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A hot topic of this cold May is the registration of the marriage of the head of the Nozhai-Yurtovsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Chechnya, Nazhud Guchigov, and 17-year-old Kheda-Luiza Goylabieva. The odious head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov called the event “the wedding of the millennium” on his Instagram. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the traditions of the Chechen wedding, which consists of a number of special rituals, and also includes singing, music and dancing.

1. The peculiarity of Chechen wedding traditions is that they are observed with scrupulous accuracy, taking into account all the points passed down by ancestors from generation to generation. With slight changes, these festive rites have been preserved in modern Chechen society. In the photo: relatives and friends photograph the bride for memory in the parental home in the village of Achkhoy-Martan before the upcoming wedding ceremony in the city of Grozny.
2. When it comes time to say goodbye to the stepfather's house, many brides can't help but cry. Despite the prevailing stereotype about Chechen marriages, it must be said that they are very democratic. Nobody forces a girl to marry. This is primarily contrary to religious canons. Chechens generally have a delicate attitude towards girls, whether it be a daughter, sister or just an acquaintance. All men are obliged to treat her with respect, respectively, to respect her choice.

3. On the appointed day, usually by noon, relatives and friends of her husband, young and old, among whom there is always a mullah, come for the girl. He must contact the girl's father (or his confidant) with the question of consent to this marriage. After talking with his father, the mullah goes with the same question to the girl. The mullah must talk to the girl in the presence of women who act as witnesses. It is desirable that they are adults and married. After the girl's consent to marriage, the representative of the clergy asks to repeat the surahs from the Koran after him. Later, he also talks to the groom and witnesses from his side. This is how marriage works.

4. The parents of the bride do not go to the wedding and take minimal part in the celebration at home. Their daughter's wedding is a rather sad event for them.

5. The dowry and gifts prepared by the bride for the new family are collected by the groom's relatives and taken to new house girls.

6. The groom does not show up at the wedding. He sits in a room specially designated for him and his friends and has fun with them there. AT best traditions he should not show himself even to his relatives, not to mention his parents, so his friend or close relative takes the bride out.

7. Usually the bride's relatives delay the wedding procession, blocking the way with a cloak or a rope stretched across the street - you need to pay a ransom to get through. Neighborhood children are trying in every possible way to get their part of the ransom, preventing cars from leaving the bride's yard.

8. The groom's friends put on a whole show on their way to the wedding.

9. Modern Chechen weddings are more often arranged in restaurants, and not at the groom's house. The celebration lasts three days and three nights, the first day of which is in a restaurant.

10. Only during the wedding ceremony does the girl get acquainted with almost all the relatives from the groom's side. Until this day, she often communicates only with the sisters of her future husband.

11. An integral part of the holiday is a feast and national dances, which continue all three days of the wedding.

12. Guests come to the event with gifts for the newlyweds. Women donate everything necessary in the household, up to bed linen, dishes, as well as cuts of cloth, rugs. Men, as a rule, give the bride money instead of gifts. This is a separate ceremony, which, apparently, will never leave the Chechen society.

13. Throughout the day, the bride stands in the corner prepared for her, where new relatives periodically come to meet her. She can sit down only with the permission of her sister-in-law and mother-in-law, who themselves must seat her somewhere away from the common tables.

Today in Chechnya, the loudest wedding of 17-year-old Luiza Goylabieva and 46-year-old head of the Nozhai-Yurt District Department of Internal Affairs Nazhud Guchigov is taking place. The village of Baitarki is ready for a solemn event. The mood in the bride's house is joyful.

For the Chechen people, a wedding has great value, often much more than other nationalities of Russia. Pleasant fuss reigns here from the very morning, relatives and friends came from everywhere to help young Louise prepare for the wedding. They combed and dressed the girl in the morning. Each of the women tried to give Special attention bride on this special day.

Louise is very worried just before important event In my life. After all, very soon the groom's friends will arrive and take her to Grozny, where the solemn ceremony will take place. Already on the threshold of her parents' house, answering the question of whether she voluntarily enters into marriage, Louise modestly answers: "Yes."

Yes, I agree, I'm worried, - the 17-year-old bride admits. - I'm happy.

