The main trends in the development of culture. Modern culture: signs and development trends

Anton Nikolaevich Gubankv(January 29, 1965, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR - December 25, 2016, the Black Sea near Sochi, Russia) - statesman, journalist, philologist. Director of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (2013-2016), Minister of Culture of the Moscow Region (2012-2013), Chairman of the Committee for Culture of the Government of St. Petersburg (2008-2011). State Councilor Russian Federation 2 classes. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.

He died on December 25, 2016 in a plane crash near Sochi of a plane of the Russian Ministry of Defense, which flew with a group of artists of the Alexandrov ensemble and public figures to the Khmeimim airbase in Syria.


Anton Nikolaevich Gubankov was born on January 29, 1965 in Leningrad (RSFSR, USSR). Father - Nikolai Nikolaevich Gubankov - a teacher of Russian philosophy at the theater academy. Mother - Marianna Viktorovna Proshkina, artist.

Maternal grandfather and grandmother - Viktor Proshkin and Victoria Belakovskaya, as well as the grandfather's younger brother - Anatoly Proshkin were artists, all three studied at VKHUTEMAS in the workshop of K. Petrov-Vodkin, their paintings are kept in the collection of the State Russian Museum. Cousin uncle - film director Alexander Proshkin.

In 1987 he graduated from the French Department of the Faculty of Philology of the Leningrad state university.

Since 1985 - a correspondent for the Leningrad University newspaper, published in a number of federal publications (Izvestia, Soviet Russia).

In 1988-1990 he worked in Syria.

Since 1991, he has been a correspondent for the Nevskoe Vremya newspaper, and since 1992, he has been a commentator and host of Radio Russia programs on RTR.

In 1993, he headed the information service of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Channel 5" ( Creative association"Panorama").

Since 1994, he has been the host of Inform-TV, live broadcasts, the City Affairs program (GTRK Channel 5), the New Fifth Wheel program, Pros and Cons (RTR).

Since 1997 - Head of the Information and Publicism Service of the Directorate "St. Petersburg" of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, RTR bureau in St. Petersburg.

Since 1999 - Head of the Information Service of the Directorate (now - State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company), head of the Vesti-Petersburg program.

From June 3, 2008 to October 25, 2011 - Chairman of the Committee for Culture of the Government of St. Petersburg.

In 2009-2010 - Member of the Presidium of the Coordinating Council of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, since 2010 - Member of the Board of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. In 2011, he completed his postgraduate studies at St. Petersburg State University. He taught at the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. Author and producer of television films, author of publications on the history and culture of Russia. Member of the board of the regional organization Media Union, member of the Secretariat of the Union of Journalists of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. He was a member of the Pardon Commission under the Governor of St. Petersburg.

After the appointment of the ex-governor of the Moscow Region Sergei Shoigu as the Minister of Defense of Russia, Anton Gubankov wrote a letter of resignation from the post of Minister of Culture of the Moscow Region and on March 25, 2013 was appointed director of the new structure of the Russian Ministry of Defense - the Department of Culture, which in 2016 was transformed into the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation.

In July 2013, Anton Gubankov performed a rap about serving in the army, the video of which was recorded with the aim of "increasing the authority of the Russian army and prestige military service and published on YouTube. The author of the text is Gubankov himself, the idea to record the song was born to him at the collegium of the Ministry of Defense, dedicated to the prestige of military service. Gubankov said that every patriotic employee of the department should not only serve honestly, but also bring “a good dose of creativity and creativity” to the common cause and claims that “ladies are thrilled by a soldier’s look” and that the army needs a soldier with “Batman inside and Rambo outside". “Do you want to be trendy, cultured and bold? Get down to business as soon as possible."

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09/17/2019 My area

On the morning of December 25, a Tu-154 aircraft of the Ministry of Defense flying to Syria entered the Black Sea. There were 92 people on board, including 84 passengers and eight crew members. According to preliminary data, there are no survivors. Ministry of Defense list of those who flew on the plane. It turned out to be two former St. Petersburg journalists at once: Anton Gubankov, who served as director of the department of culture of the Ministry of Defense, and ex-correspondent of the St. Petersburg TV channel Dmitry Runkov, who flew to Syria as part of the film crew of Channel One.

