tree.)

    Stone. (A rolling stone gathers no moss.)

    Feather. (What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax.)

Teacher. The peoples of the whole world consider work to be the main business of their lives. Labor creates the wealth of our country and every person. There is no happiness without labor. The people respect workers, and lazy people condemn and ridicule.

Second competition

The task is to remember proverbs about work. (He who does not work does not eat. If you like to ride, love to carry sleds. You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without labor. Etc.)

Teacher. Different nations have many proverbs that are similar in meaning. Sometimes it is even difficult to determine in which country this or that proverb appeared.

Third competition

The task is to select a Russian proverb similar in meaning to proverbs and sayings of different peoples:

    You can't fool a baker on bread. Spanish proverb. (An old bird is not caught with chaff.)

    Don't look for fried sausage in a dog kennel. German proverb. (Look for the wind in the field.)

    Who has a chatty mouth, that body is bruised. English proverb. (My tongue is my enemy.)

    He who asks will not get lost. Finnish proverb. (Language will bring to Kyiv.)

    A scalded rooster runs away from the rain. French proverb. (Whoever gets burned in milk blows on the water.)

    A leisurely elephant reaches its goal earlier than a frisky stallion. Vietnamese proverb. (The quieter you go, the further you'll get.)

Fourth competition

Proverbs are written on cards of different colors: on one - the beginning, on the other - the end.

The task is to compose a new proverb, that is, to connect in a new way. For example:

    The word is not a sparrow, it will not run away into the forest.

    If you like to ride, have a hundred friends.

    No matter how much you feed the wolf, he has his feet on the table.

    If you chase two hares, it's easier for a mare.

Suggested proverbs:

    The word is not a sparrow: you will not catch a flight.

    Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest.

    You love to ride, love to carry sleds.

    No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.

    If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

    put the pig on the table, she and her feet on the table.

    A woman with a cart is easier for a mare.

Fifth competition

The task is to remember proverbs and sayings that mention numbers. For example:

    Mind is good, but two is better.

    Seven nannies have a child with an eye.

    An old friend is better than two new ones.

    Seven times measure cut once.

    Seven troubles - one answer.

    One for all and all for one.

    The promised three years are waiting.

    Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

    For one beaten two beaten do not give.

    Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided. And etc.

Teacher. Folk wisdom severely condemns those people who seek to live their lives at the expense of others. The loafer wants to live not by labor, but by language. Let the fool and the bear work, and I will look out the window. A lazy person does one job twice. A lazy person is always like this: give me a pood of bread, but I won’t work.

Sixth competition

Task - choose the right proverb for the stories (author (Aurel Scobioale).

1. Stan is an experienced person.

Stanica has a learned puppy Buzdugan. Big puppy and heady. He knows how to carry a briefcase in his mouth. Once Stanike decided to take Buzdugan to school with him. Here we are on the road. Stan proudly walks ahead with his hands behind his back, followed by Buzdugan with a briefcase in his mouth. Suddenly Stan sees: Buzdugan without a briefcase runs ahead of the road.

Oh, Buzdugan, Buzdugan! Stanike sighed.

He ran back, took the briefcase and thrust it into the big-headed puppy's mouth again. Only walked ten steps - again in front of a puppy without a briefcase. He looked around: the briefcase was lying on the road. Stenike ran back and forth for a long time until he reached the school. And Buzdugan stuck out his tongue, breathing heavily.

Well, are you tired? Stanike asked. - It always happens ... (The loafer works more.)

2. Three meters of spies.

Stan turned on the TV and sat down to do his homework. Out of the corner of his eye, he solved the problem, and with the other edge he looked at the spy on the TV: “Now they will seize him ... But another one has appeared. There are two of them now! Look three!” “... Three and a half meters of fabric,” Stan read with the other corner of his eye, “four rubles per meter ...”

Stanike! Turn off the TV, - shouted the mother. - You will know the proverb “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch one!” (Are you sure?)

“Two hares,” Stan repeated to himself, without taking his eyes off the TV, “and three meters of spies for four ruble fabrics ...”

