Unknown facts about the keno lottery. Unknown facts about the lottery draw

The cost of replacing a professional seller is more than 36 of his monthly salaries (his search and adaptation, the cost of wages, the cost of his training, depreciation of office equipment, stationery, the cost of time for management personnel, lost profit from sales, damage from the loss / deterioration of relations with customers, including potential ones, the cost of databases and customer information transferred to competitors, etc. . etc.)

At the same time, the selection of personnel occurs, for the most part, intuitively. According to quite a few managers and entrepreneurs, the "sixth sense" is still the main tool for selecting candidates. “I can tell at a glance if this seller is the right fit.” Such statements and the fact that the decision is made after a brief interview with the candidate indicate that the company is building its future, relying on chance and luck, and not on the assessment of objective criteria and processes.

The Selling Competence includes the following components.

  1. Knowledge of products and sales techniques (“read” usually during product trainings and standard sales trainings).
  2. The ability to manage their behavior, determine the behavioral style of the buyer.
  3. High motivation based on “correct” life values.
  4. Personal maturity and life experience
Today, the main training and development of salespeople is focused on the first point. Nevertheless, success in sales depends, according to research results, primarily on the internal, personal characteristics of the seller, and not only and not so much on knowledge of the product, technologies and sales techniques.

To select the “right” candidate, find out his weaknesses and strengths, to draw up a competent development plan for him, it is necessary to conduct a multi-stage, consistent selection process, in which all the requirements of the employer will be taken into account, on the one hand, and the potential of the candidate, on the other hand, will be determined.

Step 1. Position Profile
When forming the "human" resource of the company great importance is given to the availability of diplomas and relevant professional qualifications of the candidate. At the same time, the question of how a person really "suits" for a vacancy remains aside. As you know, of the many human abilities, emotional intelligence is the most valuable. And special meaning it is given precisely in the field of sales. Because it is here that an employee who is really in his place will bring tangible results to the company faster.

What market is the seller in? Who do you have to communicate with? New or old clients? What are the additional tasks seller ? What is the corporate culture of the company seller ? These and many other parameters must be taken into account when we are talking about drawing up an ideal profile. seller .

According to a study of top 500 salespeople in finance, a goal-oriented, results-oriented person with an extrovert personality type is best suited for a new client acquisition position. At the same time, salespeople who are introverted, interpersonally oriented, listen carefully to their customers and maintain relationships with them are better suited for maintaining and managing relationships. This suggests that in no case can one measure everyone with a single yardstick.

Okay, you might say, but how exactly do you define such an ideal job profile? seller?

In our practice, we use the special technology Success Insights® TriMetrix™ Job "Analysis of job competencies". The technique involves a group discussion of the requirements of the position according to a special algorithm with those who know well, feel this position: one or two top sellers, their manager, employees who previously worked in this or a similar position. Group discussion led by a moderator allows the participants to get rid of their own prejudices, thereby increasing the objectivity of the results. During this discussion, the participants clearly articulate the key objectives of the position and fill out an online questionnaire.

The result of the work is a special report with a description of the main personal parameters that lie in the sphere of his abilities, goals and motives, and behavioral patterns successful person who should hold this position. The resulting competency framework can be flexibly integrated into any corporate competency model.

Step 2. "Evaluation of existing sellers"
An analysis of the work of successful sellers employed in the company allows not only to understand the current situation in the field of the presence of successful sellers in the company, but also to prepare a sample for taking a “measure of success”.

Segment #1: Sales Knowledge Assessment
You can get it with the Success Insights® Seller Strategies Index. To achieve success in the field of sales, a person, as in many other areas professional activity, must have a certain amount of relevant knowledge. The COI is intended to measure the level of this knowledge.

The COI methodology was developed for professional direct sellers, as understanding the selling process is a key factor in their effectiveness. COI can be used to assess the knowledge of sales people working in various fields, but this technique may not be effective for sales agents in terms of the cost of the report.