"Paper" collected the statements of friends and acquaintances of the journalists killed in the plane crash.

Anton Gubankov. Photo: Giorno Foundation

Anton Gubankov in 1991 was a correspondent for the Nevskoe Vremya newspaper, then became the head of the Channel 5 information service, and in 1997, the St. Petersburg information and journalism service of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Two years later, he headed the information service of the channel, and from 2008 to 2011 he served as chairman of the committee on culture of St. Petersburg.

In 2012, Gubankov became the Minister of Culture of the Moscow Region, a year later he moved to the position of Director of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense. Former colleagues, politicians and journalists remember Gubankov as a sympathetic person who always helped with advice.

Dmitry Runkov has been working on Channel One for the past year. He moved from Arkhangelsk to St. Petersburg, where he worked as a correspondent for local channels, including the St. Petersburg channel, and then to Moscow. Five days later, Runkov was to turn 30 years old.

Diana Kachalova

Chief Editor " Novaya Gazeta in St. Petersburg"

“Anton Gubankov and I were close friends, but not for long. In the early 90s, we worked together at Nevsky Vremya, but it was not this that brought us together, but a funny coincidence - I was then married to an American Robert, and Anton had a very long and beautiful romance with a beautiful girl Laura from Seattle. This was the era before e-mail, I'll tell you more, international calls had to be ordered through "lady 07".

And therefore, every opportunity across the ocean was perceived as a gift of fate - not only parcels were transmitted, but also letters written by hand. Laura brought me greetings from Robert, I gave her some cute trinkets from Antosha. Only once we managed to meet all four of us, I think in St. Petersburg, and drink for our self-made "charter". Then life turned out so that Anton stayed in Russia, and Laura stayed in America (I don’t reveal any family secret, he even told someone about it in an interview), and I talked with them separately. Anton was teased by the "Russian master" for his love for everything beautiful - from women to cufflinks. I was always shy with Laura, because she was very serious and correct.

Marina Shishkina

Public figure

“You have always been a perfectionist to me. In clothes, manners, dinners, conversations. And even in office work. Because the Lord ordered that you lead culture: you grew up in an intelligent environment, and your family is an example of high Leningrad culture. It was absolutely natural for you to communicate with the Masters, you were one of them.

You never spoke badly about anyone - you justified it all the time. Also a sign of aristocracy - do not stoop to gossip. He could show "crazy" - perform rap in a general's uniform. And all your ideas - from Borodin to Aurora - could only come up with a brilliant brain.

Alexandra Garmazhapova

Correspondent of Radio Liberty

“A person is an attitude towards children. When I was 15, Anton Gubankov invited me to intern at Vesti, because she enthusiastically described to him what she would like to do. He did not dismiss, like most media bosses, but tried in every possible way to inspire. Bright memory».

Christina Zayats

Paper editor from 2012 to 2014

“I remember how Igor Strakhov, TV presenter of the Vesti St. Petersburg channel, gave a master class to journalism students and told how Anton Nikolaevich, working on the TV channel, read the texts of journalists. They brought a pile of papers to his office, he sat down at the table and in the first seconds it was clear how bad the text was. If I remember correctly, Strakhov said that Gubankov perceived a badly written, low-quality text as a personal insult and was very upset. And his colleagues became terribly uncomfortable if such material fell into his hands.

At that time, he ran his video blog on the website of the Committee for Culture and in one issue suggested that St. Petersburg residents think about creating a city brand. The person who leads a video blog on the official website of a government agency and says the word "brand" seemed very progressive and fashionable. There was a feeling that he really wants to look at St. Petersburg in a new way.

