How did the black square appear. Where is Malevich's "Black Square" now? History of creation and possible theories

A set of documents under the general name "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" (hereinafter - simply "Vedas") reflects the history of mankind on Earth over the past few hundred thousand years - at least not less than 600,000 years.

The main milestones of this story impress any person who comes into contact with the Vedas, because he, throughout his life, was hammered into his head that his pedigree originated, allegedly from monkeys, and the history recorded in any way was limited to only a few thousand years, i.e., the times of Ancient Egypt.

The Vedas, on the basis on which they were originally written, are divided into three main groups:

q santii are plates made of a noble metal that is not susceptible to corrosion (usually gold), on which texts were applied by chasing, and which, then, were fastened with rings, in the form of books;

q haratya - books or texts on sheets of high-quality parchment;

q Magi - wooden boards with texts.

The oldest documents are santi.

So, "Santii of the Veda of Perun" (the Book of Knowledge or the Book of Wisdom of Perun) was written down 40,008 years ago (or in 38,004 BC).

Initially, it was these santias that were called the Vedas, but they contain references to other Vedas, which were then called the Ancients and which, today, are either lost or stored in secluded places and, for some reason, have not yet been announced.

Santi reflect the most secret Ancient Knowledge. You could even say that they are an archive of knowledge.

By the way, the Indian Vedas are just a part of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, transmitted to India about 5,000 years ago.

Haratis were, as a rule, copies of santi, or, perhaps, extracts from santi, intended for wider use in the priestly environment.

The most ancient haratyas are the Haratyas of Light (Book of Wisdom), which were written down 28,735 years ago (or, more precisely, from August 20 to September 20, 26,731 BC).

Since it is easier to write charati than to make santii minted on gold, extensive historical information was recorded in this form.

So, for example, harati called "Avesta" were written on 12,000 cowhides 7512 years ago, with the history of the victory of the Slavic-Aryan clans in the war with the Chinese, but Alexander the Great burned this document when it fell into his hands, when traveling to India.

It should be noted in advance that this document also reflected the fact of signing a peace treaty, known since that time as the Creation of the World in the Star Temple, and in the common people - simply as the creation of the world.

And the Star Temple is the year in which that agreement was signed and which is repeated every 144 years according to the cyclic calendar of our ancestors.

Among the sorcerers, one can name the “Vlesov Book”, written down (perhaps gradually) on wooden tablets and reflecting the history of the peoples of the south and middle zone of Eastern Europe for 1500 years before the baptism of Kievan Rus.

Magi were intended for the Magi - our ancient clergy, from where the name of these documents came from.

It should also be noted that the most ancient documents were written by the Ancient x\"Aryan Runes or Runic, as they are also called.

Ancient Runes are not letters or hieroglyphs, in our modern sense, but, in a way, secret images that convey a huge amount of Ancient Knowledge.

They include 147 characters written under common feature called the heavenly.

Signs denote both numbers and letters, and individual objects or phenomena - either frequently used or very important.

In ancient times, the Aryan Runic served as the main basis for creating simplified forms of writing: ancient Sanskrit, Devils and Rezovs, Devanagari, German-Scandinavian Runic and many others.

It also became the basis of all modern alphabets, from Old Slavonic to Cyrillic and Latin.

The Tibetan sources speak of Ancient Knowledge written on golden plates.

Our contemporary Ernst Muldashev, who repeatedly visited India and Nepal, also writes about gold plates with ancient knowledge in his books, and even photographed their appearance.

But those were no longer our Vedas, but Indian ones, and not even the Vedas, in the modern sense, but ancient spells (taken, perhaps, from the same Vedas).

And ours, that is, the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, truthfully recorded the history of the Slavic-Aryan peoples and, together with the enormous knowledge included in them, represent that force and that political impulse that could not be presented to the world ahead of time.

Otherwise, they would only go to the detriment of themselves and other peoples of the Earth.

It is enough that the hunt for this knowledge (it must be said, a bloody hunt) went on, both in ancient times, including the campaigns of Alexander the Great, both in the Middle Ages (but now, with the aim of destroying them), and in the last century, using special services OGPU-NKVD-MGB-KGB-FSB.

Also, Hitler was not indifferent to this knowledge.

It should be noted that our planet Earth has certain long-period oscillations, moving around the Sun in an ellipse.

So, for example, the precession of its axis has a period 25 920 years.

With the same period in the northern (or, with a shift of half a period, in the southern) hemisphere, cooling sets in and glaciers appear, which negatively affect the lives of peoples.

Therefore, the main period for calculating time among our distant ancestors, when considering events of large historical scales, was the Svarog Circle, i.e., one imaginary celestial circle outlined by the axis of the Earth, during its precession during these same 25,920 years (Svarga is sky, vault of heaven in the language of our ancestors).

By the way, if this period is divided into 180 parts, then you get the Circle of Life of 144 Earth years, which was already mentioned above.

Among the Slavs, such historical periods of cooling were called Svarog Nights, and in India - Kali Yuga. Now such a period of Svarog Night in the northern hemisphere has ended (the transition point falls on 2012), therefore, those who kept the Ancient Knowledge began to gradually translate it into modern language and, in the last few years, publish it for the general public.

And it turned out that the main custodian of this knowledge is the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings, whose center is located in the oldest city on our planet, Asgard Iriysky (now it is the city of Omsk on the Irtysh River), which was founded 106,782 years ago (or in 104 778 BC).

And the surrounding Siberian area is called Belovodie, or Pyatirechye, or Semirechye (which are synonyms).

By the way, now many people are well aware of the multi-volume novel "Valkyrie" by the modern Russian writer Alekseev, which was written on the basis of slightly ajar, after 1991, archives.

This novel just describes the events of the last century that took place in Belovodie and were associated with the struggle of the Old Believers for the preservation of Ancient Knowledge.

In revealing the Ancient Knowledge, the complexity is not only the old runic writing, but also the changed meaning of many words.

But this ancient form of writing did not disappear, like other ancient alphabets, initial letters and alphabets in the depths of centuries and millennia, but continues to be the main form of writing among the Priests of the Old Russian Inglistic Church.

Several such Priests took part in the translation of Santi, therefore, the sound of Santi is diverse, but their meaning is unchanged.

The publication for the general public does not have comments, but only explanations of individual words, because. all explanations can only be given by the Priests-Keepers or Kapen-Ynglings, i.e., the Keepers of Ancient Wisdom at the Slavic-Aryan Temples and Sanctuaries (i.e., at the Temples).

When translating, the Russian form of writing was used, which provides a more complete disclosure of the image of the Ancient Runes, and not the Soviet one, distorted in the 20-30s of the twentieth century.

Many words are given in the original stem, because neither in Russian, and even more so, in the Soviet language, there are no analogues to these words and images.

In the Vedas translated into Russian, there are dots and lines of dots.

They mean that these places contain such information that it is too early to give in an open form, because. Ancient Knowledge, intended to serve Good and Truth, cannot be used for Evil...

It should be added that, presenting the Vedas, I do not act passively, like a simple reteller, but, as a scientist, I actively comment on the knowledge gained from the standpoint of modern science.

So, for example, I first identified the Svarog Circle at 25,920 years with the period of the Earth's precession.

In addition to the Vedas, I also used dozens of other sources, including the history and mythology of the ancient world, archaeological data, astronomy, cosmology, religion and the history of religions, other sciences, folk epics, old folk tales for children and, of course, the results of my own research.

All this helped to get, as it seems to me, the most reliable idea about the history of mankind and the structure of the Universe, which correspond to what I found in the Vedas.

To begin with, we need to recall that the visible part of our Galaxy is a disk with a diameter of 30 kpc, which contains approximately 200 billion stars, which are grouped in four curved arms.

We see the galaxy summer nights edge-on, in the form of the Milky Way.

The word "Galaxy" itself comes from the Greek word "galactikós" - milky.

Therefore, our observations (even with the help of telescopes and radio telescopes) are inaccessible, and modern science believes that there are only two of them.

In fact, there are four of them, and our distant ancestors knew this for sure.

The swastika sign widely used by them (disgraced by German fascism) is the sign of our Galaxy.

There are approximately 20,000 star clusters in the Galaxy.

We see the nearest clusters with the naked eye, in the form of the brightest constellations, which are given certain names.

These names were not always so. Our ancestors were different. Moreover, they called the constellations the palaces. But, more on that below.

The galaxy has not always existed and will not always exist.

Galaxies in the Universe are born from primary pra-matter and, having gone through a development cycle, die in order to be born again, after a certain time.

In other words, in the Universe there is a fluctuation of matter in space and time, and the Universe always exists.

And the cycle of its development in the form of a galaxy is described in detail in the "Book of Wisdom" - one of the most ancient documents that are part of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas.

Exactly the same description is found in an ancient document from India that Helena Blavatsky used for her book The Secret Doctrine.

Life is originally inherent in all forms of matter and manifests itself at certain stages of its evolution.

In the same way, it manifests itself in the formation of matter, in the form of stars and planets in the form in which we know it.

But, intelligent life is able to self-propagate from the planets of one star to the planets of another star, as it develops, accumulates a certain critical mass and achieves a certain level of technical progress.

Obviously, with the formation of our Galaxy, the stars began to light up closer to its center.

Consequently, life in an organic form first originated (or, more precisely, manifested itself) precisely there.

Our solar system is located on the periphery of the Galaxy, at a distance of approximately 10 kpc from its center and, moreover, between its two arms.

Therefore, organic life could appear on it in two ways: to spontaneously originate or be brought by more developed civilizations from stars that are closer to the center of the Galaxy or to its arms, where the stars also appeared earlier than our Sun, or the conditions for life on their planets arose earlier than on our earth.

Further material is given almost unchanged - as it is presented by the Old Russian Inglistic Church. Only some inserts-comments are made (in italics).

By the way, Inglia (whence the name of the church) is a kind of stream (rather, energy in all its forms), which comes from the single and incomprehensible God-Creator Ra-M-Khi. This flow occurs when galaxies form.

In addition to him, our ancestors also revered their first ancestors, who were also considered gods.

They also invented special images that made it possible to concentrate the attention and will of many people to control the forces of nature (people are like little gods, therefore, for great deeds it was necessary to unite).

These images were also called gods. Thus, our ancestors had three types of gods, headed by the one they called Ra-M-Ha.

1. Life on Midgard-Earth

On the basis of the Runic Chronicles of the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers of the Ynglings, the ancient Slavic-Aryan name of our Earth is Midgard-Earth.

It revolves around the Yarila-Sun. Yarilo-Sun is located in the galactic structure of the Swati Star System (our galaxy), also called the Perunov Way or Heavenly Iriy.

Swati is represented as a left-sided swastika.

In the lower part of one of the swastika sleeves of Swati is the Yarilo-Sun.

It is the Trilight, because illuminates three Worlds: Yav (World of People), Nav (World of Spirits and Souls of Ancestors), Rule (Light World of Slavic-Aryan Gods).

Yarilo-Sun is included in the constellation Zimun (Heavenly Cow or Ursa Minor), is the eighth star.

In the Swastika arm of the galaxy is the solar system with the Golden Sun.

The clans of White people living on the Earths, in this solar system, they call it Dazhdbog-Sun (the modern name is Beta Leo).

It is called the Yarilo-Great Golden Sun, it is brighter in terms of radiation of the light flux, in size and mass than the Yarilo-Sun.

Ingard-Earth revolves around the Golden Sun, the period of revolution is 576 days.

Ingard-Earth has two moons. Big Moon with a period of revolution of 36 days, and Small Moon - 9 days.

The system of the Golden Sun is located in the Hall of the Race on the Svarog Circle (Slavic-Aryan zodiac sign).

In the System of the Golden Sun, on Ingard-Earth, there is a biological life similar to life on Midgard-Earth.

This land is the ancestral home of many Slavic-Aryan Clans.

Midgard-Earth was located at the intersection of eight cosmic Paths that connected inhabited Earths (planets) in various Light Worlds (Star Systems), where only representatives of the Great Race (White) or Rasichi lived.

In ancient times, representatives of the White Humanity were the first to populate and inhabit Midgard-Earth.

Many years ago, the Great Assa took place - the Great War of the Light Heavenly Gods from the World of Rule with the Dark Forces that came from Hell.

The Great Assa between Light and Darkness embraced the Worlds of Reveal (our world), Navi (the world of the dead) and Rule (the world of the gods).

In one of the battles, the flying Celestial chariot - Vaitmara - crashed and was forced to land on Midgard-Earth.

Whitemars are large Celestial vehicles capable of carrying up to 144 in their belly. Whiteman is a small flying chariot.

Vaitmara landed on the mainland, which was named Daariya (Dar Ariyam, Gift of the Gods) by star travelers.

On Whitemar there were representatives of four peoples of the allied Lands of the Great Race: Aryan clans - x\"Aryans, yes\"Aryans; The clans of the Slavs - Rassen and Svyatorus.

They were people with white skin. The iris of the eyes of each of the Clans had a different color: green had x\"Aryans; silver - yes\"Aryans; heavenly - Svyatorusy; fiery - Rassen.

The color of the eyes depends on what kind of Sun shone for the people of these Clans on their native Earths.

After the repair of Whitemara, part of the crew flew away (returned "to heaven"), and part remained on Midgard-Earth.

Those who remained on Midgard-Earth began to be called Ases. Ases are the descendants of the Heavenly Gods living on Midgard-Earth.

Then, the resettlement of the people of the White Race from Ingard-Earth to Midgard-Earth, to Daaria, followed.

The resettled people on Midgard-Earth remembered their ancient ancestral home and styled themselves only as “Dazhdbog’s grandchildren”, i.e., the descendants of those Clans of the Great Race who lived under the radiance of Dazhdbog-Sun.

Those living on Midgard-Earth began to be called the Great Race, and those who remained living on Ingard-Earth - the Ancient Race.

The Gods repeatedly arrived on Midgard-Earth, communicated with the descendants of the Great Race, passing on Wisdom to them.

165032 years have passed from the time when the Goddess Tara visited Midgard-Earth. She is the younger sister of God Tarkh, named Dazhdbog.

Goddess Tara always sparkles with kindness, love, tenderness, care and attention to people.

The polar star among the Slavic-Aryan peoples is named after this beautiful Goddess - Tara.

According to legend (and according to Plato's testimony about Atlantis), the Earth was distributed among our first ancestors by lot.

Tarkh and Tara owned what is now called Siberia and the Far East.

Together they got the name of the territory of Tarkhtar, changed by the descendants to Tartaria, and then migrated to the name of the people of the Tatars.

2. Supreme God Perun

More than 40,000 thousand years ago, God Perun visited Midgard-Earth for the third time from Urai-Earth in the Hall of the Eagle on the Svarog Circle.

The Patron God of all warriors and many Clans of the Great Race.

God the Thunderer, who controls Lightning, the son of God Svarog and Lada the Mother of God.

After the first three Heavenly Battles between Light and Darkness, when the Light Forces won, God Perun descended to Midgard-Earth to tell people about the events that had taken place and about what awaits the Earth in the future, about the onset of the Dark Ages.

Dark times are the period of people's lives when they stop honoring the Gods and live according to the Heavenly Laws, and begin to live according to the laws that the representatives of the Hellish World impose on them.

They teach people to create their own laws and live by them, and thereby aggravate their lives and lead to self-destruction.

There are Traditions that God Perun visited Midgard-Earth several more times in order to tell the Hidden Wisdom to the Priests and Elders of the Clans of the Holy Race, how to prepare for dark, difficult times, when the arm of our swastika galaxy will pass through spaces subject to forces from the Dark Worlds of Hell .

At this time, the Light Gods stop visiting their peoples, because. they do not penetrate into other people's spaces, subject to the forces of the Dark Worlds of Inferno.

With the release of our galaxy from the spaces of the Dark Worlds of Hell, the Light Gods will again begin to visit the Clans of the Great Race.

The beginning of the Days of Light begins in Holy Summer 7521 A.D.S. or 2012 A.D.

God Perun gave the peoples of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Commandment and warned of upcoming events in the future for 40176 years.

During his Third visit to Midgard-Earth, God Perun told the Sacred Wisdom to the people of the Clans of the Great Race.

Our Ancestors of Belovodye wrote down the Sacred Wisdom in Aryan Runes in the Nine Circles of the Santi Vedas of Perun. In the Nine Books of the Wisdom of God Perun.