The Seller Strategies Index has been in development for over two years. The purpose of the first stage of its creation was to highlight the sales situations that exist in reality, which later formed the basis of the methodology for measuring the level of knowledge about the sales process at each stage. Initially, 64 test situations were identified, which were tested on 600 employees in the trade sector. Analysis of the results of this stage of the study revealed all unnecessary, insufficiently effective test situations. The final version of the test already included 54 situations. Validity assessment and normalization of the final version of the test were carried out on a sample of more than 2000 sellers.

Each of the 54 test situations has 4 answers, which differ only in the degree of correctness. Often the differences between the first two most correct responses-strategies are almost imperceptible.

The final version of the test, which included 54 situations, was offered to sales managers and trainers for peer review.

Validity assessment and normalization of the final version of the COI was carried out on a sample of sellers from the following industries: sale of office equipment, sale of medical products, life and health insurance, sale of real estate and cars and other goods and services sold by professional sellers.

The Seller Strategies Index measures employee knowledge of the sales process in the following steps.

Search for potential customers (P). This is the first stage of any sales system. At this stage, the seller identifies potential customers, collects detailed information about them, updates the compiled database and thinks over a scheme for personal contact with a potential buyer.

First impression/welcome (IR). This stage of the sales process is where the first face-to-face meeting between the seller and the potential customer takes place. Here the seller has the opportunity to demonstrate his sincere interest in a potential client and thereby achieve the location of a potential buyer, evoke feelings of mutual understanding and mutual respect. This is the initial stage of building mutual trust, which launches the entire further sales process.

Needs analysis and questions (A). The next point of the seller's activity is the clarification and detailed analysis of the needs of a potential client. At this stage, the seller has the opportunity to determine what exactly the buyer would like to purchase and what conditions are required in order for him to buy this product. And the buyer, for his part, decides exactly what he wants and informs the seller about his interests and possible individual requirements for the product or service that the seller offers.

Demonstration (D). At this stage, the seller must be able to present his product in such a way that it satisfies all the explicit or hidden needs of the potential buyer that were identified in the previous stage of the sale.

Influence (B). People always act according to their beliefs. This stage of the selling process allows the salesperson to overcome the potential mistrust of the buyer and give more weight to what they say. Here the seller has the opportunity to convince the potential customer of the reliability of the supplier and the seller, as well as the quality of the product or service offered.

Conclusion (3). This is the final phase of any selling system. At this point, the seller asks the potential buyer if he will buy the product, settles the remaining contradictions, conducts all necessary negotiations and completes the interaction with the client to mutual satisfaction.

General knowledge (O). This category assesses general knowledge about the sales process. Understanding the sales process affects the formation of a positive attitude towards this field of activity and the formation of individual ideas about the mechanisms of the sales process.

Are salespeople really doing what they say in the test? Failure to apply your knowledge in practice can also lead to inefficiency. A sales manager cannot always calculate all his possibilities to sell a product. Therefore, each salesperson should be discussed with all his wrong answers and, knowing where he was wrong, help him develop the right selling strategies.

However, working on strategies and knowledge is only part of the path to success. At the same time, the most understandable, since this is knowledge, information that is relatively easy to master when compared with aspects of the personality of the seller himself.

Segment #2: Behavior Evaluation
The seller must be able to communicate. HOW do your salespeople communicate? The analysis of one's behavior is inseparable from the knowledge of the personal types of clients. Easier said than done. Ultimately, all clients are different. What one client perceives as a pleasant atmosphere, another considers burdensome and unpleasant. One person thinks it's nice to talk about a past vacation, the other is not interested in it at all, he is only interested in getting information about the product briefly and concisely. The risk of suggesting the wrong tone, annoying the client is great already in the first minute. Or to give the impression of "opportunist", behaving too pliantly, slippery, so as not to be rejected. What can you do? Many of us were raised under the golden rule: treat others as you would like to be treated. In sales, this means: sell to others the way you want to be sold to you. This is where the problem lies: we only reach clients who think, feel and decide the way we do.

That's why the "platinum communication rule" in Success Insights® is: "Behave with others the way they want you to."