Boris Vishnevsky

deputy of the Legislative Assembly

“The terrible news in the morning is about the crashed plane, in which there were people I know well: Anton Gubankov and Dmitry Runkov. We once worked together with Anton at Nevsky Vremya, we talked with Dima many times when he worked in the “parliamentary pool” of journalists in Zaks. I mourn for the dead and condolences to their families and friends. No matter what causes the catastrophe, people cannot be returned. I can’t help thinking: if it weren’t for the war in Syria, which is completely unnecessary for Russia, these people (and many others) would still be alive. Blessed memory of the dead."

Dmitry Travin

Scientific Director of the EUSP Modernization Research Center

"Anton was an unusual person. The properties of a bright journalist and an experienced administrator were combined in him extremely organically. Gubankov was remembered by many, in particular, by the fact that, already working in the Ministry of Defense, he wrote and personally performed a rap promoting service in the Russian army.<…>

He was the chairman of the council of the pioneer squad of the school. Then the secretary of the school committee of the Komsomol, the chairman of the council in the elite youth camp "Mirror", where the future Soviet elite. The image of the Komsomol functionary seemed to stay with him forever. At the university, he again turned out to be the secretary of the Komsomol committee - this time the faculty committee.<…>

Anton honestly admitted that many now would probably try to hide. “May 19 is Pioneer Day. I walked along the Palace Square at the head of a column of pioneer squads from my school. On the podium - Valentina Matvienko. A sense of pride for oneself, for the country. And the same feeling when, say, a large stadium roars at the top of its voice: “Our Motherland is the Revolution. She is the only one we are faithful to.” Collective kamlaniya then reached the majority. Red ties, banners unfurled, paramilitary symbols. For boys, this is always important. There was a peculiar sense of comfort from belonging to great country. Feeling of power: we are not afraid of anything. Children were aroused by popular soviet songs with imperial motives. However, all this was effective only until 1978. To Afghanistan and Brezhnev, shaking with old age.

Early in the morning on Sunday, December 25, Anton Gubankov died. He was in that TU-154, which flew from Adler to Latakia and disappeared from radar at 5.27 am Moscow time.

The plane of the Ministry of Defense flew to the air base in Syria with an extensive humanitarian program: 64 musicians from the Ensemble. Alexandrova - choir, accordion players, balalaika players led by the head of the group Valery Khalilov, Doctor Lisa, nine journalists with television and cameras.

Anton Nikolayevich Gubankov, who over the past two and a half years was in charge of all the cultural work of the Ministry of Defense, preferred large-scale, well-designed and spectacular projects. Such is the personality trait that does not depend on the position. Do it do it.

In general, in order to, having come to the Ministry of Defense, literally from the doorstep, declare to the local personnel that from each employee, if he considers himself a patriot, not only honest service is required, but also “a good dose of creativity and creativity”, you must have, you see, enough boldness, passion and self-confidence. One can imagine how surprised the officials in uniform were. And the fact that, after two years of Gubankov’s hard work in the main military department of the country, it announced the transformation of the department of culture into a department of culture in connection with “a significant increase in the volume of tasks set by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in the development of the humanitarian sphere of the Armed Forces”, testifies that the ambitions of the "chief in culture" (it was such a non-standard plate hung on the door of his office) of the Ministry of Defense were justified.

Tu-154 was heading to the place of hostilities to congratulate Russian soldiers on the New Year. If the operation had succeeded, it would have been an event commensurate with the performance of the Gergiev orchestra in Palmyra. And this is not the place to discuss whether this war is necessary and whether it was necessary to fly there. Because the text is not about the war. It is about a person who was able to start and implement grandiose projects and, with his presence, radically change the meaning and reputation of the place he occupied.

The Ministry of Defense here, perhaps, will seem to someone not a very successful example. But, on the other hand, who and when in our memory knew the name of the person who heads the local department of culture? Apparently, only the directors of subordinate institutions - the Theater of the Russian Army and the Ensemble. Alexandrova. The Soviet era taught that political workers, whose business is ideological education, are engaged in the "cultivation" of personnel. And here - Gubankov with his romantic ideas pre-revolutionary “color of Russian culture in uniform”, with the established festival of military bands, military KVN, the Prize for the development of the army theme and military-patriotic traditions in culture. At the grandiose open-air on Frunzenskaya Embankment, both the stars of the Mariinsky Theater and St. Petersburg's Billy's Band sang in the final concert of the Army of Russia festival, and the show was organized by the Dance Open company, which has the best open-airs on Dvortsovaya.