3. Dazhdbog

Then, Dazhdbog arrived on Midgard-Earth - God Tarkh Perunovich, the God-Keeper of the ancient Great Wisdom.

He was named Dazhdbog (the giving God) for giving the people of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan Nine Santi (Books).

These Santias were written down by ancient Runes and contained the Sacred Ancient Vedas, the Commandments of Tarkh Perunovich and his instructions.

Santii, in the original, can only visually be called a Book, because. Santii are plates of noble metal on which Ancient x\"Aryan Runes are inscribed.

The plates are fastened with three rings, which symbolize the three Worlds: Yav (the World of People), Nav (the World of Spirits and Souls of the Ancestors), Rule (the Light World of the Slavic-Aryan Gods).

All inhabitants in different Worlds (in Galaxies, Star Systems) and on the Earths, where the representatives of the Ancient Family live, live according to the Ancient Wisdom, Family Foundations and Rules, which the Family adheres to.

After God Tarkh Perunovich visited our Ancestors, they began to call themselves "Dazhdbog's grandchildren." Our Ancestors were visited by many other Gods.

4. Country of Daaria

The sacred country of Daaria was located on a sunken mainland in the Arctic Ocean and was divided into four parts by rivers: Rai, Tula, Svaga and x\"Arra.

Each clan of the Great Race had its own territory, limited by rivers.

All four rivers flowed into the inland sea.

There was an island in the sea on which Mount Meru stood.

On Mount Meru, the city of Asgard of Daaria and the Great Temple were built.

There is a copy-map of Daaria, which was copied by Mercater in 1595 from the wall of one of the pyramids in Giza.

5. Shape of the Earth

According to the Runic Chronicles, 300,000 years ago, the appearance of the planet Earth was completely different.

The Sahara desert was the sea. The Indian Ocean is land. There was no Strait of Gibraltar.

On the Russian Plain, where Moscow is located, there was a sea. On the territory of Omsk there was a large island Buyan.

The Sacred Land of Daaria was connected with the mainland by the mountain isthmus of the Riphean (Ural) mountains.

The Volga River flows into the Black Sea.

6. Different people

On Midgard-Earth, people with different skin colors and a certain territory of residence live.

This Earthly humanity has ancestors who arrived on Midgard-Earth from various Heavenly Halls - Star Systems, namely: the Great Race - white skin color; Great Dragon - yellow skin color; Fire Serpent - red skin color; Gloomy Wasteland - black skin color; Hell World - gray skin color, Aliens.

The allies of the White Race in the battle with the Forces of Darkness were the People from the Hall of the Great Dragon.

They were allowed to settle on Earth, having determined a place in the South-East, at the rising of the Yarilo-Sun. Modern China.

Another ally, the people from the Hall of the Fire Serpent, was assigned a place on the lands in the Atlantic Ocean.

Subsequently, with the advent of the Clans of the Great Race, this Earth began to be called Antlan, i.e., the Land of Ants, the ancient Greeks called it Atlantis.

After the death of Antlani, righteous people, with the skin color of the Sacred Fire, the Heavenly Force (Waitmars) transferred to the east to the boundless Earth at sunset Yarila-Sun lying ... (American continent).

In ancient times, the possessions of the Great Country of Black People covered not only the African continent, but also part of Hindustan.

The Indian tribes of the Dravidians and Nagas belonged to the Negroid peoples and worshiped the Goddess Kali-Ma - the Goddess of the Black Mother.

Our Ancestors gave them the Vedas - Sacred Texts, now known as the Indian Vedas (Hinduism).

Having learned about the eternal Heavenly Laws, such as the Law of Karma, Incarnation and Reincarnation, and others, they abandoned obscene deeds, from bloody human sacrifices to the Goddess Kali-Ma and the Black Dragons.

The enemy of the Great Race and other Races on Midgard-Earth are representatives of the Pekelny World, who secretly penetrated to Midgard-Earth, therefore, the territory of residence is not defined.

God Perun calls them Aliens.

They have gray skin, they have eyes of the color of Darkness, and they are bisexual (initially), they could be a wife or husband (hermaphrodites, whose sexual orientation changed depending on the phases of the moon).

They paint their faces with colors to resemble the Children of Men...

They never take off their clothes in public.

Create all sorts of false religious cults and specifically trying to destroy or denigrate the Cult of God Perun.

They covet everything alien to them that does not belong to them ... All their thoughts are only about power.

The goal of the Aliens is to break the harmony reigning in the World of Light... and to destroy the Descendants of the Heavenly Clan and the Great Race, for only they can give a worthy rebuff to the Forces of Hell...

Using lies and very flattering words, they gain confidence in the inhabitants, as soon as they gain trust among the inhabitants, they begin to comprehend their ancient heritage.

Having learned everything that is possible in the ancient heritage, they begin to interpret it in their favor.

They declare themselves messengers of God, but they bring only strife and wars to the world.

Using cunning and vicious deeds, they turn the young away from Wisdom, accustom them to live in idleness, to non-observance of their father's traditions.

They do not know about the Honor and Truth of Heaven, for in their hearts there is no Conscience...

With lies and flattery of the unrighteous, they will capture many parts of Midgard-Earth, but they will be defeated and exiled to the country of the Man-Made Mountains (Egypt), where people with skin of the color of Darkness and Descendants of the Heavenly Clan will live.

And people will begin to teach them to work, so that they themselves can feed their children ...

But the lack of desire to work will unite the Aliens, and they will leave the country of the Man-Made Mountains and settle in all the edges of Midgard-Earth...

Millions of lives will be taken by senseless wars for the sake of the desires of the Outlanders, because the more wars ... and deaths, the more wealth will be gained by the messengers of the World of Darkness.

The Dark Forces, in order to achieve their goals, will even use Fire Mushrooms, death-bearing ones will rise above Midgard-Earth.

7. Three Moons

The Holy Scriptures say that initially, in ancient times, Midgard-Earth had two moons.

Small Moon Lelya, with a period of revolution around the Earth of 7 days, and Big Moon - Month - 29.5 days.

During the Great Assa, the borderlands near Midgard-Earth were destroyed by the Dark Forces.

Planet Dey - Earth Dey, the destroyed fifth planet of the Yarila-Sun system, now the remnants of the Earth - Day make up the Asteroid belt, between the orbits of the Earth Oreya (Mars) and the Earth of Perun (Jupiter).

Since that time, 153.368 years have passed.

The Heavenly Power (Waitmars) transferred part of the perishing population, with the skin of the color of Gloom, to Midgard-Earth, and placed them on the African continent, and on part of Hindustan, which corresponded to their climatic conditions on the Earth of Deya.

The Moon Fatta, from the lost Earth Dei, was moved by the Heavenly Force to Midgard-Earth.

Since then, Midgard-Earth has had three moons. This happened 142.992 years ago.

The moon Fatta was determined between the paths of Lely and the Moon with a period of revolution around the Earth of 13 days.

8. Luna Lelya

The first Great Flood occurred as a result of the destruction of the Moon Leli, one of the three Moons revolving around Midgard-Earth.

Here is how ancient sources say about this event: “You are My children! Know that the Earth walks past the Sun, but My words will not pass you by!

And about ancient times, people, remember! About the Great Flood that destroyed people, about the fall of fire on Mother Earth! (Russian Vedas "Songs of the bird Gamayun")

“You, on Midgard, live quietly, since ancient times, when the world was established ...

Remembering from the Vedas, about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of Koshcheev, that on the nearest moon were ...

Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koshchei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya ...

These Koshchei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared along with the Moon in half a hour ...

But, Midgard paid for freedom with Daaria, hidden by the Great Flood...

The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell to the Earth from heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into parts, and the army of Svarozhichs descended to Midgard ... ”, - “Santii of the Vedas of Perun”.

After the waters and fragments of the destroyed Moon Lely fell on Midgard-Earth, not only the appearance of the Earth changed, but also the temperature regime on the surface.

9. Migration of the clans of the Great Race

Salvation from the Great Flood occurred 111.808 years ago (109.808 BC), by the final migration of the Clans of the Great Race from Daaria to Rasseniya.

Rasseniya was the name of the territory of the Eurasian continent, on which the Great Race gradually settled, after the exodus from Daaria, and then from Belovodye.

Easter - Great holiday in honor of the salvation from the Flood of the Clans of the Great Race.

Paskhet - the path that the Gods walked.

The development of the Holy Land took place in pre-Biblical times.

Then the Clans of the Great Race, i.e., the white peoples, moved from the Northern ancestral home, the mainland on the northern peak of the Earth, now called differently: Arctida, Hyperborea, Severia, etc.

The peoples were warned by the Great Priest Spas about the impending death of Daaria as a result of the Great Flood.

They moved along the Stone Isthmus between the East and West Seas.

These are the now known names Stone, Stone Belt, Riphean or Ural Mountains, and inhabited the territory of the present Southern Urals.

This happened 111.808 years ago.

Our Great Ancestors inhabited a large island in the Eastern Sea called Buyan. Now it is the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia.

From here began the settlement of the Holy Race in the nine cardinal directions. The fertile land of Asia or the Land of the Holy Race is the territory of modern Western and Eastern Siberia, from the Riphean Mountains (Urals) to the Aryan Sea (Lake Baikal).

This territory was called Belorechye, Pyatirechye, Semirechye, etc.

About this fertile Holy Land, the Runic Chronicles have been preserved not only in the Old Russian Church of the Old Believers-Ynglings, but also in the Holy Mahabharata:

“Above Evil rises the country where bliss is tasted; She is ascended by the power (of the Spirit), and therefore, the Ascended is called ... This is the road of the Ascended Golden Dipper.

It is believed that it is in the middle between East and West... In this vast Northern Territory... A cruel, insensitive and lawless person does not live...

Here is the Constellation of Swati, here they remember its greatness; Here they descend to the sacrifice, Tara was strengthened by the Great Ancestor, ”-“ The Book of Efforts ”.

10. Settlement of Belorechie

First of all, the Great Ancestors settled a large island in the Eastern Sea, called Buyan, now it is the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia.

After the retreat of the Western and Eastern seas, the Clans of the Great Race settled the Earth, which was previously the seabed.

Since then, the Sacred Land appeared among the Slavs and Aryans and it became known as Belovodye. She had another name - Pyatirechye.

On the basis of the ancient Runic Chronicles of the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings, we can draw the main conclusion that Pyatirechye and Belovodie are synonyms pointing to the same territory.

Pyatirechye is a land washed by the Rivers Iriy (Irtysh: Iriy the Quietest, Irtysh), Ob, Yenisei, Angara and Lena.

The name Belovodie comes from the ancient name of the Irtysh River - Belaya Voda.

Later, when the glacier retreated, the Clans of the Great Race settled along the Ishim and Tobol rivers.

Thus, Pyatirechye turned into Semirechye. Pyatirechye, Belovodie, Semirechye had another, more ancient name - the land of the Holy Race.

The Land of the Holy Race stretched from the Urals to the Great Ocean in the East, and from the Northern Ocean to the Iri Mountains (Mongolian Altai) and India.

11. The first great cooling

As a result of the first Great Cooling, a third of the year of the northern hemisphere of Midgard-Earth began to be covered with snow.

Due to the lack of food for people and animals, the Great Migration of the descendants of the Heavenly Clan began beyond the Ural Mountains, which defended Holy Rasseniya on the western borders.

The entire northern hemisphere of the Earth belonged to the White Race.

Black Sea - Rosskoe Sea. Baltic - Slovenian Sea. The White Sea is the Cold Ocean. Gulf of Ob - Tartary Sea.

The clans of the Great Race sailed to the Atlantic and America. The seas were warm. After the Second Great Cooling and the tilt of the axis, the water cooled.

12. Destruction of the Moon of Fatta

Great wealth clouded the heads of leaders and priests. Laziness and desire for someone else's eclipsed their mind.

And they began to lie to the Gods and people, began to live according to their own laws, violating the Testaments of the Wise First Ancestors and the Laws of the One Creator God.

And they began to use the Power of the Elements of Midgard-Earth to achieve their goals.

In the battle between the people of the White Race and the priests of Antlany, the moon of Fatta was destroyed.

When Fatta was destroyed, a huge fragment crashed into the Earth, as a result of which, the inclination of the earth's axis by 30 degrees and the continental outlines changed.

Yarilo-Sun began to pass through other Heavenly Halls on the Svarog Circle.

A giant wave went around the earth three times, which led to the death of Antlany and other islands.

Increased volcanic activity led to atmospheric pollution, which was one of the causes of the Great Cooling and glaciation 13.010 years ago.

Many centuries passed before the atmosphere began to clear, and the glaciers retreated to the poles.

After the death of Antlani, the righteous people, the Pure Light Race, the Heavenly Force transferred Ta-Kemi to the territory of the Great Country, which was located to the east of Antlani and to the south of Great Venya.

There lived tribes with skin of the color of Gloom and tribes with skin of the color of the Setting Sun - the ancestors of certain Semitic peoples, in particular the Arabs.

Ta-Kemi was the name of an ancient country that existed in the north of the African continent, on the territory of modern Egypt.

From ancient Egyptian legends it is known that this country was founded by nine White Gods who came from the North.

Under the White Gods this case, white-skinned Priests are hiding - initiated into Ancient Knowledge, undoubtedly, were Gods for the Negroid population of Ancient Egypt.

The Greeks called them Cimmerians.

The White Gods created the state of Egypt and transferred sixteen secrets to the local population: the ability to build housing and temples, farming techniques, animal husbandry, irrigation, handicraft art, navigation, military art, music, astronomy, poetry, medicine, the secrets of embalming, secret sciences, the institute of priesthood , the institute of the pharaoh, the use of minerals.

All these skills the Egyptians received from the first dynasties.

Four Clans of the Great Race, replacing each other, taught the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests.

Their knowledge was so extensive that they quickly organized themselves into a powerful civilization.

The date of formation of the state of Egypt is known - 12-13 thousand years ago.

How the White Priests ended up in Egypt, now we know their route: Belovodye (Rasseniya), Antlan (Atlantis), - Ancient Egypt.

Later, part of the Clans of the Great Race, due to severe droughts, moved to the lower reaches of the Danube River. Their modern name is Little Russians or Ukrainians (Slavs living at the edge of the earth).

Modern Ukraine is the legal successor of the state that was on Atlantis. There are many facts about this.

So, the main god of Atlantis (Antlani) was the god of the seas Niy with a trident. The trident is the main element of the coat of arms of Kievan Rus and present-day Ukraine.

Unfortunately, no one remembers how he really got to us.

If we take into account that the grammar changes by 2-5% per millennium, then such a change takes from 10 to 25 thousand years, which could happen with the single primary language of our ancestors when they moved to Atlantis.

At the same time, it must be taken into account that it has already passed, somewhere, 2-3 thousand years from the time the Slavs returned to the territory of present-day Ukraine, after which the Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​converged.

Then the name of our country "Ukraine" (near the edge) does not fit in with the central position of the settlers in Europe.

Most likely, the name refers to the settlements of the Slavs at the edge of the earth, on the island, i.e. in Atlantis. From there it migrated here, losing its primary meaning.

13. Names of the Territory of Rasseniya

The Holy Land of the Clans of the Great Race on its territory had the following names.

In the lower reaches of the Ob, between the Ob and the Ural Mountains, there was Siberia.

To the south, along the banks of the Irtysh, was Belovodie.

The Gulf of Ob is the Scythian Sea. West of Siberia - Lukomorye.

To the south of Lukomorye is Yugorye, which reached the Iriysky mountains.

All this was under the auspices of the Goddess Tara.

Behind Baikal (x \"Aryan Sea) there are lands under the auspices of Tarkh.

The clans that lived beyond Baikal moved to Europe, remembering that they were the grandchildren of Dazhdbogova.

Dazhdbog Tarkh Perunovich and the Goddess Tara protect the boundless lands of Belovodye and the land of the Holy Race.

These territories in the east of the Ural Range are called the lands of Tarkh and Tara, i.e. Great Tartaria.

14. Joint
the life of the Clans of the Great Race

After the flood, the Clans of the Great Race, who moved from Daaria to the land of Rasseniya, settled the lands that were previously the seabed.

On the same territory, the Slavic-Aryan peoples lived together.

They lived in peace, ennobling the land, planting gardens and forests, building Majestic Temples and Cities together.

The clans of the Great Race and the Descendants of the Heavenly Clan helped each other brotherly, it is from here that the “White Brotherhood” originates, for, in all creative deeds, Conscience and pure thoughts were the measure of everything.