In previous issues, we talked about a method for classifying behavior based on the DISC theory. What type of salesperson are your sales people? What are their strengths that customers don't like? Moreover, how to recognize the "opposite" customer? How to "read" the personality of my client? What success strategies to apply next to my client?

… “Yellow” sellers always give the impression of joyful and optimistic people. They quickly make new acquaintances, are very creative and dream of fulfilling all their creative ideas. If you are a "yellow" seller, then you will first talk to the client "about life" before you get down to business. Every person is a potential client for you. With your ingenuity, flexibility, and ability to fit into any team, you are always welcome guests. However, you often do not prepare seriously enough for meetings. Therefore, your speeches seem a little superficial. The solutions that you offer to your customers are sometimes ingenious, but, unfortunately, they are almost impossible to translate into reality. Your charm and wit are fine, but try to use them selectively. Compliments are pleasant to everyone, and the way you easily know how to give them is especially appealing to people. However, you need to dose your emotions - too much admiration and charm can look unnatural ”... (Excerpt from Frank Scheelen's sales training program.)

The Platinum Rule of Communication, therefore, disproves the common myth that the best salespeople are only those who can speak well and are charming. And that it is necessarily "yellow". It's simple special case! The “yellow” buyer and the “yellow” client have almost no communication problems!

However, this also means that the same “yellows” have to adapt in order to achieve successful interpersonal contact when they communicate with other “colors”.

Many companies have specific products and services that seriously affect the “ perfect color» sellers. For example, if you're selling industrial equipment, your buyer is likely to be a "blue-green" engineer. This means that it will be easiest to sell to the "blue-green" sellers. But if you sell something to creatives, then without a “yellow” approach, your seller has nothing to do there, since in this case his client, most likely, will also be “yellow” on average.

In 10 minutes, the Success Insights® Professional and Sales Manager Version will show you HOW your current or future salesperson usually approaches the sales communication process, including at each of the classic stages of sales.

For example, a salesperson, whose behavioral portrait is depicted in the figure with the “wheel of success”, is characterized by the following manifestation of competencies.

After finding out the behavioral characteristics of the seller you have selected, you will be able to continue its purposeful development during a special behavioral training for sales managers. Incidentally, research in different countries of the world, showed that "all sorts of sellers are important, their different "colors" are needed."

Segment #3 Valuation
Despite the enormous utility of studying the "operational properties" of the behavioral segment of the salesperson personality and the exceptional utility of applying the results in the course of sales training, studies conducted in many countries around the world have shown that the worldview and values ​​​​of the salesperson affect performance much more than the ability to speak well, external attractiveness or other behavioral characteristics. Top sellers all over the world have similar personality characteristics in terms of their values ​​and worldview!

For example, a survey of the most successful sellers from 178 firms in the United States and more than 500 top sellers in Germany using a questionnaire to study the system of personal interests, values ​​and worldview showed a very curious dependence of success, first of all, on values ​​and worldview: the absolute majority of top sellers sellers belongs to the "utility type"!

The figures show the distribution of the results of a study of the values ​​and worldview of successful salespeople in the US and Germany.

Segment #4: Assessing Talents, Experience, and Personal Maturity
The latest achievements of world business psychology allow measuring the degree of maturity of a person based on his attitude towards himself and the world around him, which directly affect many personal qualities and human competencies. To give you an example, in order to succeed at the responsible and difficult stage of “closing the deal”, the seller must demonstrate maturity in the area of ​​the following personal qualities.

As you understand, the best sales trainings will not be able to foresee all situations and provide the seller with sales recipes for all occasions, including for all situations of the “closing the deal” stage, for example. Accordingly, this should be understood already at the stage of selection or before creating an individual development program. The Success Insights® "Abilities and Talents Analysis" tool allows you to identify these features and convey them to the employee in the form of a report that describes which competencies are used at each stage of sales, and how much it is expressed in a particular employee.

Whole picture. So, the Success Insights toolkit allows high-tech - via the Internet and 100% automated - to approach diagnostics and development:

  1. professional knowledge;
  2. behavior and communication skills;
  3. motivating values ​​and worldviews;
  4. experience, talent and personal maturity.