And this is only half of what Gubankov, as it turned out now, was planning in his post. One thing that's in the theater Russian Army at the invitation of Gubankov, Milena Avimskaya came to work, the same one who created the ON. theatrical Russia, he says - having taken the post of general, Gubankov was not at all going to change his former, civil, predilections, of which St. Petersburg is well aware.

Because the most incredible, brilliant and successful career leap in the fate of Anton Gubankov was his transfer from the St. Petersburg RTR to the chairmanship of the culture committee. Before that, of course, everyone saw on TV screens and remembered the charming presenter with excellent diction and a barely perceptible ironic smile, which betrayed in Gubankov a person who plays a role, and not stupidly pronouncing someone's text. But only when he took the post of head of culture in St. Petersburg in June 2008, he seemed to be at home, having received that measure of freedom, powers and means that allowed him to noticeably bend the surrounding reality for himself. And he began to act.

Here it must be said right away that Anton Nikolaevich Gubankov never was and did not want to be perfect, but he was very impressed with being modern, productive, loved and chic. And he did it much more often than his ill-wishers would like. At first it was difficult to get used to the fact that in former administration culture now reigns a kind of dandy in London shirts of different colors, with high collars and cuffs, in which graceful cufflinks sparkle instead of banal buttons. A stylish official has become an oxymoron during the years of the Soviet regime. Gubankov is a collector and generally a gourmet in the field of arts, who graduated from the French department of the philological faculty of Leningrad University, comes from an intelligent St. Petersburg family (mother is an artist, father is a philosopher, teacher at the Theater Academy) brought to the historic mansion on Nevsky, 40, a type of communication on the verge of secular and businesslike: a cup of tea with first-class chocolate on the table did not at all prevent the interlocutors from resolving issues, because for the first time in decades in a high office there was a person who was ready to solve, and not provoke the bureaucratic red tape that was repeatedly described by the classics.

Under Anton Nikolayevich Gubankov, who worked (which is fundamentally important) in close conjunction with the then governor Valentina Matvienko, projects appeared in the city that it was useless to stutter about before in the committee on culture: the Museum Olympus Prize and the St. Petersburg theater award for young people "Breakthrough", festivals "Dyagilev P.S." and “Master’s Apprentices”, the “Petersburg Ambulance” project, which carries out cultural events in hospitals and hospices, the image project “Children’s Petersburg” began to be held annually in European capitals, in the already mentioned ON Laboratory. Dozens of performances were produced by young directors who before there was nowhere to go in the city, in the TPAM (Andrei Moguchiy Theater Laboratory) project, for budgetary money, young people under the guidance of an experienced director were engaged in the process, research - and no one twisted their arms, demanding an indispensable result.

But most importantly, the work of the committee on culture under Gubankov has become systematic. The project of regular subsidies for non-state theaters, left to Gubankov by his predecessor, was brought to perfection - and dozens of independent groups began to create one by one works of art who were sent to golden mask” and European forums, and thus did not allow the theater hospitals financed from the budget to sleep peacefully. Moreover, Gubankov made decisions within literally ten minutes, accurately determining with a sniper which of the projects was viable and which was not. And he almost never missed a beat: until now, all the projects blessed by him are alive and gaining momentum, and subsidies to non-host theaters remain the envy of Muscovites, too, who attribute the flourishing of a young creative theater in St. Petersburg to this regular support from the city.