This Brotherhood had not only pure thoughts, but also white skin, confirming the unity of the form and content of the White Brotherhood.

They observed two great Principles: “It is sacred to honor our Gods and Ancestors and always live according to Conscience!”.

15. Coat of arms and symbols of Belovodye

By the right of succession of the Holy Spirit, the Great Race uses the Ancient Coat of Arms, depicting the Two-Headed Bird Rokk (Rock, i.e., Destiny) with outstretched wings, which has the right head of an Eagle, and the left, of the mythical Phoenix bird.

The Rokk bird sits on Orgeta, on which is inscribed in Runes - the Holy Race. He holds the Earth with his left paw, and the Sword with his right paw, point up.

Above the heads is a Svarog Circle of sixteen stars.

Inside the Svarog Circle is the Nine-pointed Star of England.

An accompanying symbol, the Sword, is inserted inside the Star of England.

Above the Svarog Circle shines the Constellation Zimun - Ursa Minor - of seven stars.

On the chest of the Rokk bird there is a shield on which the Sword is depicted, with the point down and means the protection and preservation of the Vedas from external enemies. On the Sword is depicted the Solar symbol.

The main symbol of the Old Faith is the Star of England.

It symbolizes the Primary Fire of Divine Creation and the Radiant Light of the Yarila-Sun, as well as the White Harmonious Man, a descendant of the Ancient Light Gods.

The Star of England represents Three intersecting Triangles framed by an outer Circle.

The Three Triangles symbolize the Divine Beginning of one of the Great Triglavs, which patronizes God's World - Reveal, Navi, Rule.

Framing the Great Triglav, the outer Circle, symbolizes the Life-Giving Inglia.

The infinite space outside the Circle symbolizes the One Creator-Creator, whose name is the Great Ra-M-Ha.

The Star of England symbolizes the Human and Natural Beginnings.

In the center of the Star of England, additional Solar symbols are often inserted.

Defining symbols: Salting, Vedara, Svaor, Solstice, Perunitsa (Lightning), Fern Flower, Swastika, Oak Leaf, Kolovrat, Svyatoch, Solard, Runes, Runes of Time, Ancestral Runes, Runes of Images and Kummirs of the Gods, etc.

The Banner Stand of the Holy Race is a rectangular cloth of Madder (violet, i.e., heavenly) color with a Golden diagonal cross and the Star of England. The ratio of width to length, in a ratio of 1: 1.8.

On the Shtand are the Defining symbols of the Holy Race, inscriptions glorifying the Gods.

The colors of the Belovodie flags are white, red, black, dark purple.

Black color - symbolizes the Earth.

Dark purple - night skies.

The Golden Cross is the color of God, directed to the four Clans of the Great Race.

The Silver Nine-Pointed Star of England is called Rasseniya - a symbol of the territory along which the settlement of the Holy Race went in nine directions, on which the descendants of the Clans of the Great Race live.

16. Asgard of Iria

On the day of the Three Moons, when the Three Moons merged in the firmament, the construction of Asgard of Iria and the Great Temple of Inglia, the Great Temple of the Sacred Primary Fire, began.

This day is considered the foundation day of the Holy City of the Gods at the confluence of the Iriy and Om rivers.

Initially, the Ancient City was the Spiritual Center of the Primary Faith of the Slavs and Aryans.

The Temple - the Great Temple of England was built from the Ural stone and had a height, from the base to the top, of a thousand arshins (Alatyr Gora - 711.2 m).

It was a huge pyramidal structure of four temples, which were located one above the other.

The Heavenly Temple had outer walls in the shape of the Nine-pointed Star of England.

At present, part of the network of underground structures has been preserved, these passages were used by the OGPU-NKVD-MGB-KGB and, now, by the FSB.

Asgard of Iri - As - God living on Earth; guard - city.

The City of the Gods on the river Iriy (modern Irtysh) was built in the Summer of 5028 from the Great Migration from Daaria (104.780 BC), in its place, at present, is the modern city of Omsk.

Asgard of Iria became the capital of Belovodye.

Asgard of Iria was destroyed in Summer 7038 by S.M.Z.H. (1530 AD) Dzungars - people from the northern provinces of Arimia (China).

Old men, children and women hid in the dungeons, and then went to the sketes.

The Slavic-Aryan Clans, hiding in the taiga sketes and skufs of Belovodye, kept the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors, the Kummirs of the Gods, Santia and Haratia.

In 1598, part of the Clans moved, from various sketes and skufs, to the new city - Tara, where they united into a single clan community.

The city of Tara was founded in Summer 3502 (2006 BC) before the second Dravidian campaign at the confluence of the rivers Iry and Tara.

After the Tara riots in 1772 AD, many community members were executed by decree of Peter I, and the survivors hid in the Urman Sketes.

During the time of Catherine II, the Old Believers-Inglings moved to the place where Asgard stood, it was already the city of Omsk, built in 1716 on the site of the destroyed Asgard.

In ancient Runic history, four earthly cities called Asgard are mentioned, these are:

Asgard of Daaria, was located on the top of Mount Peace (Meru), in the Sacred Country of Daaria, on the sunken Northern Continent (Arctida, Hyperborea, Severia);

Asgard of Iria, described above;

Asgard of Sogdia, was in Central Asia, near Ashgabat, in Sogdiana, the only country that gave a worthy rebuff to the troops of Alexander the Great;

Asgard Svitiodsky, was in Scandinavia.

After the Great Fire, when Asgard burned down, a new city was built in its place, called Uppsala.

17. trip to India

The Aryans undertook two campaigns to the east, to Dravidia. This campaign took place from Belovodie.

The campaign began in the Summer of 2817 from S.M.Z.Kh. or (2692 BC). Returned to Summer 2893 from S.M.Z.Kh. or (2616 BC).

Dravidia - so in ancient times, the Rasichi called ancient India, by the name of the most numerous people of the Dravidians.

In this country of the Black People, the Dravidian and Naga tribes belonged to the Negroid peoples and worshiped Kali-Ma - the Black Mother. Their rituals included human sacrifice.

The emergence of ancient Indian civilization was the result of the first x\"Aryan campaign.

According to Indian legends, the Seven White Teachers (Rishis), who came from behind the Northern High Mountains (Himalayas), brought the local population the Vedas and the new Vedic Faith (Hinduism), taught people with skin of the color of Darkness, the Wisdom of the World of Radiance, so that they would stop making sacrifices bloody to their Goddess - Black Mother and Serpent-Dragon from the World of Navi.

In the last part of the Sacred Sayings from the Wisdom of the Radiances, they were included in a book called the Rig-Vedas, which has been preserved on the territory of modern India. Otherwise they are called the Indian Vedas.

During the second trip to Dravidia, Summer 3503 from S.M.Z.Kh. (2006 BC), Khan Uman (High Priest of the Light Cult of the Goddess Tara), was appointed Spiritual Advisor to the King of the Forest People (Dravids).

There is a discrepancy in the logic of dates here, since the war with the Chinese was 7512 years ago, after which the Creation of the World took place in the Star Temple.

It is possible that there were three campaigns: the two campaigns mentioned above and the campaign when the war broke out.

18. Creation of the World in the Star Temple

The Great Race was returning from Dravidia (Ancient India), after the First x\"Aryan campaign.

The Rasichi walked for a long time past the rare villages that met in Arimia.

So Rasichi called the country of dark-skinned people (in comparison with representatives of the Great Race), Ancient China.

Great Glory was about this country, and the Gods were in the country of the Middle Kingdom.

This figurative name of their country is still used by the inhabitants of China.

The ruler of China decided to unleash an aggressive, predatory war against the Great Race.

The Great Dragon was defeated in this war and this event was immortalized in ancient history.

The White Horseman (God-Knight), spearing the Dragon (the ancient snake), was depicted on the frescoes and bas-reliefs of the ancient temples and various buildings of the Great Race.

Sculptures with this plot were sculpted from stone, cast from noble metals and carved from various types of trees.

This victory was imprinted on images (icons) and minted on coins.

At present, this plot is known as St. George the Victorious, striking the Dragon (snake) with a spear.

In the ancient written monument of the Slavs Avesta, the battle of Prince Asura with Ahriman was described.

The Avesta was written in runes on 12,000 oxhides. It was burned by Alexander the Great when it fell into his hands.

The further goal of Macedonian, a Slav by blood, but an enemy of the Slavs by upbringing (his teacher was the Greek Aristotle), was the conquest of India, to destroy the Indian Vedas.

On the Day of the Autumn Equinox, when the time of the New Year came, on this day, Ahriman (the ruler of Arimia) and Asura (As - God living on Earth, Ur - inhabited, fertile Earth) - the Bright Prince of the land of the Holy Race, concluded a peace treaty between the warring powers , the Great Dragon (Ahriman) and the Great Race (Asur).

Since that time, the reckoning from the Creation of the World appeared in the Star Temple (the name of the year according to the Circle of Chislobog).

Old Believers-Ynglings celebrated Summer 7510 from committing this event(S.M.Z.Kh.).

19. Resettlement of Clans of the Great Race

From the Holy Land, the peoples of the Great Race settled throughout the Asian, and then the European part of the Eurasian continent.

Sacred legends of different peoples tell about these migrations.

Great Venya is a land in the West from the Ural Mountains, it was inhabited by Clans and Tribes of Slavs and Aryans.

They were engaged in agriculture and crafts, construction of Cities and Temples, i.e., they had a settled way of life.

They were called Wends. This land corresponds to the modern territory of Europe.

This people called themselves the Russes, the Russian people.

The Latins called them Etruscans. The Greeks called them tyrrhens (tyrants).

They called themselves Russen.

The Etruscans settled in the extreme west of Europe, freed from the glacier, and on the Appenian Peninsula.

In the Apennines, the Etruscans founded a state, which included 12 tribal city-states and territories adjacent to them.

The capital of the state was the city of Tarquinia. The Etruscan state was called Etruria.

Cities and territories were ruled by local rulers, princes and "clergy": lukomons and haruspices.

The basis of the economy of Russia-Etruria was agriculture, cattle breeding, and numerous crafts.

The Etruscans knew how to extract iron and copper ore, smelted metals and made various products from them.

The processing of products made of copper, bronze, iron, gold and other metals reached such a high degree of perfection that now it amazes and delights visitors to museums where Etruscan products are stored.

Exploring the islands of the Mediterranean Sea, the Etruscans created a powerful military and merchant fleet, which allowed them to develop extensive trade with coastal countries and gain undivided dominance on the entire Mediterranean coast.

The Etruscans built their cities on mountain peaks and in valleys sheltered by mountains.

Track roads were laid from the seaports deep into the country. In the country of the Etruscans, great importance was attached to urban planning and improvement of cities (planning, water supply, sewerage, etc.).

Engineering reached the highest level of development: in addition to track roads, dirt roads were laid, tunnels were made, bridges were built, rivers were straightened, irrigation systems were built, huge dams and reservoirs, etc.

All this required precise engineering calculations and written documentation.

Among the cities founded by the Etruscans was Rome. A powerful irrigation system (Cloaca Maxima) was built here, with the help of which a malarial swamp was drained between seven hills, where primitive cattle-breeding tribes of Sebeni, Latins, and other Italics huddled.

Having equipped and strengthened Rome with powerful defensive walls, the Etruscans ruled in it.

The first Russian tsar in Rome was Tarquinius the Ancient, then Servius Tulius, nicknamed Masterna, and the last was Tarquinius the Proud.

The legend about Romulus and Remus, allegedly fed at this place by a she-wolf, has no factual basis.

For various reasons, the Russian people of the Mediterranean were completely exterminated in the course of the struggle against the invaders and consigned to oblivion.

Neither the ancient conquerors, nor their obliging modern "historians" succeeded in erasing forever the memory of the mighty Mediterranean Russia from the history of mankind.

Geographical names, the ruins of cities, engineering structures that are still in operation, and, finally, the products of Etruscan masters are material evidence of this.

On many products, words are scratched out in Russian letters, pronounced in Russian (not in Old Slavonic), namely in Russian, in a sound close to the modern Russian language.

20. Great Power of the Pure Light Race

The Great Russian State was a huge social system, a strong people who settled in the vast territories of Europe and Asia, called Rasseniya.

Rasseniya - the territory over which the Great Race settled, i.e. white peoples.

Subsequently, the word Rasseniya passed into the Latin language, and they began to translate it simply Rus.

In ancient times, the territory of Rasseniya was washed by the waters of four oceans: the Icy - the Arctic Ocean; East - Pacific Ocean; Western - Atlantic Ocean; Madder - Indian Ocean.

The state had rich trade, crafts and industry. It included many known and unknown principalities, such as: Kievan Rus, Novgorod Rus, Serbian Rus, Pomeranian Rus, Mediterranean Rus and others.

Many Small Russian Principalities were considered as Small Principalities, in comparison with other Russian Principalities, but even the Smallest Russian Principality occupied a territory larger than a modern European state.

One generation replaces another, state systems and regimes collapse, everything changes in this world.

As long as the people remember their roots, honor the traditions of their Great Ancestors, preserve and honor their Ancient history, culture and symbols, until that time the People are Alive and will Live!

The revival of Ynglism, the Holy Old Faith of the Clans of the Great Race, in everyday folk life is the highest goal facing the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings.

Who, if not us, the Old Believers-Ynglings living in Belovodye, will have to return the Clans of the Pure Light, their widest knowledge and Native, not distorted History.

To this it should be added that the war, as a result of which the planet Deya was destroyed, has "tails" that are still stretching in our time.

Two great religions, Judaism and Christianity, also lie in the same vein. In general, any religion is a synthesis of ancient knowledge (with their falsification) and the ideology of a certain caste.

In ancient times, each Clan, Clan and Tribe of the Great Race had its own unique Family Symbol *, which was depicted on the Family Stand **. Each Clan of the Great Race or each Tribe of the descendants of the Clan of Heaven ...

From ancient times, all Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings wore white clothes, because this color meant not only the Light of the Soul and the Spiritual purity of the Great Race, but also a direct belonging to the Heavenly Divine Clans. On every…

All the materials presented in this publication on Ynglism are the smallest drop in the boundless ocean of Radiant Wisdom, i.e. Faith and vast life experience of our Great Ancestors. And experience and Faith, spanning millions of years, is impossible...

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ORTHODOXING Beginning of the Morning Service - 10. Part (9:00). Beginning of the Evening service - 16. Hour (18:00). EVERYDAY Blessed are the Gods of Light and Wisdom Our Ancestors. Now and ever from Circle to Circle! And great Glory...

After the publication of the first two books from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas series, several letters were received in which our esteemed readers asked to publish diagrams, plans or drawings of Temples, Sanctuaries and Kummiren. Most of the authors...

"The Source of Life" is the fourth book in the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" series, published for general use. This book carries modern man to the Ancient World of Images. The heritage of the Ancestors of the Slavic and Aryan peoples of Midgard-Earth throughout their …

1. Preface 2. First message - Ladaad 3. Second message - Radmir 4. Third message - return from Dravidia Preface In ancient and glorious times on the fertile Midgard-Earth, in the fertile ancient land, in ...

People go along the path of their lives and do not know why they were born. Why did the Gods send them to the World of Reveal what is the purpose in life and what is after it. Where will this lead them...

Once upon a time, in a forest skuf [forest settlement], an orach-worker [plowman, peasant] Lubomir Vedaslavich with his wife-ladushka Mlada Zareslavna: and Rod gave them nine sons and three daughters. Lubomir Vedaslavich raised his sons to their feet, ...

That was in ancient times, when miracles still happened on Midgard-Earth. Once upon a time, in one of the fertile cities of Belovodie, a just prince and his princess lived. Their life could become happy if in summer ...

Dear readers, you are holding in your hands the Fourth Book from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas series. Much of what we planned to publish you will not be able to see in this Book, for several reasons. The Fourth Book of...

Dear readers, in the first three Books from the series "Slavic-Aryan Vedas", you partially got acquainted with the Daariyan Krugolet Chislobog. In this Fourth Book, data are provided that help a person who knows his date of birth according to the Round Number of Numbers, ...

The laws of RITA are the Heavenly Laws of the purity of the Kin and Blood. About the Laws of RITA, according to which all the Slavic and Aryan peoples lived since ancient times, in modern world learned in mid-nineteenth century. Now …

"CIRCLES OF TIME". Chronicles of the Old Russian Church. Circle 39 from S.M.Z.Kh. Pater Diy Trislav the Warrior (5495-5537) [in brackets Summer of Life: 13 BC - 29 AD] In the Summer of 5528 of the month of Dailet ...