The next day, Stan sullenly returned from school: the proverb was confirmed. Chased two hares - and caught two. In short - a deuce ... And they also say ... (when you take on a lot, you mix everything up.)

3. Deuce in the barn.

The deuce in the diary pulled the briefcase to the ground. Was heavy. Stan couldn't think of anything to say to his mother. Show the diary - upset. Fix the deuce, and then show? What if she wants it now? Say that the teacher took the diary to check? What if mom finds it in the briefcase? Yes, the diary should be hidden. This is the only way out. I'll hide it somewhere in the shed.! And Buzdugan is already meeting at the gate, wagging his tail, jumping, having fun. Stanike ran into the shed. He pulled out the diary and put it behind a drawer. And Buzdugan grabbed the briefcase in his teeth, as he was taught, and ran out into the street.

What's the matter? - asked the mother from the porch. - Why is the dog dragging an open briefcase? No matter what happens!

Then she snatched out her briefcase and carefully examined Stan and Buzdugan. Buzdugan understood her. Still a smart puppy, he is studying to be a shepherd dog. He dived into the shed and pulled out the diary. What do they say in such cases? (You can’t hide an awl in a bag.)

Teacher. Proverbs and sayings of lazy people are caustically ridiculed. The girl is beautiful, but lazy to spin. The head is curled, but the case is not busy. Fedorka always has excuses. One plows, and seven wave their hands. The lazy person sleeps sitting, works lying down. The lazy spinner has no shirt for himself.

Summing up the results of the competition, awarding the winners.

Teacher. Proverbs and sayings are wise advice, subtle thought, good wishes. Once said, they are remembered for a lifetime.

A selection of games for children aimed at knowledge proverbs and sayings .

A game. Blitz poll

Participants are invited to answer the questions of the blitz tournament by experts in proverbs and sayings. Blitz time for each player is one minute. In case of difficulty, you can save time by going to next question"Next" signal. The number of final points is equal to the number of questions that the participants managed to answer correctly.

He is red with payment. (Duty)

Scatter when harvesting firewood in the forest. (Slivers)

A holiday that is not year-round for a cat. (Pancake week)

Dirt specialist. (Pig)

Comes with meals. (Appetite)

You will not bite, despite the proximity of the location. (Elbow)

You can’t pull it out of the reservoir without labor. (Fish)

Road to dinner. (A spoon)

They follow him. (Mind)

A quiet place where evil spirits live. (Pool)

A bird that the word that came out doesn't look like. (Sparrow)

Not looked after by seven nannies. (Child)

He is not the companion of the pig. (Goose)

Long-term city. (Moscow)

If its own, then it does not pull. (Burden)

Which bird is preferable to a crane flying across the sky, if it is in the hands. (Tit)

They are considered a classic couple. (Boots)

An animal that is a puppy until old age. (A little dog)

All head. (Bread)

The serial number of the pancake, which turned out to be lumpy. (First)

They don't have comrades. (Taste and color)

He sleeps, and the service goes on. (Soldier)

Guide to Kyiv. (Language)

They can't spoil the porridge. (Butter)

A headdress that indicates a dishonest citizen. (Hat)

Unit of account for autumn. (Chick)

Alien, where stones are thrown. (Garden)

The mother of neuter education. (repetition)

Knowing his sixth. (Cricket)

Friend of human. (Dog)

Lover of oil riding. (Cheese)

That which every sandpiper praises, if it is his own. (Swamp)

They fall close to the tree they grew on. (Apples)

After its completion, it is useless to wave your hands. (Fight)

There is always a collar for her. (Neck)

Time of year to prepare the sleigh. (Summer)

Runner on the catcher. (The beast)

Game "Finish the proverb or saying"

Participants take turns being offered proverbs or sayings that need to be completed. If the participants find it difficult, then the move goes to the opponents.

Patience and a little effort).

The work of the master ... (fears).

Live with wolves ... (howl like a wolf).

The apple never falls far from the tree).

Learn to read and write ... (always come in handy).