Step 3. “Refining Future Evaluation Criteria”
Based on the results obtained from the performance evaluation process of existing successful employees, and the position requirements drawn up during the focus group, a final profile of the requirements of a successful salesperson is developed. Thus, you get a “doubly verified” ideal profile - from the side of the latest achievements of science and HR consulting and from the side of actual statistics.

Step 4. "Guided selection of potential candidates"
Once clear evaluation criteria have been developed, it is possible to move on to targeted selection of suitable, “right” candidates. The selection algorithm will look approximately as follows.

  1. Selection of candidates on formal grounds, summary.
  2. An initial interview, where the initial impression of the candidate is obtained, and the level of development of professional knowledge and competencies is clarified.
  3. Diagnosis using 4 relevant Success Insights® tools.
  4. Comparison with the ideal profile and selection.
  5. Conduct in-depth competency interviews using questions from the Success Insights® TriMetrix Job™ report to determine fit, develop a development plan, and assess its potential value.
This approach allows you to get unprecedented high-quality results without the use of expensive assessment centers that are still common.

Step 5. "Adaptation and Coaching"
Why don't most candidates stay in their new jobs and leave the company after a few months? Surveys have shown that there are two main reasons for this.

Firstly, the manager could not choose the right motivation strategy for the candidate. The leader must be prepared for the required onboarding phase of the candidate. Secondly, the new employee simply does not feel well in the new environment and culture.

Detailed study by the head of the reports received upon hiring allows you to create individual style motivation and adaptation of a new employee.

Step 6. "Development and coaching"
The process of selecting a suitable candidate must be followed by the process of his preparation, since the high level of personal development of the seller brings high dividends.

The evaluation approach using the above technologies allows:

  • individualize group training activities;
  • reduce the need for coaching sessions by 4 to 9 while achieving more High Quality. Since the new generation of Success Insights® questionnaires and reports allow you to transfer the function of coaching to direct managers or internal coaches in the organization, filling their lack of competence in the field of psychology and professional and personal development.
Companies that use this approach to select their own staff reduce staff turnover by a third, improve customer relationships, increase staff motivation and reduce the cost of further training.

Throughout my life I have been working for myself. It suits me. I am not afraid of hard work and I love money very much. But my career is like a two-part game. The first part was played at a frantic pace, as befits a young man with grandiose plans. It was fun, I made a lot of money, but it ended badly.

The second half is more measured, it also brings me pleasure and... develops well for this moment. The important difference is that now I feel at ease. I am happy, in harmony with myself and feel more complete. And I feel much, much, much less stressed.

So what has changed? Change has overtaken me. I made a bad trade and lost everything. Home, business, self-confidence - a lot. And I realized that things didn't go wrong because of one wrong decision, not because of bad luck - the reason lay much deeper.

Whatever definition you give to the word "success", its most important foundation is the way of thinking. My way of thinking wasn't just wrong - I didn't worry about it and didn't take the time to fix it in the first place. This was a big mistake. In the words of Benjamin Netanyahu, I tried to build a pyramid from top to bottom.

1. Understand that life will not change by itself

When your life is not what you want, it is difficult to hide this fact. Gotta choose another path: If you are wondering where you can find something better, then this is a sure sign that something is missing in your life.

2. Decide to act

Recognizing the need for change is easy. And to accomplish them is a task that requires courage. Just remember that you brought yourself to the current state. You wouldn't be here now if you didn't want or need change.

Anger or frustration is just proof of your failure in trying to resolve a brewing conflict. Shakespeare has known this since at least 1604. In his play Measure for measure Through the mouth of Lucio he said:

"Our doubts are our traitors. They make us lose what we might have won if we weren't afraid to try.".

So make up your mind. Better to do it and regret it once than not do it and regret it for the rest of your life.