"CIRCLES OF TIME". Chronicles of the Old Russian Church. Circle 41 from S.M.Z.Kh. Pater Diy Ruslan the Warrior (5840-5896) [Summers of Life from 332 to 388 AD] From the beginning of his service to the Light Gods, Ruslan, grandson of Darin, son of Mstislav, two ...

A.Yu. (Belovodye). Origins Yarilo rose over the fields, painting the stubble in gold. Birds sang over the forests, driving away the nights of oblivion. Glades opened with greenery, the pine forest rustled again. And Vodyanoy, who sang Niya, continued the conversation with Leshy. …

The collapse of the communist ideology in our country at the end of the 20th century gave rise to the desire of many Russian people to get to know and accept other ideological and religious systems. In the 90s of the XX century, a stream of various ideological and religious ...

When we talk about the Slavic world outlook, we are talking about the ancient Faith of the Slavs, on the basis of which the Slavic society functioned. Faith means Radiant Wisdom, that is, first of all, to know the Universe in its entirety ...

Our Milky Way galaxy is an accumulation of a huge number of suns, stars, earths, moons, asteroids, comets and dust that revolve around a single center called Svarga. All the suns and stars that we see in the sky...

Four stages of the birth of Galaxies: the explosion of the "Black Hole", the spread of Matter in space, the formation and division of Galaxies, the birth of a new Galaxy.

On the emergence and development of intelligent life in our Milky Way galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy has not always been what it is today. Billions of years ago, Ancient forms existed in our galaxy...

What the reader will be introduced to in this chapter is known to many interested researchers. But all this information turns out to be unknown or inaccessible to the vast majority of people, often only because official academic science does not want to explain many ...

Not all mediums and clairvoyants deserve attention. The vast majority of them are ordinary charlatans who have read materials about the experiments of really capable people and are trying to prove their supposedly outstanding abilities. Therefore, you will have to rely on those ...

Before revealing the mythology of the peoples of the world, we need to understand what is real mythology, and what are the legends and legends of the peoples about their distant past? So, all the ancient sources, oral and written ...

Our analysis of little-known archeology [link], contacts of clairvoyants and mediums with other Worlds [link], legends, tales, epics and writings of the peoples of the world [link] allows us to assert that the past of mankind was not the same as its ...

I have never met live people who read the Slavic-Aryan Vedas.

Despite the fact that this is the most ancient historical source on the planet about our Slavic history. They read all sorts of crap at school, they watch even more crap on TV. But no one knows the history of his people.

Also, few people know that the real date of the writing of the Vedas is about 40 thousand years BC. For comparison, the Indian Vedas (about 5 thousand years BC) are now considered the oldest source. But you yourself understand that these are just echoes from our Slavic culture. I generally keep quiet about the Bible - modern writings.

Here's what those letters look like.

Society and official science are fenced off from these data. In my opinion, it is obvious that politics is pure water - in order to destroy our ancient Slavic culture in the bud.

In general, I'm working out the Vedas, you can read the whole book below. There is an incredible amount of valuable information about the history of our planet, aliens and the technologies of an ancient civilization.

Moreover - after reading everything, you will understand why Hitler unleashed the Second World War.

Well, among other things - the original Russian language of the text, stunning in its beauty. Personally, I savored every line and really enjoyed reading it.

Deciphering the terms in brackets - at the bottom of the page, you can duplicate this page in a new tab and scroll to the very bottom - for ease of reading.

By the way, if this post does not receive at least 5 comments, then I will no longer shoot serious chips on the blog. I will not do anything for people who do not appreciate their native culture and history.

I will focus again. This text is 40 thousand years old. This has been proven by scientists.

Circle One

Santia 1
eleven). As in the city of the Gods, in Asgard of Iria,
at the confluence of the sacred rivers Iria and Omi,
near the Great Temple of England,
at the sacred stone Alatyr,
descended from Wightman's heaven, the divine chariot...
Great radiance and flame surrounded her,
when she landed on earth...

2(2). Gathered, congregated to the Heavenly Vaitman,
The Kh'Aryan and Da'Aryan clans,
The Rassen and Svyatorus families,
leaders and warriors of all Clans of the Great Race,
silver-haired Veduns gathered
and the Wise Magi,
and servants of the One God...

3(3). Gathered, gathered
around the Wightmans sat in rows,
many days the Gods were glorified...
And Wightman opened, came out of it in the flesh
Bright God of Heaven...

4(4). Rivers God eternally beautiful:
I came from Uray-Earth,
from Heavenly Svarga, where light Iry flows,
in the gardens of Vyriya, near Heavenly Asgard,
I am Perun the Thunderer, son of Svarog.
Listen to the people and warriors of the Human Clans my words,
listen to the teaching of my words ...
Ratibor, a warrior from the Svyatorus family, spoke to Perun:
You tell, tell the Light Leader,
Is there death for the warriors of our Clans?

5(5). Perun answered the warrior: No death
for the warriors of the Heavenly Kin...
Any open or secret doubt of the heart,
God Vyshen, Guardian of the Worlds,
Father Svarog and my grandfather,
the best of all the Wise, will allow ...
I know that the Wisdom of the Gods is eternal.
Who became a teacher, even if he told the Great Secret,
we do not blame the Gods, for there is no death for them ...

6(6). And the people asked the Thunderer the Wise:
You, tell us, Svarozhich, tell us,
why Servants of the One God and Wanderers of God,
do they want to achieve Immortality through the knowledge of the Vedas?
You, tell us, tell us
Is there death in the World of Reveal or is everything Immortal?
Which of the two is true?

7(7). Svarozhich answered them: Both are correct,
but only deluded
singers teach about death, people.
I call deceit - death,
I call immortality a non-deceit...
In self-deception Legi died,
non-deceit, being is achieved in the Rule.
And death is not like a lynx devours those born,
it has no perceived form...
You are watching death in the environment,
but you won't find it for yourself...

8(8). Other people believe that Udrzec is the God of the dead,
different from death, and your walk
to the World of Rule Immortally,
it abides in Souls and Spirit with you;
The same God reigns in the World of Ancestors,
He is good to those who are good, but He is not good to those who are not good...
By the command of Udrzec, in the Children of Men
anger, delusion and death manifest,
taking the form of greed ...

9(9). Driven off the road by self
a person does not achieve unity with the Soul ...
Lost people in the power of death
move along this road and, having died,
again and again they get to Navi Mir ...
Feelings go astray behind them,
therefore death is called Maron ...

10(10). Indulging in your deeds,
in pursuit of their fruits,
they keep going in that direction
and do not overcome death...
Instead of striving for righteous purposes,
as the conscience calls people,
Child of Man, born on Midgard,
will revolve in the Circle of Delights and
along the way, his death awaits...

11(11). This is a great delusion of the senses,
united with vain goals,
moves to Hell along a futile road ...
Struck by associations with vain aims
and thinking about them day and night,
your inner self
will start worshiping outside world Reveal…

12(12). In the World of Reveal, manifested by Rod,
the first thing that strikes people
it's someone else's desire
it soon brings with it anger and lust.
These three creatures of the dark,
foolish people are brought to death,
and in the World of Reveal, only persistent people,
in whom conscience rules,
By perseverance, death is always conquered...

13(13). With a striving thought calming the seething feelings,
neglecting them must be fought ...
For such there is no death,
for they are Knowledge
overcame passions and surpassed death...
And the man who pursues lust
following passions, perishes ...
But having conquered vicious desires,
a person blows off every dust of passions ...

14(14). For all beings and people
The inferno seems to be a hopeless darkness;
how mad they strive carelessly towards failure...
But to the man who renounced madness,
what can death do?
Who will refuse to possess the Ancient Wisdom,
let him not think of anything else,
as if expelling the Force of Life from oneself!

15(15). Anger, greed and delusion of the deep self,
here is death; and they are in this earthly body...
The Man Who Knows Wisdom
Gods and Ancestors
knows that this is how death is born,
and death does not frighten him here ...
In his realm, death disappears,
like a mortal disappears,
entering the realm of death...

16(16). And asked Perun, Odin,
warrior from the Sort of Kh'Aryan:
tell us why the Magi say,
that making bloodless sacrifices,
people can reach the blissful Worlds of Rule,
the purest everlasting...
The Vedas call them the highest goal;
who knows how he can get things done?

Santia 2
1 (17). Answered Odin, Perun the All-Beautiful:
only those who did not know the Great Ancient Wisdom,
they aspire to go there, and for them what remains important is
what is said in the Secret Vedas ...
Free from evil desires strives higher,
through the highest spiritual development,
rejecting vicious ways of development...

2 (18). You live according to the laws of RITA and
according to the laws of God the Creator of the One,
for according to these laws all the Worlds and Earths live,
in all the Universes… created by the Great Ra-M-Ha…
And they don't know death
for death and darkness have left these worlds,
and Light and Immortality filled their lives with beauty...

3 (19). And Harius, the Wise Magus, said:
Our bright Patron,
give Thy Wise Commandments to the human races,
descendants of the Heavenly Clan and the Great Race,
for Truth to triumph on Midgard-Earth,
and Krivda disappeared forever from our World,
and not even a memory of her remained ...

4 (20). Perun the Thunderer answered the Wise Magus,
and to all who gathered to listen to him:
people know my commandments,
listen to the teachings of my words:
Honor your parents
and keep them in old age,
for how will you show concern for them,
your children will take care of you in the same way ...

5(21). Save the memory of all the Ancestors of your Clans
and your descendants will remember you...
Protect old and young
fathers and mothers, sons and daughters,
for these are your Kinsmen, the wisdom and flower of your nations...
Raise in your children
love for the Holy Land Race,
lest they be seduced by miracles overseas,
and they could work miracles
more wonderful and wonderful
yes to the glory of your holy land ...

6 (22). Do not perform miracles for your own good,
but work miracles for the good of your Family and the Heavenly Family...
Help your neighbor in need
for trouble will come to you,
your neighbors will help you too ...
Do good deeds
yes, to the glory of your Family and your Ancestors,
may you gain protection from your Light Gods ...

7 (23). Help with all your might to build temples and sanctuaries,
preserve the Wisdom of God, the Ancient Wisdom...
Wash your hands after your works,
for whoever does not wash his hands loses the power of God...
Purify yourself in the waters of Iria,
that a river flows in the Holy Land,
to wash your white body,
sanctify it by the power of God...

8 (24). Establish on your Earth the Heavenly Law,
what your Light Gods have given you...
Read people, you mermaid days,
keep God's feasts...
Don't forget your gods
burn for the glory of the Gods you incense and incense
and gain the favor and mercy of your gods...

9 (25). Don't hurt your neighbors
you live with them in peace and harmony ...
Do not humiliate the dignity of other people,
and may your dignity not be humiliated ...
Do not harm people of other faiths,
for God the Creator is One over all the Earths...
and over all the worlds...

10 (26). Do not sell, you, your land for gold and silver,
for curses, you, will call upon yourself
and there will be no forgiveness for you all the days without a trace ...
Protect your land and
you will defeat with your right weapon all the enemies of the Race ...

11 (27). Protect the Clans of Rassen and Svyatorus
from foreign enemies that come into your lands
with evil intent and with weapons.
Do not brag about your strength, going to Bran,
and brag from the Field of Battle moving down ...
Keep in secret the Wisdom of God,
do not give the Secret Wisdom to the Gentiles...

12 (28). Do not convince, you, those people
who does not want to listen to you and heed your words ...
Save your Temples and Sanctuaries
from the mockery of the Gentiles,
if you don't save the Sacred Sites of the Holy Race...
and the Faith of your Ancestors,
years of sorrow will visit you, but resentment with suffering ...

13(29). Who flees from his land to a foreign land,
looking for an easy life
that apostate of his kind,
let there be no forgiveness of his kind,
for the gods will turn away from him...
Do not rejoice, you, I am burning for a stranger,
for who rejoices in someone else's grief,
he calls grief to himself ...
Don't slander and don't laugh
over those who love you,
and answer love with love
and gain the protection of your Gods ...
Love your neighbor if he is worthy...

14 (30). Do not marry your brother - your sister,
and the son to his mother, for anger the gods
and ruin the blood of the Family ...
Don't take wives with black skin
for defile the house and ruin your Kin,
but take wives with white skin,
make your home famous...
and continue your Family...
Wives do not wear men's clothes,
because you will lose your femininity,
but wear your wife what is due to you ...

15 (31). Do not break the bonds of the Family Union, consecrated by the Gods,
for you will go against the law of the One Creator God
and lose your happiness...
Let not the child be slain in the womb,
for whoever kills the child in the womb,
will incur the wrath of God the Creator of the One ...

16 (32). Love your husbands wives,
for they are your protection and support, and of your entire Kin ...
Do not drink a lot of intoxicating drink,
know the measure in drinking,
for whoever drinks a lot of intoxicating drink,
loses its humanity...

Santia 3
1 (33). And the Magus Svyatozar said to Perun the Eternally Beautiful:
what does your last commandment mean?
Tell us, tell us.
Perun spoke to all the people gathered:
remember, people of the Great Race,
legend, about the sons of Thor the Wise,
that the sacred Vedas have preserved,
given to you, my son, Tarkh Dazhdbog ...

2 (34). Thor the Wise grew old and called to him
his sons Star, Wing and Odin...
And he spoke these words to them:
my beloved sons
three Circles of Life Years have already passed
mine, old age and weakness have filled my bodies...
My strength is already leaving me.
I know that there is far to the south ...
at the foot of Himavat-mountain,
Skuf of Heavenly Legs…

3 (35). In that foothill Skuf,
the Wise Legs are preparing ...
to all the Gods of Heaven Surits,
shining, divine drink,
bestowing many vitality...
and eternal youth...
If a person drinks Surits Legov,
he will regain the powers of Life,
and again health will return to the bodies ...
and eternal youth will shine in him.

4 (36). And Star said to Thor: My beloved father,
I'll bring you the drink of the Gods...
And Star went to the south, and to Himavat-mountain ...
Long waited for the eldest son Thor the Wise ...
and he sent the middle son
in search of Star, saying to him:
know the trouble happened to your older brother,
you go Wing to help your brother ...
And Wing went in search of his brother Star ...

5 (37). A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since that time in Holy Iria ...
Small moon nine times
made its way around the earth,
and the Big Moon - four times,
and Odin said to Thor the Wise:
my dear Father, let go,
you, me to Himavat-mountain ...
in search of my dear brothers,
in search of foothill Skuf ... Heavenly Legs,
yes Surits divine ...

6 (38). Blessed by Thor the Wise
son of his beloved,
and Odin went to the south, and to Himavat-mountain ...
in search of my brothers
and Skuf of the Heavenly Legs.
How he arrived at Himavat-mountain,
… saw the Skuf of the Heavenly Legs.
In the middle of the foothill Skuf,
cooked Leginya silver-haired,
Suritsu shining in a golden cauldron
... for the Light Gods ...

7 (39). Odin spoke these words:
hello mother Legina,
let there be no dark cloud over your Skuf,
let all your works be
Yes, to the glory of the Gods of Light ...
The silver-haired Legina answered Odin:
be healthy and you, clear good fellow,
tell me what brought you
to our foothill Skuf, and to Himavat-mountain ...

8 (40). The pain-crunch brought me,
for my dear Father,
already three Circles of the Years of his Life have passed,
old age and infirmity took possession of his bodies.
Only Suritsa is your life-bearing, Mother Legina,
cast out old age and infirmity,
yes torment with suffering,
and sanctify the bodies of the Father with the Power of God ...

9 (41). The silver-haired Legina said to Odin:
Suritsa is boiled in a golden cauldron,
you take a drink, try Surits, but remember!
The first bowl, gives strength,
banishes pain, fatigue and weakness ...
The second bowl, gives fun and eternal youth,
banishes oppressive old age ...
The third bowl is superfluous for people,
it turns a man into an animal...

10 (42). Two good fellows came before you,
but they did not listen to my words,
and drank three cups,
and now they are like animals grazing in the meadow
behind our foothill Skuf ...
And she showed them to Odin...
and he recognized his brothers,
and they grazed like sheep in the green meadow...