A bad world ... (better than a good quarrel).

On lack of fish ... (and cancer fish).

There is safety in numbers).

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness).

What goes around comes around).

Murder will out).

Game for children "Replace with proverbs"

Players are offered paraphrased proverbs or sayings, the meaning of which must be restored. The facilitator reads the expression, the participants write down the answers on the sheets, or those participants who have learned the saying answer.

Learn all your life. — Live and learn.

Save time. — Business - time, fun - an hour. It is reasonable to live, cherish the minute.

Take care of your health. — Sick and not himself.

Do not chat. — Keep your mouth shut.

Be hospitable. — Do not pity the guest, but thicken the lei. Honor to the guest, honor to the host.

Do not rush, do everything carefully. — Done hastily, done for fun. Hurry up and make people laugh.

Keep your word. — Without giving a word, be strong, but after giving it, hold on.

Don't envy others. — Envious eyes know no shame. Rust eats iron, and the envious one dies of envy.

Don't fight. — A quarrel will not lead to good. Better a bad peace than a good quarrel.

Finish what you started. — Don't trust the beginning, trust the end.

Game "Compositor's Mistakes"

Participants receive cards (see game cards) (6 proverbs each). The host announces the task: “By mistake of the typesetter, the first half of the sentence belongs to one proverb or saying, and the second to another. Return them to their original state. Who quickly?"

A woman with a cart, but there is a clamp

A woman with a cart is easier for a mare

Troubles torment, but hands do

Troubles torment, but teach the mind

You can't put on a scarf without difficulty

You can't take a fish out of the pond without effort

You can’t take out a fish from a pond for every mouth

You can’t put a scarf on every mouth

The eyes are afraid, but the mind is taught

Gpaza are afraid, but hands do

If there was a neck, it would be easier for a mare

There would be a neck, but there is a collar

You go for a day, but don't make a mistake yourself

You go for a day - take bread for a week

Make a fool pray, and you won't get all the milk from him

Make a fool pray, he'll hurt his forehead

I will scour someone else's misfortune with my hands, and the thin one herself runs

I’ll scour someone else’s misfortune with my hands, but I won’t apply it to my mind

How not to fight a bull, he will hurt his forehead

How not to fight a bull, but you can’t get all the milk from him

Hope in God, take bread for a week

Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself

Good fame lies, but I won’t put my mind to it

Good glory lies, and the thin one runs

Where there is love and advice, there it breaks

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief

The wife will caress, the pig will not eat

The wife will caress, and the mother will regret

Chasing two hares, hit with a hammer

Chasing two hares, you won't catch either

Where it is thin, there is no grief

Where it is thin, there it breaks

The Lord will not give, but the mother will regret

The Lord will not give out, the pig will not eat

You don't know how to sew with gold, you won't catch a single one

If you don't know how to sew with gold, strike with a hammer

Thunder will not strike if there is nothing to do

Thunder will not strike, the man will not cross himself

I took a bast, cut it once

I took a bast, give me a strap

The bird is red with a feather, but the fool got it

The bird is red with a feather, and the man with his mind

Clever head, and a man with a mind

Clever head, but the fool got it

Measure seven times, give back the strap

Seven times measure cut once

Boring day until evening, the man does not cross himself

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do


Participants (individually or in groups) are offered cards with mixed letters. It is necessary to read the proverb or saying correctly in the allotted time. You can offer multiple cards. The participants who solved the most cards win.