3. Believe in yourself

When I " broken" and " burned down", then I lost the material values ​​\u200b\u200bof my life. But I did not lose my skills and business ethics. And although my self-confidence was hit, I remembered Kipling:

"Be able to meet the victories and losses,
Holding distrust for both

Much later, Arianna Huffington (made famous by the Huffington Post) realized the true essence of regression:

"We must understand that we will not always make the right decisions, sometimes we can make a very big mistake; realizing that failure is not the opposite of success is part of success".

Believing in yourself, whether you are starting to do something for the first time or anew, is an indispensable and indispensable component of the way of thinking of a successful person. All successful entrepreneurs have this character trait. If it is not given by nature (and it often happens that way), then it can be developed by changing your own way of thinking.

This, as well as many other things that are still unknown to you, but which you need to know, can be learned. A: A huge amount of great material is available on the Internet. Self-development is possible, and it is available to those who really want it.

4. Understand that not everything is worth the money.

We all need money. Most of us, if not all, love them. After all, it is for them that we go to work. They allow us to do what we want and do what we have to. Whether we understand happiness as just freedom from worries or as something more unusual and expressive, in our pursuit of this happiness, money plays quite a role. important role. But it is not enough to have only them. Not enough at all.

In the first half of my career, I only measured success in terms of money. You will not be mistaken if you say that I had a lot of them. Seven figures were common, I changed every 4 months, I flew in a helicopter and thought (then) that I was fine. Was I happy? Um... no. Believe me, the novelty of such things quickly ceases to be felt, moreover, I was not free and had no time either for myself or for my loved ones.

I was a classic victim of my own success. I created a monster, and at some stage he began to control me, and not vice versa. And then he bit me, and hard. Now I am older and wiser and I realize that happiness - strong, true happiness - is a combination of its various parts.

Time is a limited resource, and it has to be distributed between these parts. - just one of them. The other parts for me are family and entertainment. Yours may be different, but the principle is the same. When there is a balance between them, it even brings pleasure. And your life as a whole seems happy and fulfilling.

5. Build relationships with your own business

Like any meaningful human relationship, your relationship with business requires constant attention. Relationships do not appear from scratch, they need to be built and developed. Even the most strong marriages require daily effort. Give time and attention to the needs of your business - and the result will follow immediately.

Especially at the very beginning, these needs will be significant. Starting a business from scratch is hard work, and it will rob you of the parts of your happiness for a while. But remember that the effort made at the very beginning is an investment not only in business, but also in your future life.

And when your business is up" on your feet"and go uphill, do not relax. Constantly assess and reassess the needs of your business. At the same time, assess and understand your own needs, while maintaining a balance between work and life.

This is especially important if you work from home. Fail to do this, and everything will suffer, not just your business. I say this from my own experience. Moreover, evaluate your business in terms of your own goals, motivations and aspirations. If it doesn't match, go back to step 1.

6. Reap the benefits and enjoy them

Enjoy your success. Reward yourself. Take a vacation and enjoy your free time. Having fun is what fuels motivation and helps you maintain a relationship with your own business. Do not give in to evil temptations and drive them away from you.

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the most important key to success. If you love what you do, you will definitely succeed." said Albert Schweitzer.

And in order to support the spirit of victory in you and inspire you to new achievements, we offer you to watch a cool motivating video, after which it will become much easier to change! We promise!

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Macao Lotto gaming investment service.

SCAM - the project stopped paying, DO NOT invest!

Macau Lotto launched online on January 11, 2017.

Mission Macao Lotto- the revival of a civilized lottery culture. The formation of the population associated with lotteries as a pleasant form of recreation, which allows participants to realize the need for vivid emotions, improve material well-being and contribute to the development of the gambling business in the country. The progress made in the systematic solution of this problem has already created impeccable reputation in Macau.

About lotteries from the history of China:

Asia is the cradle of not only one of the most ancient civilizations, but also one of the most popular lotteries - Keno! According to various sources, the first of them took place in Ancient China.

In the 1st century BC e., during the reign of the Han Dynasty, a lottery similar to the famous "Keno" was organized in China. Interestingly, a huge part of the Great Chinese wall was built with funds from this lottery!