11 (43). And the heart of Odin was filled
great sorrow for his dear brothers.
And he took the cup with Suritsa and drank it in one spirit ...
His sorrow passed, great powers filled his bodies
and there was a desire to drink another cup,
to gain eternal youth
what the Light Gods have…

12 (44). He drank another cup
fun and eternal youth
filled his body
and a great desire flared up
drink the third cup, but then I remembered Odin
the words of the silver-haired Legini ... and did not drink anymore,
and filled his travel jar,
two bowls of Surica,
for the father of his dear ...

13 (45). And Odin created ... hymns-prayers to the Gods of Light,
and called them to help their brothers and relatives.
The Light Gods appeared at the call of Odin...
and returned the mind to his brothers, Star and Wing,
and the Gods blessed them on their way...
The brothers returned to their father's house ...
and gave Odin Suritsa Batiushka to his darling.

14 (46). Thor the Wise drank the first cup,
sickness and sickness left his body,
and the great powers of life filled his mind and body.
Thor the Wise did not drink the second cup,
and poured Suritsa under the roots of the old ones,
withered oak, birch and ash trees…
And they gained great powers...
and green leaves blossomed on their crowns ...

15(47). Thor spoke these words to his sons:
I don't need eternal youth
I lived a long life given by the Creator Ramha,
may these Trees give strength to many,
you my beloved sons,
and to all the descendants of your clans ...
at all times from Circle to Circle.
You will plant seeds from these trees,
near the mansions of your clans ...
and take care of them as if they were your own children...

16 (48). Since then, the clans of the Great Race have been protected
and descendants of the Heavenly Family,
three Trees of Life and Great Power.
In a difficult hour or on holidays they come to the Trees
Those who give the Force of Life, and many receive strength...
and glorify the Gods of Light
and the Ancestors of the Many Wise, for good deeds,
yes, to the glory of all Clans of the Great Race...

Santia 4
1 (49). And Rodan and Aryan, Kodarad, asked Perun:
You, tell us, tell us
God Eternally Beautiful,
why many Magi take a vow of silence...
and they say that they strive for the knowledge of the Vedas.
Is there Truth in the vow of silence?
Does the wise Magus come in silence...
to Silent knowledge of the Truth or not?

2 (50). Perun the Wise answered Kodarad:
No point in a vow of silence
since the ancient Vedas in the heart,
the silent cannot understand...
and the Ancient Vedas do not penetrate into his heart...
The ancient Vedas are known only by the living Word,
and where the word of the Vedas is heard,
there hearts begin to know
their great essence...

3 (51). Many people think
that those who know all the Vedas are sinless,
even when they do evil...
But no hymns from the Wisdom of Knowledge of the Worlds,
nor sayings from the Wisdom of the World of Radiances,
no spell from the Wisdom of Life...
do not save those who do evil deeds...
and everyone will answer for their iniquity ...

4 (52). Sacred hymns and hymns,
will not save from Krivda that
who willlessly succumb to deceit,
who dwells in the World of charms and their own illusions.
As the birds leave the nest
when their wings grow
so sacred hymns leave a man,
when the time comes...

5 (53). The Vedas will not save those who do not comply
his Duty to Life,
they show you two ways:
asceticism and bloodless sacrifice,
through them the knower achieves purity...
and by this purity drives away sin...
self-illumined by the knowledge of the Vedas...

6 (54). By virtue of the knowledge of the ancient Vedas,
the Soul of the knower approaches the World of Rule,
but if he desires the ordinary fruits of the World of Reveal,
he takes with him
everything here is perfect
and in the World of Navi, having tasted the fruits of their deeds,
is responsible for every deed
and goes on the road again
ordained by Ramha the Great...

7 (55). Children Human asceticism
takes place in the World of Reveal,
and the fruits of all deeds are eaten in the World of Navi,
for Magi, Priests and Capen-Priests,
indulging in asceticism,
those great Worlds are destined...
Sinless asceticism is considered,
as a renunciation of evil;
such a detached asceticism
is successful and unsuccessful.
Ascetic experts of the Ancient Vedas
subsequently reached Immortality…

8 (56). But there is also sinful asceticism…
Which of the people is possessed by unrighteous wrath,
and other sixteen vices,
and also who violates the Commandments of the Gods and Ancestors,
especially the Blood Commandments,
he who is inhabited by thirteen harms is a sinner.
And whoever has a pure Soul and a bright Spirit,
and lives according to the precepts of his forefathers,
he is innocent...

9 (57). Unrighteous anger, lust, greed,
delusion, lust, cruelty,
grumbling, vanity, despondency, attraction, envy,
disgust, debauchery, desire for someone else's,
oppression, anger - these are the vices of the Children of Men,
people should avoid these sixteen...

10 (58). Each of them is waiting for people,
wanting to take over their guts,
as a hunter watches for game ...
Boastful, lustful, arrogant,
vindictive, unstable,
the one who refuses protection has these six sins,
committed by lawless people,
despite their great danger...

11 (59). The pursuit of pleasure, hostility,
boasting of one's generosity, stinginess,
oppression of other people, lies, weakness of will,
glorification of their feelings, hatred for Lada-wife,
Here are nine of man's worst enemies...

12 (60). Compliance with the Commandments, the Laws of the One Creator God,
Laws of your kind, truthfulness, restraint,
asceticism, self-denial, modesty,
patience, perseverance, lack of envy,
making bloodless sacrifices
continuation of the Family, mercy, attentiveness,
study of the Sacred Ra-M-Ha INTA and the Ancient Vedas
here are the sixteen vows of the servants of the Faith...

13 (61). Who will strengthen these sixteen vows,
he will be distinguished in all the earth;
who observes three, two or even one of them,
he is considered self-asserted;
in renunciation of the vices of the World of Reveal
and not delusion is Immortality.
Wise Servants of the Faith
they are called the gates of Truth...

14(62). There are eighteen qualities in self-development:
restraint in action
inaction and purposefulness,
curbing injustice, condemnation, pride,
base desires, unrighteous anger,
despondency, greed, deceit, envy,
malice, irritation, restlessness,
forgetfulness, verbosity, arrogance.

15(63). So a person who has comprehended self-development ...
getting sober
he has eight qualities: righteousness,
ability to think
the ability to self-deepen,
ability to explore, dispassion,
honesty, chastity, composure…

16 (64). Be true in soul and spirit,
The worlds are held by Truth. Their gates are Truth;
for it is said that Immortality rests in Truth.
Turning away from sins
vows and commandments must be kept.
Such is the behavior created by the One God,
through Truth leads to Immortality…
Keep the people unchanged Scriptures:
Ra-M-Ha INTU and Ancient Vedas.

Santia 5
1 (65). And asked Perun the Thunderer, Ogneslav,
Priest of the Great Temple of England, from the Svyatorus Family:
what awaits the future of descendants
of all Clans of the Great Race and the Heavenly Clan?
What fate awaits them, after our departure,
to the Rule of Heaven, to our Holy Wise Ancestors ...

2 (66). Answered Ogneslav, God the Many Wise:
Listen to me, Great Guardian of the Primal Fire...
and you are the servants of the Gods of the Holy Race and the Heavenly Clan…
Like Heavenly Iry,
that separates half of Heavenly Svarga,
Great changes will bring
the flow of the River of Time during its...

3 (67). Will change its face
Holy Land of the Great Race.
The Great Chill will bring the wind da'Aryan
on this land and Maren for a third of Summer
will cover her with his White Cloak.
There will be no food for people and animals during this
and the Great Migration will begin
descendants of the Heavenly Clan for the mountains of Ripey,
which protect on the western frontiers
Holy Russ...

4 (68). And they will reach the Great Waters,
Ocean-sea of ​​the West,
and the Heavenly Power will carry them,
to the land of beardless people,
with skin the color of the flame of the Holy Fire.
The Great Leader will build in that land,
Temple of the Trident of the God of the Seas.
And there will be Niy - the God of the Seas
send them countless gifts,
and will protect their lands from the Elements of Evil...

5 (69). But great wealth
cloud the heads of leaders and priests.
Great Laziness and the desire of someone else will capture their minds.
And they will begin to lie to Gods and people,
and will live by their own laws,
violating the Precepts of the Wise First Ancestors
and the Laws of God the Creator of the One.
And they will use
Force of the Elements of Midgard-Earth
to achieve your goals...
And they anger with their deeds
Nya - the Great God of the Seas ...

6(70). And Niy and the Elements will destroy that land,
and she will hide in the depths of the Great Waters,
just like hiding in ancient times
in the depths of the northern waters - Sacred Daaria ...
The Gods of the Race will save the righteous people
and the Power of Heaven will carry them east,
to the lands of people with the skin of the color of Darkness...
and beardless people,
with skin the color of the flame of the Holy Fire,
will transfer the Great Power to the boundless lands
at sunset Yarila-Sun lying ...

7 (71). Dark-skinned people will revere
descendants of the Heavenly Clan for the Gods...
and they will learn many things from them.
People from the Great Race
build new cities and temples,
and teach people with skin of the color of Gloom
grow cereals and vegetables...
Four Clans of the Great Race replacing each other,
will teach the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests…
and build Triran-Tombs,
in the form of Man-made Mountains, tetrahedral ...

8 (72). Other Clans of the Great Race
will settle all over the face of Midgard-Earth...
and they will pass over the Himavat Mountains ...
and teach people with skin of the color of Darkness,
Wisdom of the World of Radiance…
So that they stop bringing
terrible, bloody sacrifices,
to his goddess - the Black Mother
and Serpent-Dragon from the World of Navi,
but gained new Divine Wisdom and Faith...

9 (73). Many of the Clans of the Great Race
will disperse to all edges of Midgard-Earth,
behind the Riphean mountains,
and put up new Grads and Temples
and preserve the Faith of the First Ancestors,
and the secret Vedas given by Tarkh Dazhdbog ...
and other Light Gods...
Many Clans from the Great Race and the Heavenly Clan
will feed countless herds of animals,
and moving from end to end,
intermarry with other Clans from the Heavenly Clan…

10 (74). But foreign enemies will come from the World of Darkness,
and begin to speak to the Children of Men
flattering words, covered with lies.
And they will pervert the old and the young,
and the daughters of men shall be taken for their wives...
They will irinate among themselves ...
and between people... and between animals...
And they will begin to teach
all the peoples of Midgard-Earth,
but those who will not heed their words,
and follow the deeds of the lowly Outlanders,
betrayed by torment with suffering ...

11(75). Some of them are currently
trying to penetrate Midgard-Earth,
in order to do your dark deed,
seduce from the path of the Forces of Light
sons and daughters of the Great Race.
Their goal is to destroy the Souls of Human Children,
lest they ever reach
Light World of Rule and Heavenly Asgard,
home of the patron gods
Kind of Heavenly and Great Race.
As well as Heavenly Lands and Villages,
where your Holy Wise Ancestors find rest...

12 (76). On their gray skin
you will recognize the Foreign Enemies...
Their eyes are the color of Darkness, and they are bisexual,
and can be a wife, like a husband.
Each of them can be a father or mother ...
They paint their faces,
to be like the Children of Men...
and never take off their garments,
lest their bestial nakedness be exposed…

13 (77). Lies and flattery unrighteous
they will capture many edges of Midgard-Earth,
as they already did on other Earths,
in many Worlds in the Times of the past Great Assa,
but they will be defeated
and exiled to the land of Man-Made Mountains,
where people with the skin of the color of Gloom will live
and descendants of the Heavenly Clan
coming from the land of God Nya.
And the children of Man will begin to teach them to work,
so that they can grow their own crops
and vegetables to feed their children ...

14 (78). But the lack of desire to work,
unite foreigners,
and they will leave the country of the Man-Made Mountains,
and will settle on all edges of Midgard-Earth.
And they will create their faith,
and declare themselves sons of the One God,
and their blood and their children's will become
sacrifice to your god
so that there is a blood union
between them and their god...

15(79). And the Light Gods will send to them
Wanderers of the Many Wise,
for they have neither Spirit nor Conscience.
And Strangers will listen to their Wise Word,
and having heard, they will bring the life of Wanderers,
as a sacrifice to your god...
And they will create the Golden Tour,
as a symbol of his power,
and they will worship him
just like your god...

16 (80). And the Gods will send to them... the Great Wanderer,
the love of the bearer, but the priests of the Golden Tour
give him a martyr's death.
And after his death, they will proclaim him GOD...
and create a new Faith, built
on lies, blood and oppression...
And they will declare all nations inferior and sinful,
and they will call before the face of the God they created
repent and ask for forgiveness for deeds
accomplished and imperfect...

Santia 6
1 (81). And the Magus Svyatozar said,
from the glorious Family of Svyatorus,
Perun the Eternally Beautiful:
You, tell me, tell me, Perun-Father,
what will happen to the Holy Land of the Great Race
and Faith of our Ancestors?
Tell me, tell the Light God,
if the time comes hard
for the Sons of the Great Race, then
who can save Rasa's Holy Land...
and descendants of the Heavenly Family?

2 (82). God the Wise spoke, these are the words:
Know people that hard times...
will bring the flow of the River of Time
And stay on this earth
only Priests-Keepers of Ancient Knowledge
and Hidden Wisdom...
… For people use
The power of the elements of Midgard-Earth
and destroy the Small Moon
and the world is beautiful...
And then the Svarog Circle will turn
and people's Souls will be horrified...

3 (83). The Great Night will envelop Midgard-Earth…
and Heavenly Fire
destroy many parts of the earth...
Where beautiful gardens bloomed
the Great Deserts will stretch...
Instead of life-giving land
the seas will roar
and where the waves of the seas splashed,
there will be high mountains
covered with eternal snow...

4 (84). People will hide from poisoned rains,
death-bearing, in caves,
and begin to eat the flesh of animals,
for the fruit of the tree will be filled with poison
and many people will die
eating them...
Poisoned streams of water will bring many deaths
Children of the Great Race
and descendants of the Heavenly Family,
and thirst will bring suffering to people ...

5 (85). And on the advice of strangers,
secretly arrived on Midgard-Earth,
people will deprive each other of life...
for a sip of fresh water,
for a piece of clean food...
And they will begin to forget the Ancient Wisdom
and the Laws of the One Creator God…
The Great Disunity will come to the World of Midgard
and only Guardian Priests
Holy Land Race Great
will keep the purity of Ancient Knowledge,
despite deprivation and death...

6 (86). But the River of Time will bring again
changes during...
And the unification of the Clans of the Great Race will begin again ...
They will be united by Ancient Wisdom,
preserved in hymns
and folk legends
transmitted by word of mouth,
and written on stones in Temples and Sanctuaries,
and inscribed in Santia the Great ...
Many Wise Knowledge
will become lost for many Clans,
but they will remember
who are the Descendants of the Heavenly Family…
and no one can win
and take away their freedom...

7 (87). Many Circles of Life will pass
Midgard-Earth along the Way of Svarozhy…
Children of Man will build again Cities and Temples
those gods who remember ...
Life righteous and happy
will return to the lands of the Great Rasseniya ...
But foreign priests...
from the temples of the Golden Tour
…and the priests of the Slain Wanderer,
want to destroy their peace and quiet,
for these priests live by the fruits of the labor of others...

8 (88). And foreign priests will come
to the lands of the Great Race
under the guise of merchants and storytellers,
and false legends they will bring,
and they will teach unrighteous life
people of the Great Race,
not knowing Evil and Deception ...
And many people will be deceived
caught in the net of Flattery and Deception,
and exchange the World of Rule for nine vices:
debauchery, lies, pride, lack of spirituality,
default, ignorance,
indecision, laziness and gluttony ...

9 (89). And many people will renounce
from the Holy Faith of their Ancestors
and they will begin to listen to the words of foreign priests,
which are unrighteous lies,
bringing down the Children of Man
from the path of the Forces of Light...
Times of blood and fratricide
brought by foreign priests
to the expanses of the lands of the Clans of the Great Race,
and they will begin to convert people to their Faith ...

10 (90). Race people will ask
about the help of foreign priests,
servants of alien gods
and God of the World of Darkness...
And the priests of the slain wanderer
with deceitful zeal begin to comfort them,
and take possession of their souls,
and the wealth of the Children of Men...
And they will declare the people of the Great Race the slaves of God,
whom they themselves killed ...
And they will speak to them
that suffering is good
for those who suffer will see God...

11 (91). Darkness will envelop the seven Circles of Life
the lands of the Clans of the Great Race…
Many people will die from metal and fire...
Hard times will come
for the peoples of Midgard-Earth,
brother will rise up against brother,
son to father
blood will flow like rivers...
Mothers will kill
their unborn children...
Hunger and Spiritual Void
will bewitch the heads of many people from the Great Race
and they will lose Faith in justice ...