In a word, for once St. Petersburg culture was led by man of culture, who at the same time, sitting in a solid chair, remained primarily a man. “You could call on him and talk,” I now hear from bankers, and from directors, and from crazy experimental directors. What's true is true. Anton Nikolaevich (nobody called him otherwise in the committee, even old friends and colleagues) really appreciated the dialogue, because he wanted not only to lead culture, but also to feel it. He went on all sorts of adventures. At some ceremony, at the request of the organizers, he could appear from the hatch or from the ceiling - and not look ridiculous at the same time. He could arrange a "Christmas Tree" for journalists in his own office and play the role of Santa Claus himself - and it never occurred to anyone to be familiar with him. He was able to come on a day off to open an exhibition (for example, dedicated to the nominees for the Breakthrough Prize) on the way from the dacha, with his son, in a white sweater from Fronde - and to communicate easily, competently, completely captivating the young heroes of the vernissage in "Etazhi".

It was easy with him: to do projects, communicate, make friends. He adored his family to such an extent that he could not help but brag to his friends about his clever son, his youngest daughters, whom he and his wife raised as perfect princesses.

A liberal, artistic, ambitious chairman was no longer needed in St. Petersburg in October 2011, when the political trend began to noticeably change in the country, when professionalism receded not even into the background, even into the tenth plan, and officials, including cultural ones, began to be selected according to the principle of conformity with the ideals of the ruling party. Let's not count now how many cultural projects have been implemented in the city since Gubankov left for Moscow - Anton Nikolayevich would not like it, and the comparative result is already obvious. But here's the paradox: a new type of official with all his remarkable baggage of cultural knowledge and managerial skills, with all his moderate eccentricity and immoderate creativity in places in the capital was not in demand by the Ministry of Culture, which, before all others, turned into a nomenklatura structure with a Soviet smell, but in the Ministry defense.

In these new proposed circumstances, Gubankov played his role brilliantly, in every public speaking adding a homeopathic dose of postmodernist banter, getting high primarily from the game, and not from “special zeal”. Although it is unlikely that his new colleagues could appreciate the beauty of this game. Those who could, remained in St. Petersburg. But the head of the cultural department of the Ministry of Defense invited them to cooperate invariably and regularly, which is why the army undoubtedly only benefited: after all, there is never too much culture. And yet, to overcome the absurdity of the fact that the St. Petersburg dandy Anton Gubankov was forced to put on military uniform, can only be the mind-boggling catastrophe of his absurd death in a Department of Defense aircraft, which, after refueling, could not stay in the air for more than seven minutes. But this is a completely different topic.

In 1987 he graduated from the French Department of the Faculty of Philology of the Leningrad State University.

Since 1985 - a correspondent for the Leningrad University newspaper, published in a number of federal publications (Izvestia, Soviet Russia).

In 1988-1990 he worked in Syria.


Tu-154 crash over the Black Sea: what is known about the crash

The Tu-154 liner, which set off from Adler to Syrian Latakia, crashed over the Black Sea. Among the passengers are journalists and artists of the Ensemble. Alexandrova. Elizaveta Glinka was supposed to fly on the same side

Also on board were the Director of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense Anton Gubankov and his assistant Oksana Batrutdinova.

In addition, journalists from three Russian television companies were on the plane: NTV (Mikhail Luzhetsky, Evgeny Tolstov and Oleg Pestov), ​​Zvezda (Pavel Obukhov, Alexander Suranov and Valery Rzhevsky) and Channel One (Vadim Denisov, Alexander Soydov and Dmitry Runkov). ).

Anton Gubankov. Do good in St. Petersburg

The St. Petersburg journalist who died in a plane crash was called a creative and bright person by his colleagues.

On Sunday morning, December 25, a Tu-154 aircraft of the Ministry of Defense crashed over the Black Sea. There were 92 people on board, including Academic Ensemble songs and dances to them. Alexandrova. The artists of the famous group were accompanied by the director of the Department of Culture under the Ministry of Defense Anton Gubankov, a well-known St. Petersburg journalist who devoted last years his army life.

The head of the department of culture of the Moscow Region Anton Gubankov was on the crashed Tu-154

The passenger lists of the airliner that crashed into the Black Sea this morning include the head of the culture department of the Ministry of Defense Anton Gubankov and artistic director Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Aleksandrov, Lieutenant-General Valery Khalilov.