There is also a legend that one smart and brave commander used the Keno game to raise funds for the military campaigns of his army. People loved replacing the war tax with such enjoyable entertainment and more and more people are participating in the pranks.

For centuries, lotteries have remained incredibly popular among the Chinese. And proceeds from ticket sales will go to social development Keywords: education, culture, medicine, science. In addition, for the XXIX Olympic Games in Beijing in the summer of 2008, a special lottery was launched. The proceeds from ticket sales were used to optimize the infrastructure and transport system, and projects were developed to improve the city's ecology.

How to choose Chinese numbers to fill lottery tickets? Many participants in the draws have their favorite numbers, someone crosses the numbers “according to feng shui”, while others find their own. lucky numbers in fortune cookies!

By the way, lotteries in China are used not only for drawing cash prizes. Since 2011, they have been giving away... the number of cars in Beijing! Such a trick was invented to keep the constant increase in the number of cars on the roads of the city. No more than 20,000 new numbers can be registered per month, while the demand is much higher. In order to get a number for your iron friend, a Beijing resident must take part in a special lottery. According to its results, the decision of who will be driving and who will wait until next month is not taken.

Investment marketing in Macao Lotto reviews and how it works .

You can invest in the project from $10 through the purchase of investment tickets. Each ticket plays every day and brings you profitability.
The first 50 days - by clicking on one of the six buttons in the investment ticket, you will receive from 2 to 6% of the amount of the purchased ticket. After receiving investment income, the next time you can click and receive income after 24 hours (at the same time, the earned prize money will become available for withdrawal).
After 50 days, the prize daily yield on your investment ticket is reduced to 0.25-1.5% per day.

In addition to passive investment income with daily prize winnings, this project also has real gaming lotteries:

Lottery 4+ Fireballs.

In this game, you select one number in 4 columns, if you want to play the Jackpot, then press one more number.

"When choosing the 4th number" the ticket price is $1.99.
"Choose 4 plus fireball" ticket price is $2.99.

In case the jackpot is not drawn, it will run until the next draw. The jackpot amount is shown on the main page and on the lottery page.

Prize distribution:

1. First prize - 4 points guessed in consecutive order - $2,000.
2. Second prize - 3 balls guessed in consecutive order - $200.
3. Third prize - 2 eggs guessed in consecutive order - $20.
4. Fourth prize - 1 balls guessed in consecutive order - 4 $.

Lottery 6 out of 45.

Macao Lotto holds weekly lotteries where winning combination consists of 6 numbers on a common field with 45 numbers.

How to play:

Choose 6 numbers in the ticket playing field.
Important! The prize is not depending on the order of the selected numbers. You will receive your prize anyway!
Buy a ticket and wait for the draw at the end of the week. The home page displays the time left until the draw.

The ticket price is $0.99.

Your prize:
2 correct numbers - the prize is $3
3 correct numbers $100
4 correct numbers $1000
5 correct numbers $5000
6 correct numbers $10,000

Lottery 3 of 16.

For those who like to try their luck right now, the company offers instant lottery with bets of 1, 2 or 5 dollars.
The winnings, respectively, can be 20, 50 or 150 dollars instantly to your account. To do this, you will only need to guess and open 3 correct windows with stars out of 16 presented.

My review of the gaming investment service Macao Lotto.

I learned about the start of this project from my blogger colleague, she shared an insider that a good admin came up with a new project. Having studied the Macao Lotto website, I saw a high-quality project, the legend is new and not worn out, investment marketing is interesting and causes excitement, and most importantly, with a very good profitability. In the first 50 days, you can already return yours and earn up to 100% profit. And after that, you will continue to receive daily income while the project is running. Moreover, the project is only at the start, I recommend not to waste time, enter and start earning. I think within a month Macao Lotto will be on most blogs, as the project is really interesting and worthwhile. My entry is $300, $200 from Perfect and $100 from Advcash. I recommend dividing the investment into several tickets, so that it would be more interesting to earn profit every day. For example, I bought 6 tickets for 50 dollars.