12(92). But the One Creator God will not allow
and the Heavenly Family of the death of the Race ...
Revival of the Great Race
and the awakening of the Guardian Spirit
sons of the Heavenly Family
will bring the White Dog,
Sent by the gods
to the Holy Land of the Great Race…
The Holy Land will be cleansed
from the thousand-year slave yoke of foreign enemies,
which are sacrificed
blood and flesh of their children,
and lies and flattery of the unrighteous
poison the Souls of the children of the Heavenly Clan...

13(93). Heavenly Phoenix will indicate
High Priest of Primal Fire,
on the son of the Priest of the Forest from the Three-Moon Clan
and raise the High Priest out of him
Wise High Priest,
whom the Light Gods will help ...
And the Great Priest will revive
Ancient Faith of the Ancestors
in the Holy Land of the Great Race…
and build the Temple of the Veda,
Kummirni and Sanctuaries,
so that all Clans of the Great Race would know
and descendants of the Heavenly Clan
Ancient Wisdom and righteous life...

14(94). And the servants of Darkness will know that their death has come...
and they will lie against the High Priest...
and pervert his disciples and his neighbors,
untold wealth and vicious bliss…
Lest they reach
Spiritual peaks of the World of Rule,
but were the eternal slaves of the Dark World...
And they will do everything
to destroy the High Priest,
lest the Ancient Wisdom be revived
and the Faith of the First Ancestors in the Holy Land of the Race…

15 (95). The forces of darkness will make every effort,
so that the Holy Fire never ignites
in front of the Images and Kummirs of the Gods
and your Holy Ancestors…
Aliens will start to incite
one people to another
calling them to war
to kill each other
for the possession of earthly possessions...
But these treasures, at the end of the wars,
will always go to the Outlanders...

16(96). Millions of lives will be taken by senseless wars
to please the desires of strangers,
because the more wars there are...
and death between the Children of Men,
the more wealth
the messengers of the World of Darkness will find
and take control of the minds
many of the Great Race...
Dark Forces to achieve their goals
they will even use Fash-destroyer
and Fire Mushrooms bring death
rise above Midgard-Earth...

Santia 7
1 (97). Vedamir, a warrior from the Kh'Aryan clan, spoke to Perun,
these are the words: You, tell me, tell me
Our Bright Leader, will the Great Priest save
Holy Faith of the First Ancestors…
in the Holy Land of the Great Race from Foreign Enemies?
That's why I ask you,
for with the Family of the Three Moons we walk in Kin...

2(98). The Light God answered the warrior:
You listen to me Good fellow.
A hard fate is destined for the High Priest...
Misunderstanding of people will surround him,
for Ancient Wisdom will become incomprehensible,
for many Human Children
from the Clans of the Great Race and the Heavenly Clan…
And his task is to explain to people
the foundations of Ancient Knowledge and the meaning of Rune Images
preserved in the Laws of the One Creator God….

3 (99). The High Priestess will bring New Life
to the expanses of the Holy Land of the Race,
and know all Clans of the Great Race
and descendants of the Heavenly Clan
Life-bearing Light of Ancient Wisdom,
what the Priests of the Great Temple of England keep...
Happiness and Righteous Life
She will establish the Race throughout the earth,
so that the World Light Soul of JIVA
found a shelter
in the hearts of every person
from the Clan of Heaven and the Great Race, starting
from the revived Asgard of Iria...

4 (100). Again asked Perun,
Vedamir - Warrior from the Kh'Aryan Family:
tell-tell Light Leader,
How is a High Priestess born?
From what Clans will her Parents be?
And like the Light of Ancient Wisdom
will illuminate the whole World of Midgard-Earth?
Perun answered the warrior of the Kh'Aryan Clan:
listen, warrior, my words,
how the High Priest of Primal Fire ends
fourteen years of study...
son of the Priest of the Forest, from the Three-Moon Clan,
then he will declare him his successor,
and guide him through the Three Initiations...

5 (101). On the day of the Great Feast,
the Light Gods and the Wise Ancestors will call to themselves
High Priest of Primal Fire,
because he will complete
his mission on Midgard-Earth…
New High Priest, from the Three-Moon Clan,
will begin his deeds wandering from city to city,
preaching the Ancient Wisdom of the Faith of the First Ancestors,
and healing the sick in soul and body...

6 (102). Returning to Asgard of Iria,
he will call disciples to him,
and will teach them the Fundamentals of the Ancient Wisdom,
and will begin to build the Temple
Ancient Faith Ancestors
Races of the Great and the Kind of Heaven…
And when the time comes
lead to the High Priest
the fourteen-year-old daughter of the Great Witch,
from the Family of Newcomers,
so that she studied the Ancient, hidden Wisdom ...
And the Great Priest will begin to teach
daughter of the Great Witch of Secret Knowledge,
and will educate from it
Priestess of the White Temple...

7 (103). And her mother, the Great Witch,
will heal souls and raise children
Clans of the Great Race and the Clans of Heaven…
And surround the High Priest
daughter of the Great Witch with care and love,
and will protect it from the servants of the World of Darkness,
lest they take possession of her soul,
and did not send the daughter of the Great Witch
along the path dark, soulless,
leading the Souls of people into the abyss of Hell,
in the dark depths of the Navi World lying ...

8 (104). For the servants of the World of Darkness know
that the daughter of the Great Witch,
surrounded by the care and love of the Great Priest,
will give birth to a beautiful child,
who will become the High Priestess,
Savior of the Holy Land...
and all Clans of the Great Race,
and descendants of the Heavenly Family...
In the Sacred Summer this Child must be born,
for from that time on the future High Priestess
all the Gods of the Heavenly Kin will help and serve ...

9 (105). Mother Earth Cheese herself ... will give her food,
and the Heavenly Cow Zimun will give her milk to drink...
Gamayun - Prophetic Bird,
sing to the High Priestess of the Preserved,
Ancient Great Wisdom...
God the Highest will guard her dreams,
and Lada-Mother to save from Evil will be her day ...
Makosh-Mother will nurse her,
and God Kryshen will play the flute for her ...

10 (106). But the Forces of Darkness will gather together,
and they will want to destroy this Child,
in order to perish Ancient Knowledge, Runes
and Wisdom hidden in Timelessness…
For their purpose is great,
to prevent the birth of the High Priestess,
and they will use all their strength,
so that her birth would not be forever and ever ...
And the servants of the World of Darkness will surround,
mother of the future High Priestess,
lies and flattery great ...

11 (107). And they will invite the mother, the future High Priestess,
for great feasts,
where lies and lack of spirituality are held in high esteem,
where idleness and narcissism are the norm,
where baseness and depravity idolize...
Dark Forces will guide
to the daughter of the Great Witch,
seducers and seducers,
so that they slander the Great Priest
and the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors…

12 (108). All Dark Forces will be directed to
to separate the High Priest
with the daughter of the Great Witch,
for the Powers of Darkness know that if they are separated,
great loss and not the birth of the Great Priestess,
lead to the death of the High Priest...
since his mission is to educate the High Priestess…
But he will be reborn again in one Circle of Years,
and this will be the last time of the reign of the Powers of Darkness,
in all parts of Midgard-Earth…

13 (109). The all-destroying Fire of the Retribution of the Forces of Light will burn
servants of the World of Darkness and all the descendants of the Foreign Enemies,
koyi filled with spiritual emptiness
the whole Human World… bearing on their banners:
lies and vices, laziness and cruelty,
someone else's desire and lust,
fear and self-doubt...
and it will Great End Sveta,
for foreign enemies,
coming from the Dark World...
And the End of the Time of Darkness will come,
for all Clans of the Great Race,
and descendants of the Heavenly Family...

14 (110). Remember the glorious Priests of the Gods
Races of the Great and the Kind of Heaven,
and, you, silver-haired Veduns,
and, you, the Wise Magi, my words ...
Inscribe their Runes on Santias
and on stones in your Temples and Sanctuaries,
so that your descendants remember the hard times,
what the River of Time will bring
on the waves of their fleeting ...
and were ready for the difficult trials ...

15(111). If the Descendants of your Clans keep these words in their memory,
and many forces will rally for protection
Faith of the Wise Ancestors,
nothing will save the enemies of the Great Race and the Heavenly Clan,
from the striking Fire of Retribution of the Forces of Light…
For which of the Children of Men
walks along the Path of the Forces of Light, that one will be saved, and that one
whoever follows the path of the Forces of Darkness will face death...

16 (112). By the will of God Svarog, My Father,
I announced to you: about the Eternal Laws of the Universe,
and about the Great Trials throughout the Svarog Circle,
and Ninety-Nine Circles of Life,
koyi will happen in the future on Midgard-Earth…
This Great Destiny must be fulfilled,
To you and your descendants, so that everything comes true,
ordained by the Great Ramha,
on the surface of the shining waves of the River of Time,
and the execution of which is being watched by the Number God ...

Santia 8
1 (113). He spoke to Perun the Wise, Skifady,
Priest of the Fern Flower Temple, from the Rassen Family:
You, tell me, wise teacher,
which forces draw the Outlanders
leave their fiefdoms in the World of Darkness,
and bring them to us on Midgard-Earth?
God the Wise answered the Priest:
Foreigners will bury themselves in everything foreign,
not belonging to them...
All their thoughts are only about power,
Yes, over all the Worlds, about the seizure of wealth,
and creations of the Light Worlds…

2 (114). The goal of the Outlanders is to break the harmony,
reigning in the World of Light...
and destroy the Descendants of the Heavenly Clan
and the Great Race, for only they can give
worthy rebuff to the Forces of Darkness...
Servants of the World of Darkness believe
that only they should belong to all the worlds,
which created the Great Ra-M-Ha ...
And arriving on the flowering lands,
they seek to accustom the Children of Men to Greed,
for Greed destroys Knowledge,
when Knowledge is killed, Shame dies...

3 (115). When Shame is killed, Truth is oppressed,
with the death of Truth and Happiness will perish ...
When Happiness is killed, Man dies,
and if a man perishes, then with all his wealth,
Freely taken over by Outlanders...
They consider wealth to be their surest support,
and build their world on wealth...
In the World of Darkness, life is available only to those
who has wealth, a poor man,
like a dead man in the desert...

4 (116). They take wealth from people
hoping for the Power of Deception…
Knowing that if they take away people's support and Faith,
purpose in Life and Freedom of the Spirit,
then the people themselves will be killed ...
Human children in such a position in the World of Reveal,
choose the path of death freely,
and direct their weapons
against the villainous aliens,
for it is better to accept a glorious death,
in a righteous battle with foreign enemies,
than to submit to enemies ...

5(117). People who are weak in spirit lose their minds,
or fall under the power of foreign enemies,
others in a thirst for acquisitions,
they go to the service of foreigners...
The misfortunes of such misguided people are worse than death,
because death, according to the Law,
there is the Eternal Way of the World,
and there is no one living in the World of Reveal,
who would overcome death...

6 (118). Alien Enemies, Human Children
lead to madness and people
more and more losing my mind
doing cruel things...
... Until the violation of the Commandments of the Blood,
people reach in their atrocities,
but for those guilty of blood mixing,
Hell will open its wide doors...
... And if a person does not reject all this,
and if he doesn't wake up,
then he goes straight to Hell ...
and the gods will not help him,
because he chooses his own path...

7 (119). Awakening of a person only in Cognition,
and the eye of Knowledge saves him...
Reaching Knowledge,
The Child of Man looks again at the Vedas,
and becomes a debt again
striving for Spiritual Life,
and conscience becomes the head of all deeds ...
Heeding conscience, he hates everything evil,
from this Conscience becomes strong,
and man creates his Happiness,
in Happiness man himself is created...

8 (120). Calm people, always skillful in their deeds
and are constantly indebted to the Family ...
They do not think lawless and do not act sinfully.
Unscrupulous or unreasonable people
whether men or women,
they do not succeed in fulfilling their duty to the Gods and the Family, and are likened to Strangers ...
… Those who have a Conscience,
honor their Gods and Ancestors,
and they go to Immortality,
and not to the Pekelny World ...

9 (121). Which of the Children of Men
from madness to rage coming,
whoever hates the good will be threatened,
as an Outlander - GRAY
and people will call despicable ...
Who, at the instigation of strangers,
in delusion and greed
seeks to take away good people their happiness,
he, not controlling himself, will not master anger
and he himself will not hold Happiness for a long time,
for all the wealth of those who have strayed from the Path of Light,
will go to the foreigners...

10 (122). And the hearts of all the Dark Forces are filled with joy,
when the Children of Man,
listening to the false speeches of strangers,
stray from the path of the Light...
And go the low way
accumulating material goods, not spiritual ones,
by the will of foreign enemies,
thereby leading their Clans to death ...
And foreign enemies know
that all blessings are unrighteous
and wealth taken from good people,
cloud the human mind,
and the Souls of people will become callous...

11(123). children of the human race,
do not heed the words of strangers,
for they are deceitful and want to destroy your souls,
so that they do not fall into Heavenly Asgard,
but they were eternal wanderers in the darkness of the depths ...
... Do not allow strangers to your daughters,
for they will pervert your daughters,
and corrupt their pure souls,
and the Blood of the Great Race will be destroyed,
for the daughter's first man,
leaves the Images of Spirit and Blood…

12 (124). Alien Images of Blood
from Human Children the Light Spirit is expelled,
and the mixing of blood leads to death ..,
and this kind of degenerating dies
not having healthy offspring,
for there will be no inner strength,
that kills all ailments, diseases,
which will bring to Midgard-Earth…
Foreign enemies coming from the Dark World...

13 (125). Do not heed the exhortations of seductive enemies
and be not deceived by their false promises...
Foreign enemies have no compassion,
nor to the Human Children from the Heavenly Clan,
nor to creatures like themselves,
for everyone who comes from the Dark World
or a descendant of his begotten
on Midgard or another Earth,
thinks only of idle life,
using someone else's work
and the gullibility of the Children of Men…

14(126). By deceit and cunning, and unrighteous lies,
Strangers penetrate into people's trust.
Boasting about their friendship with the elders of the Family,
they entangle the Children of Men with lies...
And they corrupt their pure souls,
and teach base deeds...
Foreign enemies their animal lust,
called - Delight,
and the birth of children - vicious madness,
and call the Children of Men,
to non-observance of the traditions of the fathers ...

15(127). Human Children from the Clans of the Great Race
and, you, the descendants of the Heavenly Family,
be pure in Soul and Spirit,
and let a clear Conscience,
the measure of your deeds will be ...
Cast out from all your ends
Foreign enemies and all their descendants,
or they will destroy with their lack of spirituality
Your Light Souls,
and by evil deeds they will destroy your bodies,
and they will use you and your offspring,
in their dark deeds,
but with your sons and daughters
they will comfort their flesh...

16(128). Which of you and your descendants
will remember it all
and expel from the Holy Land the Great Race
Foreign enemies and their descendants,
that true Savior and Defender of his Kind
and all Clans of the Great Race and the Heavenly Clan…
And those who will listen
false words of strangers...
and give them his daughters
or he will take a foreign daughter for his son,
that apostate of the Human race,
and there will be no forgiveness of the Gods of Light
and the Kind of Heaven, all the days without a trace ...

Santia 9
1 (129). And they asked Perun the Thunderer,
Priests-Guardians of the Ways,
leading through the Star Gate:
You, tell us, our Wise Teacher,
what is happening in Svarga the Great,
and why did many Gates close in Makosh and Rada?
And the Crystals of Movement do not shine,
and the Zarbin Circle faded to half a quarter ...
Heaven's needles have lost their color,
and now from many Whitemar
we do not hear the answer to the call of the many-sided ...

2 (130). Perun the Wise answered them:
Know, Guardians of the Gates of the Interworld,
in Svarga, the Great Assa is being performed ...
In Makosh, in Rada, in Swati and in Ras
now the Great War is taking place,
in it with Alien howls Hell,
Light Gods from Prav
entered into a cruel Siege ...
They protect Svarga the Great...
and the World is cleansed Hall after Hall,
from the warriors of Gloom, from the Dark World...

3 (131). From those evil enemies
that the flowering lands turned into dust,
that the blood of innocent creatures was shed,
neither young nor old were spared anywhere...
Therefore, many Gates closed,
so that foreign enemies do not hit
to the Light Lands of Svarga the Great…
and the fate of Troara did not befall them,
that in the Rada of the Light,
She lit up the World with Wise Love ...