Ayakaj ukriats soyv satesn chlativ

Every hen praises her roost

Prayer you not shisheropb

You can't break through the wall with your forehead

Yavos ashno not yatent

Your burden does not pull

Komsav en suzar listasor

Moscow was not built in a day

Sestolm garden brete

Cheek brings success

U smie jakenn poisons bze galuz

Too many cooks spoil the broth

Cheut shokak, ech omsya alyes

The cat smells whose meat it ate

Debut of the week - tudeb schapi

There will be a day - there will be food

Zyyak od vekia dedotev

Language will bring to Kyiv

Gorado klazho to duboe

Road spoon to dinner

Maid bze noga en tybeav

There is no smoke without fire

Az duvarp-utakm and ertemyu klados

For the truth-womb and die sweetly

Tezve cat, goth and fingernail

Who is lucky, they are driven

Pit notilozk, hell odrog

Small spool but precious

That glad rboda en shield

Good is not sought from good

Yavos krua - hoards

Your hand is the master

spit out nilb momko

The first pancake is lumpy

Chris is expensive

Risk is a noble cause

U sakhart zalga ekiliv

Fear has big eyes

Shepsoship - eydul sheshimsan

Hurry up - make people laugh

Game "Domino Proverbs"

Prepare sets of cards according to the number of teams; stick cards in bold type on colored paper y.

Cards (first and second halves of proverbs) are evenly distributed between teams. It is necessary for each team to make their own chain of chip-cards - dominoes. The order of laying out the cards: white (beginning of the proverb) - color (end of the proverb) - color (beginning) - white (end) - white (beginning), etc.

Buy cheap...

Only a fool got

Fight in the hut - ...

And the mind of a black grouse

Cat toys - ...

Nothing in the other

Be at least a dog -

And the ruble is crying

Where did the pig go...

And an old friend

Dress for the poor...

You can't weld in a cast iron

Smart head...

Doesn't last long

Eagle view...

The people at the gate

One hand is empty...

And the mouse - tears

The penny is jumping...

Just to carry eggs

New clothes are better...

There and scratched

Love is not a potato...

Just gird yourself


Participants are offered cards with encryption options:

1. Sentences with arbitrary intervals within the text.

3. Phrases are read from right to left.

It is necessary to determine the "key" to the cipher. Time and number of correct answers are taken into account.

Option 1

1. Sun yakkuli knas vo embol oteve lik

2. Quietly leaking clothes

3. Neim meist orub leyai meist friend zey

4. Who pays for the day of the concert of music ykuza?

5. Clothes cap and vine burners

6. The holy place never ceases to exist

Option 2















Option 3









Participants are offered cards with two rows of proverbs. Task: choose from the right row of proverbs similar in meaning to the proverbs of the left row. You can change the task and suggest choosing proverbs that are opposite in meaning.

Now decide for yourself when to use these proverbs and sayings.

Poverty is not a vice.

God does not give horns to a vigorous cow.

Big ship - big voyage.

It beats like a fish on ice.

Every dog ​​has his day.

He sees the eye, but the tooth is numb.

It goes in one ear and out the other.

Every cricket know your hearth.

IN still water devils are found.

Where it is thin, it breaks there.

Thunder will not strike - the peasant will not cross himself.

There is no smoke without fire.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

For what he bought, for that he sold.

Go where your eyes look.

As God puts on the soul.

If he knew where to fall, he would spread straws.

No matter how you feed the wolf, everything looks into the forest.

Like water off a duck's back.

Like snow on your head.

Chicken laugh.

You can't break through the wall with your forehead.

Easy to remember.

The recumbent is not beaten.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Small spool but precious.

My hut is on the edge - I don't know anything.

Softly spread, but hard to sleep.

On lack of fish and cancer - fish.

On the catcher and the beast runs.

They carry water on the angry.

You won't be forced to be nice.

You can't throw a scarf over someone else's mouth.

Our business is a side.

Not for horse food.

Do not sit in your sleigh.

Every day is not Sunday.

Do not take rubbish out of the hut.

Do not blame the mirror if the face is crooked.

Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy.

No one leads by ear.

The game is not worth the candle.

There is safety in numbers.

One black sheep spoils the whole herd.

The first pancake is lumpy.

A fault confessed is half redressed.

Put the pig at the table, she and her feet on the table.

After me - even a flood!

Birds of a feather flock together.

Tears of sorrow will not help.

With whom you lead - from that you will type.

The dog in the hay does not eat itself, and does not give to others.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Whatever the child amuses, if only he does not cry.

What fell from the cart is gone.

What goes around comes around.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

I am not me, and the house is not mine.