Gubankov's friend: Anton lived luxuriously and according to his own rules, but he couldn't help but fly to Syria

On board the Tu-154, which disappeared from the radar in Sochi at about 07:59, flying to Syria on the morning of December 25, was a well-known St. Petersburg journalist and TV presenter Anton Gubankov. Experts are now considering versions of what caused the plane crash - a technical malfunction or a terrorist attack.

Metro managed to contact a friend and former colleague of Anton Gubankov, Andrey Kuzichkin, who now lives in Tallinn.

Director of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense Gubankov was on board the Tu-154

Director of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense Anton Gubankov and his assistant Oksana Batrutdinova were among the passengers on board the Tu-154 plane that crashed in the Sochi region, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said.

Former head of the St. Petersburg All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Anton Gubankov died in a Tu-154 plane crash

The former head of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Saint Petersburg", and now the head of the department of culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Anton Gubankov, died in a Tu-154 plane crash in Sochi.

In the crashed Tu-154 flew journalist and ex-head of the committee on culture Anton Gubankov

Anton Gubankov, head of the culture department of the Russian Defense Ministry, was on board the plane of the Ministry of Defense that crashed after taking off from Sochi, according to preliminary data, REN-TV reports.

Press Secretary of the Governor of St. Petersburg: Anton Gubankov was my teacher

The press secretary of the Governor of St. Petersburg, Andrei Kibitov, on his Twitter page, published a message about Anton Gubankov, who was on board the Tu-154 aircraft that crashed into the Black Sea.

Petersburg journalist Anton Gubankov was on the list of passengers of the crashed Tu-154

The well-known Petersburger Anton Gubankov, who since 2013 has held the post of head of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, was on the list of passengers of the crashed Tu-154.

Anton Gubankov was born in Leningrad, graduated from Leningrad State University. He worked as a correspondent in Leningrad newspapers, as well as a presenter on the city's TV channels. From 2008 to 2011, he headed the Smolny Committee for Culture. Later, from 2012 to 2013, he was the Minister of Culture of the Moscow Region.

On board the crashed Tu-154 were Doctor Lisa and Anton Gubankov

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation published a list of passengers of the crashed Tu-154. There are 84 people in it, including Elizaveta Glinka (Doctor Lisa). Also on the list are Anton Gubankov, head of the culture department of the Ministry of Defense, who was previously head of the St. Petersburg Committee for Culture, as well as Oksana Badrutdinova, who also worked in the St. Petersburg Committee for Culture.

On board the fallen Tu-154 was an assistant to Anton Gubankov from Smolny

Anton Gubankov's assistant Oksana Badrutdinova was on board the fallen Tu-154 aircraft. She worked with a well-known St. Petersburg journalist and statesman in the Smolny Committee for Culture for about five years. After Anton Nikolaevich changed his post to the head of the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region, she continued to help him outside the Northern capital.

Anton Gubankov appointed Minister of Culture of the Moscow Region

As it became known to Fontanka, the Governor of the Moscow Region, Sergei Shoigu, signed documents on the appointment of Anton Gubankov, Minister of Culture of the Moscow Region, who from 2008 to 2011 headed the Committee on Culture of the Government of St. Petersburg.

The head of the Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg Gubankov spends city funds in alliance with the general director of the St. Petersburg International Center for Festivals and Holidays, Fokina

And this is the head of the city Committee for Culture, Mr. Gubankov Anton Nikolaevich, in alliance with Ms. Fokina Marina Lvovna, CEO OJSC "St. Petersburg International Center for Festivals and Celebrations". The first easily allocates city funds for expensive and useless projects, and the second is engaged in the "development" of these funds - also without much effort. That's right - after all, Marie Antoinette once said about hungry Parisians: “Do they have no bread? So let them eat cake! Later, however, she paid for it with her head, but who, tell me, does not lose his head at a feast, especially during the plague? ..

cultural robbery

Chairman of the Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg Anton Gubankov and head International Center festivals and holidays, Marina Fokina firmly took over the distribution and development of budgets for holding all city cultural events. Meanwhile, the museums and theaters of the northern capital are falling into disrepair.