4(132). Now Troara is deserted, without Life...
The Multi-gate circle is torn apart,
many Needles have been tumbled down by mountains...
and the ashes of the conflagrations lie seven fathoms ...
The same image, sad, dull
I saw in Arcoln, on Rutte-Earth,
that used to shine in Mokosh the Light ...
Gates between worlds - melted stone ...
Heavenly needles are roadside dust...

5 (133). Everywhere are the ruins of the Great Sanctuaries,
and the cities are destroyed by a strong flame,
that ascended from Rutta to the sky...
There is no more Life, in that Earth without the Sun,
no plants, no birds, no animals...
The wind only carries ashes through the valleys,
and fills up the gorges of the intermountain ...
Sad and quiet, in that World of ruins,
where life once dwelt everywhere...

6 (134). Fash-destroyer evaporated the rivers, the sea,
and the sky was filled with black clouds,
through the impenetrable stench, the beam of light does not pass ...
... and Life will never return to that World ...
It has happened to many lands,
where the enemies from the Dark World have been…
They were attracted by riches and bowels,
who had, those lands are beautiful ...
Flattering into the trust of the inhabitants,
they pitted people against each other...
So wars were born in those Worlds...

7(135). After the wars are over
the rest of the living were irradiated with cyran ...
And people lost Consciousness and Will,
and by order of foreign enemies,
riches and subsoil they extracted ...
When there was no wealth left in those Lands,
and the bowels have exhausted everything to the limit,
then all the people were destroyed by the enemies
and took out everything that was mined on the Earth ...
And from which lands foreigners were expelled,
they sent the Fash-destroyer there ...

8 (136). So that the Circle from zarbin was restored,
the Spiral of the Interworld shone again,
You, extract the Movement Crystals,
in the part that fades with a beam of half a quarter ...
Instead of Svarga Movement Crystals,
that on the edges, for the Halls of Svarozhy,
install the Crystals of England...
The Light of the Otherworld, manifested in Navi,
will glow in the Crystals of England...
and flowing with a powerful stream,
it will restore zarbina glow...

9 (137). Only on the Circle of Zarbin in front of you,
with even radiance the Spiral will appear,
change the Crystals again as it was,
for it will open to you - the other world ...
Know that the Light of the Otherworld is destructive,
it absorbs Souls of radiation…
and the Mind will fade in the Rays of the Other-Dimensional,
unable to understand what is happening with the Soul ...
And the life of unreasonable, soulless creatures,
does not move to Svarga, but goes to Hell ...
and there they languish in darkness,
not knowing myself or what happened...

10 (138). So be careful what you do
and do not torture Fate in vain ...
Curiosity killed many people
those who tried to know the Otherworld ...
The rays of the Otherworld are harmful to health,
and people are not able to know their nature ...
There life proceeds according to alien Laws...
a bloody dawn rises over the lands.
And strange entities like polkans,
the Whitemars tried to destroy forever ...

11 (139). You, on Midgard, live in peace,
since ancient times, when the world was established ...
Remembering from the Vedas, about the deeds of Dazhdbog,
how he destroyed the strongholds of Koshcheev,
that on the Nearest Moon were ...
Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koshchei
To destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya ...
These Koshchei, the rulers of the Grays,
perished with the moon in the half-life ...
But Midgard paid for freedom,
Daaria hidden by the Great Flood…

12 (140). The waters of the moon, that flood created,
they fell to Earth from heaven like a rainbow,
for the moon was shattered into pieces,
and the army of Svarozhich descended to Midgard ...
The Ancient Threads were destroyed,
that stretched to the distant Halls ...
and in the Interworld some of the connections were interrupted ...
The call of the many-sided was not heard,
a lot of Whitemar was lost in Svarga ..,
before new Threads were born,
and their call was heard from the Halls.

13 (141). Many people died at that time,
who did not have time to climb the Whitemans,
or go through the Gates of the Interworld,
and bury in the Hall of the Bear...
The threads of the Halls are broken again,
so Needles of Heaven lost their color,
so that the needles shine again with flowers,
You, replace Irkama's Crystals.
Replace them with Tara Crystals...
and through the Zimun restore Threads...

14(142). Heaven's needles will shine again
and Whitemars will answer your call...
Faith in the success of your glorious deeds,
Here's what's most important right now...
If deeds are fastened by Faith,
what will prevent the deeds from happening ...
Only in labor created by the Community,
you will cover your Clans with Glory ...
Only by rallying all the Rati with the Ancient Faith,
you will defend your beautiful Midgard ...

15(143). The ancient connections will be restored again,
and the Ancestors will respond to the calls of their descendants.
They will not be able to interfere with the speech of that Strangers,
for they will expel them to Hell from Svarga ...
But remember, people, that the enemy is vengeful,
and pretends that Svarga does not care.
And he himself, hiding from the eyes away,
will bear the weapon of revenge ...
They do not know about the Honor and Truth of Heaven,
for there is no Conscience in their hearts...

16 (144). Many lands have been destroyed by foreigners,
in different Halls of the Svarog Circle ...
Black Envy obscures their vision,
when they see each other's wealth...
Envy, deceit and desire for someone else's, that's what their goal is,
even in Hell World...
And so the Outlanders are trying...
capture everything in Svarga and the Interworld…
…Remember the people of the Great Race,
everything that he said, this evening is beautiful ...
The main thing is that for your descendants,
This knowledge was not in vain ...


1. Asgard of Iri - in its place is the modern city of Omsk.
2. The Great Temple of England - the Temple of the Primary Fire.
3. Vightman - the Heavenly chariot, on which the Gods and people traveled between the Earths. There were also Whitemars - large Heavenly chariots capable of carrying up to 144 Whitemans in their womb.
4. The One God is the Genus-Generator.
5. Urai-Earth - the planet Urai in the Hall of the Eagle on the Svarog Circle.
6. Immortal - i.e. forever, the prefix Without - indicates the absence of something, and Bes - the presence of dark forces. Immortality is eternity, immortality is the herald of death. This is important because Before there were no divisions into words in the text.
7. Lie down - immortal beings, messengers of the Gods, conveying to people the will of the Light Gods. (in the Scandinavian Tradition they correspond to alves / elves).
8. Midgard is the ancient name of the planet Earth.
9. Inferno - the World of Darkness, the underworld, Jotun-Heim, the World lying to the east of Midgard, the Christian paradise - Eden.
10. RITA - Heavenly Laws on the purity of Kin and Blood.
11. Worlds and Earths - Star systems and planets.
12. In the waters of Iriy - Iriy, the ancient name of the Irtysh River, Iriy - is translated as white, clear water. From this semantic meaning came the name of the territory - Belovodie.
13. in the Holy Land - the land of the Holy Race, i.e. in Belovodie, Semirechye - where seven rivers flow: Ishim, Tobol, Iriy (Irtysh), Ob, Yenisei, Angara, Lena.
14. Protect the Clans of Rassen and Svyatorus - this commandment is addressed to the Kh'Aryans and da'Aryans.
15. Gentiles - i.e. foreigners and non-believers.
16. Then follow the Blood Commandments, which are part of the RITA Laws.
17. Three Circles of Years of Life - 432 years, for the Circle of Life is - 144 Years.
18. Skuf - a village, with Gorodische, for worship.
19. Himavat Mountain - Himalayas.
20. Small and Big Moons - this describes the times when our Earth had 2 moons. Small Moon - Fatta, with a period of revolution around the Earth - 13 days, and Big Moon - Month, with a period of revolution - 29.5 days.
21. Suritsa - a drink made from honey with the addition of herbs and smoked under the rays of the Yarila-Sun.
22. Rodan - the elected Head of several related Clans.
23. Wisdom of the Cognition of the Worlds, Wisdom of the World of Lights, Wisdom of Life - three collections of Santii of Ancient Vedic texts given by the Light Gods from the World of Rule.
24. And everyone will answer for their iniquity - here we are talking about the Judgment of Conscience on a person after death.
25. The Testaments of the Forefathers - i.e. Community Mining Law.
26. Heavenly Iry - i.e. Milky Way.
27. Half-Svargi - half of the visible sky.
28. Wind da'Aryan - the north wind blowing from the side of Sacred Daaria, the Northern mainland.
29. Madder for a third of Summer will cover her with her White Cloak - a snowy Winter is predicted within 4 modern months. Marena - Goddess of Winter and the mortal rest of Nature.
30. Riphean mountains - Ural mountains.
31. Ocean-sea of ​​the Western - Atlantic Ocean.
32. Power of Heaven - Whitemans and Whitemars, Heavenly chariots of the Gods.
33. In that land - the land where the Slavic Rod - Ants settled, later this land was called. Antlan, i.e. the land of Ants, the ancient Greeks called it Atlantis.
34. Niy - the God of the Seas - the ancient Greeks called him Poseidon, and the Romans - Neptune.
35. The lands of people with skin of the color of Gloom - modern North Africa, where blacks live.
36. Boundless lands at the sunset of the Yarila-Sun lying - the American continent.
37. Four Clans of the Great Race - it is now scientifically proven that the first four dynasties of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were White.
38. In the past, Negroid peoples lived on the territory of Dravidia (ancient India).
39. Wisdom of the World of Lights - Rig Veda.
40. Black Mother - goddess Kali.
41. Irinirovat - connect, merge, mix, not only at the physical and genetic level, but also on more subtle planes.
42. They can be a wife, like a husband - i.e. hermaphrodites.
43. On other Earths - on other planets.
44. Great Assa - Heavenly Battle of the Gods with the forces of the World of Darkness.
45. Country of Man-Made Mountains - ancient Egypt.
46. ​​Seven Circles of Life - 1008 years.
47. Hunger and Spiritual emptiness - perhaps this prediction speaks of the seizure of power in Russia by atheist Bolsheviks, and their organization of artificial famine in the Volga region, Ukraine and Belarus in the 20-30s. 20th century
48. White Dog - the name of the year according to Krugolet Chislobog, repeats every 144 years, in our time corresponds to Summer 7501 (13001) or 1992-1993. AD
49. Fash-Destroyer - a nuclear or thermonuclear weapon.
50. Fire Mushrooms - nuclear or thermonuclear explosions.
51. Circle of Years - 16 years.
52. during the Svarog Circle and Ninety-Nine Circles of Life - the Svarog Circle is a period of 25920 years, and the Ninety-Nine Circles of Life - 14256 years. The total time period is 40176 years.
53. The first man leaves the Images of the Spirit and Blood with his daughter - i.e. the first man who violated a girl's virginity is the only father of all the children she bears in her life, regardless of whether he lives with her or not, and how many men she can change in her later life.
54. Makosh and Rada - Slavic-Aryan constellations. Makosh - Ursa Major, Rada - Orion.
55. half a quarter - an ancient measured value, corresponds to 2/16 of the Circle (45 °).
56. multi-part - share - ancient time measure = 72 instants (1 sec. = 2488.32 instants).
57. Scolding - i.e. battle, war.
58. Seven fathoms - a fathom, an ancient measure of length = 213.36 cm. Seven fathoms are about 15 meters.
59. on the nearest moon - here it is said about the times when three moons shone over the Earth: Lelya, Fatta and Month. Lelya is the Moon closest to Midgard-Earth, with a circulation period of 7 days.
60. Deya - Earth Dei, the destroyed planet, now the Asteroid belt between the orbits of the Earth Oreya (Mars) and the Earth of Perun (Jupiter)
61. half-part - half-part, ancient time measure = 648 fractions of time (18.75 seconds).
62. Svarozhichs - in ancient times, not only Gods were called Svarozhichs, but also fireballs, fireballs, meteorites, plasmoids falling from heaven and ball lightning.
63. Zimun - The Slavic-Aryan constellation of the Heavenly Cow Zimun corresponds to the modern Ursa Minor, and the Polar Star is called Tara.

At present, in various kinds of sources covering state and international problems, the concept of “Power” is widely used. Moreover, this concept extends to those states that have great economic and military power, as well as influence on other countries of the world. However, this is purely external, formal, modern sign powers, which does not reflect the essence of the original concept. Because of this, people who study state and international problems find themselves in a false coordinate system, which leads them to recognize the necessity and inviolability of the state, its enduring value. And this is despite the fact that the state has long turned into a dominating system that exists only on its own, subduing the entire society.

The modern state suffers from a mass of severe diseases. The arbitrariness and irresponsibility of bureaucracy, the continuous and uncontrolled growth of its number, corruption, the acquisition of power and wealth, material and spiritual oppression of people at the bottom of the social hierarchy, unreasonable and inefficient waste of financial and other resources and their plunder, disregard for Nature, exorbitant and ineffective spending on the production of weapons and the maintenance of the armed forces, etc. All this suggests that the modern state is more and more coming to a dead end in its development. Naturally, the question arises whether it is possible to get out of this impasse? To answer this question, we need to analyze the development of the forms of organization of modern (post-Flood) humanity and identify the essential differences between the Power and the state.

  • « POWER»

Russ and Aryans had a sovereign form of government for a long time. The primary source of our knowledge of sovereign rule is. According to them, there are two systems of social organization of people's lives: the Power and the state. In the past (and not so distant) Russ and Aryans lived in the State. The organization of people's lives in the State provided for harmony with Nature, because it was based not on the interests of specific people (sovereigns, their officials and other consumers), but on Tradition, the Commandments of the Light Gods and Great Ancestors, and the Conscience of people.

There was no secular individual (autocratic) leader in the State. In the State, the self-government of the Clans of the Rus and Aryans was carried out. The power of the State rested on the power of the Clans and the Spirituality of their representatives. The state was ruled by the people, consisting of Clans, and kept by their Spirituality. In the State, any person was treated as a descendant of the Light Gods, and everyone was equal before them, regardless of their role in society. In the understanding of the Rus and the Aryans, the “people” is not just residents inhabiting a certain territory, but a combination of Clans and Tribes. The concept of "people" is not identical to the concept of "population", because the population may not live in Clans, but may consist of outcasts, strangers and strangers.

The spiritual basis of the State was the Old Faith of the First Ancestors, which explained and covered all aspects of the life of the Clans of the Rus and Aryans. From it they constantly drew Ancient Wisdom and received great Spiritual power for their being and creation. In the Old Faith of the First Ancestors, the Rus and the Aryans found answers to all the questions that appeared in their lives. Therefore, the Old Faith is not a religion, but a set of Wisdom and Knowledge of the First Ancestors, which was given to them in ancient times by the Light Gods.

In the Russian-Aryan society there was a spiritual unity of all Clans, Communities and Tribes, the basis of which was the Old Faith of the First Ancestors. They were the ones who held the people together. It directly follows from this that the concept of "Power" refers to such a society in which the unity of the people is maintained by its spirituality, based on the Old Faith of the First Ancestors.

The Socio-economic basis of the State was Rod. The clan consisted of individual families, the main duty of which was the reproduction of offspring to continue and strengthen the clan. The economic life, upbringing and education of children was carried out in the Family. The clan was self-sufficient in housing, food, clothing, shoes, household utensils and other necessary items and devices, as well as weapons. What was not enough to ensure life, it was exchanged at the markets. The basis of the life of each member of the Family was his work, aimed at his good and the good of the Family.

The ancestral settlement was a skete or skuf. Headed the Family Head of the Family. However, he did not resolve issues alone. He himself solved only current issues and represented the Family on the Sovereign Circle. For solutions general issues The clan was going to the Circle of the heads of individual families who had named children. On this Circle, decisions were made that all members of the Family strictly followed. All issues of organizing life in the Family were resolved in accordance with the Commandments of the Light Gods and the Great Ancestors, as well as the Family Foundations and Rules.

As the number of the Genus grew, the need for its division was revealed. The genus is usually divided into two parts. The older part of the Family remained at their former place of residence, and the younger part of the Family went to a new place and founded their skit or skuf. With the formation of a new clan, a Tribe appeared, which could have up to 16 Clans. If the Tribe exceeded 16 Clans, then it turned into a People. At the beginning, the regulation of relations between Clans, when there were no more than eight, was carried out by the head of the ancient Clans.

Then, to regulate inter-tribal relations, they began to choose a prince. They became either the head of an ancient Family, or the head of a new great Family. Instead of the chosen prince in the Family, he was elected new head. The duties of the elected prince included the implementation of proceedings in the event of friction between the Clans, the preparation of the squad and the protection of the tribe (people) and its territory.