Traditionally, at Chechen weddings, the holiday takes place on the side of the groom, and in the bride's family they do not celebrate so magnificently. Only close relatives, neighbors and friends gather in the girl's house. After Louise's departure, they will celebrate the departure of the girl from her father's house.

Today, both the registration of marriage and the celebration itself will take place in Chechnya, according to tradition in the republic it is usually not customary to register and celebrate a wedding on the same day, but Luiza Goylabieva and Nazhud Guchigov decided not to delay the registration and formalize their relationship as soon as possible.

On the eve of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, everyone who wants to marry Louise and Nazhud, in his opinion, the wedding will be "the celebration of the millennium." The head of the republic said that he would personally attend this event.

Recall that earlier in the media appeared false information about the coercion of 17-year-old Luiza Goylabieva to marry. However, in an interview with LifeNews, the girl herself said that she was getting married of her own free will. Louise's family gave their consent to the wedding, which was confirmed by the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov.

Later, the mother of the bride, who became the heroine of publications in the media, turned to human rights activists for help. The woman asked to protect her family from rumors spread by journalists Novaya Gazeta", since Louise herself suffered from public discussion: the girl perceives such attention to herself as an interference in her personal life. According to the head of Chechnya, the relatives of the bride and groom are already preparing lawsuits against those who violate their privacy.

Most anticipated event last month- the wedding of the head of the Nozhai-Yurtos District Department of Internal Affairs, Nazhud Guchigov and Luiza Goylabieva, was celebrated yesterday in Grozny.

Event special significance

The city wedding palace was prepared in advance: flowers were planted in the flowerbeds, carpets were laid out, and local janitors finished their work almost before the arrival of the guests and the couple. Solemn registration of marriage in Chechnya is an extraordinary event, usually newlyweds come to register after the wedding, only the two of them and receive documents in a normal setting, without celebrations.

The bride and groom do not see each other at a Chechen wedding, but an exception was made for this ceremony. Guchigov passed several times in front of the registry office before appearing, as if, out of old habit, he was checking public order.

Journalists and dressed up on the occasion of the celebration of the locals perked up noticeably when they saw the wedding cortege.

The bride went to the registration arm in arm with the head of the administration of the head and government of the Chechen Republic Magomed Daudov. Usually the bride is taken out of her father's house and brought into the house of her new relatives by the groom's brother.

The magnificent dress, embroidered with stones, did not allow Louise to take a single confident step on her own. She was helped by friends and relatives. The girl was escorted to the registry office, a minute later Najud entered there.

The real head of the family

Louise's mood, in contrast to the groom, who smiled and was clearly in the mood for a happy marriage, was difficult to guess. Either due to traditions that require the bride to look at the floor and not talk at her own wedding, or from joyful excitement, or from unwillingness to get married at all, the girl tried to turn away from her betrothed while the ceremony was going on.

The pause that arose after the question to the bride - whether she agrees to become a wife - was regarded as a sign of excitement. The host of the ceremony had to ask twice. In the end, Louise gave a sign that meant consent.

The groom immediately replied that he was taking a 17-year-old girl as his legal wife. He was cheered on by friends who stood outside the room where the wedding took place. Classical music, usually sounding during the ceremony, was replaced by lezginka at the request of Magomed Daudov.

The marriage certificate was handed over to the groom, and the stamped passports to the bride, to which Magomed Daudov reacted with a joke: they say that the real head of the family is Louise, who now has the main documents in her hands.

After the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds with the “retinue” went to the restaurant, where the wedding continued according to Chechen traditions: lezginka, dancing, newlyweds sitting at different ends of the hall. The people were entertained by Chechen pop artists, who were both invited guests and hired singers, each wishing happiness to the newlyweds at the end of the performance.

Chief Guest celebrations

Louise stood in an alcove specially reserved for the bride on the second floor of the Firdaws fashion house, where the wedding was taking place, and Najud met the guests at the entrance: all high-ranking officials of the Chechen government came to congratulate the couple.

In order for the celebration to match the informational support, professional dancers were invited as guests - soloists of local dance ensembles. The main guest of the celebration was, of course, the head of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, who played an important role in the fate of the couple. He wished the newlyweds happiness and took an active part in the celebration, dancing an honorable dance with a soloist of one of the local ensembles.

Photos: Leyla Pavlova / KAVPOLIT