Gubankov: The volume of tasks for the development of culture in the Moscow region is very large

Anton Gubankov, appointed Minister of Culture of the Moscow Region today, commented on the new appointment to a Rosbalt correspondent and shared his first plans.

The Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg acknowledged the existence of the problem of homophobia, but does not want to fight it

Chairman of the Committee on Culture of the Government of St. Petersburg Anton Gubankov, in a letter addressed to LGBT activist and Chairman of the St. Petersburg Gay Pride Organizing Committee Maria Efremenkova, acknowledged the problem of homophobia in the city, but suggested that representatives of the LGBT community should not rely on budget funding and seek sponsorship support.

Former vice-governor of St. Petersburg supported by the Moscow Regional Duma for the post of deputy chairman of the region

Recall also that the Moscow Regional Government has already included the former head of the St. Petersburg KUGI, Dmitry Kurakin, and the former head of the Smolny Committee on Culture, Anton Gubankov, as deputy chairman.

Moscow suburbs appointed "foreman"?

Two more St. Petersburg officials appeared in the Moscow region: former vice-governor Roman Filimonov, who oversaw the construction block under Valentin Matvienko, was approved as deputy chairman of the regional government, and Anton Gubankov, who headed the committee on culture in St. Petersburg, was appointed minister of culture. St. Petersburg politicians, in turn, said that people from the Moscow region were appointed to vacant positions ...

"Lenfilm" want to turn into a movie park

Cinema park with cinema museum and educational programs for children and young professionals, they proposed to create the authorities of St. Petersburg if the government transfers Lenfilm to the city, Anton Gubankov, chairman of the culture committee of the government of St. Petersburg, told RIA Novosti.

Official exchange program

Another native of St. Petersburg is the new Minister of Culture of the Moscow Region, Anton Gubankov. The order on his appointment was signed by Sergei Shoigu on May 24. Prior to that, Gubankov served as chairman of the Committee on Culture of St. Petersburg, but left this position on October 25, 2011. Now the former head of the committee will again deal with culture.

— I always like to implement serious tasks.

From my point of view, there is a very wide field for work in the Moscow Region,” the new minister told ZAKS.Ru. — The volume of work is very large, the region has a creative governor, a very lively person who truly understands culture and is interested in it. This is a region of great opportunities, suffice it to say that there are more than 2,700 cultural institutions.

Anton Gubankov leaves the Committee for Culture

Anton Gubankov, who has been in charge of St. Petersburg culture since June 2008, resigned as chairman of the Committee on Culture.

Anton Gubankov: “As a person brought up in certain traditions, I always mentally put myself in the place of others. New people have come to form their own team. I never held on to a place - for me it was always the main thing to have time to do something. And, believe me, a lot has been done. The Culture Committee worked hard. I would very much like everything positive that has been laid down in recent years to develop, I would very much like to continue our modern and ambitious cultural policy. It must be remembered that the main resource of St. Petersburg is not even the cultural institutions themselves, not magnificent buildings and ensembles, but unique people and that human atmosphere that is not found in any city in Russia.

Vladimir Proshkin. "On raw paper".

During the opening, official congratulations were made by the Chairman of the Committee for Culture under the Government of St. Petersburg Gubankov Anton Nikolaevich, Chairman of the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg Charkin Albert Serafimovich, Rector of the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Mikhailovsky Semyon Ilyich, senior researcher of the Russian Museum Sergey Levandovsky and many, many others.

Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko dismissed the head of the committee on culture

At a meeting of the government of St. Petersburg, the governor of the city, Georgy Poltavchenko, announced the dismissal of the chairman of the city committee for culture, Anton Gubankov. As the governor noted, the official left the post of his own free will. Now about 25 people apply for this post.

Committee for Culture: St. Petersburg is preparing the MOST large-scale New Year's festivities in the country!

Saint Petersburg is getting ready to celebrate new year holidays on a grand scale. The head of the city Committee for Culture, Anton Gubankov, told reporters today that there are no such large-scale festivities in any Russian city. The budget of the celebrations is MORE THAN 90 MILLION rubles.