After the Rus and Aryan clans, spreading from the Irian (Sayan-Altai) and Ripean (Ural) mountains, settled all of Belovodie (present-day Siberia), the Russian-Aryan Power of Raseniya almost completely revived. This happened approximately nine thousand years before 2000 AD. Immediately there was a need to delimit the territories between the tribes and the peoples that had begun to form. Belovodye was divided into 16 villages (regions). Each of them had a capital city, in which there was a Vesevoy Temple.

If we compare the whole with the modern area, then it (the whole) included several modern areas. Therefore, neighboring states considered these villages to be independent states.

The whole was headed by the Grand Duke and Vesev Priest (Diy), who were elected from among the princes and priests as the most capable. There were no kings, no pharaohs, no emperors in the State. The control of the State was carried out by the Sovereign Circle of Priests and Rulers, which included Priests and Princes who headed the villages. There were also Weight Circles, which included the princes of the tribes, the heads of the Clans, the thousands of large cities and the Magi (priests). Therefore, the Priest and Prince who led the whole were only the most capable among all the others. It was they who were instructed to exercise the executive functions of managing the entire and the right to represent the entire in the Sovereign Circle.

From the ninth millennium to 2000 AD, a cooling begins in the north of Rasseniya. Natural and climatic conditions there began to deteriorate rapidly. The resettlement of the Clans of the Great Race to the north stopped. Now the Rus and Aryan clans moved to the west, south and east. By the eighth millennium to 2000 s.l. in the west they settled down to the present river. Volga, in the south - to the Hindu Kush, Tibet and the current river. Huanghe.

They inhabited the current about. Sakhalin, Eastern (Japanese) Islands and the Ordos region in present-day China. Thus, the Russian-Aryan Power of Raseniya and Dauria by the eighth millennium before 2000 s.l. occupied a vast territory and entered into contacts, and far from being friendly, with other peoples. At this time, the tribal system in Raseniya reached the peak of its development.

The social organization of the Russian-Aryan State was built on the innate qualities of people. These innate qualities are easily recognized if you open the information and energy structure of a person, which consists of nine main information and energy centers, which are called chakras in Indian teachings. Each center generates an energy vortex that shines with the corresponding color. Nine main vortices form nine human bodies, including the physical body, which are included one into the other and represent a kind of nesting doll. The totality of energy radiation emanating from all centers forms the "aura" of a person, individual in color and shape.

On the human head there are the ninth, eighth and seventh information and energy centers, which have the corresponding name, color of radiation and purpose. The topmost, ninth center is called "Spring". It is located on the forehead of the head, shines with a silvery-white color. It accepts and radiates the Vital energies of the World of Glory. The eighth center, which is located between the eyes, is called the "Chelo", shines with a violet color. "Chelo" perceives and transmits Mental Images, manages intellectual and Spiritual development. The seventh center is called "Mouth" (Mouth). It is located in the region of the thyroid gland. "Mouth" provides a person with the perception and transmission of the energy of Sensual Images. This center shines blue. Thus, the first category includes people whose aura glows with silver-white and violet-blue colors. People of this category have potential abilities for Spiritual development, for their interaction with the Worlds of Glory and Rule.

Three other information and energy centers are called "Lelya", "Lada" and "Persy" (Chest). The sixth center, "Lelya", shines in blue. The vortex created by it rotates at the level of the shoulder of the left hand. This center provides intuitive knowledge of the World of Reveal and intuitive creativity in it (technical inventions and scientific discoveries). Fifth center, "Lada", shines in green. The vortex created by him rotates at the level of the shoulder of the right hand. This center radiates the energy of Love. The fourth center is called "Percy" (Chest) shining with golden (yellow) color. The vortex created by him rotates at the level of the solar plexus. It accepts and radiates the energy of Creative Creation, reveals the ability to create objects of the Explicit World.

"Percy" also manages the acquisition and transfer of military, production and administrative skills, the ability to creatively arrange the Living Space around him. This center is also called "Zolotnik" or "Hara Center". Hence, the owner of this center is called a "characterist". Thus, the second category includes people whose aura glows with green-blue and golden colors. People of this category have the potential ability to create and manage processes in the World of Reveal, to administrative, managerial and military activities.

The next three information and energy centers are called "Belly", "Zarod", "Source". The "belly" is the third center and shines orange. The vortex created by him rotates at the height of the navel of the human body. Through the "Belly" a person perceives the Life Force and Wisdom of the Family. "Belly" governs Life and labor activity person, including the conception of his children, their birth and upbringing. The second center, "Zarod", shines red. The vortex created by him rotates at the level of the pubis of the body. "Zarod" perceives energy from other living beings, and also absorbs and radiates the energy of reproduction. The first center is the "Source", the color is perceived as black. The vortex created by him rotates at the level of the coccyx. The “Source” absorbs the Earth Force, providing the vital activity of the human body. Thus, the third category includes people whose aura glows with an orange-red-dark glow. People in this category have the maximum potential for the reproduction of offspring and ordinary labor on earth.

Thus, the innate qualities of people divide them into three categories. It should be noted that the shape of the aura also depends on the genetics of a person. Therefore, the priest or sorcerer sees not only the color, but also the shape of the aura. The shape of the aura of the Veduns looks like an inverted pyramid, because the maximum intensity of radiation is around the head. The shape of the aura of the ruler and protector resembles a spinning wheel toy. Radiation is maximum in the thoracic part of the body. The worker has an aura that resembles the shape of a pyramid, in which the maximum radiation is in the lower part of the body.

The image of the pyramid gives rise to the idea of ​​the stability of the social system. Indeed, the social structure of society will then be stable when the correct ratio is achieved between the Veduns, the Rulers and Protectors, as well as the Workers. The more workers in a society, the larger the base of the social pyramid, the more stable the society. Society will certainly collapse if the number of Veduns, Rulers and Protectors grows exorbitantly. However, with an insufficient number of Veduns, Rulers and Protectors, an unlimited increase in the number of Workers can lead to their submission to hostile forces, or to internal clashes that will lead to the collapse of society. All this must be known when creating the social structure of society. ….

August 22, 2013, 04:34 PM

You don't have to be a great artist to draw a black square on a white background. Yes, anyone can do it! But here's the mystery: "Black Square" is the most famous painting in the world. Almost 100 years have passed since its writing, and disputes and heated discussions do not stop. Why is this happening? What is the true meaning and value of Malevich's "Black Square"?

"Black square" is a dark rectangle

For the first time, Malevich's Black Square was presented to the public at a scandalous futuristic exhibition in Petrograd in 1915. Among other outlandish paintings by the artist, with mysterious phrases and numbers, with incomprehensible forms and a heap of figures, a black square in a white frame stood out for its simplicity. Initially, the work was called "a black rectangle on a white background." Later, the name was changed to "square", despite the fact that, from the point of view of geometry, all sides of this figure are of different lengths and the square itself is slightly curved. With all these inaccuracies, none of its sides are parallel to the edges of the picture. And the dark color is the result of mixing various colors, among which there was no black. It is believed that this was not the negligence of the author, but a principled position, the desire to create a dynamic, mobile form.

"Black Square" is a failed picture

For the futuristic exhibition "0.10", which opened in St. Petersburg on December 19, 1915, Malevich had to paint several paintings. Time was running out, and the artist either did not have time to complete the painting for the exhibition, or was not satisfied with the result and, in a rush, covered it over by drawing a black square. At that moment, one of his friends entered the studio and, seeing the picture, shouted “Brilliant!”. After that, Malevich decided to take the opportunity and came up with some higher meaning for his “Black Square”.

Hence the effect of cracked paint on the surface. No mysticism, just the picture did not work out.

Repeated attempts were made to examine the canvas in order to find the original version under the top layer. However, scientists, critics and art historians considered that irreparable damage could be caused to the masterpiece and in every possible way prevented further examinations.

"Black Square" is a multi-colored cube

Kazimir Malevich repeatedly stated that the picture was created by him under the influence of the unconscious, a kind of "cosmic consciousness". Some argue that only the square in the "Black Square" is seen by people with an underdeveloped imagination. If, when considering this picture, go beyond the traditional perception, go beyond the visible, then you will understand that in front of you is not a black square, but a multi-colored cube.

The secret meaning embedded in the "Black Square" can then be formulated as follows: the world around us, only at the first, superficial, look looks flat and black and white. If a person perceives the world in volume and in all its colors, his life will change dramatically. Millions of people who, according to them, were instinctively attracted to this picture, subconsciously felt the volume and multicoloredness of the Black Square.

Black color absorbs all other colors, so it is quite difficult to see a multi-colored cube in a black square. And to see white behind black, truth behind lies, life behind death is many times more difficult. But to those who succeed in doing this, a great philosophical formula will be revealed.

"Black Square" is a rebellion in art

At the time the painting appeared in Russia, there was a dominance of artists of the Cubist school.

Cubism (fr. Cubisme) is a modernist trend in the visual arts, characterized by the use of emphatically geometrized conditional forms, the desire to “split” real objects into stereometric primitives. The founders and largest representatives of which were Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. The term "cubism" arose from a critical remark about the work of J. Braque that he reduces "cities, houses and figures to geometric schemes and cubes."

Pablo Picasso, Girls of Avignon

Juan Gris "The Man in the Cafe"

Cubism has reached its climax, already fed up with all the artists, and new ones began to appear. artistic directions. One of these trends was Malevich's Suprematism and the "Black Suprematist Square" as his bright embodiment. The term "Suprematism" comes from the Latin suprem, which means dominance, the superiority of color over all other properties of painting. Suprematist paintings are non-objective painting, an act of "pure creativity".

At the same time, the "Black Circle" and "Black Cross" were created and exhibited at the same exhibition, representing the three main elements of the Suprematist system. Later, two more Suprematist squares were created - red and white.

"Black Square", "Black Circle" and "Black Cross"

Suprematism has become one of the central phenomena of the Russian avant-garde. Many talented artists have experienced his influence. Rumor has it that Picasso lost interest in cubism after he saw "Malevich's square".

"Black Square" is an example of brilliant PR

Kazimir Malevich has figured out the essence of the future of contemporary art: no matter what, the main thing is how to submit and sell.

Artists have been experimenting with black all over since the 17th century.

The first tightly black work of art called "Great Darkness" wrote Robert Fludd in 1617

He was followed in 1843 by

Bertal and his work View of La Hougue (under the cover of night)». More than two hundred years later. And then almost without interruption -

"Twilight History of Russia" by Gustave Dore in 1854, "The Negro Night Fight in the Basement" by Paul Bielhold in 1882, a completely plagiarized "Negro Fight in the Cave in the Dead Night" by Alphonse Allais. And only in 1915, Kazimir Malevich presented his "Black Suprematist Square" to the public. And it is his picture that is known to everyone, while others are known only to art historians. Extravagant trick glorified Malevich for centuries.

Subsequently, Malevich painted at least four versions of his Black Square, differing in pattern, texture and color, in the hope of repeating and multiplying the painting's success.

"Black Square" is a political move

Kazimir Malevich was a subtle strategist and skillfully adjusted to the changing situation in the country. Numerous black squares, painted by other artists during the time of Tsarist Russia, have remained unnoticed. In 1915, Malevich's square acquired a completely new meaning, relevant to its time: the artist offered revolutionary art for the benefit of a new people and a new era.
"Square" has almost nothing to do with art in its usual sense. The very fact of his writing is a declaration of the end of traditional art. A Bolshevik from culture, Malevich went to meet the new authorities, and the authorities believed him. Before the arrival of Stalin, Malevich held honorary positions and successfully rose to the rank of People's Commissar of the IZO Narkompros.

"Black Square" is a rejection of content

The painting marked a clear transition to the realization of the role of formalism in the visual arts. Formalism is the rejection of literal content in favor of artistic form. The artist, painting a picture, thinks not so much in terms of "context" and "content" as "balance", "perspective", "dynamic tension". What Malevich recognized and his contemporaries did not recognize is de facto for contemporary artists and “just a square” for everyone else.

"Black Square" is a challenge to Orthodoxy

The painting was first presented at the futuristic exhibition "0.10" in December 1915. along with 39 other works by Malevich. The “Black Square” hung in the most prominent place, in the so-called “red corner”, where icons were hung in Russian houses according to Orthodox traditions. There he was "stumbled upon" by art critics. Many perceived the picture as a challenge to Orthodoxy and an anti-Christian gesture. The largest art critic of that time, Alexander Benois, wrote: "Undoubtedly, this is the icon that the gentlemen futurists put in place of the Madonna."

Exhibition "0.10". Petersburg. December 1915

"Black Square" is a crisis of ideas in art

Malevich is called almost the guru of contemporary art and accused of death traditional culture. Today, any daredevil can call himself an artist and declare that his "works" have the highest artistic value.

Art has become obsolete and many critics agree that after the "Black Square" nothing outstanding has been created. Most of the artists of the 20th century lost their inspiration, many were in prison, exile or exile.

"Black Square" is a total emptiness, a black hole, death. They say that Malevich, having painted Black Square, told everyone for a long time that he could neither eat nor sleep. And he does not understand what he did. Subsequently, he wrote 5 volumes of philosophical reflections on the theme of art and being.

"Black Square" is a quackery

Charlatans successfully fool the public into believing something that is not really there. Those who do not believe them, they declare stupid, backward and do not understand anything stupid, who are inaccessible to high and beautiful. This is called the "naked king effect". Everyone is ashamed to say that this is garbage, because they will laugh.

And the most primitive drawing - a square - can be attributed to any deep meaning, the scope for human imagination is simply unlimited. Not understanding what the great meaning of the "Black Square" is, many people need to invent it for themselves so that there is something to admire when looking at the picture.

The painting, painted by Malevich in 1915, remains perhaps the most discussed painting in Russian painting. For some, the "Black Square" is a rectangular trapezoid, and for some it is a deep philosophical message that the great artist encrypted.

Alternative opinions worthy of attention (from various sources):

- "The simplest and most essential idea of ​​this work, its compositional-theoretical meaning. Malevich was a well-known theorist and teacher of the theory of composition. The square is the simplest figure for visual perception - a figure with equal sides, therefore, it is from it that novice artists begin to take steps. When they are given the first tasks on the theory of composition, on horizontal and vertical rhythms. gradually complicating tasks and shapes - a rectangle, a circle, polygons. Thus, the square is the basis of everything, and black, because nothing more can be added. "(FROM)

- Some comrades claim that it's a pixel(jokingly, of course). Pixel (eng. pixel - short for pix element, in a certain source. picture cell) - the smallest element of a two-dimensional digital image in raster graphics. That is, any drawings and any inscriptions that we see on the screen when enlarged consist of pixels, and Malevich was somewhat of a seer.

- Personal "insight" of the artist.

The beginning of the 20th century marked an era of great upheavals, a turning point in people's worldview and their attitude to reality. The world was in a state when the old ideals of beautiful classical art faded completely and there was no return to them, and the birth of a new one was predicted by great upheavals in painting. There was a movement from realism and impressionism, as the transfer of sensations, to abstract painting. those. first humanity depicts objects, then sensations, and finally ideas.

Malevich's black square turned out to be a timely fruit of the artist's insight, who managed to create the foundations of the future language of art with this simplest geometric figure, which is fraught with many other forms. Rotating a square in a circle, Malevich obtained the geometric figures of a cross and a circle. When rotating along the axis of symmetry, I got a cylinder. A seemingly elementary flat square contains not only other geometric shapes, but can create three-dimensional bodies. The black square, dressed in a white frame, is nothing but the fruit of the creator's insight and his thoughts about the future of art ... (C)

- This picture, undoubtedly, is and will be a mysterious, attractive, always alive and pulsating object of human attention. It is valuable because it has a huge number of degrees of freedom, where the theory of Malevich himself is a special case of explaining this picture. It has such qualities, is filled with such energy that it makes it possible to explain and interpret it an infinite number of times at any intellectual level. And most importantly, to provoke people to creativity. A huge number of books, articles, and other things have been written about the Black Square, many paintings inspired by this thing have been created, the more time passes from the day it was written, the more we need this riddle, which has no solution or, conversely, has an infinite number of them .

ps If you look closely, you can see other tones and colors through the craquelure paint. It is quite possible that under this dark mass there was a picture, but all attempts to enlighten this picture with something did not end in success. The only thing that is certain is that there are some figures or patterns, a long stripe, something very fuzzy. Which may well not be a picture under the picture, but simply the bottom layer of the square itself and the patterns could be formed in the process of drawing :)

And what idea is closest to you?